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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2023 9:30am-10:00am EET

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a world map or a separate continent, i.e. to what extent does the word of these countries have political weight there, does it have military weight and so on? it certainly has, well, here are concrete examples, at one time a new stage of the european integration of ukraine began at the initiative of sweden and poland, this is the program of the eastern partnership, it was about 15 years ago, but here i am an example for you, how sweden is exactly... . was one of the driving forces at that time for the activation of the process of european integration of ukraine, the search for new impulses, new formats of cooperation, and now all countries eastern, all the countries of northern europe, they actively support the european and euro-atlantic integration of ukraine. every vote in this process is important for us, another important point is the general influence on european affairs. on security
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matters, the fact that now finland and sweden have decided to join nato, finland has already done so, there is still a certain blocking in sweden, but everyone hopes that the process should end soon, it changes the security map of europe, it strengthens the bloc nato, and gives us a new additional chance for, say yes. what we can do by example , just and possibly according to the same model that sweden joined with which finland joined, sweden can join, that we can also join nato. these are concrete examples of the influence of these countries. yes, it is perhaps less visible than the influence of the united states, the european union as a whole, or there in the european union, germany, france, or the influence of great britain, but when these... countries
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act together, and i would add the baltic countries to them, who actively coordinate their policy with them, one and a half minutes remain, and more there is an important question , i would like to ask you about it, the summit is starting today, in fact , at which it will be decided whether there will be negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union or not, as you have already mentioned, that every vote is important, please tell me how do you assess what can be decided at this summit in the end, because our correspondent in europe also talks about the fact that... only hungary there are certain comments, reservations, questions from the side of other countries as well, so what can be the result of this summit ? there are comments, the main problem is this hungary. remarks from other countries are rather those that are aimed at finding certain compromises, they are not rigid and absolute, as in the case of the position of the orbán government today, well, the most... option,
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unfortunately, is that the decision on the start of negotiations with ukraine, possibly with moldova as well, will be postponed to the next meeting of the european council, but i think that there will be compromises, in particular, there will be a decision on support, financial support for ukraine , macroeconomic support for ukraine for the next four years, or direct from of the european union, or it will be done to bypass the blocking of hungary. through individual european countries, but one way or another, the negotiations on , or rather, the promotion of the decision to start negotiations with ukraine on eu accession, i think that this decision will remain on the agenda, and pressure on hungary will continue, so i think that it is too early to do pessimistic conclusions, i think the process will continue. thank you very much, mr. volodymyr, for your analysis, volodymyr fsenko, political scientist, guest of our broadcast. the defense of marynka
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continues, statements about the alleged complete capture of the city by russian forces is an information dump and provocation. oleksandr tarnavskyi, commander of the operational-strategic grouping of tavria troops, stated this. the day before , a statement appeared on social networks that russian forces allegedly occupied the city. in particular , facebook user mykola voroshnov, who is called a ukrainian aerial scout, wrote that maryinka, i quote, fell. about the successes of the russian army in this city. russian military telegram channels also wrote, in particular ridovka once again reported on marinka's complete admiration. i note that this is already the third such statement in the russian public since the beginning of december. oleksandr shtupun, the spokesman of the united press center of the defense forces of the tavria region joins every minute of our broadcast. good morning. glory to ukraine. kudos to the heroes, thank you for participating. tell us about the situation in marinka. general ternavskyi denied claims about the capture of the settlement. what is happening there now? how
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intense are the fights? currently , the enemy is attacking in the mariinsky direction mainly near novomykhaivka and krasnohorivka. in mariintka , at the moment, let's say, active, active assault troops did not take action, please tell me what plans the russian army is setting for itself, what goal the russian army is setting for itself in the mari region, for example, by the end of the year, what they want to accomplish in this direction in order to show some success, well, first of all, take marinka for some of your political statements. that is, this is the main goal in this direction? well, i see that it is so. please tell us how many russian troops are currently in this direction, at least as far as possible tell and is there any regrouping in this area? i cannot
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speak at present about any number of troops. in total, more than 40,000 are operating on the avdiivskyi, for example, direction. maryinka, as of today, is one of the hottest sections of the front, but the situation in the maryansk direction in comparison with other directions is not so, shall we say, hot, as it is customary to say in expert circles, well, if we compare quantitatively, for example , during the past day in the ovdiyiv direction, the enemy conducted 57 combat clashes, on the maryansk direction is much less. and if, for example, the russian troops in the mariinsky direction will need reinforcements, where will they draw additional reserves from, or will they be conditionally newly mobilized military personnel, who , i don’t know, were called up to the military bases in the russian federation and after that they immediately signed contracts and will be to be sent
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to the front, because earlier on our air, in particular, in the skupyan direction , the military reported that literally there they meet among the russian military those who who there at the end of october, for example , only signed a contract. well, in fact, there is no big difference between newly mobilized and old mobilized, they are still reserves, these people at least somehow know how to shoot, the fact that they are not oriented to the terrain somewhere, but currently vorokh, unfortunately, has a large human resource, which he drives on our positions, they are destroying them by the hundreds, but for some reason they are moving forward, let's dwell on the situation in the avdiiv direction, you already mentioned today how many russian troops are concentrated, in particular on what is happening now, how active the assaults are and what can be said,
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the enemy continues to use infantry units very actively, the fact that the activity of aviation has somewhat decreased, it was recorded in a day. for four airstrikes, but the enemy in general in osuvtavria, in the operational zone of osuvtavria , conducted 82 combat engagements, and 57 of them were precisely in the avdiiv direction, that is, they are trying to attack from different sides, the day before yesterday it was 400 people, that is, you see the statistics, infantry, infantry are dying , the enemy started with slightly less equipment apply, but near new ones... for example, several dozen armored vehicles were destroyed there in two days. i thank you very much, mr. oleksandr, for enabling. oleksandr shtupun, the spokesman of the joint press center of the defense forces of the tavri direction about the situation in the maryan and avdiiv directions, in particular we spoke. i thank every viewer
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who is currently with us in this broadcast, in particular those who watch us on the youtube channel of radio liberty, as well as those viewers who follow us on the air of the espresso tv channel. in the comments under you you can write the topics that interest you, and maybe this topic will become the topic of our next broadcasts, well, further on in our program, that is, don't miss today. protection of the largest ukrainian mobile operator kyivstar, hackers hacked through the account of one of the employees. this is stated by the company's management, how it happened and when kyivstar will fully restore communication. due to the flooding of the kyiv subway, the capital's law enforcement officers. searches both in the subway itself and in the structural units of kyiv city state the administration, what they are looking for and what they managed to find, we will talk about this further, and in the comments, in addition, write to us about whether you can already make calls, in particular with the help of the kyivstar mobile operator, what
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services have been restored, what has not been restored, well , be sure to indicate the region from where you watch us, it's interesting to understand what the audience of radio liberty is, to the important ones. from the capital, due to the forced shutdown of several metro stations, the police conducted investigative actions in the kyiv metro, metro building and structural units kyiv city state administration. about this... the law enforcement officers reported on the official telegram page. it was noted there that simultaneous searches took place within the framework of criminal proceedings for the qualification of official negligence. according to the department, the purpose of the investigation is to check the presence of miscalculations at the design stages of the construction and operation of certain sections of the subway, as well as to establish the responsible persons, as a result of whose actions the depressurization and flooding of the subway tunnel occurred, the message says. but in the prosecutor general's office announced about... the inspection by experts of the distillation tunnel between the demiivska and lebytska metro stations of kyiv. based on
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the results of the inspection, experts measured cracks in tunnel structures and vaults. i would like to remind you that almost a week ago, the kmda announced the suspension of metro trains at six stations for approximately six months. the local authorities explained that there was a risk of losing the stability of the tunnel structures. closed stations will only operate as a shelter during an air alert. about the beginning of the pre-trial the investigation into the fact of official negligence, which caused serious consequences, was also reported in the kyiv prosecutor's office. olena berezhna, spokeswoman for the national police of ukraine, joins our broadcast. my greetings to you. good morning. tell me, please, what is the news, actually in the criminal proceedings regarding the flooding of the subway and those actions that are being carried out by the investigators, what is known as of this moment? in fact, you have covered almost all the information. which is currently available, because it was actually started after the inspection of the tunnels by specialists
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criminal proceedings, within the framework of these proceedings, investigative actions were carried out, direct searches were carried out, in the specified institutions, were seized by police investigators by the metro under the procedural guidance of the podilska prosecutor's office, and the estimated documentation, official documentation, project documentation, inspection reports were seized. tunnel constructions, non -performance contracts, construction expertise and inspection of tunnels by specialists will now be appointed. construction expertise will be conducted at the institute's national research center forensic examinations, based on the results of which a decision will already be made, further decisions will be made. let's talk more about the searches, what was searched for and what was found in the subway, as well as individual subdivisions of the kmda. what they were looking for, they found, i will repeat once more. plus official design and estimate documentation, reports of inspection of tunnel structures and contracts
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for the performance of works were seized, because all these materials are in the materials of the pre-trial investigation, and it will be established from them who accepted these works, who put them into operation, what terms their use, what the load is, and they will be directed to carry out an examination, the appropriate experts of the national scientific center of the institute of forensic examinations will be involved, and it will be determined there... what caused the depressurization of the tunnel, who is to blame and who should bear responsibility? i understand correctly, it is about certain departments that accepted this estimated project documentation there, approved it, that is, it is not about the structure as a whole, but only about individual units that took part in it? of course, responsible persons, responsible units in each structural unit, in each institution. please also tell about how in these structural divisions of the kmda and in the metropolis. the shadows relate to inspections, to searches, they cooperated, as it is usually
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called, they did not, but in this context, it is also an important moment, well, there were no crisis moments, or there was no special cause of opposition to the law enforcement officers, because the day before the investigative actions were carried out an inspection was carried out, these same cracked ones were installed, about which the prosecutor's office notes, and after that investigative actions were carried out, searches were carried out directly due to which this documentation was seized , how long the examinations can actually last in order to conduct a thorough analysis and have reliable data that is important for the investigation, so that conditionally then transfer the case to all other institutions, since usually these procedures can take time, and they can take different time depending on the complexity of the implementation, and it is better, let the experts comment on their workload and speed review material. which are inferior to them, it may be a different time, so we are waiting,
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i thank you, thank you very much, ms. elena, for joining our broadcast, talking about these searches, and about the actual proceedings that the capital's law enforcement officers are currently engaged in , olena berezhina, spokeswoman of the national police of ukraine, a guest of our broadcast, we talked about the situation with the kyiv metro and the cases that the law enforcement officers have started to find out who is to blame for what happened . the kyivstar company is official announced the beginning of the restoration of communication for its subscribers. the previous evening , the operator announced that it was starting to connect voice communication and other services. connection will happen gradually, you will be able to send messages later. the company also promised compensation to all those who could not use the services of kyivstar. in addition, the company's president oleksandr komarov said on the air of the novyn national telethon that the account of one of the employees was compromised. for him in words, this attack broke through the defense and attackers were able to get inside
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the infrastructure. according to komarov, the example of kyivstar shows that even the most protected systems can be. impressed, he also added that to the question of techno, it is not a question of technology, but rather a question of the fact that in any organization, in any place , there can be people who conditionally guide russian missiles or give their passwords, it was a direct quote. for more than a day, starting from the morning of december 12, kyivstar subscribers were without communication. earlier it was reported that the attack carried out by the russian group sontsepiok. it took responsibility for it. according to the security service of ukraine, sontsepiok is close to the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of the russian federation. and iryna alelchenko, the press secretary of the kyivstar company, joins us at this moment. my greetings to you. good day. thank you for joining. well, we'll have a lot to talk about, actually. i understand that a lot has already been said, but this is a topic that people really care about. please tell me, as of
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now, how much in percentage terms ratios, if there is such data, we can talk about the restoration of kyivstar services and... what kind of services are we talking about? yes, i 'll tell you briefly what happened. on december 12 , the kyivstar company and the company's telecom network became the target of the largest and most extensive attack, not just during the war, but in the history of telecom, global telecom. nowhere in the world has a mobile communications operator, which serves more than 20.4 million mobile subscribers and more than 1 million fixed-line subscribers, ever been so powerfully attacked. purpose, purpose this attack made it impossible to operate the largest telecom network so that people could not use the connection. here i am asked why it is kyivstar and not other companies, because kyivstar is the largest telecom
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infrastructure and the largest number of subscribers, and of course, if... 24 million ukrainians suddenly lose their connection, they will go to other companies, will buy sim cards of other operators, register in other networks, and thus overload other networks, so that the base stations of other operators will not be able to work, and the systems will fail, that is, this was the calculation, and i am very happy that our specialists for... well, i can't say that they completely coped with this situation, but the situation began to improve, as of 6 o'clock in the evening, on december 12, they managed to restore fixed line and home internet services, although not 100%, but for most subscribers, and from yesterday at 6 o'clock in the morning,
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mobile voice communication began to be turned on throughout ukraine. the connection is working now, i believe that somewhere around 90 percent or more of the network's subscribers have normal communication difficulties there are still some, and the company's specialists quickly overcome them, because it is technically very difficult to simultaneously capture and save a connection during such a large-scale attack, it is actually an important point, it is clear that you and i are not specialists, we are not those who restores this connection precisely by specialists in this field, but in simple... language, how difficult is it really to restore the process of ensuring that all those services that the company, in particular yours, provided earlier, could be provided now and of high quality after such a large-scale attack, about which stated, i.e. how difficult is it in the context of the events that took place that the experts explain to you? i, i, yes, i, i understood, i how the work is progressing, and it is very, it is very
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difficult, because the target of the attacks was absolutely all and... information systems, and some systems to make them work now for our specialists and service providers , software vendors such as microsoft, chisco, ericson have to install almost from scratch to ensure that there are no traces of a hostile attack, after restoration of voice services of voice communication. which are critical for all subscribers, our specialists started restoring sms and mobile data services, as well as uro services. mingu and i hope that already today there will be some positive news and positive developments in this direction, we thank the subscribers very much for
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their patience, for the fact that they gave us such a credit of trust, our specialists tried to do everything to return quartz services during the day, and now, now these services, voice services are now working. we are working to restore all other services, the process is difficult, but we will get through it. let 's stop at the investigation and the security service of ukraine started proceedings, the management of your company stated that it provides all the necessary information and contacted all relevant institutions that should investigate this incident. what is the official position of the company, and is it possible that there is some news from the investigation that can already be announced, which has not yet been in the public space, for example. i i want to say that telecommunication companies. are a big target for cyberattacks around the world because they create and operate critical infrastructure that is widely
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used for communication and to store large amounts of data, this is confidential data, and therefore because of this and a telecom telecommunications companies are at risk, fortunately , fortunately we... kept confidential personal data intact, hackers did not get it, subscribers' personal data was not compromised. the security service of ukraine is currently helping us a lot to deal with the situation elimination of the consequences of a hacker attack. literally from the first hours, as soon as our, our, as soon as the company notified the security service about this situation, security service specialists. joined the work and we still closely cooperate with them, and as you know, the security service has opened eight criminal proceedings under various articles of the criminal
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penal code for a cyber attack on the kyivstar network, various versions are now being studied, researched, considered, but of course until the end of the investigation, so far we can't say anything, let them say... let them specialists who are currently working with this problem will have their say, well, there is one point that i would like to clarify with you, from what the company management said, it is said that the hackers managed to break the protection through the account of one of the employees the company, is there an understanding within the company itself, internally, perhaps, will there be an internal check on whose account this could have happened, it is the central office, it is an employee, i don't know the regional. office, it's just an employee store of your company, in which today there will be a separate internal investigation, this is a complex process, such and such investigations
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, which are carried out not only, not only by specialists of kyivstar, but also by specialists of relevant structures, the state security service, in general, the company has developed very strict algorithms for access to confidential data, access to networks and passwords, and of course. if, if it is the fault of one of the probes, it will be revealed very quickly, that's the process now, it's ongoing, but i can't say specifically what, what and how, so that this is a question of internal investigation and a question of security, i.e. internal as it will be, mrs. iryna, and one more clarification, you probably have internal meetings there as well, all employees, for the example of your company, will pass which one from now on? additional training in cyber security or some additional verification, i.e. within the company, and we already talked with you today about the fact that we are talking about serving 24 million subscribers and even more, and this is
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a very large percentage in terms of the population of ukraine, there will be some strengthening possible internal training on cyber security for employees, some additional checks, so how does the company plan to move forward in this direction? i want to say that this case will be an example for investigation, study and implementation. additional protective measures not only for ukraine, not only for kyivstar, but also for the global telecom market, because currently our vendors, software providers, such as microsoft and chisco, are studying this case in order to draw conclusions and implement algorithms work and solutions to such situations in other telecom markets, and of course, in our... company , cyber security training takes place regularly every month, but of course everything will be reviewed on the basis of this case, stricter measures will be introduced and more...
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strict controls for to make such a situation impossible, and ms. irina, i am still there and we literally do not have much time, but there are still two issues that i would like to dwell on. already they write about the compensations that kyivstar issues to its subscribers, in the context of these compensations, what kind of compensations can be in the future and when they can start after the connection is actually fully restored, as far as i understand, thank you, thank you. that you raised this issue, there will definitely be compensations for subscribers, these will be substantial compensations, but now our main task is to stabilize the operation of the network, launch all the services that subscribers should receive, and only after that we will move on to compensation, and i strongly ask subscribers not to fall prey to scammers and to wait for official information from the company and trust
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only it, no no... do not believe the information of scammers from various telegram channels who ask you to register with us and you will receive compensation, this not so, the official information on this matter will be only from the operator, less than a minute of time and an important question, you yourself said that kyivstar serves a huge number of subscribers and that if the infrastructure was hit specifically at the kstar company for the protection of your company, this could affect other subscribers and network congestion. because people will start buying sim cards of other subscribers. how many sim-cards were purchased, if such information is available, how much was actually overloaded and on other networks, if we will not name mobile operators now, we will analyze the situation in general. yes, we have seen information from our colleagues in the market, who wrote what, who said that they have overloads, difficulties arise, due to the fact that a large number of subscribers register, it is clear, people want to be
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with connection yes, everyone would do that, but now the situation has already stabilized, which is why we are very happy, and i hope that it will continue to stabilize, it will be better, better and better. thank you, mrs. iryna, for informing iryna lilchenko, press secretary of the kyivstar company, about when internet communication services will be restored in general, there is already hope that this will happen by today evening, at least such news is also hoped for in the press service of kyivstar, and the media, in particular radio svoboda. inform our viewers about it, thanks to everyone who was with us , this is the svoboda ranok project, my name is oleg galiv , traditionally at 9 o'clock every morning we meet with you in order to inform you about the most important events that are taking place, in particular about the events at the front, this is one of the most important topics, when we talk about ukraine, subscribe to our networks, in particular , social networks and subscribe to our youtube, take care and we will meet with you tomorrow.
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news time on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. all but one, ukrainian defenders destroyed 40. one at night enemy rockets, most of them in the sky over odeshchyna, the air force reported. there they noticed that the russians started attacking us with drones since 7 p.m. the previous day. the launches were carried out in waves from three directions from the temporarily occupied crimea and primorsky akhtarsk. a total of 42 attack drones were launched. the occupiers also fired six
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s-300 anti-aircraft guided missiles in the direction of southern ukraine. one person died, one more.


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