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tv   [untitled]    December 16, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EET

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artificially, someone lives, how much is being asked for a green beauty in the kyiv region this year and what assortment is offered further in the material of my colleagues from the white church. this year, the sale of christmas trees in the city officially started on december 1, as the chief forester of the belotserk forest farm assures, this is due to the fact that for the first time in ukraine all christmas and new year holidays are celebrated according to the new yulian calendar. last year , more than half a thousand trees were sold, and it is hoped that this will be the case in 2020. the third. they are cut down legally on special plantations, where they grow from four to eight years old spruce and pine cost from almost 200 to more than 500 hryvnias. it depends on the height. but the hungarians will have to pay more, but the prices - says aren, have not changed at all. at our company, we opened a christmas tree bazaar right here for the january breakthrough in the white church. we also opened a christmas market in fastov. squirra, the same. tetiiv,
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stavishche, i.e. in the places where our forestry units are located, spruces are sold directly there, and people and entrepreneurs also come, who also take them legally. uh, they take 100, 200 pieces, they write everything out in bundles, that is, they sell them in any case on the market, we provide them with permits for that, we don’t cut them, we just cut that amount, brought 500 pieces there and we are waiting for them to be bought there, that is, we are small... we prepared them, brought them, sold them, we see what happens before the sale is completed at the yalanka bazaar, we also deliver here, new year's beauties are not taken yet, because there is usually a rush a week before december 31, for example, 10 of them were sold in the oleksandria arboretum, and the price, according to the chief engineer, was not raised either, so you can buy a christmas tree here from uah 360 for more than 1 m to uah 600 for 300. they are also grown in
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a special nursery, which buyer comes to the nursery chooses which christmas tree he likes, and the head of the nursery department already measures its height and then sells it through the arboretum cash desk, conifers can be purchased in the markets and locally in the city districts, but this year there are still few such places, low christmas trees on stands and collected compositions from uah 150, larger trees from up to uah 600 arriving at one of the places of sale, we did not notice the kramer and tags, but after a few minutes a man approached us and assured us that everything was legal. pop, see, look, this is specially grown by people, it is written, christmas pine. and should there be any documents for her as well? of course. this is a contract of a natural person that he has fields and grows new year's sauce. ugh. entrepreneur. these christmas trees came to us from
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poltava region, poltava region, ugh, the village of lisne, kobylya territorial community, kobylyaki, fop, siroshtan, and despite the fact that in the city you can buy a christmas tree for any taste, local poachers want easy money, so they go for unauthorized felling of trees, so recently two of them cut off the tops of almost 20 christmas trees and pine trees, near the suhoyar cemetery, were being transported on a sleigh, but the police noticed the pieces in time. an administrative protocol is drawn up on the spot, if it is minor material damage according to article 65 of the administrative code of ukraine, if significant damage already exceeds notarial damage, then an investigative team is called, and in relation to article 246, illegal felling of forest plantations, a criminal offense is opened. yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. well, yuriy and i were just
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chatting with fizer, and we probably won't buy christmas trees this year, just like last year, let's say more modestly, the new year, well, but in any case, there is always a choice. yury, good evening, please, world about ukraine. good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us, there will be no christmas tree, but there will be international news, and today with a guest i will even, in particular, talk about when ukraine will receive 50 billion euros of aid from the european union, the american... senators will not go on christmas vacation from monday and everything will be through ukraine, and news from potoybich , well, you know, the other side, i call russia , about this and other things in a moment in the world about ukraine column, well, i’ll start with this, the door was not only opened for us, but we were already let in, now we will have to walk through long corridors for several years, look in... the offices. on the eve
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in the evening, the leaders of the member states of the european union would still give the go-ahead for the start of negotiations with ukraine on joining the eu. they voted unanimously. well, that is, if we take into account the fact that at the time of voting, the prime minister of hungary , viktor orbán, was not in the hall. according to some information , he was persuaded by german chancellor olaf scholz to leave at the time of the vote. unfortunately, later this same orban blocked the allocation of 50 billion euros of aid from the european union to ukraine. but the talks are starting, and that's good. yes, we all understand that there is a lot ahead many years. well, we want them to be as few as possible, but many years of these negotiations, and there are certain things that we will have to do, we will do them, but it already seems to me that it is very good for ukraine , but this, or is it so, i will talk today with my guest today, serhiy gerasimchuk,
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deputy executive director, director of the regional initiatives and neighborhoods program of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council. mr. serhiy, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. i congratulate you, mr. yuriy. mr. sergey, tell me please, here is yesterday's decision of the leaders of eu member states, how important it is for us, and in this case viktor orbán, the prime minister of hungary, he became part of history, what he did, or he was on the sidelines of this history ? first, for us, the decision is really important, despite the fact that many say that nothing has really changed in ukraine either. vola remains a candidate, obviously, the opening of membership negotiations is an essential step, symbolic and at the same time technical, but very important, and the importance of this step is that now we are not talking about some recommendations
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that someone interprets as recommendations, someone recommends as requirements of the european commission, we are talking about full-fledged negotiations that should take place between the european union and the candidate state, and these negotiations are ongoing. to membership, that is, membership is no longer in limbo, as something has yet to be achieved, membership now looks quite a feasible prospect, after the negotiation process for all 35 chapters is completed, and eventually ukraine and the eu will go directly to the issue of membership. as for orban, he did go down in history, but did not end up in uzbichka, because history is not the only thing. pro-country, the story of the european union in general and its ability to make decisions, the story of the european union and its ability to respond to blackmailers, namely viktor orbán acted as a blackmailer in all these tense days before and during
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the summit. the european union proved that with its unity it is able to convince even the biggest skeptics, among which it belonged viktor orban. the european union has proven... that sometimes it goes for flexible schemes, and such a scheme can be considered the allocation of 10 billion frozen funds to hungary in exchange for this decision, although no one formally admitted this, but all secondary indications indicate that this is exactly what happened , gorban sought additional funds and he obtained them. orbán will try again to use this same technology, this same approach. even now in his office and he himself does not hide that the 50 billion that were foreseen for ukraine will be allocated only when orbán's hungary will receive the 30 billion frozen funds for it, of which it has received now, only got a solution
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for a third, but what is most important for the history of the european union, in general, is what orbán eventually proved to all the other leaders of the european union, the leaders . member states of the european commission that the current decision-making mechanism is weak, and if this mechanism can be blocked by one of the leaders, then it obviously needs to be changed. there have been talks about it for several years, this year france with germany took initiatives to reform the decision-making process, and now it seems to me that this process is irreversible and will be changed later. the decision-making mechanism itself, and secondly, orbán can be happy that he is a staveif for an hour, orbán can be happy that he was persuaded by scholz, macron, michel. but orban should also be aware that there are now
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many more people who want to deprive hungary of the right to vote in the european union through the application of the third paragraph of the seventh article of the treaty on the european union than before, and it is quite likely that that... the union will launch this mechanism, especially taking into account that now orban has not managed to build any coalition, so there is hope that even in the case of the application of article seven , no one will come to orban's defense, mr. sergey, look, i will ask the next question to you after listening to the direct speech of viktor orbán, today in an interview with his favorite radio station kosuth, he said, let's have the first direct speech of viktor orbán, the decisive argument was that hungary does not lose anything because the final 27 parliaments have to say about ukraine's membership, including the hungarian one, so if we don't... want ukraine to become a member of the eu, the hungarian parliament will vote against it.
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that is, as far as i understand, the leaders have now voted, but now it is necessary to pass ratification in the parliaments of all countries , members of the european union, and after such a statement by viktor orban, he will constantly blackmail now, and whatever he does not like, he will always say: "parliament will not vote." well, first of all, let's hope that as in the old saying. parables about the donkey and the padyshah until the moment when the decision on the membership of ukraine will be made, or there will be another parliament in hungary, or decisions will be made in a different way. secondly, and you rightly noted, this is the traditional classic psychology of a blackmailer, when he is satisfied, he has an appetite to further abuse his victim and demand more and more. however, i have already said it many times. these days, orbán resembles the character of
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conandoyle milverton, the same who was the king of blackmail, the same who blackmailed all the cream of london, and the same one who finished very badly when his bar turned out to be too high, it is obvious that at the moment we are not talking about classic blackmail, we are talking about political blackmail, but here too, once again, it annoys everyone. that is, orban satisfied his ego, but he clarified many representatives of european capitals, and it is obvious that no one will pay him 10 billion for each decision of orban, it is cheaper to deprive him of the right to vote, and therefore it seems to me that this process is irreversible. absolutely irreversible, orban will not be able to to grow further, he will either be forced to vote unanimously with the eu, or lose this right. well, mr. sergey, i have one more question for you, but if i can answer it briefly, well, considering the situation in
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which we have been for almost two years, well, there is some kind of kremlin hand everywhere. in this case , as you already said, orban was simply satisfying his ego, or was there some, some interest of russia in this as well? he satisfied his ego, but this does not exclude russian interest, that is, orban likes to be useful to russia, orban is very close. logically with putin, so in this case, there is no contradiction here, and of course, russian interests in hungary, the payment of paks, the nuclear power plant, rosatom, cheap gas, all this works, as well as not exclusively, that additional arguments work that we simply do not know about, the king a blackmailer can also be blackmailed, they will talk about it, but of course there is no evidence of this, of course, mr. serhiy, i thank you very much for participating in our program. i thank you very much for your professional comments, it was serhii harasymchuk, deputy executive director, director
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programs of regional initiatives and the neighborhood of the foreign policy council ukrainian prism. well, we are going further, but also about ukraine and the eu summit. ukraine will receive financial assistance of 50 billion euros from the european union under the long-term support program at the end of january next year. dutch prime minister mark rutte said this at the end of yesterday's meeting in brussels, at the same time he emphasized that it will be necessary to convene a new summit of the european union, followed by a short quote from the head of the dutch government: we still have time, in ukraine still has money for the next few weeks. i am quite confident that we will be able to close the deal at the beginning of next year, we are thinking about the end of january. and the decision on financial assistance from the european union. pro-union to ukraine must be adopted , but it must mature, the president of lithuania
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, gitanas told reporters in the same brussels, and further his quote, the decision still needs to undergo some fermentation, so that at the extraordinary meeting of the eu, at the highest level, already in january it was approved, and today there was also information that that they made a political decision that... they will help ukraine, even if they cannot convince orban, to unblock the aid, and they will look for this money from some additional sources, meaning the countries of the european union. it seems that this is already becoming a trend, although poliiko's sources say that it was a simple coincidence. the decision of the european union regarding the 12th package of anti-russian sanctions was agreed upon while austrian chancellor karl nehamer was leaving the meeting hall. by the way, he set certain requirements in order to agree to the adoption of this
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sanctions package. in particular , he insisted on excluding one austrian bank from the so-called ukrainian bank. list, as journalists note, nehamer's absence was ironic considering that earlier that day hungarian prime minister viktor orbán left the room when the leaders were deciding on the start of negotiations on ukraine's accession. well, later information appeared that austria had removed this requirement in relation to its one bank. american senators decided not to go from monday. for the christmas holidays and that's all to gather and try to vote for the allocation of aid to ukraine at the request of us president joe biden. this was announced by the leader of the democratic majority in the upper house of the american supreme legislative body, chuck schumer. at the same time , he emphasized that the actions of the senate and the house of representatives are now closely
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watched all over the world and added. quote: so much depends on our success. and it's true. joe biden's administration also asked congressmen not to go on vacation starting next monday, and still make a decision on the allocation of military aid to ukraine, amounting to a little more than 61 billion dollars. this was stated by the deputy press secretary of the white house, andrew bates. he emphasized that republicans, going on vacation, neglect the interests of the country's national security. then there is his short quote. republican congressmen chose to go to if they choose to go on vacation, rather than join biden's fight for a safer world on the southern border, they will make a big mistake. and to conclude the american theme: congress the united states of america forbade
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the american president, whoever he may be, to withdraw the country from nato without. consent of legislators. the corresponding clause is contained in the law on budget appropriations for national defense for the fiscal year 2024, which was approved by both houses of congress. it contains, in particular, such a clause. quote: the president cannot terminate the participation of the united states , denounce or withdraw from the north atlantic treaty signed in washington on april 4, 1949 , except with the advice and consent of the united states congress, subject to the approval of two-thirds senators present. or by act of congress. well, you immediately understand, i'm sure, why the congressmen made such a decision, namely because there is a high probability that the next president of the united states of america, next year in november, donald trump can become, he has already
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shown that he knows how to bring out his country from various organizations, however, then joe biden... returned the united states to some of them, but you probably didn't talk about it, because it appeared recently, i already voiced it once today and i will voice it again that in last days trump's presidency in the white house could not find a folder with classified information about russia's interference in the 2016 election, the special services are still looking for it, well, i hope, maybe this will also be a reason to ask donald what his middle name is, by the way, and where is the folder jonovych, jonovych says jonovych, and where is the folder, well, by the way, there may be a lot of such questions here, so as they say, the drama is just beginning here... his middle name is john, and his father, his father, fred, it seems fred trump seems to be fredovich, so i guess so there may still be many such nuances, so not everything is clear here yet, but the threat is, indeed , and finally, in the village of bobrovsky, which is the sverdlovsk region, still in russia, it is far in the urals, there was a fire at the factory,
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a fire raged on an area of ​​1,300 m2, according to the report of the local department of the ministry of emergency... affairs , foam blocks were manufactured at the factory, well, is it true, or only foam blocks, it is not known, they were injured , the department says there is no material damage, judging by the fire that you see on their screens, there are 41 firefighters extinguishing the fire and 15 pieces of equipment, firefighters even had to lay a main line 150 m long from the nearby river and the grid to the place of the fire, the cause of the fire has not yet been reported, but i very much... suspect that there will be, as always, a shorting of the electric wire. well, for today and for this week, i have everything in the column about the world about... there will be more next week, but there will also be more in our further broadcast, my friend oleksandr moshchevka, as always, will tell you everything in detail in a few minutes the latest from
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the world of money, so don't switch. i flew, flew, and a cough stopped me, a cough is a respiratory symptom. according to the results of november, the espresso tv channel ranks first among information broadcasting channels. for the eighth month in a row, we are the first. greetings, it 's news time on the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old. we have updated the design, sound, we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. we remain our values ​​and ukrainian point of view. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. events, events that are happening right now and affect ours
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good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue our big ether and now it's time to talk about money in war. oleksandr morchivka will summarize the economic results of the week today. alexander, congratulations. hello viewers, thank you vasyl's word, a lot of interesting and important things happened, in particular, the vast majority of news will be about international aid, who transferred how much in... the country and where this money will go, all about it in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column
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about money during the war. i'll start with the important numbers, these are directly the amounts, specific numbers, specific money that went to ukraine from international donors. so, this week our state received almost 900 million dollars, this is... financing from the international monetary fund, the third tranche in within the limits of the current extended financing program, the ministry of finance reported. the funds will help finance important state budget expenditures in a timely manner and support macroeconomic stability now, especially when the economy needs external financing. indeed, this is financing from the imf, this is the result of long negotiations, the result. fulfillment of a number of tasks, and looking at the fulfillment of these structural beacons of our main creditor, the fund improved expectations for the growth of
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ukraine's gross domestic product. according to the results the current year's gdp will be 4.5%, despite the war, the indicators turned out to be stronger, more optimistic than expected, but the imf adds that there are risks, they depend on the course of hostilities, there is also uncertainty caused by potential political mistakes in politics, well, in particular, this applies to... and the work of parliamentarians, the work of the government, certain debates between political forces, it all affects, in particular, the growth of gdp. also, the reason that the economy can change its indicators is the delay, a series of financing from by international partners. well, the european council decided to create a ukrainian fund of 50 billion euros for
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2000. 24-2027, the ministry of foreign affairs of our country informed about this, they noted that this is a clear signal that the financial support of our country from the european union will continue, the department added, the funds will be directed to the stabilization of the macroeconomics, restoration, modernization, in general, of all industries, all spheres in our country, and funding will help speed up the path to membership in the european union. and 150 million euros to support ukrenergo during the heating season was allocated by the european bank for reconstruction and development, the parties signed favorable relevant agreements, this is a significant contribution of partners to our energy security, said the head of the government denys shmyhal, also in cooperation with the ebrd, ukraine is rebuilding trunk networks, and a new
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aid package worth 120 million euros was provided to ukraine this week by sweden, the head of the government there, ulf christerson, announced. well, as the prime minister noted, this is the biggest one today support from sweden, the funds will be directed to the purchase of equipment for heating and the transfer of capacities to the ukrainian energy grid. also , part of the funds will be used to create shelters. and the state aid in the budget. in its budget, china will increase aid to ukraine to 8 billion euros (this is in the budget for next year), the state minister for european affairs of germany, anna lührmann, said. well, germany's position on supporting ukraine's european integration also remains clear. i think that just a certain part of these funds will also be directed to ours and yours european integration. important news for
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the financial sector has happened. this week, the national bank decided to reduce the discount rate by 1% to 15% per annum, well , they did it because the analysts of the national bank believe that there has been such a certain slowdown in inflation, they see optimistic forecasts regarding prices, and that is why they decided to lower the discount rate , this was also helped by a decrease in inflation, a certain expansion of the supply of products... harvest vigilance, from the new harvest, stability of the hryvnia. well, i won't delve too much into what the discount rate is, but this is a positive signal, in particular for banks, a positive signal for business, because this will be the stability of credit funds for entrepreneurs, for consumers , interest rates on loans will not increase. well , vasyl should add here that for the fifth time, if i'm not mistaken, in the last few months, in
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russia, the opposite has been raised. discount rate, and this is again evidence that prices and inflation there are growing rapidly, well, it is true that yesterday putin talked about their successful successes, it is necessary to share, and today they raised the discount rate, because prices are rising, well, this is mathematics, it was not for nothing that someone wrote on that screen, which was with putin behind his back or somewhere near him, that when real life becomes like the one on tv, well, this is true, well, and also in the cabinet on... named the amount of taxes that will be spent on defense in the next year, so the government will direct all the levies that will come to the budget, both from the population and from entrepreneurs, to the war, it is expected that it will be approximately uah 1. it is also planned to attract funds to the defense sector from the placement of military bonds, dividends from state-owned companies, profits of the national bank and money from privatization. during the year of operation
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, 20 danube ports were opened.


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