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tv   [untitled]    December 12, 2023 3:30am-4:01am EET

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bvs 10. the swedes and the ukrainian gods of war use artillery, and they do it very effectively. when an archer arrives at a position, he needs less than 30 seconds to get into a combat position and shoot. the archer's rate of fire is 8-9 shells per minute. that is, it takes no more than 3 minutes to fire the entire ammunition set of 21 shells. and this is training in the use of swedish. hand grenade launcher at4, press the fuse and make the descent. the target is hit. it is worth noting that sweden helps ukraine not only with weapons, but a lot volunteers serve in the ranks of the armed forces. the training is conducted by two instructors, one from sweden, the other from the usa. i'm from sweden, i live about an hour away from stockholm, i conducted training at ppd, brigades, here almost on the line of fire, as well as in kharkiv region. even a former deputy.
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the parliament is not averse to wearing the ukrainian pixel. i remember so well the moment when i lowered my eyes, looked at my expensive suit and thought: what am i doing here? i am a military woman. and literally a week later i was already in ukraine. first, the swedes consider putin's war in the 21st century barbaric and violation of all the foundations of the modern world. secondly, they well understand that in the event of ukraine's defeat, the presence of the ork boot on swedish soil is only a matter of time. 99. one of the highest in europe, and it consists not only of military equipment, instructors, medics and soldiers, sweden itself has many volunteers who regularly prepare help for ukrainians. the first thing i did was post on facebook that i was starting a collection. i filled my house with stuff, then i borrowed a neighbor's house, and then the garage. and this help does not stop even now
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after two years of war. last week we brought five cars, this week we will bring four more. one has already been repainted for the military. for many swedes, helping ukrainians has become an everyday thing, an everyday pleasure. they never get tired of donating and bringing necessary things. it was collected by the stockholm church, and today we will take it to polyanytsia, a humanitarian aid center for refugees in stockholm. on us maybe... scandinavia is helping ukrainian refugees, of whom there are at least 40,000 in sweden. seasonal demand for workers in the service industry, where they lost a lot of people during the covid period. everyone notes that ukrainians are very hardworking and responsible and qualified and educated. of course, such comprehensive support will not leave ukraine. aside russian propaganda.
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the kremlin's fake machine, in its own style , regularly invents falsehoods about the swedes. many of our compatriots now live and work in europe, who are increasingly confronted with frank russophobia. one cannot speak among themselves in russian to relatives. in sweden, the authorities directly get involved family we think it is unnecessary to say that this is all another propaganda nonsense. in fact , sweden is very tolerant of russians, of course, if they behave correctly.
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non-aligned status, then it is extremely necessary for ukraine, because only together can this cancerous tumor be cut out of our beautiful planet. many thanks to the swedes for their help and support. they are like 100-500 and so on. 300 years ago, they showed that they are good and reliable allies of ukraine, and we want to end our today's story with a letter of instruction from charles the 12th, which was sent to his ambassador to the ottoman empire. that all of ukraine and the zaporizhzhya army, under the current commander pylyp orlyk, should return their ancient freedom, possession of their land and its former borders, so that from now on this... people would become an independent state and would never again be subject to the obedience or protection of the tsar. ukraine does not need a tsar, just as it does not need his so-called protection, because free people live in ukraine. and
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there will be no enemy on the renewed land. and there will be a son, and there will be a mother. and there will be people. you won't be there, because there won't be a country under it by the name of ukraine, you do not take into account the situation in the middle east, such events have developed there that everything is forgotten in general, what is ukraine. true, in practice fake media show amazing selectivity, that is, what is beneficial to propagandists is presented as a prophecy, but to put it mildly,
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they try not to pay attention to zhirik's dubious speeches. vladimir zhirynovsky called the uralians the dumbest in russia. ural, ural, ural. there is a huge amount of deposits under the ground, this is the country's storehouse, there is a huge magnetic field, there is a generally stupid population, morons live there, and no, you don't think that we want to somehow offend the inhabitants of the urals, there are simply facts against which it is difficult to find objections, and the first thing that comes to mind is the incredible activity of the ural regions in the ostentatious restoration of the occupied regions of ukraine. the autonomous district provided impressive support in the restoration of socially significant objects. first ambulances and suvs for
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doctors arrived in the dpr from the southern urals. however, the creators of such content strangely constantly forget the most important thing moment: whose fault is this whole trouble with the residents of donbas? well, not ourselves, almost ... all the residents of the conditional wave house have collapsed, it's like a shooting set of an action movie or a disaster movie, but the fences broken by fragments, windows blown out, holes in the walls from the impact of shells are harshly real. by the end of hostilities , volnovakha practically ceased to exist. because of the hostilities, most of the inhabitants were left without a roof over their heads, but the northerners came to the rescue, they helped in the restoration residential houses, now they are rented according to the yamal standard. this is not just an assignment, it is our special mission, so we approached the issue of restoration precisely with our hearts. but only for such cynicism is it worth hating the russian peace, and also the habit of lying, because,
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if you did not know, the war crimes of the russians, propagandists and boyars from the urals, like to transfer to the ukrainian army. on september 1 , the children of the village of novotroitskoe will return. that is , before you grunt something about novotroitske, you should at least look at the map, the village on the donetsk-mariupol road until february 24, 2022 was controlled by ukraine, people lived normally, they hid your russian peace with everything possible. and then the thugs came and destroyed the village with artillery, but judging by the speeches of the propagandists now, the ukrainian army wiped half of the village off the face of the earth, after ten raids there were no surviving houses left. the armed forces were obviously firing at themselves. however, logic has never been a strong point of
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russian propagandists, which cannot be said, for example, about the ability to humiliate one's own bullies. after all, look, i almost every such plot. on what has been achieved, they will continue work on the restoration of social infrastructure, we went through all the facilities today, it's simply breathtaking, it's something with some love, soul, with some insight. dear, this is not about the generosity of russia or any individual boyars, it is about the contemptuous attitude towards their own citizens, you can help others when your people are provided with everything, but no, the locals are really driven below the plinth, or rather, not so, below the plinth, which rotted a long time ago, i'll just show you what's happening in our place, sveny is moving among the neighbors, spies
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yes... from all corners of the huge country and the locals were sure that the combine would feed not only themselves, but also their children and grandchildren, but all the sweet dreams were destroyed quite quickly, this is in the occupied territories, the boyars arrange generosity attractions, in the russian the hinterland has a slightly different task, to steal everything that is bad or good, for many years the offshore cypriot oligarchs, with the support of local officials , looted... they even looted the soviet nickel plant, while at the same time exporting its products abroad and receiving super profits,
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later, for several years, the plant was dismantled by the officials themselves. as a result, the nickel giant was first brought to bankruptcy, and then stupidly looted. when everything was torn apart , the factory was simply closed and demolished. after that, people's lives turned into real hell. do you think that the chumps are not sorry to destroy azovstal or avdiiv koksokhim? but because they have the same factories at home, the giants lie in ruins. vanya the frog presses that the damn khokhls have work, in the same chelyabinsk region, in order to feed the family, they have to join the army in addition, it is worth paying attention to the ghettos in which citizens of the country with a claim to superpower live. the same upper ufaley and footage that must be shown to all residents
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of the regions occupied by russia, all year round the neighbors came out of our window, because the water was almost knee-deep in the porch, for all the mourning, everything froze in the winter, the fungus was already gone i was in the entrance hall, they fixed it last summer, the fungus has already spread to my apartment, the floor is all blown, the doors do not close, and my windows are simple, i have municipal apartment.
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the city hospital project, the efforts of yamal managed to restore and equip seven buildings with the latest medical equipment , with the money of people whose sewage flows directly under the house, all our water, all the sewage goes into the basement, and when it goes to the basement, our houses collapse. the basements are falling apart, the spaces are falling apart, you can see what holes we have, we have mosquitoes, midges all the time, the first floors are starting to rot, everything is rotting, and we can’t achieve anything, we will never do anything, only us it is waved off, yes, yes, it is necessary, it is necessary, but it ends with that, it is necessary, it is necessary, this is nothing more than a show off, because otherwise they would help, first of all, their own, or whoever took your whispers over donbas, here are these grandfathers and grandmothers , who are almost suffocating at home, what is happening here, the water is pouring like a stream, it is impossible to stop it.
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we didn't make this up, listen to what one of the local men has to say. that's all, there is no money in the budget, it is postponed every year, now it has been postponed for the twenty-fifth year, but is this house worth of the twentieth year, is it known? that is, the servants are fed with fables about the year 2025, and the local authorities systematically ignore all appeals. we approached tarasov about the repair of our house , you see, in what condition, he answered us like this: take it to court and do it at your own expense, this is one time, just like that, he simply does not accept residents who do not like him, and they told me on the phone right away , it is unlikely that you will get there, well,
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the dear mayor clearly does not live near a magical lake where ducks and other animals swim.
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all the miracles of fraternal help are not achieved by at the expense of the wealth of russia, but at the expense of the real humiliation of the deep-seated people. and rks
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does not even want to come and help people, and we are drowning.
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instead, the chelyabinsk region is sending a whole medical contingent to the occupied territory. 12 specialists from the regional hospital will treat children in the dpr and lpr. the team of doctors included narrow specialists. by the way, this is not the first medical landing in donbass. specialists from the chelyabinsk region have been working for several months in the cities under the leadership of volnovakha and yasenovatoy. and we can
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imagine how humiliated they feel people watching such stories. but hey, despite all this bdsm club, there were no protests in the urals. united russia continues to win elections, and people overwhelmingly support the svo. they send warm things, medicines, equipment to the front line, they protect the family, they protect us, i don't need anything anymore, we are proud of our guys, we worry about them and we want them to return. alive and well, i kind of want our fighters, our warriors, our heroes to win, the victory will be ours, we even, we even... how it's possible, it's hard to say, or maybe zhirynovsky was right, there's a generally stupid population there, morons live there, because only
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stupidity in a cocktail with slavery can lead to the fact that an entire region not only allows itself to be mocked, but also happily supports its cats . the transition to strategic defense, a step from impasse or a well-thought-out tactic, we have overcome two lines of enemy defense, there is a third left, what did the counteroffensive really give us and what to do with it next? the new neptune, where the new modification of the legendary ukrainian rocket, which the developers have planned, will be able to reach. in in principle, we can reach kaluuska. to at least fool the hymars, as the russians try to mislead high-precision western weapons, some complexes are quite
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sophisticated. our answer is revolutionary slaves, an exclusive from a real training ground, as well as those in europe who are still secretly buying russian gas. the suffocation of the russian economy is carried out by the anaconda method. but when in russia. the money for the war will run out. the broadcast of the marathon is the only news, continuing the facts of the week with an analysis of key events. prevent the russians from seizing the initiative in winter. the key task of ukraine today. this is the position of president zelensky, announced after the meeting of the stake this week. the main focus is on the kupyan, lyman, donetsk directions to... avdiivka, where the enemy continues to actively advance. experts of the american institute for the study of war record the advance of the russians there. and this is despite the fact that the armed forces of ukraine
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grinds down the same number of invaders every day that the russian military leaders manage to contract, that is, the rate of destruction is currently the same as the rate of replenishment of the russian army with new forces, but the ukrainian... army new forces are also needed, as well as the restoration of full-fledged western aid, because recently it has reached its lowest point since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, and this week, despite the calls of president biden, the us senate did not put the issue of aid to ukraine on the agenda. well, we remain hostage to internal american political strife over there. well, in fact , the pre-election presidential race has already begun, the republicans are defending their own trump cards, in particular, trump's idea to build a wall on the border with mexico, the democrats are insisting on
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their point, but we are between these two fires. however, according to the latest data, president biden will make certain concessions in order to unblock military aid to ukraine. with the armed forces , meanwhile, there is systematic defense at the front. what does this mean? a new phase of the war and the real results of the counteroffensive were analyzed by ala chish. a new phase of the war. our army could go to the sea of ​​azov. we overcame two enemy lines of defense, and the third remained. what happened to the counterattack and why did they deviate from it plan? we did not give ukraine everything it needed to succeed. what have we achieved in six months and at what stage are we now? the output is on the verge of fiction. what does the transition of the armed forces of ukraine into strategic defense mean, and what can we expect from the front in the future? we have gathered all the details.
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our fighters are moving from a counteroffensive operation to a strategic defense. this decision was made by the military command. sounds like a pause. stopping of the front due to increased enemy pressure. but it is not about the freezing of military operations on the front lines it's not at all about burying yourself. in the trenches, what is behind this decision? this tactic, in addition to strengthening one's own positions and creating an echelon defense, involves counterattacks, the destruction of the enemy's logistics and rear support, what are our defenders working on 24x7? in fact, defense is one of the types of military operations, as well as offensive, there are periods when the ukrainian army... conducts offensive operations, in some directions, in others it defends, then the russians conduct offensive operations, the ukrainian army defends, and then again still goes on the offensive. the military says
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yes... for the winter, reform the front, exhaust the enemy, restore one's own forces and prepare the conditions to soon go on the offensive again, when exactly should it be a surprise for the kremlin? being in strategic defense, especially on well-fortified lines and positions, our soldiers will be able to inflict maximum damage on the enemy, who will constantly either counterattack or attack. of course, the realization of this mission requires resources, this is creation. powerful lines of defense and of a fortification nature, it is the presence of a sufficient number of weapons. it is impossible to talk about the fact that there is no peace at the front now. russia doubled the pressure, not sparing its manpower, attacking mainly in the avdiiv, bakhmut, and liman directions, because putin needs to be shown the results before the elections. i will run for president. and the gdp has nothing to brag about yet. the goals of the occupiers have not yet been achieved.
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and at the front, everything is not as optimistic as in the speeches of kremlin officials. our the soldiers did the seemingly impossible all these long months. we went on the offensive without air superiority, we had less artillery systems, we had less shells, we had less tanks, we had less armored vehicles, we had less people, we had less of everything. by and large, this can be compared to a miracle, because it usually occurs. the army must have the advantage in strength and means, and the advantage was the enemy who buried himself in iron concrete. the american newspaper the washington post published a lengthy article about the ukrainian counteroffensive, in which she actually recognized it as a failure. is it really so, what succeeded and what did not, and why, a carefully prepared campaign, did not lead to tectonic upheavals. according to the publication
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, significant disagreements regarding tactics, strategy and deadlines arose between the western and our military even at the stage of preparation. in order to plan a counteroffensive of the armed forces of ukraine, ukrainian, american and british generals held eight large military board games. this simulation showed that under the best scenario , our army could go to the sea of ​​azov and cut the russian land corridor in half in two to three months. but something was not taken into account, what exactly. such strategic games during preparation for large-scale operations are very important. this is not only the movement of figures on the map, but also the training of the military on the training ground, complex mathematical calculations involving
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the artificial. intelligence, this is such brainstorming in order to really make the right decision, that is, the commander before making a decision, he has intelligence information, his information of his operators, operators are those who offer, based on the situation of the enemy, its forces, offer options for the operation, after these options, you can invite foreigners, your partners, allies and say, we have such information, we offer such options for action, however, the reality turned out to be somewhat different. in particular, due to the use of new weapons by the russians, such as drones, which the enemy launched in swarms at the positions of the defense forces. in addition, the allies insisted that the counteroffensive begin several months earlier, in mid-april, before the russian troops had time to strengthen defense and our command, as the washington post claims, suggested postponing the start to a later date in order to better prepare
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the fighters and receive them. more weapons offensive operations were planned in three directions at once: in the south and in the bakhmut area. while the partners advised to focus on one powerful blow in the southern direction. for some reason, while evaluating the results, the western military teams forgot about the main thing - what they promised and did not do for a successful offensive. first, where did you start? any offensive actions, this is the obtained dominance in the air, this is the first, if there is no dominance in the air, the operation of the posludol is not started. no nato general would dare to fight russia without aviation. the former commander of the us army in europe , a retired general, confirms the fact that the allies did not provide a sufficient number of tools to resist the russian invasion in an exclusive interview.


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