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tv   [untitled]    December 12, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EET

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and a fictitious referendum. in her stories, she called it reunification and a return to the legal homeland. on camera, it was constantly repeated that the shelling of kherson was carried out by the kyiv regime. especially after her film crew apparently came under fire. it's scary, it needs to be removed. we came under fire for a short time here, a little steeply. and you can't sit alone in the basements either, because somehow. it's not really safe, after this video, the russian scumbags wrote that the armed forces deliberately fired at the civilian population. it's on novorossiysk herself repeated on television. there was a large crowd of people, as humanitarian aid was being distributed, it flew to the very building where this mobile social office was located, that is , there were people there who simply wanted to receive some kind of help from the russian state or something.
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there were no citizens of the russian federation, that is, military personnel, but exactly three explosions were heard in a cluster of civilians. in april of this year, novorossiysk became a member of the union of journalists of russia. now this is an amateur novorossii is hiding in genichisk. this summer, the kherson city court of the kherson region allowed a special pre-trial investigation. the traitor faces from 12 to 15 years of imprisonment. and this is another one. of journalism yulia olehivna sypko, born in 1976. she is a journalist by education, but until february 24 she worked in the kherson regional state administration. when the city was captured by the russian army, sypko decided to become a spokesperson for propaganda in the region. she got a job as a journalist and tv presenter on the same tavria tv channel. unfortunately, naked the pier is 90% flooded. there were comas and there was shelling, that is , there is nothing holy from that side, that is. and why did yulichka
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keep silent about who caused this disaster, or about the fact that after the russians blew up the kakhovskaya gesture, they insidiously abandoned the locals and partially evacuated only those who had a russian passport. sypko showed that she is worthy of serving the kremlin regime, so they began to entrust her with a more serious task, for example, to interview volodymyr saldo, and then she was already nominated as a candidate from the united russia party. and made a deputy to the head responsible for recruitment into putin's youth army in the kherson region. in the near future , a new movement will be opened in the skadovsky district , a new squad is being recruited, so that they can later merge into this huge team, a million-strong team of guys from the all-russian organization, nothing reminds you, putin's youth army is a direct carbon copy from hitler's hitler youth. i hope that
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the end of these fascists will be the same. yuliya is now sitting with her tail tucked in henichesk ukraine, the security service of ukraine informed her about the suspicion. this is another journalist-traitor ivan yuriyovych horbenko, born in 1998. in peaceful life, he worked as a bartender, but after february 24, he decided to radically change his profession. he voluntarily went to kherson, which was still occupied at the time, and started working as a cameraman. and presenter on the vtv+ channel. how this channel became pro-russian and who used it as a platform for propaganda was told in one of the following programs. meanwhile , i will add about the propagandist gurbenka that after the de-occupation of kherson he fled to skadovsk and works as a correspondent for trc tavria, where he promotes russian peace and fully supports the occupation. this day is special for the people of skadovsk. residents and guests of the city in a festive mood gathered on the central streets to congratulate each other.
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with epochal events, the epochal event will be when ukraine wins, all the collaborators will get what each of them deserves, and this is it, a meeting place of traitors, shining a mine on the camera and carrying nonsense, gurbenko did not stay long, suspicion was already waiting for him, and the so-called bunks in the cell, and that's more one putin supporter, tyufyakina olena mykhailivna, maiden name of ulimova in 1966. from birth to february 24 held the position of an accountant and worked in the department of social protection of the population under the city administration, but after the beginning of the full-scale attack of russia on ukraine, she went to work in one of the departments of the occupation structure, the department of organizational and informational work on electronic document management in the department of labor and social policy, under the chairmanship of the gauleiters, we want to say a big thank you for this help, because it means so much to us needed
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well, let's take a gift. the woman was handing out humanitarian aid from russia, thereby inducing the locals to go over to the side of the enemy. i hope that soon she herself will need humanitarian aid, which will be carried to prison. it was the program collaborators and i , olena kononenko. if you want to talk about the kremlin peddlers, write to us at this email address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. greetings, we are looking for six-year-old varia
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sozonova, who mysteriously disappeared on december 5, 2022 . i immediately ask you to share this video on your social networks, because if it is about the search. as many people as possible will know about the child, accordingly, the more chances we will have to find him. so, her grandmother is looking for an accident. she told us that the girl lived with her mother in kyiv. in the winter of 2022, they went to moldova, they were last in touch from the city of grigoriopil in transnistria. why mother and daughter went there, the grandmother cannot say for sure. however from december 5, 22, about the fate of little vara and her mother. almost nothing is known, i don’t know , well, how to look for them, in general, what are the possibilities , what can i do, i’ve already turned to wherever you want, well, during this time, i’ve seen, well , someone should see it in some school, kindergarten, in a polyclinic, there moreover, the child was sick, and
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we very often ended up in the hospital directly in the ambulance, i do not believe that somewhere, well, somewhere, she should do something, at the same time... the grandmother says that she supposedly has information from the police that her granddaughter and her mother were crossed border and returned back to ukraine. however, here again, no one saw them, they did not contact, and unfortunately, there are almost no leads that could help in the search. no one saw them on the territory of ukraine, well, you know, at least some kind of surveillance camera, that they are both alive , healthy, that everything is fine, well...
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the girl's grandmother also told us that she has information that her the granddaughter and her mother could leave for poland after returning from moldova to ukraine. for now, this is just a guess, but if you actually live in poland, you might see varya sozonova and her mother, or if you have any information about them, call us immediately on the hotline 11630. please remember or write down this number, because 11630 is the only european hotline for missing children, which works in 28 european countries, and therefore, if you are in europe and want to report information about a missing child, or god forbid, you yourself have a missing child, do not
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delay, call the single european missing children line 116/30 from your mobile phone, you will receive a professional help, support and step-by-step instructions: how to act in such cases situations? and finally, the grandmother of six-year-old vara says that she does not lose hope of finding her beloved granddaughter and asks each of you not to remain indifferent and help in the search. please, who saw it, do we know the location of the barbarian and her mother? please inform the police or the child tracing service. i am very worried about them and want to make sure. so, if you know about the location of varya sozonova, please inform us immediately on the hotline at the number 116 30. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free, including you you can write to the chatbot of the child tracing service
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in telegram. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city. at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. see this week in the collaborators program. sellers from kyrylivka, who are actively russifying the village? zaporozhye region, kyrylyvka. but why are car races organized with russian rags? watch the collaborators program on tuesday, december 12 at 5:45 p.m. olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00 a.m. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front , society, and more feedback, you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20...
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let's find it! here such an event happened, well, no one expected it, on december 8, putin suddenly ran for
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the fifth presidential term, no one expected this. this is completely unexpected , i heard from here that the president of russia, the military is asking to take part in the presidential elections, the president has not answered yet... well , now, together with you, we will listen to what the president will say, there are heroes of labor, doctors, workers, designers, mothers of russians heroes, all together , and all of them begged, begged, because they could not even guess that putin might want to run for another presidential term, such a surprise, well, in general, this whole circus that took place there, it is certainly such a disgusting sight. how people run there on cue and stand around, and a whole, well, a whole
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hall of guests, but for some reason only some run, who know where they should stand, in what order, well, everything is like that, it’s just not expected at all, as this one said here is an actor whom no one expected at all and just not knew what putin would say, and all this russians call the electoral system, which they believe. since it is the best, the electoral system that has developed in russia, it is the most modern world system, and i think that i do not have the last role in this... it is precisely the fact that it is constantly being improved, and it is being improved, that plays a role in the level of trust in elections is growing, this should also be noted, and our president noted, yes, that over the past 2 years from 60 to 69, the level of trust has increased by almost 70%, but of course this is not the limit, of course, it
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absolutely not a limit, you can have 100, and 105, and 125 in the end percent. if you want, especially if you announce who will be the president, well, for example, not just there a month before the elections, but a year before the elections, then in general trust will grow to such an extent that, well, it will grow to an unattainable level, well but let's still see how it was and in what words they asked and how he answered, because this is, in my opinion, a separate anecdote. i appointed the election of the president of the russian federation and i, in the name of all our people, all of donbass, our people connected lands, i would like to ask you to take part in these elections, because there is a lot of work, thanks to your actions, your decision, we got freedom, the right to vote, and we want to take part in the elections for the president of the russian
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federation, and you are our president, the work is very there is a lot, we still need integration, to pass integration. at different times different opinions, exactly who has different opinions, when different opinions, just amazing, amazing, the elections themselves will take place on march 17 , 2024, and in fact, well, russian propaganda is really building around this almost everything that will be shown, well
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, in the next few months, all of it will revolve around this ukrainian propaganda, moreover, i will say, they had already built a year before that under different sauces, what exactly should be the what is putin's proposal for these elections, well , in the end, it came down to the fact that this proposal is very strange, so let's see who came to ask putin to run for office, because this is also a separate category of people who stood up from their place.
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что чуше балотороваться, you won't, k sapizhat mazaeva, the director of school 54 in makhachkala, the mother of the deceased, the first hero of the svo, also applied to the president . , the mother of the fallen hero of russia, you will be thanked as a mother by fathers, mothers, and brothers. who are here the dead boys, here you are, don’t leave us, we are here today, i am really proud, the parents of our fallen heroes, we are all here, and here is one story, we are your front, too, we are your front, we are with you, we are for you, we are with you, and as the guys say today, i repeat also, you are our president, well, that is, putin is the president of the dead
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in essence, because it is a bunch ... some people who actually went to die so that putin could attack ukraine, and there was no other purpose in this, and now these dead are dragging the living to their graves, in essence, because it is not enough for them that their relatives were killed, they need to kill some other people, that's why they want putin to be further, that's how it looks, well, that's it, well, that is, putin, the president is dead. and in principle, well, somewhere, everyone understands that this is the main thing that putin can offer in these elections, more corpses. russian costume, in a military uniform,
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it is important to remember this, this is an absolutely key element that is being promoted by people dressed in national clothes in this presidential campaign, and this will be an absolutely key element in this new putin presidential term in the fact that putin wins the election, well no... and of course no one doubts anything there, but do you know why suddenly in this process the presidential election is so important for them, in fact the presidential election for russia will become another such way to advertise this national russian costume and, well, advertise in essence. death, that is, it is such , you know, the choice of the death eaters, that is, to advertise death as such, and they are actively
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promoting it now, but it is interesting, you know, how the russians feel about it, and some such separate elements, even their polls there, they force about it's a little to think about, let's see, they had them there too celebrated volunteer day, they also gathered some of their own... lviv volunteers, and these volunteers, well, they, as a rule, all volunteers in russia are organized by the state, there are no other volunteers, so even among these volunteers, so-called, tried to tell about it, how the russian people support it, i will tell you , it is very strange that the russian people support it, because one of the deputies of the administration of president putin, he did not find a more interesting figure than to say this, for example. the last survey in ceoma, which was made in november, a question was asked to adults, would you like your
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children and grandchildren to become volunteers and volunteers, to this question, 76% of russians said that they would like and dream about it, well , it must be said that we are fighting for that our children and grandchildren do not have to be volunteers, nor to... volunteers, all the more so, but it turns out that the russians want their children and grandchildren to be volunteers, they themselves most likely do not want to be volunteers either , not volunteers, because if they wanted, then this is exactly the number kiriyenko would have named, and so they they think, you know, we 'll do all the bad things now, and then let the children and grandchildren continue to rake, that's how a russian person looks at it, and that's how you have to understand this beautiful figure, when 76... russians want their children and grandchildren to rake the what they did now and were volunteers there , i'll tell you, well, it's just a pathological
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situation in their nation, if you look at it that way, because it's not normal to want a worse life for your children and grandchildren than for yourself, and that's how it is the number tells us exactly that, and what's more, what they dream of it there were children-grandchildren, it will not work, because they are already starting... prominent propagandists generally promote that no, children and grandchildren are still a long way off, even those who are now, even students already now have to go somewhere and fight and immediately, we it is very important not to relax anywhere, not to relax anywhere, also we have military departments, it seems to me that here are the students who are graduating from our military departments, right now...
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cooks, well even cooks, we need these cooks, and those it is necessary to kill, well, that is, everyone, everyone, everyone to the front, everyone as much and as quickly as possible, and this is precisely why this putin campaign is being held, so that after the elections even more people can be thrown to the front, well, while it is just beginning, actors and athletes will call for it, that's all for now... that's it no , no, it was not revealed in such full beauty, but they are already involved, they are also ready to vote for more corpses, after
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... supported sports, supported chess, of course, this is the best leader that can be, and most likely, this is such a good leader, not because he is one good, but because he is just doomed, because there is no...
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such a call for the collective suicide of russians together with putin, if he is a self-righteous person there, then they all go there, and you know, at the same time, everything is so wonderful , so they are all unanimous, as if they are choosing somewhere, but at the same time, the second such trend that exists is...
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suddenly the discussion that it is necessary to immediately return and lift the moratorium on the death penalty in russia, it is also not by chance that these conversations coincide with elections, another putin election, because what if you already you want to commit suicide, well, the death penalty is the same in principle, well, if you already campaign for death and elect a president of the dead, then the death penalty is just that.
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it is to produce six dead, that is why internal enemies have grown in russia, with all this flourishing, with all the flourishing of patriotism, as they say, about these all fateful events, as they say, wars again, eh, internal enemies have grown, there was no, there were no enemies until february 24, they suddenly had a sudden increase in internal enemies, and these enemies simply
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so much that... you see, the expert punishment must be introduced again, and maybe he can shoot right on the spot, right where he saw it, because this is the best practice, and it's not surprising, actually, because as it turns out, here we might be a little we notice that we somehow also fall under this conversation of russian propagandists, how they are building some factories there, how they are doing something there and how they are doing it there... in fact , the biggest problem in russia now is that that is multiplying, sabotage, multiplying sabotages and multiplying in general any emergency? we have the biggest problem for today, or a problem, not a problem, a problem, it's the internal enemies that are there, today there are more than 70 cases when...
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parallel cabinets on railways were set on fire.


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