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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2023 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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the new reserves of the russian army near kupyansk, about the advance near bakhmut and a new attack on the infrastructure of ukraine, as well as about zelenskyi's new foreign tour and his conversation with orban, which is avoided in the bank, about all this and not only during the next 45 minutes . my name is daria kudimova, good evening. new russian ballistic missile attack on ukraine. during the day, explosions rang out in kryvyi rih, and later the eastern command reported that an kh-59 missile had been shot down. and early in the morning, russia attacked the ukrainian capital with ballistic missiles. according to the reports of the forces the ppu fired eight rockets at kyiv, initially from the territory of the bryansk region, and about two dozen drones of the shachet type that flew from the occupied crimea. four people were injured and several houses were injured in the bortnychy microdistrict. damaged how
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do the locals recover from the consequences of the night attack? further in the material is from my colleague iryna sisak. after the night russian attack on the capital, dozens of residential buildings were damaged in the bortnychi district, and such a deep hole was formed in the yard of one of them. russia carries out another missile strike at night the capital darnyvskyi district suffered the most that night. now there are already 46 private residences. of houses that are listed and now the commission is dealing with establishing the consequences and extent of the destruction, four people who sought emergency medical help, this is both stab wounds to the lower extremities, a 92-year -old man, and an acute reaction to stress , several people addressed such appeals, shock, well, boy, but everyone is alive, all the equipment was standing here. everything flew into the nearby wall and
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shattered, well, the remains, the coffee machine, a microwave oven, all the windows in the house, the ceiling, the roof blew up, the walls cracked, there was no time to hide anymore, when the explosion rang out, they just ran out into the street, well, the house survived the illness , i don’t count the windows, i feel normal, but i feel, i don’t feel anything, to be honest, i still... not yet, so to speak, i didn’t realize maybe to the end, if it had flown a little closer, i woke up from the explosion, i can see the consequences, windows, doors, everything went up, the car was beaten, no one was hurt, everyone was a target, may he die, that putin is faster, people have only just started to build, you see, a road has been broken, he... the man sent tuyka so that everything
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would be beautiful, but you see, they don't give, they don't give us a life, now we will think in a new way, well, words. by god, it's good already. the armed forces of ukraine conducted successful local counterattacks during the fighting near avdiyivka. this is stated in a review of british intelligence. analysts note that ukrainian units could deprive russian troops of full control over the village of stepove. after all, it is here that the russian army is trying to carry out one of their pincer attacks, so to speak, to surround avdiivka and its well-protected industrial zone, they write. viewers , well, they add that avdiyivka currently remains the scene of the most intense battles on the front, where on some days about 40% of all combat clashes take place, offensive actions in the future will consist mainly of infantry attacks with the participation of storm z penalty units. at the same time
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, the russian invaders are drawing additional reserves in the kupyan direction and are trying to capture the settlement of senkivka in order to create conditions for blocking it kupyanska. about this in... wrote the commander of the ground forces of the ukrainian armed forces oleksandr syrskyi. according to him, active offensive actions of the russian military are also carried out in the directions of novoselivske, stelmakhivka, lyman-pershiy and in the direction of siversk. and the goal of these attacks is to dislodge the defense forces beyond the black stallion river and from the area of ​​the serebryn forestry. ivan shevtsov, lieutenant colonel and head of the press service of the salevyi kordon assault brigade, joins the broadcast. ivan, good evening, my greetings. congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. tell me please what is the situation in the kupyansk direction, here are these statements that russia is planning to block kupyansk, is trying to block kupyansk. how do you feel about preparing for it? the situation in the lymano-kupian direction still remains quite tense, indeed the enemy is raising
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its reserves, but these reserves are used to replenish the heavy losses the enemy is suffering in this area. the enemy was most active in the direction. kunkivka, four enemy attacks were carried out there during the past day, if we talk about the lyman direction, then there the defense forces repelled five enemy assault attacks, all these attacks were repelled, we are holding the defense, not a single piece of land in the lyman-kuplin direction was given to the defense forces. ivan, well, it was mentioned that the avdiivkas still resort to the tactics of such infantry meat assaults, what is it called, what 's wrong with this? in the kupyan direction, what are the tactics? their tactics have remained stable for the past six months, i think that in all areas it is a tactic of meat assaults, now in connection with the weather conditions in our area the enemy began to use less equipment
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during assaults, mostly ordinary soldiers go into battle, these are small groups of up to 10 servicemen, this way from... the contact line, to the contact line, they walk for 3.5-4 km, two by two two servicemen each than usual, pull up somewhere around 300-400 meters to our positions, accumulate up to 10 servicemen and then go in the so-called meat assault, then immediately after them a second dozen accumulate and they also go to this department. and if we talk about such meat assaults, or is it possible to assess the level of training of the infantry that participates in this, because you are talking about the fact that they use these reserves and replenishment in order to compensate for losses? a completely different contingent is used during assaults,
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if there is a group of well-trained fighters with good experience, then of course it is more difficult to fight with them, and usually they are ordinary soldiers. e of the russian federation, who have little experience in hostilities, we, according to our information, have a lot of responders, e, echelons are constantly changing from the second to the the first, from the first to the second, they ee z replace each other, eh, and such a tendency can be seen completely throughout the site, that is , if storm storm z units are used, or former military personnel of the so-called weight units. the so-called wagnerites, of course, are more trained military personnel, and ordinary servicemen of the russian army, they have rather weak training. ivan, i know that we have limited time, but i can't help but ask, last saturday the institute for the study of war wrote that the kremlin's deadlines for
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kupianska supposedly until march of next year, when the presidential elections are held in the russian federation, what do you know about this, i mean, how much the russian army has become more active, can we draw any conclusions from this, that they set themselves some deadlines ? well, i have already been on the lyman-kupinsky route for more than six months, they are these deadlines, they are constant. put, they don’t have any promotions, the last deadline was before the onset of the winter period, again nothing happened, a large number of personnel, a large number of equipment, but we we are making progress in this area, and i think it will be the same in the future, that is, we have all the conditions for success, thank you. who joined the broadcast, found time and opportunity, ivan shevtsov, lieutenant colonel and head of the press service of
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the steel border assault brigade, was with us on the broadcast. thank you. don't forget to subscribe to radio liberty's youtube channel, if you haven't already, like this broadcast, comment on it. we still have important topics, and your opinion is just as important to us. next, we proceed to discuss the situation on the front with alexander the military-political columnist of the information resistance group joins our broadcast. mr. oleksandr, my greetings. good evening. good evening and the strengthening of russia in the kupyan direction and the pulling up of reserves there, what does this indicate? are they already sure that avdiivka will be captured and are ready to concentrate their efforts in other directions? no, not really. the fact is that the west group of troops is currently operating in the kupinsky direction. and this is their area of ​​responsibility, let's call it that. in turn, if we
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if we are talking about the reinforcement of avdiyivka, the avdiyiv group of troops, then first of all, there is a group of troops south operating there, it is the most - i will say this, it is the most combat-capable group, as among all in the combat zone, as part of the russian occupation troops, it is approximately 160,000 in number and she operates. mainly in the donetsk region, but there is a nuance: at the same time, they need to act with this group in a sufficiently intensive format, both near bakhmut, and near avdiyivka, and along marinka, and now they are preparing, and again, for offensive actions, and precisely for this to reinforce avdiivka, they used a group of military centers for reinforcement, they used the resource of the second combined army of the 41st general... army, now we see how they begin to drag the 90-tank division to avdiivka, and
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the center group of troops is the luhansk response zone of responsibility, they have the liman direction, and therefore the military center group is a donor for them, so if near avdiyivka they do not manage to a-a, let's say, the new year's deadline, then they will use the resource or troop groups south from others. directions of some other locations, or they will continue to use the center group of troops, because now the newly formed 25th general military army has appeared there, they can partially drag these or other units, redeploy them near avdiivka, ugh, well, they continue to advance near bakhmut, and there, moreover, analysts record an advance near khromovoi between bakhmut and ivanovsky, how can it develop? the situation there, i am talking about whether it is more profitable for them from the point of view of the tactical steps of the yar times, or
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could it be about an offensive in the direction of kramatorsk, an important logistical hub, now the administrative center of donetsk region? eh, they are currently forced to solve two combat tasks, either they should move in the north-west direction, ah, or they should really be engaged in liquidation now. rather unfavorable for them a bridgehead in the area of ​​chasiv yar, because we do not forget that chasiv yar is, in addition to everything else, also the highest dominant height in general in this area, therefore any other movement, it is one way or another, but is within the radius of action of this one pony height, and therefore, most likely, they will now first expand the safety buffer for bakhmut himself. that is , to create a security buffer in the western sector, and secondly
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, in the southern sector, they will try to bring back klyshivka and andriivka under their control, thereby creating an even larger such security buffer already for the bakhmut-gorlivka logistics artery, which, by the way, was almost on the verge of loss of this control by the russians, when the defense forces of ukraine, after the liberation of the kolchivka there in andriyivka, moved to the left side of the railway and already directed their attacks in the direction of this logistical artery. oleksandr, i still want a little about the present. attack, the current night ballistic attack, the previous one was on december 8 after a long pause of 79 days, and then the british ministry of defense wrote in a review that it was probably the beginning of a more coordinated russian campaign, as they called it, aimed at destroying the energy infrastructure of ukraine. if this is so, then why did this campaign start only now,
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given the year, it actually started in october, and what could this be about more... coordination, about which the intelligence writes, what to expect? well, why did it start now, because it was cold , there were no logs on october 10, 2022, and it was actually a false start for their missile strikes, and on the other hand, what is happening now, we see that at first it was really a raid using , a strike using air -based cruise missiles, studen 555, then, which were not used on september 21st, yes, then we observed that night first a raid by the nobles of 136 kamikaze drones, which also performed the combat task of uncovering the location of our air defenses was then
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carried out to reconnaissance accordingly, and after that a strike was carried out. already with the use of ballistic missiles, that is, there is a corresponding sequence of use of one or another means, and now i can say that, most likely, they are observing experiments with the most effective breakthrough of air defense with the use of different nomenclature of weapons, that is, both subsonic and supersonic missile weapons , which includes the ballistic component, one more the moment that... wanted to talk to you financial times writes that the communication strategy of the ukrainian authorities, which consists in the message, we are moving forward, can create a split between the office of the president, the military leadership and, in the end, society, which, they say, is this strategy of optimism on against the background of the lack of significant military successes, it is not only inappropriate, but also dangerous. in your opinion, how effectively does the government currently
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communicate with society regarding both military support and events at the front. well , i don't know how much she communicates, because i don't i am responsible for this question, let's say this, and how effectively, from your point of view , does the government communicate with society today regarding the war, support and what is actually happening at the front? we receive enough information from various sources, today there are various sources, various information platforms, both official and semi-official, which can be trusted, therefore... society itself must draw appropriate conclusions from what is reported to them, especially now when we are in a period of general phase change conducting hostilities, and society must understand that we are now entering a phase when the priority is not the liberation of large territories, but the priority is the exhaustion
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of the enemy, the destruction of a large number of his personnel . as well as the technical component, that is, now it is at least the winter period, that is , at least the first quarter of 2024 as well, it will be precisely the period of the war of attrition, and not the war of the offensive, and this should be understood by the society as well, i hope that it this is understandable, because it is constantly being talked about, heard oleksandr, thank you very much for joining the broadcast, oleksandr kovalenko, military-political viewer of the information attempts group. he was in touch with us. thank you. president of ukraine. volodymyr zelenskyy is leaving for a visit to the united states, where he will meet with the president of the united states, joe biden. according to the statements of the white house, the meeting should take place tomorrow , and washington intends to reaffirm the commitment to support ukraine in the war with
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russia and to discuss urgent needs. in addition to the meeting with biden, zelensky also speak. in front of senators at the invitation of majority leader schumer and republican leader mcconnell, writes cnn and adds that a meeting with the speaker of the house of representatives johnson is also possible. i will add that zelenskyi will go to the states from the south american continent, where he took part in the inauguration of the new president of argentina, javier miley, in buenos aires. for the fact that you invited us to ... during the war, it is difficult to find time and fly half a zimma ball, but we heard you. regarding the support of ukraine,
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our people, our children who are fighting against russian aggression. it is interesting that in argentina , the ukrainian president had a short conversation with the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán. the video of their dialogue got into the official online broadcast. youtube channel of the senate of argentina, but what exactly the leaders of ukraine and hungary are talking about is not heard on the video, and the president's office did not comment on this conversation. ivan fychko, an expert in the latin american and caribbean research program of the foreign policy council ukrainian prism joins our broadcast. ivan, my greetings. good evening. good evening. a trip to argentina, much has already been said about its expediency. what about performance? what do you think could be the... indicator that would prove that kyiv managed to establish contact, gain the support of one of the countries of the global south. ugh, yes, indeed, as you said, a lot has already
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been said, but nevertheless, the very fact of the visit at such a high level, let me remind you that this is the first time a ukrainian president has visited latin america since 2011, already shows how much this region, it becomes it is also important for ukraine to what extent ukraine is trying to strengthen its presence. well, if we talk about practical consequences. of this visit, first of all it is, of course , the establishment of diplomatic bridges with the leaders of the region, except for javier meley himself, about whom we will tell a little later, and volodymyr zelenskyi managed to hold quite productive meetings with the leaders of at least three latin american countries, namely with the president santiago penio of paraguay, and president of uruguay luis pau and president of ecuador daniel noboa. in addition, on the sidelines we could also see that he was very close and quite... he talked warmly with the president of chile, gabriel borich, who is known in principle for his support of ukraine, so, as we can see, at least four meetings with the leaders of the states, except for the country itself,
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which was hosted by argentina took place, during these meetings it was possible to discuss such important key issues as, first of all, it usually concerns the security sphere, well, here as we understand the details, it is difficult and for now to specify any, it is obvious that what is being done contacts in order to... try to attract certain support, certain help from those countries that can provide it for us, despite the fact that while latin america has taken such a position, not to supply, for example, weapons, but of course the work is underway in order to somehow change the situation here. the second such moment, which is essentially key in each of these meetings, is the organization of the ukraine-latin america summit, an initiative that volodymyr zelenskyi proposed at the beginning of this year, namely to hold such a meeting at the highest level in order for the ukrainian the authorities could personally... communicate and try to explain the situation to the latin american leaders, to convince them to more actively support ukraine, because since the time of the full-scale invasion, they have only formally condemned
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the russian invasion, voted for ukrainian resolutions, but more concrete results - this is what ukraine now demands from these states, or rather asks , in order to further anger russia , including, well, the issue of establishing trade relations was also raised, which by... distance, and despite the fact that for a long time we did not deal much with this region, it still has prospects for development, digitalization is also an interesting issue, here is the ukrainian experience of digital technologies, it is interesting in latin america, for example, and the program itself is active, it was already in demand in colombia and communications were conducted in order to introduce it in this country and obviously other countries are also interested in such an experience, so to summarize, here is the first moment, here is a series of meetings at the highest level, which allowed us to greatly deepen our relations with latin america, this is of course only the first step, he wants to emphasize, so far without such
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excessive optimism, but nevertheless it is important, and of course the main purpose of the trip is a meeting with the president javier miley, who, unlike his predecessor alberto fernandez, takes such a pro-ukrainian, pro-western position, clearly distinguished the side of the aggressor and the side of the country. which is being defended, and it is he who can become our ally in this region, and which one will help not only with one specific country, with argentina, to improve relations, in general with all countries, in fact, with latin america, with the entire region, well, argentina has already offered to hold the ukraine-latin america summit in its own country, next year, if this event really happens will take place, it will certainly become another such big breakthrough of ukrainian diplomacy in this region, that's why, of course, if it fails. and some summaries for this visit, after all, these are really important things, but the main thing is that the things that were agreed upon should now continue and develop further, as well as
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ukrainian diplomats working in the region. that's how it is and of course at the highest levels, including in the format of preparation for these summits, as well as the ukraine-latin america summit and the global peace summit, where the countries of latin america are also invited, of course, and their participation is just as important in order to strengthen these efforts to isolate russia. ivan, i just wanted to clarify how influential argentina is in the latin american region, or perhaps we can say that there are some other countries that, so to speak, set the geopolitical tone. continent, and yes, in general , in latin america, three key states stand out, namely brazil, argentina, in south america, also mexico, and these countries, first of all, despite all the economic problems that may be, they are huge economies, and by the number of the population , and so historically and politically they have a great influence, they are also representatives of the big twenty, also an important international platform for us, and these countries actually stand out, of course, but other countries
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are like that... for example, chile, with which we managed to improve our relations, and precisely because of the position of the current president of chile, to establish such good relations are also important, well, we understand that therefore, that is why the election of javier miley is important, that argentina, as one of the largest countries in latin america, can become such an ally of ukraine, because the central american states were most favorable to ukraine, for example, can remember this is guatemala, first of all, costa rica , which... supported ukraine at various levels, joined both the crimean platform and the special tribunal for the condemnation of russian war crimes, here, but we understand that these countries, despite all their gratitude, which we owe to them for their positive steps, they are of course much smaller in scale , so influential, but then again , argentina is also a state, well, the very essence and the fact that they participate, for example, in the big twenty talks about
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that it is first and in a two-sided format. relations will be a big plus for us, also in the form of the spread of this influence on other countries, that is, smaller ones, and that, for example, uruguay, paraguay, this is also important, of course , brazil remains above the larger state, but brazil's position is so far more neutral , and despite the official support of ukraine and the escalation of russian aggression, but the current president lula, as we know, constantly heard these statements, which are quite often ambiguous. brazil will still have to fight for its position, so what ukraine does, of course, but the situation there is much more complicated than what we can optimistically expect from argentina. ugh, well, if we are talking about the events that may soon unfold on the south american continent, i mean the possible war in venezuela, how will all this affect geopolitics in general and whether it will distract the attention of western partners, in particular the united states, from ukraine , in your opinion? yes,
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of course, it's a very... basically a key event that's happening now in the last weeks in the in south america, there are attempts to hold this referendum in general, so in venezuela, and according to the results of this referendum , the venezuelan dictator nicolas maduro, whom many countries of the world do not even recognize as a legitimate president, announced the annexation of the neighboring region of guyana, essequibo, the richest region, although so far that it is difficult to say whether a military conflict and the use of armed certain aggression can really unfold there, because a... neighboring countries and, first of all, brazil are conducting diplomatic negotiations, and in the end it was possible to agree in advance on december 14 to hold negotiations between the leaders of these states in saint-vietnam and saint-vietnam in this country in order to reduce the pace of tension, but the situation itself and the potential risk of the beginning of a conflict, of course, this is very threatening, including for ukraine, because we already had the experience when the war that started is an active phase
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in the middle east in israel. it very much diverted attention from ukraine, both in the media and in politics, among political circles, and then we see that it is already having an effect on the fact that the probability of providing military assistance from, for example, the united states, in the event that a military conflict begins on the american continent decreases, of course this will threaten that attention will even less disappear from ukraine, plus this in itself will normalize history and these military conflicts, well, of course, this is all connected, because... that basically , ah, in general, the russian invasion of ukraine in the 14th year, then in full scale in the 22nd, it basically undermined this the international system and gave such a green light to these dictators , such as maduro, to use force, to use aggression against other countries in order to, for example, improve their internal situation in the country, somehow try to hold on to power there, and it is quite likely here, i i think you can also remember...


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