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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2023 9:30am-10:01am EET

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memorial signs and monuments. from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, de-radinization was joined by de-russification. so we finally got rid of not only lenins and stalins, but also pushkins and chkalovs. after the full-scale invasion, it became clear to everyone that there should be nothing russian in the capital of ukraine, there should be no russian propaganda, there should be no russian symbols, we have enough of our own heroes. the capital, as of the end of 2023 , is 98% free of colonial signs and figures. in particular, several took place this year loud and long-awaited demolitions. motherland lost the soviet coat of arms from its shield, and pushkin finally disappeared from bagryany park, even the horseman shchors, for whom leonid kravchuk once posed, was deposed. they promise not to stop there. paton bridge, a few more that... need a long time there, and
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we have several dozen more memorial plaques that will be removed literally in a few days after the decision of the city council. in order to leave a memory of the atrocities and colonial policy of russian figures, they planned to create a museum monumental propaganda, but later it was forgotten, but not completely: each, even a fallen pedestal, has its owner, mostly local authorities, so the dismantled workers, stakhanivites, soldiers... and poets are in temporary storage, after the victory they still plan to implement a museum of totalitarianism or the soviet regime. today, as such a museum of totalitarianism does not exist there or with another name, there were indeed thoughts of creating it on the territory of the former vdnkh, but this is the site that i mentioned, namely the aviation museum in the zhulyan district, it... was also considered as a possible place for
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the organization of such a space, and it is not excluded that after the end of the war, it will be organized there. for 10 years after the fall of the soviet granite leader in the center of the capital, his so-called greatness finally dissipated. during this decade, ukraine gained new, real heroes, who now have to fight with the new russian leader. kateryna galko, oleksandr purlevich, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel. hot situation on front, passionate discussions about aid to ukraine and anticipation of enemy terror on our energy sector. this week was like that. we are watching the further development of events and will definitely tell you next saturday at 21 and on sunday at 9 in the morning. in the news at the end of the week on the espresso tv channel. i, iryna koval, was with you. keep yourselves.
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right now and affect our lives , of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand, antin borkovsky invites you. experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who reflect and comment the most relevant public discussions. which exactly. the news will analyze the guests of the project this week, and we will find out who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. the informational
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marathon on the air of the espresso tv channel continues. we inform about the most important things, attach them. the most informed experts and people from the scene of events to our conversations, and you will donate and support the armed forces of ukraine. in this if possible, we want to buy battery stations with solar panels for the dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of tro of the armed forces of ukraine, so please join us. now there are 615 thousand hryvnias in the account, and 1,220 thousand need to be collected in order to buy the battery stations you see on the screen, qr code, number, cards, all this information is helpful. can you show your activity and patriotic position, support our defenders. meanwhile, the united states of america, japan and south korea are introducing new joint initiatives due to the threat from north korea, so the national security advisers of these three countries have already
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met in seoul, discussed everything and made some certain joint decisions in order to face the potential threat together. meanwhile , in addition to the threat from the east, in addition to the threat from the east, we also have a threat from the west from poland, and from tomorrow also from hungary, where the ukrainian border is being blocked. some carriers, some local carriers have blocked the possibility of ukrainian carriers to cross the border from poland and to poland, demand to return, cancel transport visa-free and introduce, return these licenses and permits. which operated before a full-scale invasion, this week for the first time, for the first time in recent years, the ukrainians used such a new way for trucks to cross the border by rail, so they loaded all the trucks that could fit, so far
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not many, only 23 of the more than 3 thousand standing at the borders, the drivers of these cargoes were taken to one and the other side by train and railway. were transported by buses and then they got into their trucks and went to the place where they were supposed to bring their cargo, with this we will stay with the topic, because in fact this situation has been going on for over a month, so for over a month ukrainian drivers have been standing in kilometer-long queues on this polish-ukrainian border, now the temperature is below zero on the street, the sanitary conditions in those multi-kilometer queues are simple. simply absent, the situation actually only worsens, and the drivers assure that the traffic is even slowing down, strikers keep cars with dangerous cargo in line for a very long time, the flow is on the other side of the border, our colleague maria chernihivska was in the queue,
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let's take a look at her material: taras has been standing in line at the polish-ukrainian border for 8 days, taking frozen chicken to ukraine, but... there is a lack of food, but the most basic things in everyday life, the kitchen is gas powered by disposable canisters, the canister is running out somewhere for a week's time, here's a kettle literally so that... to feed yourself, to eat some sandwich with warm tea, to warm up, the refrigerator is already empty under your feet, what time is it already, because it's already food, all the products have already been used up for a long time, drivers stand in the middle of the field, approximately every half a kilometer there are biotoilets, this is where the benefits of civilization end, a toothbrush, warm water, a towel, soap, and wet wipes, nothing else, you can't think of anything else here, it's cold now, you can't think of a summer shower now. taras is on strike for the second time in this line, the first time he stood at the border for eight days, now it will be at least 12,
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the guy predicts, because forward movement is very slow. well, it is so systematic, a kilometer a day, sometimes 900 m, sometimes 800. rescuers are volunteers, poles and ukrainians, who bring warm food twice a day. one of caring poles david. the man, despite his work, studies and three children, is not finding it for the first time. time to come from warsaw to the border with food and medicine for ukrainian drivers. it worries me, because we are in a country of the european union, and we live in a country where human rights are respected, we actually have problems with it, it can be seen here. this time david and volunteers brought 60 liters of goulash, which was prepared by chefs in a ukrainian restaurant in warsaw. in addition, sandwiches, canned food, bread, goodies. and medicine, the actions of polish protesters at the border david does not support,
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in my opinion, the city, in my opinion, is to some extent an artificially created situation, if it is about this protest, this protest should be sent to another place, should encourage someone else, and these drivers here have nothing to do with accepting political decisions, when it comes to the permits that are required, it is the competence of the european union, also poland, as a country, can take certain steps. to help people, ukrainian drivers are losing patience, primarily due to the fact that the rules for passing trucks are constant are changing, and they don’t know what to expect tomorrow, now it will get much worse, well, that is, even if you take adres, they don’t let them in at all, not refrigerators, they don’t let anything in, they don’t want to go to the border, nobody wants to go, because it’s crazy what’s going on here , because of this, there are few cars and that there are no cars here at all, they are therefore artificial.
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find out what the matter is. we are on the territory of poland not far from the dorogusk jagodyn checkpoint. poles are rallying behind me, on the other side is a 17-kilometer queue of ukrainian trucks. at first, the poles did not want to comment, but later they talked. so at a certain hour. 13, 14, 15, 16.
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rakes want to restore permits for ukrainian carriers to travel to the eu. the ministry of infrastructure of poland supports this demand. the european commission, on the other hand, is advocating the maintenance of visa-free transportation for ukraine. maria chernyakhivska, ihor antoniuk, for espresso tv channel from poland. we are already reaping the consequences of this blocking, in addition to the fact that drivers have very, very much discomfort and inconveniences, and also some so... couples can get in, the front does not get what they need on time, the volunteers complain a lot about it, there are
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also economic consequences for our country as a result of this blockade. yulia klymenko, people's deputy of ukraine, will tell a little more about it. i welcome you, ms. yuli, to our home. good morning. recently, customs officers calculated their losses, how much they lose, constantly due to this blocking, but not only customs officers lose, in general. ukraine's economy is losing now it can lose also for the long term, since no one is safe from the fact that the poles there, say, in a few months, will not announce again... a similar blocking, respectively, companies can simply stop concluding various agreements with ukrainian carriers, and similar things, sum up, please, what are the consequences for ukraine of this blockade, which has lasted for more than a month, and will have for the next year? well , first of all, let's see how our trade turnover fell, if we look at
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october, rather november and compare it with in october, it decreased by 1.4 billion, and this is dollars, i mean, and this is a very large amount, and all the taxes, including those announced by gitmants in the amount of 9 billion not yet received at the moment, come out of this we had it at, i understand, at the beginning of december, and during december we will, i think, have a significant event of receiving all taxes related to exports and imports, because the turnover of goods, unfortunately, has significantly decreased and accordingly decreased income in the budget, the worst that can happen, it is definitely also an increase in the price on the shelves, because now before the new year many imported goods are always brought in, starting with customs, ending with some gift items, and also, i think, we will soon see an increase in the prices on the shelves in supermarkets, it is
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as if ordinary citizens, volunteers complain much worse. supplies of everything from some kind of warm stuff for the military to parts for drones, and that's also a big part of the problem, even though they say they're letting military cargo through, but they're talking about military cargo, as i understand it, weapons directly, but weapons are only part of military cargo, a lot of them are imported by companies that assemble on the territory of ukraine, the same drones, weapons and so on that are supplied to... the armed forces, so it's a pity here, honestly, very big, and it is impossible to grasp it at the moment, but a couple of weeks ago reuters calculated that it could cost our economy 1% of the gross domestic product, that is, 1% of our economy, if the blockade continues, and this is a lot considering that that we planned to grow up there
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by 4%, that is, this is a significant, significant drop, unfortunately, this is a great loss for national... security and economic security, and in principle for further, let's say, relations between poland, ukraine and poland, we know today , that hungary has already blocked the chop, so if, well, this is not very pleasant, honestly, news for christmas. is it possible to make any predictions about the future, about next year, will this blocking affect the market structure, or will it not have such a global scale? i think it will scale why? because you are right at the beginning, that any suppliers , importers, exporters who work with ukrainian enterprises, they will think 10 times before concluding contracts with ukrainian enterprises, maybe they will find enterprises, i don't know in brazil, in argentina, in asia, well
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if you look at the world more broadly, we're not alone in the big global world, so for us , you know, a total blockade has actually happened now, so we've got the sea blocked, the airspace blocked, and we 've got the roads blocked, so we've been cut off from any opportunities to provide the country with the most necessary things, i understand that you can live without borders, but without components for drones or without medicines, or without humanitarian aid, which goes, including volunteers. organizations, unfortunately, we cannot live now, and it is very unfortunate that our friends, the poles, are doing this . and it is very unfortunate that they are doing this, i hope there will be a new government on monday, tuesday
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permanent government, the composition of this government has already been announced, if it is approved, maybe things will move more. rather , it is better to stop this blocking and move on to a constructive conversation. and can we make such a non-mirror, but still an answer, because, for example, our drivers, carriers, tell a lot of cases when polish companies, polish carriers do not really want to bring their goods very far into the depths of ukraine. they get as far as lviv, they feel that plus or minus is safe here. then they say that the ukrainians should transport their goods somewhere in the depths of the country, besides zaporizhzhia, kherson, because they are simply afraid to go there, they do not take risks, this is probably also connected not only with their fear for their lives. with some insurances, is it possible to explain somehow at this stage, friends, if you do not work with us, then we also have our leverage,
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will ukrainian companies not go for it? look, well, for ukrainians, this is also an income, yes, when ukrainians work, well , distribution companies that deliver goods, they make money too, i don't think we want to leave our citizens and companies'. still without this earnings, but what can we say, we can look at imports from poland, poland has significantly increased trade turnover with ukraine, it is actually a bigger beneficiary, let's say, the one who wins, it has the most profitable contracts for the rebellion and its goods to ukraine, not to mention the carriers who bring them here, so... we can see what goods they deliver to ukraine and find a way out and find these goods in other countries, yes, and then instead of a 26% increase in polish imports to
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ukraine, they will feel that, unfortunately, they will have to reduce and reduce their appetites for earning in ukraine, well, this will already be a very unfriendly step, because it will be particularly the answer is not to the carriers. and for other companies, i.e. those who are currently harming us, they will most likely not feel so strongly the vexation of such ukrainian actions, which, as you say, is really not a very friendly step. olena zelenska says that ukraine is in mortal danger if we do not continue to get financial help because we really, really need that help right now, and we always say that we can't afford to be war-weary, war-weary. situation, and if the world gets tired, says zelenska, they will let us die. is there really a threat that the world will get tired,
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that they will stop helping, that the same united states of america will stop sending us funds, and what is the time frame when the situation can become really critical? well, look, actually the situation is already. on at this moment, already starting from december, we already have, there are not enough funds to cover the budget deficit, well, that is, this situation, if we can somehow, let's say , close december, then the 24th year out of the promised 50 billion european and 60 american billions for several years, there is nothing, zero. the special forces cannot move with orban, who is blocking aid of 50 billion for 4 years to ukraine and 18 of them should have come in the 24th year,
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accordingly, the americans cannot consider the ukrainian issue, the allocation of funding, both for weapons and for the support of the state budget, because the republicans are blocking consideration of this issue, so actually at the moment, for the 24th year, we have such a big hole in the budget of 42 billion dollars, it is not covered by anything at the moment, unfortunately, none of our major partners not yet, i have not physically allocated this money, i hope that they will consider this issue in december, somehow they will make progress, because we are not in a position to cover 42 billion dollars, well, we have nowhere, so to speak. ... and we will not be able to, the economy, as you can see, is under blockade and other factors of winter, shelling , reduction of production, will not be able to pull it all
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off either, therefore the situation is very critical, and we need to talk about it, from all channels, we need to talk about it to everyone, for this we need to unblock the deputies, so that they not only deputies, and everyone who is able to travel and report to our partners. the criticality of the situation, i want to emphasize that the situation has already happened, it is critical, we just have to get out of this situation, otherwise we will not be able to cover $42 billion in any way. mrs. julia, but some experts, from with whom we communicate, they say that at the moment we are already waiting for the end of next week, we are waiting for the completion of the work of all governmental, all relevant structures in the united states that have influence and... can allow ukraine to transfer these funds, that is, to allocate these funds, simply i am also talking about the fact that in europe brussels still has leverage.
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on orban, they will not necessarily go to such extreme measures, but they will not allow orban to block the process of supporting ukraine, and they say that now we are better off this week stand back a little and let them solve their internal issues, don't be too pushy, is this really the case regarding the nearest aid packages that we are counting on, which actually can be resolved by the end of this, or can we be calm here? well , look, what the europeans are saying, they are not talking about the aid package, but they are talking about the fact that on the 15th they will consider the accession of ukraine, the beginning of negotiations on the accession of ukraine to the european union, and there orban also blocks this decision, i.e. it's more about that, about the selection
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money the situation there is not obvious, of course , we can, well, not insist, and in fact they are probably right, because it was necessary to go long before that, that is, it cannot be at the last moment, when a large number of ukrainians arrive there and start, you know, insisting to ask for money three days before it is voted on, this is not done in politics, in order to receive money in december 23rd, you had to start traveling in january 23rd. that's why it was necessary to do it regularly, and not as if there were four of us sat for months, waiting for it to somehow be resolved by itself, and then it turned out that it was not resolved, and we arrived with a huge mass of various organizations and politicians, and this also stresses them out, so maybe they meant that there are too many of us in the last moment, but this work cannot be done in one week or in one visit, this work must be done
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systematically throughout the year in order to... really have support, look at israel and see how they lobby their interests without any pompous trips there , photos and everything else, that is, it is systematic work for years, which is done at absolutely all levels, from its legislative power, to executive power, to volunteer power, to each community has its connections, and each community must inform the other community, whether they are volunteers or not. is it military, is it religious action messages that ukraine needs, it's uncoordinated in ukraine, and it's, you know, such a chaotic process that bores many in the west. mrs. yulia, less than a minute, there is a chance that we will have to start the typewriter, this machine and start to print hryvnias, how big it is now, 30 seconds, please, and you know
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, let's do it until january 15. we still have time, if by january 15 we understand that funds are allocated to us, we don't need to start the turkish machine, so this is a question, i will be able to answer you sooner after january 15, when there will be a final decision on the ukrainian issue in europe and america. thank you, i hope our conversation will be more optimistic after january 15. yuliya klymenko, people's deputy of ukraine, was with us, and now the border guards specify that the situation... on the border with in fact, poland has not changed, there are still about 3.5 thousand trucks in the queue, the small number that travels by train does not significantly affect the situation at the border, and the polish blockaders do nothing about it and continue their action for several hours i'm saying goodbye to you now, stay tuned to the espresso tv channel, we
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've prepared more for you... lots and lots of interesting information, my colleagues will continue ater. the 10th clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world. at this time, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. russians killed two people in kharkiv region and injured two more. three residents of kupyansk and a resident of the village of podole became victims of the occupiers. private houses and farm buildings were damaged - reported oleg seniguv, the head of the region. a dormitory of an educational institution in the village of velikiy burluk was also destroyed. under enemy fire during the day.


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