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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2023 5:30am-6:00am EET

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hit, it doesn't even occur to him that these are all some kind of arguments, and that's why, that's why it turns out that putin doesn't need any negotiations, and they're already starting to analyze putin not like themselves, putin doesn't think like biden, risha sunok, olaf scholz or emmanuel macron, not thinking that he does not need to be re-elected, even volodymyr zelensky somewhere in some part of his consciousness, subconsciously, thinks that he may still have elections later. or that the war must end so that he, even if not will be bogged down, he looked like a person to whom there should be no complaints, because this is an electoral state, and the heir of volodymyr zelenskyi can raise the question of how adequate he was during the war, if of course the war ends with a negative result for the ukrainian state, putin has no such problems , in general, the war will in any case end with a positive result, all these conversations that oh, for putin, he can do that... it may not be true,
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he may be wrong, but as he thinks, here is crimea, everyone says , oh, if russia loses control over crimea, the russians will rise up, and why didn’t they rise up for 30 years in a row , crimea was mentioned only when they talked about it on television, i can already imagine volodymyr solovyov, who says, we lured these khokhlovs to krym, krym, which now and then their sabotage at the kokhovskaya hydroelectric power station left water resources, krym, which turned into a cobblestone in the black sea when... a russian pearl, now it will become a trap for the ukrainian nazis, that's all, we lured them into this trap, let them live there now, and more then it will be the center of radical terrorism, iz crimea will be destroyed for the kiev regime, they don't even understand what they did at all , while russia controlled crimea, ukraine could live peacefully, now there will be no peace for ukrainians, you are talking about what they said... in
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the first part of our conversation that the war is obviously for years, but it is up to us to choose whether we will fight all this time or we will find some other format, it is up to us in the broadest sense of the word, it is up to us as a civilized world, ukraine is not a subject that can who can choose something in his further destiny independently. ok, even continuation of this thesis of yours, the question is still, what can this format of coexistence be in the conditions of a war that is ongoing, but not of military actions, active. guarantee of security, localization of the conflict, construction of real fortifications, which would guarantee us that the russian army will not be able to break through to the territory that is currently controlled by the legitimate ukrainian government, if we believe that we cannot liberate our entire territory from the invaders, at least for the time being moment, the continuation of the real process of european euro-atlantic integration, changing the conditions of european euro-atlantic integration, for example, if we say that
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ukraine, georgia and moldova can join these organizations only when the issue of their territorial integrity is resolved and their conflict with the russian federation ends, this means that the keys to the euro-atlantic the integration of ukraine and georgia and the european integration of ukraine, georgia and moldova are in moscow, in the pocket of vladimir putin. well, in fact, to a large extent, it is, if it is. so what we do, we can do 555 rounds negotiations, pass the best law, and then we will be told, it's all very well, great , we managed perfectly, the most european nation of all europeans, sign agreements with russia, come, i suspect what you're leading to, so i'll ask in advance if the scenario is possible , that ukraine joins nato?
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for example, without occupied territories? the possible scenario is not that ukraine joins nato without the occupied territories, because all nato member countries recognize us within our constitutional borders. the scenario is that what security guarantees might look like, as discussed by the retired nato secretary general anders fogh rasmus. there may be other options, there may be an invitation to nato and security guarantees for this territory of ukraine, which is controlled by a legitimate government . politicians, because i knew that such discussions were being held, the same applies to the european union, here is the president of the republic of moldova mayasdu, she says that there can be a phased integration, now it it looks absolutely utopian, but if we want to live in the new world, we will have to make utopian decisions, because i repeat again, the old world is dead, it will never be, well, it won't be, and if we want to live in the old... world, then we all live in
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vladimir putin's pocket. here it is worth noting that the ukrainian leadership, as of now, in its official statements rejects any such options, they are indeed being discussed. at the level of some former nato leaders, former pentagon officials, even recently, in a ukrainian sociological survey, there was a question, how do you feel about integration into nato without part of the occupied territories, and this idea, it has some of its support, i'm afraid to make a mistake, it seems 40%, we will give a note for our viewers, but in this situation, probably to a large extent , the question is why the west will agree to such a situation when... we constantly see fears of escalation with russia, do you understand what the matter is? there is such an inexorable guest, as there are two guests who always knock at your door, not three: the first is love, it is bound to come, as you
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know, love, you can't do anything even when you want to, friend is a reality, it is bound to knock on the door and can destroy any beautiful love you have. and whatever your dreams and desires are, the third is death, it too will surely come after love, and after reality, it always comes, and from these three guests, not a single person who, even if he is the president of the united states, even if she is the head of the people's republic of china, the president of russia, these visits were not guaranteed are happening, they are official, so reality will definitely knock on the door, it is an inexorable thing, it will knock on... to ukrainians, to everyone, it already knocked in february 2022 in a way that no one wanted to hear it, but it knocks from the point of view of realizing our possibilities in this conflict, it knocks at putin, he is not going anywhere, he can stand there and hold the door and say that everything
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is fine, everything is going according to his plan, but reality will come, and death may come , such a thing in russia, she, as a rule, that the reality that death is one and the same, and reality knocks. the door to western politicians, necessarily, and a simple thing, which i also say all the time, will become obvious: if the ukrainian conflict is not localized, it will get bigger and bigger. it is only a question of the number of wars that will take place in the future, so that the west realizes this reality. the question is how many people will die, how many regions will be in a conflict situation, which countries will fight among themselves. whether nuclear weapons will be used, these are all such questions, that is, we are talking even that the russian war can go beyond the borders of ukraine? the russian war went beyond the borders of ukraine a long time ago, when the conflict in the middle east began, it all happened already, and by the way, i keep telling you, narcissistically of course
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, that in march 2022 i wrote an article in the israeli publication liberal, and in a timely manner, that’s why few people have seen in... the ukrainian context, i wrote in this article, addressing those israeli readers who believed that russia's war against ukraine is such a local war that has nothing to do with the near east, that if we want to avoid seeing missile strikes on keryat chmani and burning batons, we should do everything possible so that ukraine's war against russia ends as soon as possible with ukraine's victory. well, the israeli government did not read this column of yours, they read , i think, many of them... why they could read it, but they did not believe, did not believe that it was possible, and why i always mention this, because i, when i have heard about the evacuation of kiryat shmana, where there have already been several rocket interceptions from the north, i did not see a strike from hamas, like many
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who, i thought that the main threat would be from the north of israel from hezbollah from the lebanese border, that's why i saw metula and kiryachmana, but unfortunately, metula was already burning and kiryachmanu was evacuated there as well. the same continues missile strikes from time to time from the north, that is, i was not mistaken in geography, but i did not see the main center of impact, why am i talking about this, because i connected it immediately, i believed that the middle east is the first, the first there will be a strike, because when i heard about the iranian drones, i immediately thought, oh, they are already training on this training ground, they will fly soon where they will be much more interested, soon they will start to arrange something there. it is not by chance that iran is present here, it is simply an ideal military training ground for it, not only from the point of view of drones, but also from the point of view of hamas, as an organization that created an army, essentially fighting for the army of a stronger state, to learn ukrainian example, that is why it is necessary for the russians
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to exhaust the ukrainians as much as possible, for the ukrainians to show how to act, so that later these actions of the ukrainian self-army can be learned by the terrorists from hamas, and that is what a war with training grounds is. and that means that next year there will be more such wars, the question arises, but now, you know, when russia's war against ukraine began, the blood reached somewhere. to the knee of the west, maybe less , the war in the near east, it has already reached stekhon, yes, here, it means it has reached the thighs, it means, then there will be a moment when it will reach the chest, when it will reach about here, here it will be, blood will be here, and they will start praising non-standard solutions, it's a matter of time, people just feel sorry for you, you understand, we, you, me, i'm with you i'm talking as if i'm a surgeon in the operating room, although i can't see you... blood, actually, i'm a political analyst, for me every such
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construction is people's lives, you're talking about this moment when the event will begin to make non-standard decisions, and here of course the question is what will remain of ukraine at that time, i do not think that it will be that long, and i do not think that anything small will remain of ukraine, i apologize that our enemies have been storming bakhmut or avdiivka for months , then who told you they could go that far, their military resources also do not look like they would allow us to fear for the survival of our state today, of course in a multi-year war of attrition, in a multi-year war, we have problems, but i do not think that the west will look at the whole thing with such childish eyes for 10 years this world situation , if he continues to do so...he will die too, not only us, because eventually they, eventually they will venture into a hybrid
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war with the west itself, not a real war, but a hybrid of course, but hybrid necessarily, they will grope, you know if, if they see that western politicians are so inadequate, they will grope for some such places where you can take them to school, in fact, this is an interesting point that you are talking about, because in communication with western politicians, journalists, that's already after a year and a half after the start of a full-scale war, you can hear approximately the following thesis that, look, the russian army cannot cope with ukraine, so why should nato be afraid that russia will go against nato? but, based on what you say, is it still worth fearing russia? russia will definitely not leave against nato in a real war, not because it has a weak army, because it is a nuclear war. and russia may have a weak army, but if, if we imagine a non-nuclear war. i assure you that russian troops have already been in the suval corridor, for this you do not need a very strong
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army, for this you just need provocations, but the russians may not dare to go to nuclear war, but there are a million different tools, look, they have already started migration war, it began even before the attack on ukraine, when oleksandr lukashenko sent migrants to the borders with the poropean union, so now the russians are doing the same tricks with finland, well , they saw what was going on. countries are ready to effectively respond to the migration war, to close the borders, like finland completely, well, they are inventing something else, that is, the third world war will most likely look like this hybrid , the third world war will be hybrid, why will it be by and large it already is, therefore that if in the principle of political resolution of disagreements between the so-called market democracies and the so-called market there are no dictatorships, this is the situation like before the second world war, but nuclear weapons... make us be more cautious about the use of force, so this war has basically already started, by and large, on february 24
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, 2022, it is a shot from a starting gun or a shot at a barn , if you like, before that there were some previous positional actions there, georgia, crimea and donbas, but it was preparation, and here it is in february 2000. it all started in the 22nd year, so this is a war of training grounds and a war of sabotage, training grounds are already ukraine, this is the middle east, and there will be other training grounds, i won't know exactly where they are now, but you can see them, there is the korean peninsula, let's say, the sahel region in africa, maybe some conflicts in latin america, that is, between venezuela and rayana, it could be so. "if mexico begins to rapidly gain
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economic momentum, and this can happen now , it is already happening, and displace china, a conflict in the taiwan strait is possible, but not immediately, not now, these are only contours, the balkans, which volodymyr zelenskyi spoke about, too possible options on the line bosnia, republika srpska, serbia, kosovo, there may also be some outbreaks of violence if russia, say, decides that something can be done even in the presence of nato peacekeepers, by the way, there may also be a good element. war, so by and large it is possible, but we are forgetting that there is still a post-soviet space, tajikistan, kyrgyzstan, russia against kazakhstan, and that kazakhstan is too much in the direction of china, not even the west, the southern caucasus is for fantasy, if you are an employee of the state
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security committee of the soviet union, there in the past, but now you are an employee of the fsb, are you not there? practically there are no limits, and even now we are talking about only one single organization there, the federal security service of the russian federation, and imagine the scope for imagination if you are the deputy chairman of the central military council of the communist party of china, an incredible world appears before your eyes. as for russia's margin of safety, or rather the secrets of its stability, this year i see very often in ukrainians and... in principle, what to hide, in particular, it causes me such a certain embarrassment and disappointment that russia turned out to be much more resilient than we thought, maybe that was part of the illusions that you and i started our conversation with, but still, russia continues to produce missiles, and i wish that was impossible after these sanctions packages, russia is producing, or receives
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shahed drones from iran, or even already produces them on its territory. more and more, and there are many more things that can be listed, what is the secret of russia's stability, resilience, you understand what the problem is, we, again, when we talk about the collapse of russia, that it will disappear, we are going to the experience of the soviet union, you and i were very lucky with one person, with mikhail serhiyevich gorbach, we thank him for everything, mikhail serhievich gorbachuk, because he did not understand anything in economics at all, he was simply nothing, he was classical. party nomenklatura with absolute ignorance of what the economy is, he decided that he would give people the opportunity to let off steam, introduce glasnost and restructuring, and nothing would be done with the economy, let it remain planned with some elements, and thus buried the soviet union, because the economy was inefficient, it could not work, and as you
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know, the people's republic of china still exists. i even think that we should thank not even mikhail gorbachev for this, but iosepo syronovich stalin with all his hundreds, hundreds, millions, tens of millions of victims, because even though stalin destroyed lenin's new economic policy, lenin already understood in 1922 that i i don't know how it is cultural to say that the end of the planned economy has come, that such a state cannot exist, and he invented this hybrid, which then... comrade deng xiaoping came to china. the new economic policy, which pissed off the party nomenclature, but enabled the bolshevik regime to exist forever, the dictatorship and the market. but lenin died. stalin didn't like it, because he was a personification of this party apparatus and ours, you know, such a character that it would be better for everyone to be poor, but not rich. this is still
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the case in our post-soviet society. and he canceled all that and created a planned economy. resulted in harsh repressions, just millions of people in camps, but that was not enough ended, but stalin died, the repressions began to decrease, decrease, decrease , decrease, decrease, and the soviet union collapsed, but a market russia appeared, not communist, but female, in which the authoritarian regime was restored, that is , it came to what was supposed to come in 1922, not even in 1990. a century later , it completely restored the regime that volodymyr elievich lenin dreams of. therefore, i believe that vladimir vladimirovich putin, when he dies, he should be put there, marzalei, he is the true heir of lenin, the true and ideal, not stalin and no one else, but this is lenin in payment, also so small, small, stupid, however, fortunately, lenin
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was smarter, it was also a danger, and now the question arises, the market saves such states, yes ? russia continues to trade with the global south, sells oil, sells gas , creates incentives for its own citizens , turned war into a business, when people were fighting in afghanistan, what did they have, zinc coffins, and now this whole lumpen mass that goes to fight against ukraine, gets simply outpouring of money, houses, apartments, all you want is financial capacity. nized part of the population, it is possible that there is a large part of people who live in moscow or st. petersburg, they are not happy about all this is happening, for them there is the rosguard, which also receives financial support. stimu, it turns out that those russian oppositionists are right, who are now saying that western sanctions make no sense, cumulatively they make sense, as president barack obama once said, because russia will
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fall behind, fall behind, fall behind, eventually lose the economic competition with the civilized world, it does not have the latest technologies, it cannot produce this or that, it has a backlog, and this, by the way, also happened with the soviet union, the soviet union did not just die as a result of the collapse of the planned economy, it... it became technologically impossible to send high technologies to him, it was the famous amendment of jackson wenik, which prohibited their export. yes, but the question arises when, how many hours, a year or 75 years, that is a good question. in any case we must understand that a country with a market economy is much more stable than a country with a planned economy. an excellent example is iran, which has been under western control for many years. and he no longer just lives there , survives, even exports his military technology, exports his military technology, and the regime is successfully fighting
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the popular resistance movement, which is located in iran itself, there is nothing like this in russia, in iran people go to the streets, kill guardians of the islamic revolution, they undermine some government institutions there and nothing, and how many years has this been going on for decades, that's why this whole idea that russia ... will fall, it's beautiful, we would really like it to fall, putin is dead, he's already dead, he's lying in one refrigerator, putin alone, in another refrigerator the second is putin, the third is the third putin in the refrigerator, and the fourth is that putin still rules russia, but the question is not about that, but because we should think not about the decline of russia, but about our own success and how to fight back against this enemy and get the guarantee that we will be part of the civilized world, consider that we need this one... through which the russians will not pass, i keep saying that this is a beautiful metaphor with the game of thrones, we, as a matter of fact , now as dead people, running around and
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fighting with these eternal dead, our task is to get behind the fence, behind the wall, to be a night watchman, this is the maximum of our civilizational achievements, we will be an eternal, night watchman of the civilized world, we will no longer... get caught, this is the maximum, because it is geography, the night watchman was already there, not because there they wanted to be there, they could have been better to relax somewhere on the beach in capri , no, it’s just geography, we have such a geography, go outside, look, there ’s snow, that means we’re close to russia, so this is our number one task for the next decades, behind the fence , in the audience box, in general, what gives you any reason? for optimism in this situation, that is, you , i think, have no doubt that we will end up behind the fence, this night watch, i have no doubt that we will end up behind the fence, this night watch, for the same reasons
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that i told you about, because war against us is the firing of the starting gun, because it will all be over in a big way when we get there, because it will mean that the civilized world has begun to wake up and understand the extent of the danger, it will, it always has. this is how the entire history of the self-preservation of the civilized world looked like, if it were otherwise, there would be no europe, but before lisbon, there would be no big europe that shald dagol dreamed of, from lisbon to vladimostok, but there would be eurasia before lisbon, but always europeans, i have a question not even in not in europeans, people who were guided by the values ​​of human life, they will always realize sooner or later... the scale of the danger that exists for civilization and began to make the right decisions, by and large, aid to ukraine is also the right decision, readiness to start
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negotiations with us on joining nato and the european union is also the right decision, this was not the case two years ago, remember what kind of negotiations on joining the eu we could even dream of, what nato is like, now it already seems like a very real goal to you, but now perspective, now everyone says: that we will be there, before everyone said that we are, in fact, they said, we say something that looks like it is not, remember, well, now no one says that anymore, and it is already progress, but this is not a very big progress, i'm not saying, by the way, i never said that i will definitely see it, i'm not sure about it, i'm not 25 years old, unfortunately, i've already seen enough of different ones. .. historical trends, and i admit that i myself may not see the end of this play, but it does not matter, because already these main the events that were important to me have already
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happened. ukraine already exists as a state , ukrainians are already beginning to understand where the danger is, little by little they are beginning to understand, ukrainian society is beginning to grow up, it is slow, at the cost of great sacrifices, they may be even greater in these decades, but the resolution is happening, ukraine has made a civilizational choice, this in principle, it creates a perspective, not for me, perhaps, but for people who are 30-40 years younger than me, but... this is a historical process, i have never in my life, to tell you honestly, wanted to see the end, i wanted to see the beginning , the beginning of the play, when the curtain opens, well , relatively speaking, the people who created the state of israel in 1948, not every one of them lived to 1967, there to the liberation of jerusalem, to the victory in the six-day war , and certainly not every one of them from them to them lived to the peace
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agreement with egypt, goldemeyer, once... met anwar sadat as a pensioner at the ben gurion airport, told him: how long i waited for you, because she could not wait, it's just that she was already an elderly woman, it's just that she lived a long time life and waited for the president of egypt, and many did not wait, well, and so on, so i will not wait for many things in my physical life, but the most important thing for us and you is to lay the foundations, lay the foundations so that the children of our... science can benefit thereby building the ukraine we dreamed of. mr. portnikov, i thank you for this conversation, and i still want to believe that you and i will wait for this, i will be very happy. thank you.
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chevorony, that for... victory. this year, more than ever, we felt what a great force it is help. we have proven that by supporting our military, we are bringing victory closer, that there are no large or small donations, any of our help is important and necessary. that by uniting, ukrainians become a force capable of overcoming anything. but we must not stop, we must do even more for our soldiers. let's become guardian angels for them in the coming year. and let's make it our duty to protect their lives, the way they fight for ours. each of us must have someone at the front, whom we need to support and take care of. even,
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if there are no military personnel among your loved ones, find a brigade or soldier to help. be a support for everyone who is in hot spots, on the protection of cities and towns, and on recovery in the body. let's give them love, faith and daily support. a good word or deed, a donation or a treat , is a gift to one fighter or unit, because it is a step towards victory, the main thing is to do it. helping the military, the best new year's gift. on christmas night, we will be next to each other, mentally chatting, in the family circle. from now on , together with the entire christian world on december 25 we celebrate christmas
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fate will change, our in-laws will change, everything is simple in the sun, we will spoil and...


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