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tv   [untitled]    December 12, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EET

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site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. news time on the air. espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. nine shaheds were killed by ukrainian defenders that night. in total , the occupiers launched 15 attack drones from the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea. this is reported in the air force. missile units also eliminated two kh-59 guided air missiles in zaporizhzhia and dnipropetrovsk region. met with heads of
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us defense companies. this was reported in office of the president. ukraine needs the help of western companies in the production of projectiles, artillery, air defense systems and missile systems, the president said during a meeting with partners. in addition, zelenskyy spoke about the idea of ​​creating a defense hub on the territory of ukraine. 900 million dollars ukraine. will receive the third tranche from the international monetary fund, the president's office reported. the executive board of the imf noted that ukraine was able to fulfill the necessary conditions defined by the agreement. the managing director of the international of the monetary fund, kristalina georgieva emphasized that our country achieved impressive results, gdp increased and inflation dropped sharply, as a result - the third tranche. let me remind you that the first two were selected back in the spring and summer. this year. the slovak and hungarian
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nationalist-national communities of transcarpathia published an appeal to the head of the european council , charles michel, the prime ministers of slovakia, robert fico, and viktor orbán, prime ministers of hungary. in the document , they ask to support the decision to start negotiations on ukraine's membership in the eu at the meeting of the european council. it will happen during december 14-15 - announced in zakarpattia. the regional military administration, as well as communities called on all leaders of eu member states to continue supporting ukraine on the path to european integration. it was a restless night in the belgorod region, where the russians heard explosions, as if the anti-aircraft defense was working, which shot down the u-point of a ukrainian missile . this was announced by the ministry of defense of erefia. traditionally, they are convinced that there are no destructions, no ... victims. the polish police began
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to disperse their carriers, who blocked them the road to ukraine. polish drivers were forced to unblock the crossing near the dorogust jagodyn checkpoint at the request of the local municipality. however, soon the road was again blocked by a truck that allegedly broke down. the local police reacted to such actions and even established. surrounded by shields, so the law enforcement officers began to push the polish protesters off the road. the territorial election commission met in the lviv regional council. there was a quorum, because 13 out of 18 members of the tvc passed. they recognized as elected two deputies from european solidarity. however , these two deputies did not manage to vote for their registration. and one more vote from the parties
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will not be able to start their work. such sabotage in this tec has been going on for over a year and a half. servants of the people today foiled the proposal to register two representatives of european solidarity, as well as one representative from the political party golos as deputies of the lviv regional council. and this despite the fact that the candidates from european solidarity had already submitted documents. in the territorial election commission even months before of this meeting, which was held today, but it is obvious that for all three, as we can see, the members of the commission did not want to support actually that we vote immediately after registration, that today we had a quorum of 13 people, obviously the members of the commission are going to continue playing kolomiyki. the russians continue to destroy kharkiv, the northern saltivka still remains a problem area, almost 300 multi-story buildings in the neighborhood have been completely destroyed. how people live and whether they restore
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their homes in dmytro ditora's material. qing is not a political action in any way, because it is hopelessness exactly. so in the summer, mrs. svitlana had to live together with her husband, spent the night on the street in a tent, and returned home in the afternoon. the couple was afraid that the ceiling would fall on their heads while they were sleeping. at that time , weather conditions permitted sleeping outside. their house was damaged by the russians in march last year. direct hit on the fifth floor. of course, this cannot be passed on. they could not extinguish the fire for a week. the entrance was completely burnt, the woman's apartment too, the ceiling, walls and. the floor, everything was engulfed in fire. until now, the house has been partially restored, the apartments on the floor above, where the woman lives, were additionally filled with concrete in some places to make the structure more reliable. construction work has already resumed, passed, and laid the masonry. that's it. and here the wall was
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also made. here. well, these cracks are all over the place. after all, it was sewn up, then it was covered up, this crack opened up, then it was covered up, and then, you see, it is transparent, maybe you can see, there you can see what is happening in the apartment, they strengthened it with concrete and built new walls in the apartment of mrs. svitlana, the builders made us such rough drafts work, our cracks have healed, we have two rooms upstairs in...
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live permanently in a burned-out apartment. maybe, so svitlana decided not to wait and start internal work with her own strength and funds. more than 20,000 hryvnias have already been spent on this, it is puttying, leveling the floor and laying linoleum. the works are still ongoing, they plan to have time by the new year. you can already see that the curtains have been hung. because yes, well, somewhere at least we will meet the new hour, even though the curtains are already light. however, all efforts may be in jeopardy because of the central heating. house did not receive, although more than 200 km of main pipes were laid in the city before the heating season, so the couple is heated by electric heaters and gas, so even such an unfinished repair already has consequences. here are my cracks, which are sewn through, here it is, you see, here it is, and it
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is already visible through this putty, because there is no one there, there is nothing there, so they drilled there because of me. everything has been boiled, there is nothing left, so we are melting these cracks here and there with the cold, and it is showing up, ugh, and fungus, i don’t have time to wipe the floors, because puddles, puddles, puddles, puddles. more than 400 residential buildings were damaged in kharkiv, in total, the russians destroyed more than 800 objects in the city, this year it was possible to overhaul 38 objects, work on seven more will begin soon. some days city funds and state subsidies are allocated for repairs. we have developed projects for the restoration of the city, there are already 118 potential objects, which we will also submit a subvention to the state, or seek, attract funds from international funds, donors, and so on.
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and the third, well, if there is an opportunity, then we will also attach the city budget to these objects, well, if... there is an opportunity. half a thousand houses in kharkiv cannot be restored at all - said the mayor of kharkiv, ihor terekhov. he noted that kharkiv provides dormitories to those citizens who are left without a home. nowadays, all houses in kharkiv, which were prepared in advance with heat. however, local authorities are predicting a difficult winter, because last season utility workers were forced to completely restart the heating system of the entire city eight times. through hitting in critical infrastructure facilities. as of november, there are... persons. dmytro didora, oleksandr burlevich. espresso tv channel. the espresso tv channel together with the public organization baza ua are collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd
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separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine kholodny yar. in extremely difficult conditions , the ukrainian military fights for victory every day, not leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield. with atvs, evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the injured will be greater. our goal is uah 800,000. with with your help we have already collected almost uah 300. your donation is a thank you to those who protect us on the battlefield. you can now see all the details on your screens, so pull out your phone and start your day with a donation. this is all the news for this hour, you can find more interesting and relevant information on our website, as well as on our social networks. join, put your preferences. later, my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting for you on the air, so don't switch. stay with espresso, see you.
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in the poltava region in the pryship community a new water main was put into operation, which provided drinking water to the inhabitants of three villages. to implement the urgent need of the community. the ferexpo company helped, whose enterprises carry out their economic activities on the territory of this community. this village is located near the yaristiv mining and processing plant. until that time, the plant brought drinking water to the villagers in tanks. the construction of the aqueduct was started before the full-scale war. the cost of the project is uah 27.5 million, of which uah 4 million is a state subsidy, and uah 13 million is the funds of ferekpo and 10.5 from the local budget, which, according to the village head, were also... paid as taxes from yeristivsk gzk. 10.5
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million. these are also the funds of the eristiv mining and prospecting combine, which were provided to us, primarily during construction, when open tenders were held, and the contract was signed between the contractor and the village council, but the funds were provided to the mining and beneficiation combine when they came to the budget communities, they became... local. currently , approximately 500 residents of the village have high-quality drinking water, as well as a lyceum, kindergartens, medical dispensary and other institutions of the social sphere. the management of ferexpo plans to build two more lines of aqueduct to provide the entire community with drinking water. as soon as we win, we will start work on the second line, together with the pership community. in the future, we will also provide. delivery of water along the streets where
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there is no water supply, so this is one, i say, our local cooperation with the kremenchug district council and the pryship community, on the first line of the water supply there are 42 hydrants and four towers, the length of the water line is 19 km, in the event of a blackout, the water line will work from the generator, three boreholes were drilled on the territory of the pumping station of kp prishipske. the depth of the wells is 35 m, and the supply of 15 cubic meters at the time of one, one well, so tell us about the quality of the water, the quality of the water is laboratory research, which we conduct once every six months, well, to begin with, we conducted more of them there, now it is as if, analyzes very good the water is of good quality. the main task is to preserve economic progress - says
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the head of the kremenchug district military administration oleg lednik. the ferexpo company is one of the key, let's say, economic players in our region, which , despite the difficult conditions of the martial law, ensure stable well-being in communities by paying local and state taxes. and this one. the work that we jointly carry out to ensure economic processes and other processes related to the conduct of war in our country, this is the key work that connects authorities and entrepreneurs. those peasants to whom the water supply has not yet reached, the yaristiv plant will continue to do so to provide drinking water in tanks.
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good morning, dear friends, we wake up, turn off the espresso, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we start working in this studio for you, and continue our marathon, today, traditionally, we will continue it from the very morning with a roll call through the regions of ukraine, and we will start from the zaporizhzhia region. askat shurbekova, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, is in touch with us. mr. askade, good morning, how was the night and who is the morning, please tell us. congratulations, everything is calm for the regional center, mostly everything is hostile there was activity. precisely in the front-line territories, and during the previous day one rocket was shot down by the forces of the idps in the zaporizhzhia region, in fact yesterday evening, well, also restless, temporarily occupied territories, but at the expense of well-targeted strikes by the armed forces of ukraine. please tell us what is happening, in particular in the occupied territories, what fresh news is there from melitopol,
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berdyansk? well, the key blows were just inflicted on these two large cities, which the russians have considered for a long time already... as physical forces, but in reality they are systematic armed forces ukraine is being hit precisely on these territories, again, due to the fact that they use them for the possibility of gathering and equipment and manpower, the armed forces, they see the concentration or even the efforts of the concentration of these troops, the strikes are quite accurate, the details are still being clarified by the number of losses and in the equipment, it was already hanging, it is clear from the activity there and again from the commotion that was after the strikes, that the strikes were painful enough, because... after each such strike by the armed forces of ukraine, it begins and strengthening the checking of people on the streets, and trying to somehow do some house searches there, thinking that in this way they will be able to find those there who helped the armed forces of ukraine to beat the enemy's concentration, but in reality, again, this situation is useless does not lead in melitopol, they are preparing for some kind of election,
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who are they going to elect there? well, again, it's probably in the third. in the temporarily occupied territories during the period of occupation, the occupiers are trying to hold something like that, first it was a referendum, then these are local, conditionally sticky elections, now they are putin’s elections, because, well, elections without elections, today they are organizing the process of the so-called elections of the president of russia, but again, with the identification of people from the temporarily occupied territory, according to the information we have, in fact members of election commissions are brought in, agitators are started, that is, this process actually begins. but we see that every time there are fewer and fewer local residents willing to take part in such, well, similar farce, in fact, in similar crimes, because any participation of local people in the so-called election process is a crime that will be strictly prosecuted by ukraine, and as the past practice of local so -called elections in the occupied territories has shown, sometimes
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these collaborators and people who join election commissions or try to organize elections, they don't even live to see it. to ukrainian sentences, because the armed forces of ukraine, like our special services, monitor these clusters of so -called election commissions, and i am sure that something similar will happen during this election process. mr. aska, what a creepy story from melitopol, local residents are sure that some maniac is operating in the city and in general around melitopol, because they have already found a second one. bright strangled, and they associate it with the fact that some one of the participants of the so-called svo is wielding the weapon, and perhaps it is actually someone who was in cities not so far away, but he was released to come and kill here on ukrainian soil, have you heard anything about this story, yes of course we
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have heard about this story, well unfortunately nothing the russians do not bring anything new to the temporarily occupied territory, as in... and inside their own country, this is total criminogenicity and sociality, well, in fact, we understand the number of former prisoners and active prisoners who were actually released, or to take part in this war against ukrainians, and it is no coincidence that such incidents, they happen with sufficient frequency, because we constantly see information and harassment, and about the murders of peaceful people, and it is very, very, let's say, sad that. .. it comes to children too, but we we understand that in fact the territory is temporarily occupied, despite the fact that the occupiers declare that they seem to be maintaining some kind of order, in fact, ah, total arbitrariness is being committed, they are not able to ensure a full-fledged civilian life, i think that they are in a greater measure and do not try to do it, in fact, such incidents, unfortunately, they happen, and i am sure, unfortunately, that
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they will happen in the future, the key thing that can happen here is only the liberation of the territory from the side of weapons. forces of ukraine, and then we we can move on to some kind of calm peaceful life, and such precedents are very important to show the international community, which today for some reason, let's say, chose a different policy, a different tactic to help us, that evil continues to exist on the territory of ukraine, and in fact such is his impunity, it will only continue and it will increase, you know, i will return to zaporizhzhia and the zaporizhzhia region, which fortunately... are not under occupation, but the occupiers are trying to influence the psychological state of people, and people have received such notice that it was at the end. last week and this week also that an evacuation from zaporizhzhia to odesa, poland and germany is planned in the near future. have
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you received such an sms? well, i personally haven't received one, but i know there are precedents that people have, but again, things like that, maybe if they were there on the 26th, 27th of february there or a little bit later, i mean last year at the beginning of a full-scale aggression... maybe they would have some, you know, some effect and so on some people might think that there are some pretexts for such messages, to date, even those people who receive these messages, that we have feedback, there is generally such a monitoring of public opinion around this issue , it does not cause anything except some kind of anger and irritation, because, in fact, today we live in such an intensive information space, in fact, where every local, for sure, what... knows what is happening on the front line in one or another details, but he understands the situation, because in fact we are surrounded by all the information channels, we understand the information, so similar attempts
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by the russians, let's say, to sow some kind of panic or propagandistic ones to subdue the local population in some way, today it is not successful, because, well, we know where the fronts are located, we know the course of events at the front, for today the russians are on the defensive, so there is no other news and... in general, it should also be noted that all authorities, all service structures , the police, the state emergency service, civil authorities, it all works normally, so there are no panicky moods , or even signs that could confirm that these wastes somehow have some basis, people understand this and in fact, well, there are no changes in there is no mood in zaporizhzhia today, well, if it is as you say, then it is pleasing that people have... critical thinking and are able to reject such information that causes some very strong emotions, for example, there, i don't know, shock, fear, fright,
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and immediately subject to some doubt and check, which is the most important thing. thank you, mr. askade, for the conversation shurbeko, the deputy of the zaporizhia regional council was in touch with us, we are going for a short break, then we will come back and talk about what is happening in the kherson region, stay with us. it is a good tradition during the christmas holidays to carol together with the picardy terc. tickets on the concert ua website, mediapartner spresso tv. the spirit of christmas will definitely come to your city. picardy tertia. to people's health, live sound. there are 10% discounts on paroset aldarnytsia in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. the traveler
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knows what helps. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you
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you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. see this week in the collaborators program. sellers from kyrylivka. who is actively russifying the village. but why are car races organized with russian rags? on tuesday , december 12 at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel.
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dear friends, we are on the air again and continue our roll call, now we will ask how kherson oblast spent this night, how is the morning there,
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serhii khlan, deputy of kherson oblast. please contact us, mr. serhiy, i congratulate you, tell me if this night passed at least without shelling in the kherson region, congratulations, the kherson region is ukraine, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, the occupier does not leave the city of kherson shelling, the shelling is constant , and something they have become active again in the last day, it seems there with some interruptions, there were shelling there for the last few days, something... and yesterday, day and night , the occupiers were constantly prowling the city of kherson, began to be used, including drones that drop explosives, high-explosive fragments that explode and hit everything around with fragments, and these drones from explosions, the occupiers began to use, just mostly against the civilian population moving through the streets, and this concerns... . not
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only the regional center, it also applies to the settlements absolutely along the coast of the dnieper, and berislav, and tyaginka, and novoberislav, and even on that side above the kokhovskaya hes dam, and the regional center itself, the occupiers are shelling and trying to to fire at medical facilities, critical infrastructure, yesterday the occupiers survived an educational institution, one of the educational institutions again. that is, they are trying to destroy as much infrastructure as possible, they are trying to destroy and they are trying to hit medics, those who help, precisely people, as a result of these hostile, insidious terrorist attacks. by the way, i read a report about how women give birth in kherson, who are constantly under fire, but one told about the fact
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that... she gave birth to a child just to the sound of explosions and now this baby does not even react for explosions? yes, unfortunately, we can state that children are born under explosions, because sometimes the explosions simply do not subside, do not subside, and for now they are giving birth, well, they have already set up a ward in the basement. and they can give birth and give birth and bring pregnant women not only from the city of kherson, but also from the suburbs of kherson, from nearby settlements, that is, children are born, giving birth, regardless of these explosions, this means, that life in kherson is there will be life in kherson, of course, the enemy is trying to make this life
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difficult. is trying to stop the life of the city, but life begins, even in the hearts of small kherson people, who are born, despite all the efforts of the enemy. mr. serhiy, yesterday i met a woman from skadovsk who left, but her mother stayed there, and she told me some fresh impressions from the city of the occupiers... and says that the people who went to cooperate with the occupiers, that they are completely feel good, they get good money, and these are such considerable sums that they live well there, people who, for example, do not have any such, i don't know, profession, position where they should somehow cooperate with the occupiers, they are not very big from what they say, there are some several thousand


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