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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2023 10:30pm-11:00pm EET

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today there he gave and emphasized that his goals of denazification and demilitarization of ukraine, they have not changed at all, i believe that it should be read as the genocide of ukrainians continues to be a priority for the russian dictator, i would like these calls, or calls rather, our partners heard and realized that if ukraine does not manage to resist, then they will be forced to... fight, struggle, die, ah, because putin will not stop only on the territory of our country. heard, ms. ivan, thank you very much for joining the broadcast, ivanna klympush censad for the people's deputy from european solidarity and the head of the committee on european integration was in touch with us. thank you. well, we are going further and just now another people's deputy of ukraine, maria mezyntseva from the servant of the people faction, is joining our broadcast. deputy head
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of the committee on the integration of ukraine with the eu, head of the delegation of ukraine to paris, maria, my congratulations and welcome the news, it's incredible, we're just in paris, we are greeted by the head of the european integration committee of the national assembly of france right now at the meeting, colleagues from finland, latvia, lithuania, estonia, germany, we are all here in a par, 46 countries, you know, it's like a second birthday, i don't have time to answer. give by sms. indeed, the president surprised us on the fourth day of a full-scale invasion. at that time, we were all puzzled by the decision to submit the application, which in the historical photo was supported by verkhovna rada speaker ruslan stepanchuk and prime minister shmyhal. you know, at that time it was not believed that six months after that we would become a candidate, and after some time let's start official negotiations. none of them did that. of the 27 member states of the eu
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, today is truly a historic day, i congratulate all ukrainians, from all directions, business, humanitarian direction, medical direction, and especially, especially, especially, dear defense forces, today is also your day, you are in the trenches, in coldly, you are fighting against the second army of the world in terms of numbers, but... definitely not in terms of values, they are second, they are at the very end, and it is you who prove what democracy is, what freedom of speech is, what human rights are, all that was laid eyes founders 70 plus years ago, it was you who managed to make it so that today has come, i think, direct financial military aid to the eu, which is also a historic decision, this has not happened in 74 years for anyone.
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a third country, but i'm sorry, we, i legally remain in the field of european integration, we are still a third country, yes, a partner country, but on the way to membership, congratulations moldova, aid has not yet been approved, maria, another 50 mi, i say about military aid, it has already been approved and is already going for the 20th month, everything is fine, but look, i made some predictions, i was put under such pressure in various broadcasts, well, what do you guarantee, well, look, 50 billion each, i also have positive news from brussels, because the funds for hungary were unfrozen, because a lot of things were satisfied, which remain behind the scenes, which are not discussed in the ethers, i think that the real appeal of the president and the work of diplomacy and the profile office were important. mrs.
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stefanishyna and the people's deputies, and i want to appeal to the people's deputies, dear colleagues, please join the of the european integration committee , we are seven people's deputies who work on 95% of the legislation of ukraine, because everything is european integration, the food we eat, the trains that move, the planes that, well, we hope, on victory day, will fly according to the new rules that we did with aviabezviz. ah , it concerns education, it concerns media, yes, the law on media was one of the conditions of entry, therefore it is very important for us to expand our capacity in the verkhovna rada itself, because there will be much more work, well, actually about work, about work, who is still waiting for how many years this process can take, and we are talking because mrs. ivanna says that it is seven years on average, and i would really like to not go beyond this figure, what is
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your forecast, and i have a different forecast, and you know, i started my career precisely by working in the european parliament exactly 11 years ago, exactly on these dates, and then i said that we... will become fully european integrated, we will become a member country in 20 years, well it was 10, 11 years ago, i now have a slightly different prognosis, it is shorter and i think in cycles political, in may of next year there will be elections to the european parliament, the european commission , i.e. the government, and this cycle lasts 5 years, and the mandate, i believe that in 2009 ukrainians will be able to... to the european institutions, that is, we will have, for example, a commissioner on enlargement, we will then decide how to expand the eu and according to what rules, or we will have one of the largest delegations, and for this the quota is based on the population, so i am sure and believe
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that ukrainians will return home, and it is very important, in which what is the status of the lands, sorry it sounds so strange, what is the status of the lands of the territory? let's integrate into europe, it's very important, of course , that these are our sovereign borders, and the borders of 91, as the supreme commander points out, and the commander-in-chief and the defense forces are trying to do everything to make it happen, heard, maria, thank you very much, congratulations again, thank you for joining the broadcast, maria mezyntseva, a people's deputy from the servant of the people faction, was in direct contact with us, let's move on, and just such a marathon of inclusions, just now valery chala, extremely. the plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine joins the broadcast, mr. valery, my greetings, good evening, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, hero glory, how do you like the news from brussels, did you share the forecasts of 20-30%, which mostly went around the sidelines of brussels regarding the adoption of a decision on ukraine? well, i mostly
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don't make predictions, but it is true that the expectations were more pessimistic, especially in blussel, and i want to congratulate ursha fonderline, congratulate mr. michel and everyone involved in brussels, that they found a political solution, well, what is this solution, in the first place i am considering it, you had many comments that were so happy about the decision, it is very good, and it is a certain rubicon, that is , in fact, we ukraine have reached such an important political stage, and this is a signal to moscow, the kremlin. i'll remind you that russia didn't just put some... sticks out of the wheel of our european integration car, they tried to blackmail the european union, and one of the reasons for the outbreak of the war was the persistent desire of the ukrainian people, despite the decision of the authorities, yanukovych, the government , i
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will remind you, euromaidan, the exit of the people, the people wanted it, and he deserved it, so this is a political decision, then there will be a completely different stage. it will be hard, more instrumental work, and we will reach a political decision in the next one, not one, not two years, many years, because the negotiation process, i know the details, these more than 30 chapters, it will not be an easy process, but today it very important, because three things have been said: first, ukraine's path to unification is not only geographical, historical and returning to europe, it is... also political and will become in the future ukraine is part of this space, and why is it important? ukraine cannot develop without a large market, free trade, without borders, in trade without borders, this is the european union for us, more than 500 million. and
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this will be a huge result for ukraine and great growth in the future. now there will be many complex elements, as i said, a lot of instrumental things, but this path belongs to the ukrainian people. elections and, in principle, it is a trunk line for ukraine, and plus it is also a signal across the ocean for the us authorities, in particular to the congress, let's not delay, go faster, because europe is ahead. well , actually, it turns out that the european union has now taken the lead in these issues of support for ukraine. mr. valery, literally briefly, what i want to ask is, can there be a scenario under which... ukraine becomes a member of the european union, being in a state of war? well, let 's not consider these scenarios today on such a festive day, we need the de-occupation of all territories and we need security, well, joining nato or other models, but
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it is guaranteed that we can conduct european integration. if we talk about such a situation, then i will simply say that there is an example of cyprus, where... aki komuniter, that is, the legislation of the european union is not adopted throughout the territory, although the country is part of the eu. the northern territory does not do this, due to certain moments of its confrontation. but it seems to me that this path is not suitable for ukraine, because, well, unfortunately, our neighbor, who occupied the territories, is trying to simply destroy us, so there will be nothing partial in ukraine, ukraine will be part of the european union, full of its borders, but for this, in my opinion, now after this political achievement, all forces must be switched to the security umbrella, membership in nato, heard mr. valery. thank you very much for watching the broadcast, valery chalyn, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine, was in direct contact with us. thank you. well,
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friends, finally, zaryana stepanenko from brussels joins us now with new details of what is happening there. zaryana, thank you very much for not leaving us, and i am ready to share the latest news you have a word. daria, congratulations again. in fact, new details have literally just been seen. diplomats once again inform journalists who are familiar with the process , how everything is happening, who are familiar with the course of the discussions, that in general it turns out that it was the idea of ​​the german chancellor for viktor orbán to leave the room, and in this way, if you can put it figuratively, saved face by not formally voting for this decision in support of negotiations between ukraine and the european union on membership, on the fact that these negotiations are opening, i and... i will also note, if we talk about the results, that the opening and the start of negotiations are very different things, the opening
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is actually, in fact, the preparation for their start begins, well, that is, if it is formulated more simply, it is rather like this here is the political decision of the european council, with this decision it recognizes the progress of kyiv achieved during the reforms, you know that the status of ukraine's candidate for joining the eu was accompanied by seven criteria, and was evaluated by the european commission. that ukraine has managed 90%, but there is still 10% left, and at this december summit, i know that many times it was called decisive, fateful, and historic, but practically everything will happen in such a way that they will just technically start preparing for the negotiations, they themselves will not take place yet, well, that is, a lot of things will still happen ahead, you know that the negotiation process itself can actually take anywhere from a few years to a few decades. years, the history of the enlargement of the european union knows various examples, and viktor orban, many people ask, you know,
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the messages i receive, and in general the most common question is what made viktor orban agree? well, in fact, all the leaders were determined to push to the last to convince the hungarian prime minister that it is necessary to approve the political decision to open accession negotiations with ukraine, he says that ukraine is not ready to membership, which... it will take another 5-10 years for busim to start talking about membership with ukraine, well, but he was explained a lot that in fact this is a question, it doesn't even stand not that on tomorrow's agenda, this has yet to be reached, and viktor orbán, in fact, at the end of the day, although he made it clear to the last that nothing would change his decision, but still, he was found in this way. let's say a way that satisfies everyone, the 27 member states have found a compromise, right? very interesting, thank you zaryan,
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for the good news, and the most important thing is that the summit, which could have been dramatic, still became historic, well, the ball is already in ukraine's half and we have to work further. thank you, zaryana stepanenko from brussels was with the last ones details of what is happening on the sidelines of the summit in brussels, well, i will remind you that this summit , without exaggeration, has become historic for ukraine, because today... a decision was made to start negotiations on ukraine's membership, this process can last from one year to several decades, but now a lot depends on the ukrainian authorities, the ukrainian government, people's deputies, and the whole society. actually, this is where we will end our issue, do not forget to subscribe to the radio liberty youtube channel, the telegram channel, all the latest news there, and please like this broadcast to us. and in this way you will be able to support our work, our team worked for you promptly, we tried to tell you all
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10:48 pm
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, the lower house of the parliament goes on vacation, not the 15th, they already have nothing. about putin, because my qualifications are not enough, there should be some psychologist to talk about it, a person, preferably a psychiatrist, well, i don't have anything for you right now... the guest psychologist is larisa voloshina, she is my colleague, journalist, psychologist, so we will discuss this together with her, there is no need
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for me to suffer alone, well, if you think, that there journalists could ask him something like that directly, then of course not, they are the only thing that russian journalists can do at putin's press conference is, you know, kiss him on the ass uncontrollably and then... literally, here are a couple of such fragments, the solution will come out in the next year for the elections, because you are how much i remember myself always in power, you can say that , thank you, you are such a young, energetic , nice young man, thank you, well, we know that as you say, so it will be, so please tell me how it will be, i would like it as i said , so it will be, it doesn’t always happen like that, unfortunately, but it ’s world practice... well, you know, these kinds of questions, the more interesting ones were actually the questions that they tried to convey from the population there, but
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let’s talk about that a little bit we will go into more detail now, well, in particular, it was interesting when the first the day before the press conference, the channel showed a story about this press conference, and it turned out that the questions accidentally got into the channel. and they were there, well, let's say right away, there were very interesting questions about how , literally, why, why, why are the prices of products very high, the quality is very low, when the mobilized will be released, why 3,000 people have to serve for the whole country, and this unfortunate plot was reworked several times as a result , later the frames in the story were changed, but it still got into the frame.' a few of these are interesting questions, why moving to crimea, mobile communication is included in roaming, if you say that crimea is the russian federation, and officials have real estate accounts abroad, their children
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also study there, why do they have the interests of the russian federation and how can they occupy high positions, well, on some frames , the screen was completely covered with neutral screensavers so that the questions were not visible at all, well, in short, it was interesting with these questions, well, even during the broadcast itself... these questions also arose , you know, more that related to why prices are rising, why gasoline prices are growing, why are prices still rising, well, i say, here you see, this is what happened during the broadcast, why products are becoming more expensive, why prices are rising, why gasoline prices are rising, why there is a dollar exchange rate, well, in short, here there were always some such questions that people were most interested in, and not the seizure of world domination, as putin wanted. yes, well, i hope that i will finally see my guest, and i can turn her on, and we can finally meet her, oh,
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congratulations, larisa, congratulations. well, let's finally enjoy the main hit of the season with you, because i, for example, had the impression that this press conference was exclusively about eggs, because they were talked about a lot. they were talked about a lot, and literally let's go now and let's look at it, well, first, his pensioner, well, not only that, there was a question that just constantly hung there during this one , why the price of eggs increased in price, but they also included a pensioner who already directly asked about them, the topic of rising prices is not new, but this year there is definitely a new manifestation, just such mass mourning for travel of a specific product. and phrases from people like: it is very sad to buy eggs in our country, these eggs are laid by golden chickens, here are more video questions from
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the krasnodar region, we are watching, good afternoon , dear vladimir vladimirovich, my beloved president, we have a dozen eggs, from 180 rubles to 220, where were such prices? chicken breast was 165 rubles a kilogram, today it is 350, wings were 165, today it is 250. vladimir vladimirovich, but feel sorry for the pensioners, we do not receive millions of pensions, but put things in order, no who to contact, how bad is it that you are once an hour, here is such a site we have, you need to do it three times an hour so that people can come to you... well , the answer to this question, which simply boiled down to that you don't need to eat so many eggs.
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very recently, i spoke with the minister of agriculture, i asked him how his eggs are, so they say that everything is fine with them, to which i, therefore, noted, i am speaking absolutely honestly, this is direct speech, i am saying, here our citizens somehow have it problems, growth per chicken egg is 40%, in some places more, for chicken meat, you know what happened, demand. increased, this is relatively, it was a relatively cheap protein , in general, popular among citizens, i myself eat scrambled eggs with pleasure, in my time i could buy 10, i could turn them in right away in the morning , that's what happened, the demand increased, and the volume of production no, the first, the second
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time was not... they opened, they did not open imports, fodder base, soybean meal - this is all that is needed for us, we produce it ourselves, i want to pay special attention to this, friends, we generally are independent in poultry farming, now, by the way, they are offering additional supplies from turkey, i am sorry, i apologize for this, but there is a failure in the work of the government, i think that there is more to it, although they say that this is not the case, but it seems to me , they didn't open it in time, they didn't open it. import is widespread, well, this is interesting, because in fact, in general, there were a lot of questions that related exclusively to some such, well , very mundane issues, uh, that is, uh , it should be noted that at this press conference there was somehow not much about geopolitics, as always he likes it, breeding, there was almost nothing even about history, but there was more and more about such things as eggs, and
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well... well, i don't know, well, it's kind of enough, you know, an interesting phenomenon in itself, that they decided, or were forced to, well, i don't know how , but really, they are the central theme of the entire press conference, larisa, what do you think about the question, the answer, and this mood in general? well, in general, this is a very interesting topic, and in general, how everything was arranged, there to begin with the background on which he was sitting, he was, on which... all these questions jumped out, it was already yellow-blue, and then they began to change it right during this conference to add such a red color to it, i.e. blue-red, that it was not quite directly the ukrainian flag, and it is obvious why, because for foreign consumers, in general, for abroad, yellow-blue, yellow-blue color, it is recognizable, it is
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a brand. it is already a brand, it already means something, it means peace and victory, and it is obvious that putin tried to parasitize against the background of our color, and not his tricolor, this is indicative, because before that all these pompous, all these speeches of his, they were tricaloric, but this aquafresh in him in general, something went wrong here . secondly, it should be noted here that there are three categories to which his message was addressed. the first is a speechless event of those whom he considers opponents, enemies, and there he talked about the fact that peace, friendship and chewing gum are possible, you just need to, you know, change the president in the united states, he quite said, there just needs to be others people came to power, he rejected fico, he rejected orbán, he said that everyone, that means,
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apart from himself and only fico and orbán remained decent people in that european union, that is, in principle, he even indicated who he respected and what should . the second moment, which was important, is an appeal to his own people, to the russians, it is also obvious, because he actually used these eggs, all these fables about eggs and everything else that he demonstrated to the russians. we have to understand that russian society here too... you know, it's much better, even than me, it's simple is bombarded by some kind of general hysteria , then we will create dead bodies, then we will drop a nuclear bomb, then let’s also drop it on ourselves just in case, that is, there is just a fever of hysteria, and then putin comes out, such a nice grandfather, and everything is so good, and eggs, eggs will stay simple, just somehow we have a lot of them.


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