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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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baby food is simpler than simple: cut, chop, beat and grind vegetables, fruits, cheese, meat, coffee beans and even ice, simply and quickly, in a matter of seconds, order a zipper grinder for only uah 399, while the product is in stock, zipper shredder, call, attention, incredible novelty from rozpak tv, super warm and very comfortable alaska style boots, perfect fit, water-repellent material and feeling warm even at 30° have a universal design and practical black color, so they will fit for both men and women, sizes from 36 to 46, so get two pairs at once, for you and your husband, the smooth zippers will ensure a perfect fit, even on the widest foot. eco futro insulation perfectly retains heat and wicks away moisture, and the top is made of water-impermeable and wear-resistant raincoat fabric and reinforced with eco-suede. alaska stayle boots can be worn both in wet weather and in very severe frosts, high-quality,
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light and warm alaska style boots will provide comfort in changeable damp autumn and frosty winter and in unpredictable spring, you it will always be warm, comfortable and dry, universal design, basic black color and a favorable price, only from uah 799. call! greetings, it's news time on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. in the morning , explosions rang out again in kherson. the russians are attacking the city from the temporarily occupied left bank. this was announced by the head of the city military administration, roman mruchko. the information about
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the damage and the injured is still being clarified. four people were injured in a rocket attack on kyiv. this was announced by the mayor of the city vitaliy klitschko. damaged by the blast wave windows, fences in private houses. as a result of falling debris , a fire broke out in an unfinished building in darnytsia district. another piece of debris fell on the territory of the warehouse store. one man has lacerations on his legs from debris. three more women had an acute stress reaction. mykhailo shamanov, spokesman for the kyiv city military administration, told eteris press that the speed of the ballistic missiles was so high that the air warning sirens sounded in the capital already after the first explosions. as a result of the russian missile attack in kyiv, 120 consumers were left without light. this was reported by the ministry of energy. currently, repair crews. eliminate the consequences of damage.
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the air force reported that around 4 o'clock in the morning, missiles attacked the kyiv region. according to preliminary information, from the northern direction from the bryansk region of russia. our sky defenders destroyed eight air targets. currently, the information is still being clarified. the air force reported that around four o'clock. hours of the morning, kyiv region was attacked by rockets based on preliminary information from the northern direction from the bryansk region. at the same time, in addition to rockets, the occupiers launched 18 rockets over ukraine at night. air defense forces were able to destroy all the attack drones. it is known that air targets flew from the temporarily occupied crimea, in particular, cape chaud and belbek. 13 shaheds
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were shot down by air defense forces that night in the mykolayiv region. in the kutsurub community, as a result of falling debris, a fire broke out in a warehouse with agricultural machinery. firefighters are already working on the spot. this was announced by the head of the region vitaliy kim. also , an empty one caught fire due to enemy fire warehouse on the territory of the agricultural enterprise. the fire was promptly extinguished. in the city of ochakiv, as a result of the fall of ulam. to damaged private houses. fortunately, no one was hurt. the invaders of zaporozhye fired 78 times a day. 15 drones were launched by the russians in novodarivka, charivny, lugivskyi, malynivka and robotino - informs the head of the region yuriy malashko. a small tokmachka was fired upon by artillery. fortunately, no one was hurt. and... during the day, the russians shelled
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the kherson region 84 times, two people were wounded - said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. the enemy aimed at residential buildings. tals of several settlements, and also hit an educational institution and a medical institution in kherson. footage from the scene of the liquidation of ex-deputy of nerds and traitor ilya kyva appeared on the network. sources from the sbu allegedly made the exclusive materials in zma public. in the video, you can see the observation point itself, where the avenger was waiting for the traitor. they say, not far from it. often shot his anti-ukrainian videos in places in kyiv. corrected shots on mykolaiv. the security service kidnapped the guard agent of the kremlin. the man scouted the positions of the defense forces and identified the locations
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of ukrainian equipment. he transferred the collected data to the occupiers for enemy attacks on the region. for such tasks, the traitor received 10,000 hryvnias. and the occupiers promised to take the man to the left. coastal part of kherson region, but it did not turn out as expected: the law enforcement officers detained the perpetrator, he faces life imprisonment. it will be noisy in kyiv, there will be training of the defense forces, which will last for four days, from december 11 to 14 in the darnytskyi district of the capital, said the city military administration. the main goal of training is to increase combat capabilities during . preparation for conducting operations. personnel, regular military equipment and weapons will be involved in the exercises. in the morning, explosions rang out in temporarily occupied feodosia. a tall pillar of black smoke appeared in the city.
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this was reported by local telegram channels. the causes and consequences of the explosion are still being determined. us president joe biden in... left for washington, where he will meet with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi on tuesday. this was reported by the reuters agency. the us leader invited zelensky to the white house for talks to discuss the war against russia and the vital importance of continued us support for ukraine's defense efforts. i will remind you that the white house is currently trying to conclude an agreement with the congress, which would provide for the provision of military aid to ukraine for the next year. romania will help ukraine to export grain through the creation of an anchorage in the port of constanta. construction is planned to be completed in march 2024. this was reported by the general director of the ukrainian state shipping company
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danube shipping company dmytro moskalenko. according to him, discussions on the creation of anchorages with romanian colleagues began back in september. currently, due to the opening of the ports of odessa , the flow of agricultural products through the danube has decreased. however, the question of the backup direction of agricultural products export has not lost its relevance, and now the danube can turn into the main one again. britain will provide ukraine with two warships. this was announced in the press service of the ministry of defense of the country. it is about minesweepers for demining the class sundown. in front of them. from the royal navy. it was on these ships that the ukrainian military trained in britain in october. and let me remind you that the united kingdom, together with norway , created a naval coalition to strengthen ukraine's defense capabilities in the black sea.
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the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, for the first time during the full-scale war, will personally meet with... his hungarian colleague peter sijarto. he announced this before the start of the meeting of eu ministers in brussels. well, i don't get tired of reminding you about our meetings, because you are always happy to support them. espresso together with the public organization baza ua are collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the kholodny yar armed forces. in extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military makes a choice every day. victory without leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield, with atvs the evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the wounded are greater, our goal is uah 800,000, with your help we have already collected more than uah 231,000.
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you can now see all the details on yours screens, so get your phones out and don't forget to donate, because it's important. i have them all now. for this hour more, to learn more, follow our ethers on espresso, take care, we still have victory to meet. i knew there would be a war, i had no doubts about it, because i believed western intelligence, so i woke up on the 24th in the morning and immediately turned on the phone and saw putin, listened to him carefully. and heard explosions, we were called to the verkhovna rada for
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a meeting, we declared martial law, and all remained, we began to prepare, to get weapons, look what is happening in obolone, the whole obolone, all the men are gathering, even without documents are being distributed, come, defend your state in ukraine, glory to ukraine, a machine is in kyiv. it was almost gone, kyiv is almost entirely empty, in fact silence , i have never heard of such a quiet kyiv in my life, holiday trains were organized, and these trains went through kyiv to the west, and i remember the kyiv railway station, where we just came to give people food and water, there were people and... children in overcrowded carriages, where it was impossible to enter at all, they were also without anything, they
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just needed food, and we brought, handed them this food, people were scared, people were in inhumane conditions, people were thinking about how to save themselves, and some didn't think about anything except saving their own lives, the apocalypse, in one word , something terrible was happening at the border , the worst thing i saw was when men brought women straight to the border, said goodbye to... them as if forever and women with children went out and walked across the border to stand in huge queues. maria makevnychuk , who was my assistant, worked in verkhovyna, and i called , asked what was going on with you, she... she says, we are fully booked, people live everywhere, people even lived in some small annexes, because
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a lot of people went to the carpathians, everyone understood that the carpathians are far away, and the chance of rockets arriving there is very small, indeed , a large part of the people came there by accident, they were going somewhere else, they had nowhere to stay, there was nothing to eat, they sat down to some passing cars, they were told to go further into the mountains, they went further into the mountains until they were 740 km away.
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so that he does not stop, so that he flies on free wings, on a catcher and in a forest, he finds out where my sweet chariot of black locks is.
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it's so interesting, there are a lot of young and extremely active people here in verkhovyna, and mariyka makevnychuk, who is such a leader in this environment, worked with the german organization leader international for a long time. harold, who headed, or rather, patronized this organization in germany, organizes. meetings german and ukrainian youth , there are always a lot of german youth here in the mountains, and hutsuls from ukraine go to germany, they learn the language, learn about new skills, new skills, get to know the world, open up for themselves... they think about the world in a completely different way. and so, with the beginning of a full-scale invasion, these people, who were already active, began to think about how they could help, began to collect humanitarian aid, distribute it. thanks to the berlin community for helping us. we
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saw that in verkhovyna, where 10,000 residents lived, their number. immediately doubled they needed to buy clothes and food, to continue living, and we and our partners began to think about how to provide funding, how to budget for those things that were not provided by the western aid packages, toys for children, hygiene items, there were boxes with things, there was a table here, people gave out help, there was hygiene, products, stationery, books, here. also stood on the table, that's where we met maria and nadiya for the first time, here we have a photo together, there from the first days, they started receiving from their german friends goods, food, to get in a difficult way , because men were not allowed to go abroad, and so maria got behind the wheel of a bus, drove a bus to poland, they loaded her with this bus there, and she
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came back in this bus in all these crazy queues and distributed these products , she, her friends, her acquaintances, all this was done mainly by women, men could not go abroad, and then they distributed this humanitarian aid. maria, who is my assistant, rented a beautiful modern office in the center of verkhovyna, and we made a reception area there in order to communicate with people, she, as a deputy of the local council, i, when i come there and we held these meetings there, i was very surprised when i first came there and saw everything lined with boxes, when there were many women standing there. and young people handing out groceries , washing powder, cookies, to those people who came to the top, and there were huge lines to my reception, i think what popularity i have here, of course, it was the popularity of cookies, but it was nice to feel themselves involved in all the work they were doing there, good day,
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i congratulate you, everything has changed for you, so look, congratulations, congratulations, well, let's sit down, tell me. do you still have any of the visitors left? in the verkovyna district , up to 500 internally displaced persons are now officially registered, although at the very beginning of the war there were more than 17,000 persons. verkhovyna saved people a lot, because a lot of people rested here in the estates, and they returned to all the estates as if they were relatives, and our people accepted them for a long period of time, they even accepted them there free of charge. verkhovyna is not my constituency, but it so happened that all lviv residents have a great sentiment for... if you go to the hrushevsky museum in lviv, you will see a separate room that is completely built in the huttsul style, and this did not only apply to hrushevsky, the same applied, for example, to ivan franko, who had a lot of objects from the hutsul region in his house, and many other lviv residents, and because of that
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i always had a sentiment for the hutsul region, i spent a lot of time there and felt that these people from... to make fellow students in the development of the hutsul region. what is normal with you? we worked with galya from the first days. galya , svitlana, tanya, me, nadya, my mother, two months with no way out at all, it was both scary and difficult, because they did not know anything, what would happen, and people were a little difficult, because there were different situations, people told that they were running away from. and there were times when people came. in such a cool car, but that's all they have left, that is, they come to us for humanitarian aid, they come in a cool car and with tears in their eyes say that well , you understand, we come to you for help, because we have nothing , we had everything, and they are with tears in their eyes, i say, why are you crying, everything is fine, we are here to help you, that's what they say, you know
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we cry because if with such gratitude that you have the strength to help us, shelter - it is a shelter from disaster, it is a shelter from genocide, it is preservation, it is the preservation of ourselves in order to preserve the future, it is the preservation of others who together this future will be rebuilt with you, that is, this is a space where people can get any kind of help or advice shelter has a very broad meaning, certainly it is not just a shelter, it is a shelter of the spirit, a shelter of power that is not to be destroyed by anyone, nor by an enemy that wants to destroy. mykola leonidovych always helps us and helps us in all our requests, and it is always good to have a senior operator. i became such a patron of this shelter movement, and on the german side there was such a well-known german deputy, viola von kramon, who came to verkhovyna, who visited the shelters, who
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watched what was happening, and she is a lobbyist for this movement in germany so that the german government finances such movements, finances ukraine, and we explained to them that it is beneficial for you, because if all ukrainians leave ukraine, then there will be a crisis not only in ukraine, but also in you. because you will need to pay these ukrainians, help them, pay aid, get them a job, we want to leave them here, because we will need them, after they got food, foodstuffs, clothes, hygiene, they came for books, i eighth grade for myself personally i say, i need books, so maria brought me my first books, which were, well, we understood that this is already the next stage, the next stage. and we gathered a council of all our people with whom we worked, and so if we made such a decision that we need to develop and we need to offer people various kinds of activities, such as psychological
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consultations, psychological courses, this was such a second stage, then the activities already began , in general, it was such a development, because both english and polish were well-learned, then later the forest school began, and there was still i was more surprised when i saw many children drawing there, and everyone is drawing their past, their homeland, their home, what is happening there, sometimes these drawings looked scary, sometimes funny, sometimes extremely inspiring, when i came there for the third time , i saw women doing yoga there , it's so strange, when in my waiting room there is no table, and there is only the floor and mats, and on these mats there are many women doing some strange movements to soft... music, such an impression that you ended up somewhere in new york in to some expensive club, and this is just a reception hall in the village of verkhovyna in the middle of the mountains,
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so every time this reception hall of mine surprised me and continues to surprise me now, when i come there, and when i came to verkhovyna later, broke out of kyiv and saw gratitude in the eyes these immigrants , listened to their stories, and these were stories that made me want to cry, and... they were grateful that their children were receiving the same education, comfort, circles, development that they received in their cities, it was very successfully developed, extremely successful, and then, the leaders of this organization are also my friends from germany, they say, let's do it not only in verkhovyna, because verkhovyna is a small town. we managed to find a partner for the shelter projects. the german organization schüler helfen leben, with whom we worked well from the beginning, practically took over the shelter projects. schuler
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helfen leben managed to attract funds from the federal ministry of the interior for shelter projects to be provided for the next two years. and maria and i began to think about who we could attract, and of course, we involved our friends, and in this way... a shelter was opened in ivano-frankivsk, in chernivtsi, my assistant ulyana pak opened a shelter in lviv, they called it shelterer friendly, and after lviv it happened in two more cities of the lviv region, in chervonograd and strya, then we connected kyiv, we had to move east, we connected poltava, yulia gorodchanin, and in this way this organization actually opened in eight cities, and now it is thinking about expansion. and i believe that it will unite all of ukraine, because shelter is essentially a movement of love. there is a beautiful modern library in chervonograd.
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our chervonograd shelter is meeting there. once, when i arrived there, i saw honchar. we met. the potter's name was serhiy vashkiv. he brought a potter's wheel and the children immediately gathered around him. together they started making fantastic bells. well, i was interested, i am passionate about ceramics. there is a wonderful collection of kosiv ceramics, and it turned out that the homeland of my ancestors has its own sokal ceramics. serhiy ivashkiv sokal ceramics revives he invited me to the workshop, i came and immediately bought half of everything serhii had made in the last few months. today i came again. it was not enough for me. good day. good afternoon, mr. mykola. back to you again. glad to see. and what are you doing here now? there is a little. we go to the city, we have children here now. please come in good day good day good day welcome welcome to our workshop good day good day good day good day and what are you doing now master? classes
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we will be enchanted by pottery, where are you children from, this is kirill from zaporizhzhia, serhiy, he is from maryinka, marichka and sashko from voznesensk, there was a lot at the beginning, especially when i worked with children, they were too withdrawn and so tight-lipped, you know , from what sudden movements the children could shudder, well, those who have already been in combat operations somewhere can see it... in the basements, these are children, they are a little bit, but actually, when i visited our classes, i saw that there are such children, they just open up, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, let's start pottering, well done, with the right hand we hug such a pot, and we put the left one on top, immediately there are two classes, they are already open, they are already filling up quickly, now look, marichka, what we have to do, we will form our bowl like this and...
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we expand, expand the bowl, great, next you and i will make it in sokal style , when you are pottering, you turn off completely, i see, we are now covering it with an angel, and then in the next classes we will draw the contours of the picture itself, so good, you have everything, i liked it , well, great, so what we even have a history, they came here with their parents. came from voznesensk, lived right here with you, lived here in the workshop when the full-scale invasion began, sat in a storage room for five days, lived with children, well, it so happened that i came to my friend and said: "listen , let's put you in the workshop, says the family, and that there is under fire, well , the husband worked in poland for the last five years, while we lived in voznesensk, and he had a colleague there, as they say from chervonograd, and
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only they were told that we..." run over we we immediately got in the car, immediately drove here and we drove like that, we didn’t know exactly where we would be, how exactly we would be, why didn’t we go to poland, if the husband, oh no, somehow for ourselves we did not even consider such a question of leaving the country, nor did we live here , how many years have you been here, how many six months have you lived here, it's true, then they already moved, went to school and moved to chervonograd, rented an apartment, and so it's a family, so they lived here in a workshop, and there were no problems , when you came to halychyna, well here, then to lviv... many people have problems with the language, for example, well, we didn't have problems with the language, because we came to the point about three years ago that we wanted to speak ukrainian, so we haven't listened to russian songs for more than three years, we don't have any books russian , well, in the apartment we don't read, we don't listen, that we will live only in ukraine, we will build it, they will build it, because they are our future and they will build it, that's why we are here in principle and
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leave in order for them to be able to here study, get an education in ukraine and then build this country for yourself, for yourself. after this conversation from the hall, i kept remembering this film by zelenskyi, the servant of the people , about the lisova mine in the village and how the local people did not want to let people from donetsk region here. an explosion occurs in the village of silets at the lisova mine. they are trying to invite rescuers from donbas, but the local people are allegedly categorically against rescuers. from donbas came to this village, they say that only chinese will be allowed. the chinese are far away, people are in danger death, and yet saviors from donbas come and save the poor galicians, despite the fact that these galicians did not want to see them here. now it is obvious that all this is not just an absurdity, but a complete absurdity, because the people from donetsk region did not meet a warm welcome here, but warm love, and they themselves fell in love with these people , and it turns out that they wanted to love and understand even
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before, and that they exactly the same in ukraine. and we reaffirm that any such artificial constructions that try to show that we are divided remain artificial, each shelter in each city is first of all the people who organize it, just like if there was no maria, there would be no shelter project at all, so if there was no ulyana pak, there would be no lviv project. ulyana , a deputy of the lviv city council, is a young woman, extremely active, she... if she comes again, maybe she will have more children, she loves children very much, and this love for children and this faith in the future may have made her such a very good organizer, because the way she deals with other children reminds her of how she deals with her children, and she treats these children exactly the same.


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