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tv   [untitled]    December 15, 2023 8:30pm-9:00pm EET

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that is, it is already a little different there, that is, you have to pay for everything, for quality, for reliability, stability, but this is a market, this is a market worth more than 500 million, with our participation there will be 550, this is the only way for ukraine, there is no other way for us , because the country has 35 million citizens, it cannot develop without free trade, and when we have this market, then we have a completely different story, and i will tell you this, the negotiation process. will be very difficult, and not only with individual countries, it is also with brussels, it is also with eu officials, there it is necessary to appoint a powerful team for each section, it is somewhere along the example of poland, several thousand experts, but when we reach this path and there is the next political decision on joining the eu, immediately after that we will receive a huge impetus for the development of the country, as poland and others received countries, gdp growth, wage growth, growth of everything, but on this path from here and... well, the only problem
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is that people must understand that now the pathos is over, that such a gradual process will be very difficult, and with each country where by the way, it is possible to use, for example , relations, well conditionally with finland there in the fishing industry, to make some concessions, maybe, even though we are a maritime country, and somewhere with poland, well there with finland, together push the agrarian sphere, because the only thing i 'll tell you, it's still important. the european union once told us, after 2007, it was already its previous enlargement, bulgaria-romania, they said that we do not have enough capacity, that is, we cannot accept you, because we are not yet ready with our internal capacity, now they are ready, they demonstrated it, so ukraine, even if it applies, and it turns out somewhere, well, for a large part, more than half, it's definitely eu funds, for agriculture, then in principle, we, well, we received. of course, then the post office, well, hungary
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receives, but now by trading, it receives 5 billion annually plus from brussels, 30 billion have now been unblocked, therefore, but it will be difficult on this path, and i really hope that the ukrainians will not expect quick solutions here, not business, not just ordinary ukrainians, it will be better goods, it will be better goods, it will be a better salary, but it will not come immediately, and here the quality of state governance and... the mining process is very important, because you can get some rules, and you can get others. in conclusion, i will say that we are not ready to defend our position as much as possible, because the vote, for example, on the so-called pep over there in the parliament, showed that all the positions of the government officials and all the positions of the deputies were passed, all of them were passed, i can tell you about this specific law i can say that the requirements that they inserted themselves do not require european union. if we plan
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european integration with such pathos, where we write more commitments than they want from us, then it will be a very bad story, and if we still do it professionally and gradually, maybe not, well, run slowly, let's say so , and quickly and nevertheless defending their rights, then it will be a good success story, mr. valery, well, it should be tens of years or 10 years or 15 years, or whatever... depends on this negotiation process and on the quality of the negotiators , because it is clear that negotiations with two dozen or three dozen countries, well, require certain qualifications and a large cohort of diplomats, experts who will coordinate all the parameters of our entry into the european union? well , turkey, you know, has been in this process for several decades, there are smaller countries. more
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than an average of 5 years, on average, it is 5 years, well, then another year or two for ratification, this is actually a small historical stage, you will see, these years will fly by, god forbid that the war ends with a victory, the years will fly very quickly, so in historically it is in general, the segment is small, so ukraine, which has already been going for quite a long time, due to the association agreement, due to many steps that have already been taken, i think we can even... reduce it, but we can’t, you understand, these are resources, resources are also necessary, any steps are also finance and personnel, for example, experts, we do not have 300 qualified people in the authorities today, i once participated in negotiations with the european union, without even being in the ministry of code affairs, being in an analytical center, not a state one, but then it was a lot of smart mind to attract wide ones after all. broad layers of specialists, we can
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hire some, well, westerners, but you understand , if you hire someone, he will still not work for your country, there must be patriotic people who think about... ukraine, about their families, about their country and professional so in order to find them, you just need to find them in business, find them in non-state structures, find them in government structures. and these are not the deputies for european integration who formally perform this function, no, they are not deputies ministers and not their apparatuses, unfortunately, not so, because now the main principle is a little different , it was loyalty and everything else, but here the principle of professionalism comes to the fore, i think it is real. in ukraine , there may be such specialists in foreign consulting, but where to get the resources for such a team of several thousand, well, this is a separate issue, the government should solve this issue. mr. valery, let's talk about
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putin's conclusions very briefly, because in principle , the main conclusion of his public speech is that the war against ukraine will to continue, he said that the goals that... he set for himself in february 22 remain the same, they are denizification, so -called demilitarization, but parallel to this, in the german tabloid bilt, forgive me, the tabloid in this case, i quote, but they published information with reference to sources in the intelligence of the federal republic of germany that russia is hatching plans to capture kharkiv, dnipro and zaporizhzhia by the 26th. year, well, it is clear that in putin’s plans, probably, there should be no ukraine at all, it is unlikely that the germans discovered some kind of america, which putin wants to seize kharkiv, dnipro and zaporizhzhia by the 26th year. how the intentions and how the course of the war will affect our integration into
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europe, or whether putin's plans, on the contrary, will mobilize not only ukrainians, but also europeans, taking into account what the europeans recognize. our right to be a member of the great european community and even they consider us a member of the great european community? well , let's start, yes, they say, america was discovered , bilt wrote something, well, i'll tell you, tablet gong wrote that ukraine will completely deoccupy the territories by the end of next year and putin gets everything it deserves, it's another scoreboard, well, it's not serious, because... they 're writing some obvious things for today, and what factors will influence further, that is, we don't know, anything can happen, a lot things that can happen, bilt, well , i will be respectful to all publications, but this is not an expert or analytical publication itself, this is
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the first, second, regarding putin, what he stated, eh, you can understand there, and even this is backed up by his spending there, the numbers, they laid the game down. to the war next year, and have they pledged money for the war for the 25th year, do they still have a cushion of financial security? i think this is a great question. outwardly putin looked, you know, i turned it on, i specifically wanted to see it for myself, i will tell my personal impression: he has degraded, he has lost the qualities he used to have, this is true. i don't want to speculate on the subject of doubles, but for me. me, this character that i heard on the air is completely different from vladimir putin of the year 14, absolutely, because here is a person who forgets the question, really forgets, but he was asked a question
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, he forgot, and putin of the 14th model had a very good memory, with such, you know, a photographic memory, such rarely happens, here you can see that even what was prepared for him , he... there he remembered the last moment, he was asked what you were reading now, he didn’t know what to answer, then he remembered that tomik lermantova was standing, well, it’s clear, a blank, which absolutely, wanted to say a bad word, which means , this is not the one, not the self-confident leader, absolutely, he is already pulling along of inertia, but i have the impression that he pulls on inertia, he knocked out a couple in a row. times, he frankly lied, but in his 14th year i did not see that he was just lying, i can personally say where he lied, that is , he knows it perfectly, well, maybe he will say that this is his interpretation
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, but you, but you, but you say, say, well, look, he remembers, he called it a coup for the first time, by the way, we discussed it yesterday with president yushchenko, since i took part in... the revolution and the orange revolution in my time when you remember, there were really serious clashes of a political nature during the elections, so putin remembered it now, called it... a coup and called it an anti-constitutional third round, nothing like that, it has been a long time in russia, even he is already at a certain stage admitted that this is within the framework of the constitution of ukraine, because the constitution of ukraine differs from the russian one, it is people-centric, that is, the people have the right in the conditions when the government makes such huge mistakes, they will correct the situation, it is prohibited in russia, in constitution of russia the other, works in a completely different way, the more practice. he now remembered these times, and what he remembered was completely wrong, but here
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is the interpretation, but here is the revolution of dignity, what he remembered, he said that they europeans, the europeans abandoned him, why, because the europeans, the three foreign ministers, germany , france and poland, were in kyiv and signed with yanukovych, so not with yanukovych, sorry, but with the three leaders of the maidan, they signed an agreement so that yanukovych would stay, yes. so i will tell you, as not just a witness, but a participant in those events when these three ministers came to the maidan council , in which i participated, and in addition to politicians, there were also public figures and not state structures, so i saw the text that they brought, there was no russian signature, they had a representative lukin , who didn't have time to receive instructions from the kremlin, he, a fool, didn't have time, oh, well... i won't tell him, he didn't have time, in principle he is a more democratic person than putin, but here he
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lost as a diplomat. he did not sign it, as a result, russia itself at that stage is the same did not approve an absolutely unacceptable compromise, i will tell you more, the head of the committee of the german parliament, elman brock, was sitting next to me, and i then showed him in the text, well, the inconsistent positions in this text in english, there were absolutely stupid things. to push people out of the maidan by force, it was unacceptable, so they thought that i was like in russia, they take some representatives of the authorities, they agree on something, some foreign ministers come there, like me, like sikorsky, whom i respect , former minister of poland, he then he said, you will be shot, you have no choice, so what, but the people on the maidan said, sorry, we are already determining what will happen, and that's it, and it all fell apart, but putin, or he deliberately. does not understand that the model in ukraine does not work like that in russia, or he
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is lying on purpose, i think he is already lying, because i think that he was explained in this situation, and so every time, but i will tell you, putin lied and earlier, he said that there are 17 million russians in ukraine, in fact the 2001 census showed that in 2001, only 17%, he called 17 million, i appealed several times to kremlin, when he was still working in a government position. why are you doing this, this is manipulation , but putin continued to manipulate, so this is a person who is obviously degrading, i generally have my own version, it seems to me that they just want to transfer power further in a formal simulation of elections, well, if putin continues to pass, but they have no other option for today, but further on in russia, difficult processes of real power acquisition will begin, and he looks like... like a person who surrenders power in russia, but for me, as i saw him when
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i once met a prime minister in 2009, then at these negotiations, and now they are completely different in their mood, in their energy, in their even these professional qualities, they are different people, well, maybe the older person has become, i don't know, but this is definitely not the right path, and he once i emphasize from my point of view it is intellectually degrading, well... it is the spokesperson of the state department of the united states of america who says that russian president vladimir putin will not be able to survive the united states of america or the west, which he actually counts on and the congress of the united states of america has to prove that this was putin's bet wrong let's hear what matthew milor had to say. vladimir putin made a bet that he would be able to survive the west and that the west would weaken, stop supporting ukraine,
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and that russia would still be ready to fight. we've said from the beginning that that was his estimate, but i don't believe that, and so i'll say that for our part, we've made it very clear that we think that calculation is incorrect, and we believe that he will not survive the event and not will survive the united states of america, and now the us congress must prove his opinion wrong. mr. valery, appeared the information that the senate of the united states of america will consider the issue of aid to ukraine before the vacation and that it will not go on christmas vacation until ... until it considers this issue, whether this can be considered a positive signal and whether it is still internal disagreements of the republicans and the democrats will not be allowed to do this, since it is about the border of the united states of america with mexico, and this issue is so, well, relevant enough for the republicans. if you'll allow me, i'll tell you,
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well, actually, what's on... it's not the issue of the border, it could be another issue, seriously, there could be the issue of abortions, well, it's just difficult to tie it to ukraine. so, what is the problem, the problem in the political confrontation is not just between democrats and republicans. america chooses a path. unfortunately, america is also at the crossroads, at a very difficult stage. this stage started today, but there is a struggle of different two. large groups of politicians, and they are, well, not even two, there are different ones, well, becoming america more, if we talk about foreign policy in isolation, spend less abroad, more within the country, or still continue the line of such a liberal policy. donald trump stirred up this whole situation, he has already passed his
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term both during the elections and after, and america itself is asking questions, well... very serious, in fact, they literally just yesterday inserted a safeguard into the law on the defense budget about the impossibility of withdrawing from nato the president's decisions, uh, they put in different things, safeguards, understanding that there may be risks that america hasn't considered before at all, so it's up to cohn to choose, next next, there are elections at stake, and not only that. the president, the president of america, but also the entire house of representatives and a third of the senate , and the governors, this whole fringe group in the republicans, if it was a minority, it has now dragged the traditional republicans, as if by menstruum, to the position, well, the one we see, moreover, according to my impression, i
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will tell you this, partly based on information, partly based on what i saw ... in the last week in legislation, that is, in legislative projects, i can state that mike johnson and this group, as donald trump supports, they lead the line of not providing aid to ukraine in order to blame joseph biden for the failure, that is, they chose such a line, and here the attack on joseph biden, in this style, caused his backlash, is now resolved. what is still not resolved, what should the white house and joseph biden do? to accept the challenge, to join the war against russia more, not only that with such a strategy of management, escalation and prevention of attack by nato countries, and leaving the war within of geographical ukraine, to include more
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, which means it is a completely different story, 300 missiles with a longer range, that is 60. plus 16 aircraft, and quickly, and not during the year, summer, this is a completely different production of weapons, that is, just to contribute your capital, that is, personal political worked out and make a final bet on joint success, this is one way, the second way is to accuse the republicans of failing to help ukraine, undermining us national security. and get a political dividend out of it, i say it like it is, like the people in washington tell me, and this dilemma, it much deeper than ukraine or israel or taiwan, it's about the development of america, so that's why i think we'll see the result, frankly, not soon, we'll see it at the end
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of january, the beginning of february, because mike johnson will try to drag out at all all this further, that... aid to ukraine was not provided. joseph biden, so far i can see the press conference with the president of ukraine, his actions, instructions to chakushumer, to make certain compromises in the senate, which in principle opened the possibility of voting in the senate. this is a step forward, not a compromise. it is joseph biden who is taking steps to invest his own resources after all. in pressing the aid package in the amount of 61.4 billion. that is, everything has not yet ended, but some signalers are not very good. unfortunately, i will not go into them now, well, i will say this , for example, i really expected that the prolandst paragraph would remain in this very law
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on the us defense budget, and item 1224 was dropped at the last moment before the vote, by the way, i do not know, who took him away, and it would be a replacement, well, a serious argument from the invasion of by this group, because then joseph winon said: you listen, okay, you don't give money. i open lendlis, i’ll tell you, maybe i don’t know something, and the law hasn’t been signed yet, but i’ve been looking at this law all day today, to be honest, it’s under 200 pages, i didn’t find it there, by searching and not searching, well there is no paragraph, there is no paragraph, new ones have been introduced, some new positions have been introduced, there is 300 million for ukraine at usaai, this is the initiative that has been working for a long time and will work for the next two years, but there is no. lizu, because it happens, and maybe it is confidence with the white house, what they will push through, i really hope, i really hope that it is them , that they have the tools
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to push the whole package for ukraine, if not, well, let's not rush, if not, mr. valery, then what does this mean for the russians , because the russians are constantly talking about the fact that , well, listen, the world is already tired of ukraine, let's go, if you want, we will have some more negotiations with you, and macron trolled putin and said, well, if you want there with let's talk, my number hasn't changed, so i'm ready if you answer, for russians in the current situation are not defined, because on the one hand we see what is happening with the financing of this 61 billion dollars in the united states of america, we see that orbán is blocking there. help from the european union, although the leaders of the european union say that everything is fine, don't worry, there are 50 billion dollars, as they were, remain pledged
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for ukraine, can and is russia able to play now on the fact that, in principle, in we are promised 110 billion dollars or there are euros and dollars. well, we don't have them and what are we in in principle , we are in such a state of limbo, well, we should not look at this question like that, because we should consider how to do it so as not to give the enemy a chance to count on something, that's all, when we drink validol every day there, whether our citizens, whether there will be help, whether there will be no help, i have been saying and saying, two months ago i said, the scenario will be the worst in terms of finances, but until... there will be help, because politically the usa, they have invested in it, and the question is only in the fact that there are indeed different scenarios there, and there is a different one
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the type of war, one war that we see now, this one is trench, that is, where there are many casualties on both sides, and the second war is technological with high-tech weapons, where absolutely, the third war, when allies enter on your side and fight with you, everything it depends, the scenarios may be different, and... the resources of the country are unlimited, so i have no doubt that no one will abandon us and they will support us, simply in order to achieve the plans for the de-occupation of the territories, these are certain resources, in terms of the military, equipment, and the mobilization resource, that is, we do not have it, i repeat i claim that there are no resources to wage a war there for years , there is no such thing, for some reason they declare such prospects and draw 2000 there... 25th 26th, listen, the biggest problem is war fatigue, the biggest problem is that people want to live a normal life , and we have it, and
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the enemy has it, so, well, let's do everything to make the best of it. we have already talked about the european union summit, let's go back again very briefly, regarding the 12th package of sanctions, which... the leaders of the european union agreed, but without the chancellor of austria, because the chancellor of austria karl the non-gamer, or not the gamer, left the hall , and the same, well, if it actually happened, as with orbán, well, taking into account the fact that, in principle , austria tried to block this 12th package of sanctions, because it tried to exclude. feisenbank is on the list of international sponsors of the war, and that was the main story, but do the eu and
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the world have enough strength now to increase the pressure, sanction pressure on russia so that they feel it even more this pressure and they understood even more that the next war, well, they simply will not be allowed to enter, because there simply will not be resources, for to finance the army. what is the kremlin most concerned about? this is so that the sanctions do not start to take effect even more, so that... arms do not go to ukraine, and actually what the european union has done is good steps, 15 billion for the transition period now, from 18 for this year , the decision has been made, this will give the possibility of such a bridge for the next period, it is 50 billion, which will still be considered there, but i think that they will be, this is positive news, the second positive sanctions, they have been preparing the 12th package for a long time, the political decision has been made, now we will hear from him in a few days, what
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is included and... details, the third point, the next package is already being prepared for the second anniversary, the anniversary of the anniversary of the russian war against ukraine, a large-scale war, that is, in principle, there was a little bit of bureaucracy, this whole pause was long, and this is a good signal, by the way, washington. europeans in general, i think the 24th year will be a year when europeans have to take more responsibility. for security in europe, because there will be complex processes in the usa, they understand it, and germany has stepped up, this is from a positive point of view, so when you look at the usa, even if there is some pessimistic news there, you have in mind that in addition to the usa, we have a coalition that the usa is basically cementing for today, but there are germany, france, britain, and our neighbors , and from the point of view of security, fermant ramstein, none of these revolutions... reduced,
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so this pause, and i believe, this pause is such a reduction, the supply of defense in recent months, and it should now be closed , perhaps more by europeans, and we are already we know some intentions that the europeans in a positive way want to close these moments which politically in the usa, there are emerging there, so in general , i summarize that the 24th year will not be left alone for us, but what scenario, with what resources, with what losses, how we will come to a decision, it depends on the amount of support. thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, it was valery chaly, diplomat, politician, former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please like this video, to promote it in youtube and
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facebook trends. well, of course, subscribe to our pages in social networks, we are everywhere in all social networks, during this program we conduct a survey, we ask you about the following: do you believe in the accession of ukraine to the european union, so 86% of those who voted now they say that they believe that ukraine will join the european union on the 14th, no, we will have a journal in 15 minutes. we are meeting with our colleagues olga len and bohdan butkevich, we will discuss the main events of the week, don't miss it, before that there will be bbc news release, our partners will provide you with an information picture of the day, and we will meet in literally 15 minutes, don't switch, it will be interesting.
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the bbc book of the year announced the winners, who should be read, we tell you in today's edition of bbc news ukraine, i'm olga polamaryuk. there is a bbc 2023 lesson. the second war winter, air alarms, but in spite of everything, annually. the bbc book of the hand literary award returned to kyiv, what ukrainians read and write during the war about the ceremony, we talk about the award itself with its founder and now chief adviser of the edb cultural program by svitlana pyrkalo.


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