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tv   [untitled]    December 15, 2023 7:30am-8:01am EET

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rushed after this shameful piece of toilet paper, and accordingly they then made forced passporting, that is, that people will not receive humanitarian aid, will not receive medical aid, and even this did not force all 100% of mariupol residents, although they survive there in very difficult conditions, not persuaded the people of mariupol to go and get many rolls of toilet paper, that's why they have already taken such a desperate step, accordingly, because the so-called local elections they held there, well, it's very difficult to call it an election at all, they held seven days there voting, then the only voting day, because they couldn't show the picture of the election, that's where... a lot of people
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came to the polling stations, because people didn't go, mostly to take part in this parsi, and that's why, well, it's an election the very leader of the terrorist country, well here already, if they fail and this, which they will not show for a long time, then the heads of local collaborators there will fly off, so now they are desperately looking for some options on how to fix it. mr. dmytro. yesterday, putin gave his big traditional press conference in mariupol, for at this press conference, he mentioned mariupol, they watched what the locals were saying about what he said there, in advance, to watch a mentally ill person there who just came and killed, ah, just tens of thousands of people.
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hundreds of thousands of people, in fact, in our country , it is, well, let's say this, even when they come there, whether they, or their clones in mariupol, high-ranking officials, there are many questions there, and what does this mean, but they simply come to see how much kickback they will get from this or that object, ie for many officials... terrorist russia is just money, there is not even any ideology there, and only one schizophrenic is saying something about the great russian values ​​there, so what he says, let's say, should be taken seriously, i don't think , what is necessary, and with regard to mariupol, we all saw how uh... this food truck opened its bridge on
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the uh river, the bridge on the river and the launch of the first tram, well, you know, there were such moments when terrorist russia opens a whole bridge there and then when there such as husnulin tell that they issued as many as 80 loans, well, that says a lot about the greatness of this terrorist country. well, thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro zabavin was with us, a deputy of the mariupol city council, we talked about what the night in mariupol was like, in particular, and the last night in mariupol, it flew there, as the russians themselves report, we can’t know, it’s not the armed forces they commented, three rockets from ukraine, now there is a large-scale fire, the city is without electricity, and they bombed the russian one... warehouses with their
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ammunition and a concrete plant at the same time, so that they don't think too much, so that's it, thank you, and in the meantime, we will move to the dnipro, to the city of dnipro, and we will ask about how the night went there, and while we are moving there, we will now contact the deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council khrystyna kalushek peltek to ask about all the wonderful things from yesterday. there are press conferences, excellent questions for the president, which president, well , russian president vladimir putin, exactly, exactly, our president does not give press conferences, i scored, well, okay, questions that didn't always make it, well, somehow didn't pass the selection, but still they were on the screens, people noticed, for example, one woman asked: hello, how
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can you move to russia, which is being talked about on the first channel, or, or else, there is such an impression that they conspired. they massively bombarded those mobilized with those questions, because they wanted to break through this firewall, relatively speaking, good questions for putin, they did not succeed, but they say that some of their questions flew onto these and these screens, because they
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they bombarded all of russia massively for four hours with those e-messages, well, they write about such things, well, maybe it was just those ones. cases that they flew by, which i just read , our viewer writes here that she looked so much at espresso that her cakes burned, pity the cakes, but thank you for looking at espresso like that, it makes us happy and gives us some kind of energy in the morning near the end of the week, which is not easy, and both this and this difficulty are arranged for us by muscovites, well, there is already khrystyna kalyushik, a coat of arms, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council from... we are on communication ms. khrystyna, good morning, how did dnipro and dnipropetrovsk region sleep? good morning, dnipro was without air raids, but during the night nikopolshchyna was shelled again, targeting factories, luckily no people were hurt. did you
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watch vladimir putin's press conference? well, i watched, let's say, in small fragments. uh, i don't believe in this conspiracy theory about putin having 15 or how many or seven doppelgangers, but yesterday i already started looking closely at his face, at his forks on his face, well, i already moved on to the moment when i considered it as an object, you know how long it will last, so... here are these questions, which, unfortunately, did not reach the addressee, also interested me, because they are a little interesting, how do they understand what is happening in general,
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we understand that we are very far for them, that they don't care, in principle, what is happening here, and yet it is interesting how they... feel it, let's say on their own fridge, because the tv sure wins, but how do they feel about it on their own on their own fridge, and eggs they grow up there, and even if they continue to grow up like that, maybe it would somehow incite the russians to some kind of rebellion, and if maybe this is their moment, let's say, a sore spot, the eggs of the russians, no, well, there is definitely a sore spot for them after all and the fact that... well, many return crippled or killed from the ukrainian front, their men, this is also true, but the german publication bilt writes that the muscovites are ready to kill
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300,000 of their muscovites in ukraine by the end of the 26th year, all for the sake of seizing the dnipro, this is it here is the main prize of this war, if you believe... the data that somehow got into the publication of the bill, and sometimes serious intelligence gets there, as we remember at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, where the bill showed where the russian attack could come from, that is, the dnipro, the main prize, if you believe the bill of this war, the main goal, well, the dnipro won't happen so easily, so maybe they want 300,000, even though they want to bury it. or how many more, i don't think that they value human life in principle, that they reckon with losses, with human losses, i mean their command and
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those who, let's say, leaders, but we all received letters of happiness in telegram at the beginning of a full-scale invasion. still choose a side, be ready for the fact that our negotiators will come and you will work with them. eh, that's why it's not so shocking when you receive such a letter and threats and everything for the first time, well, that is, it's clear that dnipro has been watching him there since the 14th year, uh, well, it's all due to plan, we, it's not a secret to us, and it's not something we were shocked to see. this post, it's clear. in general, i that i also caught myself thinking yesterday
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, i didn't watch at all, to be honest, the speech of that bunker grandfather, thank god, there are people who will always give some kind of short summary of all that, but if you say so two years ago, if only, when he was saying something, we were listening, and it worried us a lot, because we understood that there would really be blood, pain, death behind it, now he is really gone... to scare and shock us, as you rightly said, that another 300 thousand want to bury their own, well , fine, okay, well, okay, it will be, uh, the question, which also remains for us, for the dnipro , including, i think, do we draw any conclusions from this, what does it mean for us to understand that for russia, the dnipro, for example, the occupation of the dnipro is a real goal, they are really towards it are preparing, and are really ready to put many of their people behind it, what? what does this mean for dnipro, for the representatives, after all, the place of local self-government, what conclusions should be drawn,
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how should we prepare for this and the 26th year , including, well, in the 24th year, we adopted the regional budget as much as possible for the military, as much as possible all funds were directed to strengthening the defense, and additionally to the treatment of civilians who were injured. to the russian aggression and for the treatment of the military , so preparations are underway, but they are not urgent and not as unexpected as they were for some in the 22nd year, dnipro was still preparing, i mean practically, was preparing even at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, nothing don't look anywhere... well, let's say, and dnipro has a plan
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since 22nd year, regarding its defense, because we already knew in 22nd year that dnipro is theirs, not the final goal, but definitely something from the 14th year, they are for the dnipro, we, let's say, had them for lunch, that is. because in the 14th year, after all , they also twisted something here, but nothing came of it, and we understand that this is such a delayed moment that they will fight for it, well, let them fight and we will fight, we for this, we also take appropriate measures, and why did they not succeed in the dnipro in the 14th year, it succeeded in the donbas, well, because the dnipro-ukrainian... city, well, what else, that is why it did not succeed in the donbas, maybe, maybe , these are
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all consequences of the famine, which is bigger than donetsk region, after all, there is almost 92 percent of the rural population, it seems, was destroyed by the famine, in the dnipropetrovsk region it is a little less, 80. well, maybe it is the consequences, maybe it is the consequences of the fact that in the dnipro, let's say, there is more economic variability, economic , not the same as in donbas, maybe , after all, because dnipro is so multinational, and we have a lot of different people of different nationalities, different religions, who still believe that... dnipro is ukraine, which in we are ukraine, first of all, it is still the same, no matter how we say it
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on our democracy, and no matter what changes are taking place now away from democracy, not into authoritarianism, but still into such, you know, we are moving a little from democracy, we are leaving, but still respect and here is this moment of that ukraine this is good, and that's why it didn't happen in the 14th year, that's why alek tsarov decided that he's better off here. to point the heels rather than to stay and continue to twirl your accordion. oleg tsalyov had a historic chance to become the goalie of this, buchi, or why did he dream of becoming there, well something went wrong with him. well, ladies , finally, very briefly, yesterday's decision of the european at the summit of the european union that ukraine should start negotiations on
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the accession of ukraine to the european union, what does this mean for you, in particular. and for the dnipro. for us, for everyone, this means, not only for me, in particular, or dnipro, but this means, first of all, for us, for everyone, very hard work, and that's all. every day, every week, it just means hard work. i thought about it too, it means that there are still months of war ahead, eh then years of reforms, but, but we see a goal, we see a goal and we see an open door. a historical chance, and this, this is a sign that all this sacrifice will not be in vain, yes, yes, just like that, and we need to work and go to it and everything, work, work, work and die in work, as ivan franko said , mrs. khrystyna, we thank you, of course, not for the sake of death , but to live and be happy with that, with those achievements as a result of work, thank you for the conversation, khrystyna
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kalyushe, a politician, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, was in touch with us, listen you just quoted from a little bit... and a line from franko, there is a better one, i think, i think that he meant that you should work with all your might, you understand, no, franko really knew that that not in his lifetime and not in the lifetime of his generations, even in the lifetime of his generations, it is unlikely to succeed, he was aware of this, i think that is why it happened, but here is a good quote for you from andruhovych, our modern classic of ukrainian literature, a european selection is a matter of life and death. rather life, not death. yuriy andruhovych, actually about life, here asked the viewer, when you will be on digital, because many have to watch the only news, the painful question is when they will take us there, mosolt, if, if
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president zelenskyi would have a four-hour conversation with the voters and... you could also write or call president zelenskyi and to ask him, and if it doesn’t work out, well, well, it’s unknown, well , tsar father tyushka decided that it was necessary to turn off the espresso and it was turned off, he decided that a single marathon should be held so that it would be possible to neutralize those who are not super-loyal to ukraine on that moment, and to the authorities too, the oligarchs, well, okay, but in my opinion, it's time to do something even more... if they are already taking us into the european union, it's time to return a little to european values, european rules. well, gentlemen, we are going to take a short break, and then we will return and continue our roll call, stay with us. attention, incredible novelty from unpack tv. super warm and very comfortable alaska stayle boots. perfect fit,
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdyk with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics. even more top guests. foreign experts. inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and more. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22
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on espresso. according to the results of november , the espresso tv channel ranks first among information broadcasting channels. for the eighth month in a row, we are the first. greetings, it's news time on the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old, we updated the design, the sound, we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov, our values ​​remain unchanged and ukrainian view, stay tuned for the updated espresso and thank you for your trust! dear friends, we are returning to the air and with us oksana pogomiy, a deputy of the kherson city council, we will ask her what the morning is like in the kherson region, what was the night like, mrs. oksano, they were shelled. glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, how did the night pass , you know, we are shot every night, nothing, nothing has changed here, i just
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woke up, i say to my husband, there was such a flash, in the middle of the night, that we have cats, they everyone ran somewhere, and i only opened one eye and saw, well, zariva in the sky, and turned over to the other side and fell asleep, that’s it... you probably react psychologically like that, in general , the shelling is very dense, the last few days, they shoot from everything possible, and unfortunately, and the dead, and the wounded, and her firemen and the arrival of residential buildings, well, everything, everything is like in the war, i will say, let's say it this way, you mentioned cats, but i read that in kherson there is a real swarm of rodents, that they used to be there somewhere in the basements, and now people's homes are being attacked both in the private sector and in high-rise buildings, ms. oxano, is it true? yes, it’s true, in
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high-rise buildings, especially in apartments, if people left, they still ate some cereal, well, people stocked up, and an acquaintance of mine just returned, they were leaving there, her husband was wounded, and she was in to kropyvnytskyi, and they are now back, they are gone... for about a month and a half, and she has mice in her apartment on the fourth floor, this is definitely just a sign, because you have to fight with them somehow, and nothing helps except cats , and cats are not all mouse eaters either catch, and some just look, mice run in front of their noses, and they look, it's just... i don't know, after the orcs, it's probably the second problem in our city, it's somehow solved somehow, some help from the authorities
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there is, no, there is nothing, by themselves, everything by themselves, well, they go to the market, they buy, there is grain etched, there are velcro, uh, these are cardboard pieces, well, velcro sticks to the same place, the mouse sticks to it and it heals, that’s still necessary to have willpower, we even have military personnel. took those velcro, we bought to help the boys, and some they said, no, we won't use velcro anymore , because those mice will be torn alive afterwards, they squeal, in general, this, this is fear, yes, we should, in a good way, we should carry out this extermination, and in the basements, and not in the basements, and at least give people this, that poison, well, you see, it's a pity, but a mouse, a pity, a pity. god's creatures, listen, and what about
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god's or non-god's creatures? who fired at the church of god, namely st. nicholas in kherson, again fired at the church, this is the church of the orthodox church of ukraine, as far as i know, we can show the consequences of this from heavy fire, standing near the bank of the dnieper, was popular among the people, here, the bishop of kherson and tavriy reports about it , ours also flew inward. this church is very close to the bank of the dnieper, yes, very close , well, let’s put it this way, the dnieper is not so wide there, and there are immediately islands, and there from the bare pier , this is an island microdistrict, the very edge, and that is why people fly there every day, data, no they think, in general, the temple, the temple, where, where they will hit, kindergarten, kindergarten, school.
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our children do not learn, but they shoot while thinking there are places of deployment of our military , they shoot everywhere, where there is some territory where our cars can stand, military can be deployed, but the temple is already the height of cynicism, i will tell you this, they are now, there is a popular legend that 400 years ago peter konoshevich, the quiver... approached moscow with his troops, well, that is, he really approached moscow with his troops, but you know the legend, of course, that he was going to take moscow by storm, but at night he heard bells ringing, bells on the belfries of those moscow churches, and the orthodox soul he stood up and said, no, after all , these are orthodox christians, well, let's not crush them like that, now it's our mistake
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, it's his fault, but here... those orthodox christians just see the ukrainian church and let's have it we are firing , it’s fun, it’s great, and peace be with your soul , bohdan, as taras hryhorych wrote, mrs. oksano, we have a few minutes left, what is happening in the occupied parts of the kherson region, well, i can say, nothing good really, because people are people already... even those who did not want to take passports, they are forced, because without it there will be no help at all, and people survive for now due to the fact that a large number of people, let's say, survive due to the fact that rusnia gives some money, but you know, people do not give up, despite despite the fact that they have been there for almost two years, they are still there... those
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who exchange from card to card transfer money, and people exchange for hryvnias, and buy cheaply in the markets, where there are still markets, because this, it's just terrible, they still buy for hryvnias, and they still wait for ours guys, but it's just really hard, now there's practically no promotion, as far as i know, because there's nowhere to hide. there are no leaves, there are no leaves, there is no mud, it is already difficult for our guys, but - there are such rumors, i cannot say whether it is true, it is because the russians are telling our local residents that one of the villages who did not leave , they forcibly evacuated, they said, everyone who did not leave, we shot them, maybe this too...
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maybe, unfortunately, it was absolutely terrible, but we will wait for confirmation in any case or refutation of the information, ms. oksana, thank you, oksana pogomiy, a member of the kherson city council, was with us, and it was already 80 in the morning, which means that we are watching the latest news from kateryna shiropoyas, her word. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the 12th package of sanctions against russia and the veto imposed by the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán, on the 50 billion euro aid package for ukraine. greetings, it's news time on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night, the enemy launched.


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