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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2023 10:00am-10:30am EET

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greetings, it's news time on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. percentage work of air defense. at three o'clock in the morning, the russians launched 10 ballistic missiles flying in the direction of kyiv. the anti-aircraft defense forces shot down all of them. the type of rockets will be established after studying the wreckage. also, the enemy attacked the shahedim from the temporarily occupied crimea, launched 10 drones. all 10 were destroyed by the defenders of the sky - the air force reported. almost all uavs were shot down in odesa. the number
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of casualties due to an enemy ballistic missile attack on kyiv has increased. a total of 53 people were injured, six of them children. the youngest is 5 years old. anti-aircraft defense destroyed all air targets, but the debris fell in the left bank district of the capital, - said the head of the city's military administration, serhiy popko. in particular, to the hospital yard. windows were blown out in several premises of the hospital. on the territory of voronka from vorozha. rockets a private residential building caught fire in the dnipro district, and a kindergarten was also damaged. in nivochchyna, the facade of the building has broken windows, several houses have been partially destroyed. damaged water supply network. in a nine-story building and eight cars in the yard were on fire in the desnyan district. residents were evacuated. a fire in a private house in darnytskyi district was also extinguished. as a result of
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a night enemy attack in the dnipro district of kyiv, electricity was cut off, and 35 homes of the private sector were cut off. energy workers are working to restore electricity supply. emergency work should be completed by 2:00 p.m., tech reports. at the same time, it was possible to restore water supply in the dnipro district. specialists carried out operational switching. december 13 is celebrated international violin day and day. christmas sweater. our armed forces of ukraine did not miss the opportunity and did everything possible to ensure that another 850 occupiers never again damaged a single violin or string with their own hands. and overall, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, thanks to our defenders, more than 341,000 russian invaders will never again wear christmas sweaters. this is information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. ukrainian defenders eliminated more. 17
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enemy tanks, 15 armored fighting vehicles and three artillery systems. also landed 10 russian drones and burned a dozen tanker trucks. the data added by the general staff are indicative. 95 combat clashes took place on the front during the past day. the hottest was in the avdiyiv direction. the enemy does not stop trying to surround the city. our defenders repelled 51 attacks. russians, the general staff reports. in the mariinsky direction, the enemy tries to storm 13 times. all attempts are unsuccessful. in the kherson region, the ukrainian military is occupying positions on the left bank of the dnieper. our aircraft struck the concentration area the enemy and the missile forces hit two control points and two ammunition depots of the enemy. ukraine. will become a member of nato after
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the victory over russia, us president joe biden emphasized this during a joint press conference with volodymyr zelenskyi in washington. he also added that the north atlantic alliance will be kyiv's future, subject to compliance with all conditions of entry, as well as the agreement of all members of the alliance to accept a new member. for now, we have to make sure that ukraine will win the war. as you know, we have launched. joint program aid together with president zelensky and g7 leaders in vilnius, identifying long-term commitments to support ukraine's defense needs. we also held a defense industry conference last week in washington to accomplish this critical task, so we'll take it one step at a time. the united states has allocated $200 million in aid to ukraine, he said.
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president of the united states joe biden during a meeting with volodymyr zelenskyi at the white house. anti-aircraft means are included in the package defense, additional weapons for artillery missiles. the american leader added that congress needs to approve additional funds in order to continue supporting ukraine in the future. due to congressional disputes, this aid may be the last. biden called on politicians to come to an agreement before the holiday break so as not to give putin a christmas present. we stand firm, putin did not win a single victory, unlike. ukraine can now fight against the russian dictatorship, so our children and other peoples will not have to to shed blood and sacrifice life, defending against russian aggression. we have shown that our courage and partnership are stronger than russian evil. we will remind you that
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last night the russians hit kyiv with ballistic missiles. work is already underway at the site of another russian terrorist attack. our journalist dmytro didora. dmitry, i congratulate you, what can you tell us from the scene? i congratulate katya, i also congratulate our viewers. we are currently in the dnipro district of the capital, around three in the morning the russians attacked the capital with ballistic missiles. previously 10 ballistic missiles were launched by the russians from the territory of the russian federation and... and now we are at the place where the debris fell directly, since our defenders shot down all the missiles, this is a residential building in dniprovsk , look, i will ask the operator to show me, there is not a single window that survived, all the windows were blown out ,
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flew onto the road, onto the territory of the house, a lot of damaged cars, they burned, they say, even on the territory of preschools. institution, one car was completely thrown away by the blast wave, there are also victims, 53 victims, among them six children, 20 people are being helped now, they are hospitalized directly and 34 are being helped on the spot, the services are on duty here, but what was it like at night, let's listen to the eyewitnesses. woke up to find that the explosion was very big and the wave was such that everything fell, everything began to collapse, all the windows and doors were broken, and so on, there were consequences, it caught fire, there was something on the balcony somewhere, under the balcony, because the cars
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were burning below, in my there was a woman, a woman and a son, in the neighboring house. windows were also broken in the houses near it, now in one of the schools, which is the closest to this house , they have organized an invincibility point, all affected residents can go there for help, they will be provided with temporary shelter, fed, services are also working near the house, in particular the red cross, they help people here and there, feed them, help collect things and directly... behind me there is a very large crater from falling debris, but it is not possible to film it now, as forensic experts and law enforcement agencies are working on the spot to find out what kind of ballistic missiles hit today capital, for now this is all i have, katya, i give
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you ether. thank you, dmytro, for the operational information, it was our journalist dmytro didora, he told about the consequences of the enemy's ballistic missile attack on kyiv. well, in order for our soldiers to be able to quickly and efficiently take revenge for such blows, we must constantly report for them, i remind you of this. espresso , together with the public organization baza ua, collects funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine cold yar. in extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military fights for victory every day, not leaving wounded comrades with atvs on the battlefield. operation will be faster, easier, and therefore the chances of saving the wounded will be much greater. in general, our goal is 800,000 hryvnias, which is quite a lot, but we also closed larger collections, because already now with your help we have collected more than 320,000 hryvnias. i believe that by the end of the week we will definitely close this
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collection. therefore, you now see all the details on your screens, pull out your phones, scan and donate. we will see you. already subsequently. dear friends, once again we welcome everyone, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, in this studio , for the next two hours, we will work for you, we will tell you about everything that is happening in the world, analyze the situation, but first i want to tell you about that you and i collected approximately 600 hryvnias this morning, and we already have 686,000 hryvnias in our account. 171 hryvnias 64 kopecks, well , we need 1,220 00 and we need special such
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powerful portable velstram battery stations with solar panels for the 108th dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of forces territorial defense of the armed forces of ukraine. now you can see how these battery stations look on the screen and you can also see the qr code and the card number is 5375-40. 1 12 08 37 20 65. redeem how much it will cost you, either by card number or by qr code, whichever is more convenient for you, in any case, this money will go to the account of the human and law charitable foundation, together with which we this collection was organized, and then all this will go to our defenders, who will be able to recharge in the field. necessary gadgets as well military equipment needed
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to destroy moskal, and these generator, battery stations will replace the generators, that's the announcement, i hope you will actively join our collection today and surpass yesterday, and yesterday, let me remind you, we managed to collect about 2000 hryvnias, and the day before yesterday we generally went like this... or 36, if i remember correctly, and we already have oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political commentator of the information resistance group, we will talk now about military affairs together with him. sir oleksandr, we congratulate you, good day, mr. oleksandr, yesterday i came across information about what seem to be russians. so that the information that there are two armies in ukraine, one of zaluzhny and the other of syrsky,
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that this is such a russian ipso, the russians are specially dispersing it, well, and then photos appeared on the network on valery zaluzhny's page, where from where he congratulates syrskyi, hugs him, and actually congratulates him on the day of the ground forces, which was celebrated yesterday, and also... not only two of them had this photo, but also three of them, they they also took pictures with umerov, well , i don't know, it coincided, coincided in time with that information about the russian ipso, or it's a coincidence, well, i'll say yes, any russian informational and psychological special operation, it is organized under some form. relevant dates. if we are talking there , for example, about the new year, or we are talking there
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about the anniversary, the sad anniversary of the holodomor itself, or again, the independence day of ukraine and so on and so forth, the beginning of a full-scale invasion of ukraine, february 24, the russians always has a corresponding fetish, binding to dates, to almost every date they have a corresponding informational and psychological operation. even, i will say yes, even religious holidays, they also have the corresponding pso bindings, and because this is strange, today many manipulations and fakes are being spread, which have as their goal the internal chaos, internal in ukraine, for them very important internal social, general hiding. tion and they try to influence through their information platforms,
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which even pretend to be pro-ukrainian, saying that we are their local people, well, google to use a translator is not a problem, sometimes even collaborators and separatists in the temporarily occupied territories, who know the ukrainian language well thanks to our ukrainian language teachers, help them in this. which we were taught well in schools, but in general they have their own ipso for everything, and even now we can observe bad things. regarding the visit of the president to the usa, the visit of the president to argentina, we see the ipso about the transfer of weapons to ukraine in the future, and the manipulations are connected with the fact that everyone abandoned us, we were left alone and a lot other, that is, if we put it all together, then
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we must understand what works there, well , relatively speaking, many departments that work. appropriate schedule, and this is one of them. well, let's summarize, that is, what we saw yesterday, we saw that mr. general zaluzhnyi together with minister umyerov visited the east, the eastern front, there they met with the commander of the ground forces, sirsky, he showed them how it works, they took joint photos, the minister of defense himself also gave a small interview, and it is certain that no one will fire, is not going to the commander-in-chief. of the armed forces of valery zaluzhny , he even said this in a sacrificial way, we can even listen, that is, at least, let's understand, after all, there were weeks of various messages, incomprehensible, they were not immediately disavowed, there were a lot of publications, very serious from the western media, in particular that there is a strained relationship between the military command and the political
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command, well, here we finally hope that this page has been turned, am i right i understand, let's listen. in order to understand what was said, in this plan such a question does not arise, i know, it is shaken up both internally and externally, today we were together with lovekom, we greeted the commander of the allied forces, that is why i always, well, joke about this question with valerich, i say , who is releasing you this time, so we hope that this page is turned, and i mean it is turned, but i just opened maryana bezuglai's page, you see, i turned to the wrong page, and maryana zbezula has already written again, i can't hear you, i just turned it on her page, and i have the impression that she, if together with that russian ipso, then comes, goes out, works, because she is mariana honestly, we can't hear you, something happened with
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the connection, so ours, i hope that you her hey oh i hope you're not subscribed to it only you are reading it i'm not subscribed i check every now and then to see what the temperature is around the ward you know what i'm talking about ibsocia will work page, it is not turned over, that's the point, i'll tell you simply, any events, which are happening internally in the general staff and so on and so on, why should it... be brought out into the open, open sources, so for discussion, for some kind of discussion. the fact is that in most cases this platform of some kind of openness and democracy, let's call it, is used so that, oh, let's see, what kind of defense plan does our general staff have for ukraine? okay, oops, but
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it turns out that it is not the general staff that is responsible for... the defense plan of ukraine, the relevant department in ukraine is responsible for this plan part of the ministry of defense of ukraine, but it is already like that, it is, well, some formality, but still, what is wrong with the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine? that is, you understand, now they are really trying to use such moments for manipulation, they will be used in the future, so i am not surprised that many deputies of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, up to... mrs. maryana, a deputy , let's say, questions arose, and not directly to her, because personally i, for example, would not have any pleasure to communicate with her, but questions arose to our respective power structures, which should be engaged in analysis and work on
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elements that, well, let's say this, are not exactly pro-ukrainian taking positions and harming the overall defense capabilities. country, and the information component is a very important component of the country's defense capability. the new york times reported this week that there seems to be, and this was against the background of mr. zelenskyi, president zelenskyi's visit to the united states, that there seem to be differences in the visions of what the next year should be in on the front line between washington and kyiv. kyiv wants to continue the offensive, washington insists that ukraine must take a rather dire turn. until 2025, in order to save and accumulate both human and technical resources, do you think that such disagreements can really exist, president zelenskyi to a certain extent... maybe he even confirmed them, since his speech was sufficiently uncompromising in washington? i will say that the new york times
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probably still has a plan for the front office, what they can do is such conclusions. how they got it, i don't know, but in general, our tactics of conducting military operations are changing now, which depends on... unfortunately, on our international partners, and it depends precisely on how quickly and how systematically they will satisfy us with all that nomenclature for which they receive requests, although, if we talk about the fact that they received requests for some items in the nomenclature as early as 2022, and it will be implemented only in 2023, well, i don’t even know how it is still possible comment, it's inhibition. which: bureaucratic, or excuse me, mental, because anyone understands that if you do not receive this or that means of defeat or
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some bbm in a timely manner, it affects the course of hostilities, and in his article, the economist valery zaluzhnyi, by the way , which is constantly mentioned, he emphasized precisely what they did not receive. armed forces of ukraine so that in 2023 our offensive was successful, and you were forced to attack with the resources you have. and why were we forced to advance, because the russians, on the contrary, were accumulating resources, if we had not launched an offensive, then as of today we would have groups of russian invaders on the territory of ukraine, not approximately 450,000, just as many in the combat zone. usually, but more than 550,000, this is the difference, and accordingly , the equipment was many times more, because the amount
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of equipment destroyed, we know that during the period of our offensive, it set records, all this demonstrates that this offensive, it was all necessary, if only to restrain the occupiers, and therefore for our... partners, it is still necessary to somehow accept decisions, or internal political battles between republicans and democrats, is this big wall, this big fence on the border with mexico really so important for republicans, or after all the help of ukraine in order to enter the historical context, not as banal politicians, but as indeed, it is precisely the political composition that... influenced the victory of ukraine, which became in the historical context one of the loudest and largest since the second
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world war. mr. oleksandr, i wonder what the situation is now, after all at the front , the american war research institute was informed that the russians are trying to push the ukrainian forces away from the left bank, from this so-called bridgehead, and the situation is also not easy, to what extent. understands in the kupinsky direction. yes, well, the lymano-kupinsky direction, i will say this, there after the regrouping, especially in the kupyansk direction, there will indeed be quite intense combat offensive actions by the russian occupiers for some time. unfortunately, they are trying to achieve at least the minimum goal, which is the capture of the village sinkivka the village of sinkivka is the gateway to kupinsk. as for the left bank of the kherson region, the russians have indeed resumed offensive actions in several directions, they use three tactical groups in
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the krynak area, this is a tactical group that operates from the cossack camps in the direction from korsunka, and also frontally immediately from route 2206 through the southern forest, which is located south of krynyk, but all these are they ended in fiasco, because, well, first of all, we still managed to mine the areas in which we operate, and the use of equipment there by the russians is due with a high level of risk, either a tm-62 mine or a drone, and by the way, against drones - this is precisely the area where they have insufficient effective countermeasures against drones, because in other areas in the combat zone they are very good , unfortunately, complexes rap, apart from everything else, all the attention is now focused on the krynka, but the russians for some reason are starting to redeploy some of their parts and
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units. sections west of olešek, i.e. from olešek to the bare pier, this may also be related to some replacements in the gray zone. well, thank you very much, oleksandr kovalenko was with us a military political observer of the information resistance group, we are going for a short break, next we will have oleksandr koval, we will talk about the book, thank you both, from kovalenko to koval , we will go from oleksandr to... we will talk about books, the national week of reading, did ukrainians start reading more during the war, or on the contrary, less, if they read, what in ukrainian or russian, is there any selectivity regarding whether they do the same, as, for example, from the movies that our teenagers watch, unfortunately, are watching this russian series about 9ness, which is called the word patsina, we will also have this series about this today on our air, but a little later, stay with
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