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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2023 12:30am-1:00am EET

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and therefore this is a matter for everyone to decide and it will be individually, and i think that all the other mobile operators there and the owners of terminals, networks, etc., will take this experience into account and next time there will be some backup supply channels ready there, well, traffic, i finally, i will ask a layman's question in this regard, but it is possible to purchase, say, a satellite phone, well, for example, for yourself and for the person you want to call, is it available, what is the approximate price, or is it all here? does not save the situation, but suddenly it is critical someone may have a situation, you know, a person thinks, i will need communication in any case, and for whom it is extremely critical, so satellite communication services are available, i'm afraid to say it inaccurately, but it's about there about 100 dollars per month subscription fee and plus devices, they are also quite expensive, and there may be additional in dollars there per minute tariff, that is, for ordinary people it is not justifiably expensive.
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and for business, i think responsible business has taken care of it, just phones for their users for mobile satellite the internet, you know, well, such a small box , the same starlink, for example, helps a lot, but again, this is for whom it is very super critical and who has the appropriate funds, thank you very much for the detailed answers, i think we are up to this we will return to the topic later, kostyantyn korson was with us an expert on civil affairs. security spoke about today 's attack, i believe most importantly that our companies and state enterprises that provide services to citizens in various fields will be ready for this, will consult with partners because border, maybe, well, that is, we are at war, in this war there are various attacks, we have to repel them, think that we will repel everything and we will have nothing, it does not happen, but we have to fight and attack the enemy, that is what we are talking about today we will also talk, the enemy was also attacked, now we will talk about the events at the front with segy and... the director of the express agency, the host of
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the military summaries of the day column. sergey, congratulations. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today like this, you know, understanding, of course, that all victories at the front are won with blood, but all the same, it is a certain, not certain, but great joy. the armed forces of ukraine were able to repulse terakon. well, in fact, it is called in the vicinity of horlivka, as it is a key story, and an important, important, important area over which the ukrainian flag was raised. yes, indeed, today it became known about... the reflection of a ground cone near horlivka, this is to the northwest of horlivka, a ground cone there with a height of 200 m, in fact, it provides an improvement in the language of intelligence capabilities for our scouts, the military, who will control the territories from this section, in general, this is an advance towards horlivka, in general, about 250 m, these are such tactical achievements, but on the day of the ground forces, this is good news, as the president actually said today.
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volodymyr zelenskyi of ukraine, later in our wine column we will talk about zelenskyi's visit to the united states, about certain aspects of this visit, and about the war plans for the 24th year and about the front line in conversations with our military and why ukraine is now asks for not only f-16 fighters, but other f-18-type models and there is even talk of gripen. more on that in a moment. against the background of the working visit of the president of ukraine to the united states, which is currently underway, i will tell you about some noteworthy details in the defense-industrial and military-political sphere. so, during this visit, volodymyr zelenskyi met with the heads of eight leading american companies, including by system, northern gruman, reid, technologie, locked martin, jenner. mix and
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actually, among other things, it was proposed to create such a kind of defense hub in europe, more precisely in ukraine, in my opinion, the word hub in this sense is, after all , such a real integration between the capacities of american and ukrainian companies to obtain specific results in the form of modernized operational systems of weapons and equipment, it was said that in order to implement such an idea, our state is ready very quickly... to adopt the necessary decisions, simplify bureaucratic procedures and make appropriate orders. it is not yet known what the exact reaction will be from these defense companies, because relatively speaking, the budget of these companies, honestly speaking, even larger than the budget of the whole of ukraine, and it is clear that such a vision of these monsters will be extremely important for the formation of such a real strategy of interaction with the ukrainian defense industry, although some companies, in particular as system, have already... talked
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about it , that they are ready to expand the production, in particular, of guns on the territory of ukraine, and there are other examples when this project to frankins with the creation of new samples of strengthening interaction with our companies and modernization of air defense systems, it is actually already working, and further on the background of the visit of the president of ukraine to the united states , a publication appeared in the new york times, in which it is said that ukraine and the united states should develop a new plan of action for the next year, but the development of such a new strategy of the ukrainian-russian war, which is being worked on. the military of the united states and ukraine still needs some coordination, because in short, considering this publication, it says that the position of the united states now looks so conservative, because they propose that ukraine should first of all pay more attention to
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the defense of its territories, while there will be posi , it will be necessary to strengthen entrenchment, continue the supply of weapons to ukraine and prepare forces for the next hostilities. but already for the 25th year, and ukraine, they say, emphasizes more active actions with increased attacks on land, from the air using long-range missiles, as an example , ukraine's active actions for strikes on crimea, on ammunition depots, on enemy logistics, and as the new york times writes, the ukrainian military is looking for creative ways to bring russia off balance. as always, in the reference of the publication to specific officials no, so it is impossible to clearly say whether there are such strategies or not, but i will say that these strategies do not contradict each other, active defense, and it is quite likely that such a reality will await the armed forces
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next year, does not remove the task at all exhaustion of the enemy using all possible means of impression, the main thing is that such means are in sufficient quantity. from the important information that the commander of the us ground forces in europe will be responsible for the preparation of further plans from the american side christopher cavolli and also the united states are sending a three-star american general to kyiv, who will be in kyiv and will also be involved in the formation of such a new war strategy, which must be worked out by january 24th, and then individual elements must be... worked out during the headquarters games in wiesbaden, germany. regarding the staff games, i will say that in fact, even before the training offensive in the south, there were as many as eight such staff games, where various scenarios were worked out, and it was decided that ukraine
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all should be advancing without air superiority and even without numerical superiority in those areas where counteroffensive actions are being taken, so that in any case. when we talk about such an agreed position of the ukrainian and american military, then first of all i will say that conclusions and summaries should be drawn from the hostilities in the 23rd year, both the ukrainian side and the american side. and now we're getting close to the frontline about what 's happening on the front line, and now the general intensity of fighting across the area of ​​the front. extremely active. the two commanders of khortytsia and tavria, oleksandr syrskyi and oleksandr tarnavskyi , during these two days, made several such informational messages, where they said that the enemy intensified actions in the entire area, trying to press on our
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defenses. oleksandr syrsky, commenting on the situation there along the entire stretch from kupinsk to bakhmut, said that the enemy's losses were eight times greater than loss of ukrainian forces, but regardless of this, the occupiers are betting primarily on human resource, and now we will talk about what is happening in certain areas of the front, with our guest, we are now joined by kyrylo sazonov, a military serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, special unit thunder, mr. kyrylo, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear from each other, i am very glad to see you, i know that your unit operates in different... directions, the situation everywhere is extremely difficult and difficult, especially there in the last days and weeks, what can you tell the audience now, first of all in the direction of bakhmut, which you are probably now you know, well, in enough detail , we recently left bakhmut from the north of bakhmut,
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that is, where the fiercest, fiercest battles are currently taking place north of bakhmut, these are bohdanivka and hryhorivka, i know these two settlements very well. although there were not many piles of bricks left from them, and even the boys were ironic in bohdanivka , they showed me a pile of bricks, they said, this is our store, we will go there one day, it is na na na... the enemy is advancing in the direction of chasor, this is a dominant height near bakhmut on north of it, and those who control it can to fire at bakhmud, and they want to prevent the encirclement of their bakhmut group from their group, other brigades are operating to the south, the third assault brigade was working there, now it has gone on rotation to manning and replaced by other guys, i don't remember now which brigade replaced them came down, there it is... very fierce fighting on klishchivka, on andrivka, there is constant shelling, that is, the enemy is trying to prevent
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the encirclement of bakhmut, to prevent fire control over supplies, over logistics in bakhmut, that is, very fierce, no less fierce the situation, the situation is no less difficult where the thunder is now working, the 41st brigade, this is the kupyan direction, there is fighting there, the enemy is trying to get to kupyansk nodal, so well... well , offensive, attempts, offensive, attempts to attack our positions are constant , our defense guys work very hard, and very hard - these are the batteries of the control of artillery calculations and the intelligence brigade, they work very well on the logistics of the enemy, that is , they do not allow the arrival of reinforcements, they do not allow the supply of equipment, supply bk, they are knocked out along the way, this is every day guys and intelligence and art work every night. but the enemy has concentrated very, very powerful forces in the kupyansk direction, both in terms of equipment and
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personnel, and probably, well, this is a question for the general staff, but according to the feeling that there is the greatest concentration of aviation here, he is also hitting our logistics , that is, this direction, it seems to me, is very principled for the enemy of kupiansky. mr. kyrylo, the minister of defense died today. the command of the ground forces, headed by valery zalozhenyi, visited certain areas of the front, identified certain needs in of our units, and they talked about the need for more drones and more attention to fortification, so what about these things in the areas where you are now, with drones from our side and from the enemy and fortification, are we finally doing it, fortification we are engaged, in fact, we are strengthening, because this is a matter of your life. this is always done and now we have focused on this, again, i cannot
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claim to be the position of the general staff to voice any, but it seems to me that in the winter we go into such a tough defense whenever there is an opportunity, when there is some uh, weakness of the enemy somewhere, then and there we will strike, strike wherever possible, as for drones, what can be said with the phrase na... enough drones, i ask a child in ukraine, my dear they will tell you, there is always a shortage of drones , we really need as many drones as possible, as many qualified drone operators as possible, this is often forgotten, but a drone operator is a very, very qualified person with very specific training, you don't need to study there for 5 years, but you still need to study, that is, you will not be off the street in two days you will learn, and there are not so many schools of good drone operators in our country. this is also necessary, and of course , this is a war, it is so voracious that, of course,
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we constantly need more, more mines, more shells, and drones are a new word in this war, this is a factor that decides very, very much, i.e. a drone that costs several tens of thousands destroys armored vehicles, can destroy a tank that costs several million, drones demolish a dugout, which is like , well, only direct extraction. i can cover it, that is, drones are such a key - one of the key factors of this war, no less than aviation and drones are needed as much as possible. mr. kirill, what is the last question, just one minute, i would like to hear what you and your colleagues think about the issue of mobilization and demobilization, because it first appeared in the information space, and now it has somehow disappeared over the last week, what do your colleagues say brothers, my... position, the position of my brothers and everyone who has thought a little about it and seen the situation from the front
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from the rear, unequivocally, the format of mobilization that was, it has exhausted itself, it is the soviet format, recruiting must take place, here that it works, recruiting, zov tried it, the third stormtrooper tried it, now the charter will try, the national guard brigade, and now the ministry of defense is connecting companies that are engaged in... hr companies that are engaged in, well, hiring workers to work for the army, it works, direct recruitment of the brigade so that you can see which brigade you are joining, what is their reputation, who is the commander, who is there? serves, what is your relationship to the soldiers, and what position will you take, what military specialty do you have, it’s stupid to make it an assault fighter, that is, recruit priyamay, it’s cool, and the third assault fighter showed that there are those who want to, people go as volunteers, and there is no need to catch anyone
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somewhere in sports clubs, mr. kyrylo, thank you very much for your professional comments, for what you do, for our country and our viewers , i will remind you that kyrylo of the season was in eteriso a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, this is the thunder special unit, then we will talk about weapons and rearmament, about our plans, intentions and opportunities, i already spoke at the beginning about the fact that the president is in the united states, he had meetings with representatives of a number of powerful american defense industrial companies, and before that the ministry. of defense, or rather , ukraine asked the united states to provide a much wider list of weapons, which includes new types of aircraft, military transport aircraft, anti-missile defense systems, helicopters and so on, and the question arises whether all this together is such a window of opportunity that
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ukraine can benefit, we will talk about this later, we are joined by oleksandr los, former head of... the antonov concern, doctor of technical sciences, captain of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. dear serhiyevich, i wish you health, good evening. i would like to ask you first of all about our appeal to the united states, where, with reference to the reuters agency , the f-18 aircraft are mentioned, which we want to have as well as the f-16. the question arises, have the approaches of the ukrainian side, behind such a proposal, your vision of this situation finally changed? i will comment in this way that everything that you and i have been talking about on the air and behind the scenes since the beginning of the war, about that ukraine is now in a state where we don't have to choose the future, the form of
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the ukrainian air force, and we are in a situation where we have to take what we can take. and let me remind you that since 17, 2017, the issue of the f-18 was discussed in the circles of the air force of ukraine and at the diplomatic level, so this issue is not new, indeed the f-18 aircraft, they are comparable in terms of combat capabilities to the f-16, currently the aircraft f-18s of the first generation, i.e. from a to c versions, they are available in... part of it was bought by canada, there is something in spain and the goals are as follows in the armed forces of finland, so this is a fairly large number of aircraft that can also be involved in the air force of ukraine. then the question arises, if we are talking about the f-18, why are we not talking about the f-15 in different versions, and
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now we will ask to show the letter that was sent to the leadership. to the boeing company from the minister of defense, which was in the 19th year, where the ukrainian side asked to ensure the transfer of f-15s in various versions and also mentioned the t7 training aircraft, which is currently used by the air force by the forces of the united states, as such , well, an important piece of equipment that can even replace the f-16, which is possible, given this current situation, where ... the president of the united states is establishing contacts with american companies, to return to this project that opens certain opportunities for our enterprises involved in the aviation sector. serhii yehorovych, on behalf of the aviators of ukraine, i bow low to you , thank you once again for raising this issue, speak definitely and unequivocally
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to the high-ranking officials of ukraine, we need to talk about it now talking again to the united states of america, it doesn't matter what the names were there, there really is. under that letter, you correctly showed this signature of the minister of defense of ukraine, and the question of the t7 and the future fighter, which will be called, probably f7 based on it, by the way, which is a small copy of the same f-18 with unique, beautiful aerodynamics, f-18, let me remind you, is primarily a carrier-based aircraft for the united states marine corps and naval forces. therefore , from the beginning, this aircraft is intended for landing on i have referring to the f-18 for landing on an aircraft carrier, it has special, very specific aerodynamics, which provides it with extremely high angles of attack and in... t7 is just basically copied by the boing isab company with the aerodynamic layout of the f-18 aircraft, that is, it is a descendant a reduced copy of the single-engine copy of the f-18 aircraft and
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imitated all its outstanding characteristics. i just started with that, knowing this, i offered, and i was the first, probably in the world, who turned to boeing, through working channels, that please, let's help ukraine. we want to join this program, because i will remind you of the program of 350 training aircraft, not to mention the future fighter versions, so i, as an economist, as a businessman , approached the fact that it is necessary to join a large-scale program, and not, unfortunately, to other programs of our neighbors , i will not name specifically which ones there are in total up to 50 aircraft in the world, i.e. just t7, f7 - this is the future mass. plane and we need to join this program, what concerns the f15 x, let me remind you, its extreme version is currently the most recent, the most advanced, this is the plane that is still
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trying to catch up with even the su-57 in terms of its combat characteristics, i am not saying that the f-15, of course, is a fourth-generation plane, it is not inconspicuous, but all those ideas, its two-seater layout, because it is a flying command post for and for the future so-called loyal introduced and just a command post for controlling other aircraft, that is , such a concept of data centric, network centric war, it is just implemented already on the f15 and x aircraft, and the same characteristics can to imitate the t7 aircraft and the future f7 fighter, therefore it is definitely necessary for the ukrainian society, the ukrainian government to continue this work, which was started back in the 18th year. and involve ukraine in the t7 program and necessarily involve ukraine in the most advanced f-15 air superiority aircraft,
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as i will remind you, it is the replacement of the su-27 and the competitor of the su-35, which is currently the most massive attack on ukraine. and i would also like to sharpen one question on why: a modern fighter is not so much wings, it is primarily engines, and when they talk about some national projects on... for example, south korea, turkey, india, they are all based on aircraft, sorry, engines, general electric or praten witni, the same f-18, t7, turkish hurget, south korean fa-50, south korean stealth copy of the f-18, called the kf-21, it's all the gf-404 engine, which sits on the same t7, when we talk about ... the future fighter stealth fighter kaan turetsky, it's the same gef-110 engine that standing on the f-15 on the f-16, and still everyone should apply
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to the united states of america for permits to use these engines on national or american fighters, so military-technical cooperation with the united states of america, especially in the aviation sector, will still not do. and i have an extreme question about... because again we do not mention the f-15, but the topic of gripens has appeared again in the information field, it seems that saab is ready to offer good programs related to the localization of production there, but how far is this path for us logical? well, first of all, on the gripen also the general electric f404 engine is localized by volivo in sweden, so it's still not a sovereign. not a national project, secondly, what i, i did not want to say about it, but as far as we have already touched, the mass, understand that in order for
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the program to be of such, of such a class, a program for the future, for the future, because if it is already based on some fighter, then it is not less than a quarter of a century, you will live with it, first of all in accounting records, the program must be economically feasible, as claims... the swedes themselves, unfortunately, to date, this program is on the verge of closure, because it was not economically viable. again, i came back to emphasize why the t7 was the idea, because this aircraft should become the most massive digital training, combat, light fighter, so these factors must be taken into account, that is, availability , military-technical cooperation, cost-effectiveness. mr. oleksandr, thank you very much for your expertise. i hope that our leaders have heard these important conclusions, i would like to remind our viewers that my colleague was oleksandr los, doctor of technical sciences, ex-head
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of the concern. antonov, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, who is currently in charge of promising directions for the development of the ukrainian army. these were the main highlights of the day's military results, and more international and economic news from my colleagues, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. these were the military results of the day, thanks to serhiy zgurets, thanks to his guests, the second hour of the great etera is ahead, we have a lot of interesting things ahead, there will be an interview with a well-known entrepreneur and philanthropist, about defense orders and the production of weapons , we will also talk about what happened in the world, today volodymyr zelenskyi is in the united states of america, money during the war with oleksandr morchivko, how much money the imf gave us, and also news culture and weather from natalka didenko, don't miss everything in your turn, and now about the most important news
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as of this minute. russian occupiers demilitarized another school in kherson. explosive shells damaged the facade and roof of the building educational institution. there is also destruction in the middle of classes. oleksandr prokudin, the head of the regional military administration, informed about this. since the morning, the muscovites have shelled kherson several times and the suburbs from the occupied left bank have been raiding the residential quarters of the central and ship districts. as a result of enemy attacks , two civilians were injured. also , the number of wounded from yesterday's shelling increased to seven. three more men sought medical help today. on the frontline, the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umerov and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general valery zaluzhny , visited the defenders' positions in one of the eastern directions. there they congratulated the ukrainian soldiers on the day of the ground forces and handed out state awards. together with the commander oleksandr syrsky, they discussed the key needs of the ukrainian army. it is about the increased supply of weapons to
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the front, as well as the production and procurement of drones, the training of the army and the strengthening of fortifications along the entire contact line. palia, headed by putin in odessa the police detained the organizer of the group, known in the criminal circle by the nickname putin, and six perpetrators of apartment arson. i think that there are medvedev and naryshkin among them. criminals damaged other people's property, used pre-prepared tires and... but lubricating mixture, acted on orders, and the crimes were filmed. for such work, they took from 4 thousand dollars. the men have already been notified of the suspicion and precautionary measures have been taken, the police of odesa reported. the organizer of the crime, detained by the police in procedural order and the court chose a preventive measure in the form of detention with the right to post bail. the investigators
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will establish the motives of the offenses and other persons who may be related to the illegal activity in the course of the investigation. further investigation. currently, the police are collecting evidence of the involvement of the organizer and performers in committing other similar crimes. all perpetrators face up to 10 years in prison. the investigation is ongoing. they will help to contact relatives in the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine gave advice on how to call relatives or the emergency service if the phone does not work. you can contact the nearest police station, fire station, or military personnel who serve in... in populated areas or work on highways, wi-fi is also available at security points, and emergency numbers 101, 102, and 112 are working as usual . i would like to note that the failure of the kyivstar network partially affects the operation of some terminals and atms. the spokesman of privat bank, oleg sirga, warned about this. 5% devices across country use this mobile operator. ukraine is like that. the tax system
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of russia was subjected to a special operation by the cyber unit of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, the press service of the department informs. intelligence agents managed to break into the central server of the russian tax service and gain access to the regions. our experts also harmed the leading moscow it company that serves tax officials. the russians have been unsuccessfully trying to restore the system for the fourth day in a row. according to experts, they are the problem received for at least a month. cyber attack which was another serious blow to the regime in the kremlin, which for a certain time lost control over taxes and fees, according to the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. laying a brick, taking a gun at the construction sites of the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, the russians are actively handing out summonses to naturalized migrants. the ancestors informed the local public.


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