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tv   [untitled]    December 12, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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believes in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, is this an excuse to say that the wrong people are sitting in the verkhovna rada, that some re-elections are needed, something to think about it, or it is not necessary to think about it at all, well, during the war, that's for sure, but the only thing this demonstrates that the verkhovna rada in the conditions of a parliamentary-presidential republic, although you call it an office -presidential republic, well, in principle , this model does not work, because the institution... verkhovna rada parliamentarism, well, it simply does not work, and in the current conditions, we simply do not see live broadcasts of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, journalists do not go there, they are not allowed, because it is a regime object and therefore they do not allow that, what can be said now about the parliament, as about this institution, which was supposed to be the first in the parliamentary-presidential republic, not people do not trust the verkhovna rada because... well, mr.
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volodymyr said that as a rule, well, in most cases, during the 30 years there, people did not trust the verkhovna rada, yes, because people who work hard are walking around somewhere the hall, they are messing around somewhere, there, somewhere something, sometimes they arrange fights there or something else, they go, they don't go , they make some sharp or not so sharp statements, someone was chosen for some majoritarian somewhere... the deputy was never seen again, that's why people didn't always trust the verkhovna rada, and this time there and it pours additionally, because corruption , because you go to the side of the forest, because someone there tells the grandmother, sell the dog, pay for the light, because, well, yes arahamia will say something, and then thinks that what did he mean, so ... there is always mistrust here at a specific moment
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, and again there are rumors as much as they are i put it, well, at least they used to put it in an envelope , and all this embitters people and eh, but at the same time, if a new parliament were elected now , a new one would be voted for, and then in a week people would be asked if they supported the new parliament, the majority would also say no, such our people already have such a voter there, it would seem, well, why do you vote for people whom you will not trust the day after tomorrow, tomorrow is still okay, yes, the day after tomorrow definitely not, well, maybe somewhere in the depths of the soul every ukrainian understands that the decision-making center is not the parliament, but the parliament is a decoration and a mess, but the decisions are made in a completely different place, and that is why, once again, there is distrust that 450, well... 400
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people go for some unknown reason, and they are not the ones who make the decisions, although according to the parliamentary idea, the presidential republic , they have to make decisions, well , if not in this life, thank you, mr. viktor, mr. igor, during the last week there were a lot of different publications about whether there will be presidential elections or not, some are closed ratings appeared. they rate the candidates, look, well it is clear that the president's office is looking at how president zelenskyi is perceived there with an eye on a second term, zelenskyi's wife says that she is against a second presidential term, but we see public polls in absentia between zelenskyi and zaluzhny, but these polls are between different people who , but not the first persons, already the online edition of the antithesis. there, well, these are already
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some slogans such pre-election campaigners are throwing there for a lazy zaze, well, that is, i think that you , as people who have a relationship with political life, you understand very well that now some models are trying to choose or lose, well, let's say this, but in the conditions of wartime, does this mean that zelensky still wants to be the president for the second time, well , i think that he has such an opportunity. is definitely considering, and he talked about it, there was a really strange phrase there that if it will be during the war, then yes, but if after the war, then no, but well, we understand very well that such attitudes, they can change very easily, and by the way, the fact that such work is being carried out, it indicates that there is a certain preparation, it is being conducted, a certain simulation is being conducted, you well, pay attention, it's a very interesting moment, these ratings, which were not officially recognized by the company that carried them out, but
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did not officially confirm that they were not theirs, did they appear on which resources from the very beginning, were they resources that are affiliated with the president's office , that is, in principle, it came from there, it is not some people's deputies or representatives of the opposition forces, or some western publications, these ratings were brought down, it was done by structures, well, close to the office, that is, they thus decided to look at reaction, look at the dynamics, see how society will react to all this. i think that what they saw was unlikely to satisfy them very much, why, because many citizens generally had a frank negative reaction to the fact of the appearance of such some ratings and such hypothetical polls, because... and this is about politics and about elections, and a large part of the citizens, 82% according to the last polls that were officially released, officially confirmed, they say that no elections until the end of the war simply it can't be, but you understand, well, you can say one thing, but in reality do something completely different,
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do certain testing, make certain models, i think that before the new year and immediately after the new year, even more such models will appear, because they can to be completely different configurations, look, there is another point here, president zelenskyi, he cannot say now that he will not be bogged down under any circumstances. second, because if he does that, well you understand how it will affect the whole system, it will be completely wrong an irresponsible step, so no matter how we feel, due to our different preferences, for example, to the president, even from the point of view of peace in the state, he should now make unequivocal statements that he is not running for office, well, it would not be very correct, because you understand how the system will work, then not less than 20 deputies will write statements about drawing up mandates, then a simple bacchanalia will begin, and at all levels, and he is forced to take part in this race, and it may be that his entourage , well , for some reason, this thought comes to mind more often, he will eventually be convinced that no,
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there is no need to run for office under any conditions, even if the war ends, when the war ends, it is still necessary, because the country still needs to be rebuilt, as mr. viktor mentioned, and there are many deputies here , i think... the president will be supported by the big reconstruction, there was a big construction, there will be a big reconstruction, this is such a very interesting topic with which you can go down in history, you can really mess up, but you know, mr. igor, i think that president zelensky wants to be the president of victory, not the president of reconstruction and otkativ, this is also a question that is quite, well, let's say so, slippery, people's deputy of ukraine maria ionova is watching us, and she writes to me in the chat literally during the broadcast, which is unfair to say. only about those who do not work in the verkhovna rada, there are people 's deputies who actually work, and ms. maria, we know that they work and it is really not quite correct to say that the entire verkhovna rada does not work, there are people's deputies who work , and including, as she writes, and
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some, even among the servants of the people, really work, so to put all k, we do not we say that everyone, the whole parliament is not working , mr. volodymyr, how do you evaluate all these efforts now, well, i don’t know if you can call it pre-election, but let’s say it is society’s testing of these presidential candidates, and it is clear that in of the current situation, mr. ihor is right that it is impossible not to tell zelensky that i will not be swamped a second time, because it will have a very strong impact on the entire society. of course, this will be a destabilizing factor, i absolutely agree with this, yes, even in peacetime it would have a negative effect, in particular on the mood in to the presidential team, in the executive branch, in the conditions of war, war, especially such a war as now, it is absolutely impossible, it cannot
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be said in any way that i want to go, that is , he cannot do as some deputies want to do, well and it seems to me no, zelensky in this sense has a sense of responsibility... it is quite powerful, but when we evaluate the situation with the elections, you understand what the nuances are, according to zelensky, i will say my subjective point of view , it seems to me that he himself very often thinks like an ordinary ukrainian, his advantage is that he sometimes thinks exactly like an ordinary ukrainian, not always, but when he loses this gift, he starts... problems, and this is his attitude towards elections under wartime, rather negative, he expressed this repeatedly, emotionally, he even expressed that it was unfair, wrong to hold elections during the war, i think he spoke about it sincerely, but in the team, well, there are probably people who
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think rationally, who they understand that while the ratings are high, it would be worth it now re-elect rather than waiting for the situation, when there will be, there will be a legal opportunity and a formal political opportunity for elections, but the ratings will no longer be so convincing, and there will be a risk of losing them. elections, mood and teams, as a rule, and it does not matter whether it is war or peace, the team is interested in the fact that the president goes for a second term, as far as i can remember various presidential teams, there were always such moods, the president should go to the second term, you know, i will not name the name, but i was at one event, and the employees of one former the president... said, you should have gone for another term, he said, no,
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especially now, i understand that i did the right thing then, i did not go, although they called me there, even gave me a legal opportunity, but even now some say, you had to go, that is, the team is always interested in the continuation , kuchma tell me right away, because this is the third term of 2002, you remembered correctly, yes you are right, yes you are right, well yes, you just remember those too. that's why they remembered correctly, but then leonid danilovich did the right thing, didn't he left, i think that it was positive for our democracy, even taking into account, well , then such rather dramatic events of the orange revolution, but now, why am i talking about the fact that in the team zelensky has different opinions, yes, just like in society , there are also some for the elections, some against the elections, but i don't think that they are currently testing the situation. i think that now they are more, let's say, worried about the situation at the front, now
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all their attention is also on the front, as well as the question of aid to ukraine, we need money, we need weapons, ammunition, this is the main topic, zelensky himself, i think he really, you said correctly, he wants to go down in history as a winner, he does not want to lose this war and as a citizen of ukraine. especially as the president of ukraine, and that's why i think that now he is not thinking about the elections, but part of the team, yes, he can think about the elections. as for the ratings, i think that the motivation for these leaks was different, it was due to the fact that the economist published, well, not quite correct data regarding the trust ratings, just according to zelensky, there it is simply based on and for budanov they gave full ratings of trust, or rather general ratings and full... trust is total, and for zelensky they gave only data on
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full trust, and this was incorrect, and therefore the presidential team decided, well, somehow to refute these data due to loopholes, due to the demonstration of the presidential ratings, especially since the campaign has started, in my opinion , inappropriate now for various reasons, when different people, some sincere, some based on political considerations, began to oppose the diligent zelensky. precisely in the context of the presidential ones elections, and that is why i think that now we do not need to play with this topic, well, in that context, yes, who will win, should we or should we not hold elections, there is public opinion, there is an official position of the president, we should not hold them now in a time of war, an election, especially in the current escalation of hostilities, which is an election, we have to face now, so let's forget about the election for a while and concentrate on the fact that you... are now facing a new difficult phase of the war. thank you, gentlemen, let's take
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rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. this is the verdict program , my name is serhiy ordenko, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, please like and subscribe to our pages on youtube and facebook, in addition , take part in our vote, today we ask you about this, do
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you trust the current verkhovna rada of ukraine, yes no, please vote on youtube, everything is quite simple. if you vote by phone, then if you support the current verkhovna rada or trust it 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls are free for you, well, we see intermediate voting figures 6% trust, 94% no. today , the best political experts of ukraine are visiting us: volodymyr fesenko, viktor boberenko and ihor reiterovych, we are talking about... the internal situation that is developing in ukraine and political, of course, and we are also talking about how the verkhovna rada works in the current conditions, how the president works, and the verkhovna rada and the president have to make quite important decisions, literally in a few days or in a few months, that's for sure, this is a new plan, or
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a new law on mobilization, a new law on demobilization, there are two draft laws on registration. so far in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and it is clear that the question is about justice in society, here about the justice of those who will be mobilized to the war, to the front, who will be demobilized in what way, because for two years people have been in a big war on the russian-ukrainian front, and there is still no system of demobilization, because those who are fighting say that there are only two ways out of of the front, it’s either 200 or 300. well, that’s how they joke about black humor, but there is no such thing as this demobilization procedure , from mobilization we can see how the tsk now went to the gyms, started handing out summonses, what are you gentlemen thinking about , because this is what will affect including and on trust in state institutions,
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in the president, in the verkhovna rada, will the government in the current conditions... be able to make unpopular decisions, because the issue of mobilization is also not a no, whether a new draft law will kill mobilization, this is an unpopular decision, unpopular the solution when territorial recruitment centers go out to catch people in gyms, that is, how to build a fair system, according to which everyone can hold a weapon, everyone must hold a weapon so that he holds it. mr. victor. let's start with you, well, when tsk goes to gyms - this is just a popular decision, er, it may be unpopular in the environment of those who go to gyms, but... most of the people, if they would react to this, that everything is right, since you are so strong, athletic
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, go, brace yourself now on the front, regarding popular and unpopular decisions, yes, popular for some, not popular for someone, because, if it were, zelensky signed the law, which was adopted back in may, on the reduction. from 27 to 25 years of conscription age, when they start conscripting, then this would additionally give, well conditionally, in our the largest generation born in the year 87 , i recently looked, there were 3,800 boys born at that time, yes, it is clear that in the 90s there were already, there were fewer, but it was still more than 300 00, that is, you can imagine how many additional , well, an array with which... it would be possible to choose , but zelensky did not go for it, and this, because this decision would be unpopular, perhaps for these people, for their relatives, who are already not
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very keen on it go to defend ukraine, but it would be a popular decision for the relatives of those who are currently at the front, who it is necessary, well, if not, they will not get sick, then at least some time for rest, for... so that, well, what the government needs to do, that is, first of all, those who have served there for two, two years , in order to still give additional leave , not just 30 days a year, here, but also to give there , yes, you have served for two years, and you still have 30 days a year, but for this time you need to be replaced by someone, which means that you need to accept unpopular decisions regarding those who are 110,000 people who joined us on september 1, those who are over 23 years old, 110,000, and those who more than 25 years, entered higher education institutions, maybe they can now, as it once was, after the first year, students were taken
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into the soviet army, yes, and now, if only, to make the same rules, that is, to make an array of the majority of whom you can it would be to choose who to fight, if there is already a war, then let everyone fight, not... only certain categories fight, certain categories rest there, and the majority of society is waiting for this justice, just a smaller number, a smaller part of society, who want to be there type, that we are for a war to the victorious end, but ours vanechka is there so that you don't go outside as soldiers, and that's justice - it's when everyone fights, thank you, that's if only because justice was done. relative, but let’s say it would be fair for most people, but zelensky didn’t sign the law then, he would like to be questioned even now,
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the generals would say that it is better for us to fight with those soldiers who are already trained, and not to train new ones, however, if russia declares a total war after putin's election, we will have to prepare a symmetrical step, and we will also have to call up 100, 200, 300 thousand... people and these people must be found somewhere. thank you, mr. victor. mr. igor, this age , about which mr. victor spoke, is one way or another there, well, voters of one of the candidates, let’s say, and active, there are 25-27 years old, and it is clear that in these conditions the political layouts that i i read, or the analysis, they talk about the fact that they are not touched there, or they do everything so that... the elders are now going to fight in the army, solely because of the fact that with an eye on the next elections, can this be true, well here are such calculations that you,
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who are younger, they simply do not work, because they are needed there as active voters, well, this may be one of the reasons, we don't know what is the key reason, since information appeared in the west that this law is lying. and zelensky does not sign it, there was no confirmation, for example, from the president’s office about this, and the deputies who like to comment on the actions of the commander-in-chief in our country , they do not comment on the actions of the supreme commander and do not say that he does not sign somewhere , but political calculation, electoral calculation, it is so or otherwise in these moments can be present, here the main thing in general is even an electoral calculation, that the decision should be such that it minimally affects future political ones. prospects, well, in this case, for example, there is the supreme commander, who will one way or another finally sign these laws, but you know, if we talk about mobilization, i have from the experience
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of communicating with... including people 's deputies who are attached to precisely that of the group, which is engaged in the development of this law, did i have one very simple, but extremely gloomy conclusion for myself: uh, the decision that will be taken will be minimally discussed and generally discussed, that is , no discussions involving interested parties, and such parties are not only people's deputies, or for example, the general staff or some politicians there. for example, there are among them employers who should also have the opportunity, well, in some way to influence certain processes, there are representatives of various other groups that are, well, in society, judging by this discussion everything will not be, and the second main conclusion, which is even more gloomy, judging by the statements i heard, all responsibility for this law will be placed on one person, and this person will not be the supreme commander, but the commander-in-chief will say that this is what
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the military wants, it's them under them. subscribes to all these things, but i am afraid that they will be tried to be the main culprits, i say in the pews, yes, those unpopular steps, which most likely will be taken in the context of mobilization, what, excuse me, the verkhovna rada simply wasted a year of time, when it was possible to discuss all this, justify it and come to some kind of normal decision, now no one is interested, the struggle must be accepted, others will be extreme, thank you. mr. igor, mr. volodymyr, what do you think about this? well, first of all, i think that mobilization is not inevitable, well, it is formal , uh, we have had it since the first day of the war, uh, it is going on, but the plans are not carried out, everyone who, well, more or less familiarized with the situation, they know it, it's not a joke, that's what people went to front, no less than 300,000, in the first days of the war,
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they were mainly volunteers. mobilization plans, unfortunately, do not work for various reasons, the soviet warlord system, it remained soviet, it must be reformed, changed, the attempts were not very successful, let's be honest, regarding the further situation, it's not only about the deputies, but i am an opponent of political football, now, i agree, this is not a popular decision, or to put it mildly, not very popular, but now the only way out in a situation when we have to... will be to conduct a larger-scale mobilization , there will simply be no other way out, and my colleague correctly said that yes, the russians can carry out their mobilization, but we still do not have enough people, and no matter how unfortunate it is, unfortunately, demobilization is also impossible, whatever the law was not passed there, there are not enough people at the front, so what needs to be done is rotation, yes, thanks to the fact that new fighters will appear at the front, but the decision
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must be made in the interests of society... and considering that this unpopular decision, it should be the joint responsibility of the political leadership of the country, and of the military, formal, this is the parish of the military, military leaders, they are under the command of the ground and armed forces, this is their parish, unfortunately, the work there has failed for various reasons, but so that there is no transfer of responsibility from one to the other, it must be together and zelenskyi, and zulazhnyi, and syrskyi, together they have to say, we have nothing else. exit, how to conduct mobilization, it must be done, and for it to be an effective system and a fair system, thank you, gentlemen, volodymyr fesenko, viktor boberenko and igor reiterovych were today's guests, friends , we are working live on the espresso tv channel, and during the program we conducted a survey, we asked you about whether you trust the current verkhovna rada of ukraine, let's see the results of this survey, so 6% yes, 94% no. these are the results of our
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telephone survey, that's the end of it, i'll say goodbye to you until 8:00 p.m., all the best. greetings to all viewers of espresso, it's time to learn about the most relevant events at the moment, and i'll start with this: the personal data of kyivstar subscribers due to a hacker attack is not compromised this is stated in the company's official statement. there, they apologized for the temporary inconvenience and promised compensation to those customers who have no connection today. kyivstar reported that...


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