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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EET

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and now the air will continue, our colleagues from radio liberty will continue, there will be the svoboda ranok project, and actually a minute of silence at 9 o'clock, let's remember everyone who died, died because of russia. we will honor the memory of ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine with a moment of silence. who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings, you are watching freedom of the mornings, my name is oleg galiv, and today i will talk about the following in the broadcast. in the american institute of studies. war they write that the russian occupying forces repelled the ukrainian ones defenders of some positions on the left bank of the kherson region. in particular, it is about the alleged advance of the russian army to the south of the village of krynki. the armed forces of ukraine continue to restrain russian troops in the mariinsky direction. such a statement was made by the commander of the operational-strategic grouping of tavria troops oleksandr tarnavskyi. according to him , the news about the alleged complete capture of this city by the army of the russian federation is nothing more than a provocation and an information dump. what
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is happening on this part of the front now? due to the flooding of the kyiv subway , the capital's law enforcement officers are conducting searches both in the subway itself and in structural divisions of the kmda. what are they looking for and what did they find? let's talk about that later as well. do not forget to like this video so that youtube recommends it to other viewers, as well as subscribe to our channel and comment on what you saw. the historic summit at which. the issue of the start of negotiations on ukraine's membership in the european union will be decided today in brussels. eu leaders must make a decision whether or not to give the green light for the start of negotiations, as well as to resolve the issue of further financial and military support for kyiv, which is resisting russian aggression. at the moment , our correspondent in brussels, olena abramovych, is in touch with us. elena, congratulations, tell me what is known at the moment. good morning. oleg,
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well, the summit has not yet started in brussels, it is already being prepared that it may drag on until saturday, and this time the leaders have a little more time, they arrived in brussels the night before for the western balkans summit. hungarian prime minister viktor orbán had another conversation with the head of the european council, charles michel, yesterday evening, and immediately after it, the european commission announced that it would unblock part of the previously frozen funds for hungary. we will know what results it will have today or tomorrow, and in general, this summit will primarily revolve around. of ukraine and the rest will depend on ukrainian decisions, for example, the leaders have to make certain decisions regarding the 10 future members of the european union, but if they do not find an agreement to start membership negotiations with ukraine, there will be no decisions for everyone else, diplomats in brussels familiar with the preparations for this summit say, and a key one will also be a decision on funding for kyiv, with leaders trying to approve a 50 billion-euro fund for the next four years, and that amount is going in one, in a package with a view of the perennial. the budget of the european union, to which
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other expenses were added, and if there is no joint decision on 50 billion for kyiv, there will be no increase in the european budget in general, diplomats say, and ukraine in this matter for ukraine, several backup options have been prepared, which should provide support in the same amount, but already without the participation of, for example, hungary, which actually blocks all these decisions, information will appear that the decision to start changes on ukraine's membership in the european soyuzi blocks not those'. only hungary, which was stated earlier, but there are also certain objections for the example from austria, what do you know about this and how do brussels see a way out of this situation? well, yes, actually, the day before i managed to talk to some high-ranking people by diplomats who are not authorized to give comments to journalists, so i will tell without mentioning the name of the country, but the situation is as follows: some countries, such as austria, italy, slovenia are also there, began to say that there is no positive solution for them. their favorite,
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which is bosnia and herzegovina, they do not support the ukrainian issue, and bosnia and herzegovina has not fulfilled almost any conditions, well , maybe 20 percent there, and that is, here now it is more about extending into... this one is so the so-called expansion train and others states, and as some diplomats said, the member countries can make some concessions and support the decision for the rest of the countries for the sake of ukraine. there is no plan b here, either there will be a decision on ukraine or no decision on enlargement, and this is one of the reasons why this summit is called decisive not only for kyiv, but also for the entire european union. as for the 50 billion for kyiv, they want to unblock this decision by allocating funds for hungary, right? well, on the one hand, yes, on the other hand, no, because here the story is the same as with 50 billion for kyiv, similar to history with enlargement, and there they joined the group, many countries with their own interests also entered the game, and the fact is that these 50 billion should become part of the renewed long-term budget of the european union
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for 24-27 years, but the budget revision contains a number of other additional expenses: italy and greece want more money for migration, etc., that is, while everyone except hungary agrees that kyiv... should be given 50 billion, agreement on other items of expenses has not yet been found, if they are not found, then there are a number of fallbacks that we already have used, this is, for example, aid from 26 countries, but only without hungary and the minus of his option is that it will require a little more time, more work in countries on the ground, it is ratification in parliaments, etc., and will need its own annual update, well and the initial idea of ​​a joint decision from the est about 50 billion by the 27th year actually consisted in stable long-term support of kyiv. which would not depend on, for example, the upcoming european elections, or that judging by the latest statements from the hungarian authorities, orbán in generally against a decision with multi-year funding from the eu budget, but may agree to one of the options for extra-budgetary assistance, which will require regular extensions and approvals. thank you very much, elena, for
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the information. olena abramovych, radio liberty's correspondent from brussels, about the start of the summit, which is already being called a historic one, at which they should decide the start of negotiations and whether it will be about accession at all. of ukraine to the european union. well, despite the weather conditions, the armed forces of ukraine continue to hold positions on the left bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. this is reported by analysts of the american institute for the study of war. a day earlier, they wrote that the russian military had advanced south of the village of krynki on the same bank, where, as is known, ukrainian forces are getting a bridgehead. the day before, the ukrainian general staff announced that the commander of the russian group of dnipro troops, mykhailo teply. ordered the formation of assault units from among officers , similar to the white guard units of the 20th century. currently, the general staff reports that they are ukrainian forces continue to hold positions on the left bank of the kherson region. the russian ministry of defense says that artillery and
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air strikes are being carried out in the direction of kherson against the positions of the armed forces of ukraine. what is happening there today is a topic that we will continue to discuss on our broadcast, and join our broadcast. of the coordination press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine. colonel, i salute you. glory to ukraine, congratulations to you too. glory to heroes. panitalia, let's start, first of all, with odesa, what are the consequences of the actual night attack on the region, and then let's go to the left bank and the situation in the kherson region. yes, it is obvious that odesa is claiming a record this night, because it is true that 32 drones were shot down in the region, despite the fact that... the one hundred percent result of the work of the air defense forces, this is quite a powerful result and a rather difficult and stressful night, which was worked out by the anti-aircraft forces as well defense and the residents of odesa
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region themselves survived. the enemy hit odesa directly with several waves of unmanned aerial vehicles, all of which were accurately destroyed, but destruction by... sea is different from destruction over residential quarters , over industrial quarters and so on, it is not the first time that air defense works in odesa, and even after effective work , debris is inflicted, such damage is caused, that one of the shot down drones fell on the territory near the hostel, damaging it. wall, caused other destruction by debris to others in private houses, in particular, and people were injured, according to our data, 11 people who needed medical assistance, all of them were provided with it, including three children, there are also hospitalized, i.e.
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the condition of the victims is different, the day before , there was such an attack with a successful knockdown, but still a fall. wreckage and causing damage to the car repair company, in the end even resulted in the death of one of the workers, who was injured and his heart could not stand it. therefore, a powerful attack was directed in several waves and the exercises of the anti-aircraft defense forces were actually combined into a single such air alert that lasted more than 6 hours. important information, and now let's move on to the situation itself kherson oblast, please tell us what is known as of today, what are the positions and who holds them on the left bank, actually? well, what positions can i just indicate our positions, because we took them and
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we do not give them up, we hold fast, where the zakri managed to gain a foothold, it was done thoughtfully, and therefore the enemy, despite such a rather strong territorial and quantitative advantage on the left bank, he is trying to storm our positions, but he is not successful... today we can say that the enemy the attack is complicated by weather conditions, strong fog, thick wind is enough, and from today there is a powerful storm warning, the sea, for example, is characterized by a five- to six-force storm, which also means gusty winds , and the work of aerial reconnaissance is complicated, the work of aviation is complicated, and if talk and beat. the results of last week, in principle, the work of aviation was practically leveled, work
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with guided air bombs, for example, the enemy did not succeed, but they use fpv drones, and this work is activated from time to time and when the weather allows, and many other different modifications of unmanned aerial vehicles are used to drop cluster munitions, this is very dangerous for the civilian population, because they seek out the very... places of gathering of people, and use such munitions both on private homes and on places where humanitarian aid is issued assistance, at stops, by motor vehicles, including cars of the national police. ms. tatal, i would like to clarify further, the analysts of the american institute for the study of war wrote the day before that the forces the russian federation allegedly recaptured some positions of the armed forces on the left bank, how can you comment on this, we are reestablishing contact with natalya gumenyuk, i will remind you. that every day on the air we try to tell you about the situation at the front, the war in
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ukraine is still one of the most discussed topics at various levels, in particular , we also constantly turn off experts, the ukrainian military in our broadcasts in order to understand what is the situation, how variable are the positions, unchanging, what in general what is going on, what are the needs of the defenders and what are the plans, in particular, of the russian forces on the territory of ukraine, taking into account the full-scale invasion, nataliya gumenyuk, the head of the exchange press center of the defense forces of the south , returned to our broadcast, restored the connection. panitalia, i would still like to clarify, the american institute for the study of war previously wrote about the fact that russian troops allegedly managed to recapture certain positions of the armed forces of ukraine on the left bank from those that were occupied, to what extent this is true or not, and to what extent the situation dynamic, but when they talk conventionally about the front that is happening near avdiyivka and so on, the military always talk about this dynamic, so how dynamic is it on the left bank exactly? the situation... is quite dynamic, because the enemy is uncomfortable due to the presence of enemy forces, in fact, even on
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almost his territory, which they consider their own and felt more or less protected when the defense forces were on the other side of the dnieper, but we must rely on reliable sources , the institute for the study of war relies on the statements of the military and military bloggers of russia, which perform obviously propagandist tasks, therefore it is necessary to understand that in the conditions of a combat operation, such information leaks that create the effect of an open source are quite likely. in fact, every day we report to the general staff, and the general staff, accordingly, proves it to the population that the positions on the left bank, which the defense forces of ukraine managed to secure for themselves. they continue to hold back, the enemy uses assaults from time to time, but it is obvious that they save on
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equipment and try to actually assault on foot. one more short question in conclusion, how can you assess from this information that you have for example, the advance of the armed forces of ukraine on the left bank and entrenchment there in the positions they are currently holding, to what extent this destroyed the plans of the russian army regarding possibly other directions of the front, because russian there, the russian military leadership. will probably try somehow to try, i don't know, to repulse what they are currently doing in these positions, and this requires additional use of troops. it is obvious that in any development of combat events the enemy. will be trying to recapture the positions that it shamefully lost, this is observed along the entire front line, and the fact that the defense forces managed to gain a foothold on the left bank is simply the implementation of that powerful big plan, which is called the liberation of the territory of ukraine and the withdrawal to the borders
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of 1991 , the fact that this work is extremely difficult probably doesn't even need to be noted, because in... everyone understands that when you have not a powerful rear behind you, but the dnipro, you must realize that in this part of the area, you must actually be cyborg and receive positions with extraordinary efforts. the fact that they , the occupiers, have become more active along the entire front line, was also noted by my colleagues in other directions, and the commanders emphasize this , this is an objective reality, we talked about it. that before the powerful report of their leader, they will try to win at least some kind of victory, in our direction they could not win, they made an information attack. thank you very much, mrs. nataliya, nataliya humenyuk, head of the joint coordination press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine. colonel, the guest of our broadcast, we talked about the situation on the left bank of the kherson region, as well as about the night attack
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in the odesa region. 80,000 projectiles are currently being transferred to ukraine, the head of eu diplomacy, joseph borel, said while talking to journalists in brussels. he noted that more than 27 billion euros have already been allocated for the production of ammunition, and the 3,000 shells already handed over to kyiv were taken directly from the stocks of each of the armies of the eu member states. unfortunately, the war will continue. putin says every day that he has military goals, and since these military goals have not been achieved, he will continue, so we must... be on the side of ukraine, now is not the time to weaken support for ukraine, neither here in europe nor on the other side of the atlantic, on the contrary, concrete actions should be accelerated. military support for ukraine, borel noted, will also be ensured by the provision of security guarantees to ukraine from the european union. he promised to do everything in his power to, quote: make the eu countries understand that now it is necessary
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to consider the problems, challenges, threats, and dangers it faces step by step ukraine. in the spring, the european union's high security representative... announced a three-stage plan, according to which the eu was to provide ukraine with one million artillery munitions within 12 months, first with the help of existing stocks and then through contracts for joint purchases and increased production. however, near the end of the year, it became known that the bloc did not have time to fulfill these volumes, although borel stated that they remained a political goal. oleksiy hetman, a military expert, is currently joining our broadcast. congratulations. good day. sir oleksiy, thank you for finding the opportunity to join. 180,000 shells, which are currently in the process of being transferred to ukraine, as reported by the eu high representative for foreign affairs and security policy. when can they really be expected on the battlefield and how much time can such transmissions in the chronological plane take? well, it can be transferred for, well, once, no, but
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i think that in a few weeks, even up to a month, it is quite possible, although these 180. well , let's calculate how much it will be per day, if stretched over a year, it will be somewhere around 500 shots, well, we need 500, so it’s not a lot, but it’s very little, you know, but sometimes they try, when something is obviously not enough for certain actions, then they start to press numbers, how many thousands of shells are there, and it looks like nothing 180 rounds , well, that's less than 500 00, less than 500 shots per day, the russians fire 10,000 shots per day, so what is this, it's very good, we, we thank you very much, but we don't need it , you see, sometimes we are accused of not being very grateful to ours partners for their help, yes, we are very grateful, but it is not necessary to
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provide a little help there, 180 shells, 500 shots per day will almost provide. us with everything we need in order to simply outnumber the enemy and gain a great advantage there on the battlefield , to win the war in general, this equipment that is transferred, these projectiles that are transferred, we are very grateful for this, they help us a lot, but in that the amount in which it is transmitted, they do not decide, they decide on the battlefield, they do not give us an advantage, please tell us, here we are we are talking about the fact that the european union, for example, and from each of the countries, the army, eu member states were taken. these projectiles , including what borel stated, and we say that it is not enough, 180 thousand, in particular from your words we understand that if the european union as a whole does not have such stocks, these ammunition and weapons, then where do they come from to... it still remains in the russian federation, is it really like that there, you know, a bottomless, bottomless warehouse from which you can constantly draw and nothing ends there, no, why not there without there on
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the beginning of the war, well, a full-scale war, approximately they had shells of various calibers, 15-20 million, well, i understand that 5 million is a big difference, but they didn’t count more precisely, they already used it in these incomplete two years, so we have more than 12 million shells. so for a minute, what can their industry, their industry can produce approximately 1.5 million rounds of shells per year, that's about 4100 rounds per day, they still need more, they need at least twice as much for that , so that to carry out such powerful artillery attacks , to level everything there with the ground, that is, they are not very worried about the sharpness of the shots, it is important for them that they be nu... they simply fall asleep, where it flew, it flew there, they also do not have enough, that is why
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even the russian military-industrial complex is forced, forced to, if we talk about shells, to ask for help, it is called that from north korea, which also has a very large artillery, very big artillery component. they have about 50,000 barrel artillery, and this artillery is of the same caliber, not nato, but soviet, well, once upon a time it was still supplied from the soviet union, there are weapons, and shells, and both guns, and shells, and north korea has to help the russians somewhere, well, at least as much as the russian federation produces, should be brought in a year, that is , at least another 1.5 million, then the russians can keep it. that the power, well, the power of their attacks is somewhere up to 8-9,000 shots per day, in addition, in we literally have two minutes left here,
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i would like to discuss one more topic with you, right before the broadcast, serhii nai wrote in his telegram that the situation in chernihiv oblast and the entire northern operational zone is stable and controlled, but the most dangerous areas are actually being equipped as of now, the boundaries and positions of the first and second lines of defense. how exactly is the ukrainian side equipping you, how can you actually comment on it, how late is it really or not, and what can you say in this context, well, you know, late it's not too late, it's already a bit political, you can say evaluations, well, it's too late, what's next? that's all, let's sprinkle ashes on our heads, so many things have been done not as we would like , many things with a certain delay, well , let's talk about it after our victories... we will figure out who is to blame and who should bear some responsibility, while that we need to keep on the defensive, because as natalie gomyuniuk just said to me, that the enemy is trying to become more active along the entire
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front line, therefore, of course, in order to prevent for him to advance, to preserve the lives of our servicemen, so that we suffer minimal losses, we must build a powerhouse, then this is an important element, this is actually just an important element, then here there is no need to look for some other meaning, the second bottom is something else, just now the enemy is attacking . we need not just to pay for the infantry in the trenches, but to build more powerful fortifications, for this, of course, the engineering troops may have to work, and we would very much like, as the president said, to join private construction companies, which are billboards and advertising they are everywhere in all the big places that they are building very quickly and very well, well, come on, now you need to be on the front line, there is nothing complicated here, thank you very much, mr. oleksiy, for your analysis, for what you told me, what do you think about the actual questions and topics that you and i talked about, oleksiy hetman, military man. expert, guest of our broadcast. norway is one of the global leaders in
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supporting ukraine. volodymyr zelenskyi said this during a meeting with the country's prime minister. on the eve the ukrainian president arrived in oslo with an unannounced visit. the leaders discussed supporting the defense of ukraine, countering russia's attempts to block navigation in the black sea, protecting ukrainian settlements from russian attacks, as well as bilaterally. the norwegian prime minister announced the provision of almost 2 billion dollars in financial assistance to ukraine for additional air defense systems. also , the day before the ukraine-northern europe summit was held in oslo, the prime ministers of denmark, iceland, norway and sweden, the president of finland, confirmed the unwavering support of ukraine. during the press conference with the leaders, volodymyr zelenskyy spoke about the blocking of hungary and the beginning of negotiations regarding ukraine's accession to the european union. this is one of the very important topics that i raised with prime minister orbán, that we should talk, we should meet, we should solve any problems, i really don't
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see global problems, i don't... i don't see them , so we just need to meet and i showed him my positive attitude about it. the second where i think i was right and very direct. i told him very directly that in he has no reason to block ukraine's membership in the eu, and i asked him to give me one reason, not three, five or 10, give me one reason. i will add that since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine, the countries of northern europe have already provided about 11 billion euros in aid. the countries of northern europe also pro... continue to provide military assistance to ukraine within the framework of the contact group on the defense of ukraine. volodymyr fesenko, a political scientist, is currently joining our broadcast. good morning. good morning, i greet you. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for taking the time to join. zelensky's visit to norway now, how timely is this decision and what can it indicate? well, i think that this, this visit, it was agreed within
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such a general framework. logistics, because before that there was a visit to latin america and the usa, now there are very important events for ukraine, this is a meeting of the european council, and the ukrainian delegation will also work there, in fact it is a summit of the european union, where the issue of starting negotiations with ukraine on accession to eu, and also some other questions about aid to ukraine, and that's because it was in those days. a summit of the countries of northern europe was held in norway, i think that the country's leadership decided that it is quite logical and expedient to take part in the work of this summit, to hold the second ukraine-northern europe summit, and a visit to norway at the same time, that's why it's like this, i would said, the multi-purpose visit is also a sign of gratitude to norway and other northern countries for the huge help to ukraine, if we consider
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that it is about... small countries for population, the amount of aid , well, it is quite large, and it is both military and economic aid, and it was during this visit that new agreements were reached, in particular, norway provides us with a new package of both military and financial aid, as already mentioned, denmark announced a new aid package for ukraine in the amount and before that , finland announced a doubling of the production of artillery shells, so i think that these are concrete results of our active cooperation with the northern countries, and the fact that at this summit, in particular , you also showed the joint press conference of volodymyr zelenskyi with the leaders of the northern countries, it was declared about the unwavering support of ukraine, political and also, economic, military
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support of ukraine in the fight against russian aggression, i think this is also a significant political result, and the fact that this meeting took place on the eve of the european council meeting, not all northern countries are members of the european union, in particular , norway is not a member of the eu, although it really cooperates, but coordination with finland sweden and denmark before. the meeting of the european council is also important for us, so i think it is a very important visit for us and confirmation of systematic cooperation with the nordic countries. mr. volodymyr , i would like to ask you further, and what do you think, how do you assess the position and role of, for example, norway, denmark, sweden, finland, iceland, weighty in political and military issues in the context of not just those territories where they are actually located, as a whole, if we are talking about a world map or a separate
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continent, that is, how much. the word of these countries does it have political weight there, does it have military weight and so on? it certainly has, well, here are concrete examples, at one time a new stage of the european integration of ukraine began at the initiative of sweden and poland, this is the eastern partnership program, it was about 15 years ago, but here i am an example of how sweden was just one from the driving forces then activation. the process of european integration of ukraine, the search for new impulses, new formats of cooperation, and now all the countries of eastern and northern europe are actively supporting both the european and euro-atlantic integration of ukraine. every vote in this process is important for us, another important point is the general influence on european affairs.


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