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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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expert andriy malinovskyi, and in a week we will tell you the interim results of the first round of the ukrainian championship, where shakhtar got into the conference league or the champions league, and zarya will play with bladeblik, we hope they will also win. see you and cheer for yours. we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on the air of spresso news. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. an important goal. on the outskirts of the village of krynky, on the left bank of the kherson region. in the morning, the ukrainian military destroyed an enemy armored personnel carrier with a multifunctional complex radio control, tracking and suppression. rap prevented our defenders from using drones. from the first. the armed forces of ukraine failed to break through to
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the apc, but the military did not stop. three fpv drones were spent on liquidation - reported in the 59th separate mechanized brigade of yakov handziuk, which hunted down the russian armored personnel carrier. one person died and four others were injured due to the russian shelling of the kherson region. the enemy attacked the region more than 70 times per day, fired more than 260 shells, killed with mortars, artillery, hail, tanks, drones and aviation, - reported head of the region oleksandr prokudin. residential blocks and an educational institution in kherson were damaged. the russians killed two people in the kharkiv region and wounded two more. the victims of the occupiers were three residents of kupyansk and a resident of the village of podola. private houses and farm buildings were damaged - reported oleg sinygubov, the head of the region. the dormitory of the educational institution was also destroyed. in
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the village of velikiy borluk. during the day, 22 settlements of kharkiv oblast came under enemy fire. ukraine continues to strengthen and mine the border with belarus. however, for now dangers from this side are not recorded. in addition, russia does not have a sufficient number of its units and equipment in belarus to repeat the invasion - said the spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko. but belarus continues to support the country. aggressor, so this direction needs to be strengthened. crossing points with belarus are closed. ukrainian defenders successfully counterattacked to the west of the robot and advanced in the direction of zaporizhzhia - reports the american institute for the study of war. also, according to analysts, our soldiers continue hold positions on the left bank of the kherson region. despite the fact that the russians are trying to push back the armed forces from their position in the area.
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krynka village. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 60 combat clashes took place at the front in a day. the russians attacked in seven directions, the hottest in the avdiivka area. the occupiers reduced the number of assaults, but again began to use aviation for strikes. defense forces repelled 19 attacks in this direction. in the area of ​​bakhmut, the enemy tried to storm 14 times. and in the district. nachmariinki of pobyeda and novomykhaivka. our defenders repelled eight attacks. the missile forces inflicted damage on two areas of concentration of russians and two warehouses of fuel and lubricants of the enemy. another 700 russian invaders were eliminated on the ukrainian fronts. and in general, since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, the russian army has lost almost 340,000 soldiers. also, in the last day , the defense forces were burned. almost 50 units
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of enemy equipment, including four tanks, 10 armored fighting vehicles, six artillery systems and 28 vehicles and special vehicles. in addition, our defenders landed one enemy cruise missile. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. the espresso tv channel together with the public organization baza ua is collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanism. zsu kholodny yar. in extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military will choose victory every day, not leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield. with atvs , evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the injured are much greater. our goal - 800 00 hryvnias. with your help, we collected more than uah 180,000. your donation it's a thank you to those who protect us on the battlefield. so support, do not remain indifferent.
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you can see all the details on the screen. the winter at the front will be hot, despite the bad weather and cold. the russian invaders do not stop trying to take over. avdiivka, attacks are carried out in other directions as well, and in addition to the onslaught of the enemy horde, our defenders have to fight the elements, lack of shells and even rodents. what will be the war on the front line in the winter period and what to prepare for, see further. trenches digging in the winter is the death knell of a cossack, i am in general, even a chukhryn citizen would not want to do it, and even more so for a ukrainian, why, because the land is mer. and this is a horror. dmytro serves in the airborne assault troops. last year , bakhmud and soledar passed in the winter. he knows very well how at the front you have to fight not only with the occupiers, but also with the weather. in winter, of course, you waste time trying to get
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a source of heat for yourself, since you are waiting for the time when you will be passable. the passability of military equipment at the front is painful. questions such as the weight of the most common t-72 tank is more than 62 tons. in order for it to pass, the soil must be hard and dry. equipment is heavy in snow-damp ground. and the cars are all loaded. so we had christmas trees there, 200 mitsubisi, nissan christmas trees, well, with four-wheel drive. it happened to us that we would just dip in like that, and like that , they would push the chests in the sky, and you don't push, you just stand. and while it's coming. the equipment is at a standstill, the artillery has to fight , our maltmen were working, the assault mortars were in honor of their praise, so every night, fire - shot, fire - shot, he already he started there in the afternoon, by 6 o'clock in the morning
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he had nothing to say at all, and he already lacks ammunition for positional warfare, the fighters complain, despite the fast. explosions in enemy warehouses, the advantage in the number of weapons of the russians remains, they do not spare shells, that is, they simply destroy us there, they will, well , they pour very many, very many shells, that is, they fire one shell at us 10, there was an ad art was silent for about 15 minutes, per day, there is still no normal amount weapons, in normal quantities, not in drops. another problem of the winter campaign was the swarm of mice in the warm positions of the military. the network is full of such videos from our fighters.
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pests not only eat food, but also spoil weapons. we have two problems, orcs and mice, they even ate our weapons. that's what... according to the bloomberg publication, the kremlin will allocate 6% of the gross domestic product, which is 112 billion dollars, in the budget for next year for military aggression, so the war will not be as cold as the weather. artem lagutenko, oleksandr burlevich, yulia belska, spresso tv channel. hungarian carriers have no intention of blocking the border, according to... spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko. at least this is what the hungarians assured the ukrainian side - he added. the start of the protest at the khonchop checkpoint was announced for tomorrow at 11 am. according to ukrainian border guards, about a thousand trucks are currently parked at this checkpoint, but
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traffic continues. as you know, the hungarians are demanding the return of european permits for ukrainian carriers. during the week. border guards prevented four evaders to cross the ukrainian-romanian border using forged documents. one of the husbands provided a disability certificate and a notarized copy of his wife's pension certificate. another tried to leave with a false military id and a vlk certificate, and the last one with a false certificate of unfitness for military service. the offenders were handed over to the police. over the last day, 34,000 people left ukraine. in russian novosibirsk , the tolmachovo airport collapsed, due to severe frost, the pipe and the entire building at the airport burst in an instant filled with steam. passengers found themselves in a thick fog, it also paralyzed the work of the airport services, which is why some flights were delayed,
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local media reported. this was the morning in ukraine, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, bet for yourself. on the air saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv, vitaly portnikov, welcome you, and we will talk in this episode, of course, about the situation at the front, about the development of the situation in the middle east, about the last meetings of vladimir putin and his statements, we will not ignore and... . prospects that another hot spot may appear on the world map, whether the main players are ready for this, but above all
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the situation on the fronts, oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political observer of the information resistance group, is in touch with us. mr. oleksandr, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good evening. congratulations, mr. oleksandr. so, let's start with the situation around avdiyivka, this is now the most important such a hot moment in the war, how about you? well , i will say this, the situation is quite tense now, why, because, first of all, it is mostly russian the occupiers near avdiivka will use an infantry component, this infantry component, it consists of units of the first army corps, the first army corps is the formation of the illegal military formation of the so-called dnro, from exactly... those mobilized that they mobilize in the temporarily occupied donetsk region, i.e. in almost
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all the main directions, they use them in the first echelon, while most of the most combat-capable russian units from the second combined army, the 41st of the combined army, they avoid any serious battles, that is, the most combat-ready. there are the 15th, 21st, and 30th separate motorized rifle brigades, the same, they are mainly located somewhere along the second line, the 55th and 74th, yes, they are near the water line, they operate there, but the first separate motorized rifle brigade is predominant in the first line of action, then all of the same first army corps, all of which indicate that the regulars are now engaged in regrouping and stockpiling. resources, as well as by restoring the combat capability of their units after the first and second failures
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waves of assaults on avdiivka, that is, they are preparing for a more powerful third wave, which may take place before the new year, in the coming weeks, and this situation, it is quite tense and threatening precisely because of this. as for avdiyivka, there is an opinion among american analysts of the institute for the study of war that... the capture of it and also kupyansk, well , if there is an opportunity, putin wants to carry out before the elections in march 2024, and if the situation around avdiyvka resembles that , that there are still such opportunities, what do you think about kupyansk, is such a promotion possible in this direction? here, even the question is not only for avdiivka, in fact, and kupinsk, we see the activation of the russians immediately in... but in many directions directly, this is near bakhmut, we see their activation both in
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the west of bakhmut, the western location, and the southern location , the direction of lishiyivka and andriivka, and we see their intensification, the intensification of hostilities in the mariyanka area, in the near future, i am sure, the intensification of hostilities will begin near the coal mine, that is, quite a wide front in some... locations, it became more active, and this can be called a kind of backup plan, a plan b for the russian command, if they cannot, for example, fulfill the task of capturing avdiyivka before the new year, or before the so-called elections in russia, they will have the opportunity to achieve some success in some of these directions, even if we are talking about kupyansk, then they cannot. can begin offensive actions directly in the direction of kupyansk itself,
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until they capture the village of senkivka, and even the capture of the village of senkiivka - this will also be some kind of gain in their propaganda context, that is, putin will be able, for example, either in the new year or during the elections there to declare, you see, we have already captured the very important village of senkiivka, and we have almost completely there is a little left that... to liberate kupyansk, as they like to say, and if we liberate kupyansk, then it will already be liberated there, and kharkiv itself will be liberated very soon, so this may be his message. precisely pre-election, and this can apply not only to senkivka, not only to avdiivka or kupyanska, they can also beat maryanka, klyshchivka, andrivka, and definitely ugledar. please tell me, mr. oleksandr, in principle, if we talk about the strategic importance of all these efforts to capture avdiivka or medinka there, is it really
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a strategy or is it just a necessity to have some symbolic victories in ukrainian. right there before these very presidential elections, let's say, well, if we are talking about the avdiiv woman in particular, then this is really a political symbolism, and she does not have any global tactical significance for the russians today, exactly in the position in which they were until october 10 of this year, this is a fairly powerful fortified area, this is a logistics hub, but it is not critical for the russians, it is some kind of critical threat for there. in general, for the entire bridgehead, no, this, they were not bothered by the presence of avdiyivka at all, except for one moment, there are dominant heights, but this is already such a moment, it does not deserve such an expenditure of resources, on the other hand, if we generally talk about this whole plan b for other
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purposes, a populated place, then the most important among all of them there is not even a tick, no... this is a really tactically very important location for them today, all the others are exclusively these political moments. if we talk about the south in a little more detail, mr. oleksandr, the defense forces continue their work on the left bank, we can see this from the reports of the general staff. however , information leaked this week. that the evacuation of the civilian population from oleshki, possibly from novaya kakhovka, is being prepared. this information is denied by the legally elected mayor volodymyr kovalenko of novoi kakhovka, literally during the last few hours. but less so, we see quite interesting and symptomatic things in the north of crimea, for example. jankoi and helicopters
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no longer fly there. actually reworked on the go logistics for the group that is flipping. from the crimea to the kherson region, does this mean that we are succeeding with those bridgeheads on the left bank, but i will say that there are some successes with regard to the evacuation from oleshki or novaya kokhovka, we have heard before that from oleshki they are there some kind of evacuation is started, but let me tell you, allegedly, that this is a demonstration of a gesture of goodwill, such a prerequisite, let's... i will tell you what the prerequisites of a gesture of goodwill are, we can talk about the preparation of a gesture of goodwill not by evacuating collaborators, documentation, and so on and so on, and we can say colleagues, first of all, the medical personnel of the russian occupiers are withdrawn, their field hospitals are closed, and also the medical personnel are withdrawn from
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the city of numbers, the wounded are withdrawn, the second phase is when the withdrawal begins. artillery and the third phase is when it begins the collapsing of their means of communication of all levels of all equals of all units, and even after that we can say that indeed these three three main signs are true, they say that a gesture of goodwill is being prepared, and they are preparing to flee, while we are following it we do not observe, on the contrary, but in the left-bank kherson region you can now observe how they have increased their presence from 65 to 68 thousand personnel of the dnipro group of troops in the last two weeks from... , and that is they are preparing to really hold this area and oppose our units on the left bank, and the fact that they are reviewing logistics options, they are in some sense even
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far-sighted here, because the same thing that is happening now near avdiivka is also far-sighted. they understand that they are unlikely to be able to capture the city itself in the short term, so they are preparing plans b, so-called, and the same with logistics as in the south. please tell me, mr. oleksandr, in principle, if we talk about the offensive capabilities of the parties, but realistically, it can be considered that the russian army is capable of some serious strategic offensives with the aim of occupying new ukrainian regions, in the future, i mean, not in the distant future, but in 2020. the fourth year, and the ukrainian army, that is wall street journal said that the ukrainians may be capable of a new major offensive in 2025 if they survive 2024, but really, what opportunities do we have for... an offensive in the future? the big offensive is such a concept, well, let's say, it applies if it is the release of the big ones territory, some large territory,
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let's remember what happened on the right bank of the kherson region, how gradually, step by step, conditions were created so that the presence of russians on the right bank was critically suicidal for them. and at the same time , there were no global large-scale military operations with such a global offensive on a wide front , etc. 24th year, also dismissal some territories on the left bank. if we are talking about another part of our front, i.e. zaporizhzhia region, donetsk region. luhansk oblast, the border of luhansk oblast, the administrative border of luhansk oblast and kharkiv oblast, these will mostly be defensive-type hostilities, and as for russia's ability to seize
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new territories of ukraine, it will be able to do so only when it has the opportunity to transfer something some pause, to accumulate resources, in the situation in which ... the military-industrial complex of russia is now, it can compensate for losses, sometimes almost to zero, ah, and compensating losses to zero is not the accumulation of resources, that is, not the creation of new units for large-scale offensive operations, because let's see what is happening near avdiivka, near avdiivka, where several armies, combined forces, more than 40,000 in number, are trying. to occupy a small city, if we are talking about a region, or about such a city, for example, as kharkiv, a city millionaire, then for its occupation, both
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the region and the city itself, they will need much more than for avtiyvka, and this is a completely different resource, a completely different potential, which the military-industrial complex will not be able to provide, of course, if there is no long-term pause in the war in bo. actions, and we understand that any liberation of our territories on any scale will be possible only in a situation where we will have constant support from our partners and we ourselves will develop our own capabilities in this sense. on the other hand, in your opinion, can russia open a new direction, but if not even to open it, because the currently available resources are not enough, just resort to destabilization somewhere in the sumy oblast, say. well, they constantly do this along the border with sumy oblast and kharkiv oblast, they constantly expose
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the border strip of the border area to shelling with 120-82 mm mortars, these are daily shellings, sabotage and intelligence groups of russians are constantly operating there , our counter-sabotage units are hunting them. it's happening 24x7, so... can you scale these processes so much that we're already small now and we will simply be forced to stretch the forces on an even longer front in terms of weapons and quantitatively in terms of human resources. and no, we currently have three dangerous, conditional television stations throughout ukraine. this is the north, the border with belarus. this is the northeastern location, the border with the russian federation, the sumy region, the kharkiv region, and this is the odesa region, on the border with the so-called
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transnistria, and there is a concentrated number of units, forces and means necessary to prevent to hold the defense in case there is some unpredictable aggressive actions may occur, and at the same time. therefore, in order to carry out an invasion of the sumy region or the kharkiv region, it is necessary, accordingly , to accumulate forces and means on the part of the russian federation, this is constantly being monitored, and it is impossible to do it suddenly imperceptibly, and today they do not have such an opportunity to inflict such a large-scale strike with the aim of capturing sumy or with the aim of capturing kharkov, for this it is impossible to do even at... today under the conditions that have developed, somehow imperceptibly, to them it is necessary to accumulate for this, well, at least somewhere around 30-40,000 personnel near the border, and this, of course, means
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displacement. axis, their concentration, that is, it is not done very quickly and imperceptibly. thank you, thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political observer of the information resistance group, was in touch with us. we 're going to break for two minutes now, but don't switch because there are a lot of interesting dialogs. ordinary things become unreal. heavy bags are not for my sore back, for back pain, try the cream longitude dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with the cream dolgit, whatever you want, i will lift. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. oh, there are no potatoes, will you bring them? and already, the donkey caught something. i remind you, you have a vivisection of dr. tice and you get up to work again. ointment with comfrey is a german ointment for
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joint and muscle pain. oops, comfrey restores movement, soreness in joints and muscles, a natural remedy with comfrey from dr. tice, also try dr. tice's comfrey warming cream, a proven remedy. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. channel espresso and ukrainian pen present
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the project, their own names from myrosl. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and, in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, the topics will definitely be relevant, the guests special, proper names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. "i knew that there would be a war. evacuation trains were organized, and these trains went through kyiv to the west, a lot of people went to the carpathians, everyone understood that the carpathians are far away, and the chance of rockets arriving there is very small, there we are the first met maria once
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. you can't get out here with an ordinary car. a shelter is a shelter. it's a shelter from disaster. it's a shelter from genocide. it's preservation. it's preserving oneself in order to preserve the future. this is the preservation of others who, together with you, will rebuild this future. we have to be strong, i tell myself this every day, and so that we can help others.
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we continue the saturday political club on the espressa tv channel by khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. in this part, we will talk about what is happening in the united states and the problems that ukraine has because of it. immediately, we must note that we are innocent here, there is an absolutely specific political process going on inside this one
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countries. and this political campaign.


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