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tv   [untitled]    December 12, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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greetings, it's news time on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. without communication , ukrainians will not be able to switch to the network of other mobile operators. kyivstar is unable to transfer information about its subscribers. this was announced by the ministry of statistics. previously, the cause of the technical failure could be a hacker attack on the network core. people do not have communication services. and
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the internet, and due to failures in kyivstar , the night lighting in lviv does not turn off. all power transmission lines of the energy industry are turned off in manual mode, - reported the deputy of the lviv city council ihor zinkevich. in companies try to eliminate all problems. problem tender. the kyiv regional military administration terminated the contract with the supplier of concordd-22 drones. the drones will never get to the front, they were supposed to be handed over to the 72nd brigade, but the company missed all the production and delivery deadlines by three weeks, out of a thousand uavs needed, kova sent the military only 70, but even they do not meet the technical characteristics, according to him, according to the head of administration ruslan kravchenko, the company did not receive the funds, but the details of the tender law enforcement agencies are already involved. she leaked
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geolocations from the armed forces through the priest's liaison officer. in donetsk region, the security service of ukraine kidnapped another russian agent. the woman corrected the enemy's attacks on the defense forces, transmitted data about the location of the ukrainian military in the kramatorsk region. she did all this through the former abbot of one of the temples of the moscow patriarchate. even before the start of the full-scale invasion, he left ... for the russian federation, and the traitor continued to contact him. sbu officers detained her in her own apartment in the village of krasnotorka. under during the search, she was seized with a mobile phone and a tablet, which she used to transmit intelligence to the occupiers. the detainee faces up to eight years in prison. they tried to escape to moldova. border guards detained four men in odesa. three of them. were dressed in cassocks, but
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only one was a cleric. he did not provide his fellow travelers with church clothes. according to the state border service, evaders paid $4,000 each to cross the border. the ferryman took the men to the opposite shore and assured what is the next neighboring country. in fact, he transported fugitives between two ukrainian settlements. the russians attacked odesa with drones, launched drones on the civilian infrastructure of the region. this is reported in the office of the prosecutor general. as a result of the shelling, administrative buildings and the technical premises of the sports institution were damaged. fortunately, no one was hurt. one person died, one was injured. in the morning , the russians shelled kupyansk with artillery. in
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kharkiv region, two pensioners were injured, one died on the spot, the others in hospitals, the regional police reported, also damaged residential buildings, the occupiers hit the village of kupyansk-vuzlovei with guided aerial bombs. a five-story building was vandalized there. two men were seriously injured as a result of shelling in kherson. in the morning , the russians hit the city center with... this was reported by the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. a 29-year-old citizen was hospitalized with an abdominal wound . the 54-year-old victim suffered an explosive injury. he is also in the hospital.
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and to operational information. from the general headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine. 89 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. defense forces repelled eight enemy attacks in the lymansky direction and four attacks in the kupyansky direction. the hottest, still near avdiivka. there, the russians attacked 42 times, but our soldiers steadfastly hold the defense. another 14 attacks were repelled by ukrainian defenders in the mariyan and bakhmut directions. the armed forces of ukraine continue their offensive on the border. in the protection of the dnieper, and inflict damage on the body of the russians. during the day, the ukrainian aviation made two strikes on the concentration area occupiers, and rocket launchers and gunners hit three district concentrations of enemy personnel. they also destroyed two warehouses with ammunition, an artillery system, and a control point
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for the brainmen. a person died in a fire in an elevator in kharkiv. this was reported in the regional office. emergency services. the elevator cabin caught fire in a nine-story building, ten residents were evacuated due to heavy smoke. after the fire was extinguished, a human body was found inside. her identity and cause of death are currently being established. according to the preliminary information of specialists, it could be arson, because the epicenter of the fire was precisely in the cabin. and about the support of partners. the united states. america will help ukraine create forces to repel russian aggression in the coming years. this was stated by the united states secretary of defense lloyd austin during a meeting with the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi at the national defense university of the united states.
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according to austin, washington's commitment to support kyiv against russian aggression is unwavering. and ukraine itself is of great importance for the security of the united states and for the trajectory. america will be safer if we make it clear to potential aggressors around the world that they do not get to decide which countries live and which die. now, despite his crimes and isolation, putin still believes he can survive. and america, but he is wrong. for ukraine, for her will - this is the slogan of the ground forces of ukraine. for the second year in a row, their professional holiday is being celebrated in conditions of full-scale war. the commander-in-chief
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of the armed forces valery zaluzhnyi also congratulated all the brothers. you are reliable the basis of the ukrainian army, a strong shield and a sharp spear that mercilessly destroys the enemy. you know the price of every piece of ukrainian land. your indomitable will and courage are the pride of our state, - the general wrote. espresso agrees with those words and joins in all the greetings. glory to ukraine, glory to its heroes. and by the day of the ground troops, another 800 invaders went to hell. and in general, at the beginning of a full-scale russian invasion, 340,650 soldiers are already brewing in the devil's teahouse. of them. we are their scrap metal. only yesterday the defense forces destroyed nine tanks, 19 armored combat vehicles, three artillery systems, 14 vehicles and two units of special equipment. 10 cruise missiles and nine drones will never fly into the ukrainian sky again. the general staff reminds that all data
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are approximate. and let me remind you that the espresso tv channel together with the public organization baza ua are collecting funds for quad bikes to be taken away. wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the kholodny yar armed forces. in extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military will choose victory every day, leaving nothing on the field in the battle of wounded comrades with atvs , evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the wounded will be much greater. our goal - 800 00 hryvnias - is a lot, but with your help we have already collected 309 thousand. your donation is a thank you to those who protect. us on the battlefield. you can see all the details on your screens now, so pull out your phones and donate. for now, this is all the news for this hour, you can find more interesting and relevant information on our website, as well as on our social networks, join, put your
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likes that's the end of the issue, take care, we still have a victory to meet. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, war, and peace. today in the program. minutes were counted to react. the occupiers fired eight rockets at kyiv. consequences of a ballistic attack on the capital. sticks are inserted into the wheels. the way of ukraine. not to the eu, how can hungary put a cross on the accession negotiations? the situation at the front, or lack thereof
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funding from the us has shaken ukraine's fighting ability to repel russian aggression? we talk about this and other things over the next hour with yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics, general ben hodges, and yevhen dyky, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. part of our program, which will start literally in an hour, we will have political scientists volodymyr fesenko, viktor boberenko and ihor reiterovych. however, before starting our big conversation, let's watch a video of the consequences of a russian missile strike occupiers in the ukrainian capital, around four in the morning the russians directed eight ballistic missiles at kyiv, all targets were destroyed by air defense. let's see. they didn't hear, it was quiet, they slept peacefully, night, they slept, and
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it sounded like everything, they flew away, barefoot, naked, then they already looked, found rags, you have such a job, i can tell you, they left, everything is destroyed, there is nothing, on our old people now this is what. it is impossible to get anything else from there, and what to do here, i simply do not know, it is necessary to put supports, to do, to do the roof and completely knocking down a wall, doing this, these are the kind of comrades we have.
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calls to these numbers are free. and we have yevhen magda, the executive director of the institute of world politics, in touch. mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. congratulations, mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's start very briefly with a message from the sbu that... regarding the liquidation of kiva, because last week there was a lot of talk about the murder of a collaborator in the moscow region, and today it became known that the sbu is very correctly commented that there are still many successful operations in russia, and in particular those that bring deserved punishment to war criminals and enemies of ukraine. and the message from... the security service of ukraine literally says the following: vasyl malyuk , the head of the security service of ukraine, has repeatedly emphasized that the enemies of ukraine
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will definitely be responsible for their crimes before god and the ukrainian people, both according to the law and morally. the situation with the liquidation of ilya kiva only confirms these words, the society will learn all the details of the special operation after our inevitable victory, - stressed the security service of ukraine. what do you think, mr. yevgeny, about the liquidation of kiva. media figure, such a powerful media figure of russian propaganda, will influence what is said and how the traitors of ukraine are used in russia'. propaganda against ukraine, that is, for them it should be a demonstrative lesson, a shock, or they will, on the contrary , believe that now they can demand much more from russia than they asked for before, protection, protection, money, apartments, houses there, i think that there is no
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humanistic aspect to li kiva's death, and i think that understand enough... well, everyone who followed the political path of this character, he was a fairly noticeable fixture with a pulp pit of his own, somewhere in poltava oblast, if i'm not mistaken, but now i'm not tired of things. the liquidation of kiva, the liquidation itself, is a signal to almost all collaborators who have gone over to the side of russia that... the chances of meeting znenatsk's death are directly proportional to how active they will be in terms of information, how much they will be at the forefront of tv shows and will actively cooperate with by russian propagandists, that is, it is clear that
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it is difficult to completely stop those who want to go over to the side of the enemy, but for those who... have cities, i think it is enough to see all these footage in order to understand what happened, and regarding the reaction of the sbu , well, this is a classic reaction in the principle of special services, nowhere in the civilized world do special services confirm such things, and this is an understandable and well-known fact, yes beyond any doubt, because we talked with sbu general viktor yagun, he said that there is no official confirmation that if such a thing... is given, then it just so happens, in a word with collaborators. mr. yevgeny, putin has already started his presidential election campaign on march 17, from march 15 to 17, 2024, putin will fight for the fifth time, well, how to fight, to run for president of the russian
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federation, of course there will be no fight there, but there there is such an important nuance. the occupied territories that russia has now annexed to itself, part of zaporizhzhya, part of kherson, although they fully announced that these are all supposedly russians, they will participate in this pseudo-voting, in your opinion, is there a reason for our diplomats to start talking about... the legitimacy of putin next fifth, because if they hold elections on the territory of the ukrainian state, then in any at what point can you question the legitimacy of putin in general, what he does , the decrees he signs, the instructions he gives, and with all the consequences there for putin, virtually, who participates in the g20
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or in any other summit. i think that there are a few points here. which should be paid attention to. the russians have already announced that they will hold putin's re-election in the occupied territories of ukraine, this is understandable, because they need to, you know, mark these territories as much as possible and ensure , accordingly, what they consider to be loyalty, but i am afraid that the world the community will not have enough spirit to... not recognize putin's election, which is what this farce that will take place next year cannot be called otherwise, not to recognize putin's election and declare that he is an illegitimate president, as, say, they did with lukashenko, that is, the world in this sense, i think, will remain on the old positions, they say, well, we still
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understand that putin exercises real power, so we will not say anything like that, unfortunately ,... the weakness of this position is quite obvious, it is obvious after february 24 , 2022, when attempts to flirt with the russian president, carried out by various politicians, ended in the biggest war in the 21st century, in which we are , as a matter of fact , at the moment we are, and therefore we need to understand that we need to look for arguments already now in order to... look for precedents in order to fight at least for the non-recognition of these elections as legitimate, at least, let it be a number of countries that will be our allies that... are our allies, who , for example, will demonstrate clearly enough that they will not accept putin at all on their territory, here the rome statute naturally comes to our aid, because after
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the issuance of the warrant for putin's arrest on march 17, 2023, his international activity significantly decreased, but in any case , well, the situation, of course, i would say, is far from ideal for ukraine, and on top of that... in the background , these presidential swings have already begun, i mean putin's supporters, who are talking about , that putin is the best, the greatest, in general, in 23 years , everything has changed so much in russia that no one can recognize anything anymore, because such a country is completely different. patriarch kirill gundyaev said that russia has generally become a free country. let's listen to what gundyaev said. despite the sorrows that exist, we live in prosperous time, but this prosperity should not distance us from god, on the contrary, we
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should thank god for every day we live, thank god for the fact that we live in a really free country, i counted five such countries in total, maybe a little more, but after all all others are not recognized as real. and not the patriarch of the russian orthodox church, but considering the influence the russian orthodox church has in russia and ukraine, and against the background of what gundyaev continues to do now, one question is why there is still a branch in ukraine... the russian orthodox church, i believe , what this statement of mr. gundyaev, it is
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by and large an argument for the russian orthodox church, or as it is called, in ukrainian realities, the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, its activities in ukraine should be banned, quite clearly, despite the fact that the church is indeed separated in ukraine from the state, and no one... i think this fact of secularization does not deny, but the fact that the russian church is an instrument of russian propaganda, an instrument of the russian world, seems to me to be sufficient to ban it, what the longer ukraine plays these games with representatives of the russian orthodox church, the worse it is for all of us, unfortunately, and they simply created a sufficiently powerful lobby in the environment of the verkhovna rada and, unfortunately, actively use it, i regret it. when the ruling party claims to its masses that there are not 226 votes to ban the russian orthodox church, even after such words. in
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this case, it is not a matter of freedom of conscience, it is in this case a matter of national security. there is no doubt that the activity of a foreign church, an aggressive state and an aggressor country is and remains. in ukraine it is the issue is political, it no longer concerns religion or what freedom of thought there is or anything else, because actually, you said that there are not enough votes in the verkhovna rada, today you must have seen this statement by david arahamiya that he said that there are some people's deputies of ukraine who want to draw up mandates, but we are keeping them, because we have to vote and we need the verkhovna rada to be effective, and we have nothing to do, but we are keeping them all there, but he did not add, that they are there somewhere under the lock
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they are kept in the cinema hall somewhere of the verkhovna rada, so that they vote on time, as these revelations of arahamia, how do you perceive them in general, how to react to them in general, because every public speech of arahamia ends with some big questions about. regarding the party, regarding the president, regarding the monomajority. i think that david arahami's recent statements indicate that he, as a politician, has already exhausted himself and he, too, probably needs to go to an early rest. but, unfortunately, in the verkhovna rada, there is no such thing in our legislation mechanism, like in football or other game sports, when there is a substitution mechanism, when someone who is tired is just replaced, there are some game sports where you can then
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reverse the substitution. but in this case, i think what is happening in the verkhovna rada is simply shameful. first, there is a war in the country. and when parliamentarians, here the question is not that they do not have, well, they should not be mobilized, it is logical. but when the parliamentarians say that they have already exhausted their possibilities and nothing more want to do in the verkhovna rada for the country, well , it's shameful, definitely shameful. it is definitely shameful when the leader of the faction , which is a monomajority , which is a monomajority, speaks about this , what prospects, realities, what steps, where they are, what they are, how they should be implemented, i do not understand this, it's just shameful, you understand, it shouldn't be, it's similar phenomena, it's
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just... evidence of the ruling party's impotence, its inability to ensure the real work of the parliament on a 24x7 basis and making the necessary decisions. i want to remind you that at the beginning of february 22 , the existence of a victory coalition was loudly announced, which included all factions, except opzh, the faction of the deputy group, i.e. it was a coalition in the format of a constitutional majority, i still cannot see traces, real traces of its work, that is what is scary, it shows that in conditions when hundreds of thousands of citizens defend the independence of the state with weapons in their hands, those who represent themselves power, and ukraine is a parliamentary-presidential one the republic, and nothing in this sense during
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the war could change to... they allow themselves to say that someone there is tired, can no longer work, can no longer interact, how is that to publicly sign their own inability, in because these people are simply not able to really work for victory, they are not able to really protect the national interests, it is shameful, and i really hope, and i am not even that i hope, i am sure that the voters in the upcoming elections, but sooner or later there will be elections in ukraine, will give their assessment to these words of mr. arakhamy , well, they will give it with ballots, the voters have already given their answer in poland too, because it just became known that the new coalition in the polish sejm voted for the candidacy of the leader of the communities of the civil coalition, donald tusk
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, for... the position of prime minister prime minister of poland, with the return of tusk, what can ukraine expect, mr. yevgeny? i think that donald tusk, who really was the record holder for being in the prime minister's chair, he was almost seven years, is not just returning to big politics, but returning to enough difficult conditions. and the tusk principle will come , bring order, in this case it will not work, and i would not get too excited in my hopes that tusk will work in the interests of ukraine and exclusively in the interests of ukraine, will immediately deal with the problems of ukrainian grain, crossing borders motorists, etc. no it is not. tusk
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will primarily deal with problems. which are related to poland, the polish economy, polish social policy, polish development, this is his task as prime minister, and he will be forced to work in the conditions of a sufficiently powerful opposition, because 35% was won by the party of law and justice, which was in power for 8 years, it is promised a happy life, and many of its functionaries are promised a happy life. this is, so to speak, a practice that will be quite difficult, and it is obvious that in order to fulfill our pre-election promises, we will need the necessary evidence, and we will also have to learn from this, just as we will have to learn from the fact that now we we have to look for a new ideology, a new promoterism with poland, because only...


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