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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2023 6:30am-7:01am EET

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now a figure of the russian opposition in exile, a famous video blogger. glory to ukraine, mark, i congratulate you. glory to the heroes, glad to greet anton, glad to greet all viewers. i wanted to ask you about putin, i.e. putin , this impression was reanimated politically from this refrigerator, where he was put by professor solovei. so, putin now speaks at the g20, then time magazine began to consider his candidacy as the person of the year, so to speak, and so on. mark, what do you think now in...
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well, such inflated plans can be and have been, on the other hand, there are indeed changes in the inner west, which all the rest of putin's limbs are pushing into this gap, that is, this change is connected in america with the upcoming elections and a clear drop in biden's rating, by the way, it is caused, including by himself in in general , directly in 2023 on the ukrainian question, he could not resist the rhetoric of his opponents regarding the matter, and why did you do it? all this, if the leadership is half-hearted, neither there, nor here, or, therefore, they are tuned in to negotiations, then kiev itself was already oriented towards this, or they already helped to the fullest, which in general sounds logically, logically, and putin is pedaling on this, of course, all the mechanisms of information, propaganda and so on in the west are included, because inside russia it does not matter absolutely, well, the third factor seems to me, you know, it is connected with the middle east. history is that after
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the events in southern israel, after the events of october 7, well, somehow the pendulum did not swing a bit, but it changed the situation in the sense that those who considered the ukrainian vopros в отриве от ручей, well conditionally, yes, here is the aggressor, here is the victim, here is the attack and so on, no matter in the global south, in other places, they suddenly started through the prism of middle eastern support from the side. ukraine will consider the position of ukraine itself, the usa, the collective west, and so on. that is, he played the role that split, let's say, not so many even firm allies in support of ukraine, but wavering ones, those who did not firmly define their position, suddenly they thought that if in your view the collective west is and ukraine, that's okay, it's not a question, but also israel, in this sense, two parallel wars in the middle east and... eastern europe
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causes such support from the west, well, i mean primarily the establishment, political circles, well then we can somehow agree with moscow against ukraine with that war, but we cannot with the war in the middle east and unequivocal support for israel, and therefore, accordingly , we change our position somewhat in relation to moscow's actions in ukraine. i would say that these factors certainly played their role, and putin well, he always is. he knew how to use it, he tried to parasitize on it, in general , so far unsuccessfully, because you see , there are no changes on the front in ukraine, what is it, did they take an avdeevka or , i don’t know, did they hand over some large settlements there the front lines in the east, for example from kupinsk to svatovo, kremennoye, liman, yes, battles are going on in a number of places, but i would not say that there is some unworldly progress there, and this is reflected in the position of the west, no, only changes..
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exclusively within the west, within the system created by the support of ukraine and its allies, yes, but where are the ramshteyns with the same purity with which they showed themselves, and where are their solutions embodied, implemented, you know? it is clear that this is such a restrained criticism of the west, but it is appropriate, because, well, listen, of course, you can talk as much as you like about the contradictions within the ukrainian leadership, moscow is certainly also using it, it is also obvious, but they are also the result of this failure . it can be in the sense that the ukrainian leadership, connected with the counteroffensive, hoped for, and it, in turn , still crucially depended on the supply of weapons, the timely start of this operation, because the beginning of it already coincided with the creation of three lines of defense with uravikin, minefields, everything else, that's all together, summing up, now plays a very important, if not decisive, role in the position of public opinion, the press for... and no one
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offers negotiations, capitulations are offered, because negotiations are mutual compromises, i do not see a single compromise from moscow, and therefore putin, as the main beneficiary of the war, as the main source of it, he is definitely trying to survive as much as possible from this situation, which is connected with the middle east, with the elections in america and with the west as a whole, well, this is the concept of a protracted war, which no one in the west likes. how can we encrypt putin's? statement at the g20, so he started talking about the ucmbo calling the war a war, firstly, an important point, secondly, he started babbling something about the need to stop the tragedy, although he is the culprit of the russian attack on ukraine, that is, well tragedy, she it didn't come out of the blue, from some
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conspiracy concept and so on, it was a very clear russian position, there were very clear military criminal orders, in particular on the implementation of aggression, i would... say that there was no other signal except "let's negotiate" on the conditions that we offer, there is no. the main, central question of these conditions is not even the division of 80 into 20 territories of ukraine. 20 geopolitical realities, we occupied them, we held a referendum there and annexed them to russia, and above all, the neutral status of ukraine, no admission to nato, in general integration into western communities as a whole of ukraine, its suspension in the position in which it has been for almost 30 years, if you look at it, that's it. the central issue, why, not the territorial issue , territorial, as it were, yes, yes, yes, yes, but still the main thing, and because his intentions have not changed, he believes that if he keeps ukraine in this neutral position, then sooner or later he will occupy all of it, whether through political influence or directly military,
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but he will not let ukraine go, from this point of view , nothing has changed, and the fact that he, notice, here at this g20 speech, you remember, he said, generally speaking, that he regrets... in any other place he does not regret, for example, and there are many times more dead children from his hands, not from someone else, precisely from him, that is, he is definitely the master of this jesuit rhetoric, well, these texts are written to him, but they blow in that direction, so what listen, against the background of the tragedy - in the gas, as he says, the fists are clenched, something else is clenching in her, ukraine, well, no need to dramatize it, that’s the way it is, what he calls a war, well, he can allow himself not svo, not military conflicts, not to designate it with some other term, but says it as it is , it is a war, that is his
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responsibility under 2073, as they will not bring me under the article of the criminal code for fakes against the russian army of the svo, therefore i would not attach importance to words, i would attach importance to meanings, there is only one meaning, "let's negotiate, yield to me , give me, but first of all, the territory of this whole demilitarization, of course, there is a reduction in the ukrainian army’s withdrawal of all weapons directed there, please, be kind, stop ukraine from stepping in, postpone this prospect forever and so on, it should be said that if before this the west actively refuted this and actively acted in the direction of what is early or later, after all, ukraine must be admitted to nato, then now..." some hesitation, hesitation, which, especially from washington, is coming, because europe, in this case, is echoing america, and about that, it means, well, listen, we can't the conditions of the war to accept, and what will happen after the war when it ends, so let's immediately remove this
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question from the agenda, that is, after the vilnius summit in july of this twenty-third year, the summit that is expected in washington for the seventy-fifth anniversary of its host. it will be america, in general, the prospect of at least some millimeter advancement of ukraine towards membership in this nato is clouded, that is, the prospect is rather the opposite, and this causes additional confusion, because well then it is not at all clear why you made commitments, the west made commitments, i want to emphasize that, within the framework of all the seven, there are twenty, well, there are no twenty, to a lesser extent, well... ramstein, nato and so on, regarding the support of ukraine, you made commitments that you are now correcting , are correcting, at the nato summits in madrid, too , when it was pronounced, it was somewhat corrected in the youth, but all the same moscow is the main enemy, ukraine is our part
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of the western community, we must protect it as ourselves, supply of weapons, creation format in ramshtai, and then they turned on the brake, you know, on the brake, now we are reaping. what do you think, the united states, why is such an incomprehensible discussion starting there, the discussion is not just unpleasant, it is not fully understood by many, so we understand that there is trump. there is isolationism, there are some negotiations before the election, whether the united states enters the campaign and so on, but the key story, yes, that is, it is a feeling that they are starting to actively trade, and the concept is not there, because it has changed, i want to tell you , that is, for example, the forecast for i did the twenty-third year on the basis, but in december, a journalist also asks me, i am on my channels, i say that in the twenty -third year before the end of the year, well plus or minus one month, the active hostilities will end, they will enter the phase of negotiations
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, but... there was a result, then in november the russian group leaves the right bank, liberates kherson, the only regional center occupied by moscow, immediately, by the way, after the referendum they held on the accession of the kherson region to the russian federation, on the wave of this success, of course, and americans and europeans said that the issue will be resolved on the battlefield, we will provide ukraine with all the necessary weapons to end this story in the next year. the same was said at different levels, in different ways. and indeed they promised themselves , the planes, all this since december, i emphasize,
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since december, and they were preparing this spring counteroffensive, its preliminary plans were for march, then slightly moved to april, it actually began in june, you see, of course, against the background of such a position, all forecasts were appropriate about what well, if it piles up like this, if the available ones are provided, i emphasize, there is no need to produce the available types of weapons and the necessary amount of ammunition, then of course the result will be... yes, it will not be liberated, maybe the entire territory up to the border of the ninety-first year, but the blow will be so crushing, when the fronts will be cut, that this will lead to a natural course of events, in which negotiations will be conducted from a position of strength, regardless of a ceasefire, the liberation of territories, regroupings, etc. in the spring, it changes in general, it changes in terms of what, listen, let ’s look at it with weapons somehow, it’s not like that here... definitely, the first echoes started back there in february-march, yes, but they settled already by may to
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the position that everything is not so clear-cut here, we cannot collapse the collapse of moscow, this will lead to the saddest consequences and the events of june 24 with prigozhin's campaign, they convinced them that this is impossible, that they need to be more careful, that instead of putin in case completely uncontrollable figures can come to his military defeat, even worse than putin himself, i always think that it could be worse than putin, but okay. and on august 23, when prigozhin had already been killed, they breathed a sigh of relief, that now the threat was gone, it was gone, so it was possible to come to an agreement. ubl, by the way, remained at the same level as it was very high last year, but this does not frighten moscow, an economist in charge of the same said that we are faced with an incredible problem, the fact that the losses do not affect the change in any way tactics, strategies of the moscow leadership in regarding ukraine. sume has settled into a position , now it is already quite clear, solid , i talked about this a lot in the summer, but then
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maybe many people did not see it, but i already saw that this position would be imposed on kyiv , and as an instrument of pressure on kyiv, well, what else is it perhaps the supply of weapons and ammunition and financial macroeconomic assistance, that financial assistance, of course, including, because the economy of ukraine is not self-sufficient, it is in the conditions of war, it cannot... such the eastern european state is not helping now, it’s obvious, leave it, wait, why did you start supporting then, so really, frankly speaking, given the situation in the united states itself, europe reflects this situation, you know, fitz’s victory in slovakia, the situation in the netherlands is unclear now in connection with the freedom party, which won the election and it is unclear how the final version of the coalition government will be formed, that's all. выражение всё техническое разменяция прозиция as such, in this one of the situation, of course, moscow saw that
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it would not receive more than what is necessary for the defense of the territories already held by ukraine, it decided, well, if not at the front, at the front it does not have such deafening successes, no one can boast that they took a tamdeevka, i was even there for a while, it’s a small town, actually, what will he determine if i take it, but nevertheless, so to speak, the rhetoric is like that... they are already near kyiv, you noticed, as if directly , well, surrounded and shot from cannons - i bank in other places, and it’s an atmosphere , it’s not a reality, it’s such a thing... well, actually , they are constructing a certain simulacrum, but on the other hand, they pulled someone surkov out of some secret drawer there, so surkov was silent for a long time, well, at least he wasn’t silent, but come on some extremely murky strange signals, now he wrote a quite characteristic and interesting note, and again he dedicated
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it, of course, to the ukrainian issue. surkov, that is, he tries to remind about himself in this way or? he has already returned to the cage and now he is beginning to outline certain, i don't know, methodical directions for the kremlin. perhaps surkov now wants to supplant dugin himself. i think that he is, of course, like an official, and he is first of all an official, and then a fantasist, as he presents himself in his articles in current politics and i repeat them in various other editions, he certainly does his work, he still on the seventh tenth, he crossed 60 in my opinion, he matches.
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but the entire content of his texts is truly fabulous, he talks about to the ukrainians that they are storytellers, in fact he himself is a storyteller, such a postmodernist storyteller, there is no practical plan, he is paradoxically trying to convey a message to putin about something, about the fact that the war is his turn, even though he says in the last text,
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that can only be achieved by military means, but he is the protagonist of the peace plan - surkov himself. he is the architect of part of the minsk agreement, and he was an adviser, his last act was a meeting in paris in h4, norman format, now no one remembers, december 9 of the nineteenth year already together with zelensky, which turned out to be a failure of this meeting, the four, because ukraine refused to agree on the road map of the stanmayer plan in moscow's interpretation of it, remember that he also refused and he was burned by it, now he believes... that he can minsk - 3 4 5 10 will be imposed again and he is the best architect of these peace agreements, he is better than kozyk, who until recently was an assistant in ukraine, and any other kyriyenko can create and advance them, that's what he is trying to convey putin, and i think that the main purpose of writing these articles is precisely this, and not to once again
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tell some literary stories about the ukrainian people and him... you see, that's why we shouldn't wait for some kind of breakthrough plan from surkov, this it will be the same set, i repeat, he was an opponent of a military solution until a certain moment in the nineteenth year, he said that ukrainians will eat themselves , he actually means politically , work out the single core of the political plan is like this. everything that cannot be achieved purely by war, you see, bring in a new yanukovych, i am exaggerating, conditionally speaking, exaggerating, who himself will go to all the agreements and further we will already iron out all of this, that is the meaning of his
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texts, you see, there is definitely imperial bravado, that's the tone of the mentor , that's all we see. all this we read in these interspersed lines, but once again, the main message, still the main addressee, i think that putin is still, because frankly speaking, to the ukrainian people absolutely dafe writes there. yes, well, in any case, if surkov's main addressee is putin, then the appropriate atmosphere is also brewing in the kremlin. thank you very much, dear mark, for this extremely interesting conversation, i want to remind our tv viewers that mark fegin, a former deputy of the russian state duma, and now an activist of the russian position on emigration, worked for them on espresso. the time of our program is over, stay with the espresso tv channel, my colleagues have prepared a lot of interesting things for you, take care and your loved ones, see you on the air. there has been
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an accident, nina galamask, your mother. are there other relatives? but it seems you have a grandfather. we do not have the motsov carpathians. top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with
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the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most awaited event of the year, what really. what is happening at the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield, how does the international community evaluate our successes, and what is moscow lying about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the commanders' backs? news, summaries of the week - this is an overview of only important events, significant, reliable events, this is... analytics, fact-checking, expert comments, about this and much more in today's issue, about important in plain language, accessible to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results
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of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zemai, let's get started. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? now about what happened in the world yuriy fizar and yuriy dobrovech will speak in more detail, please give me the floor. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina , the culture of presenters, which has become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, national deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna
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rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. every day, every hour, every minute we receive. a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, which is actually happening on the front. what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield. how the international community evaluates our successes and what moscow is lying about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and which ones what are the russian occupiers whispering behind the commanders' backs? news, summaries of the week. this is an overview of only important events , important, reliable events, it is analytics, fact-checking, professional comments, about this and much more in today's issue, about important things, in simple language, available
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to all viewers, congratulations, in the studio of iryna koval, and this is the week's results on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. we are looking for 13-year-old toli lyashenko from the left bank of the kherson region. the boy lived in the village of baltazarivka, this is the chaplin district of the region, which was occupied at the beginning of the full-scale war. the connection with the boyfriend ended at the end of march 2023. therefore , nothing is known about the fate of the child for more than six months, but... i really hope that with your help tolya lyashenko will be found. if suddenly someone has seen the boy or knows where he might be now, do not delay and call us on the hotline
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. magnolia child tracing services by short number 11630, calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, or write to the service's chatbot search for children in telegram. i also want to remind you that we are continuing the search for 17-year-old serhiy samoilov, who disappeared in mariupol. his mother said that on the first day of the full-scale war, the city was very restless. with each passing hour the situation only... worsened rapidly , the family hid in the basement from the bombings, but shelling was far from the only problem of the residents of mariupol, there was no internet, light, water, we even drank technical water from a technical tap, then only well the whole family had eaten everything, he could not drink to be honest, it was enough, the stores were all looted, nothing...
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serhii planned to go to his mother's friend in pokrovsk, this is also the donetsk region, about 200 km from mariupol, and the boy's family did not dare to leave the house, so serhii went alone , it happened on march 6 at 4:00 in the evening, my grandmother and i did not let him go, because there was a lot of shooting around, and to be honest, we
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had absolutely nothing to eat and drink at that time and... it was very scary, he took it with him backpack, there was a computer in it, he dressed like a youth get dressed, i say, seryozha, let's go, i thought , he walks around the house and will come back, and seryozha left the house already, when he left, i already understood what we did with the woman, we did not keep him. at the moment, only one thing is known: serhii never got to pokrovsk, the boy did not return home either, and no one knows where he is now. sergei's mother still lives in mariupol and does not lose hope of finding her son. meanwhile, serhiy's father, who has been living separately for a long time and is now in the territory controlled by ukraine, is doing everything he can with on his part to find serhii. in particular, he turned to the office of the ombudsman. i understand that they want to contact that side, yes, and find out if there is any information on that side, because a lot of children were taken to russian territory at that time, that's why.
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it is possible that the boy was taken to russia, but it is possible that he is still somewhere in donetsk region, so i am appealing to the residents of the temporarily occupied territory who may have seen this program on social networks. look carefully at the photo of the child. if anyone has seen the boy since march 8 last year, or does anyone know where he might be now, don't delay, dial the short number of the magnolia child tracing service from any mobile operator, 116. calls to the hotline from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, if there is suddenly no connection, write to chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram, any information is important. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and let us know, and we will launch
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all are possible. criminal punishment mechanisms. stopcrime ua. greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel. we start the information day with news. khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. three people were injured due to the russian shelling of kherson. in the evening, a 61-year-old woman was taken to the hospital. she was injured as a result of an attack in the middle of the place - noted the head of the local military administration, roman mrochko. two more wounded in the dnipro district - a 58-year-old woman and a 29-year-old man.


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