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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2023 3:00am-3:31am EET

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france, from the president of the european commission to the president of the european council, all deal with those skeptical countries that can stop. ukrainians should be ahead. i personally want to appeal to the leaders of the countries, despite the sometimes fair evaluations regarding the right position, freedom of speech, democracy, corruption, these are gifts. not the authorities or the opposition, this is a decision for the long-suffering ukrainian people, who have been going through perhaps the most difficult path to membership in the european union and nato for 10 years. i call for our unanimous support to vote the appeal that was initiated by us, the opposition, in order to demonstrate the unity of the parliament and all political forces. dear
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colleagues, there is a proposal to discuss these two draft resolutions, and i beg your pardon, yes, from the klympush committee, please, ivan orestivna, just at the conciliation council, i am not because just at the conciliation council we said that two speeches, then two for, two against, but of course the decision of the committee is unquestionable. thank you, mr. chairman, dear colleagues, the committee considered both, both draft resolutions on at its meeting literally yesterday, and despite the fact that there was a proposal to combine two drafts of the resolution, unfortunately, the decision was made to offer the hall to vote on the basis and in general both drafts of the decision.
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and 10315 and 10316, so i emphasize this because the committee's decision was that we vote on both draft resolutions which propose to call on national parliaments, governments, european union member states and european union institutions to continue to stand by shoulder to shoulder with the ukrainian people in his struggle, as for his sovereignty and restoration of the territory. national integrity within internationally recognized borders, as well as for pan-european values, democracy, pluralism and fundamental freedoms and to continue the pressure on the russian federation by adopting the 12th package of restrictive measures, maximally expanding its effect on the political and economic life of the political leaders of the russian federation, to support the macro-financial stability of ukraine during the full-scale invasion of the russian federation on the territory of ukraine, well, actually speaking... to support the decision
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to open membership negotiations with ukraine already during the meeting of the european council on december 15, 2023, i hope that the hall will support both draft resolutions. thank you. thank you, dear colleagues, please register two for, two against. discussion of these two resolutions. please register two for, two against. please, bardina maryna olehivna, faction of the servant of the people political party, galaichuk, please, please, please, the floor is given to people's deputy vadym serhiyevich to halaychuk, vadym serhiyovych, it is better from the rostrum, let's get used to the parliamentary one after all. cultures of centralization of
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the speaker's opinion. please, vadim serhiyovych. thank you, mr. chairman, dear colleagues , in my opinion, this is another, very good example of the competitiveness of such a political and at the same time unity in supporting the issue of european integration, and once again demonstrates that in fact , this kind of approach is very effective when we work together, having sometimes. in some respects , we have different views, but we all work together to achieve a common goal, so that those decisions are what they are adopted in the european union, were based precisely on the ukrainian interest, so in this case we understand the historicity of the moment, we understand the need to unite, the need to unite us here in ukraine, the need to unite all those healthy political forces that will already be together , including skeptics, about whom today...
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it was said in the european union to convince that without ukraine the further expansion of the european union simply will not be effective, so i very much... hope that our appeals to you will be heard, very i hope that appropriate decisions will be made and i am sure that ukraine, already giving such a huge impetus to the development of the european union, will become such a basis in the expanded, very ambitious geopolitical project of the european union. thank you for your attention , please use the word anadae instead of millet. to people's deputy huzy ihor, please, dear friends, glory to ukraine, it seems like a simple statement that will obviously unite the hall, unite the entire ukrainian people, polls show this, it is clear, but there are important things,
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important messages that should be heard from this rostrum, first of all to our european partners and to those who are still skeptical about... the possible accession of ukraine to the european union, in particular to some of our neighbors. some people do not understand that today we are the extreme european wall that protects peaceful europe from barbarians, and this is actually true, and not only the ukrainian army, but the ukrainian nation as a whole, so it is very important to reach out to them at every level. .. of short-sighted european politicians who are playing today into cooperation in quotation marks with the kremlin, with these barbarians, and do not understand that it is in their interests to speed up ukraine's accession to the european union. and there is a second very
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important point that many people in our country do not understand that joining the eu is not only an issue of the verkhovna rada, the government, it is an issue of the whole. people, because we have to transform from a small village to a city and to every ukrainian, so friends, i am convinced that this idea of ​​joining the european family is what concerns us today, one of the key issues that concerns us today unites, without any objections, that's why we are going to europe, glory to ukraine, word.
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of the entire ukrainian nation, we express the will and action of our defenders at the front, our people in the rear, and every ukrainian who temporarily, i repeat, temporarily found himself outside his native homes due to russian aggression. in our native land, we want free media, we want a free market, we want free ukrainians, and for this we are integrating into the european union. the motherland faction has implemented and will continue to implement all regulations, directives of the european union, so that the european union on ukrainian soil takes place here and now. we thank the real initiators of this resolution, and we emphasize that membership in the european union is
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as important to us as membership in nato. we remain on the positions of national security interests. ukraine, our armed forces. forces have a place in nato member states, in the defense alliance of the entire europe. today we testify to them and say: we are ukrainians, we are europeans, we will join the european union, and the mosaic of europe will be complete with ukraine, beautiful and inspiring for the future. glory to ukraine. please give the floor to the people's deputy. voronka, to oleg yevhenovich, the deputy group of the restoration , after that the group asked for one more minute, i apologize, the european solidarity fraction, and we are voting, i ask the people's deputies to take their seats already, and i give the floor to oleg yevgenovich voronka, good morning, colleagues,
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mr. chairman , please give the floor to hnatenko valery serhiyovych, please pass it on, good afternoon, dear ones. colleagues, the current convocation of the verkhovna rada has already entered into history as a parliament that did and was doing for rapid integration into the european union. however, we have not. to stop, and we are not stopping in this direction. just yesterday, we generally supported two european integration initiatives and adopted another one as a basis, these are exactly the issues pointed out by the european commission. ukraine is an integral part of the family of european nations, and we receive a valid legal right to be a full member of the european union. this becomes possible thanks to the powerful. consolidation of all branches power and strong political will of the parliament.
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ukraine is a reliable partner, and we have repeatedly demonstrated this to the whole world. at the same time, it is fair to expect the same unity among our european partners. the proposed statement of the verkhovna rada once again emphasizes determination for further changes. we call on the summit of the european council to listen to the advice of the european commission. ukraine. this is europe. ivanna oristivna, please, khlynpursa. let it pass, please. colleagues, today we are facing perhaps the biggest challenges since the beginning a full-scale invasion. we see how our opponents within the european union are becoming more active, how they are trying... even to make us hostages of their internal political actions and discussions, and that is why
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we, as european solidarity, were the first to initiate a resolution that we should jointly address the european institutions and support critical an important decision in order for ukraine to open negotiations on membership, and despite the smallness of these manipulations and the quick registration of the resolution. with correct surnames, we, obviously, as an act of unity, we will also support the first resolution, if you do not want to put our initiated statement to the vote, i am convinced that unity is the way to survival, and unity is a two-way movement , it can, dear colleagues, please get ready, now we are going to vote, come to vote,
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dear colleagues, i propose to adopt as a whole with the necessary technical and legal amendments the draft resolution on the appeal of the verkhovna rada of ukraine to the states, members of the european union and institutions of the european union, regarding support for the opening of negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union. the registration number of this resolution is 10,315, dear colleagues, i ask you to vote for 292 decisions on... adopted, the resolution was adopted as a whole, show by fractions, please, thank you, dear colleagues, the next
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bill, 5420, is a draft law on introducing amendments to the criminal code of ukraine and the criminal procedure code of ukraine, regarding the criminalization of smuggling, goods and excise goods, as well as false declaration of goods, this is the second reading, we at the conciliation council agreed on such an order. discussion 5 minutes people's deputy yuzhanina 3 minutes oleksiy goncharenko next motherland speech sobolev, tsymbalyuk, bondarev and kabachenko 3 minutes each, people's deputy mamka 10 minutes and people's deputy bakumov 3 minutes and we vote, please have the floor , there are no others, thank you, floor given to yuzhanna petrivna 5 minutes to speak, dear colleagues, a very difficult question, we will now... give, i think you all understand this, and i will start with conclusions of the research
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of the directorate general for internal policies of the european parliament, which studied the issue in 24 countries of the european union regarding the consequences of the crime of criminalizing smuggling, so in many cases the term criminal sanction means only that from... the appropriate punishment is established by a court, not by a decision customs body, and in fact in the domestic sense it can be an administrative fine, i don't know. how did the negotiators conduct further talks or meetings with the imf, when now they tell me that this is also a requirement of the imf, i want to warn you, that without studying the experience of the decriminalization of smuggling in 2011, this is a movement to nowhere, you should analyze what it was
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connected with and how the situation was brought to the impasse from which we got out, because ... not for our legislation, criminal liability, not for our realities, because all these criminal offenses were investigated for years until 2011, and after the destruction of the evidence were closed, that is , there was no economic meaning in this for the state, by the way, ukraine is the only state in europe and in the world customs organization , customs authorities, which is not endowed with the functions of a pre-trial investigation, and what we see today, even taking into account the fact that the committee refined and raised the level of responsibility when committing criminal offenses for commodity smuggling, it does not give anything, because it is not at the level of violation,
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in general, the essence when we are talking about... it is the norms that are established in the classification of criminal offenses, we see that the only goal is secret investigative actions, secret investigative actions immediately begin. i don't understand at all how you can to agree with various modified, even constructions, if before that they said all the time that they do not have customs clearance in the customs, in the zones. there were law enforcement agencies, and when it was smuggling , it was really narcotics, everything related to the security of the state, and there were often sbus, who basically gave instructions to the customs officers, to the customs officers who managed them, and we were dissatisfied all the time, and where is the effective work of customs, and they said that in order for it
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to be, we need to remove all these units of law enforcement agencies from there and provide... customs has the right to investigate, as it is in all countries, you went again through another path, which is completely unacceptable for a democratic country, and imagine, by the end of this year, this article 201 will be under the jurisdiction of the sbu, the sbu has no trust from business, business complains all the time the hope of the sbu, but since january 1, 24... this article is under investigation babe, what have you come up with? baby, which you mention every day, as the most ineffective law enforcement agency, which will definitely not be reformatted, updated, in general, it should be eliminated and to create a new, competent body for the investigation and prevention of economic
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crimes, you are now adopting this law for bebu, me, from january 1. it is very sad to observe the actions of this verkhovna rada. i am sure that in the future we will completely revise the criminal responsibility for goods smuggling. it was possible to consider only that which moves outside the customs posts as contraband. you did exactly the opposite. and i also wanted to warn the authors: the notes you wrote to the 2011 article are absolutely not, not... correct and the construction is built in such a way that it is not even clear that these notes apply to all articles of article 200, to all sub-articles of article 201, so by the way, it is a very difficult incorrect construction and when applied, thank you, who is next for us, honcharenko,
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oleksiy oleksiyovych , please, how much 5 minutes, yes three, thank you, three minutes. thank you, oleksiy goncharenko, dear friends, i am turning to you now. we are currently considering the issue of criminalizing smuggling. the issue is important, smuggling is a serious problem, no one is will argue with that. i want us to take a broader look at it, and i want to remind all of us that today is the international day of the fight against corruption. once again, the international anti-corruption day. colleagues greetings to everyone, this same holiday should be here today for us, and i want to ask how it happens, and maybe my colleagues will take the words and say something, you know, this is a famous proverb: already in the evening there in the buffet, in the morning in the newspaper, in we are so people's deputies today, yesterday in the pre-trial detention center, today already here in the session
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hall, friends, dear deputies, gunko, odarchenko, please take the floor, tell us what is happening, how is it happening, that just yesterday, the whole country is watching us, so there are packages, some kind of bribes, there is bitcoin. there is something else, but in the morning you come to the verkhovna rada, and they are here as here, they are all in place, both gunko and adarchenko, everything is fine with them, they walk around the verkhovna rada with us and together with us celebrate the international anti-corruption day . friends, well, we can criminalize anything with you, decriminalize, criminalize once more, a little bit of everything, if in our fight against corruption looks like a kind of... sport fishing, catch, release, catch, release. friends, this is wrong, and i appeal to everyone, to us
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, yesterday we adopted a law to strengthen the nabu, to strengthen the sab, this is how we want to see the result, that's all and the colossal funds that ukrainian taxpayers invest today during the war are giving the last, to stop corruption, because yes, corruption takes away much more, but how when is it from... so that the deputies who were, you know, somehow borders, pre-trial detention center and the verkhovna rada have already mixed, no longer it is clear, where is sizo and where is the verkhovna rada, well , this is a strange story, i have the same question as to what is happening with the deputy heads of the president's office, about whom the international press is already writing, what about our mr. shurmi, what about other gentlemen, tatarov and everyone else is friends, today is once again the international day of wrestling. with corruption, then i call for not slogans about the fight against corruption, not talk about the fight against corruption, not blah blah blah about corruption, but
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struggle, i would like to hear my colleagues who only yesterday were siso, and today in the hall, a word granted to people's deputy sobolev, serhii vladyslavovich, 3 minutes, please, from the faction of the motherland, sobolev, motherland, dear colleagues, i think that... this bill is yet another evidence of someone who is negotiating with international organizations on behalf of ukraine. this is not a question for the european union, this is not a question for the imf, this is a question for those who are conducting these negotiations. a big question arises from the very beginning, as initially at the request of the international trade organization. we decriminalized smuggling several years ago, and now we actually find ourselves in a situation where
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smuggling is criminalized, and if you look at the wording of the first reading, it is actually complete arbitrariness, which was foreseen in the wording of the law. i would like to remind you what changed before the second reading, but did it improve the... the project to such a level that it can be adopted, then the uncertainty of the situation with the customs authorities, which do not acquire according to the requirements of the european declarations, directly from that authority , which should track such processes. the second question is that the minimum threshold for criminal prosecution has been significantly increased by almost five times. range, but what does it change in essence, if the situation with the one who will consider these issues remains unchanged. next, yes, at
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the request of business associations , the legal norm was removed, which provided for, imagine , criminal liability for an error in the customs declaration, even if it was removed, but in general, this draft law remains unapproved. according to their conceptual approaches. our faction is abstaining and will not vote for it. we we believe that we need to change the composition of the participants in the negotiations, and this will give an opportunity to convey the position of ukraine, and not only ukraine. because, unfortunately, this directly contradicts a number of acts of the international trade organization. this does not allow a comprehensive consideration of this issue. and i think that we will have to return to it again, especially since this law, in terms of criminal liability, will come into force only in
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six months. we will have six months to correct this mistake, but now we will not vote for it as a homeland. thank you. please, tsymbalyuk, mykhailo mykhailovych, 3 minutes. mykhailo tsimbalyuk, homeland, dear mr. chairman, dear presidium, dear people's deputies and citizens of ukraine. in fact, we are for the fight against smuggling, that. unequivocally, moreover, we believe that we support the government's desire to increase customs payments, and unequivocally, this structure, which is the gateway to the state, needs to be put in order, this is unequivocally and indisputably, because statistics show that after all, not all funds ...
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come from customs to the state budget, i.e we are in favor of strengthening the fight against smuggling, but there is a big question whether this bill will be able to fulfill the main essence and its task, there is a big doubt, the colleagues who spoke before it talked about the main problems of this bill, in fact, we are again at the customs for... we will return all law enforcement agencies against which the position was that they should not be in the customs control zone. this draft law introduces another structure there, which, by the way, has not been formed, it is the so-called babe, the bureau of economic security, will they fulfill are they a role, or will additional payments be made to the state budget, customs payments?
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there is a big doubt, and in fact, before the second reading, if we are objective, the draft law became somewhat improved, the main contradictions were removed, but in fact, we already had in the history of independent ukraine, when there was criminalization of smuggling, what it led to, and led to to the fact that an arrest was imposed on... transported goods, or those that were being transported, and there was an attempt, an attempt to illegally move it across the border, criminal cases were investigated for years, and then this product, or the detained product, somehow disappeared, and the funds did not enter the budget, and people were subject to criminal cases for years, the experience of european countries still shows that these articles
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are decriminalized. and this makes it possible to increase the revenue part of the budget, customs and other payments, in this version the fatherland fraction is not ready, unfortunately, to support this bill, although i say once again, we are for the struggle, please, coopers, the fatherland fraction, oh my god, i remember now the time when in the same hall there was a discussion about decriminalization of this article, i have a dezhivu, the government at that time made a proposal to decriminalize this article, precisely because our foreign partners,
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primarily from the european... union, as well as from the united states, demand to adopt a law on decriminalization of this article. it was when yanukovych was still going to the european union and europe, it was in 2011. and what theses were cited then? theses about the need to reduce the corruption component, because when... a criminal case arises, it is a whole a number of officials who take part in solving the issue of taking these funds to the state budget, and it was proposed to decriminalize this article in order to simplify the mechanism.


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