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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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well, yes, but these are small pieces of territory, still in the sea, it is not there, there is no land border, when there was a land border between japan and russia on the island of sakhalin, everything was even worse, but it is not there now. well, uh, how does this basically affect our future life? in principle, we have a closed border. or we agree that russia can do so. to do, well, as georgia has de facto agreed in principle, russia controls abkhazia, south ossetia, but russian citizens have a visa-free regime to georgia, tourism is more important than all these things, they somehow trade there, they have, well , they have direct air connections , they don’t have diplomatic relations, by the way, the whole bottom, they already have everything, they can’t even restore diplomatic relations, because these territories don’t allow it, fine, but we have an even worse situation the situation, as you understand, because...
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well, there is a problem here, well, the real problem of khrystyna is for the future, because we will most likely live with a closed border with russia, as armenia has been living there for decades with a closed border with azerbaijan and turkey, that is, this way is the east, it is for us not needed now, because we are at war with russia, but i am talking about the global future, it will be closed... closed, there for life, because it will always be clear that if we start to restore diplomatic relations with russia, then we are silent we agree that it has the right in its constitution to have , to have our territories recorded, that it can be like that at all, imagine a different situation, that we have not returned control over these territories, we have some kind of truce with russia there, peace... there is a political agreement not to
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attack, but they control part of ours territory, it is written in our constitution and in their constitution, what i am talking about is, by and large, a deadlock situation, political, not military, and we definitely understand that this is how we live, we are a country that is completely turned towards the west, and we don't have all these economic opportunities that we and russia could have, all these roads from china, all these provo products. such a future for our viewers, let's say, yes, about such a distant, distant perspective, not now , no, why not far, she, it's not far perspective, whether the war will end next year, we will have this kind of economy, this kind of economic life, we lived differently, it was a different economic life, gas pipeline transits, do you remember how many discussions we had about it, how many billions it brought us to the budget, it will no longer exist next year and that's all, ukraine is no longer a transit state, our role is as a transit country. from east to
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west ended, that is, you understand what this means, it is very simple economically, imagine a railway, in fact, i saw it myself eyes, there was such a famous railway in austro-hungary, which went through metallo, from the metallo ore plants in slovenia, which were in jesenice, to the port in trieste, it was all austro-hungary, and now it is scan. such a small road, there is an ordinary slovenian railway, a big railway, and if you go up somewhere in the mountains, this one goes - between several settlements in slovenia, a railway that used to be a trans-way to the port, you understand, because the port is in italy, iron ore plants long ago either closed or reoriented to the countries of the former yugoslavia, and no one needs this road, it is in a dead end, it is just very... beautiful, oh, you are driving, my god, what
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a landscape, how good that there is a railway here, and it was not built for beauty to see, and in order to earn millions of dollars or whatever there were then, what was the railway, a monetary unit in austria-hungary, well , look, you are talking about a situation when, i just i will live until tomorrow, like they say, and survive as a country and have at least some kind of economy and at least some, through such actions, that's how and... which maduro, like putin, is bringing the situation to a dead end. so we found ourselves on this, on this railway in a dead end. and where does the train from the mykhailivskyi hut go next? nowhere. here is the final one. not a single train goes any further here, of course, just like at the lybotska metro station. we have flooded this part of our economic life. and maybe forever. and it's simple, because he didn't just occupy our
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territories there, he didn't just declare them some republics there, because he annexed them and recorded them in his specially so that in any in this case, no matter how events develop, drive us into this and that role of the neighborhood. if not our own , then european, and we were not a neighborhood, we were a transit state, and it must be understood that these actions of his are aimed at depriving us of this status, that even if we want to become a transit state, we cannot, therefore that he stole the territory from us and wants us to recognize it, recognition of territorial realities, that's just an interesting story, which looks much more accurate on the example of guyana. because that's what sekibo is, wonderful beautiful a natural park that overlooks the ocean , where there is oil, and if madura seizes it, what will it be, a marginalized area where oil cannot be extracted, because all this will be under sanctions, venezuela itself will also be
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under new sanctions, its it is not known where the oil will go, by the way, about just to clarify, venezuela and the sanctions of the united states will return all this. in which case, of course, it will intensify, and not return, it already is, they did not cancel the sanctions, it will intensify, well , will venezuela then think about its actions towards guyana, i just don't see it, he thinks, that's what madura thinks, why is it important for him to become president, or to sell oil, i think that the presidency is more important, if you are president, you will somehow grow from oil, and if you are not president, what difference does it make to you what you sell and what you don't sell, you need to protect the government, well , let's imagine guyana after that. which was like this and became like this and which was always the poorest country, one of the poorest countries on the continent, suddenly got an opportunity development, and growth there was a good economist there was 40% per year every year, for three years
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in a row, people finally got, very similar to ukraine, the opportunity to live normally, the guyanese government finally took my investment, an opportunity. to invest these revenues correctly and all that, and that’s all, we live in a part of the territory, in a military conflict, we have some un troops there, if russia and china are allowed to send them there, and we actually live in such a world that we i will absolutely not ask if we are not doing anything bad to anyone we did, that's all, this territory was inherited by us, the guyanese inherited it from... the british empire, we did not conquer it, by the way, this territory of the ukrainian ssr was inherited by the ukrainians from the soviet union, we did not win it back from russia , we didn’t go anywhere, we didn’t come to crimea with ukrainian troops and say go away, ukraine will be here from here, no, it’s our imperial
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heritage, just like russia’s, its territory is an imperial heritage, the republic of tovina has nothing to do with russia point of view international law and that in general. buryatia, china, i’m sorry, china, the chinese empire , were always considered until 1944, you can see the maps of the world on all the maps, this is china, but what, what, what, what should russia do now , give back to china in this situation, it would be by the way, it is not bad for lithuanians, well, look, we now have a world, here and there, there is annexation, the desire to occupy, grab the neighboring territory. for various reasons, and of course, for countries, big players, and democracies, it would probably be more logical just not to give opportunities for such precedents to appear, but for this it would be necessary to go back in time and punish russia for crimea, well, in my
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subjective point of view, it is possible, and russia should also be punished for georgia in 2008, and we can walk like this with you for decades back. but a precedent has been set and this is a working scheme, and if some madman appears somewhere in the world, he applies for this scheme, what are the ways out of this closed circle? i think looks very unpromising, i think in 1991 that you had to think how the situation with transnistria, or abkhazia, or south ossetia would look like, and it was necessary to clearly demand from russia in exchange for recognition of its independence. in order for russia to agree with the need to restore the territorial integrity of the former soviet union, it was necessary to resolve the issue of western karabakh, and not to leave it to russia to deal with all this management of the situation there, which still
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ended badly, you know, for the people who live there in this region, it became a disaster, if in the 91st year the west demanded yerevan and baku, so that they sit down at the table of changes, agree, create. there is a clear scheme of the autonomy of the armenians in azerbaijan, that when there was no understanding of how its borders would look in general, when these countries themselves were not sure that... as sovereign states, well, these were possibilities, no one took it to do, everyone just rejoiced , oh, how good that the soviet union did not disintegrate the way yugoslavia disintegrated, yes, we used to tell these fictions here, i think i once told that in december 1991, at the end, i invited to dinner before the new year of his yugoslav colleagues, journalists from the former yugoslav republics , which, which... were no longer yugoslav at that time, they were already sovereign states, and there was already a war going on, but they and i communicated with each other, they
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communicated with each other, that's how it is looked strange, and i say during this dinner, well , you see, we can at least raise a toast to the fact that the schedule of the soviet union, which you and i are only we, because only the journalists of the union republics of the ussr and union yugoslavia knew that it everything will fall apart, everyone else thought that gorbachev's union would be renewed, that is, we were actually... the only ones who understood the real process, because we lived in multinational states, unlike all the others, and we knew what their price was, and that's what we were waiting for and they were afraid that it would go according to the yugoslav version, that it actually ended peacefully, that we managed to move peacefully to the creation of our states, and here my croatian colleague says, congratulations, maybe you just don't have true independence yet, i 'll remember that i've been working for the rest of my life, that's what i thought this is the most accurate analysis, probably if we came out of this situation peacefully, and kravchuk and shkevich also said that if we did not
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sign the agreement, there would be a war with russia, that is , they believed that the russians had such an attitude that they simply signed the cis agreement, they postponed the situation there, that the russians decided that nothing would actually break up, well, but if they realized that they actually broke up, it is not known how they would have behaved even then, and they behaved like this in the end ... to behave when they realized that they are simple they were deceived there in 1991, that they were deceived instead of the future union state, in which they sincerely believed, ukrainians cannot do without russians, no, that was such an important moment, in 1991, 1992 this moment was omitted, because everyone should have asked yeltsin, why are you supporting in transnistria, we live in democratic russia, you should help democratic moldova, not create a quasi-state there. and to say that moldova should restore its sovereignty to its territories, why are you suddenly forbidding moldova to defend romanian
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language, why can't you achieve that this teraspol region is part of moldova, why do you keep your army there, what is happening in general, no one talked about this, and then it was definitely like that when there was chechnya, and i'm not talking about yugoslavia, think what if milosevic hadn't been invited to dayton, where he actually signed off on the... ethnic cleansing of muslims and croats in a large part of bosnia, because you understand that this bosnia is this republika srpska in bosnia - it's just the territory of ethnic cleansing, then there would be no kosovo, but when it became kosovo, there was no place to play, because everything was decided then, here is the genocide in kosovo, we cannot once again accept the genocide, like last year, for the second time, well, then we mean damoga. to declare independence to show what
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the consequences of genocide can be, well then russia says, well, fine, and i will do the same for you in abkhazia and recognize their independence, and that's it, and after that there was no turning back, it was one mistake on the other hand, and very unfortunately, we are now at the epicenter of these errors, so that really now nothing to worry about, huh. talk and and and if we say: oh, you know, we understand how to correct this mistake, we know how to correct the mistake, now the war in ukraine will end, this is called correcting the mistake, no, no one even thinks about it, everyone they are just thinking how to end it with the least losses, but no one is saying, we have to do something global to find this new world order so that there are no disabled countries like... ukraine, georgia and moldova. and everyone else is completely indifferent. remember that when we were not a country
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a disabled person, but we had an absolutely equal situation with transnistria, in general. both to the people and to the authorities. there were many who supported russia's actions in transnistria in the 1990s. of course, not in the 90s and later. our so-called patriots fought on the side of transnistria. and so, like the future fighters for independence. from chechnya fought against georgia in abkhazia, ugh, that's how it was, that's how it was, igor smirnovy, the head of the taraspil regime, they didn't hand over the wallet after they were arrested in kyiv. in kyiv, not in moscow. and i can cite such examples for years supported the russian position on the transnistrian crisis. so the question arises, why did we think that this boomerang would not return? let's discuss a few more important topics with you. we don't have much time left. the verkhovna rada adopted draft law 10281 as a basis as a whole, which
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provides for changes to some laws on the rights of national mercenaries, taking into account the expert assessment of the councils. of europe, this is a step towards negotiations on joining the european union. briefly, what is written in the law: privately owned higher education institutions have the right free choice of the language of instruction, which is an official language of the european union , while ensuring that persons studying in such institutions also study the state language as a separate academic discipline. the right to use the language of the national minority in the educational process alongside the state one is guaranteed in the classes for teaching in the languages ​​of the national minority communities, which are the official languages ​​of the european union, and persons who belong to the national minorities of ukraine, whose languages ​​are the official languages ​​of the european union and began to acquire general secondary education until september 1, 2018, actually have the right to continue obtaining such an education, in accordance with the rules that existed before the entry into force of the relevant law. stefanishyna, olga stefanishyna, this is the vice
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-premier, the prime minister for european and euro-atlantic integration assures that there are all safeguards in place for... russian propaganda did not manipulate and did not try to insert its narratives, but in fact this is a step to meet hungary, i i understand correctly. this is of course a step towards meeting hungary, which has no meaning, because the prime minister of hungary viktor orban clearly said that ukraine cannot be a member of the european union and negotiations cannot be started with it, because it is a corrupt state. he already a few weeks ago, we just didn't notice it, changed the narratives, he no longer mentions transcarpathian hungarians, because he understood that the laws will be changed, maybe. precisely in order to demonstrate this position orbán needed to change these laws, because i always said that in fact this is not a story about the transcarpathian hungarians, and in fact the transcarpathian hungarians have all the opportunities to learn one's native language, and in fact at the moment nothing has changed yet, because all this was postponed regarding the languages ​​of the countries of the european union, it seems to me
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that it was postponed every time until 2024, so nothing has changed there yet in zakarpattia, but... we we see that as soon as the prerequisites for the hungarian veto disappeared, orbán found new ones, the whole story is about this law, and the fact that we are passing it now, we are demonstrating something to hungary , or after all to the european union, the european union, because in the european union union, the rights of minorities are respected, and i just believed that the law that existed, which allowed representatives of national minorities to learn their own language and literature. and cultural traditions to respect, but at the same time to have equal opportunities with ukrainian-speaking citizens of ukraine, say when entering ukrainian higher education institutions, it was more correct not to create people of different types, this is the same as what i once said about the law kyvalova kalisnychenko, everyone here perceived it as a law directed
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against the ukrainian language, and i always perceived as the law is directed against the russian-speaking community of the country, because if you leave. the state language is ukrainian and in the civil service and in other places you require knowledge of the ukrainian language and in a whole number of regions you allow this language not to be taught, in fact you drive people into reservations, they can no longer be civil servants, they simply appear somewhere a glass ceiling, like used to be for the french-speaking population of canada, which you cannot penetrate, because you do not know, because you simply have a resident, if you live in the kharkiv region, here a person lives in poltava region, you have different competitive opportunities. they wanted to drive the russian-speaking population into a regional reservation so that it would always vote for them , to create such an artificial reservation of its electorate, and at the same time it was fine , you know, like vadik kolyasnichenko, who always came on the air and asked: will this be shown in crimea? no, we are not broadcasting to crimea now, well then let's talk in ukrainian, this is absolute cynicism,
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cynicism, because let these little people vote for us, and we will know ukrainian here. because we know it in order to occupy all the highest positions in this state and that's all, and they, this russian-speaking pleps, which we specifically do this, elect us ukrainian-speaking thieves, in order for us to rule this whole stupid country, that's the logic for you, and i thought that it was absolutely wrong, and the same with these changes, it preserves a certain part of people, but again it is not known whether it preserves, because we have already seen the hungarian district in transcarpathia, where 90 children of the choice of their own parents went to ukrainian-language schools, precisely because these parents wanted for them the future in ukraine, if a father wants his child to have a future in hungary, he will of course send him to a hungarian-language school, we will not do anything here and... and this was also an absolutely obvious moment that determined people's choice, and what these changes will actually do and what
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i don't like them, they will eventually destroy various regions like transcarpathia or bukovina, because the people, relatively speaking, hungarians or romanians, romanians to a lesser extent, but nevertheless, if they continue to learn, uh, in languages, languages union, and will be close countries of the european union, there will be a country after the war, in a difficult state, difficult, then of course, they will go to study in the neighbors, to the neighbors to do it, this is how i recently read one of my acquaintances, an acquaintance who was at the premiere . in one of the theaters of hungary, where they played, an actor, a star , of the hungarian theater, one of the biggest stars, but 20 years ago, how many years ago we admired
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this beautiful actor, the star of the uberegovo theater, and now he is the main star of the budapest scene, the budapest, not kyiv, you understand, because it was an actor of the hungarian national zbergov theater, one of the strongest theaters of ukraine and europe, but the next step in his career was the stage of budapest. and this scene in budapest will be like that for a lot of people , it's just that others will not be actors, but will just be there, i don't know, managers, engineers, whoever you want, in hungary, and as a result, hungary will get rid of this important part of the diaspora, and we we will get rid of our compatriots who could develop here, this is also a consequence of our european integration, and in not so in european countries, because, to put it bluntly, italy conspires. its german -speaking community in tyrol, huh, and creates such conditions that people live there, and not move to austria, well, as an example, the germans nurture their
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multi-language communities on the border with denmark in schleswig, that's what, frankly, worries me , because any european country is strong because of its own history and diversity, do you really believe that there are safeguards in this law, in particular, so that the russians do not manipulate? and how are the russians with them potential minorities, russians are the largest national minority in ukraine, this is how they think, they really consider themselves an indigenous people rather than a national people , we will have to deal with it one way or another , they said, this is an absolutely inevitable process, it will be a condition from the eu for us, it seems to me, i don't think so, no, if there is a war, there will be no agreement, this is a matter of peacetime, yes. but this will not be a story about the russian-speaking population, you understand, it will be a story about how many people on the territory of our country will consider themselves ethnic russians, well, they may
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not be, by the way, just as there will soon be no ethnic ukrainians in russia, you see, there is a replacement, russians and ukrainians, here in these border regions, are so adaptable, adaptable. that ukrainians, if they feel danger, mostly feel they are russians in russia, it is not announced, but ukrainians feel as a result there are millions like, uh, but there is no one there, there are some small ethnic communities, or there are associations of 50 people, as i remember , when we were creating it all there, and russians are beginning to feel themselves ukrainians. and they may simply not want to, that is, in order for there to be a russian school where russian language and literature would be taught, there are people who would like it, non-russian-speaking ukrainians,
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but i am a russian, i am an ethnic russian, i want to know the language of my ancestors, and if a person does not think that these are his ancestors, but thinks that he is a ukrainian, you can't impose the mentality of a russian, well, that's it, we don't know how it will be, i think that most likely the russian minority in ukraine and the ukrainian minority in russia, sorry for... it won't happen, no because people will just think of themselves differently, and it's already happening, you know, i think you can think of a lot of people you know who consider themselves ukrainians, but are actually ethnic russians, so you just don't if you think more, that's all, and this is a natural process, strangely enough, precisely in such territories, a huge number of ukrainians became poles in poland after the second world war and... never mentioned that they were ukrainians. anna valentinovych, this is a great example of this, the person who founded solidarity, the fact that she is ukrainian became known in the last years of her life, she was always polish.
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even in their self-awareness, somehow a person does not think about it, because it is dangerous, a huge number of ukrainians in tito's yugoslavia, when there was a quarrel between tito and stalin, the proclamations, began to feel themselves rusyns, as a separate nation, although they were not part of those rusyns, who came to the voivodeship there 300-4 years ago, or 200 years ago, and remained rosyns. few continued to consider themselves it was dangerous to be ukrainians, it was the same here, and all the rights were there, but no one looked at themselves as an agent of the nkvd. ugh, political processes very often affect nation building, so when we say that russians can declare ethnic russians the largest territorial, as you say, national minority of the country, they already emphasize it, they have to find them, they still
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declare ukrainians as russians kherson if we go to the kherson region, where 90% of ukrainians live and say everything here is russian so how do we here in ukraine understand who is russian and who is not russian, we are all russian, if we are all russian, then we can all be declared ukrainians. ugh, and if not all russians, then how does it turn out in the zaporizhzhia region, all russians are all russians in the occupied part, but in 60% of parents choose the ukrainian language of instruction for their children, and why? and in russia they agree with this, if they are russian, why do they learn the ukrainian language, it is schizophrenia, russians must first give up this schizophrenia, and in order to see russians, ethnic russians as russian, one must
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first see what ukrainians are. and i will elaborate on that, ukrainians learn ukrainian in schools, and russians, a minority , an ethnic minority, must learn russian, but if we are all russians and the ukrainian language, a dialect of russian, well, we all study in a dialect, what's the point, well we have such a funny dialect, we are all russians and we are learning dialects , but where are the russians, where are they, this is a huge problem for the russians, you know, they will need you... to take the first path, the first step, to say that there are ukrainians, it's a different nation, completely with a different language, but another people lives there on their territory, they are called russians, russian people who love pushkin, and ukrainians do not read pushkin, this is a foreign poet, foreign literature to them, and therefore we want our compatriots to know the language pushkin and turgenev, say this, then
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talk about them, but if you think that there is no such thing and that it’s all simple, well, nothing , then what are you worried about, hungarians don’t say that ukrainians and hungarians in transcarpathia are one people, they speak clearly, all people are hungarians, hungarians by origin hungarian speakers, we want them to preserve, well, of course, we are talking to them about these people who are, let’s say, hungarians, ukrainians of hungarian origin, and ukrainians of russian origin do not exist from the point of view of russia, because all we are the same here, we have to speak the good language of the house, the language of the house of medvedov, that's all, a little, a little bit distracted from the informational picture of the week, but as for me on very important, fundamentally important things, vitaly, thank you, thank you khrystyna for this conversation, let's hope that everything we are waiting for is still those decisions that we also need in washington in...
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all the best to you, friends, and until our next meetings, good luck and victory. greetings to all viewers of espresso, annaeva melnyk is with you, this is news and i will start this issue with the following: russians attacked beryslav in the kherson region, a 46-year-old man was killed, another was wounded, the national police reported. a 61-year-old resident of kherson, a woman from...


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