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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2023 9:30pm-10:00pm EET

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greetings, friends, the live broadcast of the espresso tv channel continues with the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko. today is a historic day, the leaders of the european union have decided to start major negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union. today in the program. summit of the european union. talk about the accession and support of our state, what are the realities and prospects of ukraine's european integration. orban at the eu summit, has the hungarian leader's position on ukraine changed and will it be possible to finally convince hungary? europe should prepare for war, russia's aggressive position increases, how to counteract it? throughout this program, we conduct surveys and ask you not about prospects. of ukraine in
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the european union, because we see that we are already entering the finish line, a long finish line, which will consist of negotiations with 20 other members of the european union. we are asking you whether you support ukraine's accession to nato, because this will obviously be the next stage of the ukrainian state in relations and negotiations with the european union and with the countries of the european union, including the countries of europe. if you think that... ukraine has to join nato. vote on 0800 211381, not 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. today, the people's deputies of ukraine, andriy osachuk from the voice faction, are guests of verdict. mr. andriy, i congratulate you and i am glad to see you on our air. and mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine. from
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european solidarity, mr. mykola, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you on our air, congratulations, the internet is not very good, here in the hotel, but i hope you can see me, we see, we hear, and therefore we will ask you about how in warsaw, in poland in general , the decision of the leaders of the european union regarding the start of negotiations with the ukrainian state is perceived, what do polish politicians say?
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hope, everyone says that the problems that we all support our membership, everyone has had for the last two months ro quickly, and further, mr. mykola, we have a very bad connection, now we will redial you and ... and let's talk, i congratulate andrii sotchuk, people's deputy of ukraine from the voice, mr. andrii, i congratulate you and i am glad you see on our air. good evening, serhiy, i'm sorry that we also have problems and yesterday and today there was a connection, but probably not only in us, in all of ukraine, but thanks to the efforts of many, we can hear and see each other. good evening. thank god that we can see and hear. mr. andriy, today the leaders of the european union made a historic decision regarding the start of negotiations. with ukraine and moldova, and
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our path, the long path to the european union begins with negotiations with 207 countries of the european union, what do you say about the path that lies ahead lies before us, because viktor orbán with his special opinion, as he was, will remain in the european union. well, look, let's give a few, probably key points that i would like to say on this really historic day. first of all,... well, for me personally, the decision was quite expected, i was looking at my notes now and more than two weeks ago on several broadcasts, i remember we talked with the guys in ukrainian pravda, i claimed that the decision was sooner everything will be accepted, because it is primarily political, it is symbolic, it is first of all important for the european union in order to show the european union itself who they are, what values ​​they profess, because after all they are trying to be not eh...
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representatives of such real politics but the recently deceased kissinger, after all , politicians who meet clearly defined standards of democracy. standard of the value of human life, human rights and so on, and of course, it is no less important to understand that this decision is first of all won by the ukrainian people and won by the armed forces of ukraine, to a much greater extent than anyone might think, that this is an achievement of ukrainian diplomacy. by and large, yes, we have worked fruitfully in the verkhovna rada for the last year, year and a half, and there was no division into coalition, opposition, everyone. we worked together on european laws, on those projects that our partners demanded from us, well, without exaggeration, but if there wasn't that frantic resistance at the front, if there wasn't that unity of the ukrainian people that
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europe saw, europe valued and europe couldn't believe your eyes that such a thing happens and can happen in the modern world, there would be no such solution, that is why this is a first priority solution... a solution that was won by the ukrainian people during 21 months of a large-scale invasion, but if you dig a little further, it is also important remember, everyone for some reason now, i looked at the comments a little bit, they measure it as a ten-year period from the maidan of 2013, but dear friends, well, i understand that time is passing, a new generation has already grown up, but the orange maidan was actually the start of the struggle, the start of the battle. for the european choice of the ukrainian people, that is, it actually took us 20 years, 19, to be correct, in order for us to come from a period of endless conversations, protests, conflicts, both within ukraine and ukraine with the outside
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world, in order for this decision to be adopted, but less so, it is definitely a historical moment, and it is a moment of historical choice. of europe and europe with ukraine, and it is extremely important that this is another slap in the face to putin, as it was, today there was a press conference of its own, trying to assert once again the the greatness of its last empire, and of course for the european union, it was fundamentally important for the leaders of europe to show this outlier where it is on the modern map of the world, so from all sides, how can you look at... all the certain operational defects that we had in different periods, it is an outstanding day, an outstanding event, an outstanding decision, but the last phrase is the beginning of an extremely long and difficult path, you know how in professional competitions you have to train for a long time in order to
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be qualified for the right to participate in competitions, and whether you win or not is a completely different question, that is, thank god they qualified us, they decided to talk to us as... equals, on equal terms, but i think it will take years until we manage to bring this whole story to a logical conclusion , so there will be a lot of work. thank you, mr. andriy, mr. mykola, i hope that now the communication is much better, sorry, no, we did not fully hear how polish politicians perceived in warsaw, how they perceived the beginning of these great negotiations and the decisions of the leaders of the european union, if possible. be please repeat for our viewers. well, it was received extremely positively. just today we had a meeting with president andrzej duda, we had a meeting with the speaker of the senate, a short
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-haired blonde, and everyone was obviously convinced of our european prospects, everyone was convinced that very quickly the temporary problems we have with poland will be solved, they are already being solved. we said in the senate that polish politicians can help us in european integration, because european integration is a complex process, it the process of negotiations on various areas , on agriculture, on local self-government, on democracy, on the basic principles of democracy, on culture in the end, and in order to prepare and negotiate with all countries, it will take many years to adapt our legislation. some actually say it's a decade. optimists in poland believe that by 2030 we can become full members of the european union. union, i am even more optimistic, i believe that everything is in our hands, we can achieve it even faster, but obviously it will not happen overnight and it will require a lot of work from us and building really allied relations with other countries that are members of the european union. and what do you think, this is the position that
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viktor orban took and takes, obviously, he has not given up his position regarding the fact that ukraine has no place in the european union. because there are a lot of questions for ukraine, it does not fulfill its obligations, seven, three or four positions out of seven have been fulfilled, and that in fact ukraine is not ready for this big thing. negotiation process, and orbán's advisor has already said that listen, there will be more negotiations, there will be more, that is, and in fact what happened today is not an indicator that ukraine will reach the final stage, when ukraine will be accepted into the european union, how can you explain that , what is happening with orban, because orban already represents the voters in principle, because a unanimous vote is required to make a decision, he left, therefore. but those who remained voted unanimously, so of course what happened was what
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was supposed to happen, what everyone predicted, he did not was able to block this process, because it is simply much more dependent on the european union, and than on russia, and on other factors, because of which it could not actually disrupt this process, that is, it could, but the european union, the largest countries made every effort, so that this does not happen, mr. andriy, the fact that ukraine, moldova and georgia are among those countries that have the prospect of membership in the european union, because georgia received candidate status for joining the european union, moldova also opened the door for negotiations with countries of the european union, does this mean that this whole story with putin, who tried to keep the post-soviet countries in the orbit of his influence, that today he was simply given a clear understanding that this will not happen and what... he aspired to will also not happen, because membership in the european union sooner or later
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will lead to the membership in the north atlantic alliance of georgia, moldova and ukraine. well, look, there's no need to rush here. i would also like to celebrate some final victories, but as i said, we only qualified for the serious competitions, you still need to perform well in them, and for this you need to work hard. their efforts. the fact that moldova was qualified together with us, i think it's good. the fact that georgia was granted candidate status, i think it is also good, despite the fundamental political differences that we have now with georgia, which is heavily influenced by the russian federation, but yes, this decision was also and is itself super political. because it clearly repels vladimir putin's encroachment on some of his... pretended fantasy rights to the post-soviet territory, if you can say so
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countries that were formerly part of the soviet union or were under the influence of the soviet union. at the same time, returning to orban, i think that the problem of orban is to a much greater extent the problem of the european union itself than the problem of ukraine, moldova or georgia in the process of our negotiations, because after all, the modern ... union is about values , it's about principles. yes, of course, the economy is important, yes, all politicians are pragmatic, but after all, buchu, irpin, mariupol, izyum, no one can forget and forgive. this is completely unacceptable. if suddenly there is a leader in the european union who quite frankly begins to play on the side of not just an aggressor against ukraine, on the side of just some devil who... represents completely different dimensions of civilization, then, i'm sorry, this is a problem, first of all
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, of the european union itself, therefore, i think that there will be several complex processes going on in parallel, on the one hand we, on our track moldova, there later, georgia will conduct negotiations on membership, but in parallel, i think, there will be very difficult talks about the reform of the european union, which obviously needs changes, because such difficult decisions are to be made every time. as today due to the persuasion of a person who obviously plays against all standards and principles of the eu, it is absolutely unacceptable, if allowed, the last thesis is important, being all, we are all now satisfied with this decision, we must remember that for us no less important there is the adoption of an aid package worth 50 billion euros for the next four years, which should be adopted tomorrow, because the decision on... says, this is an important political decision, and it is not, but this decision it is very difficult to fight off the moscow
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invaders. we need resources, we need weapons, and it's all in the package that will be discussed tomorrow, so the confrontation and orbán's game is far from over. let's watch how tomorrow will end , which is no less, and maybe from a tactical point of view, maybe even more important for ukraine in today's war. thank you, mr. andriy, gentlemen, we have to take a short break, we will return to our broadcast in a minute. usual affairs become unreal, heavy bags, not for me for a sore back, from back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with cream dolgit, what you want i will lift. dollheit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. ask at pharmacies, we wish you health, and your family's pharmacy, dollheit cream 150 g with
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we ask you the following: do you support ukraine's accession to nato? yes, no, if you support the accession of ukraine. you can call nato on 0800 211381 or 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we let's sum up the results of this vote. today, our guests in our studio are people's deputies of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi and andriy osadchuk. since mykola kniazycki is currently in poland, it is interesting to hear from you, mr. mykola. what do the poles say about the blocking of the border, because information has appeared again that since december 18, some polish carriers have applied to block the ukrainian border and, in particular , the yagodyn dorogutsk checkpoint, and again the question arises, what to do with all this?
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considering that the western border is an important window for ukraine during the russian. of the ukrainian war in the absence of air transport and port transport? mr. mykola, can you hear us? i don't know if you can hear me, mr. sergey? yes, yes, we hear, please speak, can you hear me now? yes yes yes. yes, well, look, different assessments are given, there are politicians who claim that this issue will be completely resolved by. weeks, there are even such responsible persons who say that this issue will be resolved in hours, unequivocally tustok's government has a desire to solve this issue, it consists of two levels, on the one hand, it is a security issue, because the people who block these roads, they harm the national security of ukraine and poland, and on the other hand, it is partly a question relations between our governments,
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negotiations must be held, and the interests of these polish carriers must be protected, but obviously not in a way that somehow... harms the interests of ukrainian carriers, or the existence of this road of solidarity, which was not built so that we something economically earned, and in order for us to have access to european markets, for us to receive weapons, humanitarian aid, for our enterprises to work, everyone understands that this blockade harms the polish economy, because imports from poland increased by 25%, by 25% to ukraine, and we are the eighth country that purchases polish products among all existing countries. so we were all assured here that this issue will be resolved very quickly, and we must remember who initiated it, the confederation party supported it and supports it, and its leader in the parliament yesterday, this and the person who broke off the fire extinguisher and poured the fire extinguisher over minora, the jewish symbol that stands in the parliament in honor of the hanukkah holiday, who is immediately accused of anti-semitism and fascism, these are
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the same people who proclaim fascist slogans, who have a minority in the polish parliament, they are there 7%, that's why they support it, all the others are obviously against it, while the election campaign was going on for two months, politicians were afraid to interfere in it, but now it is over and everyone is interested in it being resolved quickly and for us... what is this will be done, maybe even in the coming hours or days, we will see it, at least i made every effort for this, as co-chairman of the ukrainian-polish interparliamentary group, and publications in the polish press, and numerous talks with polish officials, and today i talked about it with everyone , and everyone promised that this matter will be resolved quickly, that is, the situation will change with the arrival of donald tusk's government, and well, at least there will be no such dead ends, i understand correctly, well, no... it won't be that simple, because the polish government is not the ukrainian one government, this after all, the polish government, it is necessary to hold talks, but obviously such violations of the law , which were committed by the blockaders, harming
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the national security of ukraine and poland too, this will obviously not happen again, it will be stopped, and negotiations on economic and economic relations will not be conducted. thank you, mr. andriy, what do you think will be the biggest problems in the negotiations, about this negotiation process, which is now underway. with the countries of the european union, because there are at least several rounds of negotiations with 20 seven countries that are part of the european union, and obviously, obviously, already some countries, including hungary and slovakia, have already declared that they have certain questions regarding ukraine. well, i promise you that everyone will have questions about ukraine, because , putting aside all the emotions, all the empathy of many european countries, european politicians towards the warring ukraine, negotiations on joining the european union are, first of all, negotiations about money, everyone will protect their interests,
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and the story with polish carriers is vivid, so an example, although i think there all this happened not without russia, and it would be good if tusk's government not only economically settles and negotiates this issue, it would be good to conduct an investigation there with the participation of polish special services, because i think... this is a matter of poland's national security, first of all, although ukraine too, because if there are any scoundrels who are capable of such operations, then this issue is generally polish, they need to understand this very well, but less so, returning to our negotiations, there is no doubt that all negotiations will be difficult , i'm not with you agree that you said multiple rounds in your question, these rounds can be huge. number with each country , and you know, here i am talking to you now and i think that, no matter how strange it may seem to some, the biggest potential problem of all these
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complex and long-lasting processes may be the institutional capacity of ukraine, our institutions, to conduct these negotiations and implement all interim decisions, all necessary documents, all reports, this is a huge amount of information, unfortunately, in recent... years we witnessed the degradation of state institutions, this is what i have been constantly talking about for the fifth year working in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and it is not a general accusation, it is what everyone sees, especially those who work directly with ukrainian ministries , departments, state agencies, and this is precisely the negotiation process with the european union and is the work of state bureaucrats, we need a bunch of people who know english, french, and german very well, who understand all these details of european realities, european legislation, and even looking around the city of kyiv, i don't see many such people, so
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i think it is critically important for us now that this government we have, we have no other, once again return to the issue of strengthening the ukrainian civil service, not to stigmatize them in the last words, as sometimes some activists like to call them bureaucrats there, some kind of powerful people who steal a third of everything , but to understand that the state of ukraine rests on the civil service workers, and the negotiation process will be maintained. we need to learn to involve in the ministry and departments of high-quality, young and preferably also experienced people who will be able to bear this entire difficult negotiation process on their shoulders, in their hands. thank you, mr. andriy, mr. mykola, you wanted to add something , i did... or i had a special opinion, so two things, first, regarding the threat to security and the fact that this is a russian provocation, of course everyone in poland understands this, the investigation is already began to conduct, the new government has already begun to conduct this
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investigation. regarding european integration, we just agreed with ms. marschalk of the senate that that we will restore effective inter-parliamentary diplomacy. unfortunately, the ukrainian authorities do not always understand the importance of this diplomacy , but i hope that such an understanding will come, and we were just talking about the fact that the senate is where experienced polish politicians who had the experience of conducting negotiations when poland joined the european union, and the ukrainian parliament will form joint groups, which together with the bodies of the executive power. will plan and assist in conducting this negotiation and developing ukraine's position. our position, between others, very often has to agree with the position of poland, because poland is our closest neighbor, and poland can suffer from competition with us, or can, on the contrary, win, and we must do this so that both ukraine and poland win when they join the european union, ukraine when he joins and so we agreed on such joint groups, as we agreed that now in the new parliament a group of inter-parliamentary relations with
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ukraine will be formed, which will, i hope, work on... much more effectively than everything was before, at least very many deputies there was recorded, and we will have to do everything together and use the help of those hundreds of qualified polish experts who have experience in negotiations on poland's accession to the european union, who are absolutely interested in conducting this together with ukrainian specialists and helping ukraine. thank you, thank you gentlemen for participating in the program, mykola knyazhytskyi andriy osadchuk were guests of our program today. friends, during our broadcast , we spent we asked you about whether you support ukraine's accession to nato, what say our tv viewers, because we conducted a poll on tv, 95% say they support it, 5% do not . we also conduct a survey on the youtube channel, here it is approximately the same ratio, 94% say that they support ukraine's accession to nato, 6% do not...
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support. friends, if you watch us on youtube or facebook, please like and subscribe to our pages on these platforms, because it is very important to us that our videos are trending on both youtube and facebook. and of course, read ours news on the espresso tv website. the most up-to-date information is available on our website, it is news of ukraine, the world, the economy, as well as front -line news, everything is available on our espresso tv website. on this, friends, i will bet. full stop in our next program, the verdict will be diplomat valery chaly, we will discuss with them, with him, absolutely all the details and nuances of ukraine's accession to the european union, and of this great negotiation process that ukraine must go through on the way to the european union. with that, i say goodbye to you, this was the verdictor and serhii program rudenko, goodbye.
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my congratulations, this is svoboda live, we have a special live broadcast, because of the events, historical events that took place at the summit in brussels, well, it is about the fact that the leaders of the european union today supported the start of negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu. a corresponding decision was also made regarding moldova, and georgia received the status of a candidate member of the eu. well, of course we will return to ukraine. my colleague zaryana stepanenko in brussels has been following all the time what is happening there, as soon as in a couple of minutes she will join our broadcast and tell we live everything that happens there. well, for now i will remind you that the forecasts regarding the adoption of the relevant decision were not particularly good.


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