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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2023 2:00am-2:31am EET

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in fact, for the journalistic activity of the man for his coverage of those court proceedings .
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they were charged with terrorism and charged with a term of imprisonment of up to 20 years and up to life. for pseudo-terrorism, which never existed in crimea, and it does not exist today either. there are already dozens of criminal cases, hundreds of administrative fines, more than 100 children deprived of their parents, more than 100 children deprived of breadwinners. all this indicates that we are witnessing rare cases of discrimination. this facto-chasage is nothing but the repression of everything crimean tatar people.
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the investigation was unable to gather evidence, but the case was transferred to rostov-on-don and the man was taken to the police station number one of the city of rostov-on-don, which is more than 700 km from crimea, a 15-hour drive.
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soviet regime. we may be a small nation, but we are a nation that will not allow its honor and dignity to be taken and thrown under its feet, to try to destroy its culture and history so simply. we express our gratitude to the crimean tatar people. we say that the crimean tatars will not surrender. allah is with us allah is great.
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business case, i am saliev seyran alimovych, a political prisoner, a citizen of ukraine, the father of four minor children, i will continue my peaceful struggle, the struggle for the truth, the struggle for... the right to live on my land, the land where my people have lived all their lives, from the moment of its formation, i fought for my place under the sun, this struggle is now being continued by me and our generation, i and seven of my comrades are in the katerynyv casemates for our active position, for the fact that we are not silent, seeing the arbitrariness of the authorities towards our people, as well as what we are accused of, namely, terrorism , has nothing to do with us, because we are orthodox...
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i appeal to you. you don't have to make me repeat it several times. refrain from offensive and provocative expressions in your speeches. in fact, they insult me ​​by calling me a terrorist. you have been charged in accordance with the procedure established by law. i and my people will not agree with this reality and will not break. we can be killed, but we cannot be broken. i finished. the court is removed to the chamber of deputies to make a decision case, the announcement of which is possible at 3 p.m. september 16, allah is great, allah is great, allah is great, september 16, september 16, 2020
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, the rossov military court issued a verdict against seyran and other participants in this case. she came to this meeting. 600 people from the crimea, it is difficult to express in words what kind of support it was? this is a strong support that simply did not allow families to fall. they see you on the screen in the corridor, they brought the broadcast here into the corridor, we see and hear you. admitted as a journalist, i went in with a camera and was allowed to be away from the listeners, a little closer to the man, it was about two
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meters, he and i looked at each other, our looks spoke volumes, the decision on september 16 is announced.
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i received a medical education before the invasion, and currently i provide medical care to the wounded at zavstal. as of april 16, 2022, there were 463 wounded, and by the 20th there were even more. peak numbers reached 600. the density of the fire was fierce and the ground shook non-stop. i am asan isenadzhiev, i am
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28 years old, i lived in kamianka, the city of simferopol, i was forced to leave the territory of crimea in 2014 year because of my pro-ukrainian position, since i was nearby. since 2018 , he joined the ranks of the azov regiment, during the defense of mariupol, he was the chief of the medical evacuation crew when the fighting moved to the territory of the azovstal plant. was involved in the role of a doctor in the hospital. i went on duty at the headquarters for medivac and somehow ended up in kirillka. erdogan, a muslim, kent, cousin, relative, maybe let me record a video, appeal, maybe they will hear?
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they decreased, roughly speaking, he dozed off there for half an hour, then he was wounded again, that’s it, you woke up, then you go to work, hi mate how are you congrats ok ok if you can call it that the opter dropped a mine right under my feet and i have an open fracture well basically 27 holes and one open fracture fracture i got it. i feel more or less normal now, but at the same time it seems difficult, because
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the conditions do not allow us to provide medical care properly, friend, we are trying to do it somehow, the smell was also there, it was the smell of blood, the smell of amputated limbs, the smell of pus, the smell of feces, the smell of urine, the smell of sweat, etc.
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then sometime in april, i personally me, some note of dysmorality was already beginning to appear. when the ships began to come very close to the shore and use the ship's mlrs, when the ship's artillery began to simply pour. when the air force started dropping bombs every half hour, in principle there i resigned myself to the fact that they will not kill today, they will kill them tomorrow, say, he is allah alone, allah, the one they seek, did not give birth and was not born, and no one was equal to him, amen.
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i am shokri rosten, i am 34 years old. i am from the city of simferopol. i never in my life, i was brought to the crimea as a child, i have never left the territory of the crimea. that is, he has never been to motherland ukraine or russia. but in 2022, i was forced to leave crimea, because i do not imagine myself as a russian serviceman. i am an engineer-gunner of air defense systems. passed the military department, that is , i am a reserve officer still with a ukrainian military
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ticket, but due to my health, when i had a stroke at the age of 21, i was removed from the ukrainian military ticket, i have a stamp stating that i am no longer suitable, in russian documents i never i did not receive military tickets, that is, i do not have a russian military ticket, i never received it. i will be in the first category of those who will leave, that is , they will force me to take a military card and then force me to go to the front, after that i resigned and did not officially work anywhere again. in general, i am a programmer by education, and i went to work in construction, on the roof , and all these years i worked on the roof,
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as a roofer, and as if they were working, raising a family, living, i was not involved in any of these at all. because i was categorically against it leaving crimea, i did not want to leave crimea, that is, everything was fine with us, everything was fine with me in the sense that i live in my homeland, because i can honestly say that for many crimean tatars, 2014 was a betrayal of ukraine to our people, we were left alone himself. i went from being an extremely politicized person to being completely apolitical, it didn't matter to me who and how, as long as my family was not touched, it was not so much proved, although i was always a very politicized person, we were trained from childhood, we took part in practically all who could in the crimea, national movements, etc. and the like, since the time of ukraine,
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kuchma, at this moment my hands simply fell down, to be honest, somewhere so before... and here we suddenly wake up in the morning, and no one needs us, when russia came, i roughly knew, what is this...
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i could not accept that i would now go to fight for the russian federation. i wasn't ready for this. i knew only one way, it was through belarus, through the belarusian-polish border, there was a person who was supposed to help us, he called me and said that if you are at my place the day after tomorrow, you will pass border, returned home, asked his wife: let's go, let's go.
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in total, our journey from crimea to belgium lasted 8 days. we arrived nowhere at all. we didn't know what to do. i was already sitting, it was already afternoon. i was worried that we would stay outside with the children now. we had $300 left in our pockets when we arrived in belgium. these are the houses we all have, who have a single, who have a double, this is a mess, the bathrooms are shared, here is the playground, around the rubble, we have paths here, this is our trailer, this is where we live.
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we were moved to mechelen, it is such a metal house, 3 m for each family for 6 houses, amenities, kitchen, dining room, everything is separate, that is, it is not yours, but you go, it took us 3-4 minutes to go to the toilet at night, in the rain we have to there were children to drive, in total we spent four months in this camp. and only at the end of december, before the new year, we moved into our apartment, we found an apartment that the owner agreed to rent to us. my wife and i have language courses for three hours a day, that is, we take the children to
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school in the morning, the younger one to kindergarten, the older one to school, and from there we immediately go to our courses. i wanted to go to work, but they just didn't let me, they told me to go learn the language, that is, learn the language at least two courses, bring a crust and that's it, that is, in this plan, that's it. so let's go, long time no see, it's green tea, yes, i wanted black, but whatever news you have, news. how do you call crimea at home? we call the crimea every day, we have all relatives there, every day new news, the situation, so far
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everything is quiet in our areas, but somewhere closer to the military bases, the military facilities are no longer there quietly. i'm talking to my parents, i'm asking them, what's the situation, but they don't know , everything's fine, yes, everything's fine with them, but they're fine, they don't tell them anything, they just...
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mom, you have to run away from here, just look, the crimean bridge is on fire, there was an explosion two minutes ago. will win and we will finally return to our homeland, this is the most important thing for us, no matter how good things are in europe, here i traveled, i was here in germany, i was in many countries, i was in france and the baltic countries, crimea is crimea, here is a guy , which of lived with me, a summons came to his house, he was here, and a summons came to his home. someone left voluntarily, the one who was the subject of propaganda over the years, but 99%
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, of course, no one left of their own free will, but there are such people, there are different ones, who simply cannot afford to leave crimea financially if they feel like it summons, so what should he do, he has no other choice. he will go to serve, but he will serve, so he will serve, maybe badly , certainly not from the heart, but he will serve, i know, i know, a couple of crimean tatars who were called up, and
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they died, for me it was symbolic, the anniversary of the deportation, and i, to put it bluntly, am also being deported, they immediately asked which of us was azov, we said that we, he opens a pack of cigarettes like this, gives each a cigarette and says, wow, we're leaving, we're leaving, we're coming to olenivka.
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all i remember is the explosion, so powerful , there was a series of explosions because the shock wave threw me into the bed and knocked my teeth out a little, shrapnel went into my forearm, shrapnel went into my chest, shrapnel went into my right thigh and i remember i think we took one.
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the guys who were bleeding there, we started to take off our clothes, we started tamponing , bandaging the wounds with our clothes, t-shirts, pants, t-shirts, improvising some kind of tourniquet, a tourniquet with the help of cloth , clamping, some pressure, there was garbage, garbage they began to pull out the cellophane to improvise an occlusive sticker, i.e. to stick it on the chest to avoid pneumothorax, there were no injured people, those who were slightly injured remained, that is 76 people. we were all thrown into the cell. there were
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36 of us, and they took us from there, i was the one who was taken in taganrog in terms of the level of hardness, zavstal was hard, but in taganroza, the level is straight hardcore. during this entire period from 2022, i would say that it was tough in taganrog, i started to pray in olenivka, after the explosion of olenika i started to pray even more, i learned, i knew two prayers, i just prayed them in a circle, resigned myself, probably , when i was in
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taganroza, that's how i am... this is where my days will end. i mentally buried everyone, that is, in my head i said goodbye to everyone. sofa, let's see. babashka wrote so many letters. yes, this is him in sizo in novocherkassk, when he was sitting. and he drew a little rose for us, look how beautiful, and is this my notebook? he was the one who wrote the people's letter, not the most favorite one, the old lady drew me beautifully, he also wrote a poem, listen, four hearts burn with one soul.
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"i love you all, let it be loud when the stars twinkle with the bright dawn or the rainy day, or the wind is cold, i remember you, my family, my emeralds, and it helps me get through the rocky cliffs, life is short, but the road is not easy, but the reward of passing it is infinitely significant, may you all god protects, the light breaks through the harsh." of the rostov region. many prisoners.


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