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tv   [untitled]    December 15, 2023 10:00pm-10:30pm EET

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in this and also, that's why we put an end to these optimistic stories, it was a program of the verdict of pre serhii rudenko, goodbye, have a good weekend. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want. click and now you're running the game, bird and you're on a tv show. oh, what is needed. megugo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. try flebodia 600, pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. flebodia 600. treat hemorrhoids without any side effects. there was an accident. nina galamask, your mother. mom, are there other relatives? no. but it seems you have a grandfather. we don't care about tsuva
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in the carpathians, the sink is behind the house, and the toilet farts downstairs. and if there are no cigarettes, what will you smoke? he says: well, if there are no cigarettes, then the council will smoke salt, how much time do you need, 10 days, that's what you should do, i didn't come here to look at old farts who collect pine cones in the forest, what will your vaka novel, vakance, vakance novels. i ask you to pray
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to god, i ask you to drink. and tomorrow he will fly to his sunny italy. mykola, don't spill blood on your wedding night. mykola, you don't need myko.
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come on chris, welcome, this is svoboda live, on today's episode we will discuss an article in the german publication biel, which talks about putin's plans to occupy three more major ukrainian cities, and we will also discuss why viktor orbán... blocked financial aid for of ukraine. my name is vlasta lazur. let's start. russia plans to continue the war until 2026 and seeks to capture kharkiv, dnipro and zaporizhzhia, and the dnipro river should become the new front line according to the kremlin's plans. the german publication bilt writes about it. the author of the publication military analyst julian ryobky refers to his own intelligence sources. as noted in the publication, the russian authorities... are counting
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on the reduction of support for ukraine by the west, as well as on the imitation of peace negotiations in order to introduce the world community to woman about russia's peaceful intentions. in fact, the kremlin is not planning any truce and is developing a new medium-term plan for the war in ukraine, the publication says. i have to remind here that the preliminary plan of the kremlin, which was published by bilt at the beginning before, more precisely, the beginning during the great war, the russian military performed, well, or at least tried to perform almost. they failed to do much in the details, that's another matter, but here 's an example, this is the map bilt published in december 2021, informing about russia's intentions, but at that time in ukraine this information was received with some skepticism. now the publication writes that by the end of 2024, the kremlin plans to establish full control over the donetsk and luhansk regions and reach the oskil river in the kharkiv region. well, by the end of 2026, it is planned to advance further. on
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west to the dnipro, capturing a significant part of the zaporizhia, dnipropetrovsk, and kharkiv regions, in particular, as i have already mentioned, the city of kharkiv, dnipro, and zaporizhia. in ukrainian intelligence, it seems that they do not agree with such... data, in particular, the head of gur kyrylo budanov said the day before that the russian military does not plan to wage war against ukraine in 2025 . i can tell you only one thing, the russian federation currently has no plans to wage war in 2025. perhaps by the end of 2024 , if nothing changes, they will to adjust it, but currently they have no such plans. well, during the so-called direct line of russian ... president vladimir putin, which took place the day before, he said that peace will come only when russia achieves its goal. the american institute for the study of war noted that in this way the head of the kremlin once again expressed his reluctance to participate in any negotiations and declared that there will be peace only when russia achieves all its
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maximalist goals, which are equivalent to the complete surrender of ukraine and the west. white house spokesman john kirby said that putin once again confirmed his goal completely zaho. ukraine and conquer its people, and therefore the us congress should adopt a new aid package for kyiv as soon as possible. let me remind you, this has not been done yet. well, returning to the information announced by the bilt publication that russia is preparing to occupy zaporizhzhia, dnipro and kharkiv, we asked the residents of these cities what they think about such forecasts? i think it will not be possible in any case, the local residents themselves, the people of dnipropetrovsk, will never allow it. of this, disinformation, to panic among masses, for people to be very excited, for people to beat people, well, they can't be like that, it can't be, our soldiers are heroes, i
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think that these are fakes, it can't be, they are deliberately creating such a panic, есть такая старая proverb, there is such an old one. i don't want to think about these plans, i want to think about world peace, nothing else. and what do you think, is it possible at all , maybe, maybe, everyone should, all minds, all people of great intelligence, the whole earth should gather at one table and restore order, well, i think
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, i think that they will not be captured, because we are strong, ukraine is strong. kyrylo sazonov, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, in peaceful life i will add a political scientist , joined our broadcast, good evening, can you hear us, i think, it seems to me that we have some, no, i can hear you studio, no, no, you can hear me , you don't hear the studio , well, in principle, it's the same thing, if you can hear me, then you can also hear the program, yes, we are adjusting, adjusting, i... i have the only thing to note that we have just heard quite optimistic from the ukrainian cities, dnipro, it was dnipro and zaporizhzhia, and kharkiv, quite a few optimistic expectations, you paid attention, i guess we heard from people, people do not allow, ukrainians do not allow any repeated attempts to occupy ukrainian
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cities by russia, ukrainians have high hopes for the armed forces of ukraine, the only thing i have to note is that there is such a you know, a certain déjà vu, because when at the end of 2021... the german publication build also published maps like this and they showed with arrows from which sides and exactly how the russian troops would enter, we also did a survey then, this is such an ordinary survey, simply went out into the streets in large ukrainian cities and asked people if they believed in principle that russia could decide to try to occupy ukrainian cities, people also answered that no, they did not believe that this could not happen, now we see that people don't believe either, but here it is already theirs, so to speak... their answers are based on great trust in the armed forces of ukraine and great hope for the armed forces of ukraine. we will certainly discuss this information, which is voiced by the german
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publication bilt. i hope from a minute on kirill sazonov will join us in a minute, and in the meantime i suggest you watch the material: dozens of assaults and attacks with columns of armored vehicles were carried out by the russian army. on the positions of the ukrainian paratroopers who are holding the defense on the outskirts of maryinka, this is literally in the previous weeks, it was not possible to break through the front there, however, the russian troops do not stop the assault attempts, the radio liberty correspondent spent... a day at the positions of the fighters of the 97th separate of the airborne assault brigade, see their material. why, you have a hatch, like in a hiding place. well, now more than anything hear on maryanka, of course. maryanka, you see, she is also standing at the entrance to donetsk, and the highways depart from her. well, then they diverge. so, that's why. i think that it is strategic here, next there is kurakhova, selidova is there and so on, something is happening there,
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guys, it seems to me, and this happens almost every day, now in the center of maryanka, apparently, they have gone to storm our positions again, that's why infantry and artillery work for them, and their artillery also supports their infantry. there are very often such local skirmishes, that's all they are freeing, yes, how did you free bahma there, they freed marinka there, what, what they freed , there are ruins, only the foundations remained there, life was normal, well, the city lived there, everything was fine, but now it is not there, there are ruins, no one person, and that they released.
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well, you see, well, they are there somewhere, but you won’t see them behind the grass, and they don’t stick out, because as soon as they stick out, we pour them, but drones, of course, they don’t say there that maviks are bullshit there, well, look , they all show when the assaults are repulsed, the avdiivka marinka herself, and so on, that's almost all detect these mavics. well, we
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just saw, because there was no such hole on the road, and just now , well, it appears here every time, it is an m-84 mortar on the soviet potil, 60 mm caliber, which fires nato mines, yes. no, just for the infantry, so that the infantry can easily be guided, no complaints about it , just that, visit, yes plus, let's go on a chase, a shot. the war is a shot, let's take cover
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for now, it's a mortar, yes, it's scarier than scarier, it changes its trajectory, it doesn't choose where it flies, and the pebble can be corrected. well, it was called the war for landings, if they used to say that they went to the landings to rest, then unfortunately, after the war, this is no longer the case. kyrylo sazonov, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine , joined our broadcast again, can you hear me? yes, i can hear it now, thank you. but now i can't hear you for some reason. i don't know what our connection is. yes, something has to do with communication, we can't hear you, unfortunately. and maybe we'll try you again, maybe we
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'll try to redial you again, but, but let's try to talk, maybe, yes, now i hear you, now i hear you, so great, great, me too let me add that in peaceful life, you are a political scientist and journalist, kirill, you must have read the western press, the western media write about putin's plans to occupy three more large cities by the 26th year, we interviewed people, residents of... kharkov and dnipro, people do not really believe in it, but what do you think about such forecasts and under what circumstances russia will not be able to implement, maybe these plans, these plans. yes, this is you about the publication in bilt, you must be saying, yes, it is me about the publication in bilt, ugh, the war until 226 until 2026 until the end, the occupation of zaporizhzhia, kharkiv and the dnipro, well, the echo is in the fifth house, we can still throw it on the toro cards, it won't matter either, well, we are media workers with you, colleagues, we understand that
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pain is a tabloid, oh, i'm here, i'm here for you, and i here you are forced, you know, to balance, because i... bilto published a detailed map of how and where the russian troops would move, and at that time it was the number one argument of the ukrainian powers that what you say, listen to the pain, that's it a tabloid? well, yes, well, it really is a scoreboard, well, dinosaurs had the opportunity to make love for 3 hours without intermittently, traces of aliens were found. russia plans to fight until the end of the 26th year. well, this is news, let's listen to our general staff, our journalists, our analysts, our military, it seems to me that this is more trustworthy, the information will be, well, because well , let's fantasize somewhere in berlin about how much putin will fight, he will to fight as long as he can, or he will achieve some of his goals,
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or we will give him a papacy and he will be forced to leave, that's all, and it can't be some... round date, the end of the 26th year, maybe it will be in a year, maybe the war will last 5 years , no one can say that for sure, of course we will not surrender, we will resist as long as we have the strength, of course that putin will press us as long as he has the opportunity, that's all, how many years will it be, he wants to seize, he wants all of ukraine, and kyiv, and odesa, i am very surprised at this publication. that we are not talking about odesa, because odesa is right now number one for the occupiers, it is the most important thing for them, odesa, kharkiv, zaporizhia, we are talking about kharkiv, yes, we are talking about kharkiv, well, these are two cities that, what are they they are delusional, these are odesa and kharkiv, putin considers them to be russian cities for some reason, and he is trying very hard to capture these cities, but in fact we
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see that they wanted to go to berlin and paris, but unfortunately, they left. through bahmud and avdiivka and nothing further came out, you can see how much strength, how many resources they are throwing at avdiivka now, because they consider avdiivka to be the city that they will be able to capture most realistically in the near future, so that putin wants to have a big press by december 14 -conferences so that he could show it, no were able, at least before the elections, to show some success to their constituents and to show the west that they can do something, that's why we need to support ukraine, we don't need to give ukraine weapons, because you see, russia is advancing further, there is such a desire, but this is avdiyivka, a small town near donetsk, where they threw a lot of resources, they have lost more than 13 thousand dead, how much equipment, do you remember how they stormed bahmud, so what, in fact we will talk about dnipro, zaporizhzhia or
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kharkiv, then imagine if they go on kharkiv, how many people will go there... just the remaining kharkiv residents to the teroboron, that is, you, you are skeptical, i understand you, but listen, well, you say, let's trust ukrainian sources, well, kyrylo budanov said just the day before, that the russian military does not plan to wage war against ukraine in the 25th year, well, they say that as of now they do not plan, maybe something else will change, well, you know that too, such forecasts , on the one hand, you can believe them, and on the other hand, yes criticize yourself, see... if a girl says no, then it may be so, if the diplomat says yes, you have a sexist joke, if the diplomat says yes, then it may not, if radio liberty does not support such jokes, you know, i think our audience does too, or let's turn it off, well, no kidding, just fine, if military intelligence, the head of military
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intelligence says something, then he says what he has to say, it won't necessarily be like that, but... now it's part of some operations, it's probably is important, therefore what budanov says should sound like everything, nothing more, not a fact, that will be so, yes, that is, you should not take everything budanov says on faith, i understood you correctly, understand, he is intelligent, he is a scout, he solves his questions, i understood you, here you are specifically, if i am not mistaken, you are in the kupyan direction, please tell us what is the situation there now, because, for example, the other day , the head of kharkiv ova... oleg senigupov reported that russian troops are actively storming near senkivka, kharkiv region, petropavlivka, and earlier media reported that sankivka is actually like that gray area around. where the hostilities are taking place, tell me what is happening there now , well, as far as you know, of course, battles are constantly going on around senkivka, and the enemy is trying to both bypass it and storm it, and
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the ultimate goal for now tactically, everyone understands that it is the kupyansk junction , the enemy is still training and is training quite demonstratively to force the river, we are talking about either a breach or a black stallion, that is, we understand that he has us... and will catch kupyansk, then kupyansk and threaten kharkiv, but for now he has nothing works, that is, there, well advance at the maximum, well, 100 m have advanced , our artillery is working very, very successfully, our drones are working, our reconnaissance is working, precisely the 41st brigade, and reconnaissance and boir, and when the enemy advances a little forward to our positions, our drones do not leave us behind they would have a chance to get a ride. to bring in reinforcements simply by shooting, smearing, the equipment that goes to reinforcements, and the enemy then retreats, but there are many assaults, that is
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, six or eight times a day - this is an ordinary day, an ordinary day, they are very actively climbing here, because they have confronted quite a lot here and personnel, and equipment, and aviation, er, it was here that the big december offensive was planned, planned, i think. but our guys in the south, in the tokmak direction , in the dnipro direction, in the kherson region, caused a little confusion in the enemy's plans, they had to transfer something there, activate the defense there, so the december offensive did not turn out as powerful as they planned, but not there are fewer of them here, a lot of troops are concentrated, probably more than on bakhmut and avdiivka, and here they will advance further, they will fight quite hard. it is sad enough for me to look at what is happening, because here in kharkiv region, there were very, very beautiful forests, as they are now
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, almost destroyed. i understand you, thank you for sharing what is happening in the kupyan district, i have one last question for you, but literally yesterday in kyiv there was, i would say, even a political scandal, the head of the european solidarity faction in the kyiv city council, volodymyr prokopiev. during the vote for the budget of the capital, he said that kyiv does not need to guide the city war budget, what should the state do, and cities should live their own lives, let's listen to this thesis and we will continue to discuss, you want a war budget here, make the state budget a state war budget, and cities should live their own lives, well, you see, there is a war in the country, and the cities have to live their own lives, criticized his statement very much. but how are such statements perceived at the front and how do you, as a military serviceman , listen to such statements from politicians? the fact is that it was our unit that took part in
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liberated kyiv region, and we saw it in december at the beginning of march 22nd, i didn't see it then, i don't know where he was, maybe in kyiv, maybe he went somewhere to poland, to italy, to transcarpathia, but if you don't do if you don't support the army, if the rear forgets about the army, prokopyev should learn it, if the rear forgets about the army, then the war comes where the rear is, and the army starts there, sometimes i think when i see such powerful people, such officials , deputies, sometimes it seems to me that it would not be a problem for them to become a little such a cold shower, so that the enemy would be close to you again, so that you would understand that now your luxurious estates, your luxurious cars... are worthless, because now kiev will be surrounded and you will be captured, everything, so that there would be such a sobering up, so that he would understand this , but he doesn’t understand, well, he probably should come
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to us more often, see how things are going, let’s show bakhmut from a drone, show bohdanivka, hryhorivka near bakhmut, show avdiivka, show mariyanka, say, you have an estate, well, wonderful, in you have father-in-law and steshi, wonderful apartments, look at... the people were wonderful, wonderful apartments, russian peace has come , we did not stop it here, we stopped it a little further, you think you are safe, no, it is an illusion, do not help the army, the war will come to his home, i thank you very much for your comment, kyrylo sazonov , a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, was on radio liberty, thank you very much, if western countries do not support ukraine in the war against russia, sooner or later the nato military will... , or are the countries of the west ready for a real war with russia, we asked vadym
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prystayk, until recently the ambassador of ukraine to velika, about this. who assumed that, under certain conditions, great britain would be ready to send its military to ukraine. what is this condition? listen what president zelenskyy is saying now is that if we run out of forces, run out of soldiers, run out of weapons that you are not supplying us with, you will have to make a decision to help us with the armed forces, and there are countries that are approaching this decision. britain is one of the very first on this list. can you elaborate on what that means is coming, is britain ready? to send their soldiers to ukraine, no one will ever admit, especially politicians, every time they will be asked, they will say that no, no, we, we, well, how, well, where, well, why are we here we would rather give anything, but in fact the calculations about the fact that, god forbid , we will have to use the armed forces are carried out by the military, for this the military are there, and diplomats, in order to plan for the future, the political leadership of the state must make a decision, is this plan normal or abnormal, but our back, our duty, for this you keep us, to plan for
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the worst, the worst... applications for these countries, the use of their expeditionary forces on the territory of ukraine . under what conditions can this happen? catastrophic development of the war. occupation, continuation of occupation. is public opinion in great britain ready for this? no. no democratic state is ready for the application that putin did not tell that they are sitting there somewhere in mi-6 or military intelligence are the british planning to attack the kremlin? no. where are the states? politicians who depend on the re-election cycle, who depend on their constituents, who have to explain themselves 100 times to take the first step, it is very difficult for them to do it. watch the full version of our conversation with vadym prystayk on the radio liberty youtube channel, we talked in detail about the prospects of ukraine in nato, why ukraine’s support in the west is falling, and about the resignation of prystayk, he was fired unexpectedly, and for six months already he has been so important for ukraine as a great state britain remains without a ukrainian ambassador.
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schedule this viewing. and watch it after svoboda live. hungarian prime minister viktor orban vetoed the decision of the european union to allocate economic aid to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros. the president of the european council, charles michel , announced that the financing package for ukraine was not rejected, but postponed. eu leaders believe that a decision will be made at the beginning of next year. with details from brussels to ours. zoryana stepanenko joins. zoryan, my congratulations. zoryan, you, i see that you hear me. amazingly, it turns out that when the vote was taken on the start of negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu, viktor orban simply left the room and the decision was made in favor of ukraine. but now we see that when they voted for aid for ukraine, orban did not go anywhere and voted against it. how, what are the future prospects, what are they saying about it in the eu. the only thing i can tell you.
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that she managed to talk to a number of ukrainian politicians in the morning, and they say that ukraine really needs this money, that they say in brussels. good evening, vlasto , you know, here is clearly aware of the fact that you mentioned, and now they will act according to the following plan: they are leaving brussels, that is , the summit, which made many nervous, and surprised, and upset, as in the case with makrofin is really completed, and in january at the beginning of february there is no exact date yet. the leaders will return here, although they did not plan, there will be a new emergency summit and a new approach to trying to convince viktor orban to support the financing of ukraine. yesterday , the hungarian prime minister said that he actually not against, but not in this format, i.e. not within the general budget of the eu, and, as he said earlier, he did not immediately propose to issue money in smaller such portions and for a shorter period, in particular not for four, but for two years , to later review this decision, and, as the diplomats said, the mother
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answered. but such are the levers to put forward your demands or conditions again, and yes, if you approve makrofin for four years at once, then there will be no such opportunity during them. now regarding the financial situation in ukraine, which you mentioned, she has yet to receive the last tranche of this year 's financial aid package of the european union, which was approved accordingly a year ago, is 18 billion for 2023, and this tranche, which i am talking about, which is still to come, is 1.5 billion euros, and it will come as it said. .. the president of the european commission said today, summing up the summit in the coming days, adding that it will actually help ukraine to hold on at the beginning of next year, meanwhile they will look for backup options. this is important for the construction of a small but important bridge, and we will take advantage of the time we have.


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