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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EET

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who supported it, some even said that we need to transfer even more to ukraine, but those who vote and are ready to vote against this draft law, they are still directly only thinking about the american case regarding the american border with mexico, and nevertheless there must be negotiations, thank god, we know that the main voices in the negotiations in the senate are supporters of ukraine from both sides. both men, whether a senator who often visits ukraine, or a senator who has also visited ukraine, thank god when they have discussions for this draft law, that both sides understand that ukraine must be supported, only this internal matter, regarding the border, must be resolved among themselves. thank you, and for taking the time to explain andrii dobryanskyi, we will remind you, the director of communications. at the ukrainian congressional
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committee of america with us live on the air. we go further. the rate of recovery of the ukrainian economy in 2023 exceeded all initial forecasts, and the locomotive of positive changes was the ability of ukrainian business to adapt to work in extremely difficult conditions full-scale war. this was announced by the national bank. the development of the economy was influenced by a number of other factors, in particular, the work of the agricultural sector and high productivity. a stable exchange rate played its role. and moderate inflation. the revival of the economy, according to the national bank, was facilitated by spending from the state budget on the army, social support and projects to restore damaged infrastructure. according to forecasts, at the end of next year , real gdp is expected to grow by more than 3.5%. ivan us, chief consultant of the national institute of strategic studies, candidate of economic sciences, joins our broadcast. greetings, good morning. good morning, studio, good morning tv. viewers
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, well, you see, there are a number of factors cited by the national bank of ukraine, external support and financial, financial, this factor is from abroad from ukrainian partners, it has a place, it is not reflected here, but we obviously understand the situation where we are, of course, the external factor played an important role, because if it were not for this help from many, by the way , sources, that is... certainly, and the united states america, the european union played leading roles, at the same time, other countries also helped ukraine, and this allowed us to pass the 22nd year, and we can already say, allowed the year 2023 to pass. let's see how it will be next year, we see what problems there are in the eu and in the united states of america regarding the support of ukraine. at the same time, again, they are not the only ones helping us, and there is already some information that... great britain and norway,
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that is, two large european economies that are not part of the eu, they will also contribute so that stability was preserved, that is, i put the external factor in the first place, at the same time, we should not forget that i really agree with the fact that the economy of ukraine is an internal, let's say, factor, he, she adapted the economy, and certain results there is, and you know, i really like one example, somewhere... about a month ago, i had the opportunity to be at a forum of domestic exporters, and there was a businessman from odesa who spoke, and he said , you know, when a full-scale war started, we thought that some scenario ours action, nothing, the first option is to do nothing, the second option, as he said, is to build a new factory and wait for the russian onyx to fly in and destroy our factory, but we are from odessa, and we decided that let's...
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build plant, then we will look for the patriot system, which will cover our plant, and this plant was built, by the way, it is a plant for the production of seals for meters, seals for general transportation by cars, that is , where seals are used, and he says: we are not this plant was only built at the end of the 22nd, at the beginning of 2023, and we are already on at the end of 2023 , we will export its products, that is, here is an example, please, of a business that not only did not stop, but on the contrary continued development and even created a new factory, by the way, in not, let’s say, in the raw material sector, in the processing sector, this very important, and i think that this is far from the only such example, which allows us to say that the economy has indeed adapted to new realities, and it will already be talking about growth this year and most likely this forecast that we have for the next year about it. likely
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it will not only be justified, but will also be improved, as happened with the forecasts for the current year 2023, well, nadbanskyi writes in his report that... enterprises before a full-scale invasion is one of the guarantees that our economy is still growing , even if it doesn’t sound right now, you have already given such an example of the adventurism of ukrainian entrepreneurs, and actually, how did you adapt, in addition to the fact that it can fly in at any moment, you can also work without light, first of all, you know , there were already certain stocks of generators, i.e., if there was a problem last year. all over ukraine from electricity generation did not know where to look for them, then unlike the previous winter, now there is already information that certain stocks of generators are stored not far from the border with ukraine, so that logistically they could be quickly delivered to ukraine,
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i.e. here is another option for adaptation, ukraine also has certain generators stored in reliable, protected cities, which will also contribute... well , let's put it this way, in the event that russia launches more significant attacks on the energy sector, this no no will lead to the stoppage of business in our country and the actual economic processes. also, in principle, there is a constant search for routes, how goods can be exported to other markets, that is, unfortunately, we have difficulties with our partners in the european union, with neighboring countries. at the same time, russia withdrew from the black sea grain initiative, but at the moment there was an alternative version of supplying goods by sea through territorial waters, and the second option was the development of a dry port project,
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and the most famous of them is the village of horodnya on zakarpattia oblast, which reminds me of a railway of average european size. goes right to the elevator in the village of horodnya, and this allows ukraine to take grain to this elevator, and then , without wasting time on changing, let's say, rails, send them to other european countries, that is, and so far it is in the final stage of implementation, this project , at the same time, it will also contribute to the fact that ukraine will not waste time to store this grain in neighboring countries and thereby. create pressure on their markets, and send them further, that is, we see that all these are examples of business adapting and certain activities continuing, which, by the way, allowed ukraine to remain the world leader in
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the export of sunflower oil in 2022, it would seem that we are not at war before this, at the same time, 22% of the world export of sunflower oil ukraine provided, but this year understood. that the year is not over, there are no numbers yet, nevertheless, we will see if we managed to preserve the previous gains, at the same time there are certain reasons to believe that this happened, so there is indeed an adaptation, there is an understanding that it is necessary to survive, and actually the business survives, we can see it even from the figures given by the national bank of ukraine, well, in terms of figures, in terms of forecasts too, to what extent - you can rely on various indicators, because among other things, it was also about , for example, the level of inflation, and about the strength of the currency, and this can in principle be calculated, on the other hand, when it comes to productivity, well, we cannot know what the season will be like and what the harvest will be, well, how are
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they formed these forecasts, to the extent that they are provided for adjustment already in progress, well of course forecasts can be changed, at the same time everyone looks at the first experience to accumulate. what are the approximate weather forecasts, they will also establish, so they will not come true one hundred percent, at the same time we see that this year is a good harvest, which was, that is, i understand that there are consultations with the relevant services that are responsible for the projection of how what will be the weather next year, that is , all this complements the picture, which is formed by the national bank, and of course. definitely the ministry of economy of ukraine when they develop plans for the next year. and, nevertheless, despite the difficulty, i emphasize, there are conversations with partners about receiving this assistance, and here again, a very important thing is that the united states of america is partly
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why there are such problems with them now, because they give us grants, and grants do not need to be returned, that is, one thing, when loans are given and loans must be returned, grants do not need to be returned, although, as they joke... cities, and if they give you grants, well, they give you money to keep you going, but not you very believe if they give you loans, that is, they hope that you you will return these loans, so they believe in you , therefore... you should not immediately be disappointed that, oh, they did not give grants, they gave loans that must be returned, so they believe that we will return, so they believe that ukraine will endure and eh, will not only return the money, but will continue to demonstrate the growth of its economy, which, by the way, this full-scale war has shown, has an important, plays an important role in the global proto-combatant security of the world, since you have already talked about money, the needs of ukraine in external financing, remains significant in the next year the country needs about 42 billion dollars,
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said julie kozak, the director of communication of the imf. according to her, the board of directors of the international monetary fund will discuss the second revision of the extended financing program, its approval will allow ukraine to pay 900 million dollars. let's look at the quote. regarding the economic situation, the ukrainian economy continues to demonstrate remarkable stability. the prospects, of course, are extremely uncertain, but they turned out to be stable. we raised our gdp growth forecast for 2023 to 4.5%. inflation dropped sharply, the foreign exchange market stabilized, and this allowed ukraine to move from an exchange rate peg to a managed exchange rate regime. the support of the international community, including the eu, the usa and the g7, as well as international financial institutions, will be important for the country's return to the path of financial and external stability. julia kozak, rector of the international monetary fund for communications. 42 billion dollars, that is exactly what
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ms. kozak said, how is this estimate formed, what is included in it? well you know, first of all, come on, the international monetary fund is the best credit rating agency in the world, if they give you money, it's an example of others, so they can't cover this entire amount, that is, we see the elementary budget of ukraine, that is, 1.8 hryvnias are our incomes, 3.4 trillion are expenses, that is, we see the difference between what the incomes give and what the expenses will be, this is the actual difference, it is the need for external financing, that is, where will we find this money, so it is partly possible somewhere to find this difference in the domestic market, mostly this is external financing, if you are helped by the imf, as i mentioned, it is the best lending agency in the world, then you will be helped by others, that is, there is also the united states of america, there is the european union, there are also individual
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countries of the european union, as well we should not forget about them, but there are also countries that are not actually part of the european union, they are either in the g7, that is, we can mention great britain and japan, we can mention other economies that, let's say, also help ukraine, this and norway, and south korea, and australia and even. not like that big, but also a country that helps ukraine, new zealand, that is, in fact , there are enough partners, and let's not forget that the leading economies of the world, they are actually part of the so-called collective action , which is now interested in helping ukraine, which understands that ukraine is not thanks to the armed forces of ukraine on the military field, ukraine shows a good result, at the same time , the situation that happened during the first world war should not be allowed, when... germany, having a good army, lost this war because its economy did not hold up, this very
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our partners understand well, that is why there is also help for the economy of ukraine so that ukraine can survive, then, of course, after victory we will have to think about how to develop ourselves, at the same time during the war, the help will be precise, because as noted in the report of the council on international relations in to germany, if ukraine loses this war, war will come in six years. to germany, they do not need it, and therefore they directly say that if we do not want to have a war with russia, after 6 years we must help ukraine not to lose this war, it is better to win it. we hope that at that collective event, as they like to say, they understand it. ivan, thank you very much for the detailed inclusion. ivan uz, chief consultant of the national institute of strategic studies, candidate of economic sciences, was in direct contact with us. last day, the russians attacked in six directions, the most. about 10 settlements came under artillery and mortar fire in the avdiivskyi and kupyanskyi directions. the occupiers
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are striking from the sky in the areas of silver forestry in luhansk region and serebryanka - this is already donetsk region. air strikes in chasu vagoyar district. about the operational situation at the front, further in our material. these shots show military personnel. the third separate assault brigade was repulsed by russian assaults in the direction of bakhmut under heavy fire from enemy artillery. lay down in the pit. the sounds of cannonade from both sides do not stop. on the outskirts of bakhmut, heavy shooting battles continue, in military terminology, at a distance of grenade throws. there is no stable front line, the position of infantry groups operating in urban areas is constantly changing. it is difficult to coordinate them, the units of the armed forces
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forces are doing everything to stabilize the front line and clearly, clearly... understand where the enemy is. they throw everything they have at the assaults, our positions are heavily shelled by artillery. today, the equipment is used less, it is protected - explained the military. instead, hordes of infantrymen are sent into battle, which have not been counted in russia for a long time. from 400 to 700 shots can be fired in only one of the directions, that is, this indicates that they have a sufficient number of shells and artillery, but other techniques are still used. because they save it, but bet more they are specifically for human resources, for small assault groups. if only a few weeks ago the russians attacked qualified military personnel, today their forces are running out. the enemy still does not feel a shortage of people, but the quality of these people is definitely lower, they
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are no longer so stable under fire, they do not always accept it normally during a shooting battle, i.e. we see that people from the other side also turn around and run away from time to time. bloody, heavy battles continue near avdiivka, the russians continue to advance from three directions to break through our line of defense and surround the city. in the industrial zones of the district, in the area of ​​koksokhim and in many other places, let's say, where the enemy tries to throw infantry forward, battles of varying intensity took place. aviation is actively dropping. guided aerial bombs, the enemy sucks from artillery and traditionally bets on infantry. the occupiers concentrated up to 40,000 personnel in the avdiiv direction. they go absolutely on all flanks, including a frontal attack on avdiivka, i mean, they go at the same time, but they throw these groups so that, well,
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divert attention, technique, let's say, we do not observe these in ourselves. destroyed and still lying in the fields, as the institute for the study of war writes, putin gave the order to take avdiyivka before the presidential elections in the russian federation, which will take place in march 2024, in order to enter the administrative borders of the donetsk region at any cost, they have such intentions to come in by a certain date, because, well, that's how their commanders behave, sending these butchers. storms, well, i don't know how, how, how it can be described, you can say crazy, these people try to hide behind corpses in order to somehow survive, they have almost no food, and they are even forced to eat just snow. putin's task after avdiivka is to take kupyansk, reports the institute for the study of war, so
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the assaults on the estuary in the kupyansk direction do not stop, this is the settlement of sikkivka, permin, village. e enemy launched 17 evasive strikes, used 16 kamikaze armor and carried out 477 artillery strikes, they are betting on human assaults, their losses in the month of november are about 11 thousand servicemen, this is only in the direction of responsibility of the khortovtsi troop group. the situation in kupyansk, lymansk, donetsk directions, as well as in the south, was discussed during the strike by the commander-in-chief. the task of our state , even now in the winter, no matter how difficult it may be , is to show strength and not give the enemy, seize the initiative, prevent them from gaining a foothold, and our military is doing everything possible. in our section of the front, where our brigade is holding, all positions are in our hands. our soldiers, our defenders, defenders steadfastly hold the defense,
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as on avdiyivskyi, on marinskyi, also in... the tsarist direction and are actively operating in the melitopol direction, inflicting maximum losses on the enemy, but at what cost: i won't crawl, you'll crawl, you'll be bald, the frost will come, and you 'll crawl, come on, daryna dobrovolska, we are ukraine, marathon, the only news. the enemy does not stop trying to break through the ukrainian defenses near avdiyivka, fierce battles continue there, the armed forces of ukraine are holding on and inflicting significant losses on the occupiers in the areas of marynka. and novomykolaiv -novomykhaivka in donetsk region, defense forces repelled eight enemy attacks. the general staff notes that the russians tried to capture the territory near ivanivskyi, klishchiivka and
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andriivka. this is donetsk too. in the zaporozhye direction, our defenders repelled three attacks by the invaders in the robotyny area. at the same time , ukrainian fighters continue to gain positions on the left bank of the kherson region. all people who remained in the shelter in action. who of the coke chemical plant were evacuated and moved to safer regions, the mayor of the city, vitaliy barabash, announced this. according to him , these people came to the factory at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia. 12 people remained, they are civilians. part of of them worked in contracting organizations that worked at koksokhim under the contract. they knew what shelters there were, and that's why they asked. it has probably been a month since all koksokhim workers were taken out, but these people refused to evacuate the plant and remained. at first there were 17 of them, then we persuaded three , then two, as of yesterday there were 12 of them, now we managed to persuade them all, some of them will go
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further, some will stay in the donetsk region, as they wish, it is better not to touch them now, these are nine five men and three women. vitaliy barabash, head of avdiivska city military administration. according to american analysts, the occupiers plan to capture avdiivka and kupyansk before the presidential elections in russia. institute of war studies. military victories, they say, were supposed to contribute to the success of vladimir putin in the elections in march. putin announced his participation in the race during the awards ceremony for the russian military. so, the war in ukraine may play a significant role in his campaign strategy. such a step could be made to attract more voters, because putin is trying to convince citizens to support from the army. we will talk more about this... with pavle lekiychuk, he is the head of security programs at the center for global studies strategy 21. pavle, good morning. good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. wives and mothers of russian
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conscripts talked about the plan to seize avdiivka to putin's direct line, which is before the new year. now they are talking about the fact that in the institute for the study of war, that this idea is a fix for the elections. will they help him? so, well, can victories help, or can they bet on it at all? well actually it doesn't matter if the russians want to capture avdiivka, maryanka or kupyansk before the elections or before the election campaign. the fact remains that the russians are trying with all their might to attack on the weak flank, and it is quite difficult to resist them, such... assaults as the torans, so you have to defend yourself, as for the situation in the russian federation, you have to understand that the russians long ago war, not
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peace, and actually putin's state now rests on that, on that gloom, which was created by the war, as observers say. well as a matter of fact, thousands were killed, tens, but there are tens of thousands of those who brought money, such an upsurge, patriotic has not been seen for a long time, because now russia is at war with ukrainian fascists , with the west, with lgbt people, with everything, all the evil that it can only to imagine, and this is all concentrated in ukraine, and moreover , people have a specific benefit, and this is the fact that they are actually leading their state to the point of collapse, until i don't know, until it is no longer
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a member of the world community, but they don't care about it, and it's not just very unfortunate, but this indicates that we will have to fight with this... with simorkostan for a long time, well, but in this case, if external factors do not depend on the positioning of themselves by russians at all, well then, in what way are these victories, well, because we we understand what they are talking about, what plan they are talking about, it is the capture of the audiophile, they are now putting all their efforts into it, how it should be converted there into certain moods, into a certain understanding, support, if in principle, well... there is this, this determination, this kind of support for military operations. well, actually saying, they don't care, i think that
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this will be the case for the russians... maryinka, avdiyivka or kupyansk are captured or something else, tell them that ivano-frankivsk or kolomyia were captured, they will believe it too, actually, because well few russians know the real geography of ukraine, and the section, few can distinguish artemomovsk from bakhmut, roughly speaking, and therefore, well, anything will suit them, but... for those russians who have connections with those scumbags, who are fighting on the ukrainian front, they need to hear that some kind of message comes from unofficial sources that putin is not just a great leader, but also a great visionary, well, that's the situation, let's talk. about the situation
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at the front, what do you see happening, well, in the eastern direction, we continue to hold the defense, conduct defensive battles, almost along the entire eastern front, starting from kupyansk, kremin, kupyan svata kremin, otseno. the first northernmost such block, the heaviest battles in the kupyansk region, but also in the kremennaya region, in the svato region, the enemy is trying to break through to oskol, then the key, well, this an important area is the bakhmudian direction , it has been burning for a long time, our military is trying not just to maintain the defense, but... to the south
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of bakhmut and to advance, well, in the same triangle of klishchiivka, avdiivka, andriivka, in fact, the counterattacks of our military were here during this days and previous days, in the middle of the day from bakhmut, the enemy is pressing more, well, and combat forces from... well, the average intensity is quite high, which is the key to the entire defense, we have already mentioned, avdiivka and maryinka, well, in terms of the number of assaults, in terms of the number of enemy attacks, do not hold leadership positions, it is not the first day, and in terms of the number of destroyed enemy individuals.
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and his equipment too, the situation is very difficult here, in the avdiiv direction, the enemy is obviously advancing, there is an advance both along and along the front, it has not been like this for a long time, but before the parcels there were also such on the flanks, especially from the northern flank, again after all, in the industrial zone , in the koksokhim region, it is the most difficult there, in the mariyanka direction, well, the marina... three quarters of it is already destroyed and, well, you can’t say captured, passed by the enemy, so the battles are going on to the northwest of mariyanka, well, actually in there are also many enemy attacks in those quarters that have not yet been captured by the enemy. in
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the ughledar direction, there are slightly fewer attacks, but the enemy group is accumulating there. on the positive side, it can be said that in the south , our military continues to counterattack the enemy, well, in almost all areas where the ukrainian army developed an offensive in the summer and... it is hot there too, this is both the staromajorskoe and the takmak direction in the area of ​​robotnogo, our counterattacks were counterattacked military, well , our marines are holding on in the kherson region plastdarmi, that is, well, it is actually burning everywhere, the battles are tough, someone has promised a winter there.


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