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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2023 4:30am-5:00am EET

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please, shevchenko, yevgeny volodymyrovych, ukraine recovery group. please give the floor to volodymyr moroz. volodymyr volodymyrovych maroz, please. good day. dear colleagues, the recovery program is gaining momentum. payments for it have already exceeded uah 3 billion, only according to the latest estimates , more than 167 residential buildings, of which 1,900 multi-story buildings were damaged or destroyed. the proposed initiative will allow you to purchase housing not only for the amount provided for in the housing certificate, but also to take out a mortgage for the difference. that is, if it is an apartment or a house for compensation, citizens
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will still be able to use the certificate, this will significantly increase the opportunity for our citizens to choose housing where they would like to live. at the same time, the state must make a serious decision regarding the recovery program. in particular, compensation should be provided to those who lost their homes in the war zone and temporarily occupied lands. so. it is also necessary to provide compensation to those who lost their homes as a result of hostilities at the very beginning of russian aggression, that is, since february 2014. it will rightly. this draft law will be supported by the deputy group of restoration of ukraine. our position remains unchanged, we need to resolve the housing issue of war victims as soon as possible. thank you for attention! thank you! please,
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the floor is given to people's deputy oleksandr anatolyovych danuta, faction of the servant of the people political party. please give the floor to olena shulyak. please, olena alekseevna. please include olena alekseivni. rascal, please work, it doesn't work, it works, well, we'll work, but we don't hear anything, elena alekseevna, let's go to the podium, after all , we are trying to speak from the podium now, when it is from the faction of groups, do you have something with a microphone, by the way, please, the apparatus service, look at the microphone of people's deputy kishulya, and dear colleagues , since the spring of this year, the state, the state actively...
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began to pay compensation to those citizens who have destroyed and damaged housing, as of today, we can see that 560,000 information messages have been submitted through the system, which concern those citizens who have problems with their housing, the most the affected regions are donetsk, kharkiv and kyiv regions, it concerns more than 40 million square meters of damaged and destroyed housing, and i would like to remind you that... as of today , more than 40,000 applications for compensation for small repairs, up to 200,000 have already been satisfied, an active program is being launched to issue housing certificates to those citizens who have destroyed housing, the city of melitopol has been chosen as a pilot project in order to compensate people for destroyed housing located in temporarily occupied territories, i want to remind you that the state does not limits people in compensation. they
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independently choose the settlement where they want to have new housing, people independently choose what type of housing it will be, whether it will be secondary housing, whether it will be an investment in primary real estate, and it is with this bill that we give the opportunity to people who are in favor of destroyed housing received housing certificates, actively use them in state mortgage programs, for example, in the same yeosel program, which today was used under preferential conditions by more than... our citizens, i ask everyone to support this draft law, because today all our ukrainians want three, three main wishes: this is victory as soon as possible, the second is a decent salary with working and employment conditions, and the third is appropriate decent housing conditions, and with this draft law we provide the opportunity to choose independently, how to use the housing certificate that is provided as compensation. thank you. thank you,
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iryna volodymyrivna herashchenko, european solidarity faction. honcharenko oleksiy oleksiyovych. alexei european solidarity, dear friends, is important draft law, i want to say that this is a very important topic today, because really , unfortunately, there are tens of thousands of families, and maybe even hundreds of thousands of families, and it is more correct to say precisely about hundreds of thousands of families whose homes have been damaged or destroyed as a result of russian aggression, this topic is very important, very painful, today the process started in the state. compensation payments to those whose homes were damaged or destroyed, but so far only where the territory is currently controlled by ukraine. unfortunately, there is a colossal problem, the city of mariupol, for example, us we all understand, and unfortunately, severodonetsk and other
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cities, where today the territory is not controlled, the program is currently starting only as a test in melitopol, but we definitely need to move on as soon as possible. and that the people who lost their homes in mariupol, in north donetsk, in berdyansk, would have the opportunity to receive this compensation, because today they live, wander around houses, in other people's houses, somewhere they are accepted, somewhere they pay, they rent housing that very expensive, which is very difficult for them, it must be decided, it is very important, this law, this partly solves some problems in this direction, therefore... it should be done and the approach itself is correct. i also appeal to the fact that we expand mortgage programs for military personnel. a colossal problem today is with military personnel who also have no housing, who are waiting for years and decades. especially those servicemen whose points
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of permanent deployment were on the temporarily, now occupied territory. we have to decide all this. this is an important direction. i urge you to vote, i urge you to actually support. internally displaced persons please the floor is given to people's deputy volodymyr viktorovych kabachenko, i understand that he is passing it on to serhiy mykolaich, yes yevtushok, serhii mykolaivych, please, thank you, mr. chairman, serhiy yevtushok, the batkivshchyna faction, dear colleagues, you and i just recently voted on a very beautiful law , which gave an opportunity to those citizens of ukraine whose housing was damaged as a result. terrorist attacks or any other military actions of the russian federation, receive a certificate and receive accordingly with it for your damaged home or to repair it or buy new this bill provides
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that if the actual value of the certificate is not enough to purchase a new home, then a person, a citizen. a citizen of ukraine who has this certificate has the right to apply to financial institutions, get a loan and take the housing that he really likes in any city of our country. but at the same time, today we understand that the economic situation and well-being of those already impoverished people, whose homes have already been destroyed as a result of terrorist attacks, are on the verge of a psychological breakdown and are not... normal social conditions, and now to drive them into the mechanism where our notaries will be able to remove restrictions on the purchase of housing with a certificate, it seems inappropriate to me, dear colleagues, tell me right away, you, we are changing
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the rules, then we will still think about whether to support this bill, and this is how we look at the law on mortgages, excuse me, please, in which... it is clearly stated that a mortgage cannot be granted if the possibility of a mortgage is the subject of the mortgage, look at this law , so the faction of the motherland, unfortunately, of these objective circumstances, cannot support this bill, thank you, dear colleagues, we have completed the discussion of this bill, i ask the people's deputies to prepare for the vote, we are moving on to making a decision, please take your seats, i am making a proposal. adopt as a basis , with amendments to the provisions in accordance with the first part of article 116 of the regulations of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, the draft law on amendments to some laws of ukraine on improving the legal regulation of issues related to
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banning the alienation of real estate objects purchased, including those invested, financed with the use of a housing certificate for the purchase of a residential real estate object, registry. bill number 10,208, ready to vote? i ask people's deputies to vote. for 240, the decision has been made, thank you, dear colleagues, dear colleagues, we have left, if i am not mistaken, four for bills, and as far as i understand, there is an opportunity to compromise without discussion about them, yes, thank you, then from your permission please be
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please, iryna volodymyrivna, you wanted to say something, razumkov from the procedure, please, i understand, ruslan oleksiovych, that bill 10324 will still be withdrawn, i am not trying to arrange a regulation battle with you, we are in different weight categories. you are an academician, i have no such merits before the state, but i would like to remind you about the letter, the letter is intentions, according to the regulations there is no such rule, if any people's deputy opposes this approach, then bring it to the verkhovna rada for consideration contrary to regulations it is impossible, that's why i immediately appeal to you, as the chairman of the verkhovna rada, that i will speak against it, even if such a letter appears. thank you. there is no such letter, therefore this draft law is not being considered today,
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serhii volodymyrovych, please, vlasenko, i apologize, serhii volodymyrovych, yes, thank you, mr. voice, procedures, we support three draft laws without discussion, but we would still like a draft law on miners to give an opportunity to speak literally briefly, we support this bill, but we need to speak, thank you, let's do more iryna volodymyrivna and let's move on to, please, iryna volodymyrovna gerashchenko, thank you, we're just right. we support the miners without discussion and ask for one minute on the national bank, we will not be against if colleagues take the floor for the discussion on the bill on miners and ask us to give us a minute, okay, dear colleagues, then we are finalizing the bill 10,195, we vote now without discussion, further 10.23 according to the national bank one minute, gerashchenko iryna volodymyrivna, 10.324 we do not vote. 10,303 vote without discussion and the miners are alone minute two minutes for i see for a curl
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without discussion. look, then finalizing once again, dear colleagues, 10,195, which is now without discussion, let's vote on it, i propose first to include in the agenda of the session bill 1019. this is a draft law on amendments to the code of ukraine on administrative offenses and other
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laws on establishing administrative liability for violation of requirements or non-fulfillment of some measures of the legal regime of martial law, as well as an alternative to it is 10195/1. i propose to include them in the agenda of the session, i ask the people's deputies to vote. for 243, the decision was made as we agreed without discussion, so i immediately put the decision to adopt as a basis the draft law on amendments to the code of ukraine on administrative offenses and other laws on establishing administrative responsibility for violation of requirements or non -fulfillment of certain measures of the legal regime of martial law registrations number 10, 1995, i ask people's deputies to vote.
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for 233 decisions have been made, i propose to halve the deadline for submitting amendment proposals for preparation for the second reading, i ask the people's deputies to vote. no decision was made for 220, so the terms are not shortened, let's move on, the next bill is 10.23. from what i understand, one minute is given to yuzhanina and we vote , that's right, please 10.23, one second, we have to include it in the agenda, the draft law on amendments to section 15 of the final provisions of the law of ukraine on the national bank of ukraine, i i propose to include this draft law in the agenda of the session. please vote.
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for 257 i put the proposal to be considered according to the shortened procedure in the sense of one minute for yuzhanina, please vote for 231 minutes nina petrivna and after that we will vote on the law please nina petrivna dear colleagues actually. initially there was a very simple draft of the law and very necessary for the national bank and the ministry of defense regarding the transfer of property, but the decision of the committee was revised and another rule was added. i just wanted to let you know that in accordance with the law on administrative procedure, the national bank performs the function of public administration. what it is? this is the internal appellate procedure of a pre-trial
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administrative appeal for all state bodies. and according to the hundredth article, the filing of a complaint stops the implementation of measures. until the end of its consideration. now, with this project , the national bank withdraws itself from this procedure for one year until january 1, 2025 . in fact, in the committee we discussed, but i think this is a last resort, and we give actually, now we will support this one as well draft law, but this is the last step of confidence in the national bank, because after all, it is necessary to protect both banks and non-bank financial institutions and give them the opportunity to use the european union. norms dear colleagues, let's move on to making a decision. i propose to adopt as a basis the draft law on amendments to section 15. final provisions of the law of ukraine on the national bank of ukraine. registration number 1023. i ask people's deputies to vote.
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for 255 decisions made, i put a proposal to accept the overall counting of proposals committee and with the necessary technical and legal amendments, the draft law on amending chapter 15 of the final provisions of the law of ukraine on the national bank of ukraine , registration number 1023. i ask people's deputies to vote. for 253 decisions have been made, thank you, dear colleagues, we are not considering the next bill 10324 for obvious reasons, then 10,303 from the procedure, gerashchenko, please, from the procedure, thank you, dear colleagues, due to
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the fact that the verkhovna rada is currently meeting there for two days for two weeks. we ask for guidance parliament, after the agenda is completed today, to announce the requests of the people's deputies, and we ask you to support this, because we know that quite a lot of requests have accumulated, this is an equally important tool of our influence with you, parliamentary control, and this is what we are asking for today announce them, thank you, thank you, please, bilozir, i see, yes, larisa, please, larisa bilozir, and i wanted to. just so that we understand that we voted, one of the beacons for receiving macrofinance from the eu, and it is written in the report on the european commission that stop the exit from the admin procedure, we are the national bank again, we failed it last time, now again we have introduced this good bill to the national bank, and please, this lighthouse is not you, it is not fulfilled, and a certain amount will not be received
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by the makrafin and unfulfilled, if , say, in the report of the european union before ours. thank you, well, i will answer that this edition is fully agreed with the european commission, and it was also discussed with you, i don't know why this question actually comes up now, now already after the vote, so... absolutely the right decision, thank you, friends, see the law has been voted, well, why are you waving in the wake of a train that has left, well, stop already, let's go further, 10.303, this
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is a draft resolution on the report of the temporary investigative commission, we can do without discussion, dear colleagues, then, dear colleagues, i make a proposal, let's go in consideration of issue 10,303, this is a draft resolution on the report of the temporary investigative commission of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on the investigation of possible facts of illegal activity in the field. financial services and markets of financial services that are carried out using of information, electronic, communication, information and communication systems and electronic communication networks about the work performed, then let's vote on the review according to the shortened procedure, please vote. for 212, let's do it, there is a need for the eu faction to discuss, no one else has, from
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the yes goncharenko faction, two minutes and we will vote immediately, please, goncharenko for two minutes, dear colleagues, we are now considering the report of the temporary investigative commission. the verkhovna rada produced an incredible number of them. we have a temporary investigative commission, one, two, third, fifth, tenth, there are call centers, all this is an endless story. after that , our colleagues walk around, racketeering here, where is colleague tishchenko, can he tell us about the constant and everything else. and then comes the report of the temporary investigative commission, they say, but what does it say? without discussion, one, two , flew away, why are we creating these kind of investigative commissions, explain to me that even when the report comes, we do not want to hear about what is there,
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that is, we are simply creating a tool of racketeering, extortion, so that someone earns money for himself, well, there is nothing to report on, i understand , then why is this, well, explain to me, that’s why it should be, if the tsk report, then a person should come out, say, there is a head of the tsk, what results, for what...we created, what we we achieved it, otherwise why is all this necessary, explain that the tsk should be like in the hunka, where money is brought to the tsk in bags, then he stole it in a syzo, drank himself to prison , we have another tsko rada, tsko rada, we have another one like this one, well it can be continued, how long will it continue, then the next question, the head of this tsk, dear colleague kunitskyi. i have a question: there was a journalistic investigation that he went on a business trip, this continues the story with business trips, because here you cannot go to represent ukraine in a couple, where it is your
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job to represent ukraine. here we hear once again, servant of the people, deputy, miami. if not thailand, then miami, not the maldives, and something else. so i have a question, was our colleague in miami like that or not? i want to hear the answer. and who sent him there and how? thank you. thank you. second, there is a replica called the servant of the people faction. i, i grant the right to replica, we'll figure it out later. good, alexander. dear colleagues, we are not creating atsk in order to discuss its activities. and in order to overcome the problem, to overcome the shameful phenomenon. there are so many minors working there, you can't even imagine. i personally ask each of you, this is my personal request to you. no one has yet reprimanded me for stealing some money and for my colleagues to also support the activities of this tsk, to give us the opportunity at the next
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committee meeting to finally vote on the law banning the activity of illegal call centers. bill of pavliuk and bakumov and put an end to this phenomenon, this is my personal request for each of you to vote for it. thank you, oleksandra yuriivna, how are you? ustinov, dear colleagues, i am sorry that some of our colleagues think that it is not necessary to read tsk reports? i strongly advise you to read it, because it concerns the activities of illegal call centers, which are currently choosing the most and robbing the most vulnerable sections of the population, i personally know grandmothers who borrowed hundreds of thousands of hryvnias and took them to these centers, we need to continue the activities of tsk, to vote a law that will ban this and... it is unfortunate to hear that we are told that this is a csk churchman and what we have to discuss the report, you read it first, see what people need, thank you, thank you, dear colleagues, i think it is necessary to vote, it is necessary to vote, dear
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colleagues, i propose to adopt as a whole the draft resolution on the report of the temporary investigative commission of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on the investigation of possible facts of illegal activity in the field of financial services and financial services markets, which are carried out with using information, electronic, communication, information and communication systems and electronic communication networks about the performed work of registrations. draft resolution number 10,303, dear colleagues, i ask you to support this report, because we also have to support the reports of those commissions that we authorized, please vote
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for two. the decision has not been made, dear colleagues, let's move on, dear colleagues, dear colleagues, the next draft law is 10.86, this is a draft law on amendments to the first article law of ukraine on restoring the solvency of state-owned coal-field enterprises regarding the extension of the moratorium on executive proceedings, enforcement measures. decisions and initiation of bankruptcy cases of state-owned coal-mining enterprises. i propose to include draft law 10 0086 on the agenda of the session . i ask the people's deputies to vote.
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for 231 decisions were made. i put the proposal to be considered according to the summary procedure, but we agreed on one minute for two or two minutes for kucharenko oleksiy yuriyovych. please vote for a shortened procedure. for 209, the decision was made. please, oleksiy yuriyovych, two minutes, and let's vote for this law as a whole. for the basis. i am asking for the basis, please, oleksiy yuriyovych, oleksiy kucherenka, faction batkivshchyna. dear colleagues, i would really like you to listen to me now, we work for two minutes and that's it, especially the heads of factions. it is clear that this law is for, well, it is not good, but we must vote for it, because once again we are continuing the agony for a year, saving the state mines from bankruptcy, this flake
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it has been there for 20 years, it continues. i draw your attention to other fundamental things: first, listen to the professionals and please understand that coal will be the key type of fuel for us in the next 20 years. all these fables about the fact that you can quickly replace the sun with the wind are, i'm sorry, unprofessional delusions. all this should be reflected in the energy, professional strategy, which should be... by the way, i draw attention to poland, if someone does not believe me, then look at how poland uses its coal until now, because they they cannot live without it, and we will not be able to live without coal for the next 20 years, i draw your attention, some kind of government strategy has been adopted until the 35th, it seems, year, no one has seen it, it was simply hidden, it was accepted,
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some presentations are underway in luhansk. where are they still , there in london, there in warsaw, a lot of money and emotions are spent on a complete delusion that has nothing to do with the realities of the energy sector. now we descend to the ground. the key company for state mines is the state energy company centerenergo. it is she must burn this coal so that we do not have a shortage of electricity. state public service. audited this company 5 billion violations, failure to carry out repairs, fantastic abuse in a public company. what do you think, did the state auditor make this report public? no, he did not make it public, and he did not make it public at my request, why? because immediately the dbr, the naboo police, shuts them down.


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