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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm EET

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colleagues, whether the fans will return to the stands in our country, we will talk about this further, stay with us. the security service of ukraine predicts that today , december 13, kyivstar will resume work. subscribers will have access to mobile communications and the internet. russian hackers from the sontsepok group claimed responsibility for the attack on the company. the special intelligence service notes that cybercriminals are a unit of the main directorate of the general staff of the armed forces of the russian federation. cyber ​​specialists of the security service of ukraine and specialists of kyivstaro u interactions with other government agencies continue to work on... restoring the network
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after yesterday's hacker attack. the digital infrastructure of kyivstar was critically damaged, so the restoration of all services in compliance with the necessary security protocols takes time. the security service of ukraine continues to document the russian cyber attack on the civilian infrastructure of ukraine as another war crime of the rashists. 53 people were injured as a result of an enemy missile attack on kyiv, six of the victims were children. the youngest of all. years, all the consequences of a ballistic attack on the capital collected in his material by my colleague dmytro ditora. let's see. around three o'clock in the morning, the russians launch 10 ballistic missiles at the capital. all enemy targets are shot down by our anti-aircraft defense. however, the fragments of the downed rockets fall on the yard of a residential building.
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all the windows were broken, cars were gutted and burned , and there was a huge gap from falling debris, this is only part of the consequences of the russian attack on kyiv. the resident of this house, oleksandr, did not have time to understand what had happened, he immediately ran to save his son and two cats. i was lying here on the second floor of the bed, it was muffled like that, it’s good that i covered myself, i only had one nose, a splinter was sticking out, it pierced my nose, i’m like that, here something interferes with the eye, even this time, that’s what it’s like... emergency the services were on the spot in a matter of minutes and immediately provided the necessary first aid. the man says that the apartment is broken everywhere, they managed to take out only valuables, but most importantly - they managed to save their lives. d to acquaintances, to acquaintances now where are we, somewhere, somewhere and we will be now, we will not be overcome, i believe in the victory of the armed forces of ukraine will overcome, let them not scare them, that's for sure. the residents of the damaged building will be temporarily sheltered in a shelter
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located in the nearest school, rescuers and medics are on duty at the site, red cross volunteers have deployed points to warm the victims. to date , people have turned to us for such help, it was heating, it was the provision of first aid, first aid is currently about 20 people, somewhere, but the statistics are still being clarified, we also distributed a lot lots of tea and hot drinks. utility workers put it in order. the yard of the house, gutted cars will be taken away, the hole from the explosion will be buried, the police will record the damaged property from the words of the people, then the work will be done by the city's expert commission, which will determine whether the supporting structures of the house are damaged, then they will conduct an examination of the house in order to find out whether it is necessary to repair it capitally, non-capitally, or how to repair it, the belongings of the residents who have moved to the temporary point to the school, the indomitable point, will be under guard, they are all there. it's already
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the second attack of the russians with ballistic missiles on the capital since the beginning of the week, the air defense forces again managed to shoot down all the targets, but even the fragments of the enemy missiles caused significant damage to people. dmytro didora, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. mission accomplished in ukraine, fans will be allowed to return to the stands. necessary security measures for... which was developed by the ministry of youth and sports, together with the ministry of internal affairs. from now on , the venue of the competition will be preliminarily inspected by a special working group, which will include representatives of sports federations, and as well as law enforcement officers and employees of the state emergency service. they will check the availability of shelter for all competitors at a distance of no more than 500 m from the venue of the event. they will also determine the possible number of spectators and develop an evacuation plan. based on
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the results of the review, an appropriate act will be drawn up, athletes, coaches, judges and other specialists will be instructed on how to act in case of emergency situations. and in order for our country to be safe, it is necessary to help the armed forces of ukraine. espresso tv channel, together with the public organization baza ua continues to collect funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the kholodny yar armed forces. the ukrainian military fights for victory every day under difficult conditions, leaving no wounded comrades on the battlefield. with atvs, evacuation will be faster and easier, but and the chances of saving the wounded are much greater. our goal is uah 800,000. with your help, we have already collected 339 thousand. any donation is important. you see the details on the screen. this will be the final victory.
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the president of the european commission, ursela funderlajen , called on the european parliament to play a decisive role in ukraine's accession to the eu. she noted that ukrainians are currently fighting. not only against the invader, but also for europe. fonderlein reminded that two years ago it was in strasbourg that the european parliament first discussed the concentration of russian troops near the borders of ukraine. according to her, putin caused enormous pain to innocent ukrainians. norway will provide ukraine with almost 2 billion additional dollars by the end of the year. the money will be used to support important state projects. services and air defense equipment, also oslo will provide us with nasams air defense systems, some of them will be sent from their own warehouses, others will be ordered from manufacturers. this was announced by prime minister jonas harstvore. at the meeting with the president of ukraine volodymyr
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zelenskyi, the head of the norwegian government also assured that his country will continue to support kyiv. let me remind you that president zelensky arrived in norway today to participate in the second ukraine "p" summit. there will be money, in the draft of the new german budget, 8 have been saved billions of euros for military aid to ukraine, chancellor olaf scholz announced. he added that germany firmly stands by ukraine in its fight against russian aggression. financial aid and support for ukrainian refugees is also provided. the bundestag will consider the draft budget on december 14. the blockade continues, with more than 2,500 trucks remaining in queues at the three checkpoints blocked by poland. the largest number of cars gathered near the sheghini checkpoint. the least in krakow.
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they told the state border service. on the yagodin crossing, which was unlocked on december 11. the number of border crossings has increased, but there are currently 700 trucks in the queue to enter ukraine. continued traffic and on the border with slovakia, where local carriers do not allow trucks going in their direction, there are now more than 1,200 of them in the electronic queue . maritime coalition for ukraine on the creation of an association for the development of maritime capabilities of our country, announced in great britain. the opening ceremony was attended by a ukrainian delegation led by the commander of the naval forces, vice admiral oleksii neishpai. the members of the coalition will provide ukraine with ships and equipment, and will train the boat crew of the sea and river flotilla, the navy, marines, air defense, and mine countermeasures units. all this to create security, civil navigation and work of the grain corridor.
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in chernihiv oblast, the police helped a mother with six small children to move to a safe place. the family lived 2 km from the russian. under daily shelling by the occupiers. the police say that the woman did not dare to evacuate for a long time, but her managed to convince they quickly loaded the most valuable possessions into the car, and within an hour they were already taking it to the house where yana and malecha now live, it is warm there, and everyone has their own bed. police are urging the public to move to a safer location. all the necessary help from the city council will be provided as much as possible, the police is also fruitfully working with the city council regarding the placement of these people who have expressed a desire to move to a safer city. that's the way
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things are at the moment, see you soon already at 5 p.m., read more about what is happening in ukraine and the world on our espresso tv website, subscribe to our social media channels... like, stay close and my colleagues will continue to work for you. thank you annievilnyk, thank you to the news editors for the information day of the tv channel in rozpala, this is how we summarize the visit of the president, the president of ukraine to the united states, at the same time we try to predict what we can expect from the great summit of the leaders of the european union, which will take place tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. in the spresso studio, marta oliyarnyk and antin burkovskiy, and we remind you of our collection at the velstrum station with solar panels for the 108th dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of the territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine. our goal is to collect uah 1,220,000,
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almost uah 700,000 has already been collected. stations are needed so that our military can have electric power even in the field , so please join this gathering. we will be grateful to everyone who can, and we would like to thank all those viewers who have already joined this gathering. yes, dear viewers, if you can, support our fighters, qr code, you see. the relevant details are also on our screen, and an important message from the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine, today they warned about a new fraudulent scheme: criminals create fake bots of the kyivstar communications operator and a fraudster in messengers, fraudsters distribute phishing links under the pretext of compensation and pseudo-information about the terms of resumption of the operator's services. the subscriber is offered to go to the link and to register to receive money, and this is how fraudsters gain access to social media pages and online banking. be
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careful, be careful and do not fall for fraudulent schemes. well, let's now add oleh katkovo, the editor-in-chief of defense express. glory to ukraine, mr. editor. krymoslav, thank you for the invitation. good news and bad news. i don't even know where to start. well, i'll start with the bad, so to speak, shall i? in the united states, most likely, we will not be allocated additional macrofinance until the end of the year. the news is good, 200 million dollars is ours are allocated, and the secretary of state antony blinken warned that this may be one of the last aid packages, well, in this current financial package, so regarding the question of aid to the usa, it should be understood that the programs for groves on the program, when weapons are ordered from manufacturers, it already ended several already about a month ago, and left the balance, well... just very, very little funds less than 1 billion was left for a long time under
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the presidential withdrawal program and under which the package of 200 million dollars was provided, which objectively contained, if you take only standard things like ammunition for hyembra, artillery ammunition, harm anti-location missiles, anti -tank grenade launchers, then dezhevelyn has atf grenade launchers, but... no less, it is really possible that there is a certain one, well, it is possible to do in very careful approach, but everything points to the fact that in fact, for the first time in this package, it is extremely zavaled, but it is reported that the components are transferred to the so-called frankin, the fact is that for the first time in the whole, well, an excessive number of announcements packages, it appears there, especially in the second line, such wording under the name of components for the air defense system, on... above, that is, on the first aim9 missile. also, it is indicated that the means for
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the protection of the critical infrastructure of ukraine are being transferred, and all this together, in addition, until today it was reported that the technical documentation for the production of franking sam is being transferred from the us side, and then we are most likely talking about the beginning of the joint production of these complexes for the aim9 missile with the participation of nu of immediate ukraine and that's a lot. because this project is extremely important, because it involves the necessary integration of the soviet anti-aircraft missile systems of western missiles, and it must be understood that simply with each launch of a soviet missile to the soviet air defense system, these missiles no longer become available, because they are only produced in the russian federation , and this allows you to keep them in line, because when these rockets, well, soviet rockets are completed and nothing is done, it is equivalent to the fact that the enemy simply destroyed them all at once about... it must be remembered that this is a prank - it is at the same time such a trinity a project that consists of the integration of aim9
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, which, for example, if you take the mim 72 chaparel, it has a range of approximately 5 km, this is the integration of amsim missiles to buk, the most famous project, and also the integration of ukrainian radars, patriot launchers with anti-aircraft missiles from the patriot. the latter are generally a fantasy of this. no one has ever, well , no one has ever done anything like this, and in relation to patriot, this is objectively the biggest realistic chance of increasing the number of anti-missile defense systems. not in ukraine, because the number of patriots in ukraine has very few, and they are very scarce, and for example, the usa has 60 patriot batteries, and for that, well, literally today , chancellor scholz has already announced publicly in germany that by the end of this year, that is , this month, in the nearest in fact, the other day,
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the second patriot battery from germany will be put into operation in ukraine, which... will become the third in total for ukraine. mr. olezh, there is information that norway has announced the transfer of additional components of the sams air defense system. this is also a strengthening of our anti-aircraft defense. the package is worth 30.5 million dollars - say the government of norway. do you think that this assistance can strengthen our air defenses, and i understand that we are talking about additional components, which is exactly what is going on in the context. these additional components, well, the official message from the norwegian government does not disclose what exactly these components are, but at the same time it is stated that we are talking about the transfer of these components directly from the stocks of the norwegian armed forces, as well as orders from manufacturers, and it should be recalled that norway is a manufacturer that is, the norwegian company könsberg is one of
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the co-producers of nasams complexes together with the american rayton. and is responsible for the production of launch and command points, also norway a few weeks ago deciphered its package, which is quite large in terms of singles, there was an order for these complexes in the warehouse, well, the only thing is that without rls, that is, they are just preparing if one half of the rls will be from sentinel, they will be from usa, but there we are talking about, in any case , additional complexes that will also be supplied, relative to the components that necessary for nasa , then it is possible to make an extremely cautious assumption that it may well be a pass, the fact is that the standard configuration of nasams provides, well, it is so standardized, let's say, some countries receive less, and when they order, well, they order a smaller composition of the complex, but the standard composition of the complex is three launchers, but each launcher contains only
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six missiles, and one must understand that they fired them and... well, in fact, the complex is reloading, this can be avoided by increasing the number launchers, and precisely, well, for example, for this lithuania transferred only additional launchers to simply increase the number of possibly destroyed targets, that is, when we talk about nasms, it must be understood that this is a medium-range complex, it depends on the missile can shoot down targets at ranges of 10 km, if we are talking about im9x, block. up to about 20 km, if we are talking about the im 120 amram, and the amraam ер already works for 40 km, but it is extremely critical for ukraine, well , it is important that each battery, well, each complex works at its maximum, and for this a completely logical way is to increase just the number of launchers, and due to the fact that all of them are in any case combined into a single
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digital space, it allows you to make quite such complex ones. air defense systems, which are responsible for a huge list, well, the destruction of threats, but of course we are talking only about aerodynamic targets, that is, we are talking about cruise missiles, we are talking about airplanes, of course, if they consume helicopters in the area of ​​​​its effect, but not about, well , possible of course, to shoot down targets such as aircraft and rocket shells, although it is objectively economical not so profitable, but not about ballistics, dear mr. editor, well, i... if we are talking about ballistics, then kyiv was subjected to the most massive, most massive bombardment by ballistic missiles this night, the enemy fired an unprecedented number of missiles, some of them were shot down by our fighters, but if we sum up what happened, let me tell you, the point here is that it was not only the largest concentrated attack on any
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city of ukraine with ballistic weapons, language, because, for example, before that... kyiv was shelled in may, and was used there six daggers and three ballistic missiles, and today only around three o'clock in the morning, well , objectively speaking, from personal experience, probably the whole of kyiv woke up to the fact that the mob struck at three o'clock in the morning, and in what aspect: armed forces of ukraine shot down all 10 missiles, which is also objectively the most effective repulsion. the most massive of all time by such ballistic missiles, and so, as it should be, there is an important aspect here because the enemy used missiles for this, well, in view of... a message from the office of the president of the missile from of the s-448n6 complex, and this is far from the first time that the enemy has struck with them, the first
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case was recorded in january of this year, and it must be understood that the number of these missiles is more than enough for the enemy, because we are talking about anti-aircraft missiles, which only have a range of 280 km to hit the ground, the range will be much greater, of course , they should be... a part weighing about 180 kg, and stocks of these missiles and their production in the russian federation continue, and reserves are significant. after all, there is information from the so-called medvedev, deputy secretary of the russian homeland security, and that a special version of the s400 complex missile is being developed, which is already specially designed for strikes against ground targets, which has a more powerful warhead and another one. guidance system, because now the use of 48n6 missiles takes place as follows, that is, the enemy launches them, according to the radio command standard
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control leads to a certain height, and somewhere, if you take the range there, about 250 km, at an altitude of about a kilometer, tora, zv' connection with the missile stops west of the radio horizon, and then this missile simply falls somewhere, which is why the use of ... anti-aircraft missiles up to the s-400 to hit cities, these are exclusively terrorist attacks without any goal other than the destruction of the local population, and even in such a situation, when the patriot from one of the complexes worked one with maximum efficiency due to the sheer skill of the ukrainian spotters, but there are still victims, because the debris is falling in any case, and the situation is quite scary here, because... sub-flight time of ballistic weapons there at a range of 300 km, km is from the moment of launch, well, depending on the type, but 300-360 seconds, that is, even
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if the launch is submitted at the same time, because it still needs to be recorded, detected, transmitted through the control system, this it's also time, everything is measured in seconds, even conditionally during the strike at three or four in the morning, as it was a few days ago, well, it doesn't matter. to run to the shelter. ugh. eh, how many such ballistic missiles do they have and this model of missile, in particular, and i understand if they are fly there at a distance of about 250 km, then they launch them either from the territory of russia, or from the territory of the occupied territories, or from belarus, yes, if they fly to kyiv, actually, and well, they reach there? in any case, we are talking about a range of more than 280 km, that is... the range is most likely somewhere over 300, maybe not 400, but the number is over 300, most likely it is more realistic than us in terms of range, in terms of missile reserves , then
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48 h6 missiles, they are still soviet, and this means , accordingly, the number of reserves, moreover, this the main missile for the s-400 complex was, and their production continues, exactly how many of them are in the russian federation, the question is more than open. but er, there we are most likely talking about a range with three zeros, that is, in 1000 units, well from 1000 units, let's say so, and therefore counting them, well, there is no sense. yes, and finally , you reassured us, mr. editor, so to speak, with three zeros, the number of units that the enemy may still have in the arsenal in order to, i don’t know, increase the number of shelling, in particular it is about using ballistas that is, they have a finite number of what are called launchers, we have about a minute and a half, well, regarding the fact that there is a possibility of a lack of launchers, then,
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unfortunately, i just don't want to scare anyone there, well, that's just the reality, you need to scare, just warn people, yes, you just need to understand that in the russian federation, the number of announced s-400 divisions at the beginning of the full-scale deployment was 60 divisions, that is, it is a few... each air defense system has 400, well, at least four launchers, each piece has four rockets, well, we have to go on to add everything up, to say how many launchers they have, well, to multiply more precisely, that is why the enemy objectively has no shortage of these means, and both the shortage of missiles and launchers, and the desire to simply destroy the ukrainians, unfortunately, calmed down, well, at least they said everything honestly, but... we'll figure out the rest with calculators. oleg katkov , chief editor of defense express, was in touch with us. yes, we have to take a short break, a few minutes and we'll get back to you.
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the people's deputy of ukraine will appear in our studio. oleg senyutka will also discuss important for there are events in ukraine, yes, that are happening right now, so please wait a few minutes and we will be back. attention, an incredible novelty from rozpak. super warm and very comfortable alaska stayle boots. perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska style houses. have a versatile design and practical black color, so will fit both men and women, sizes 36 to 46, so get two pairs at once, for you and your husband, side zippers ensure a perfect fit even on the widest leg, ecotro insulation perfectly retains heat and wicks away moisture, and the upper is made of waterproof and wear-resistant raincoat fabric and reinforced with eco-suede, alaska style boots can be worn both in wet weather and in very cold weather, quality
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light and warm boots alaska stayle will provide comfort both in changeable wet autumn, and in frosty winter, and in unpredictable spring. you will always be warm, comfortable and dry. universal design, basic black color and a favorable price, only from uah 799. call verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on, in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top. guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. the war created many challenges for us. ukrainians and
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even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that we can be stronger only by uniting together. friends, welcome. friendly online community, enable me ukraine. this is the first communication platform in ukraine persons with disabilities. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. valuable consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together, we grow. join us, become part of our enable me ucraine family. with
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support. the information day of the tv channel in rozpala is coming, well, what are we analyzing? the most important thing from the internal ukrainian agenda and from what is called the international situation, in our studio oleg synyutka, people's deputy of ukraine, head of the subcommittee on ensuring the activities of people's deputies. glory to ukraine. mr. people's deputy, well, on the one hand, the news from the united states is disappointing, frankly. are you disappointed? tomorrow we also have a commemorative meeting, a meeting in the format of a summit of the leaders of the european union, yes, for two days, and we hope to hear about european integration and macrofinance, if mr. president, to bring two big cases together, so to speak, yes, that is, there is a political and geopolitical story, in particular, about the introduction to the euro-atlantic community, the european community, and there is also the question of the macro-finance,
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and here is the best... the position of certain pro-moscow.


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