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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2023 7:30am-8:01am EET

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to the kherson region, he will come and work here, but i can’t comment here, maybe the person bought a house for his parents, and maybe also about the car, of course, the houses are different, the cars are different, volunteers meanwhile say that it is very difficult now to collect some fees for the military, and there are a lot of needs, and they especially say that... december, january is a very difficult, difficult period for volunteering, and they will note that people have really started to donate less, more that, those who volunteer, great volunteers and small, they talk about the fact that in social networks, their friends who were subscribed to them are slowly unsubscribing, and there is a question, of course, that someone, for example, is also procrastinating, maybe they want some... or
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something else, or some a bigger house, but postpones it until after the war, because he understands that there are other expenses, there are other needs, where the money can be directed, someone is taking care of his own well-being at this time. mr. oleksandr, what is happening in the occupied territories, in henichesk, skadovsk, oleshki? well, nothing much changes yet. and the russians continue and mocking, and here, if we talk about communal services there, then in many districts there is no light under the guise of some emergency work being carried out there by the local authorities, then many are now without light, including in the genichevsky district.
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many settlements there are not there either, but most of this is due to the storm that happened a month ago, and they still cannot connect to the network in many settlements, while people complain a lot about the fact that the bills are too high and just there is no light, but payments. one goes, and even where people had, and still have, meters, day and night, then even there, huge bills just pass, if they don't pay, people cut off their electricity, well , nothing changes in principle, in some settlements the occupiers leave, but this is most likely a rotation, then when they leave... from these houses where they lived, where
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they seized and lived, they take out almost everything, furniture, as usual, toilets, there, appliances, everything that was there, and it continues in some, in many settlements, people are also threatened with deportation, if not they receive... a passport, also the repression against those people who did not receive a passport has intensified, constant searches, phone checks, in an attempt to find out some position there, whether they are adjusters, constant calls, it is very difficult for people to live, on alas, i don’t have a russian passport, i’m there now, after reading... well, i’m reading the collaborator
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of this balance, well, that’s okay, mr. oleksandr, you can read for work, you have to for work , and maybe you don’t want to read, but we have to , to know what is happening there, and here is the collab saldo wrote that two days ago , a regional festival of talents was held in genichesk , called with love for one's family, and there is even a beautiful, beautiful photo from there. these are girls in cossack costumes in trousers, i understand, with russian flags, i just look at it, i just do not understand what is going on in the minds of people, that is , girls again, in cossack trousers with russian flags, i just, and then the boys come out in cloaks and with bells on their heads, there are also some caucasian costumes and then there are russian kosovar ones.
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short and all in heaps, i understand that they are trying very hard in kherson, in kherson region, i apologize, they are trying very hard in henicheska in the occupied territory. somehow, i don’t know, to create some new reality , mr. oleksandr, some new reality where there is no place in ukraine, yes, well, there are a lot of these measures, well, what, what, what, if we say there, what the russian occupiers are doing to the occupied territories, they do not do there, they do not provide medical facilities with medical care for the population, they do not provide communal services ok, only those that were. until the time of the occupation, they did not provide work for repairs, repairs of roads, but all the events there, they are just like that, well, they very often hold endless, endless, some kind of holidays on their own dates, and i include
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children, there are a lot of young people, and, of course, there is an opportunity to watch the nunnery. ukrainian channels, ukrainian, i don't know, ukrainian to get any information, is there now only through the internet, only through the internet, because there is not, of course there was a tower, a big one in the area there, just genius was, but unfortunately it is now under occupation, the occupiers have rearranged their system, unfortunately, it is no longer available here. where our coverage does not reach, only in rural areas, people somewhere on the left coast can watch t2 digital television, or you can via satellite, but there the russians also control what people
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watch, so only the internet, mr. oleksandr, thank you, oleksandr telakonikov, the head of the press office of the kherson regional military administration, and what... about what they are doing with the youth in genishchytsk, they held a lesson at the school for students of the seventh grade class, seventh, what i would come up with, i don't know, it's like that, i myself studied in a class, here something like this. well, there was a lesson on numbers, and this is such a lesson that is part of the all-russian educational project, and the main topic of this lesson was cloud technologies of using them for searching, attention, tegenichesk. yes, but there the students were looking for a snow leopard in the mountain reserve of altai, the wide country of my native country, so to speak , that is what they teach, they actually teach what mr. oleksandr says, that all kinds of concerts and events take place, in fact it is
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there is just such a planned zumbing and re-impersonation, conversion to the faith of the russian world, something that is not mine. it is good to do what we are not very good at doing, well, we certainly cannot convert to the russian standard, but somehow, the ukrainian world would be good to learn, somehow to bring citizens who are not quite conscious to their senses, and to explain what ukraine is and how ukraine differs from russia, and that ukraine, in which some values ​​of the russian world remain, is no longer ukraine at all. valentina shultsyu, a deputy of the odesa district council and a volunteer joins us. good morning to you, how did odessa and odesa sleep well, good morning, well, as in the whole territory of ukraine, now i am reading the news, it was reported that 18 shahedes were launched, and all of them, they were
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shot down, most of them in the mykolaiv region there was also an air alert in the odesa region, and there was a threat of martyrdom in the odesa region, oleg. thank god, everything is calm, fortunately everything is calm, in the meantime, the capture of odessans who are trying to hand over the deployment locations of the defense forces continues, that is how such an enemy agent was caught in odessa, he received reward, and moreover, as a reward for his services, he demanded funding for nomination from the deputy of the verkhovna rada. what is the convocation, this man has a plan for life, have you heard anything about this man, the agent, who is he, what kind of man is he, i heard, they wrote about it in the news, they wrote that he is the director of a sort of ticket
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shop, so you see how with a ticket-taker can become a people's deputy, well, at least such a person had such dreams, well, we see that the security service is constantly working. especially in the southern area, because well, maybe because of the fact that in here we border several countries, and... all such agents end up in the south, and therefore almost every day we read reports that one or another agent has been detained in odesa or in the south. and there are many such residents who are ready to work for the enemy? well, i can't say how many, well, almost every day, in the news, we come across that the security service exposes some russian telegram. channels, some such agents, some people who
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gave uh, information to the russian special services, well, that, well, unfortunately, is in the south, on the account of many such people or few, i can't say, eh, well, i know for sure that odessa is a patriotic city, i can say, it's because of the volunteers, because of the people. who help every day, who weave lights every day , give aid to our army, and who switch to the ukrainian language, because among my friends from odessa there are a lot of people who switched to the ukrainian language, who communicate in the ukrainian language after february 24, 22- th year yesterday, by the way, on sunday, the fourth candle was lit in odesa in honor of... the hanukkah holiday several hundred people gathered on primorsky boulevard, reports dumska, you see this
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moment, and odesa is an extremely important city for ukrainian jews, and it did not happen by chance, vitaly pornikov once told me about it, that it was for the time of the soviet union, even in russia , it was a place where jews could live, just resettle. there, that is why it became such a small city promised, conditionally speaking, for tsarist russia, a daughter of those territories of tsarist russia, than how important this holiday is now in odessa, and how is it celebrated? well, you know, a lot of jews lived and live in odessa, that's why... constantly celebrates such holidays, but i can say, well, on a large scale, but i can say that
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not only jews, our odessa is a multinational city, and therefore, even there you can see almost every day some commune or community celebrates some national day, some national holiday, and it's very nice, even as the bulgarians celebrate march 1 there, they hang these marcheshors on... trees near the opera house, so i'm very happy, that so many nationalities coexist in odessa, and everyone brings their own flavor and contribution to our victory, and this is wonderful, they also contribute to the flavor of the transfiguration cathedral, the italians want to contribute, they say that in december the first economic tranche should be approved, which will be directed to
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the restoration of the cathedral , is there already some kind of movement starting there, mrs. valentina? well, for now, i don't know what kind of movements there are, maybe the deputies of the city council will tell you more about it, but after the attack, the people of adesi all came out to help each other there. is everything debris and conserved this building , that's all i know so far at this point, and i know that the delegation was, looked at the effects of the shelling, and that they made a commitment to help, to renovate this cathedral as it is now operating, i wonder, the grain corridor, is it working, or are they entering? do the ships carry grain and other products?
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the grain corridor is working, when there was a storm, there was a danger, the mine was a danger, and now there is news that we can show off that the patriot air defense system has appeared in odessa, that 's why i think that i think that it will affect and positively still cereal. corridor, because not only civilian objects will be protected , but also critical infrastructure objects, because recently, this is the number one goal, it was our ot... odesa ports, so i hope that such air defense systems from our western partners will appear in every region of our country. i think that st. nicholas this year received an unusually large number of postcards from odessa with one inscription: "we want a patriot." he thought that it was just that everyone wanted more to speak ukrainian in odesa, but in reality it was the same
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is also very important. thank you very much for this conversation, letyna shuts, a member of parliament was with us. to the district council, mrs. valentina, thank you very much, and may the sky be peaceful and may the patriots, and people and rockets help in this. we are going to take a short break, then we will come back and talk about what happened in kyiv last night, why there was no air raid warning and what damage the russian rockets did. more on that later, stay tuned. attention - an incredible novelty from rozpak tv: super warm and very comfortable alaska boots style. perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska stayle boots have a universal design and practical black color. therefore, they will fit both men and women. sizes from 36 to 46.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. it. the ship district is included live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new one two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your... opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. i knew there would be a war.
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vacation trains were organized. and these trains went through kyiv to the west, a lot of people went to the carpathians, everyone understood that the carpathians are it is far away, and the chance of rockets arriving there is very small, that is where we met maria for the first time , so you cannot get out here with an ordinary car, a shelter is a shelter, it is a shelter from a disaster, it is a shelter from genocide, it is preservation, it is the preservation of oneself in order to to save the future, it is... others who will rebuild this future together with you, we must be strong, i tell myself this every day, and so that we can help others. dear friends, we are back on the air, continuing our marathon and our roll call,
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now kyiv will be in touch with us, we will ask about the consequences of the night rocket attack by russia, the spokesman of the kyiv city military administration, mykhailo shamanov, is in touch with us, we are adding him to our broadcast, and i congratulate you. mr. mykhailo, please tell us what kind of destruction was caused by the missile attack, because we know that there are, and there are also injured people, what about these people? well, yes, today the enemy once again tried to hit the capital of ukraine, approximately according to the scenario, as exactly a month ago, on november 11, ballistics were fired in the direction of kyiv and today at four in the morning, the russians also delivered another blow to missiles of a pre -ballistic type, but... the exact, actually exact type of these missiles that flew at the capital, the air force will already indicate, they have already stated that it was eight whole, forces, means
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of air defense, hit all enemy targets , and according to the information of the head of the kyiv city military administration , colonel-general serhiy popko, as a result of the work of the air defense forces and means, there was a fall of ranks in the darnytskyi district during the repulse of missiles. four residents of bortnichy were injured in the attack a 92-year-old man, he received cut wounds to his lower limbs, he was given first aid on the spot, and three more women of different ages, they all have different acute reactions to stress and help was also provided on the spot, there was also information on telegram channels regarding the fall of the ulanka in holosivsk. area , but it was not confirmed, the call was false, people mistook the steam rising from the pipe for a fire, so everything is fine there, and we constantly
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update the data, that is, the operational data of the summation, it is updated and clarified in to our telegram channel, once again we must thank the forces and means of air defense for their excellent work and do not forget those who protect our lives every day. a lot of my friends who are in kyiv write about what was loud, but they did not hear the notification about the air alarm before that, why did it happen. yes, it's true, first there were explosions and then the air raid alarm went off. we all perfectly understand, well, that is, accordingly, the air force will answer what type of missiles it was, but we must understand that ballistics is very fast. especially, for example, if we assume that it was launched from the northern direction, that is, from belarus, and well, for example, again, this is an assumption, as,
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if we recall january 14, 23, when the russians used s-300 and s- 400 , which have a very high speed, so the air warning system did not have time to go off, and if, well, for example, the system, the anti-aircraft missile s... 400, which is modified to hit ground targets, it flies at a speed of about 400 km/h, you can imagine how far it flies 200 km , so it’s hard to say, that is, why the air alarm didn’t work, i do, it’s good that the forces and means of air defense worked, so if you knew here , of course you shouldn’t complain, i have i mean, of course, the experts will... work on this issue, how it can be fixed, but we have what we have, it's a war, so, unfortunately, you see, and it happens, we are extremely
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grateful to our forces air defense for the fact that they actually destroy these missiles and in this way protect our lives, for that there is a huge thank you, i think that once again everyone, every kyivan remembered these people in their prayers today, but there are those people, er... citizens of ukraine, who really want to know where the positions of the air defense forces are and in every way are they being tracked, or were there those who tried to track and surrender the positions of our air forces to the enemy this night or somewhere in the past? well, you know, thank god, i hope for such people, and judging by the information field, there are fewer and fewer, most likely in... after almost two years of war, actually shelling of ukraine and the capital continues, and in the end people realize that the
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power of anti-aircraft means to remove the work. first of all , it is dangerous both for yourself and for those soldiers who protect our sky, and accordingly, i will remind you once again that this is a criminal liability, because people can simply, well, you know, i already talked about it on the air that when ballistic missiles were shot down over kyiv, instead of announcing an air alert in advance, people instead went down to... the subway, that is, it was almost in the center of the capital, they tried to film how the air defense forces work, but then they also made excuses, that is, in the video that the person recorded, she says as an excuse that if i was in a shelter, well, that is, in a shelter, i i wouldn't have shot this video, and that is, i hope that such people have decreased, i mean, that still
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works and... practical thinking, in particular that life is worth more than a few beautiful video frames, and again, if these actions are later recognized in court as intentional actions, accordingly, there will be criminal punishment, well, thank you very much mykhailo, mykhailo shamanov was in touch with us, they talked about the consequences of today's attack, first of all it is ballistics, and it didn't even work. the air defense system, nevertheless, the air defense system coped fantastically well with this attack, all eight ballistic missiles were shot down in the area, well, flom, flom in various areas were hit, debris was hit, yes, which caused destruction, well, but compared to the fact that it could be, uh, what we already know for these two years, that we have studied well, you know what ballistics is, which
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is coming, well, we see. when in fact, in the first year of the war, how it looks, yes , it is terrible, and well, when it is shot down in the air, there are some fragments, then this is still a cheap way , in fact, these ballistics are very expensive, there are not so many muscovites, fortunately, there is not much they can do yet, so you see, they do not regret it, the winter season has begun for them, they want us to sit without electricity, by the way, snow, cold, of course, the muscovites have already started that's all, well, but look, well... somehow it's already 11 december, if we recall last year, then last year we sat on december 11 and for more than one day without electricity, without electricity with bombed power plants, well now we hope that we have prepared well, in moscow there are already much less missile stocks, so that no less , the energy industry also appeals to people to save electricity, so that there are
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no blackouts or emergencies, so, dear friends, let's all understand the situation we are in now, let's be careful with electricity, let's conserve it to keep our businesses running and to keep our country running, which has to survive this war, which has to make money, make money to support our military, and we also have to support our army, don't forget that the holiday is coming, of course, we all want to... feel these worlds, feel this normality, but let's not forget that normality is provided by our armed forces, therefore, first of all, we need to support them, and then with the holidays we will somehow celebrate, when the victory comes, we will celebrate to the fullest, laugh, cry, tears of joy and tears of sorrow, because someone will not be able to celebrate with their families in full, dear friends, we remember this, well, we are getting closer
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until 8:00 in the morning, this means that our kateryna shirokopoyas will tell us the latest news from ukraine, the whole world and what happened there in the last hour, katya, you have my word. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the consequences of the night attacks on ukraine and the blockade on the border ukraine and slovakia. kateryna shiropoyas works in the eteriso news channel in the studio. the air force reported that around 4:00 a.m. the kyiv region was attacked by missiles flying along a ballistic trajectory. according to preliminary information, the strike was carried out from the northern direction from the bryansk region of russia. our sky defenders destroyed
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eight air targets. now. the information is still being clarified.


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