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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2023 9:00pm-9:30pm EET

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complex politics, which , let's say, also prevents the americans from making a decision, and let's not forget that the americans were against the behavior of the crown prince, to whom they attribute the murder of the saudi journalist khakshuge, who was, his body was cut up in istanbul, or we are definitely not i know, in istanbul and in saudi arabia itself, parts of him were quartered and this was transported. everything is in saudi arabia in erriad, that is why there is such a complex policy, complex considerations on each side, here is a certain pressure this prince on the americans will agree to his condition. tell me, do you believe that saudi arabia and israel will be able to return to the reconciliation process after all this horror? and i will explain, there is an interesting moment that happened recently. a few
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weeks ago, a meeting of the league of arab states and the organization of islamic states was established, and at this summit the crown prince and the minister of foreign affairs of saudi arabia announced that the normalization process has been stopped for the time being, but it is not going away from the agenda of saudi arabia, that is, in this situation, the saudis understand very well that they will have to somehow... saudi arabia against hamas, against these extremist movements, like hamas, like islamic jihad, they see this as a threat. the second point, the conditions of america to make deliveries of those weapons that are needed by saudi arabia and to give some protection in matters of security to saudi arabia, their demands that they establish relations with israel, so this is common here interest, we are interested. these relations
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, moreover, saudi arabia will not accept the position of qatar, which supports hamas and other similar organizations, saudi arabia still has a problem with iran, it is not their friend, it is our common enemy, let's say, israel. in saudi arabia, to this is added the problem of the hussites in yemen, who are shiites, and who, if you remember, bombed the oil... wells in saudi arabia, there was a rather serious military problem there, and the hussites declared war on us, they are trying to shoot at our southern part, at our resort in eilat, the americans successfully cope with this, and we also successfully cope with these bombings, that is why there is such a very complex architecture, a new architecture that the americans are trying to create in the middle east, and if so... well, state
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secretary blinken says that israel will decide the issue of ending the war on its own, but this is also what state secretary blinkin told the ukrainians, you yourself will decide when to end the war and start talks with russia. well, i think that, of course, let's say this, a lot depends on ukraine and israel, and therefore, if the americans insist, my assessment is based on previous experience and what we see today, if the americans insist on the cessation of hostilities actions , then we will have to agree at some point, because without the help of the americans we will not be able to continue military operations, here is our experience in ukraine, too, i think, we must take into account that on the one hand, america certainly helps, and america -
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a reliable partner and a strategic partner for both ukraine and israel, but if america advises or insists on something, then we have to live with it and listen to it, and this is already a question of the negotiation process, how to get something else from the americans, what it's time to continue these military actions in our case, with ukraine it's a slightly different situation, but it's impossible... arkady milman, diplomat, political expert, former ambassador of israel to the russian federation, and now we'll move to latin america, let's talk about happening now on this continent with olesii odkydach, an expert on latin american issues. from the analytical
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center of adastra, congratulations, mr. oleksiy, good evening, so let's try to understand in general, president zelensky is in... argentina at the inauguration of possibly the strangest argentine president in the entire history of the country, although it seemed to me that the presidencies of argentina are already more strange , than those that were, it is difficult to imagine, but it turns out that the argentine nation, it is able, as i said, to radiate political activism, and here is such an incredibly strange person miley, who is called a quasi -capitalist, an ultra-liberal, these are all very strange definitions, let's see how all this will turn out in reality. but they were never interested in what was happening in buenos aires in kyiv, i think that few people know the last name of the previous president of argentina, and they only know argentine politics from musei cloevita about the wife of the famous president of argentina , juan peron, by the way, just the candidates from
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the peronists and lost to mr. mileya as a result of this whole musical, and that's it the president of ukraine is there, why and how important are the meetings he is currently holding with leaders. american countries, which do not and cannot influence, especially the war with russia. i would say that these meetings are important, because this is the first time that the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi for the first time, i am not sure the president of ukraine as a whole, for the first time in many years visits this continent, and he has a physical opportunity to meet with the leaders, today it was also hav is from argentina, and the leaders of paraguay, uruguay, ecuador, he will meet with the leader of chile, gabriel vorych, that is, this is a... unique opportunity to meet these leaders, they do not visit european venues, they have not been to ukraine there, for example, before the war, as was the case with many european politicians, why are these meetings important? because it 's all diplomacy first of all, these countries, they enter a bunch of different platforms, it's the un, it's the peace formula, it's various pan-american
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associations and organizations, it's all diplomacy, it's all pressure, it's all potential sanctions to which these countries can join, so i i think that it is a unique opportunity to meet with... all these leaders together, well, it was impossible not to take advantage of it. speaking of what is happening today in latin america itself, how much do you think the election, mr. miley, will change the political picture of the continent? i would say that the southern part of south america was missing, argentina was missing that important part of the mosaic, because we have a neighboring country behind argentina, chile. very pro-ukrainian, the president of this country , gabriel borych, supported ukraine, there are two small countries, uruguay and paraguay, which are oriented towards boenes, which are oriented towards argentina, and argentina in the middle of them took a neutral pro-russian position, well , depending on how to interpret it.
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now, chile and argentina will be two powerful pro-ukrainian vectors in this country, they will drag uravai and paraguay along with them, and as a result we will get four countries that will actually act as a single block, they can. partially influence there bolivia, peru, ecuador, the leader of ecuador visited miley, argentina, met with volodymyr zelenskyi, that is, we hope to influence this country as well, and thus already quite a large part of this continent is becoming much more pro-ukrainian than it was. if we talk now about what is happening between venezuela and guyana. such an absolutely amazing thing. which , it seems, has never happened in the history of latin america, again territorial claims, again the possibility of a new war. how do you assess the real such changes in the situation, really venezuela can attack guyana to
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to annex a part of its territory already with words, not words, but reality. you know, many, many people believed in the invasion of russia on the territory of ukraine, now. everything is real, and venezuela can do that, it has actual capabilities, it has a fairly large army, equipped in many ways with russian weapons, compared to guyana, these are unreasonable mobilization potentials, armed potentials, guyana turned to brazil, to the united states, to support her, guyana and the united states announced joint military exercises, let's see, maybe this containment of this diplomatic pressure will be enough to hold venezuela back, but the fact is that these venezuelan claims are recent... at times they actually arose on equal ground because the two countries had a normal diplomatic settlement process going on between argentina and chile as well there are territorial disputes, they resolve them absolutely normally in all court processes, and suddenly venezuela almost unilaterally annexes these territories, proclaims a new state,
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appoints the governor of this state, i.e. very drastic, unexpected actions are taking place, despite the fact that the relationship between the president of venezuela maduro, who is... in fact a usurper of power, with the biden administration was relatively good, the biden administration was thinking of lifting some of the sanctions on venezuela so that venezuela could sell its oil and drive down the price for oil and... how to harm russia, iran, and suddenly venezuela almost declares full combat readiness and wants to annex the territory of neighboring ukraine. i believe that this is a direct consequence of russian influence in this region. in principle, you are not do you think that maduro is somehow looking for special arguments before the presidential elections? so you say that he has a good relationship with the american administration, but that's because he agreed to fair elections, and fair? you have to win somehow, it's a falsification for you, a relatively fair election, i don't think
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it was about open and pluralistic elections, in fact maria carino machadon, an opposition candidate who really has authority, who could really defeat maduro in open elections, she was actually not allowed to elections, she was on various grounds that she was leaving the territory of venezuela there, did not live there for a certain period of time permanently in venezuela, she was not allowed to participate in the elections, so the elections will actually be without... alternative, i think, in relations with the states, there was such a cold calculation, you need to bring down oil prices , you can lift sanctions from venezuela partially, and accordingly it will give results, but really for maduro, as a person who is still looking for some legitimization, a small victorious war is a good recipe, another matter, what the deterrence of the united states and the likelihood that the united states would intervene in that situation could deter venezuela from doing so, eh? can the united states intervene, especially considering the fact that oil wells are already being drilled there,
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acsonmobil is actually participating in all these projects on the territory of guyana, and this is how it will look now, venezuela is occupying foreign territory, throwing it out of here western oil companies, nationalizes all these oil fields, what both madura and his predecessor as president of venezuela, hugo chavez, and that the united states will be watching. and say: well, well, what are you going to do, we can’t fight for venezuela, in theory they can, because venezuela, on the one hand, in theory they can, because they need to defend their interests, and it is obvious that latin america, in general america, yes, even there since the time of the monroe doctrine, this is what the united states considers to be, well, to a certain extent its territory, let's say that, and the other thing is that it is a complex country, a complex geography, quite distant from the united states, it will be difficult for them to disperse. focus on ukraine, the middle east, latin america and at the same time think about taiwan, asia and so on, so
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this is a very difficult situation, i do not know what decision the united states will make in this sense, similarly venezuela can agree with the united states states, where exxon mobil may be nationalized, they may not be nationalized, and hugo chavas had a pretty good relationship with guyana, he did not hinder development. oil in general in fagayan and american companies in particular, so it is very difficult to predict the situation here. well, listen, in any case it will be a violation of international law, but from the point of view of venezuela, guyana, the united states, there is a lot of room to play with this international law, because in fact the border between the two countries is not recognized. there was an arbitration in 1899 that venezuela did not recognize, it was a long process. since 1966, there have been various negotiations, different formats, in the 2020s
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it reached the international criminal court, and the parties began to put forward different arguments, various hearings were held, but the border was not definitively defined, and it was, what exactly is the united states or guyana defending, or what exactly is venezuela violating, and therefore this situation can very easily be used, saying that they have the right to the territory, they must. .. come to an agreement peacefully, but venezuela really needs it, so let's draw the line there a little in favor of venezuela. this is a very convenient situation, and just as it was, for example, with crimea, yes, russia violated a bunch of international rules, treaties and so on, but in fact the country of the west, if it had agreed to this, they would have imposed sanctions, but they did nothing fundamental to return crimea back. well, that's true, but it was still a long way from latin america, wasn't it? it is not the same thing, and then, i apologize, there is already experience. there is already the experience of crimea, well, you are right, they did nothing, but there is already the experience of what happens when you do nothing, i think,
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in the case of venezuela, the bet will still be made that it will be restrained from any aggressive actions, here brazil can play an important role as a factor, and colombia, and the united states, and so with collective diplomatic pressure, they will still be able to contain venezuela, i think that's what the biden administration will be betting on, because if it starts with... the states will have to step in, if, that's a bad scenario for them, if they don't intervene, that's a bad scenario for them too, they'll have to choose between bad and worse. and tell me, what is brazil like? military conflict with venezuela, do you really think that president lula da silva is ready to use the army to help guyana? i doubt about the army armed confrontations of some kind, i think that luladava is more likely because of his rather left-wing positions, and a relatively soft approach to maduro may be a unique key here that
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will help hold venezuela, because of all the leaders of latin america and, in principle, of the world leaders, lula well, almost the only one. who tolerates maduro, who said that he would restart relations with venezuela, that they would resume diplomatic activity and so on, and here coordination with the united states and with brazil, that is, with political and diplomatic measures, i think that because of the authority that lula has, and lula is also an important player for venezuela, because he is such a certain outsider, because he is the only leader who is somehow ready to listen, to accept maduro, and say... in in such a situation, it can be generally assumed that this war, it is not inevitable, that it will be just such, i would say, a sign of venezuela's attention to the guyanese territory, but the territory will remain under the control of guyana, anything can happen, but we live in such a time, when absolutely everything is possible, it can be
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armed conflict, it can also be pressure on guyana to give in and hold a meeting. line slightly in favor of venezuela, but with a slight shift to guyana, that is, there are many options and factors that affect this many, here are the actions of the lula administration, here are the actions of the biden administration, here are the actions of the maduro administration, their internal factors, their external factors , and therefore it is impossible to say that the conflict is imminent or inevitable. thank you, thank you, mr. oleksii, oleksii otkydach, expert on latin american issues, analytical. we talked with him about what is happening in latin america , at an unexpected time, by the way, we were talking because , as you know, thank you, mr. oleksiy, as you know, now the president of ukraine is in latin america for the inauguration of the president of argentina, mr. miley, this is such an unprecedented moment in the interest
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ukraine to latin america, but of course it is connected with the fact that ukraine is trying to find the support of many countries of the world. and in its position regarding resistance to russian aggression, and in its position regarding support of the very idea of ​​territorial integrity. of ukraine and latin america has different countries with different ideas about how the situation should develop in the future, there are countries that support countries, there are countries that maintain good, close relations with the russian federation, even enter into joint alliances with it, such as brics , this applies primarily to brazil, of course, one of the most important. countries of the latin american continent, well, in any case, it is obvious that the results of this visit will be delayed from the point of view of the interests of ukrainian diplomacy and statehood, will give signs already on the post-war prospects of ukraine. we 're going to break for literally a few minutes now and continue our conversation, so stay with us, don't switch. problems. joints
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of christmas will definitely come to your city. picardy tertia to good people for health. live sound. there are discounts on valerian bulgarian 15% in pharmacies plantain for you and save. i knew there would be a war. vacation trains were organized, and these trains traveled through kyiv on west, a lot of people went to the carpathians, everyone understood that the carpathians are far away, and the chance... a shelter is shelter, it is shelter from
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disaster, it is shelter from genocide, it is preservation, it is preservation of oneself in order to preserve the future, this is the preservation of others, who together with you will rebuild this future, we must be strong, i tell myself this every day, and so that we can help others. it is very good that there is a training course, both basic and professional, because a person can reveal his potential and provide the most effective benefits for the defense of the homeland, this is such an important decision, and everyone makes it independently, but i think... that everyone needs to decide where he wants to move and in which country he wants to live, for example, in our vault there are many people doubted whether to go
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or not to go, were mobilized, but when they came here, when they came to combat coordination, when they learned, thanks to our instructors, they revealed, according to this under the newly adopted law, first they get the opportunity to finish school, if they started school in language classes only. minorities, then they graduate from this school with the exclusive condition of national minorities, secondly, after this, they receive training in their schools again of national minorities, the language of national minorities will be taught, with the exception of a few subjects: history of ukraine, history of the ukrainian language, history of ukrainian literature and the protection of the motherland, that is, in principle, i believe that these are sufficiently large concessions for these national minorities who live compactly, and we see that already there is a reaction from the romanian national minority, which... the representatives of the romanian national minority, who expressed their satisfaction that this is what they demanded, but on the other hand, we could have written these norms into laws from the very beginning,
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in fact we could have whether or not they could, in fact they could, in fact it was the subject of quite such long discussions, where the balance between ensuring the rights of national minorities and preserving their language and culture and giving their children the opportunity to integrate into ukrainian society, because otherwise in the event that they do not have such an opportunity, then... unfortunately, we will lose those children, they will leave ukraine, well, in the end, we will lose one or another national minority, tentatively the hungarian national minority, whose members cannot to integrate into ukrainian society , in the end, they will probably leave ukrainian territory, because they will be able to pursue a career exclusively in hungary, but on the other hand, i saw statistics that many parents of students of hungarian origin in transcarpathia chose the ukrainian language for their children education in this situation, when it was possible to continue studying hungarian, because... and this law provides for the possibility of absolutely such a choice, that is, in principle, if desired , representatives of national middle classes have an absolute opportunity to study
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the ukrainian language to the full extent and in this way, in fact, if they see for themselves, the possibility of integration into ukrainian society, to make a career in ukraine, to receive a higher education in ukraine, that is, it was important to leave this bridge for them, and we perfectly understand that these were such concessions to the prime minister er... to orban, in fact, these were negotiations and this was the position of europe, and we had to show europe that we are ready for things that will show that we have no problems and that we are not trying to somehow to oppress national minorities, if it is about orbán, i am sure that he did not mean the protection of the hungarian national minority, because for him it was only one of the reasons to block the integration of ukraine into the eu, and now we see positive feedback from representatives romania is next in line dissatisfaction from the representatives of hungary, so they say that there is no real return anyway, so what we have to do to satisfy them, i think we will not satisfy them, because that's it, that's it
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, we have to forget about it, unfortunately, because i am sure that no matter what conditions they put forward, no matter how they are satisfied, they will still put forward other conditions, that is, it was important for us to communicate our readiness to cooperate precisely with the representatives of the european union and show it precisely to the representatives of other european union countries. inappropriate behavior of the hungarian authorities, but tell me, there were two bills, as far as i understand, there was a bill from the authorities and there was a bill from the deputies, including from the opposition factions, how did they differ? oh, here the problem is much more serious, because unfortunately, our government decided to hurry up with this bill, and despite the fact that when it was still being prepared, i personally and other friends of mine who are in the topic tried to reach the government, that let's get involved in the work on this draft law, understanding its sensitivity, we were not heard and... that's how it was a bill was registered that simply left holes for russification, these are amendments to the law on media, which in fact made it possible to later use this law specifically for
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the russian language, amendments to the law on book publishing and book distribution about advertising and so on, that is, what we managed to do as a result of such heated discussions at first, and then normal work, is to close precisely these colossal holes that remained precisely for russification, and what is most unfortunate is that it mostly looks like that it was not some bad intention of the russifiers in power, it's just, well, excuse me , incompetence, misunderstanding of the material being worked with, and in a hurry, it was necessary to quickly put a checkmark on what we did, then we threw this law into the parliament's field, and let the parliament bother with this law. it's good that we still managed to build a bridge between the parliament, the government and representatives of the public and get out of this situation, because time was very short, and we perfectly understood that the plenary days that were, exactly them, exactly this whole thing should have been passed these days a package of laws that are needed for
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european integration. that is very risky, but i would still like to understand, you know, if we talk about the future, the russian language is not in the plan, the language of the so-called russian-speaking ukrainians, which vladimir putin talks about all the time, how about his arguments there regarding the attack on our country , and as for the language of ethnic russians, what is russia for an ethnic russian, let's say who... lives there, i don't know, in izmail, if he wants to learn his native language there, and is different from an ethnic romanian who lives there in solotvyno or from an ethnic hungarian living in berezh, this is still a serious discussion, which, in fact, we still have, that is, we essentially bypassed this discussion, because in our country the absolute majority of these norms concern the languages ​​of the countries of the european union, but we perfectly understand that we will still have to go through this discussion and the statements that i am hearing now from
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representatives of the authorities. they sound very patriotic, that we do not have a russian national minority, but we understand perfectly well that these are just loud and beautiful statements, we have a russian national minority, more moreover, it is written in the constitution, that is because article 10 refers in particular to the russian language as the language of a national minority and that is how it is, so it is obvious that this is the problem that we will have to additionally solve, well, when so let's say the hostilities will end there, with different political beliefs, they may not like putin, they may... believe that ukraine has every right to fight for its independence, but it's just that their native language is russian, not because they are russians, ukrainians, and because they are just russians, i think that then the situation will be a little different, after all, right now there is just the biggest threat that the russian language can be one of the weapons of war in this war, then the situation might be different, then it might be easier to sit down, develop and to think what to do with the russian national language itself, we can create a literature program for such people there,
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well, we must be ready to perform such a task for ourselves, because if we do not do it, well, it will be the same again thrown from somewhere outside, maybe from another from russia, but from russia, and this may once again be a reason to use it as a political tool to influence ukraine sometime in the future, so it is better that we deal with this issue, and it cannot be that the majority of those of ethnic russians who live in ukraine today against the background of this war will simply consider themselves ukrainians. absolutely, this is a matter of choice, and well, we all, i think, and in your circle of acquaintances, and in my circle of acquaintances , there are many people who made this conscious choice , actually for political reasons, not because they are afraid to be russians, and because they are ashamed to be russians, and because for them now to be russians is to choose not only russian ethnicity, it is to choose something like xenophopolitics, russian politics, it is xenophobia, it is some kind of russian peace and so on, so and...


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