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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2023 8:30am-9:00am EET

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about one of the hottest points of the ukrainian front: bahmud, the bahmud direction. we will talk further. oles malyarevich, sergeant of the akhiles attack unmanned aviation complex company of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after ivan sirko koshovoy ataman , is already in touch with us. i congratulate you, mr. olesya. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, i wish you health. how the night passed, the last day, in general, what is the current situation under bahma. south north. our brigade has been working south of bakhmut for a long time. the situation is currently stable and under control. the enemy is trying to return lost positions for weeks. but they do not succeed. all positions that were previously deoccupied. safely protected. at any opportunity, we try to counterattack. dissolve in the data actions on our part. how intense are they attacking? so we
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talked the other day about the fact that avdiyivka and maryinka are approximately 90% of all battles along the entire front line, this is the calculation of experts, how many such clashes take place every day near bakhmut, well, the weather, the weather actively affects it, how many will be there the next day, what actions, but tens of thousands they keep the group in that direction. and we understand that their plans are to return yevka-andriyivka, to return the railway, so when they have the opportunity, they try to do it, that's why our task, here are the shock companies together with the women's unit, this is our video, yes, by the way , this is everything that moves in our direction, everything that threatens our infantry, destroy our positions, it can be armored personnel carriers, and tanks, and passenger vehicles and logistics and enemy infantry, strongholds, remote mining, so what... looking for
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we are constantly on duty in any weather , we work so that we cannot do anything, do they have any new methods, any new tactics of fighting offensives, in fact, of their attempts to regain their lost positions, to restore them, well, if we talk about unmanned aerial vehicles, their bepol forces, so they're constantly getting new models of equipment, it's a technology war, and we do... and they do that, that is, and if you talk about storm actions, what you see in the video, in small groups, if it's a z storm, then sometimes, even without equipment, it simply moves by living force, if more qualitatively units are prepared, they have equipment , they are trying to break through, gain a foothold , destroy our positions, here, well, we don’t let them do it, ugh, fpv drones with night optics, i know what they have started now
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. yes , to what extent it changes the course of hostilities in general, well , for a long time everyone understood that if it’s a day when it’s light, at the moment they just add a night vision camera to these devices, it increases the cost of the drones by 200 to 300 dollars, that’s the case, that is, it is a question of resources. they have more resources, that's why they now have more drones with half-vision, this is a problem, yes, but we have to prepare for it, we understand that it can fly at night, so all measures are directed to protect personnel and equipment, we use them 24x7 , and there is an opportunity to counteract this with a night drone, a drone with night optics, there are means for this. they are being improved, we are getting
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new samples, ukrainian inventors and developers are actively working on them, and we are improving these solutions every day, and there is... there is something oppose this, in order to preserve personnel, equipment, yes, we are working on it, well, there are many, well, of course, components, but this is already a technical issue, and we have no other choice, we must do everything so that personnel the warehouse was protected, we 're working on it, when you say we're constantly working, we're in quotes, there's your quote, we're working to improve, to counter what's in the... they're updating, you mean i don't know what is working on it, technicians, engineers, somewhere in the rear, or something directly with you, there are people who are immediately hot on the trail , tweaking, correcting, improving something so that
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it can be immediately tested and resisted, so there are people with us, we, we are together the whole war, there are people who take risks every day. and they are in constant contact, in communication with manufacturers, developers in ukrainian cities and abroad, and we use, test, actively deliver to the front line everything that appears and tests how it works, ugh, that is, what kind of people are these use, they directly, well with by us, it is we, how does it affect the supply to you, directly, here in the leader. the trenches to the front to the front line, necessary parts and ready-made products, this is blocking the polish border, from tomorrow the hungarians want to join the transport blockade, do you feel it, or volunteers, or maybe the state is somehow getting away with it, so that you do not feel
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discomfort because of blockade? well, most of the equipment, like the night bombers here, are the most expensive means, we... receive directly from the ministry of defense the figures from ukrainian manufacturers directly, and what we transport ourselves, or our partners transport there fpv drones, components for fpv drones, there are some reprisals across the border, well, i don’t want to spread treason, but i really ask the state authorities to pay attention to ukrainian customs officials, and because for in the last two weeks we had three cases where the british were transporting cars and equipment. all the cars and they were so bored at the border that after the arrival of the polish customs officers, these blockades, they simply left it at the border and turned around and drove away, here, and here it is this kind of thing is completely unacceptable, i
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am, well, we are military, we cannot complain, we cannot condone treason, because it is forbidden, let's not, but we must pay attention and not disperse the treason, but actually tell me about it.. rather it stopped at the border and then what? well, when natives are carrying something, they don’t know, they go with such a rejected soul, with such a heart , they spend a lot of time, energy, and resources, and they want to just let them pass and come to us and hand over everything, and when the new rules begin with us, they will fill in there are some additional electronic documents , they were not ready for this, they had a letter, they knew where they were going, but i did not miss them, there are still questions regarding the banking system in order to, for example , to buy something directly there in other countries , third countries, there it is necessary to agree these payments for a very, very long time, here we are, we are also engaged in this on the front lines, we communicate with banks through our parterres in order to buy
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a small batch of some groups there, there, too, very there are many difficulties, but it is necessary to maximally liberalize any import actions attraction of equipment and technologies to ukraine. here, in general, the question of someone’s earnings should not arise, if someone somewhere earns something, let it be on the way, but the most important thing for us is that everything reaches here, here it is a question of life, and not some extra 100,100 dollars on the so the means, that's all, i agree 100% that there should be a complete opening of the cartons, and this batch, these things that the british were transporting in the end, did it get to you or did it still remain at the border? the last sms from tom his... the sound of this the british, that he will not come to us again and will somehow try to send small empathies through his partners there, who will go, because he says that he no longer has the strength for this, well, to do this, he had a case there, that he was driving a car that he gave to another brigade, the brigade did not
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register it somewhere, and a year later he was arrested at customs for selling that pickup truck for $500, he somehow survived it then, but did not understand what was happening at all, and now... it was already the end for him, he doesn't want anymore, ugh that is, in fact, further cooperation, some help and supplies from abroad are under threat because of the following. yes, those individuals, those people , volunteers, in fact, our partners who drive, you have to work with them very carefully, carefully, you can't apply any bureaucratic measures to them, i understand that these are laws, these are rules, a ukrainian, a ukrainian , who you know, you have dna, he will understand, read ukrainian, communicate, at the customs, where the border guard knows three and a half words of english, when he says something like no, do it, he says, he starts to argue , he can understand what they want from him, he just loses motivation and gets upset and
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expands, to the point, it's all really not very and very sad, thank you for the conversation, mr. olesya, i hope you heard those who can change something, those who can influence the situation and improve this movement of goods, aid and volunteers, in particular through the western borders. of ukraine and that such situations will not be repeated again. oles malyarevich, sergeant of anti-shock drones of aviation complexes achilles of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after kosh otaman ivan sirk was with us. now we have a pause on the air. and then in our studio, we will have oleksiy hetman, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, as a guest, and we will analyze, in general, the movement of hostilities. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want. click and
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now you control the game. the bird and you are in a tv show. oh, what is needed. meg turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. every day, every hour, every minute, we receive. a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year actually happening at the front. what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield. how the international community evaluates our successes and what moscow is talking about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the commanders' backs? news, summaries. this is a review of only important events, important, reliable events, this is analytics, fact-checking, expert comments, about
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this and much more in the issue today, about important things in simple language, available to everyone i welcome viewers to the studio of iryna koval, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. the war
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the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enable me ukraine. plus 700 good russians about this - says the general staff for the last day. + 700. does this mean that the intensity of the fight? whether or not the action subsides, now we will ask oleksiy hetman, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war and a reserve major of the nsu. glory to ukraine, mr. mayor. glory to the heroes, good morning. we actually got used to the fact that if... that the numbers there are 900, good ones russians, 1000 or more, we are usually told that this means that the hostilities are intense, that there are more attacks, today we have +700, but we understand that on weekends, saturday, sunday, it is absolutely not about the front, and they have a day off there , then they attack less, no, there are no
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weekends there, it depends on weather conditions, on the supply of weapons for, well, for the occupiers. the supply of ammunition, well, there are many, many reasons, that is, the days of the week are somehow not analyzed, not taken into account, why it has become less, well, the answer is obvious, we are now active offensive actions, well, unless we are continuing in the direction of takmak, and of course we are trying to create a bridgehead on the left bank of the dnieper near kherson, in other places we are now holding the defense, repelling the attacks of the if the losses of the enemy have decreased, it means that they have simply reduced the number of offensive actions, because the skill of our servicemen does not decrease neither on saturday nor on sunday, the losses are large, nevertheless, thanks to the fact that the russians are using strong assaults, where they do not spare people, send them on a large scale
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without account without without proper support of heavy equipment, well, as it should usually happen in offensive operations, that's why it's... such, such great losses, in the avdiiv direction, which we've been talking about a lot lately, this is an important part of the front, here they were yesterday they still tried to use armored vehicles more, less infantry, well, this is not a change in tactics, it is, well, they have different tactics, tactics of infantry offensives, tactics of infantry offensives with support. heavy armored vehicles are mostly heavy technique, i.e. here he communicated with these tactics once or twice, as they say, that is, to point out that this is some kind of new tactic and to invent that they saw something so new, no, this is a combat statute, it is all written down, and they are nothing so new they don’t use it, it’s simple , or this option, or this option, or this one is being tested , well, it’s actually strange for ablovka, because they first
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sent her equipment there, and then just people, people, people, people, because there are enough of them there, yes, well with people so far there are no major issues, well, there are 40,000 military personnel near bdiivka - in number, such a grouping in such a number is called an army, that is, it is not a larger grouping, but less, well, there is a corps, a division, a brigade, and so on down, that is, an army is the largest grouping, that is where the whole army is located in terms of numbers, it is well, that is less than 10 times the number of ours. of our garrison, which is located there, but we took good positions, well , we know how to keep the defense in that place, we have been learning this for the last 10 years already, because they are trying to capture avdiivka in the 14th year, that's why we, well, it can't be said that it's simple, there are very, very powerful shelling, artillery shelling, but we, mr. oleksiy,
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let's try to specify what is happening where, so, stypov, railways. koksokhim, the industrial zone , as it is now, what is the situation actually, how are they, they are trying to attack, well, i am from e, as they say, from six cities, that’s right, it’s from directly from the east, it’s already through spartak, they they attack directly, well, they say in the forehead, well, and from these two ticks from the solid waste from the north, attempts to go directly to, well... to the coccyx, well and here is the may day, the water survey is from the south , there are more of these, plantings, as they say, there are fewer industrial zones, well, it is several kilometers from ovdiyka , by and large, they are trying to surround it with such ticks from that side, well, out of three, well there are six, six cities
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, but by and large they are trying in three directions from the north, from the south, and from the east. to attack with such assaults, what are they still doing, they have increased artillery fire, maybe they brought them shells from north korea and are trying to to actively use the reactive system of volley fire, trying to destroy those roads along which we have to supply everything that our garrison needs, well , supplies, well, everything that is necessary for conducting hostilities, that is, this is what they are doing on the last day, the last days of action, so far , they don't have anything even insignificant about... and the information we receive that somewhere there they advanced by 10 m, somewhere they moved back by 10 m, it should be understood as such, the line... there it is dynamic, it is not stationary, and it changes little by little, because what on today you can look, well, right now, for example, on the map of the deep state , then in half an hour, in an hour, it
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will change a little, the location of the units, well, the firing positions of ours and the enemy, so just not to fall there, not to be too happy there it's too early and don't get carried away, the line will constantly change a little, it's not stationary anymore. the name kupyansk appeared again in all those statements and plans of the russians, i.e. earlier they said that avdiivka would be taken by december 14, from the first to the first, then to the 14th, now they are talking about avdiivka before the elections, before the month of march, but together with avdiivka, kupyansk, about their plans for kupyansk, they voiced it, then somehow quieted down, and now they are rushing there again, what would that be, you know, i wanted i wish the russians, well... i wouldn’t like it, can i advise them if they watch your channel there, including that they write down what their propagandists tell them, at least with notes, because the audiobook and others the seats
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had to be captured by december 14 this year, why by the 14th, because the 14th is exactly 90 days before the elections of the president, well, like the elections, and all the candidates, including putin, had to announce that they were running for president, and this was exactly what should happen against the background of some... victories, well, including in avdiivka. i have two words now, let's talk about kupinsky. ugh. not successfully, putin said earlier that he was going, but he did not officially, did not officially announce, at a meeting with the military , when asked if you would run for office, he said that he would. and now changes have temporarily begun, changes in their propaganda relations have begun immediately, which is necessary before the presidential elections, and not only avdiivka, but also there. including kupinsk , well, let them write it down, they said until the 14th, that has already changed, they gave another 90 days, well, why kupinsk, well, they concentrated
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a large number of 130,000 there, that’s three armies in general, four even , then they concentrated a large amount of manpower here, near two units of heavy equipment, including 100 tanks, 850 barrel artillery, about 350-400 mlrs, and they created an additional reserve army there, attached it there and... they held rotations there, that is, they have relatively fresh forces there now , well, not completely, but there is a partial renewal there after the rotation, they are trying to go to kupinsk, the kupinsk junction in order to worsen our logistics and in this way, well, again, it is already before the elections in the month of march to report that they have certain advantages there on the front, if we talk about the kupin-liman direction in particular, then they can , in the best case for them, the russians go to the river... skil, but the right bank of the oskil river, then the western bank, if you look along the map, he there is the gorny kryazh, and it is already very well
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fortified, the artillery is firing there and all the positions on the left bank are fired, that is, the people who are directly there, they say that there is a chance to cross or force from the oskil river to the russians, so that they do not join there, whatever technique , no matter how many people, but practically there is none, to push us to the... askil, well, theoretically it is possible, they simply have no chance, well, and about avdiyivka, well, you know, let's still eh, well , well, let's, for example, refer to the american institute for the study of war, which well, british development, including that after analyzing the situation on the entire eastern front, i.e. from kupinsk to ugledar, what will happen if our garrison has to withdraw from zadviivka, strategically, what will happen, any serious challenges, no. nothing fundamentally will happen, that's why the russians are fighting for this city, not because it 's him, it has some important military significance, because it has
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a military-political significance, you see, they gave a deadline of the 14th, now changed, well, it's going according to plan, but the plan changes already before 2 p.m december, until march 14th, but they need some kind of victory action, and you know, i don't think they 'll succeed until march 14th, and they've already started preparing uh... exit option b, what are they going to say, because it's necessary something to tell the channels, in short, they will say what chaigu began to say, which turns out, it is not they who are attacking avdiivka, but the armed forces of ukraine attacked donetsk from the side of avdiivka, and they courageously repelled these attacks there and are now going to counterattack, that is, they have already prepared what to lie if they fail to do this, but god forbid that it should not succeed , they are in such an active defense that even, as they say, the estonians are regrouping, preparing... after all, for a new offensive in the kherson region, they formed an association of officers, and not of soldiers and try to fight with them somewhere there. in general.
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in the near future, how do you assess whether the hot spots on the map, on the line of the ukrainian, russian-ukrainian front, will change, or whether avdiivka will, unfortunately, give way to such a sad primacy to some other point, give way, more likely, most likely it was too political component, i think that they will try to stretch our defense, well, along the entire eastern front from kupinsk to ugledar, look for a city where... it would be more convenient to attack us, i think they will most likely, avdiivka, well, that makes sense deadline deadline december 14 is no longer in the big picture, it has changed to march 14, so most likely the hostilities there will slow down a little bit, well, this does not mean that they will stop, they will continue, but these local assaults, i think that their there won't be any appearance, well, along the entire line, they will be to look for places along the entire line, that is, to guess , well here you can guess, not to guess, here, well, along the entire
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line by... we have, right now, we have to involve our engineering troops, our construction company is desirable, we have to build, as it is better to build fortifications along this entire front, from ugledar to, from kupinsk to ugledar, because there the enemy will try to somehow advance, in other cities to the south of takmak, we must continue to press the enemy, there he is from... near takmak, he is trying to do now counter-offensive actions, it can be considered that we are holding a defense there, well, not as strategic as we are planning for the eastern front, but we are simply carrying out counter-counter-offensive actions , and the left bank of the kherson region, what they are planning there, they have started dropping landings, into the depths of our troops, you can say into the depths of our troops who are there, trying in this way to find some advantages there, it is not yet a bridgehead, everyone says that it is, well, many
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say that it is a bridgehead, it is still , not a bridgehead, it's a bridgehead preparation and i'm sure that's why what is the term, well here for, well here, i don’t know how our general staff has planned, but i am sure that we will build it there, and then it will be possible to transfer a relatively large number of troops and leave from the western flank, the western, the western side to leave already to the crimea, well, it's to shadovsk, directly to armyansk, here and there, 60-100. it is a long distance, but the direction i think was very correct, good forecast, mr. oleksiy, we have less than one minute, your opinion, very briefly, please, how much expansion is possible now of this russian aggression further west to the nato countries, because the baltic countries are also seriously preparing, and other european countries are intensifying their military preparations, right now, while there is an active war in
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ukraine, they will do this. are not capable of any serious aggression, but provocations on the belarusian-lithuanian border are quite possible, quite, well, thank you for the conversation, oleksiy hetman, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war on the air of the espresso tv channel, a reserve major of the nsu was with us, i remind you about the gathering , which we conduct solar battery stations panels of the day of the dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, we want to buy 122,000, we need to collect, at this moment , uah 614,582 is already in the account, please join, because the matter is important and very, very necessary, and now it is approaching 9:00, this is the a time when every day ukraine honors the memory of those who died in
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the russian-ukrainian war with a minute of silence. the memory of all those who died at the hands of the occupiers and who died defending our country with you. let's honor the memory of ukrainian soldiers and civilians with a moment of silence of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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