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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2023 2:00am-2:31am EET

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and even breathing becomes easier, do as dad and mom, and it will become easier. on the website, caring people from the mental health program tiyak and their friends from unicef have collected tips on how to help yourself and your child cope with stress. warm country rules: bathroom . thank you for passing through the night at low temperatures, loading the drum as much as possible. let's beat the winter together. the main news at two o'clock in the morning in the studio maryna kuhar. on saturday evening, our air defense forces shot down a rocket in the kryvorizka district of the dnipropetrovsk region. this was reported by the head of the ova sergey lysak. also, according to his information, the enemy attacked nikopol with two kamikaze drones. damaged infrastructural facility, warehouse building and five floors.
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there are no dead or injured. the general staff reported 45 military clashes in the past day in the evening summary. in the avdiyivsk direction, ukrainian defenders repelled 11 enemy attacks on mariinsky - 12 on bakhmutsky. the enemy launched rocket and five airstrikes, fired 25 rounds of anti-aircraft fire at the positions of our troops and populated areas. the kh-59 guided missile was successfully destroyed by air defense forces. units of the missile forces of the armed forces of ukraine damaged two fuel and lubricant warehouses of the enemy. violation of the curfew is fined from uah 8 to 17,000, and up to uah 34,000 for repeated violations. the draft law with such punishment norms was supported in the first reading by the deputies of the verkhovna rada, even more severely. business will be fined. for
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violation of the curfew by the company's employees, the manager will have to pay from uah 50,000 to uah 10,200. in the case of a second offense, the fine will also double. now for violation curfew is not punished . documents for the military medical commission can now be sent electronically, documents can be exchanged. medical institutions can with military units and territorial centers of recruitment, as well as social support through the electronic document management system. what will this change for the military, tetyana demukh will tell. wounded on crutches, they were forced to stand in long lines and walk from office to office for days. passing the vlk for the military is a battle with bureaucracy. the diagnosis of the system was disappointing. it did not cope with... new challenges, we
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understand that the load on the system itself has increased, taking into account the increase in the number and number of wounded soldiers, and the fact that ukraine is under martial law, so the military personnel themselves were interviewed, which are the biggest problems they face they meet when passing the commission, time, the military spends a lot of time on the vlk, so they launched an electronic document flow, from now on , health care institutions can transfer to... military units of the itc, in particular, certificates about injuries, contusions and disabilities, decisions on the need for medical leave or unfitness for military service. today, more than 90% of military units are already involved in the document management system and almost all procurement centers. employees are also being trained and explained how to use this tool. but for those who just want to enter the lavzu with documents of the vlk at. still
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running, although here they simplified the system, created an electronic queue, so that there was no need to come to the clinic at eight o'clock in the morning and wait for an appointment all day. if we compare, for example, from may to today, then in may, the period of medical examinations required by the military was up to eight days on average, and as of october, this period is already 2.8 days. there is a critical shortage of institutions where servicemen can undergo vlk. that's why civilian medicine was also included, life could be simplified even more by the absentee passing of the military medical commission for those who are treated abroad, but currently such an option is not available. he must be physically located in ukraine, undergo a direct inspection, receive a decision of the vlk. there is still a lot to work on, so that the vlk finally become a system that does not complicate the life of the military. tatiana demokh, we are ukraine, marathon, the only news. volodymyr zelenskyy
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went to argentina for the inauguration of newly elected president javier miley. on the way to buenos aires, the president of ukraine met with the prime minister of the republic of cape verde. this meeting was the first in the history of bilateral relations between the countries. in cape verde , we support resolutions important for ukraine in the un and the humanitarian initiative "grain from ukraine", zelenskyy said. let me remind you that at the end of november presidential elections were held in argentina, in which tik-tok star javier miley won. and during the election campaign, he repeatedly declared his support for ukraine. he criticized russia, china and brazil in every way and declared. on the intention to develop relations with israel and the united states. starting tomorrow, hungarian carriers will begin blocking the ukrainian border. they threaten to block the checkpoint for khonchop. the strike continues in polish
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border currently , there are almost 3,500 trucks in queues at four checkpoints. meanwhile, the european deputies appealed to the polish president and the heads of europe. of the commission and the european council with a call to restore traffic on the ukrainian-polish border. the blockade may lead to a decrease in ukraine's ability to defend itself against russian aggression and slows down the flow of not only military, but also humanitarian aid, they emphasize. and they add, such a situation is in the hand, except for the kremlin. at the same time, the trade associations of belgium, austria, the netherlands and italy is called upon to block work on... polish carriers not to renew or conclude new contracts with companies from poland until they end the blockade. the israeli army surrounded the city of hanyounis , the largest in the southern part of the gaza strip, residents of several districts were called to evacuate. the
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israeli defense ministry confirmed the death of another hamas hostage. he is a 25-year-old man from kibbutz beyeri. doctors without borders reports that the situation with the wounded in the gas sector is so critical that many patients are operated on in the open air land meanwhile, the united states vetoed a un security council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in the palestinian enclave. washington said it rejected the document because it did not contain provisions condemning hamas' attack on israel. tsahal says that more and more terrorists are being captured. in the last 48 hours , more than two hundred suspects were arrested in gaza, and 40 ukrainian citizens were evacuated from the gaza strip on the eve. about half a thousand people with ukrainian passports remain there. holding back the russians
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terrorists, ukraine gives shelter to refugees from the war in israel, 82 ukrainian citizens who... managed to evacuate from the gas sector were accepted by odesa, mostly women with children, where they are placed, how they are doing there and what they plan to do next, olga dunska will tell . there is a bed, there is a warm blanket, there is a closet, a washing machine, a shower, hot water, everything is known in comparison. svitlana selim shows how she got settled with her daughters at the aid center. the woman was born in horlivka, but 23 years ago she went to gaza with her husband, both worked as medics, the first week of the war their apartment was bombed, so they moved to their eldest daughter in another city, they walked to work at the hospital, in those days, the working hours were the most difficult,
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you work, the ambulance calls, they bring the killed, and you always think, no god forbid, it's mine, god forbid, it's mine, many residents of the sector remember. bazi lived in educational institutions, they all lived in schools, there was no sanitation there, an epidemic of meningitis began, tetyana zakut and her children are also getting used to a new life, a woman three times tried to leave gasa, but her youngest son was not on the lists for evacuation, the decision to leave the city where she lived for 15 years was difficult. my friend, who has no relation to the military formations, died. her house was bombed, she died together with her daughter, her husband was wounded. after that, i said: "that's it, let's go." tatyana herself is from poltava region, her husband is a dentist in gaz. he says their friends and family never supported hamas. the man says that simply from
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their side - this is earning money for the suffering of the civilian population. there were cases when high-ranking people came. from arab countries, and our gas lights suddenly turn off, like to show how poor and miserable the gas is, well, show how poor the gas is, so that the family can be saved. ran 18 km, slept on carts in open-air hospitals , had almost no belongings with us, now they are settling in ukraine, we need to get all the documents in order and then think about where to go , they bombed right in front of us, and they bombed here, and they bombed there, adapted here from the first day. in total, the center has already accepted 74 ukrainian refugees from gaza, most of them children. volunteers provided food, bedding and hygiene products right away, it was more difficult with warm ones... after all, many of them saw snow for the first time, in total we have 19 people today, and the rest
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went to relatives, acquaintances, these were exactly the things, because people came almost undressed, well, how about undressed, well, in our winter, they came in thin blouses, jackets, people can live in the center throughout the year, from odesa olga dunska, ihor kazandzhi, we are ukraine, marathon, the only news. they are evacuating from scratch and looking for a new home. the ukrainian military saved thousands of animals from the war. four-legged friends are given to volunteers who treat them and find them a new home. a shelter founded by german benefactors operates in rivne. from there, homeless animals, especially mutilated ones, are sent to european countries. volodymyr mykolaichuk collected concise rescue stories. the military really liked her. and the story of the dog trainer serhii chili helps to treat the wounded. malinois girl from time to time
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currently works as a therapist in a hospital. a year ago , she was taken out of bakhmut injured. a new owner was never found due to a difficult character. she has very good and strong working qualities. she works very well in defense. and because of that, we decided to keep her for ourselves, leave her to take away. into a family, because such a dog can be dangerous for its normal maintenance, for a normal family. well, a miracle arrived, they named her heidi, and she lives with us, yes, we are doing a little behavior correction. the consequences of the explosions are still being felt, says nova the owner, tatiana, was given a berman by her military colleagues. they said that they were taken from mariupol with their owners. well, i don’t know that crippled animals are more difficult to adopt, they are looking for a home abroad, among the donors of this
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shelter are volunteers from germany, since the beginning of the war they have taken out almost 40 animals, then the animals went without legs, for example, or with some defects, others with defects hearing, sight before the trip, the animals are treated, all vaccinations are carried out and veterinary documents are drawn up. behind this dog is einstein from kherson, a german yasha came personally, spent two weeks here, while the wild dog recognized a new one... now you can take, in the queue for departure, cat trisha, whose hind leg was amputated. yasmin has already found a family for her in germany, we are already preparing documents for her, she will soon be able to go to her family. the ukrainian military constantly takes animals from the front line, so animal protection organizations in europe support such a humane attitude of the military, and their volunteers will contribute even more to the armed forces, says the co-founder of the shelter. what is the last 10 has been living in germany for years, defenders of germany willingly help the armed forces of ukraine,
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why, because they see how the military saves animals, this is the biggest conviction for them that it is worth helping a military man who will save maybe 10 more animals, especially many the animals were evacuated to a german shelter after the flooding of the kherson region, almost all of them found a home, only peserzh and his squirrel girlfriend remained, from rivne volodymyr mykolachuk, oleksandr boyko, mi ukraina, marathon edyni news. next , the unbreakable project with olena chabak and her will be on the air the interlocutor is artem kuzmich, a belarusian volunteer and already a veteran of the armed forces of ukraine, about his life choice to go to war and how he got injured, watch immediately after a short break, and i will return to you at four. chevrons
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approaching victory. step by step, they move from one danger to another. step by step, they free our land from invisible death. fields and forests, houses in which evil visited. without sapperets. life will not return here, without the courage and dedication of these people, we will not return home for... your work and our safety, we thank the sappers of the state emergency service of ukraine. kitty, how are you? i think you are worried, we are not around at school. you know i make moments. an exercise that always helps me, it's easy to remember. i run the finger of one hand around the palm of the other hand, as if circling it
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with a pencil. i point my finger up and inhale slowly. i lead him. down and exhale slowly, do like dad, and peace will return. on, the caring people from the mental health program tiyak and their friends from unicef have collected tips on how to help yourself and child to cope with stress. rules of a warm country. healthy care. it is cool in the house, but not cold. thank you for putting in your deer. it is easier to warm one person than to heat a whole apartment. winter together in the war started by russia, unfortunately, dozens of civilians and soldiers are injured every day. unfortunately, this war is taking people, even the best among us. and
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after injuries, after severe injuries, some heroes lose their limbs. and... but they do not lose their zest for life, they have the strength to inspire and motivate others. there will be one today an important story, and i am happy to introduce you to my infamous hero, this is artem kuzmich. artem kuzmich, veteran of hostilities, call sign grotto, was born in belarus, became the beginning of russian aggression in defense of ukraine. in 2016 , he signed a contract and joined the special operations forces. beating... the unit was one of the first to go to donbas to protect the airports in kramatorsk and luhansk in 2014. 5 years ago, artem was blown up by an enemy mine on a combat mission, after rehabilitation he did not leave the service, worked as an instructor, became fond of swimming and in brazilian jiu-jitsu, won championships and international tournaments, initiated the timies hub project, a brazilian jiu-jitsu hall for the military with
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inclusions. artem, good day, good day, congratulations, how do you like our business card, we are all sure. they told about you like that, but i uh, well, at first i just put my hundred old photos there, from the 14th year, no, i recognized myself, it’s just my friend who died there, litvin, he’s also belarusian, he’s a person with whom i came here 8.5 years ago, huh, and he died in buchi, it’s just that these are ours... well, the first photos from the war, when we, well, well, the children arrived, for us it was all like this, well, it’s new in dekovinka, children, how old were you, well, i was 18, he just turned 19, well, we are classmates, ugh, artem, i want to tell the audience that behind the scenes we have agreed that
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at a certain stage, if you feel comfortable, you will switch to russian, and there will be nothing wrong with that, so if you feel the need to do so... please, i want to ask why ukraine, why then the young man decided to come to ukraine, what do you have i was drawn here, i already have, i already have a more or less ready answer, because because of the project, which we will talk more about today, this is not the first interview, and eh i... at first i answered that there it was, that it was some kind of thirst for adventure, er, but i suddenly started thinking about it even more, and i realized such a thing that, well, it's
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so simply obvious for me. was not when i was 18 years old, and for my friends, for my, for my circle of communication, for belarusians, that the only way to free own territory, i'm talking about belarus, to change the regime, well, the regime we have is to destroy the moscow regime, and after that deal with the regime of belarus. and that is , when i went here, uh, i, well, i didn't know anyone from ukraine, i, i was here, well, i was small there, maybe there on the sea, in the crimea, huh. but well, i didn't have a circle of ukrainian communication, and i was interested in a live
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front with a common enemy already later, when i came here and spent some time there, i already fell in love with this country, i understand that well, i will live in it, and there build the future own when you went to ukraine, you consulted with your relatives, talked about your plans , asked for permission, well no, i never consult with anyone, i’m all by myself, all my life i was on my own, i had close friends from the church , but there was never any authority over me. i am my own authority, you came to ukraine in order to bring liberation and victory to belarus closer, you were an active participant, both in the anti-terrorist
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operation and in the military, did you not regret that you made such a choice at the time, no, well, there is no other , variant of the development of events, so, that is, exclusively only from... the destruction of moscow, how can the state itself liberate the peoples, uh, that is, russia is a prison of the peoples, well, a prison of the peoples, and there is, there is such an expression, uh, a cutout, an expression, well, there is no other way out, that's why i regret, no, i, i regret , probably that few people, i was able to... take with me and be more ee you couldn't motivate them so they didn't understand why i
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motivated a lot yes i motivated many people, many belarusians who are here now, this is my work, yes, there are people who died because they went with me or came after when i was here and after some period of time they came there precisely because of the fact that i was here, well, it's a fact, i know it, it's my burden, i carry it, but i, well, i don't have it such that, like, they died because of me, like, i understand that there is no other way out, we have an enemy, our country, unlike ukraine, our country belarus, it is under occupation. in general was, that is, from my birth, i was born in 1995, that is, i will not stand without lukashenka, without
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our pro-russian government, and therefore the only the option was to fight this regime already at my age, well, when i became an adult, it was to leave the country, well, we had protests there in the early 2000s. well, the opposition wing was quite powerful, but few people know, but the belarusians were asking and trying to make their maidan there in the 2000s, 2006, 2010, that was it, but in 2010 i was 15 years old there , but in belarus the repressive machine is too strong, too strong, so it is too strong repressive machine in comparison: and well, more loyal people, that is, our people, they differ from ukrainians, well, in radicality, that's 100%. yes, ukrainians
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, they are willing to die for their comrade, especially the events on the maidan, the revolutions, the revolution of dignity, they are an example of that, we know how to unite against a common enemy , we can quarrel with each other, we can criticize, reprimand, but when we are all together ... we are facing a threat, we are an incredible force, we are like a tsunami, we destroy everything in our path, and maybe there is a certain difference in this, what the belarusians do not have and what the russians do not have, but you here, you are now a representative of belarus, and you had and still have a strong motivation, yes, well, i'm just comparing from the percentages, but from the quantity, yes, that is, how many belarusians are there? so participated in the war, yes, there were a thousand here, a thousand there, 1500 in a country of ten million people, it's
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not just any. rendezvous to go to the shooting range, yes, this is a common enemy, the only possible option is to destroy the system, and well, what, what, what number, it’s a laugh , a lot of people came out to the protests, yes, there in the 20th year, but how many came to the war well, it’s not that many, there was such a large number of people who came out for the protests, because it was out of order, well, we’ll leave about... we’ll just wave the flags, now we’ll change the regime there, yes, we’ll change the dictatorial regime democratically , well, it’s impossible, only force scenario is possible and uh if you're ready for it get out if you're not ready, well if we 'll see the consequences there, see the consequences of that, well, that's my personal opinion, but... i
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think, i think that if there were no belarusian protests in the 20th year, but in this form, and this is how the picture was made, then there would be no belarusian front when there was a full-scale, full-scale invasion, that is, lukashenko would not allow it, well, this is my personal opinion, i may be wrong, but i think that it would be so, and the people who came out for protests. belarusians, yes, they lost this protest, hundreds of thousands of them fled to europe, and when it was necessary to answer for what you did, hundreds of people came, not hundreds of thousands, as they went to europe, hundreds of people were just volunteers, yes here, this is a very small percentage, a big stigma on us, for many
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years for what we have done, and i don't know how to fix it, that is, if there are no radical geopolitical changes, i think that my children will be called ukrainians and live here, build this country, we, well, i i understand my roots, well, i understand that i am belarusian, i am that... i know the history of my country, so i don't know my language there, well , i can't communicate freely in it, but i know this country, but , what she showed, the percentage of people who, what she showed, i am not satisfied with this, that is, well, it does not encourage me, well, do something for this people,
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please tell me. such a conscious civic position, such a colossal responsibility that you transfer to yourself, who raised these feelings in you, a sense of justice, love for your country, is it your personal desire, is it family values, the street, it is the street that brought up the thirst for justice, defending my boundaries and my principles, i am a very... principled person in many aspects of life, i don't know, i don't know, what became the basis, i just somehow found it, i just found meaning in what i do, why am i asking, because not all conscious
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adults have... such feelings, feelings of justice, struggle, and you actually came here as a young man, and you already had such serious motives , it is well worth it. please tell me, when you were already in the east of ukraine, were you a participant in the anti-terrorist operation, did you understand that this enemy will not stop only in donetsk region and luhansk region, that there will be a continuation of this larger, bigger war. noi, bloody, if you like, and such cruel, i am, i understood it, then i understood that there is a war between two worlds, and there can be only one winner here, that is, between russia and ukraine, depending on the outcome of this.


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