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tv   [untitled]    December 11, 2023 11:00pm-11:30pm EET

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and there is no hope that there can be any other life in russia either. for me, there is no doubt, i think that even the opponents of putin, well, those who want to live in our country, understand that it is impossible now at all to try to change this power in someone, that is, there is no... no, there is no adequate person, who can lead the country, plus, of course, it is clear that for vladimir vladimirovich himself, the outcome of this struggle is fundamental, it is his destiny in history, in world history, he has achieved a lot, but in the end, his evaluation in world history will depend on whether we win this fight or lose, so to speak, and accordingly we are together with him... hard work,
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well, all together, and so, you know, this is a call to collective suicides of russians together with putin, if he is a dictator there, well, they all go there, and you know, at the same time, everything is so wonderful, but they all unanimously, as if they are choosing somewhere, but at the same time, there is another such trend, which is , it is suddenly a discussion of what needs to be returned immediately and back from... to lift the moratorium on the death penalty in russia, it is also not a coincidence, these conversations coincide with another election of putin, because if you already want to commit suicide, well, the death penalty is the same in principle, well if you are already agitating for death and electing a president of the dead, then the death penalty is just that, it would cancel the moratorium on the death penalty, i don't... i don't really
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understand how it all fits together in our country, and these conversations about that death does not matter, in my opinion, it is general it is very urgent to apply the highest measure of punishment, i am talking to my colleagues who wear uniforms, men, how about that? they say: it's very simple, look how it all happens in the republic of belarus, the first is the death penalty, the second is on demand? talked, this is very much expected, well , we have a war going on, a war about which we say that it is fateful, what about us, it is a matter of adopting the practices of the best, people with whom because probably not everyone wants so directly, you know, together with putin to die and together with putin wants to breed more civilians, that's why internal enemies have increased in russia, so ... with
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all this prosperity, with all this prosperity of patriotism, as they say, because of all the fates, as they say, wars again, internal enemies have increased, so there was no, they had no enemies until february 24, then suddenly there was a sudden increase in internal enemies, and there are simply so many of these enemies that you see the expert punishment must be introduced again, and maybe they can shoot directly to the bridge. right where i saw it, because these are the best practices, and it's not surprising, actually, that's why that as it turns out, maybe we don't notice a little here, we somehow also fall under this talk of russian propagandists, how they are building some factories there, how everyone is doing something there, how they are uniting the industry there, but no, in fact , russia's biggest problem now is that it is multiplying.
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and there will be even more of all these acts, and even after putin's election there will be even more of them, and this is simply not, you know, such a process that cannot be stopped, it will not stop, because no matter how russian propagandists want to choose for a president of the dead, well... well, not all
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russians want this, it must be said, and moreover, not all do, and there are even those who, as you see, are ready to resist, and there will be more of these people who are ready to be elected, and ... the further, the further the more, so we are waiting for others, there transip they have such, you know, a beautiful road, which is also waiting for its heroes, and along which, as they once again told on the air, is now passing so many things that it was before the war, so many trains did not pass there, but all this is still being prepared, and all this, i i hope we won't hear that, well... a long time to wait for it to explode in them and all that, no, i don't wait, maybe even their presidential election, so what is it, see you,
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a year ago i, of course , i really wanted to serve, but i couldn't imagine that i... could be in such an environment, because for me the army was something very, well, not that scary, but something very unknown. my name is anya, i am an aerial scout in a separate unmanned aviation service of the ukrainian volunteer army. in civilian life, anna was a student of the history faculty of the shevchenko national university in kyiv and actively volunteered, and also traveled, then on february 24, she thought about joining the army and continued to help the front. in the winter
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of this year, i realized that i needed to prepare because i did not understand what the next phase of the war would be, it could be again the same as in february march 22, and ... at least have some basic tactical skills medicine, fire training. one of the training blocks was working with drones. to a girl she liked the specialization and joined air reconnaissance in the ukrainian volunteer army. currently, the soldier can combine work on the front line, study at the university, and also gives private english lessons. i started teaching a year before i joined the service, and i love my students very much, they love me and... and until i finish their course and i don't want to leave them, so i try my best, of course they go to meet, when every time i say that some force majeure, i can't get in touch, but they value my time, i value their. in august of this year, anya was already at
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the front, taking part in combat missions during a counteroffensive near the working area in the zaporizhzhia direction. this small piece is given by effort, perhaps it is due to the fact that the russians managed to gain a good foothold in this direction, that is , the zaporozhye direction is actually, as far as we know, the most actively fortified, and that is, it was very difficult to break through the first line of defense, and it was given with huge losses, it is a plus, it is the steppes. it's a constant exploration, sometimes it doesn't work it's interesting, but you have to devote a lot of time to discovering at least something, but when it brings results, it motivates her for further
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work. first of all, it is necessary to study well. area to communicate as much as possible with adjacent units, but communication in fact, it seems to me, plays a decisive role in principle, both in life and especially in war, and therefore if you prepare well and understand which areas to fly into are worthwhile and which are not worthwhile, then it can be bypassed, but of course everything depends a lot on drones are lost very actively, especially mavics, and this is just a resource that... constantly replenishes, from the largest, probably, it was a room in which the enemy air reconnaissance most likely worked and lived, it was an interesting process
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of searching for them, we we found them in the landing and we followed the course, followed their premises, and anyway we reached with them a house in which... we did not live, aro intelligence plays a very decisive role now, especially in this war, and i think what ah, from the side. it's a big priority, just like for us, because we understand that there are so many drones flying above us, many can be detected, and a very big, very, very much can be done with a small mavic, in fact, detect at least any target, equipment, gun, cat, well, that is, it is a very universal tool, with which
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, well, that is, intelligence used to go into the rear of the enemy and search there, that is, get in touch with their troops, transmit coordinates, and we do not know, well, when the defeat was carried out, that is, it is unknown, did it happen, now everything can be done, all these things can be done drone anya remains in the army and continues to work with drones, she likes this business. after the victory, he dreams of returning to his native odessa and continuing to develop the volunteer movement in the city, maybe even go into politics, into the city council, because there is actually a lot of work, i am very happy that a lot of proactive young people are developing in odessa now, and i directly i root for them as much as possible and i hope that as soon as possible i will be able to join and work for the good of my city, because i love odessa very much and i really want this city to be happy. and ukrainian in all senses of the word,
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although this full-scale war showed that ukraine is loved in odessa. khrystyna porubiy, espresso tv channel. see this week in the program. judicial control with tetyana shustrova. three years of trials for the metropolitan gardens, what will the appeal decide? the supreme court overturned these decisions and remanded for a new trial. but how did the precious land in the center of lviv end up under the threat of development? special communications is a structure that works for the state another construction office. greetings, this is judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. during all the years of independence, the judicial system of ukraine has repeatedly undergone changes, this year. judicial reform despite the full-scale war has gained considerable momentum, and while
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a new composition of key judicial authorities is being formed, which should form an honest judicial body, the courts still remain corrupt, under the control of oligarchs and politicians. today we will tell you about how the lviv community has been fighting in the courts for more than three years for the right to use metropolitan police gardens in the city center, near st. george's cathedral. but first. to the news the national anti-corruption bureau and the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office have exposed four judges of the kyiv court of appeals for receiving a $35,000 bribe for making a decision. the investigation established that the judge of the kyiv court of appeal offered one of the parties in the case to satisfy the complaint regarding the cancellation of the seizure of the private company's property. for this, he and the trio of judges in the case had to be paid by the company representative. a bribe of 10 thousand dollars, the mediator-judge kept for himself, and put 25 in a box from the pendant for further
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transfer to colleagues. after receiving the funds, they divided them among themselves. judges yuriy sliva, viktor glynyany and ihor palenyk were exposed for bribery. judge vyacheslav dzyubin acted as mediator. the anti-corruption center , citing its own sources, reports that the judges should have made a decision to cancel the seizure of the property of one of the firms in the case of the ex-president. and motorsich vyacheslav boguslaev, we remind you, he is suspected of collaboration and aiding and abetting country of the aggressor. the courts seized the company's assets in the amount of over uah 12 billion. the higher qualification commission of judges did not dismiss the odious judge of the kharkiv district administrative court, olena izovitova vakim, from her position. instead, she announced a break in the consideration of this issue. izovitova vakim, judge of the maidan. in 2013 , she approved. the decision to ban peaceful gatherings in support of euromaidan in kharkiv. at first, the judge banned peaceful
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actions from november 26 to 29, 2013, and the very next day she banned protest actions indefinitely. previous composition of the verkhovna rada the justice recognized that the judge had violated the rules of procedural law, but exempted her from punishment due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. judge olena izovitova vakim has a lot of property, the appearance of which it is difficult to explain with income, and not only her, but also her children, who at the minimum salary became owners of expensive cars, the mother of judge lidia izovitova, head of the national association of advocates. of ukraine and associate of godfather putin, viktor medvedchuk. on november 30, the higher qualification commission considered the issue of dismissal from the post of olena izovitova vakim, but took a break until january 18 to examine additional documents. while the land in the east of ukraine suffers from the attacks of russian barbarians, the land
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in the west suffers from raiders. customs were under the threat of illegal construction. shelf gardens in the very center of lviv near st. george's cathedral. courts surrounding 2 hectares of valuable land have been ongoing since 2020. however , the community has not yet managed to protect its right to use metropolitan gardens. the state service for special communications and information protection is trying to convict them in the city. how the residence of the greek-catholic metropolitans was threatened with development. see further. on december 6, 2023, the western commercial court of appeal. an appeal against the decision of the economic court of the lviv region, which recognized the illegal state registration of land at 5 st. yura square in lviv, is being considered here. the decision of the lviv city council on the transfer of the metropolitan gardens to the greek catholic church was declared illegal and canceled by the state court, as well as the decision of the state registrar,
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and the city continues to fight. for more than three years of almost fifty court sessions. supreme court, and here the case is again on appeal. we believe that the decision of the first instance as of today is legal, and the appeal at that time, lviv city, is simple. why did this land become a delicacy for those willing to take it away from communities? all residents of lviv, and even tourists, know about the residence of the greek-catholic metropolitans and a real architectural gem. 18th century st. george's cathedral. the building that is next to us is the metropolitan chambers in which metropolitan andrey sheptytsky actually lived and served, and later the entire hierarchy of the ukrainian greek catholic church. this baroque and rococo style complex was designed almost 300 years ago by famous lviv architects of german origin: bernard meretyn and
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clemens fessinger. andrii sheptytsky, who was not only a metropolitan, but also a patron, lived in the chambers. created an eight-grade classical gymnasium, generously sponsored ukrainian cultural and educational societies. on his initiative , the lviv national museum was established in 1905, and the ukrainian university in lviv in 1914. andrey sheptytskyi was a philanthropist and he owned large sums of money and invested in culture, in art, in people, in the church, from his somewhere such contributions grew patriarch joseph the blind. at the beginning of the past. century , the lower part of the metropolitan gardens was freely accessible to local residents, and during the soviet regime , radar facilities were erected on this territory. during the soviet era , towers were erected there, mufflers were installed in them, which silenced the voice of america, radio liberty was there, well, all of them, all the networks, well, ukraine became independent, there lviv joined unesco, these
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towers were taken away. the lviv city council decided to give the gardens to ukrainian greek catholics. to the church under the condition of free access for city residents, but it did not work out. the state service for special communications and information protection of ukraine decided to condemn this land with an area of ​​more than 2 hectares. we legitimately adopted a resolution at the session, and this land was given to the church. and here , you know, like pylyp skonopel, they file a lawsuit against the special forces, who is the legal successor of all those they say, no, it's like our land. it is interesting that in 2000, when lviv decided to return part of the lower metropolitan gardens to the church, this area was free. there was no information in the land cadastre that it belonged to the state special service. instead, the department only had the right to use it - says ulyana pak, a member of the city council. in fact, we identified this plot of land, registered it in the land cadastre, registered the right
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of ownership and, accordingly, took all adequate measures that should have been taken when this plot was to be... transferred to ownership in permanent use of the curia of the archdiocese of the ukrainian greek catholic church. courts in the case of a valuable plot in the center of lviv have been going on since 2020, and while the lawsuits were progressing through the courts, developers have already set their sights on this land, says lviv mayor andriy sadovyi. then the builders start to spin, and maybe we would have something to encourage the guys to do something stupid. this is the spiritual heart of lviv. the intention of the state intelligence service to condemn the land, which no one claimed until 2020, is quite clear right now, during the war. land and real estate on... in the west of ukraine has become significantly more expensive, and it is unacceptable to do business while destroying cultural heritage and neglecting the interests of the community, insists people's deputy mykola knyazhytskyi.
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real estate in lviv is currently the most expensive in ukraine, apartments are the most expensive here , and for many people, the historical value of our city does not play any role, only business interests play a role, otherwise i cannot say what is happening in the city. can, and it is absolutely shameful to use war to actually nothing... our historical heritage. it is interesting that the state special forces decided to take land from the people of lviv and the ukrainian greek catholic church at a time when many churches in ukraine still remain within the structure of the russian orthodox church and the moscow patriarchate. and these are not only temples, but also large plots of land. the situation looks somehow absurd, because now it is about the fact that the state cannot adequately ban the russian church and solve the issue with its property. with numerous objects and real estate and land plots, and at the same time we now have a court, when the state actually wants to take
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historical and church lands from the ukrainian greek catholic church. the case of two hectares of valuable land in the center of lviv eventually reached the supreme court, and the servants of themis did not side with the lviv community. we won the first instance and the appeal, the supreme court overturned this decision and... went for a new trial and now we have received a negative decision, but the legal department is preparing an appeal. we turned to the state service of special communications and information protection of ukraine with an information request, asked to share future plans for the area of ​​the metropolitan gardens, as well as provide ownership documents and extracts from the geocadastre for perusal. since the land was in the state special communication only on terms of use, not ownership. accordingly, we did not wait for the excerpts. however, in the answer received by our editorial office, the department shows its desire to resolve the dispute with the city peacefully. representatives of the state intelligence administration
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have repeatedly made proposals that could satisfy the interests of the state, the military, of the local tavirian community. in particular, it was proposed to exchange the mentioned upper land plot for an equivalent land plot in another place. in 2021 , the city management noted that it will offer an alternative site to military liaison officers, and the metropolitan gardens will remain a place of spirit and strength. this compromise completely suited both sides, because in this case the interests of the state would not be violated, and the cathedral of st. george would receive its historical lands. so it turns out despite the fact that telecommunications equipment is located on the site of the metropolitan gardens nodes, television, mobile radio and internet communication, the civil service does not mind giving up this land. if only the lviv city council would instead allocate some other land to it, and while the future fate of the historical site near the st. george's cathedral remains unknown, it is already quite obvious
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what the state intelligence service's intentions are regarding another site in lviv. more than 8 hectares in lysenychy, on the northern outskirts of the city, are planned to be trivially developed, this is stated in the draft of changes to the detailed plan of the territory. according to the document, a residential block will be built here 47 sections. they had a large military unit, they are currently reforming it and want to build housing there as well. i have a question about the special forces, this is a structure that works for the state, this is another construction office. during the preparation of our material for the broadcast, it became known that nabu reported the suspicion to the head of the state intelligence service, yury shchigol, and five other employees of the department. during the purchase of equipment and software, they allegedly illegally took over. uah 62 million, the official was arrested and released the very next day pre-trial detention center under bail of uah 25 million. the government dismissed the goldfinch from his position, and
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it is much more difficult to roll back the decisions made by the head of the service and judicial bodies in the case of metropolitan gardens. we see that, after all , there is a possibility of a peaceful settlement of this dispute, and it would certainly be very good. and so judicial colleagues. decides to postpone the consideration of the case until january 17, so now the community of lviv is waiting for a new round of court proceedings for the historical territory near the st. george's cathedral, which it is quite likely that they have already set their sights on builders today i have everything, it was judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. report to us the facts of corruption and unscrupulous judges at... the address you see on the screens, or write to me on facebook. see you in exactly one week. good bye! i flew, flew, cough, stopped
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me, cough is a symptom of a respiratory disease, so we treat it with respiratory, we do inhalation, lord hyal is an inhalant for cough, lord hyal is a direct way to expel phlegm. vasyl winter's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zamai, we we are starting two hours of airtime , two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets with us, and what the world is doing, now about , what happened in the world will be discussed in more detail by yuliy fizar, yuriy good evening, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and news sports, review of sports events by yevhen
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pastukhov, two hours in the company. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zema's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. for more than half a century, in the heart of the capital, at the corner of shevchenko boulevard and khreshchatyk street, there has been a tall monument to lenin, there were several attempts to demolish it, but it was finally 10 years ago were toppled, it was the toppling of the lenin monument in
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kyiv that caused the chain reaction. throughout the country, which was later called the lenin fall. people rejoiced, people took hammers, well , when they knocked him down, when they had already knocked him down, people there directly led dances, collected pebbles as a memory, took pictures, well, it really was, it was lenin, it was a symbol. ussr in 2013, attempts were made to demolish the almost four-meter pedestal of ilyich on basarabka at least three times. the first two times the law enforcement officers resisted, but the third time they simply watched. lenin in the center of kyiv dragged everyone else along with him. only in december 2013, three more of these were demolished in ukraine. they overthrew lenin and felt everything. now let's overthrow yanukovych. and really viktor
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yanukovych. fled in two months, and since then the process has accelerated, and monuments to soviet figures have begun to be torn down in the southern and southeastern regions. in particular, in 2014 , the second tallest lenin in ukraine fell in kharkiv, and decommunization officially began in 2015. thanks to the package of laws, it was possible to remove thousands of soviet toponyms, names, memorial signs and monuments. from the beginning of the full-scale invasion to deradinization. de-russification joined in, so we finally got rid of not only lenins and stalins, but also pushkins and chkalovs. after the full-scale invasion, it became clear to everyone that there should be nothing russian in the capital of ukraine, there should be no russian propaganda, there should be no russian symbols, we have enough of our own heroes. the capital, as of the end of 2023
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, by 98%. free from colonial symbols and figures. in particular, several took place this year loud and long-awaited demolitions. motherland lost the soviet coat of arms from its shield, and pushkin finally disappeared from bagryany park. they even dropped the rider shchors, for whom leonid kravchuk once posed. they promise not to stop there. miss patona, a few more that need a long time there. and we have several dozen more commemorative plaques. which will be removed literally in a few days after the decision of the city council. in order to leave a memory of the brutality and colonial policy of russian figures, they planned to create a museum monumental propaganda, but later he was forgotten and enough. every one, even an overturned plinth, has its owner, mostly local authorities. so dismantle it.


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