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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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on the phase in the middle east in israel, it very much diverted attention from ukraine, both in the media and in politics, among political circles, and then we see that this already affects the fact that the likelihood of providing military assistance from , for example, the united states, in the event that a military conflict begins on the american continent, of course it will threaten that the attention will disappear even less from ukraine, plus this in itself will normalize the history of military conflicts, and... of course, this all if it's related, because basically, ah, basically, the russian invasion of ukraine in '14, then full-scale in '22, it basically undermined this international system and gave such a green light to these dictators, for example , like maduro, to use force , to use aggression against other countries in order, for example, to improve one's internal situation in the country, to somehow try to hold on to power, that is quite likely here, i think, one can also mention... about
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the probable russian influence in these stories, that is, because it is russia, it may be the beneficiary that will benefit the most, if not the most, from this conflict, given that the united states, as a country that is very close to this, as a country that has its own interests in terms of oil, yes , the whole yakibo, will be forced to react in the event of aggression and the further development of the situation, and of course, this is even worse, it worsens the situation even more with military aid, and therefore these diplomatic resources that are being made, the efforts that are being made are very weight for, to prevent another hotspot in education from starting there. heard, ivan, thank you very much for joining the broadcast. ivan fychko, an expert of the program of research of latin america of the caribbean basin of the foreign policy council ukrainian prism, was in touch with us. thank you. well, i will also add that volodymyr zelenskyi had meetings with journalists in argentina, and here is just one of the moments of his communication, which reflects what our previous guest spoke about. security is the number one issue today. you
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see the explosion in europe is our war the explosion in the middle east, you see, the explosion is already big risks, venezuela, we see all this, and we understand who is behind it, of course, one way or another, directly or indirectly, russia is always present. well, more about zadenskyi's trip to the united states, the american one. military aid , european prospects, we will continue to talk with the diplomat and expert on foreign security policy of the center for defense strategies oleksandr khara joins the broadcast, mr. oleksandr, my greetings, good evening, good evening, congratulations, and about the trip to states, of course we will monitor this topic in detail and we will be able to talk about something based on the results of the meeting, but which of these meetings do you think can change the situation with the approval of the next aid package for ukraine? well, if possible, i will still return to argentina literally
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for two reasons: the first is how much the new, let's say, the appointed, or rather the newly elected president and the president of ukraine hugged, and how easy it was to clap there or shake hands between milia and mr. orbán . why is this important? since we see well, hungary is the first case. slovakia, this is the second, and here is argentina, those people come to power who, well, you can say there. the right by populists, and it is important for orban, and for the republicans of the trumpian spill, it is very important, and the perception of the ukrainian president, his words, i mean miley , in relation to ukraine, that we must help, they are extremely important in changing this rhetoric . regarding the united states, it seems to me a very timely visit, if we consider what is happening in the congress and in the senate, literally a week ago
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, aid to ukraine was blocked, it can be seen as moral pressure on president biden and on the democrats to make concessions on the change, that is, the migration policy, and of course, that they understand that the ukrainians die defending their country , and the majority of republicans in the senate want to help us, but they could not, shall we say, avoid this temptation, use this situation to advance... their agenda, and now the visit of the president of ukraine , this, is actually moral pressure in reverse of course, he will talk about the importance of help, of course he will thank you for the previous help, here, but he will talk about what is critically important as soon as possible so that we receive this, let's say this, this help, and now it will be primarily our friends from the republicans who will decide, that is, you now.
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you just show the leader of the majority schumer and mitch mcconnell - this is the leader of the minority of the republican senate, they are both very. we were strongly supported rhetorically by various legislations, here we are now let's see how much this friendship is, how much is the understanding that this is a war not only between ukraine and russia and not only problems in europe, but for the united states, we will see in the decision. there are a few days left, until the 15th , the congress is in session, of course they can make a decision, whether they themselves, or the president of the united states, he has the opportunity under the constitution to convene the congress for an extraordinary, let's say, hearing, well, of course it will happen. an extraordinary event, in any case, i believe that help will come, the only thing i can't, well, i can't guess i will, will it be this week or already after my return, so the congressmen will go to work in january, well, mr. oleksandr, what about what you
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said about what zelensky will remind the congressmen and senators about, and what about them, will there be any new messages to zelensky, in your opinion, will we continue to move in the framework of that aid? which was voiced earlier, i don't think it's anything new, of course, that it's demagoguery from the republicans, and i see, just before the broadcast, i looked at what various people write there, they say, no, no centa ukraine, it is necessary to push ukraine to seek peace, and other such things, i.e. demagoguery, because they do not know the essence of the russian conflict, the essence and actually how much it will affect them, but they are actually... walking in trump's fairway, trump uses this topic , well, you know, it is manipulation when they say that it is necessary to protect the american border, and not to spend money protecting ukrainian ones, this is manipulation, because of course there are
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programs for israel, for taiwan, and for egypt and many other programs in the defense budget, but for some reason it was removed ukraine, i understand that these are large funds, but on the other hand, this means, well, this money is not for nothing, it protects the americans as well. that 90% of this money went to the arms corporations of the united states, and they give us outdated weapons, or those that we need, for example, like the same cluster ammunition, here, instead, they will produce the newest weapons that are needed and their own, their allies , primarily taiwan and israel, but also partners. and that's why it seems to me that the arguments are rational, the trumpians use them. let's say so, and of course what they are because of propaganda, we see, just yesterday elon musk returned to twitter one of such propagandists as alex jones, and there was a big conversation, and tucker clarkson, well, these are such names, maybe
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for most they don’t say anything, but this demagogues who spread such an agenda of selfish america that it should not be involved in... ukraine, that it is unimportant, that it is necessary, let's say, to strengthen its own armed forces, not understanding that everything is really connected, you cannot to withdraw from europe, the united states has already withdrawn from europe and received the annexation of crimea and the war in donbass , they came out of the middle east, they got the entry of russia into syria and its strengthening in the middle east, and then a chain reaction in other regions, they came out of africa, well, they did not think that this... .very important, we have that the entire sahel region is now under the control of russia through their proxy forces and through there the wagners and such, that is, the withdrawal of america - this means a void that is filled by scumbags, terrorists and the russian federation. mr. oleksandr, well, i want to go back, we
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they mentioned argentina and to return to the conversation between zelenskyi and orban, and actually it is clear what was said, but it is not clear what, but what do you think? talk about this small dialogue, what is it called, and why do the president's office avoid commenting on this topic, why don't they communicate? well, looking at how it happened , you can say that it was an emotionally charged, let's say, conversation, of course orbán plays an extremely negative role, there are several moments here, of course we mention the law on language, and he actually manipulates it by law, wants to get additional... let's say hungary's preferences on the territory of ukraine, of course he is manipulating what he is going to block, and i want to remind you that this week the european commission is going to start considering the issue of when, that means, negotiations with ukraine should start. of course, we need
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to do it now, so as not to postpone it for up to a year, because next year in europe there will be elections to the european parliament, of course, that this is also a question of blocking aid within the framework of nato. that is, they are all these things, but they are also there additional things, literally today, tomorrow the emissaries of hungary are staying, orbán's emissaries will meet in the united states. with representatives, well actually congressmen, these trumpians, will hold information events in order to stop aid to ukraine and the united states, that is , in fact, we have such an evil genius orban, who blocks aid in europe, i want the americans to do it and force ukraine to territorial and other concessions for the russian federation, in return it will buy more russian gas, build nuclear power plants, trade. well , it also means being vladimir putin's best friend, so i think that against this background
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, he certainly didn't tell any good jokes, i think that the arguments were powerful for him to unblock this aid. mr. oleksandr, it is also known that for the first time since the beginning of the full-scale war with russia, the minister of foreign affairs will meet with his hungarian colleague peter szijjártó, and according to him, he intends to talk about ukraine's fulfillment of its obligations, well, in particular, about the changes in legislation. to the national minorities who were demanded by hungary, who voted in the ukrainian parliament, but at the same time, the head of the foreign ministry made, to put it mildly, not quite a diplomatic statement to hungary, let's listen, i'll ask a question, we can jump, we can dance, we can more jumping and dancing on top of what's already been done, but i think the game should be fair, if we 're told to do something and we do it, it should be recorded as a result, or are statements like that my opinion conducive to fixing bridges, yes so to speak, and should we wait for some decisions
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after the meeting of the ministers of ukraine and hungary? well, before that, our partners also worked on it, and there was a conversation between emmanuel macron and orban, and the prime minister of finland, in fact, all our friends and partners are now trying to put pressure on us. it's a pity that it didn't work and there wasn't more powerful pressure on budapest, i think it was the most correct. option, since there are not only issues in ukraine, there are comments from europeans about hungary, the orbán regime, because there was a curtailment of freedom of speech, the rule of law, the practices introduced by this person, they do not meet the standards of the european union, so there is a question here, to what extent hungary under the leadership of orbán meets the criteria for membership in the eu and nato. the second point, again, going back to america, it's very related that... trumpians love orbán very much, they love hungary very much, they say, look, we have to follow these
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examples, they blocked there, so the access of migrants, refugees to their own country, they introduce conservative practices, this exactly what america needs, and that is why there is still such a gap here, that is why it is certainly dangerous when there is a person in the european union and in nato who uses all, let's say, the benefits of all organizations. and security provided by other nato members, european and the united states, but in the meantime trades with the russian federation and china. it seems to me that it would be most correct to apply stricter methods to hungary, to this person, so that she does not blackmail ukraine, actually by blocking aid, or actually all of poinat's allies. because well, by and large, the orban case shows that decision-making or mechanism. decision-making in the european union, it does not correspond to the realities and must be changed, so that
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one small country, i am not talking about the size, i do not want to offend the hungarians as such, but of course from the point of view of economic size, from the point of view of military power, this country is not the most powerful, and for one small country to block a decision or a consensus that all other countries have, it is absolutely wrong, it is a pity that the europeans did not push, mr. oleksandr, you are talking about the fact that mom... europe should have taken a tougher position, and today the head of the french foreign ministry, catherine colonna, spoke about these clear signals from hungary , just as she said that before the start of the meeting of the council of ministers of the eu on foreign affairs in brussels, that they said that these signals would be sent by hungary, and apart from clear diplomatic signals, does the eu have something to press on hungary, what can the european union do now without changing the legislation, and will this eu summit be successful for ukraine at all, or should we wait? changes in the position of budapest, well, we will hope, as they unblock the aid
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that the eu allocates there according to its programs to hungary, i think that this candy can work, i think that there is also something that is not talked about publicly, of course, that the united states could also join , because by and large, what urban is doing, he is not pro-russian, well, in the sense that he is being paid a salary there or is he an agent of the kremlin there, no, he is... trying to stay in power under his own conditions and make some positives his own politics, that is precisely why he is attracting russian money, russian energy and others there things, of course, what can be here... you can look for compromises, how to help hungary find a better place under the sun, relatively speaking, yes, when it does not violate the rules and regulations that are written. so far, of course, we see that diplomacy has not worked, but it seems to me that this is the experience of the europeans, that they were not able
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to change something with appeals, diplomacy, soft steps, that they will go to more others, well, more powerful and not not very pleasant for in that... the times of all hungarian steps, well, many international events await us this week, we will follow closely , mr. oleksandr, thank you for joining the broadcast, oleksandr khara, diplomat, foreign security policy expert, defense strategies center, was in touch with us, thank you, and we will put an end to that, thank you for your trust, do not forget to subscribe to radio liberty's youtube channel and see you, as always, on the air, stay tuned. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to feminost uro, a natural component, helps restore control over urination both day
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and night. feminost oro - urination under control. ask. congratulations, here such an event happened, well, what no one expected, on december 8, putin suddenly spoke for the fifth presidential term, but no one expected this, what is happening now, it is... completely unexpected, i hear from here that the president in russia, the military is asking to take part in the presidential elections, the president's answer has not yet been heard, now we are listening to what the president will say, ibid. heroes of labor, doctors, workers, designers, mothers of russian heroes, all together, and
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they all together begged, begged, because they couldn't even. to guess that putin might want to run for another presidential term, such a surprise, well, in general, this whole circus that took place there, it is of course such a spectacle of the day, how people are running and standing around like that, and a whole, well, a whole hall of guests , but for some reason only certain ones run, who know where they should stand, in what order, well, that’s how it is, that’s exactly how it is unexpectedly. well, as this activist said, no one expected, and they didn't know exactly what putin would say, and all this in russians is called the electoral system, which they believe is the best. the electoral system that has developed in russia is the most modern world
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system, and i think that the fact that it is constantly being improved plays a significant role in this. and it is improving, the level of trust in elections is growing, this should also be noted, and our president noted, yes, that over the past 2 years from 60 to 69, almost 70%, the level of trust has increased , but of course this is not the limit, of course, it is absolutely not the limit, you can have 100, and 105, and 125 percent in the end, if you want, especially if you announce who will be... . the president, well, for example, not just there a month before the start of the elections, but a year before the start of the elections, then in general trust will grow to such an extent that , well, it will grow to an unattainable level, well, but let's see how it was and in what words did they ask and how did he answer, because this is, in my opinion, a separate joke, he called the election
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the president of the russian federation, and i... on behalf of all our people, all of donbas, our united lands, i would like to ask you to take part in these elections, because there is a lot of work, thanks to your actions, your decision, we got freedom, the right of the election, and we want to take part in the elections of the president of the russian federation, and you are our president , there is a lot of work, it is still necessary to integrate, to undergo integration, social connection, in all... other economic formats and simply ordinary human peaceful life, and under with your leadership, we would like to do all this, you are our president, we are your team , we need you, we need you, russia, thank you very much, i will not hide, at different times i had different thoughts, but now you are right, now this time , when it is necessary to make a decision, i
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will run for the post of president, at different times, different opinions, right who has different opinions, when different opinions, right amazing, amazing, the elections themselves will be held on march 17 , 2024, and in fact, well, russian.. .propaganda is really built around this almost everything that will be shown, well , in the next few months, all of it will revolve around this in russian propaganda, moreover, i will say, they had already built a year before that under different sauces, which should be exactly what it is putin's proposal in these elections, well , in the end it came down to the fact that here...
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pass on the words of the guys who are now on the front line, ah, the guys have, according to your words , the feelings expressed now, eh, then, что чуше балотороваться, you will not, to the president sapizhat mazaeva, the director of school 54 in makhachkala, the mother of the deceased, the first hero of the svo, also appealed. we need you, you, as a leader, i also join artyom in order for you to be involved. thank you, there was such a choice, and i wanted to say it, maria kostyuk from birabidzhan, the mother of the fallen hero of russia, as a mother, will thank you from the fathers, from
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the mothers, from the widows who are present here, the dead boys, here you are, don’t leave us, we are here today, i am really proud, the parents of our fallen heroes, we are all here, and here is one story, we are your front, we are also your front , we are with you, we are for you, the president of the dead in essence, because this is a bunch of people who actually went to die so that putin could attack ukraine, and there is no other purpose in this was, and now these dead are dragging the living to their graves, in essence, because it is not enough that their relatives were killed, they need to kill some other people as well, so they want putin to be further, this is how it looks, well, this is what it is, well
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, that is, putin, the president of the dead, and in principle, well, somewhere everyone understands that that's the main thing putin has to offer in this election, more corpses. putin is advancing from... people dressed in the national russian costume, military uniform, it is important to remember this, this is an absolutely key element in this presidential campaign, and it will be an absolutely key element in this new putin presidential term, in that putin will win in the elections, well, no one has any doubts, certainly not. the suit is russian, you see, a military uniform, as it turned out, and of course, no one doubts anything there, but you know, why suddenly in this process
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the presidential election is so important for them, in fact, the presidential election for russia, and will become another such way to advertise this national russian costume, and well , to advertise death in essence, that is, it is such, you know, the election of death eaters, that is... to advertise death as such, and they are actively promoting it now, but it is interesting, you know, how the russians feel about it, and some such individual elements, even their polls there, they make you think a little about it, let's see, they also had them there celebrated volunteer day, they also gathered some of their own volunteers around the kremlin, and these volunteers... well , as a rule, they have all volunteers in russia organized by the state, there are no other volunteers, yes, even in the circle of these volunteers, yes called, they tried to tell about it, how
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the russian... people support it, i will tell you, it is very strange that the russian people support it, because one of the deputies of the administration of president putin, but he did not find a more interesting figure than to say something like this, for example , the last survey in tsioma, which was made in november, a question was asked to adults, would you like your children and grandchildren to become volunteers and volunteers, to this question... well, it must be said that we are fighting so that our children and grandchildren do not have to be neither volunteers, nor volunteers, all the more so, but it turns out that russians want their children and grandchildren to be volunteers, they themselves most likely do not want to be neither volunteers nor volunteers, because if they wanted, then it would be precisely this number
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kiriyenko and named and that's how they think, you know, now we're going to do all kinds of shit, huh then let the children and grandchildren continue to rake , this is how a russian person looks at it, and this is how this beautiful figure should be understood, when 76% of russians want their children and grandchildren to rake what they have done now and volunteered there, i will tell you that, well, it's just that the situation of their nations is pathological, if you look at it that way, because it's not normal to want for your children and grandchildren. a worse life than for themselves, and that's right, this figure tells us exactly that, and what's more, the fact that they dream that these will be children-grandchildren will not work, because they are already starting, prominent propagandists generally promote that no, children and grandchildren are still a long way off, even those who are now, even students should go somewhere and fight immediately. it is very important
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for us not to relax anywhere, not to relax anywhere, also we have military departments, it seems to me that here are the students who are graduating from our military departments, right now there is a high demand for junior command staff, that would be very useful, if the guys thought like that and maybe they would make such a decision for themselves, let's go now, it will serve the family
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, there were even more people to throw to the front, well , while it is just beginning, actors and athletes will call for it, until all this is revealed in such full beauty, but here they are already also got involved, are also ready to vote for more corpses. and because he is simply doomed to it, because there is no other, because there is nothing else at all,
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in principle, in this russia. moreover, there is no hope that there might be any other life in russia either. for me there is no doubt, i think, even the opponents putin, well, those who want to live in our country, understand that it is impossible at the moment - they will try to change it in some way. this power is not there, there is no adequate person who can lead the country, and in addition to this, of course, it is clear that the outcome of this struggle is for vladimir vladimirovich himself, he is principled, this is his fate in history, in world history , he has achieved a lot, but ultimately his evaluation in world history will depend on whether we win this battle.


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