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tv   [untitled]    December 12, 2023 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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this is svoboda life and today about the successes of the armed forces near horlivka, the activation of the russian federation near maryinka and avdiivka, as well as russia's plans to fight with nato. and of course, about zelenskyi's meeting with biden and the new plan for ukraine from american officials. about all this and not only during the next 45 minutes. my name is daria kudimova. good evening. the ukrainian military repelled one of terekons within horlivka and captured the positions of the russian army. the relevant video was posted today at the general staff and it was noted that the ukrainian flag is currently flying over terekon. the assault group of the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after king danylo recaptured one of the terekons within the settlement of horlivka in donetsk region and planted the ukrainian flag there. president zelensky announced such details on social networks. on the footage. you are the words
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of military personnel, i will quote: behind us, our ukrainian neck, our donetsk, donbass - this is ukraine, we will definitely win. the video also shows that during the operation , fighters for isa captured russian soldiers. the successful actions of the armed forces were the result of hard work, this is how the ground forces for isa commented on this operation. andrii kramarov, military expert, reserve officer. from asu joins our broadcast, andriy, good evening, my congratulations, i greet you, the importance of the terekon near horlivka, what opportunities does it open up, what does it affect? well, here it is rather, it is rather possible to say that the victory here is a bit more for our there under the strengthening of the moral and psychological state of our army, a good sign for our society, but in this uh, well, let's say this, in this operation, as was clearly visible.
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from the video there is, and what is nice, a very , let's say this, purely military task, namely, we understand that in this, let's say, in this direction , the russians also began to approach with equipment and a fairly significant number of personnel, and in order to eh no, well, let's say so, don't go on the defensive in this area either, the armed forces of ukraine made, let's say, a very effective blow to advance, a lot of equipment was destroyed. and personnel of the occupiers, well, plus they could advance, well conditionally, look, any terekon, like the one near avdiivka, is a conditional gray zone, in which it is extremely difficult to buy in, to hold a position there, let’s say, almost impossible, but that is not less, came close to the russian positions, planted the flag of ukraine, well, let's see how events will develop there, well, if we recall today's statements, then oleksandr ternavskyi, the command... dovachavria
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announced that two days ago, russian troops launched massive offensive operations with the support of armored vehicles in the avdiiv and maryan directions and that they are actively using aviation there , despite the fact that earlier we talked about the fact that the main tactics so-called meat assaults with the participation of stormz remain, and what is the change in such tactics connected with, and what can this indicate? this indicates that the russian army received a fresh batch of equipment, but we saw that they have changed, let's say, soft assaults, they continue to maintain the pace and , accordingly, keep the armed forces of ukraine on the defensive, while they receive there additional... equipment from russia, they are already starting to use it, and this is very clearly visible, by the way, these moments when they get it from the summaries of our general staff, as soon as the russians begin to lose more than 20 or even 30 tanks per day, this usually means that at this stage they
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have received an armored car, there is some impetus for a relative revival , and maryinka in general attack from the very beginning. of a full-scale invasion, and again marinka itself, the russians tried to plant a flag there, but again i understand that marinka is completely destroyed, in fact the entrance and exit to the city are two big roads, and you can move on, for example by western shimarinka, they are all under fire control, the city itself is unfortunately destroyed and is just a gray area, but now they are trying there, they mostly used it there in the last months... there were small assault groups, here they tried to advance with technology. andriy, according to the ukrainian general staff, the russian colonel-general teplinsky, who commands the dnipro group, allegedly ordered the creation of assault units from officers, and here in the general staff
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they say that such tactics were used 100 years ago, during the first world war, and what is the point of assault units with the participation of officers, it makes assault brigades more effective? in fact, a very big question, and well, there are certain, let's say, well, you can't say that only 100 years ago, because there are certain subdivisions and in the armed forces of ukraine, which are conventionally made up of officers, but you know that , they are such very delicate tools in the forces of special operations, or there, for example, special units of our main intelligence department, which are directed to carry out, well , certain such very precise, but painful strikes . to create an assault unit entirely of officers, well an officer yes, he may have a slightly higher level of certain certain tactical skills on the battlefield, but nevertheless to say that he will be like an assault plane, it is better to be well, let's say, so well trained
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attack aircraft even from the rank-and-file, this is a very big question, but it may also indicate that as a result of the elimination of a significant... which there are simply no positions , respectively, in their, well, in the personal staff, and now that they, well, let's say, because the losses are big, they want to maintain the pace, so they will try to possibly compensate for the losses and for... one thing, let's say , the officers who are now in them, well out of state, without positions, thus also engage in combat. the institute for the study of war wrote in its latest review that russia is preparing for a war against nato, well, these are the conclusions of the analysts based on the long-term efforts of the russian army to
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restructure and expand. in particular , they draw attention to the fact that russia has sent valuable naval resources to areas outside ukraine and eastern europe, and they also mention it as a plus. putin's statements about interest in the arctic, interest in cooperation with china, and this is where the question arises, and from where russia needs this resource to fight with nato, because it has not been the first month that we have been talking about the exhaustion of both the russian military-industrial complex and human reserves in the russian army? well, first of all, the russians, they are building up their military equipment very much, and if we, for example, had an advantage in the same fpv drones that... until recently, now our fighters note that there are also a lot of russians, russia is much greatly increases its uh, well, its expenses, including the expenses of its military industry, plus now russia is in
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such a difficult situation in the baltic sea, it is also, well, that is, here the only way to unlock it for... the future for myself, this is some kind of direct confrontation with nato, to talk about their prospects, in a direct conflict with nato, well today it is very difficult, plus the russians t... i understand, in their military planning after all, they are betting on the fact that in the war with ukraine, since we are exhausting russia, in this way they are also exhausting the collective measure in the war in ukraine, which probably in their opinion can give them a certain window of opportunity, well, in principle this logic made some sense until recently, but now if the statements don't match, or rather the words don't match the deeds and... europe will, let's say, begin to powerfully and quickly increase the work of its military industry, then this will make
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such a war without prospects for russia. let's recall another western publication of the new york times, there was a large article about the fact that the american and ukrainian military commands are looking for a new strategy for waging war with russia, and they said that there are calls from the states to ukraine to adhere to the strategy of hold and build. what is it about and how relevant is it for ukraine? there is such strategy now? well, actually , again, there was a bit of an incorrect, let's say, translations and interpretation, so yes, the united states of america is saying that, well , we need to kind of reboot, and they're pointing out the fact that, yes, right now, we need to, our priority tasks - it is to stay on the defensive, but at the same time, a number of very important meetings are taking place today, in particular in washington. and including in order that, well, let's say, the situation on the front line was considered more promptly,
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valery went east to see general syrskyi fedorovych zaluzhny and rustem omerov, our minister of defense, and further, i understand, taking into account the experience we have gained from our, well, certain failures and which we have gained together with our western partners, from our summer-autumn campaign, we from... now we will, i understand, take into account, the united states, i hope, will also take them into account, and accordingly, after this certain reset, conditionally the armed forces of ukraine, we will receive, we will see, well, some new general strategy, including how well , continue to wage this war with russia, i want to point out, that the leader of the us democratic party in the congress, he said that their communication with our... president with president zelensky, it was, firstly, very constructive, it was one of the most constructive conversations
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of the first full-scale invasion, and secondly, that our delegation allegedly proved information and certain theses, based on which it is more clearly understood what we need in order to win, and eh, well, even in the united states of america, according to the results of these meetings, it is estimated that ukraine has a rather serious potential precisely for victory. we will talk in more detail about zelenskyi's visit to the united states, and i want to talk to you about one more point: today there was a large-scale failure in the work of the kyivstar mobile operator, and we actually saw a message from volodymyr fityo that it did not affect the actions of the ukrainian servicemen, this was stated by the head of the public relations service of the ground forces, armed forces. at the same time, the security service, as is known, opened criminal proceedings on the fact of a cyber attack. according to eight articles of the criminal code, and actually the version of the involvement of the russian
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special services in this is being verified. in your opinion, such failures can in some way affect the actions of military personnel, or it does not affect the events at the front in any way. well, first of all, here we will consider in two planes, the first is the plane, well, straight lines of conflict, well, there the armed forces of ukraine have a certain policy regarding the limitation of use. connection with the purpose of, well , the absence of the absence of further problems there , the detection of positions or something else, that is, here we have , well, there is a certain such hygiene, but in general, it is still a task of harming our economy, a possible task of harming our logistics, including, first of all , military logistics in terms of provision, therefore , in any case, such an attack by the largest mobile operator carries for us both economic and... military threats, it's just that these threats are not threats, let's say , to the direct front line, they are threats to our
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rear support, you heard, andriy, thank you very much for joining the broadcast, andriy kramerov, military expert and reserve officer of zasu was with us in direct contact, thank you, the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade, one of those currently fighting on the right flank of the avdeiv direction, its commander, colonel vadym sukharevskyi, a hero... for ukraine and for him, the war with russia has been going on since 2014 and has not stopped since then not for a day after the start of the full-scale invasion, his brigade defended mykolaiv and took part in the counteroffensive on kherson. and now he is fighting in the donetsk direction. in an interview with our correspondents, sokharevskii told about the peculiarity of the battles in this direction. from the beginning of october, the first numbers of october, in vdiivskyi direction is being attacked from the russian side. if you look at the map, you are somewhere like the right flank of the avdiiv direction, what
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is going on with you, how are you going through these last two months? if we evaluate what is happening in this period. well , from my point of view, i would divide it into three main stages: the first stage of the enemy's operation in the avdiiv direction, and it was a massive mechanized attack in several directions with the aim of maximizing the enemy's advance. boundaries for in order to condemn the defense forces in several directions, starting from maryansky and ending, as it were, with the north of odiivka. completely to the side of, let's say, the settlement of pokrovsk, and that, accordingly, they practically did not succeed. the second stage , this is, accordingly, after their failure, if on this mechanized, yes, they took on separate, let’s call it, tentacles, yes, in order to wedge into the defense, if to press, if we were in qi at these
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moments, it is in in general, that is directly related. on my responsibility brigades, the first stage was massed, the number of columns reached up to 60 units, we showed good results in terms of the destruction of the enemy, both his equipment and the enemy's manpower. at the second stage , accordingly, i assess what is happening now, these are constraining actions in order to achieve success in other directions and force us then to make decisions, or what if ... to increase the defense front and, accordingly, to methodically inflict losses on with the help of various means, and especially if i want to mark something that would have grown many times over the intensity of artillery work, that is , ammunition appeared in them, the technical equipment of the enemy increased many times, both with means of reconnaissance, as means of counter-battery combat, and
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with unmanned aerial systems in the form of kamikaze drones, skids. and , accordingly, means of reconnaissance, both from the ground and from the air, which, in principle, if it makes the work of our units on the line for holding and, accordingly, counterattacks in the direction of the enemy quite difficult , well, they do not relax their pressure, that is, it cannot be said that now on your part of the front became quiet, did they abandon their attempts to storm there, no , of course, the enemy does not abandon their attempts, this is precisely the third stage of which... to say, it is that they chose for themselves, respectively, the points of the main strikes, yes, these, respectively, these settlements on avdiyivka, if, maryenka, if, and the like, grope the entire front line, respectively along, the line where we are currently conducting combat operations, both defensive and offensive, well and accordingly, in mine in my strip, this is exactly the tactic of methodical,
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methodical work on application maximum... efforts to inflict maximum losses, even if my unit were to be defeated, who are they attacking now, who is in their ranks, the personnel of the russian military are poorly prepared, well, this section of the front, if we talk about the general period, yes, it is a strip of responsibility, yes the so-called first army corps of the armed forces of the russian federation, formed on the basis of the so-called republic, yes dpr, here. and accordingly, starting from last year, the full-time units that are part of this so-called of the army corps, they are reinforced as mobilized russians, as mobilized traitors, respectively from donetsk region, luhansk region and the occupied, well, temporarily occupied territories, well, what if it concerns the transition, then those
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units that we know, which were advancing, are directly formed units on the territory of... the russian federation, that is, the kemerivsk uusurivsk region, what we, what we observed, we also handed over the pow from nepal, who fought in the un forces, if he was an officer, special forces, and who went to as a mercenary on the side of the russian federation with the goal of, let's say, a good salary and obtaining citizenship of the russian federation. the eu is optimistic about the approval of 50 billion euros of macro-financial assistance to ukraine. negotiations are still ongoing, but the president of the european council, charles michel , said in an exclusive interview with radio liberty today that he personally... is confident of achieving a result, despite the fact that hungary threatens to block a number of decisions regarding ukraine. what are the chances of a breakthrough, we show you part of the conversation, well, the full one
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watch the version tomorrow on radio svoboda's youtube channel. the summit of eu leaders is expected to be quite dramatic due to the so-called hungarian factor in the ukrainian agenda. however, the history of the summits has shown us, as well as you, many breakthroughs that were achieved at the last moment. can we expect such a result when it comes to the opening of accession negotiations with ukraine? it will be a difficult meeting and we have to tell the truth because we have the support of 26 leaders out of 27 and that is very good news. the positive lies in the support from the side 26 leaders to get more money for ukraine, financial support, and more military equipment for it. at the same time , we have one country, hungary, which expresses certain doubts and reluctance. we need to convince hungary too. we are working on it day and night to prepare this european council. i hope we can do it. you have some trump cards to convince
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the prime minister of hungary to change his mind. regarding the financial support of ukraine, i am sure, even if it will be difficult, because as part of the review of the european budget, we need to approve the decision on the additional package. for ukraine , i think it should be possible at this meeting of the european council, it will probably be difficult , there will be difficulty, because we are not talking only about ukraine, this is a wider financial package that we have to decide on, this is one element, with enlargement it is a little more difficult, why , because firstly, it is not only about ukraine, but also about moldova, georgia and the countries of the western balkans, also because we need to approve the decision unanimously, we need 27 countries so that we can start negotiations with ukraine. the enlargement process is complex, it is a path, a road with several steps, and it is all the more important, in my opinion, to take an additional step in the direction of enlargement, it is also important to take into account
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the very significant reforms introduced by ukraine and some other candidate countries. under the circumstances, if, for example, the decision to open accession negotiations with ukraine is not taken during this summit of eu leaders, is it possible to predict how long ukraine will be in the so-called waiting room? you know, i don't want to talk about the possible failure of this summit, because i want to do everything to make it a success, i do not, i underestimate the challenges and difficulties, and they are seen by everyone, because this is a public democratic debate, everyone sees what is being said, what positions are expressed by different countries, i think it has to be able to go the extra mile and i'm working on...plans a, not other plans. as for other ukrainian decisions, you have already mentioned the eu budget. if we talk about 50 billion euros of aid
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to ukraine, do you believe that the european council will approve this decision, or plan b, which is now discussed, sounds more real. i am very confident in the decision about 50 billion for ukraine. i'm not saying it's easy and i'm not talking about it as an already achieved result. certain conversations are directed at... to make sure that the decisions to be are still ongoing, but i am convinced, because i feel very strong support, i feel that the european leaders understand all the need to make it clear to these decisions that we support ukraine in the long term. the same applies to military equipment, we decided to introduce what called the european peace fund to encourage greater military support for ukraine in coordination with our member states. there is a common political will to... improve the instrument, improve the mechanism based on the basis that we want to provide through the eu and bilateral aid, more missiles, more ammunition. we want to accelerate the production
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of ammunition to help ukrainians defend themselves and defend their territory, their homeland. volodymyr zelenskyi has already met in the united states with defense minister lloyd austin and the head of the united states committee of chiefs of staff. charles brown. the meeting took place at the us national defense university and, among other things , discussed challenges for global security, developments at the front and further ukrainian-american cooperation in the field of defense. the president of ukraine thanked the us for its help, separately emphasized the strengthening of air defense, and at the same time , the head of the pentagon assured that washington and its allies will continue to support kyiv, because ukraine itself is of great importance not only for security. but also for global security 21st century. we are determined to help ukraine fight for the protection of its territory and
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its citizens. "we are determined to deter russia from any further aggression, particularly against our nato allies, and we are determined to show the world that america will not flinch in defense of its freedom. if anyone is inspired by the unresolved issues on capitol hill, it is putin and his sick clique. they see the realization of their dreams in delays or some kind of scandal, and they see that freedom loses when the support of the fighters for freedom is decreasing, and such people as'. should not even hope to conquer freedom, i will add that today is also supposed to be a meeting between joe biden and volodymyr zelenskyi, and this is already the third visit of the ukrainian president to washington in a year, the last. however, the current one is taking place against the background of the crisis situation surrounding aid to ukraine and new calls from the white house to the senate to unblock this aid. we will ask our colleague from the voice of america, maria ulyanovska, a correspondent
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of the ukrainian service, for all the details. voice of america with us on connection maria, you have a word. greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. indeed , very important meetings with volodymyr zelenskyi are taking place in the congress today. first, he meets with 100 senators of the senate of the us congress, and after that he will have a personal meeting with the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson. the meeting with the senators has already taken place. after that , volodymyr zelenskyy did not comment on this meeting. the meeting was closed. senate majority leader chuck schumer went to the press after the meeting and told what was there was happening he said that the meeting was very powerful, that president zelensky managed to convey to congress the issue that the issue of aid to ukraine is urgent, and that in order for ukraine to win, this aid must be approved right now, without delay . in addition, he also said that president zelensky managed to explain that only vladimir putin will benefit from what ukraine loses, and i quote chuck schumer
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said that ... we cannot allow putin, through his associates, to influence what we can do for ukraine. in addition , he said that president zelensky emphasized that the united states is a leader in supporting ukraine, and if the united states stops providing aid now, it will raise many questions among allies in europe. after the meeting with the senate , president zelensky will have a meeting, a scheduled meeting with the speaker of the house of representatives, mike dcho. and it is from this meeting that the future of ukrainian aid will depend, because it was the speaker of the house of representatives, the republican mike johnson, who was one of the initiators of dividing the large aid package that the administration of president biden requested, which includes aid to ukraine, israel, to support the pacific region and also to support the us border, he called for the division of these aid packages and right now in the senate such a story is happening, that republicans emphasize that aid to ukraine
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should be tied to aid. with to solving the issue of the american border, and this is not only about the question of the need to build a border on the border with the mexican wall, the issue of the republicans wanting to go back to donald trump's immigration policy, which the democrats, of course, can't do, and now there is so much debate and discussion in the senate, in the house of representatives, mike johnson also initiated this issue, and yesterday he gave an interview with the wall street journal, in which he stated that for president zelenskyi... he has the same message as for president biden, that if the american congress votes for a package without national defense, then this national defense first everything must include american interests in the united states, that is, border security, he said that there is unfortunately no consensus between republicans and democrats on this issue at the moment, and he does not expect that this issue will be resolved before the christmas holidays, i i'll remind you that congress is
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on vacation starting ... this friday, so it is expected that this issue will most likely be postponed, unless the senate and the house of representatives vote to allocate this additional aid, but some democratic senators have already said that they are ready not to go on vacation and continue working until aid to ukraine is approved. in addition, volodymyr zelenskyi has a scheduled meeting in the white house with president joe biden, it was at his invitation that the president of ukraine came to the united states and... the house said that this meeting, and this visit, he should show that america continues to support ukraine, continues to carry this leadership in supporting ukraine and will support ukraine as long as it is needed. thank you, colleague, maria ulyanovska, from the ukrainian voice of america service was in direct contact with us with the details of zelenskyi's visit to the united states. thank you.


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