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tv   [untitled]    December 15, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EET

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greetings, it's news time on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works. at night, an air alert was announced in several regions of ukraine. air defense forces worked in khmelnytskyi region. rashista, attacked the region with kamikaze attack drones. serhiy churin, deputy head of the khmelnytskyi regional military administration, announced this. an explosion also rang out in kharkiv, where a missile threat was announced. the consequences have not yet been reported. several powerful explosions
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rang out in temporarily occupied mariupol. the fire broke out in the area of ​​the shopping center port city. this was reported in the city council. according to propaganda telegram channels, the armed forces of ukraine fired three long-range missiles at a concrete plant. previously , the occupiers' barracks were located there. ukraine received new powerful packages. support from allies, president volodymyr zelenskyi told about this after returning to ukraine in an evening video message. i returned to ukraine, now in lviv, with a decision on the european union, and other things that will strengthen the ppu, there will also be more support packages, there was a good summit with nordic countries, our friends, i thank you for your support, strong solutions denmark package for billions. dollars for the defense of the sky,
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artillery, much more. norway, a new package, more than 400 million dollars, in particular air defense , finland is also preparing a new package, iceland is preparing a program of long-term financial support, very heavy, sweden is also a new package, there is a strong statement of the summit ukraine plus northern europe, another political projectile that is approaching our victory the united states of america postponed the vacation and will resume work from monday to reach compromises in negotiations on migration reform and to unblock decisions on aid to ukraine. bipartisan negotiations are ongoing, majority leader democrat chuck schumar said on the floor of the senate. according to him, the upper house of the congress will hold a vote on the foreign aid package as early as next week. republicans in the congress have repeatedly stated that they will not vote for the aid
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of israel to ukraine, which does not contain provisions on border protection and changes in migration legislation. hungarian prime minister viktor orban vetoed the aid package to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros, after he abstained during the adoption of a decision regarding the negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu. it was a kind of compromise, according to orban. return to this question next year after proper preparation. the head of the european council charles michel confirmed that the leaders of the eu countries could not agree on the inclusion of aid to ukraine in the budget plan of the european union and that they will return to this issue in january. the european council approved the 12th package of sanctions against russia. restrictions will apply to chemicals, lithium.
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engines for drones produced by the kremlin. the sanctions also include a ban on the import of liquefied propane, cast iron, foil and corpses. eu leaders agreed on the recognition of criminal offenses and penalties for violating restrictive measures. i will remind you that austria did not approve the sanctions package for a long time, but changed its decision at the last moment. leader of crimean tatar. family of mustafa dzhemilov received poland's highest award, the order of the white eagle. the president of poland, andrzej duda, presented the award to the rights activist and former political prisoner. i will note that the order of the white eagle was founded in 175 by the polish king augustus the strong. queen elizabeth ii of great britain, writer stanislav lem, chancellor of germany helmut kohl and the president of ukraine were also awarded the order. viktor yushchenko.
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preservation of christmas traditions from december 25 to 29 in ivano-frankivsk will be held annually between. folk festival kolyada na maizlyah, it will be held for the 15th time, which the organizers have prepared this time, let's see in the story of my colleagues, further: a special coziness and family atmosphere, in ivano-frankivsk is preparing for the 15th international christmas festival kolyada na maizlyah, it will start on december 25 and last for 5 days, this year , bands from all over the country will perform at the festival with concert programs. every day is extremely busy, and up to 13 groups in one evening, you can imagine the richness of the carols, you can imagine the diversity of the actual sound of these kolyats and gifts, which will be presented at one
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festival performance. choirs from odesa, kharkiv, ternopil, chornomorsk and lutsk will visit ivano-frankivsk, and online groups from the united states of america will perform. france, finland, germany, sweden and moldova, and of course, local bands. as part of the festival, the organizers plan to publish the first book with carols that will be played at the concerts. it will be only 50 carols, and there are already about 200, we don't know when we will do it, but we have time for next year. and this year, for these carols, we actually collected the works of our composers, more, the greater half will be our carpathian composers. metropolitan ivano-frankivsk, father volodymyr viytyshyn, reminds: the christmas carol is a joint prayer, and it will be dedicated to our defenders. today we have a difficult time of war, i think that our christmas carol should and should also go to our soldiers, who, who are trying so that we can
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celebrate the holidays, can be in their homes, as well as freely during the war. i think that we also dedicate this... this carol of ours, this prayer, the glorification of our lord jesus christ in the carol, also for ukraine, for a just peace. the festival will begin on december 25 at 12 o'clock in the bishop's time divine liturgy. afterwards, there will be a ceremonial opening with the participation of the choral band and parish groups, as well as mass trumpeting. ivan haruk from prykarpattia, for espresso tv channel. the espresso tv channel together with the public organization baza ua are collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine
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kholodny yar. in extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military fights for victory every day, not leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield. there will be evacuation with atvs. faster, and therefore and lighter, so the chances of saving wounded soldiers are greater. in general, our goal is uah 800,000. yes, we know that it is a considerable amount, but you and i can handle everything, because only with your help, we have already collected more than uah 370 in just a few days. your donation is a thank you to those who protect us on the battlefield. therefore , support, do not remain indifferent. all details. now you see on your screens, so take out your phones for morning coffee, or instead of morning coffee, a donut goes very well. for now, this is all the news for this hour, i remind you that there is a war going on in ukraine, and so are we
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we must, each of us must not forget that it is not the soldiers who need us to help them, we need our soldiers to have everything they need, to know more... follow our website, we are waiting for you on the air my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk. i'm saying goodbye to you for now, i'll see you in less than an hour, take care. well gentlemen, congratulations to everyone watching the espresso tv channel, we are starting our, our marathon, our watch today, 660 days of the russian search for large-scale invasion is starting on our marathon, and i want to say that today is friday, and
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today we will follow what happened yesterday, our super positive news is that at the summit in brussels, the european union confirmed the start of negotiations regarding the accession of ukraine. to the european union, what this will mean, how quickly ukraine can be in the european union and nato and so on, we will also talk about this today, of course, and we will start, of course, with our current, urgent... problems, which are, of course, first of all, the war, well, let's start with the roll call of our regions, we'll start with zaporizhia region, we will talk about what is happening in zaporizhia, then we will also talk about what is happening in mariupol, there were some powerful explosions, yesterday we will talk about what is happening in dnipro, kherson, then we will be in touch, in other words, traditionally. our roll call, let's also talk about what happens after the night attack, they attacked khmelnytskyi, you
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know that three daggers were launched yesterday, the russians were actually in ukraine, but one was definitely managed to be intercepted, well , we will start talking about this in just a few seconds, we should be in touch with oleg buryak, the head of the zaporizhzhya district state administration, mr. oleg to... good morning, good morning, good, mr. oleg, tell me how the night went and how this morning is, is it really he is good in zaporizhzhia , it rained all night in zaporizhzhia, and yesterday afternoon it rained, and probably because of that, well, in connection with this, we were quiet, but i can note that all week and last week we had relatively don't worry, i'm only taking zaporizhzhia, not zaporizhzhia area. what news from the front, mr. oleg
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, are you following, are your acquaintances telling you something, well, what they are saying about our front is in the zaporizhzhia region, we have 135 km there, on the territory of the zaporizhzhia region, the front line, the front is stable, there is activity on the part of the enemy, but no passages, opening any corridos. or there are no such breakthroughs, the boys are standing firm, their conditions are very terrible, because sometimes we have rain, then snow, and well, the conditions are very, very difficult for them, but the boys are standing and the zaporozhye district is standing dead, so what? , what is the current humanitarian situation, how is zaporizhia living in general, everything is stable here, everything is working, both zaporizhia district and... exclusively zaporizhia, the city of zaporizhia, all institutions, both state and commercial, they are
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all working stably pharmacies , banks , shops, hospitals, well, all the services are working harmoniously and there is no such thing, there is no such thing as someone entering or leaving there, everything is going smoothly, and well, how has the city of zaporizhzhia lived in the last two years. zaporizhzhia district, we continue to live like this, there is nothing like that here, i don't know what about us you can still surprise, but it's good, what is happening in the occupied territories of the zaporizhzhia region, what news in melitopol , there was another explosion, do you know what happened there? well, the special forces are training, really in enemy territory , actions are constantly held there, but i... follow this as a citizen, and not as the head of the zaporizhia district, because i am
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more responsible for the coordination of the work of the rear, now we have such a direction, how to complete all mobilization tasks, and from what i see here in the telegram channels in zaporizhzhia, that zaporizhzhia district, we don't have any of these , you know, due to the usual circumstances of some... with the military, with military women, we don't have this at all, that's why we are in the front-line territory, and the people are very disciplined, they don't have the means mass media see and hear, they see it all with their own eyes, living here, that's why we have discipline and order and law enforcement agencies work if there are suspicions somewhere. or maybe there are some recruited agents or something, so i don't see that,
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everything is disciplined, if people get summonses, they come to the military authorities, there they go through all the necessary checks on documents, then they are sent to the vlk, there are such isolated cases when someone does not get there, they can be family members... so we remind you again that people turn to the vlk and pass all these medical commissions, so i won't say that zaporizhzhia district is in the first lines of the rating, but we stably and firmly hold the middle of the rating and fulfill all the tasks set by the state, it can also be understood that for now, if in the 22nd year, zaporizhzhia district was a transit territory through which the kherson region, the occupied
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part of zaporizhzhia, the occupied donetsk region, and through zaporizhzhia exited there. and when we arrive, there are no people, there are people who left, but now the corridors have not been working for a year , it is insignificant, it is more likely that they could not find work, they go further around ukraine and look for work, local residents remain... in their territories , but we don't have an influx of people for a whole year now, but the plans that we have for furnishing, they really remain the ones which were there before, so if you know, there is a wish that these plans would be more balanced, especially in terms of technique, because every time, every step is very
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difficult to perform according to technique. especially since we now need to strengthen the borders of the zaporizhzhia district, build fortifications, we need utility equipment, we need a lot of utility equipment, these are excavators, these are dump trucks, these are bulldozers and so on, interestingly, by the way , that the german edition of bilt, which you remember, on the eve of what... invasion, full-scale invasion published those maps, maps, invasion, where it was said that the russians were going to enter from belarus, until the last moment, zelensky and his team denied it, then it happened, now they have published a new map, the same with referring to intelligence data, according to which the russians are going
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to fight with us for at least another 36 months. and by the end of the 26th year actually achieve the desired results, yesterday putin talked about them, so to speak, without naming what exactly, but further insisting that theirs, and here, by the way, is this map, we already show it, according to which, you see, by the end of the 26th year, they plan to capture zaporozhye, in particular, to go, so to speak, to the line of the dnieper, these are the plans for the war, the end of the muscovites, what do you think about this... well, look, first of all, i read and saw everything yesterday, and i saw the telegram channel in the thesis of putin's speech, because you need to understand what the enemy is strategically thinking and dreaming about, and putin is the number one main enemy of all ukraine and all democratic world, about this
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mother, map, we, when the war began, that in last february. we independently worked out the possible options for the worst scenarios, and we worked there with the military, with the police, i especially traveled around the territory, and we looked for cities where, perhaps, it would be easiest for the enemy to pass through some corridors, so we selected these cities, then the military carried on... maps, these cities, then they mined somewhere in other cities , they built some structures there, they set up their secret borders, hiding places and so on, this was still the case in the 22nd year, so if we speak strategically worst case scenario you can, but in this case you can project
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as much as you want, but you need to understand that you have to stand... we already have 350,000 on the threshing floor of these katsaps, so i look at these cards, if something is new for me, i see, i am talking in my line . with the military, they tell me about their arguments and what can be said to me, as a civilian, even though i am the head of the military administration, and so that i can support
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my heads of communities, so that they understand the critical moments there and at what moments they are not you need to worry, so we'll see, cleats autumn is considered, my grandmother told me since childhood, so let's see, something is not in three days... it is definitely necessary, i actually started talking about it, because you said that it is necessary to prepare fortification structures, because later yes, well, thank you very much for this conversation, oleg buryak , the head of the zaporizhzhia district state administration, was with us, we talked about what is happening in zaporizhzhia, in the city itself and in the zaporizhzhia district, well, now a short pause, then we will return and continue, we will ask about what is there in mariupol what happens to the occupied is how the occupiers behave there. so stay with us, there are discounts on valeriana bulgarska, 15% in pharmacies
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plantain, you and savings. there has been an accident, nina galamask, your mother. mom, are there other relatives? but it seems you have a grandfather. so what are you going to smoke, he says, well, if there are no cigarettes, then he will smoke silrada, how much time do you need, you need 10 days, 10 days, that's what you should do, i
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didn't come here to look at old farts , who collect cones in the forest, that i will be your vaka novel, vakance, vakance, i ask you to pray to god, i ask you to drink, and tomorrow to fly to your sunny italy, mykola, don't spill blood on the wedding night, mykola, you don't need it, run there!
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is a ship's. turn on live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy
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rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on malice. of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. dear friends, we are returning to eteri, continuing our roll call, now we will find out what happened there in mariupol , we will ask dmytro zabavin, a deputy of the mariupol city council, about it. which is already appearing on our screens and yours, mr. dmitry, good morning, good on a midsummer morning from mariupol, really.
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there was a very powerful flight in the western part of the city, all the residents of mariupol know the port city, which was also destroyed by the occupiers in the 22nd year at the beginning of march, at the end, at the end of february, and now we can really see that now the occupiers are observing a very powerful flight around object of his military. infrastructure, that is , they have a concrete plant nearby, which they built, and they also usually keep bc and, accordingly, military equipment in such warehouses, and that is why we see and the people of mariupol observed very very still a powerful explosion and it was visible several kilometers from the epicenter, and
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people heard it even in different... districts of mariupol, and as i have already said many times, it was at this moment that the people of mariupol at least saw an ambulance, because when they called it , are called for civilians, she does not come, she comes only when, let's say, there are two hundred and three hundred occupiers, who are then taken away by this ambulance. by the way, is there light in mariupol itself now, because all the pro-russian telegrams report that half of donetsk after the shelling, there is no light, and also mariupol is completely in the dark and several other cities, well, you know, is there light in mariupol, this is a question that is always in question, why, because everything they connected there, well it ... how to put it this way,
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this is the kind of connection that at any time with er, any deterioration of weather conditions there, it even disappears in many houses, because this connection is of poor quality, and also with er , that the load is high , taking into account the fact that the occupiers have not given heating to many houses. therefore mariupol people are forced to heat themselves with electric heaters, then the light also comes on very often, because the power system cannot withstand it, because they repaired it accordingly, after destroying it themselves, repaired it so that it cannot withstand those powers, although in mariupol, imagine, there is about only
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a fifth of the residents, but... still the power grid can't stand it, and i wanted to ask, information has appeared, in particular the national opposition, the central election commission of the russian federation is going to allow residents of the temporarily occupied territories, which don't want to take russian passports, still vote for putin in march, even without a passport, how is it possible in principle and what does it mean, well, look there in general. they had a failure in passporting, all of them in the first year, well, many say that there were only collaborators left, those who were waiting for the russian world, and in the first year, out of a population of 100,000 , only a little more than 5,000 voluntarily received russian passports there, well , these are the ones to whom they later gave apartments there for pr campaigns, and other mariupol residents took their time
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behind this shameful clutch. toilet paper, and accordingly, they then made forced passporting, that is, that people will not receive humanitarian aid, will not receive medical aid, and even this did not make all 100% of mariupol residents, although they survive there in very difficult conditions, no, convinced mariupol residents to go take many of those chickens. toilet paper, that is why they have already taken such a desperate step, respectively, because the so -called local elections that they held there, well, it is very difficult to call them elections in general, they did seven days of voting there, then only one day of voting, because they couldn't show a picture of the elections, look.


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