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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2023 9:30am-10:01am EET

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ladies of dollars, here is another interesting question, you are talking about a meeting with congressmen, but should there be a meeting with, for example, trump, zelenskyi, with trump, zelenskyi, with that wing of the republicans who are pro-trump, in fact the pro-trump wing not so numerous, but i think that his representatives will definitely participate in meetings with... it seems to me that the president of ukraine made a little mistake when he said that he was ready to discuss trump's plan and was ready to meet with him, that is now, when zelenskyi will be in the states, i think that the trump team can play on this and try to demonstrate that zelenskyi meets not only with the current american authorities, but also with him.
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well, these are elements of the political game, on the one hand , we can be satisfied that ukraine has become an important issue of the american campaign program, and on the other hand, well, it is very painful for us, and still, i would prefer to see ukraine seek bipartisan support , also bipartisan support, also, well at least... representatives of the government and the opposition, this does not mean that any of the representatives of the opposition should sit in the meeting between zelenskyi and biden, but to hold relevant meetings in the congress, i think, would be good, but at the same time, why not meet like this, if trump can quite possibly become the president of the united states, isn't it better to establish a relationship in advance with all the participants with all the likely future presidents, i think it's not... maybe, first, secondly,
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volodymyr zelenskyi has his own history of relations with donald trump, and it is difficult to today's moment can be called successful. trump feels confident enough, and there is one more point, he is not limited by the status of the president, he can make those statements that will be accepted by his voters, that is, the logic of the election campaign will be for trump to distance himself as much as possible from... the current american government , it is absolutely clear, that is, if biden talks about supporting ukraine, then trump will question it. this is true, not only in american realities, it is in any other civilized country where fierce political struggle is expected. that's why i, for example, in your previous story, i do not share such concern about the fact that trump will come and withdraw the united states. with nato will leave ukraine
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to its own devices, let's not forget the existence of such a category of deep state in the united states, that is, a deep state or a deep state administration that affects american interests and contributes to their protection. if we recall the presidency of donald trump in the 16-20 years, then it still, i think, was not as catastrophic as we now tell ourselves about it. yevgeny , we saw , we witnessed, the world witnessed a short conversation between zelenskyi and orban during the inauguration of the president-elect of argentina. the first step to establishing contacts, can you call it effective communication, is necessary communication, that is, you need to go to dialogue, but viktor orbán is a very experienced politician, and you can count on him for 5-7 minutes. to convince of something is, well, a little
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naive, the issue is that orban is fighting not so much against ukraine, but for the funds of the european union, and he uses criticism of ukraine primarily as a tool. i think that it is more important here, you can be helped by specialists in psychology who can evaluate the facial expressions of volodymyr zelenskyi, i will not be able to help here, unfortunately. we will not evaluate mimicry, but... however, in general, the relations that currently exist between the countries, summarizing like this, yes, can we talk about the fact that it is is happening at the proper level , because it seems that there is no ambassador in hungary yet, yes, is this dialogue now at the proper level and are we now standing on the threshold of the fact that there will probably be an attempt by kyiv to establish this conversation, somehow it can convince orban, no european leaders have succeeded so far, maybe zelensky will succeed. the meeting
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of the european council, which will be held this week and at which they will discuss whether to start negotiations with ukraine on joining the european union, well, it must be carried out. wonder, because already reuters a couple of weeks ago suggested that negotiations on ukraine's accession could be postponed to march 24 . this is quite a realistic scenario, especially since our relations with our neighbors are experiencing crisis phenomena, they have already gone through their path of european euro-atlantic integration, and will accordingly stand on certain positions, however, i still remain an optimist and hope that... ukraine will be able to prove that she can play wide and can play strategically bright, and here it is not only about orbán, it is about significant significant number of european politicians who would like to return to bness as usual with russia.
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yevgeny, thank you, time will tell to what extent your optimism justified itself or not, yevhen magda, director, director of the institute of world politics, was a guest on our broadcast, we talked about the current... international situation and the position of ukraine. the international olympic committee allowed athletes from russia and belarus to participate in international competitions, although under a neutral flag, the decision was made at the executive committee of the olympic committee after four months of consultations. and so the statement says that the international olympic committee condemns russia's invasion of ukraine, but the games cannot solve, i quote, political challenges. the olympic games cannot solve all political problems. and social challenges of our world is the realm of politics, but the olympic games can set an example for a world where everyone respects the same rules and each other. they can inspire us to solve problems by building bridges that lead to better understanding between people. they can open a door to dialogue and peace-building in a way that alienation and division do not. even
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at the beginning of the moc consultations regarding the participation of athletes from russia and belarus, prime minister of ukraine denys shmegal said that ukraine is ready to boycott the olympic games in paris if russia is admitted to them. the belarusians appealed to mok so that these athletes would not be allowed. but the national olympic committee says that ukraine was never heard. for almost a year, together with the partner countries , we fought on the diplomatic front so that this decision did not happen adopted, despite all efforts, despite numerous casualties among the military and civilian population, destruction of infrastructure and occupied territories, our voice was not heard. acting minister of youth and sports matviy bidnyi says that... ukraine will later make a decision on participation in the 24th olympic games after consultation with athletes and the country's political leadership. and also, according to him, ukraine will first review the lists of olympic games participants, and before announcing its participation or non-participation, but member of the verkhovna rada committee on youth
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and sports, olympic champion and people's deputy of ukraine zhan belanyuk publicly stated that ukraine does not need to boycott the games. we have already had the experience of winning competitions where presented. nor the russians in the period immediately after the announcement of the new recommendations by the moc and until july 26 of the current year, when the ministry allowed to speak. the experience of that boycott, in my opinion, showed us its ineffectiveness. athletes lost the opportunity to win for our country and, more importantly, the opportunity to use international platforms to spread information around the world about the war at home, giving the russians that opportunity at the same time. the czech publication reflex reacted to the decision of the international olympic committee by creating a gallery of images with the help of artificial intelligence, where athletes are depicted in allegedly bloodied uniforms. journalists write that they applaud and approve this decision, but on one condition, let the russian and belarusian participants wear exactly this uniform. and then we will talk about actually
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this is the position of ukraine regarding sports competitions, regarding the olympic games, what should this position be? olga seladukha, member of the supreme committee. council on youth and sports, people's deputy from the servant of the people, joined our broadcast, i welcome you to our broadcast, thank you for participating, congratulations kateryna, congratulations studio, olya, well, tell me why in your opinion mok still allowed citizens russia and belarus before the competition, whether it is insufficient ukrainian lobby, or too active russian lobby, whether it is some financial or political issues, why so happened, the cynical decision regarding the admission of russians and belarusians to the international olympic games is actually a blow to everyone's back. ukrainians and all those who want to exclude these athletes from participating in the olympic games, and we see how the sports community turned against us, how we all worked and put pressure on the international olympic committee, specifically on thomas bach, from the athletes, from the media, with which
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the athletes urged thomas bach, that russia is a terrorist country to the highest levels of the state, and the ministry of foreign affairs, and of course the national olympic committee, and the ministry of youth and sports and volodymyr zelenskyi, and the committee of the verkhovna rada, the verkhovna rada, the parliament, we appealed to many countries, and i myself headed the group regarding russian and belarusian sanctions. men , because those who support war, they should not be at all, and violate the charter of the olympic games, they cannot be in any capacity to be at the olympic games, they cannot represent their country and they cannot promote peace when their leaders they kill, rape and commit crimes on our land. and can you explain how neutral status differs from full participation, maybe you as a participant of the olympic games. ihor was observed in practice, what does it look like? russia
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still received neutral status in 2016 at the olympic games in rio de janeiro, when they violated all the rules of the anti-doping agency, they were suspended and only a few neutral athletes who were represented with a white flag, with olympic rings, but were not with russian symbols flags or some logos of the olympic committee. or something else, and the status of neutrality now gives the opportunity to infiltrate the olympic games and also promote russian propaganda through, well, we all know that all athletes in russia are military personnel who do not hide their aggression, who say that we will come to the olympics on tanks, only one country said that, and we understand that if they are also in neutral status, not neutral, they will push their propaganda about... war about war crimes, we've seen it at tennis tournaments, as when
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russian athletes were allowed to perform, as we saw, they carried flags and promoted putin, that is, we understand that these athletes will violate anti-doping rules, they cannot compete honestly at the world level, at any level, taking into account this experience that already exists, should ukrainian athletes, in your opinion, boycott the competition because of this admission of citizens of russia and belarus, taking into account that... that even under neutral status, as you mentioned, there russian citizens will promote certain such and its state interests and the flag and so on, but in the absence of ukrainian athletes, the ukrainian side will not be represented and it will also not be used as a platform for its position in order to talk about the war, cezhan belyniuk says this, of course, it is, they want to use the olympic games for propaganda. my, my two dictators, and i always said that we cannot boycott
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the olympic games, we must go there, raise the ukrainian flag and everywhere to spread information about what is happening in our country, and the boycott should be like olga harland, it should be active and show shamelessness, not the unpleasantness of those athletes who want to enter the olympic games, but it would be appropriate for all representatives of ukraine . were also included in the commissions that , let's say, choose the composition of the participants, which , it seems to me, that they are all complicit, but as they say the olympic committee, that someone there is not involved in supporting the war, that they are neutral, that they are also for peace , but very much it is difficult to say about this, because when recommendations were given to international federations, the olympic committee of russia immediately... added the annexed territory to the olympic committee, for which it was expelled from
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the international olympic committee, and now non-members in violation of anti-doping rules, they have the status neutrality and want to infiltrate and perform at the olympic games, you know, some kind of surrealism that - i don't understand what's going on in the heads of the representatives of the international olympic committee, oh, unfortunately, we only have one minute, however, maybe you know what the prevailing mood is right now? athletes who are preparing for next year's olympics, should they still participate or not? athletes are determined, they want to win, they want to show on the playgrounds, swimming pools, stadiums that we are whole and that no one is waiting for them next to them in the civilized world, in the sports world, that they are bloody killers, and they are responsible for the leadership of their state . olya, thank you for joining, olha saladukha, member of the verkhovna rada committee issues of youth and sports, a people's deputy from servant of the people was a guest of our broadcast. they talked about next year's olympics
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, and now we return to the situation in kyiv , the authorities of the capital are considering the possibility of launching a so-called shuttle traffic through an undamaged tunnel between the demiivska and terymka metro stations, this is not about boats, but about traffic during which the same train moves in both directions on the same track, ruslan, the director of the transport infrastructure department of kmda, said during the briefing kadebor and the chief of kyiv. viktor braginskyi bulletin, but in this case, as officials say, the interval between trains will be up to half an hour. currently , six stations in the capital metro are closed, the work of the specified section has been stopped for approximately six months. closed stations will only operate as a shelter during an air alert. the city authorities promised to replace these lost routes with ground transport, and traffic was stopped due to the safety of passengers due to the flooding of the tunnels. kyiv city prosecutor's office, for due to the fact of official negligence, which caused serious consequences, the proceedings have already started. and then we will talk about how
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people get to work today with the subway not working and whether traffic jams occurred due to closed stations, as well as what caused the tunnels to flood. of the kyiv metro, we will now ask the correspondent of radio svoboda, roksolana bychay, who is already in touch with us, roksolana, i will give you my word, what did you find out? good morning, katya, can you tell us about the situation in general, which has been going on here since 7 in the morning, and until now we we saw that there was really such a long traffic jam throughout the whole part where the metro is closed, including on the teremki side, where the terminus station is blue. precisely this part, which is closed for repairs, and actually towards the center, this part of the city, it was quite like that, you could even say paralyzed in the morning, and for example, at 8 o'clock in the morning, at 158, there really was such a big traffic jam, but i can say , that many people used public transport here today, its
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number was significantly increased, some buses that were supposed to... replace the metro, trolleybuses, yes they traveled in pairs, some traveled in groups of four, so that all the people who wanted to get to the lybitzka station, which is the closest on the blue branch, was open, let's stop now, for that they could get there, and get there by metro, where do people need to go, i will say that for example at 8 o'clock in the morning there was such an influx of the crowd, yes. it's just that people couldn't get into the buses, into the trolleybuses, some didn't get in, i can say that in reality it was, it looked like such an influx of people, that is, there were really many moments and really there was not enough of this transport, and at times buses, some even half-empty, drove, some people forgot that the subway was not working, went
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there, only later thought about how to get to work, i suggest listening to people's stories in direct language. i forgot, i ride the subway all the time, now the task is complicated, i will go through the transition, which is dark and smells not very good, as if i will go on some bus, i don’t know which one, closed, i say flooded, i can’t get there to work, where you need to go, in demiivska, and why not you can get there, there is no trolleybus or minibus, no, there are minibuses, but i can’t get on, i’m very sad, but... how can i get on the subway, i went, and so we wait, but you understand, well, this is the situation, we have to take it as it is, because we will be nervous, nothing will change from this, we have one problem now, we have a war, and these are temporary inconveniences, i hope that everything will settle down, for the most part, the people with whom we managed to communicate, they were
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so, one might even say angry, some of them was late for work, some were standing here at the bus stop. could not get to the bus or trolleybus, as he said he was already late, but mostly people say that the management at the works where they are in a hurry, they were understanding about this situation, and also it is worth considering that it is the first monday when the subway is not working, and this part of the subway, yes, these six stations, and people say that they are actually adapting and will be over time, they say that it should be easier, well , i will remind you that the subway... is not working because its waterproofing was broken, so it was partially flooded there, and it was because of this that six stations were closed in order to repair the tunnel and to make it function as it should, well, i will say that it was closed in advance for six months according to information from the kmda, but now they say that there is no flooding, the situation has been stabilized and
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repairs are underway, i think we can hear part of the quote now. from the representative of kmda. since the end of november, technicians of the kyiv metro have observed the ingress of water and the removal of sand in the tunnels between demiivska and lebitska stations. this happened in the area of ​​14 m. due to the fact that the flow of water and also the removal of sand increased. the metropolitan asked the kyiv state research institute of building structures for conclusions regarding the causes and development of these events. after conducting such examinations, the scientific institute concluded that there is a possible threat. tunnel, which can lead to emergency consequences. currently , the kyiv city authorities are considering the option of shuttle metro traffic, that is, one tunnel will be opened and it will be possible to... ride one subway train, yes, and it will , well, in fact, it will be at the same station with an interval of half an hour, but at the moment such
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a decision has not been made, it does not work, we tried to enter the subway exactly to the place where the trains go , yes, this part is still closed there, but the subway works around the clock as a shelter and people can go down there and hide from the missiles, if necessary, katya. roxelona, ​​thank you very much, indeed, this is the first monday since the closure of so many metro stations, and thank you for keeping an eye on the situation in the capital, roksalana bychay, a correspondent of radio liberty, was on our air. next , we will talk about the situation in the capital on our broadcast. i will note that at the beginning of this broadcast , we had the opportunity to include and involve mr. mykola povoroznyk, he is the first deputy chairman of the kmda, and he noted. the fact that the commission is currently working to find out the reasons and calculate the consequences, now expert dmytro makagon, design engineer, urban planner, joins our broadcast,
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dmytro, i congratulate you, we will be with you to talk about the probable causes of such a situation, and how much time it will take to correct the situation somehow. dmytro, so the first question is that we learned about cracks, flooding, and indeed, for the people of kyiv, the closure of these metro stations. this is a rather significant infrastructural feature, i will say this, it really makes it difficult to get to work on your business, do you understand what happened to the kyiv metro and how critical the situation is, well, if the authorities had to close traffic on this section, then of course it looks like the situation rather critical, and what happened, well, what in principle, it was announced, but... that is what is said about the damage to the waterproofing, but what was visible on the footage, there is already a partial destruction, the condition of the tunnel
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is visible, the condition of the concrete is visible, the exposed reinforcement is visible, that is, this concrete has already chipped, i.e., it looks properly, well, just in these shots you can see bare reinforcement, of course it shouldn’t be, that is , unfortunately, it was brought to such a state, and this... in fact, it could have been avoided, because, well, concrete, such structures, they if they are destroyed, then not instantly, i.e they make themselves known, first small cracks appear, these cracks expand, well, if there is water flowing through them, well, then there is already such chipping and gradual destruction that we can see, ah, this could have been avoided and i, apart from the act, this could have been avoided, that is, that it was not checked somehow, why? happened if it could have been avoided? well, it could be repaired with special repair solutions, it is possible, if there is a problem with waterproofing, there are all kinds of waterproofing
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waterproofing, that is, everything was possible with this to work, but why didn’t they do it, unfortunately, in general, in kyiv there is such a problem with maintenance , and of course we all don’t see the tunnels, but we can see the condition of the bridges, you can look at that... the metro bridge itself, which for decades in a terrible condition, it is in a state of emergency, and there is the same situation, chipped concrete, fittings that are rusting, and this is a big problem, but for some reason it is more interesting to allocate money for some such new projects, more pr ones, there is a type of incoming group of natrukhans on the island, who from from an infrastructural point of view, certainly not so important. dmitry, if he speaks. about what could have been the reasons that could have contributed to this, was it possible to calculate it there, well, here among the reasons, what could be, is it a development project, or is it that our
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editor mentioned that in fact in this area near lybitskaya had problems with the flooding of the ocean plaza shopping center, well, we understand that kyiv has been built up quite powerfully all these years, is it possible that it is connected, i don't know, with military actions there, with the fact that there is shooting and air defense is working there and somehow it is there gives, which ones? well, it definitely has nothing to do with the military, if there is nothing specifically there did not fly in, as far as we know, this did not happen, but as for the flooding , as far as i remember, the shopping center in that area was flooded precisely because of a break in the network, a repeated heating line, and of course this break could also affect the soil conditions, that is, what we saw on the mountain, the water could also underground. wash out the soil, change the hydrogeological, so to speak, conditions in that place, and of course, also dense construction.
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in the city it affects, therefore, when it is built in a dense building, an assessment project is made the impact on the surrounding buildings, including, of course, the subway, and all this is necessary to make projects, coordinate these projects with the subway, and show how your building affects, in addition, there is also an assessment of the impact on hydrogeology, that is, conditionally, you build a building that affects on the surrounding buildings not only by pressure, but also, for example, it can block, block the movement of underground water, so you have in one place, because of the block, the water begins to rise, so to speak, a barrage effect, and the raised water, if there are any weak soils, dusty, loamy, sandy loams, they ee change their mechanical characteristics, they can
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turn into so-called spits, and in another city, on the contrary, the soil dries out, it was tamped and more dense, and because the moisture has gone, it er - becomes not so dense and also changes its characteristics, that is, of course, this can all be such a factor, i do not know to what extent this was taken into account in new constructions, but from my experience, the fact that i was involved in a project... near the subway, then we did all the necessary projects there, including the subway quite so harshly demanded all this and treated it harshly, regarding the quality of the construction of what was built in the 10th year, of course there may be some problems, but what we saw in the footage, well, the new concrete is not so it looks like here, that is, here it is visible to the eye that they started its maintenance,
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besides, if you say, well... to say that they are to blame for the predecessors, well, the warranty period is 10 years, 10 years have passed and the owner is directly responsible for the condition of the building , the owner is the city, well, that is, the managers had of course to take care of such an important breed for kyiv, taking into account the way the government in kyiv is organized there, who do you mean by the leaders, mayor klitschko directly, he could control it, well, klitschko... of course bears political responsibility, and not somehow simply as a manager, of course everything in the final comes down to him, but we are still talking about the direct managers of the subway, uh, and engineers, chief engineers, and well, who is engaged in the maintenance of this economy, uh, and if we talk about city ​​development and all these norms, that is,
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who can have questions here? if they were not taken into account these norms, for example, well here, if not taken into account, then to those who agreed without this consideration, including if there was an influence on the metro, and also the actual construction in the zone of the metro, including to those who agreed on the part of the metro. dmitry, very briefly, a few seconds remain, however, do you believe that in six months it will be possible to solve this problem and the subway will be opened? well, as you can see, there isn't even one yet. final conclusion about what happened, some kind of research, so it is quite difficult to guess in advance like that, i hope, of course, because this is a very important branch of the metro for kyiv, but well, it's a little bit like that and half a year is also such a long gap for the capital, thank you joined, dmytro makagon , design engineer, urban planner, was a guest of our broadcast, we are talking about the situation with the closure of the metro in the capital, this is the freedom of the morning,
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i thank you all for being with us, i would like to remind you... that from 9:00 on youtube on the radio freedom channel and on tv channels, you and i, i, katya nekrecha and the entire team, good morning, i wish you a peaceful day and see you soon. news time on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. four people were injured in a rocket attack on kyiv. this was announced by the mayor of the city vitaliy klitschko. windows, panes and fences in private houses were damaged by the blast wave. as a result of falling debris , a fire broke out in an unfinished building in darnytsia district.


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