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tv   [untitled]    December 9, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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well, this is the concept of protracted war, which no one in the west likes. how can we encrypt putin's statement at the g20? yes , he started talking about calling a war a war, firstly, an important point, secondly, he started babbling something about the need to stop the tragedy, although he is the culprit of the russian attack on ukraine, that is, well , the tragedy, it is not came out of nowhere from some conspiracy concept and so on, it was a very clear russian po... there were very clear military criminal orders, in particular on the implementation of aggression, i would say that there is no other signal, except let 's agree on the conditions that we offer, the main thing is that the central issue of these conditions is not even the division of 80 into 20 territories of ukraine, 20 geopolitical realities, we occupied them, we held a referendum there, they were annexed to russia, and above all, the neutral status of ukraine, the non -admission of nato, in general, integration into the west. society as a whole
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of ukraine, its suspension in the position in which it has been for almost 30 years, if understand, this is the central question, why? and not a territorial issue, territorial as it were, yes, yes, yes, yes, but still the main thing - and because his intentions have not changed, he believes that if he keeps ukraine in this neutral position, then sooner or later he will occupies everything, whether through political influence or direct military influence, but will not let go of ukraine, from this point of view nothing has changed, but what he... notice, at this speech at the g20, you remember, he said, in general saying that he regrets the tragedy of children in the middle east in the gas sector, but he does not regret the children, so, not counting the drama, in buchi or i don’t know there, in mariupol, any other place, he does not regret, for example, but there are many times more victims children from his hands, not from someone else's, precisely from him, that is, he is definitely the master of this jesuit rhetoric, well, they write to him... these texts, but they
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blow in that direction, listen, against the background of the tragedy in gas, as he says, his fists are clenched, something else is clenching in him, then ukraine, well, don't dramatize it so, what he calls a war, well , he can allow himself not to be called a svo, not a military conflict, or any other term to designate it, but he says, as it is, it is a war, that is his responsibility according to 2073 , as an article of the criminal code for fakes against the russian army of the svo.
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year's summit, which in washington is waiting for its seventy-fifth anniversary, its host will be america, in general, the prospect of at least some millimeter advancement of ukraine in the direction of membership in this nato is clouded, that is, the prospect rather, it is the other way around, and this causes additional confusion, because then it is not at all clear why you made commitments, the west made commitments
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. nato and so on, regarding the support of ukraine, you made commitments that you are now correcting, correcting, at the nato summits in madrid too . communities, they need to be protected as themselves, the supply of weapons, the creation of a format. the united states , why does such an incomprehensible discussion begin there, the discussion is not just unpleasant, it is completely incomprehensible to many, so we understand that there is trump, there is isolationism, there are some negotiations before the election, whether the united states enters the campaign and so on. but the key story, yes, that is, it feels like it started. by the end of the year, well
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plus or minus a month, active hostilities will end, they will enter the phase of negotiations, but such negotiations as positions of power are being held, you understand, it is clear that the war ends with negotiations, why did i speak and make this forecast, which in general is not justified in our eyes, but forgive me, this all happened against the background of a successful operation in september, the well-known kharkov operation, yes, when it was liberated there , in my opinion, 11.00 km in general in kharkiv region, i have been there everywhere, by the way, from kupinsk to izyum ot... then in november the russian group leaves the right bank, liberating kherson, the only regional the center occupied by moscow, immediately, by the way, after the referendum they held on the accession of the kherson region to the russian
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federation, on the wave of this success, of course, the americans and europeans declared that the issue would be resolved on the battlefield, we would provide ukraine with all the necessary weapons to ... will complete this story in the next year, this was said at different levels, in different forms, and indeed an attack from aircraft was promised, all this since december, i emphasize, since december, and this spring counteroffensive, its preliminary plans were being prepared it started in march, then a little bit moved to april, it really started in june, you know, of course, against the background of such a position, all the forecasts were appropriate that if they were to pile up, if the available ones were provided. i emphasize that it is not necessary to produce the available types of weapons and the necessary amount of ammunition, then of course the result will be that the entire territory may not be liberated until the border of the ninety-first year, but the blow will be so crushing when the fronts are cut that it will lead to a natural course of events, with which negotiations will be conducted from a position of strength,
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regardless of the ceasefire, the liberation of territories, regroupings , etc. меняется on the subject of the fact that well, listen, let 's look at it somehow with weapons, things are not so clear here, first, the echoes started back there in february-march, yes, but they have already settled into my position that things are not so here unequivocally, we cannot collapse the collapse of moscow, this will lead to the saddest consequences, and the events of june 24, with prigozhin's campaign, they convinced them, that it is impossible, that they need to be more careful, that in the event of his military defeat they can completely replace putin...
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in particular, because the economy of ukraine is not self-sufficient, it is in the conditions of war, it cannot be so eastern- the european state is not helping now, it’s obvious, leave it , wait a minute, why did you start supporting then, so really, to be honest, taking into account the situation in the united states itself,
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europe reflects this situation, you know, fitz’s victory in slovakia, there is incomprehensible now the situation in the netherlands is due to the party of freedom that will win. in the elections and it is not clear how the final version of the coalition government will be formed, this is all an expression of the same change of position as such, in this situation, of course, moscow, seeing that it is higher than what is necessary for the defense of the already held ukrainian territory, it is not listen, she decided, well, if not at the front, at the front she does not have such deafening successes, no one can boast that they took ovdeevka there, and sometimes yar there, even there i am in it was, this is a small town, in fact , what will he determine if they take it, but nevertheless, so to speak, the rhetoric is such that they are already standing near kiev, you noticed, as if they were right there surrounding and shooting from cannons the bank and другие места, and this is an atmosphere, this is not a reality, this is such
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an ephemeral reality, an online reality, well, they are actually constructing such a certain simulator, but on the other hand, they pulled out from some secret drawer who, surkov, right? surkov was silent for a long time, well, at least he was not silent, but give some such extremely cloudy strange signals. now he wrote a generally quite characteristic and interesting note, and again he dedicated it. well, of course, to the ukrainian issue , surkov, that is, he is trying to remind about himself in this way, or he has already returned to the cage and is now starting to draw some or other, i don't know, methodical directions for the kremlin, maybe surkov now wants to push dugin himself? i think that he is definitely like an official, and he is first of all an official, and then only a fantasist, as he presents himself in his articles in topical politics and his retellings in various other publications, he... conditionally any action, he is still in his seventh decade, in my opinion he has passed 60, he is compatible with further plans, well, this is how
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officials work for the management of officials , the brain works, that they somehow never leave hope for some new cell of occupation, i think he wants to return to the position of adviser on ukraine, i will explain why, the fact is that, well, this is the only quality of his that is in demand, because in of all the rest, kyriyenko is sitting there as the first deputy in his post of head of the administration , of course, the vice-premier, he is not needed at all, he is not in this frame at all, here he is trying for ukraine, because all his articles, if you noticed, are all the latest articles, they are one way or another about ukraine, that is, he does not write there, as before, he writes about the skolkovs, new technologies, he devoted a lot to this, being the chairman there, in my opinion , of the board of directors of this skolkov or, well, something in this way, there is corruption associated with all this nonsense, that's all focused on ukraine, he is there with veterans, unions of donbass veterans, with other structures. as if he is their creator , he works and so on, he wants to be noticed and taken, but all his content
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part of the texts is really fabulous, he talks about the ukrainians, that they are fairy-tales there, in fact he himself is a storyteller, such a postmodernist storyteller , there is no practical plan, he metaphorically tries to convey a message to putin about something , that the war is his turn, even though he says in the last text that only military by achieving but surkov himself is the protagonist of the peace plan, he is the architect of part of the minsk agreements, and he was an adviser, his last act was a meeting in paris in h4, the norman format, now nobody remembers december 9 of the nineteenth year already together with zelensky , which turned out to be a failure of this meeting of the four, because ukraine refused to agree on the road map in moscow's version, according to its interpretation. remember stanmayer's plan, that's what he refused, and he burned on it, now he is
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believes that he can impose minsk 3,4,5,10 again, and he is the best architect of these peace agreements, he is better than the cossack, who until recently was an assistant in ukraine, and any other kyriyenko can create and promote them , this is what he is trying to convey to putin, and i think that the main purpose of writing these articles is precisely this, and not to...
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mature in the kremlin. thank you very much, dear putin, so the appropriate atmosphere is also mark, for this extremely interesting conversation, i want to remind our tv viewers what is now for them spresso worked on the air. mark fegen, a former deputy of the russian state duma, and now an activist of the russian position on emigration. the time of our
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program has run out, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues have prepared a lot of interesting things for you, take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. porto shakhtar on megogo. the battle in the dragon's den will decide the fate of the miner, will the miners make it to the champions league playoffs? find out on december 13 at 22:00 exclusively on mego. there are 10% discounts on lisoba in travel and savings pharmacies. the traveler knows that helps we are now at ground zero, here very close to the position of the russian army.
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they are very close to each other. there are already cries, we will not go there. death will drive away the boys, everyone there. are dying, we don’t want to go there , well, that is, they feel such resistance from the personnel, and they don’t spare people, they are ready to go to the most reckless operations, if only to prevent us from getting to them, they suffer insane losses, they chase target formations that crash even on the approach from our artillery, i think we are aiming for the mind, i hope that they are three hundred in any way, let's fight. they shoot at us too, and we shoot, what to do, it's war. with the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine , all ukrainian law enforcement agencies stood side by side with the army. the national guard, police, gur, state transport service are fighting. territorial defense forces were one of the first to take up the fight against the aggressor country. we
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will talk about their role in the current war today in the realities of donbas and, in general , we will try to understand what... tro is in the structure of the armed forces. to the infantrymen of the hundredth brigade we leave tro at night, so there is less chance of getting caught by russian fpv drone operators. we get to our native support point, then on foot, directly to the contact line. the russian army is actively looking for a weak spot in the srebynsky forest. in the defense of the armed forces. in the last few weeks, the occupiers have been regularly trying to push through the ukrainian defenses on this part of the front, so the enemy is being observed every minute. we are now at zero, there is nothing here about the position. we are now at ground zero, here very close to the position of the russian army, constantly flying overhead drones, and now the mortar
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of the aggressor country is working, but the tro fighters are holding these positions and have not retreated once in the last eight months. are located very close to each other, now during the day, well, during the day you can observe, and when we work at night with thermal imagers, you can even see the positions and enemy people very clearly. all the boys are gathered , so we have been together for more than a year and a half, quietly, calmly, even there is artillery, it works, everything works, few people pay attention to it anymore, everyone is used to it, and everyone knows their job, quietly, we work calmly, we followed each other , there is no one who refuses
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, we have none, everyone goes, no one refuses, you also know the neighboring positions, one and the other, and you know that from... on the other side, your flanks are covered . this is footage from a year ago. volyn region, the local soota tro brigade has yet to go forward. daily shootings, tactics classes, physical and psychological training, all together played an important role - say the fighters. perhaps it turns out that we are united by the fact that we are all from the same region, in most of them know each other. there is a lot of support for each other, from the beginning there was such a concept that territorial defense, you will be there, let’s say, in one place to defend your own, your own region, just like we are there in the 100th brigade of the volyn region, but everyone understood in principle , the further the war progressed, everyone understood that sooner or later they would have
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to go to the front on the front line, so everyone was mentally preparing for it, they just thought that it would all happen sooner. well, it so happened that we were preparing for a year, conducting training and i say, they somehow prepared themselves mentally and physically for all this, they were more morally stable, ready to perform tasks, if you had gone there in the first days, it would not have been like that at all, there was no such paid team, you did not know the people in essence , because the fact that you came from different fields, different in age, and different in general, as in a mental psychologist. they warn, it seems that there will be shelling now , several russian drones are hovering, the fighters must go, we advance in pairs, keep a distance of 30-40 m, the probability of working
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one person at a time is less. when the bepela are approaching very close, roman shows us to lean against the trees with a sign, we need to wait, he is moving away somewhere. left , the beginning of a full-scale war, the tro forces were met as a separate type of troops within the armed forces, with their own funding and powers, while the current... there were not many military personnel , there were not enough specialists for full-fledged training of potential fighters, so as early as 2021 , according to the corresponding law, the number of armed forces
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was increased by 10,000 people, who just went to the teroborony, so that the personnel soldiers there increased, after these changes, just in the course of the 22nd year, the staffed ground defense brigades should have numbered somewhere around 200-300, sometimes more people, and with such an increased personnel core, they could really engage in training, could engage in some economic activities in their parts and subdivisions and so on. accordingly, it was assumed that these cadre units should be ready to receive a large number of reservists, with whom they should conduct training, training, and so on before that. that is, the idea was very simple, this approach is much cheaper than creating regular teams. they are located throughout the territory of ukraine, evenly distributed, and i emphasize that for... year we had 25 brigades in each oblast and separately in the city of kyiv, as a city with a special status, and in each district we had territorial
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defense battalion, that is, this is a rather unique situation for the armed forces, because in fact we are talking about the uniform distribution of military units throughout the territory of ukraine, and this is one of the main features of territorial defense forces. from the first days of the invasion of the russian army , the ground defense forces were among the first to engage in battle with the invaders. along with regular ukrainian troops in chernihiv, kharkiv, kherson, kyiv, and zaporizhzhia regions. in kyiv, there were so many people who wanted to defend their homeland with weapons in their hands that the equipment of some battalions of tro was from 400 to 500%, so two teroborona brigades were created in the capital at once. in the 22nd year, ukraine did not start early mobilization strategic deployment. it means that when in... the invasion, many reservists and representatives of the operational reserve of the first second line, they were not invited in advance to their military units, where they stood in reserve, this means that
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the people who woke up conditionally in chernihiv or in kyiv during the offensive, they went to the nearest military unit, the nearest military unit often turned out to be units of the territorial defense forces, which means that this was not a problem actually for the teroborona forces, in part it... was a problem for our regular brigade units, because in general, these reservists should have been immediately assigned to their brigades, for example, tankers, what reservists, they were supposed to be assigned to tank brigades, artillerymen to artillery brigades , and so on, but in literally a week or two these people began to be sent in groups to their specialty part of the subdivision. when the defense of kyiv ended at the end of march, many were disappointed that he never managed to take revenge and show himself. uh, to fight, he was just on duty at a military unit, or stood at a checkpoint, like the majority of uh, kyiv terrorists,
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there was a desire to continue fighting so that , well, we were preparing for this war for a reason, we are passing through, so that we can now go home, and at that time there was no legal possibility to send territorial defense battalions outside their district defense, and therefore all this was on a voluntary basis on... they offered to leave to fight in the kharkiv region, and the vast majority gladly accepted this challenge and went to the kharkiv region, and i also served in another battalion at the time, and we fought for about six months on slobozhanshchyna, and this is a very valuable experience, er, i think that not every war can be learned like this, a little... this is what happens when you come to ukrainian land, and after the north, the defense forces defended, there was a need to use additional troops for
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eastern operations. zone and in the south, which is quite natural, respectively, probably one of the first brigades that were conditionally transferred there from western ukraine, the east, these were the brigades of the lviv, frankiv and transcarpathian regions, if i am not mistaken, and they were also involved directly in luhansk region and donetsk region. separately, it should be emphasized that the law on the basis of resistance, which was adopted in the 21st year and entered into force at the beginning of the 22nd, clearly defined the task of territorial defense. of which at that time there were 12, currently there are 13, if i am not mistaken, one of the tasks actually provided, including the use of military forces in the combat zone. in yar times, it was less than 10 km from here to bakhmut. during the full-scale war, almost no whole buildings remained here. at the moment , the army of the country of the aggressor is trying to capture neighboring chromes and move further along the bakhmut highway. the city is regularly
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shelled. russian aviation and artillery. the advance of the occupiers in this direction, in particular , is restrained by the kyiv 241st brigade tero. we lowered the offensive potential of the unit that attacked our bro, quite effectively thanks to the artillery work, thanks to the coordinated work from the points. infantry observation posts, and as of now they did not manage to break through our defenses, change positions, they tried to get closer, but our guys were able to repel all the jebers attack, destroy the enemy effectively , and plus the artillery worked quite actively these days, and what gave its positive result, of course, there are areas where the situation is a little more difficult, but again, the situation is controlled, that is, we understand that of course
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frosts it can be... armored vehicles, but we are ready for it, we discuss all this in advance, we have very well-coordinated units, and adjacent ones, and our unit is very well-coordinated, so the exchange of information is very fast, and the enemy cannot push through our defenses it's so easy, they carry crazy losses, and judging by what we hear and see, there are already screams, we will not go there, you boys are chasing death, everyone is dying there, we do not want to go there, well, that is... they feel such resistance from the personnel , they can't go on the defensive in bakhmut, because they'll lose it very quickly, they have to constantly counterattack in small groups, a little bit of infantry, a little bit of infantry, sometimes bigger groups, sometimes smaller groups, and they don't spare people, they're ready to go to the most reckless operations, if only not to let it happen to ourselves, for them it was a very strong blow
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when they lost the pincer, they still cannot recover, they make no effort, they spare no effort in trying to repel the pincer, and you can see absolutely absurd footage of how they they drive targets out of the water, which are destroyed on the approach from our artillery and then return back after being finished, or they send armored vehicles after armored vehicles that get bogged down in a pit or get stuck in a traffic jam at a crossing, and are also destroyed, well, i would say that this is one of the most motivated generations of forces, the armed forces of ukraine, because all people who joined the territorial defense forces - these are people who understood what they were going for and why they were coming here, so of course, given the experience and knowledge we gained over the past two years, we received professional
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training. and high motivation is added to this professional training, that is , each of us understands why he is here and why he is fighting, we do not have such a question that i will not go to, i do not know, i do not want, i am generally somewhere in the bazaar they took a tax office, that is, we have absolutely no such thing now from the beginning there was, these are either reservist officers, or there were personnel officers who transferred to the unit of the perlo forces, and as for the personnel, well , compare, now they are recruiting the same ones. the mobilization reserve in the ground units there in the dshv and they are being trained now, and those people who recruited them two years ago, they already have experience and already have certain achievements in the military sphere. at the beginning of the full-scale war, many tro commanders had no combat experience, they had to acquire it directly on the front lines. about a year ago , the command of the teroborona forces together with charitable


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