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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm EET

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and men's talk. thank you, marekrant , a polish expert, journalist, was with us and told us about the exclusive that donald tusk and volodymyr zelensky will meet in brussels, this is very important, so we will watch orban's neck already, yes, if you believe the polish editor, well, it is allegorical, of course, but donald tusk will work hard with him. well, what about current news, what you need to know at this moment. anna yevamelnyk is ready to share with you, the news editor is preparing. fresh news release so please wait. good afternoon, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team continues to work, i will tell you about the most important thing at the moment, and i will start with the details of the creation of a maritime coalition for ukraine. be with us.
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maritime coalition for ukraine on the creation of an association for the development of maritime capabilities of our country was announced in great britain , the opening ceremony was attended by a ukrainian delegation led by the commander of the naval forces, vice-admiral oleksiy neishpai. the coalition members will provide ukraine with ships, equipment, and train the boat crew sea ​​and river flotilla of the navy. marine corps. according to anti-mine units, all this is to create the safety of civil shipping and the operation of the grain corridor. the blockade continues, more than 25 trucks remain standing in queues at three checkpoints blocked by poland. the largest number of cars accumulated near the shegyny checkpoint, the least in krakow, the state border service said at the crossing that was unlocked on december 11. hours
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, the number of border crossings has increased, but there are currently 700 in the queue to leave ukraine vans, traffic restrictions continue on the border with slovakia, where local carriers do not allow trucks going in their direction, there are now more than 1,200 trucks in the electronic queue . the government has been renewed, and donald tusk has officially become the new prime minister of poland. appointment of a leader, civil. the coalition was supported by the sejm, the swearing-in ceremony took place in the presidential palace in warsaw, it was attended by, in particular, the head of the country andrzej duda, the speakers of the sejm and the senate, the sejm also elected the council of ministers absolute by a majority of votes, in accordance with the request of the prime minister. admission is possible. slovakia will not block the opening of negotiations with ukraine on joining the eu at the summit
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on december 14, prime minister robert fico said about the country's position, but he added that he considers ukraine not ready to start negotiations on membership. earlier, the minister of foreign affairs of slovakia, juraj blanar , also stated that bratislava is ready to support the decision to start negotiations. the security service of ukraine predicts that today , december 13, kyivstar will resume work. subscribers will have access to mobile communications and the internet. sbu specialists will help restore the network after a cyberattack, the agency reported. but they emphasized that the lesions are critical, so it takes time. russian hackers from the sontsepok group claimed responsibility for the attack. the special service notes that cybercriminals are a unit of the main directorate of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation. the kyivstar company once again appeals. do not
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trust russian ipso people, all personal data are safe, the systems where they are stored are not suffered, and rumors about the alleged destruction of computers and servers are fake. the state special communications agency adds that national roaming services for kyivstar subscribers were deliberately blocked in order not to overload other operators. more than fifty people were injured as a result of the night attack of the occupiers on the capital. five wounded were hospitalized, among them two children, the capital authorities reported. debris from the downed rockets damaged four apartment buildings and the same number of private homes, a hospital, a kindergarten and other communal facilities. on the other hand, water supply network. desnyanskyi and dniprovskyi districts got the most. almost two dozen cars were on fire, four of them were completely destroyed. residents of a multi-storey residential building in the dnipro district will be temporarily sheltered at the point. indomitability,
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it was opened on the territory of the school located nearby, students will be transferred to a distance form of education. the red cross is also working on site. and everything was blown away, nothing, it’s just a mess, they even bought a new kettle, and then the handle was blown off, i think at least something remained, no, it remained, the scooter is there left, the computer that was left , this is simply incredible, it will be delayed by the tape, we have already delayed, then on our own, so as not to wait, and the communal services will give , they will be delayed by a clerk, then they will conduct an examination of the house in order to know whether... for today people turned to us for such help: it was heating, it was the provision of first aid, and first aid is
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currently about 20 people, somewhere, but the statistics are still being clarified, we also distributed a lot of tea and hot drinks, it somewhere around four appeals at this point. the security service of ukraine exposed five organizers of schemes for evasion, according to the agency, some of them were engaged in the demobilization of active military. thus, in cherkasy, a lawyer was detained who sold fictitious conclusions of the vlk to the military. two kyivans transported refugees from the war to eu countries through unrecognized transnistria. scammers were caught in zaporizhzhia, who promised help in the emergence of mobilization, took money and disappeared. the cost of the attackers' services reached it depends on the execution speed order. and in order for our country to be safe, it is necessary to help the armed forces of ukraine. the espresso tv channel, together with the public organization baza ua, continues to collect money for atvs to transport the wounded and
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other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the kholodny yar armed forces. in extremely difficult conditions , the ukrainian military fights for victory every day without leaving any wounded on the battlefield. fellows with atvs, evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the wounded are much greater. our goal is uah 800,000. with your help, we have already collected 337 thousands any donation is important. you see the details on the screen. in kyiv, the konotop witch casts a spell 1,770 00 uah collected by the ivan franko theater for needs. armed forces of ukraine, thanks to the production of the same name by ivan uryvskyi. this performance has been selling out since the first days. what was her success, my colleagues found out.
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good day. day, can you please tell me if i can buy tickets for the witch of konotop? unfortunately, there is none. in order to get to this performance, you need to buy tickets as soon as they go on sale, because they sell out instantly. the konotop witch became a hit in the repertoire of the ivan franko national academic drama theatre. the production directed by ivan uryvskyi gathers full halls and already has more than 32 million views on t-tok. the success of the conotopian witch is a magical coincidence of timing. the title, the performance and the audience , it was a dialogue with itself, in fact, and we wanted a little change of some kind, and the feeling of today, because now is a difficult time, and there was such a thought that the audience might need it, that it would be so much
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in demand and so sold out, of course we are it was not calculated, not calculated. the konotop witch not only gives the viewer a special atmosphere and mood. we are also conjured for the victory of the armed forces of ukraine. the other day, a charity performance was held at the franka theater, thanks to which uah 1,770,300 was collected. the theater team will donate all these funds to a charity fund for the purchase of drones for ukrainian defenders. 75% of the tickets were sold in 2.5 hours, and two days later there were none at all. at first, we thought that we would sell tickets from 3,000 to 200. then we did they took such a risk and sold tickets from 5 thousand to 200 and you know, there was a feeling that it would really sell out and so it was literally there in one or two days, almost the entire hall
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was booked, the ivan franko theater has not stopped its activities since the first day of the full-scale russian invasion all 45 performances are in the repertoire. full house, now the team is working on the play tartsyuf by moliere. in total, six premieres are planned for 2024. spectators are looking for psychological relief. collective psychological relief, er, it is very useful for everyone, and everyone comes here in order to sympathize together with what is happening on the stage, or vice versa, it means to create a good mood for yourself and those who are nearby, er, at comedy performances, because we have such and such different performances . the frank theater lives not only on performances, but also prepares concert programs for ukrainian defenders. with them, artists... tour all over ukraine. also this year, about 20,000 servicemen were able
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to visit the theater with their families for free. this is necessary in order to stay in vacation, they were able to distract themselves at least a little from the events at the front. tatiana golonova, oscar jansons, espresso tv channel. these are the things i'm telling you, see you at 4 p.m. read more about important things on our website esreso tv, subscribe to our channels on social networks. my colleagues work for you around the clock, and later on the air, meet marto olyarnyk and antin borkovskyi. well, hungarian prime minister viktor orban continues to wonder. well, this time he decided to resort to direct blackmail, ie ukrainian... he connects the issue, in particular , with the allocation of 50 billion dollars to hungary, that is
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, he is ready to exchange 30 billion for himself for 50 billion for ukraine, here i am quoting orban's chief political adviser balazs orban, this is how the bloomberg agency writes about it, this to put it bluntly, the eu funding of hungary and the funding of ukraine are two separate issues, but if the european union insists that the funding of ukraine should come from the amended eu budget. since then , these two problems become related. and the orbanov councilor emphasized that hungarian the government wants the eu to unblock the entire sum of about 30 billion euros for hungary, which was blocked last year due to problems with the rule of law. well, in general, this balalash orban, so to speak, the namesake of viktor orban, although possibly a relative, we do not know. well, that budapest will be willing to consider contributing to. financing project of ukraine. let's see. well, the european parliament called on the european council to start
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negotiations with ukraine on joining the european union. this is stated in the resolution that was voted on today 48 68 deputies voted for strasbourg within the framework of the plenary meeting of the european parliament, 99 against and 58 abstained. but we have volodymyr prokopiev, the deputy head of the kmda for the exercise of self-governing powers, in contact. we will talk about... the attack of the russian federation, so we will talk about what is happening in the capital now. mr. volodymyr, welcome to espresso. greetings to you and your viewers. we know that russia launched 10 ballistic missiles at the ukrainian capital. fortunately, the air force shot down all 10 ballistic warheads, but as a result. anti-aircraft defense works, missile debris to a certain extent caused, well, damage in the territory
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of the city of kyiv, so please tell us what the situation is now, how is kyiv recovering after the night attack? yes, indeed, today was a very bad morning for us, we are grateful to the armed forces of ukraine for the fact that not a single rocket hit, but the wreckage was really caused by many children, a lot of trouble in... including 503 people were injured, among them quite a lot children, luckily there were no casualties, medics promptly arrived on the scene and provided everyone with the necessary assistance. accordingly, mr. volodymyr, we would also like to ask you about the consequences of blocking several stations of the kyiv metro, what is the current situation with the analysis. so to speak, when it will be possible to launch them and what will be there now, well
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, we heard information about what the storage facilities will do there, use them for the storage of kyivans? er, yes, this is a critically important issue for the city now, because let's start with the fact that we are now from your first question, that both this attack and these fragments of today's rockets damaged a lot of transmission lines, this is also an impact. for transport, and we have a critical situation with transport in the dnipro district, due to a missile attack, and the same regarding the metro... the situation with transport in the holosiiv district, and we are doing everything to ensure that there is a shuttle service of trains between those by stations that are not working now, it is meant that the train will run from holosiivska to teremki and back,
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and about 100 units of ee... land transport have been launched, we are talking about 70 buses and 30 trolleybuses. mr. volodymyr, but we understand that the situation is difficult, and even the transport allocated by the city state administration is not enough to cover the needs of kyiv residents to get home and to work. and in general , how do you imagine, how do you plan to deal with the fact that the situation will be terrible, the people of kyiv will be dissatisfied and... are there any chances at all that it will be possible to restore the tunnel itself in a shorter period of time, because we understand that there will only be shelling to deepen the problem, if contact networks fail, then in fact , electric transport there will not be able to cover many needs? certainly, it is six months, it is a very
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long period, we will do everything possible to reduce such a period, because i know that already this morning there was a draft decision of the eu faction on the establishment of a temporary commission of inquiry, which will do everything necessary to speed up this process, besides we have no other option, we understand that this branch of the metro, which is not working now, transported about 12 thousand people per hour, and we only have to provide the same number of people with transportation by... transport, meaning buses and trolleybuses. mr. volodymyr, what would i like to clarify, the information from vitaliy klitschko, that the debris of the rocket fell on the territory of one of the city hospitals in the dnipro district, we will not name the specific hospital, but what can you tell us about the current situation, is the hospital
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open for patients is it open today yes. fortunately, the hospital is open and accepting patients in more or less full-time mode, the morgue building was the most affected there, but this problem is also quickly overcome. mr. volodymyr, speaking of the situation with the kyiv metro, has it already been possible to find out who should answer for the fact that, so to speak, the problem has acquired the status of obsolete. have there been any very rapid changes there in what is called, well, i don't know, the vault, the support, i just reported to you that a temporary investigative commission is being created, i suspect that it will be created on at the next plenary session, which will be held tomorrow, and literally there in a very
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short period of time there will be a commission from here, which will clearly show a... who is to blame, whose actions or inaction led to such a situation. mr. volodymyr, i would still like to return to today's night attack. we know that in the dnipro district, an apartment building was seriously damaged and some people had to be quickly evacuated. how quickly will people be able to return to their homes and where are they now being placed? really badly damaged the house until it's too early to say how much the examination is going on, people had to be evacuated promptly right at night, the heating points were immediately destroyed there , temporary housing is provided for those who need it, the examination is now underway, they will understand whether the load-bearing structures are intact, if it is possible to return there, then let the people there
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until to take things from their homes, and we have allocated funds for this in the special fund right away. promptly, as in previous cases , the repair of this building will begin so that people can return to their homes as soon as possible homes mr. volodymyr, going back to the situation in the kyiv metro, in particular , so to speak, this transport choice, the dimension of the problem, so maybe there are some alternative ideas, how to improve communication and maybe how much additional financial funds would have to be attracted, i don’t know to negotiate with one or the other. additional carriers, the city has enough of its own transport, we are able to provide transportation, i said, about 14-15. we want to transport thousands of people by land transport, because there was still a metro more efficiently, it transported, it would seem , a smaller number of people, 12 00, but logistics
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are more efficient when the kyiv metro is working, and unfortunately, apart from ground transport, we have no other options, because the capacity of the roads does not allow us to let more than already. launched, thank you, mr. volodymyr, volodymyr prokopiev, deputy head of the kyiv city state administration for self-governmental powers, was working now live on espresso. well, our colleague dmytro didora will tell you in general, in more detail about the situation that has arisen , unfortunately, in kyiv, as of today, more than 200,000 residents of the capital remain almost cut off from the center of the capital, due to the flooding of the subway, six stations of the capital's underground were immediately closed for six months, as already mentioned. with the previous speaker, and what actually caused the transport collapse in the capital, offers to look together. kateryna goes to work every day on the usual route from
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demiivska metro station to lukyanivska. now, instead of one transplant, she is forced to do two. the information about the closure of the metro was shocking, the girl says. it was a very big surprise for me 30 minutes before i had to go to work that the subway was down and i had to get there somehow, so... so basically my commute took half an hour longer than usual. six stations of the blue branch were closed for six months, they will work only as shelters during air threats, so now kateryna plans to move to another district of the capital, because she specifically chose housing near the subway for a comfortable and city ​​predicted by travel time. now i'm still thinking about moving to another district, but it's still money. much more expensive and so on. 3 months ago , the rent was raised, precisely because the prices are rising now, that the apartment is not far from the subway, and those were the words, so i don't know
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whether the price will be reduced or not. the section of the obolon-terymki line was urgently closed on december 8, after the morning rush hour it became clear that it is dangerous to transport passengers. on the section between demiivska and lybitska stations, at the end of november experts... noted the appearance of cracks, the underground workers tried to overcome the consequences on their own, but new cracks appeared. we turned to the specialized institute of niska, which has already conducted an analysis and concluded that this is the fourth category of risk. after stopping the movement of trains in the emergency area, the water flow has stabilized and the application of sand is decreasing. now they are developing measures for the first anti-emergency works. they are planning to strengthen the tunnel from the inside, in parallel, they are developing an action plan to carry it out. works from the outside, but whether it was foreseen waterproofing during construction will be investigated by a special commission, they said that this was generally a problematic area during
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construction, there were also human victims, there was also the drowning of a pine shield, which i will do, he left, because there were drifters here, this is the floodplain of the river lybid currently, to get to the teremky metro station, you need to get off at the lybetska metro station. the city authorities have created several... duplicate routes, you can get to them through exit number five, bus route 2m and trolleybus route 43k will move at intervals of one and three minutes. 77 buses and 20 trolleybuses will temporarily replace the metro on the closed section. traffic congestion should be regulated by the national police. the profile minister promised: they will adjust the timing of switching traffic lights, replace some road signs and strengthen the work of patrols. however , the first working monday showed that traffic jams cannot be avoided, neither on the roads nor in the subway.
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but what cannot be taken away from ukrainians is a sense of humor, instead of trains of a closed section. memes from the internet went to the subway, famous titanic actors were found on lybitskaya street, teremka is already calling for a new trinity, and a cat turned out to be a technical problem in the tunnel. while people are mocking, activists of the public organization are warning passengers of kyiv: there may be many more closed sections of the subway. the ground section of the red branch is also under threat, the reason is the emergency condition of the metro bridge, but the blue branch may become even shorter, the overpass is planned to be closed for repairs. taras shevchenko, the metro even announced a tender for the repair of tunnels. only these two areas will definitely have to be stopped at some point, and we need to talk about it already
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before that, cook kyivans, cook. the structure of ground transport, that is, this is what is known for sure, for example, in european cities, it is a normal practice to stop part or all of a subway branch in order to carry out a large amount of capital works there in a year or two and resume work. the prosecutor's office is investigating who is to blame for the stoppage of the subway, where a pre-trial investigation has been launched into the fact of official negligence due to the flooding of the subway tunnels. dmytro didora, oscar yanson, yulia belska. and oleksiy kutsuk, espresso tv channel. feeling tingling and crawling of ants occur spontaneously and disturb you. the dolgit antineuralgia complex helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia helps to return to the usual activities of tingling and numbness in the limbs. long-acting antineuralgia capsules. helping your
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