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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2023 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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mohammed bin salman feels that the americans offended him when i say the americans, specifically biden, and the democrats, the top of the democratic party and channeling their interests, the democratic pro-democracy press, such as newspapers such as the los angeles times, the washington post, the new york times, and you remember how they called him a murderer and accused him directly of the murder of that same turkish-saudi journalist, pachukji, aka hash.
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normalization with israel, it is a little delayed, but as far as i know, contacts israel and saudi arabia continue, and he wants, no matter how, to put all his eggs in one basket, he shows that he is already such an important independent player, say, no less than erdogan or the prime minister of india or the chairman. thank you very much, serhiy mykhdal, former officer of the international police department of israel, security expert.
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was in touch with us, we held on, i would even give such a semi-lecture, which takes place in a broad sense in the middle east, touching not only on israeli problems, but also around israeli problems, i would also listened for a long, long time, but, you see, khrystyna parubiy interviewed denys kryvenko, who heroically sang to bakhmut, lost his limbs. and with the complex imputation of these limbs, he works in a rehabilitation center, inspiring others with his example. let's listen to this story and take a break for a while, then there will be a short advertisement, and then we will talk about latin america, we will not talk about it very often, we mention it, and there about now the ukrainian president in argentina, and we want to know , what is he doing there and in general, how is it there...
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looks like politics in latin america, now the plot, and then the advertising. i'm just saying, using my example, i'm saying that if you have one leg with such an amputation, you'll be without mercy in a month. my name is denis krylenko, i work as a first contact specialist. when the war started, i was at home and my relatives called me, asked to call me, but when i woke up, they said that the war was writing, well, no , you came up with something, then i went out into the street, to the noise of planes flying, flags raised, and news read, and on the 28th. march 18 at 7
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hours in the morning , i was already in losichanskaya . someone battalions, someone repair equipment as a driver, met ten guys from faruch, they say, we are a type of voluntary assault in the companies, i can, i will go, and somehow we got to know each other, then he says you will also storm, also such idiots who voluntarily left, denys for three months, kryvenko defended the luhansk region, the first point being rubizhne, then nizhny and toshkivka. they turned out to be my
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compatriots when they were 15, or so it was, and we somehow one by one, and i was afraid, you know that now you will go forward and you will be covered from behind, and never well... they are afraid to go to the assaults on the position, it comes out, it wants to fly, well, calm down, because you know that will, they were lost in numbers, there were fewer of us , but we constantly beat their assaults, after intense fighting, his unit was taken out for recovery, after a short rest luhansk region again, this time to defend ustinivka, all civilians were there by the 9th.
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after luhansk region, denys kryvanko got to the kherson region, where he repaired machinery, tested a foreign one, in november the guys... gave a few days to rest and went to bakhmut. and i had a little hunch that something bad was going to happen, as it turns out, i had already arrived in druzhkivka, donetsk region, on december 24. and so it turned out that our response group was assembled again, and sent to the first position in buckmouth to leave the fire station there, they stayed a little for a week somewhere. on the second week, when we were standing there in the suburbs, they started to come to us, tanks and shot through the street, because
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we lost a little posapti, they had the height, i remember that it worked out, he studied us here on the sides and in front, they wanted to take us at the end, but we started to pull back. i willingly say, yelling my sleeping bags, i say, things, i say, more cartridges, i say, that’s it, let’s go, i just went out to follow the guys who crossed the road , i’m running across the road and there’s an explosion in front of my feet, an sp, an anti-tank, went off at me, and immediately, well, as i remembered. the leg is gone, this one was twisted and the guys really wanted to save it, but it didn't work out, the guys said that i said goodbye twice, i don't remember it, but i remember that i was laughing there,
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and when i was already throwing it into the pick-up truck, then he said, "you still sang the national anthem, sang it, he said, and the fak showed me to the evacuation point, they brought me to the evacuation point , they transferred me, they anesthetized me." denys underwent rehabilitation in vinnytsia, but due to a complex amputation , they did not give him a chance for prosthetics there, he was given hope to walk, but he was given the opportunity to go to the superhumans rehabilitation center, the most important thing is that they began to adjust that i would have a corsek, because the hump is short, there is 4 cm bones
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remained, and i came to germany, they wrote me a tulip, everything is fine, no need for this one plastic is dragged along. denys does not lose his optimism, has a hobby, gets a tattoo and is studying to become a psychologist, and also works as a first contact specialist in a superhuman company to show by his example that even with complex amputations, life goes on. khrystyna parobiy, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. for more than half a century in the heart of the capital, at the corner of shevchenko boulevard and khreshchatyk street
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, there has been a tall monument to lenin . it was the overthrow of the lenin monument in kyiv called. the tsyug reaction across the country, which was later called the lenin fall. they rejoiced, people took hammers, well, when they knocked him down with a crowbar, when they had already knocked him down, people there directly led dances, collected pebbles as a memory, took pictures, well, that was really what lenin was for, he was a symbol of the ussr. in 2013, attempts were made to demolish the almost four-meter pedestal of ilyich on basarabka at least three times, the first two times the law enforcement officers resisted. but already on the third they just watched. lenin in the center of kyiv dragged everyone else along with him. only during
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in december 2013, three more of these were demolished in ukraine. they overthrew lenin and felt everything, now let's overthrow yanukovych. indeed, viktor yanukovych fled within two months, and since then the process accelerated, and monuments to soviet figures began to be torn down in the southern and southeastern regions. in particular, in 2014 , the second highest lenin in ukraine fell in... kharkiv, decommunization officially began already in 2015. thanks to the package of laws, it was possible to remove thousands of soviet toponyms, names, memorial signs and monuments. first de-russification joined the deradinization of the full-scale invasion. so we finally got rid of not only lenins and stalins, but also pushkins and chkalovs. after the full-scale invasion, everyone... it became clear that there should be nothing
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russian in the capital of ukraine, there should be no russian propaganda, there should be no russian symbols, we have enough of our own heroes. the capital, as of the end of 2023, is 98% free of colonial signs and figures. in particular, several high-profile and long-awaited demolitions took place this year. motherland is mother lost the soviet coat of arms from its shield, and... pushkin finally disappeared from the crimson park, they even dropped the horse rider, for whom leonid kravchuk once posed, they promise not to stop there, the paton bridge, a few more that need a long time there, and we have several dozen more commemorative plaques, which will be removed literally in a few days after the decision of the city council. in order to leave a memory of the atrocities and colonial policy of russian figures, they planned to create a museum. of monumental propaganda, however, later he was forgotten, but not forever: everyone, even
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the overthrown plinth has its own owner, mostly local authorities, so the dismantled workers, stakhanivites, soldiers and poets are in temporary storage, after the victory they still plan to implement a museum of totalitarianism, be it the soviet regime, today as such a museum of totalitarianism there or from another there is no name, there were indeed thoughts. to create it on the territory of the former vdnkh, but this is the site that i mentioned, namely the aviation museum in the zhulyan district, it was also considered as a possible place for organizing such a space, and it is possible that after the end of the war it will be organized there. for 10 years after the fall of the soviet granite leader in the center of the capital, his so-called... greatness finally dissipated during this decade, ukraine acquired new, real heroes who
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now have to fight with the new russian leader. kateryna galko, oleksandr purlevich, andriy varstyuk, espresso tv channel. problems with the joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of long joints. these are bags with collagen and vitamin c for recovery. articular cartilage lengthens the joints, contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on the health of the bones. longitudinal joints facilitate motor functions. stretch your joints, move freely. porto shakhtar on mego. the battle in the dragon's lair will decide the fate of the miner. will the miners be able to reach the playoffs of the champions league? find out on december 13 at 10pm exclusively on megogo. yaznicki on the mefevinka 10.
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finland there is no monument since the 22nd lenin and even they had one. lenin , and then he was renamed, so that's it, and behind me is the new president miley, the president of argentina, you see, he has such a hand, he shows it like this, he is satisfied that he won the election, and now ivan will appear before us fechko, research program expert of latin america and the caribbean, foreign policy councils, the ukrainian prism, and we already see it, mr. ivan, thank you for finding time for us. and my first question for you is quite general, what do you think , i understand that you cannot ask questions about what will happen tomorrow or what will happen in a month, but i ask, excuse me already, in your opinion, we understand , that sometime in the 70s , there was constant strife in argentina, then
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juntas came, then they killed people en masse, well, almost en masse. then they have crazy crises, then inflation is crazy, then it is corrected, against this background, by the way, since the 80s , argentine wine began to appear in europe, and now you can buy it in ukraine as well, which means that they also somehow care about the economy , but the presence of a new president, it can somehow calm this turbulent country argentina, can we expect... that there will be normalization, that there will be no more honds, inflation and all kinds of people who, well, it is not known what they do in the positions of president and and and and the parliament, ugh, well, given the expressiveness new president, and his character, it is difficult to say that argentina will calm down, but whether this will bring it an improvement in economic
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terms, we will of course see, in general, today, in fact, two historical events have taken place, firstly, it has been 40 years... today anniversary of how democracy was restored in argentina, here, and it is also believed that today was the election of the first libertarian president, so in the history of argentina, so it is quite possible in the history and the world in general, and probably connected with these, with what related to the election of havir miley, this is due to the huge disappointment that existed in argentine society, according to official data, inflation in ukraine was 140% at the time of the elections, 40% of the country's residents were below the poverty line, it is obvious that for many... years in power were representatives of this peronist ruling force, with whom javier miley had to compete with their representative sergio masa, who, by the way, was the minister of economy under the last government, which, of course , did not play into his hand either, considering this difficult situation. well, by the way, and just like javier miley, in his election campaign, he emphasized on these steps
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that the system needs to be radically changed, and many of his ideas were really very radical, probably because of this he became popular, in general, even abroad, and because of which the attention to the argentine elections has increased so much, well, in general, in short, these are his less radical statements, it was about canceling the national currency of the peso, instead of introducing the dollar, that is he too proposes to abolish state subsidies, at the expense of which a large part of such a predominantly poor population lives, many of his ideas are also very radical in foreign policy, i think we can also talk about this, well, of course , the question arises, how much is it to him it will be possible to do, because first of all, you still have to understand that he does not have a majority in the parliament, on the one hand, argentina, like most latin american countries, they are presidential republics, and the president , he is also the head of the government, and javier miley, by the way, he has already practically formed this government, but completely, by the way, reducing the number of ministries very much, which was
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also one of his pre-election promises, this reduction of the state apparatus to the maximum, well, but still his party. .. it has very little 10% in the lower house, 15% in the senate, so of course he will have to make certain compromises, in particular with other rights, forces in order to promote his ideas, which will immediately force him a little so more so act in such in a calm tone, it is possible that many of his radical ideas will not be implemented immediately because of this, but in today's inaugural speech, it seems to me that she showed very well in what format they will take place in the future. javier miley, he just chose such a style that he does not analyze the situation at all, he directly said that the situation in which he takes the country is very difficult, he even mentioned the inflation figure of 1500%. he declared that the situation would continue to deteriorate, as he said something that had not happened in 100 years done, he won't be able to change it in one day , but shock measures, they will start right now,
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and the situation will definitely change, but he asked the argentines to understand that they will have to, as they say, tighten their belts, that's what the situation will be difficult to get out of it, but all these actions, in fact , these libertarian reforms, which he promised during his election campaign, he just emphasized them once again. that it will be implemented, including the abolition of the state national bank in ukraine, on reducing as much as possible, in general, the influence of the state, the state on internal processes, that's why his party is called that, look, yes, 100 years ago argentina, by the way, ranked ninth in the world in terms of gdp, and now i don't know what there are 50 or something unknown, mr. zelensky went there, i have such a tricky question for you, the president... came to the inauguration, and i then have the following question: and latin america and argentina, in particular, they, a long time ago, i was once in those
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regions, and i then realized that they were living on the globe, but somehow, very much a big fence between them and the rest of the globe, they have their own problems there, their own relations there, and they are grappling with each other there, they are clarifying these relations, and what is happening in europe, what is happening in africa, it's very far, if in brazil at least somehow, because there are many blacks there, that is , africa somehow, no, no, no, no, no, no, well, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, africa is not indifferent, then there, for example , argentina, chile, there is a white population, they do not know at all what is keeping them there in that, on that globe, so... this visit of the ukrainian president, who is at war with russia now, and it's obvious why he went there, and it's not like throwing beads before pigs,
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it's not throwing beads before pigs, well , that is, what can we get from argentina, from brazil, from chile and so on and so on, when they have their own, their own wedding there and they are there among themselves, and we are here, tell me what you think, so look, well, first of all, the situation has recently changed and latin-latin america, it is now much more integrated into world processes, it became interesting to her, and it is very strongly connected in the format of integration processes, and in general there is active cooperation, including both with the european union and with asia and africa, and precisely what was the biggest problem in ukraine, it is not that and latin america closed itself off from us, because it 's their own world, of course, and ukraine's problem was that during the period of independence for about 30 years, we were completely, well, to put it mildly, ignored. attention to this direction, it was not developed at all, at the same time, like the russian federation, it not only she inherited all the legacy left by the soviet union in the form of huge
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diplomatic missions, embassies, and then she added her influence at the expense of a huge propaganda campaign, including all the propaganda ones that appeared there, of course this also applies to politicians , whom she bribed and so on, that is why such a situation arose that when a full-scale invasion began. and ukrainian politicians, they turned their attention to latin america and other countries of the world in search of support for, at least to diplomatically first condemn the russian invasion, well, but the problem was that there were really few people in that part of the world who knew us, who understood our problems, what was happening in general, and therefore we started to simply make up for what was not done for 30 years of independence, of course it is a difficult job, on the one hand, argentina, like most other latin american countries, they formally... voted for our initiatives of the united nations organization, they condemned the russian invasion, but they did not get any more help , well for with the exception of certain such humanitarian moments, but, for example, sanctions
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, for example, a more decisive condemnation of russian aggression, what ukraine wanted, they did not implement, and moreover, this is the previous president, who is no longer the president, alberto fernandez, he he was putin's enemy there, but recently they met in china, which of course does not show that argentina really was on the side of ukraine. now the situation is starting to change gradually, ukraine is starting to build relations with latin american countries, to what extent perhaps, the fact that havirmilei became the president of argentina, this without exaggeration can be a big breakthrough, the visit of the president of ukraine to this inauguration was also a big breakthrough, by the way, this is the first visit at such a high level by a ukrainian head of state since 11 of the year, and already today president zelensky managed to hold a number of international meetings, primarily with the president of... such countries as paraguay, for example, santiago peni, uruguay, luis po of ecuador, daniel noboa, and obviously there will be another meeting, but they are already in on the sidelines, they talked with a great friend
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of ukraine, the president... gabriel borych, who had already supported ukraine before. here, and all these questions that arise? well, first of all, this is support for ukraine. these are security issues that concern a wide range of issues, including, of course, defense and defense cooperation. yes, of course, we understand, this is a priority for us now, despite the fact that there are certain difficulties with latin american countries. this is, of course, an addition to the ukrainian peace formula. and that's what haier miley offered during another phone conversation i think this issue will be discussed even now, it is the holding of the ukraine-latin america summit in argentina, this is the format of the meeting at the highest level, where ukrainian representatives, including the president, should meet with the leaders of the latin american countries in order to show them the real situation in order to convince them, to support ukraine, this is the idea, it arose as early as february of this year, but of course, it requires a lot of effort to implement it in view of the large the distance between our states, that's it...
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in general, for this high format of the event, we had, we have allies in the region, such as guatemala and in central america, but of course argentina is a much more powerful country, with a political including influence, that is why we hope that this meeting, which is taking place now, will also allow this summit to be held, which will be our great diplomatic victory, and also at these meetings, questions of such a practical format were raised, such as, for example , digitization, but ukraine is ready to share this... experience, in particular we have already contacted and helped implement certain necessary mechanisms for digitization in colombia, but it is obvious that this issue is in demand in other latin american countries, where the situation with this is still lagging behind, just the ukrainian experience can be interesting, and of course we understand that foreign policy is impossible without trade issues, this issue was also raised, despite the great distance between our countries, there is still a great
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a list of things that... both are interesting to us in latin america, and are interesting to latin americans, well, this includes agricultural products, and relevant and all these things are similar related to this, including, for example, it technologies , well, ukrainian technologies are spreading very strongly in latin american countries, of course, this was also raised, this is cooperation in order to strengthen it even more, i have a question for you, i have never heard that, but from... i heard you and i want you to explain, for me always, i so old that i remember that the word guatemala was associated with constant coups and juntas, so when they said that the state of things was very bad somewhere in the state, such a fail state, they always said: well, this is guatemala, and you say, this an ally of ukraine , and why, by the way, this just struck me , that is, you say that in the west indies there are...
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allies and guatemala, why is there some student under the government who studied in kyiv or lviv or odesa , what why? and this is really connected primarily with the position of the president of guatemala, alejandro jamate, moreover, this is the only leader so far who personally came to ukraine at the time of the full-scale invasion, this visit took place in the summer of last year, and in general, and guatemala, it has become our so... biggest ally, including joining the issue about the crimean platform, and to the issues related to the implementation of the peace formula, this is largely connected with a number of issues, again, if we return to the figure of alejandro giamatea, it is known, for example, that glotymalsky's colleagues also shared that that he is very negative regards russia to putin, but there was a certain story related to some kind of
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blackmail, let's say. yes, and in general he was close to the issue of the defense and territorial integrity of states, which also resonated with him in the format of ukraine, let’s say, so he also actively supported, plus the relations that the united states was supposed to foster, for example, in in this context, they would also interact, so it is because of this that you see, in general, what i wanted to say in the previous answers, that latin american countries are countries of contact diplomacy, in order to sway them to your side, it is very important to really communicate, to convince, to establish some personal connections, and so on, because these are the issues that they have a role to play, so hotomalo thus became a really close friend of ukraine, mr. ivan, i have to interrupt you, excuse me, please, i would really like to talk about the relations between the bolivarian republic of venezuela and the cooperative republic of guyana, but there is no time, but i would ask my co...


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