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tv   [untitled]    December 16, 2023 3:30am-4:00am EET

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we will divide, or we will add, this is also a serious nuance, because let 's compare the economies of the united states, america, the european union, the european union up to 20 trillion yes euros, well at different prices, 15, 17, 18 by year, the united states america 25 plus, well, in fact, they are already starting to find themselves somewhere on such parity, and the issue of security is very important, and others, and others, you can already highlight the danger for yourself. because i, for example, when they talk about security guarantees, i don't see them at all in addition to money, the european union can give us , well, besides money, by and large, this is not a guarantee, well, it is not a guarantee of security, it is a guarantee of help, we have it literally, security, the security of the european union itself must be taken care of, friends, it is no coincidence that in this final resolution there, among other things, there was also written a megaproject, as charles michel called it, a megabudget, a megafinance document.
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which provides for the issue of the defense of the creation of the european union army, which has been discussed and talked about for a long time, i remember, we are with you probably a few months ago they were talking about the possibility of creating a baltic-black sea union, a kind of union that they wanted to start doing at one time even before the beginning of a large-scale invasion, and our very beloved johnson, johnson, he came here with this proposal, let's do, this idea , she died because well... you think she died or she i think she died i'll explain why because it's actually going to be a nato standoff, they can't do that, mix a snake with food, it's not going to be very well right, because then how will it be there will be a flow of military capabilities of the country, which will be in one and another alliance, because the countries of eastern europe should be there turkey, poland and others will contradict, it will be within the framework of nato or the eu, it will be informal, a question that michel foucault would ask you , why use simulacra, why not make nato more effective, stronger.
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we are not talking about someone specifically there, but i am telling you about a conceptual thing, hungary, we know who orbán is , listen, for 5 copies, he will buy what is 10 trillion or billion euros for. for europe, and these are pennies, well, let’s see how much was allocated for the fight against the coronavirus, remember the numbers, but you probably won’t remember, i apologize for this respect, there were tens of trillions of dollars all over the world, where the money was taken, in a drawer, they they are lying there, i am asking you, i am not saying by chance that the european union is able to buy orbán, it is buying him, but wants to bargain a little, at one time they did not buy lukashenka, what they got, they understand the risks, orbán must be bought or framed. take blinders, and how do you put them in
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frame it, well, when i hear this thesis, let's put it in a frame, how? well, again, sanctions, it turns out interestingly, within the framework of the european union, you impose sanctions against the countries of the european union, and here putin is sitting on another hotline saying: look, they are a mess, well , no one will do that, right the same as the exclusion, you yourself said the tool by which it can be put into a framework, the same change in internal functioning, well, let's say the same system 60. that is, 65% of the countries of the european union, representing 55% of the population. well, in for such a conglomerate, hungary will not be able to influence the decision much. the policy of democratic education is non-interference in the internal affairs of any country. i imagine a situation when, for example, the european commission or the european council adopts some regulatory documents that will be mandatory in hungary. well, you, let us hypothetically allow this situation, again, who will tell us what, yes, you will say, this is a classic dictatorship, which. there is democracy, now
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there is a lot of hype around it, by the way, a lot, so i see exactly this story with decision, this is a conceptual decision, let’s wait and see, the situation can change drastically, i don’t see, for example, a very large economic potential in ukraine, it’s the lack of sufficient labor force, first of all, this is a big minus for us right now, so that this workforce becomes very expensive, and this is also a kind of policy of the european union, the creation of equal competitive opportunities, because it is primarily economic.
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she does not exist by definition, although at one time obtaining a passport for her was somehow nonsense we do not want, but must and must move towards european standards. who would n't like that? no, we will move. the other side, so the discussion should continue, and here it is not about terms, not about deadlines, the most important thing is already conceptually defined, turkey does not even have such a status, or am i wrong, look, mr. valery, i spoke about terms with only one purpose, so that there would be no as usual, we have a wait of 2-3 weeks, you understand, so that after a year there is no panic again, for seven years we were screwed by that union, sorry, screwed the european union, for 7 years we will go there forever and it will be 50, read the comments of people, what they write. if we are talking about people's comments , then let's talk about the war, because it seems to me that there is yesterday's victory, and it needs further work and the work will continue, er, but the war, it needs the work of all of us, not only the ministries
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for european integration, for example, or not only kuleba, and therefore, look, i took only three editions, and people read telegram channels and obviously people also have, as you say in comments are such a betrayal. i want you to dispel this treachery right on the air of the national telethon. and here i took , for example, three articles: bilt: it means that the russians intend to continue the war until the 26th year and capture kharkiv and the dnipro, this is what is being heard and people are reviling, so according to this information, the russian authorities are counting on reducing ukraine's support for the west, as well as simulating peaceful, simulating peace talks to introduce the world community to oman about russia's peaceful intentions. in fact, the kremlin is not planning. no truce and are developing a new medium-term plan for the war in ukraine , what we saw yesterday from putin, the fact that he was at zero and is now at zero with his denazification, demilitarization, it only proved that no one does not offer negotiations, if
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it did not sound like very eloquent ukrainian native speakers from the telegram channels of some ukrainian or from some youtube resources, it is correct when they speak, and maybe we should consider the korean option, or maybe... maybe there no one from that side offers the german option, which means that bilt says: by the end of the 24th year, it is planned to establish full control over the donetsk and luhansk regions and reach the oskol river in the kharkiv region. by the end of the 26th year, it is planned to advance further west to the dnipro, seizing a significant part of the zaporizhia, dnipropetrovsk, and kharkiv regions, including the cities of kharkiv, dnipro, and zaporizhzhia. it looks very threatening to people, what i read is in the telegram channels of the splits. so, the following. next admiral james stavridis writes in a column for bloomberg: "supporting the event increases the chances of peace talks in a year. it is likely that it would be better for kyiv to agree to the temporary or permanent transfer of crimea and the land bridge to russia in exchange for ukraine's accession to the eu and nato. i about what kind of massive
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attack is going on the heads of the ukrainians. next, then, i take the new york times, writes. this also this week, the united states of america recommended that ukraine temporarily secure these positions and increase its own production of weapons, all in order to, it means that it is enough to create a convincing enough threat for russia to go to negotiations at the end of the 24th or in the 25th year, and there it is written that the ukrainian leadership does not understand the instability of the help from the usa and is asking for weapons, which it does not. exists, that is, betrayal is going on on all fronts, but it is difficult to imagine the psychological state of ukrainians, who have all this in their heads, so we need to have adult conversations here, well, look, first of all
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, you know what professor preobrazhensky used to say: don’t read soviet newspapers, we should still understand that there is an information war going on, we have to understand that a... that there are many retired politicians, for example, in the same united states of america, who, who have grandchildren, who have to pay for college and everything, they go to work such lobby structures, and then they are sent what should be said, there, it seems to be smart, beautiful, but in reality it is simply not implemented in practice, i will tell you why, here in these articles there is truth, half-truth, there is truth, and this , well, for example, it is completely true that russia will simulate negotiations, i will tell you how even they will simulate negotiations, they want to use, well, as they say
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negotiations, on the one hand, to disrupt western aid to ukraine, because further, how they want to do it, well, theoretically, purely theoretically presented. negotiations, yes, politicians immediately appear in the west and say, let's not, let's give peace a chance, yes, and therefore we will not supply weapons like this to the conflict zone. trump came to power, and then the americans and europeans introduced an embargo, well let's always remember this, whether they are preparing, whether they have the capabilities to wage war, here we must admit that there is, come on, they are rebuilding their economy, they have calculated, including sociology , i'm sure that they...
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own weapons, i am completely in favor, and we must understand that we need to produce weapons ourselves, well, as zelensky said back in september that we need a military. and we have to deal with it, because there are many weapons, especially those that affect, that can hit russian territory federation, the west will not give us, we must clearly understand this, this means that the government must define priorities, priority sectors that need to be supported, with personnel resources, retrain people who are already in the labor specialty, there are problems with personnel, it means training we need people in order to work in the right direction, it was not for nothing that zelenskyi already met with representatives of boeing, martynachnych must
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understand that this is about technological cooperation, we must understand that military technologies are specific technology, everything will not be given, well, this is just such a policy, we must understand that where we can close, for example, with western weapons, somewhere part of the technology, maybe they can provide some, we must take it. cooperatives must understand that they will have great caution regarding the transfer of production to the territory of ukraine, they will most likely also do so with great caution, and that is good, what they will provide there, well, again, back to the question sweden, sweden can cooperate with us, because they are afraid we are interdependent, some joint projects are possible here, we can work with them, further, but... we have to do some of it ourselves, first of all, these are missiles, drones, which allow us to transfer the war to the territory
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of the russian federation, we must understand that the russians are the advantage is in the demographic resource , that’s for sure, well, they have more people, so we have to close this difference in potential with iron, otherwise it simply won’t work, but i recently read an article there, in my opinion, there is a manufacturer , one guy i organized the production of 10 drones there , i can make 20 such manufacturers - that 's 2 million drones per year, and it should probably be more, according to artificial intelligence, it should be done and so on, because i'm already looking, well for it to work without operators, that's why we have to, the state must finance the developments, because so far these developments are not available to entrepreneurs, private capital, a painful topic, very long, let 's not have much time, i want to talk about america, there is also glory there . god some positive things are happening, people have given up vacations, you have to imagine and finally, what are you
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telling a lie, you are telling a lie, i read these messages last night, they say, no, they all went on vacation, well, read the news, right, figure it out, what is incongress and what is the senate, sorry, i interrupted, sorry, what is happening in the united states with this week's question, after all, we have a chance to get a second year, i think so, well... the united states of america, for them ukraine became not just, you know, a project will ensure their success in the elections or something else, this is really a story about the preservation of the usa and security for europe, because theses have been repeatedly voiced by joseph biden, lloyd osin and others that, god forbid ,... ukraine will fall, then you will go there to fight and your children will go there to fight, this means that america understands this threat, and here
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the transfer of production to ukraine will be in full swing. let me remind you that in september we were appointed a special representative, penny pritzker, who deals specifically with investment issues of american money into the ukrainian economy. tell me, please, a rhetorical question, in which right now america will invest here colossally. a lot of it is really in the military-industrial complex, so there are certain shifts, i am more than convinced in this regard, but the information is silent about it and they are doing it very correctly, i have no doubts about this, because the concept of the strategy... of america regarding security has changed of europe, they are no longer talking about the security of europe, as such, there are complaints, increase spending, but about what capabilities ukraine will have. i absolutely agree that putin's press conference yesterday strengthened them in that, and listen, well, putin's press conference, i wouldn't take it very seriously at all, he didn't say anything new, by
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and large, what there was, cocktails left, we are at that point, whether it is a signal for the americans or not, it is a success, because we are finding. at the point where they were at the beginning of a large-scale invasion. putin failed to realize his goals. the success of the russian military-industrial complex is very doubtful, friends, this most likely similar to ipso, said and will say, because putin admitted twice that they have very serious problems on the front because of drones that fly like a fly. if putin is talking about problems, the commander, one of the commanders of the third, assault brigade, he said that they have so many drones that they can chase individual ones. i won't say that there isn't, i 'm just as much as we can, and before he said as much as it will take, we understand, he said, the difference, he said, we understand what needs to be given aid to ukraine has become a matter of internal us policy, i understand what
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the republicans want, we need them to make changes in migration policy and cross-border policy. workers, i am ready to go for it, he said, and now the negotiations are ongoing on the preparation of this bill, i am finalizing, regarding this bill, which will be discussed from monday, it will be discussed, first there is a debate, then there is a vote for it, let's say so, procedural preliminary, a special committee created under this bill works there, then, based on the results, when the document is approved, i'm sorry, everyone will be kicked out of the chamber. e house of representatives to washington in order for them to actually conduct a formal vote, such a procedure for approving documents, they do not need changes at the voting stage, no one will carry any amendments there, it is strategic for them, however, there is one more very significant a moment that is now playing to our advantage, let's imagine a situation where 61 billion have already been voted, what would we have in the european union yesterday, huh, it's a rhetorical question, it's a good story for us
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today, that we don't have this money for today, no matter how cynical it sounds, because europe has to... make decisions radically different from those that were made before, namely to give us a perspective in the european union and put orbán in a position to he did not oppose them for allocating money to ukraine. in addition, yesterday the bulgarians voted three more than billions accidentally mentioned story with northern europe by chance? no, japan, by chance, no, the mobilization is going strong. therefore, to the question of what putin said there, and such a super duper there some colossal breakthrough of the russian military industry must be attributed there. very carefully, because it sows treason in the heads of many ukrainians, this is the most important problem, that they fly like flies and so on, nothing is done and we don’t have a clue, we don’t talk about it, we catch missiles every night and shahedy we we catch every night, it wasn’t like that, compare how many, and compare how many were flying now and how many flew before, how many flew now, the statistics are much different, there were more of them flying,
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and returning to the closing congress, they rockets, they save on rockets, on mines, they don't save at all. you shouldn’t not investigate, valeriy, i’m sorry, look , we, you, russians, what, what are russians, they know how to adapt many things in reality, yes, technologies are not new, but quantity turns into quality, well, for example, lancets and eagles bought in israel under license, they can scale them, even if they are outdated, etc., make them cheaper, yes, look, i would not underestimate the russians here, i should never underestimate them. it is better not to overestimate than to underestimate, that's why i recently saw, well, here today on the internet, they have already shown their surface drone, which, by a strange coincidence , this sbu drone looks like a baby, someone turned it off, they, they see , they see, they see what is useful, they
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learn, they change tactics, here should be underestimated, the question is that, but they have a flaw, here there is a flaw. they are still trading in the technologies that are available , for example, the linsets and arlans, israel already sold them in 2010, but they sold what they have in principle, they, well, they are also smart people, military technologies, they did not transfer new ones , they are actually developments of the late 90s, so far they are at this level, we must understand that we must be an order of magnitude more effective, they are building an effective military machine, we must be an order of magnitude... that the same defense concerns that look at what is happening in ukraine understand that some types of weapons will very soon become irrelevant, here we can
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offer, let's do joint production, yes in ukraine, which can be tested, which you can then scale and so on, yes jointly do, but we must discounts, give us technologies, we don't need ready-made products, because ready -made products are ready... that's right, well, remember, this is the story of bohdana, which we often have here, here ukrainian armored vehicles, in my opinion, produce bohdana, look, it's simpler, simpler than caesar, for example, yes, but if there are a lot of them, yes, it's quantity turns into quality, because if caesar breaks, in war, something always breaks, because i'm sorry, you have to immediately somewhere to lead, somewhere to find spare parts. and so on, therefore own weapons and own production, it can be a little simpler, for example, than , for example, a western one, but it has to be a mass quantity, we have to be able
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to produce it, repair produce, and produce it constantly, so look, we have 19 minutes, but we have a short broadcast today, sorry, because there are many topics, and that's why i want, now oleksandr will say, and then i really want us to talk for a few minutes and focus on what is in ukraine's plans, that is... for this winter period, what ukrainians should do and on why concentrate, well, i'll try anyway to be a gentleman and not miss ms. natalie's question, what has changed in biden's rhetoric, and nothing has changed, remember what biden said a week before, a few days before, look at what he said a week before, a few days before , if there is no help to ukraine now, it will be a failure of the americans, it will be a failure, and he specifically named the people, the trumpists, who are doing it, and against this background he says, now because of such people, because of...politics, this not as much as will be needed, but how much we will be able to, because in fact these people are actually putting the possibility of america with ukraine to the end, that is, yes, it is not so much
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a change in rhetoric, it is politicking, that is , biden understands that he needs to, well, they ask him to wet him, but according to the mentioned border legislation, he still works under trump's border legislation, he himself complained about it, he said, i can't, i don't have the legal authority to stop the wall project, i don't have the legal authority. i can't stop it, and that's why the republicans are pushing for it, they know it's their point, and this is drowning biden, and that's why biden made such a statement that you don't think that it was i who failed with ukraine, it's precisely these guys and girls who are now blocking it all and doing everything badly, frankly, we don't care, you understand , will throw this bar, i tried to pick it up and it was not picked up, there is this ball untwisting, or is it you?
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to go to the end seems not a camelfo, sorry, well, well, well, i’m sorry, that’s how it looks, but he understands that he’s losing, he has no way out, he’ll go for it, and here’s a plus, let’s remember what pentagon analysts said, it seems it was back in september, when they were preparing to vote on the budget, they said that according to their calculations , ukraine needs from 30 to 45 billion, and this is taken into account. airplanes taking into account everything else, so the amount of 61.8 was originally laid down as one that can be traded, and with which it will not be catastrophically lost, that the colleague mentioned the conditional 5 billion, that is, in fact , what biden is doing now is really an adequate normal compromise, for which he, unlike many opponents, was ready, so we have the opportunity to cut down this university this year, absolutely there is, i.e. infection for the opportunity to cut down, here maksym, you are also strange, well, it is not solved here, it is solved. well, let's repeat to everyone once again that the senate has been working since monday , that's the most important thing, he didn't go on vacation
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, yes, johnson can say anything, we won't go, well, if he's different, maybe we won't see a sign there, everyone went to christmas, okay, we thank them, we'll tell them after they decide, ukraine, what to do , what to focus on, as you think, except for weapons, defense, and that's the main thing. defender, look, we must understand that in order to in order to knock out the arguments, first of all trumpism, the waiters, that we are not doing anything, defense, defense, once again defense, yes, somewhere common, somewhere, somewhere not common, again like this, we must understand that, for example, the patriots near kharkiv will be put in question, because the missile can enter the territory of russia, which means the air defense system must be ukrainian, for example, or or a joint volume, this first, second, helps a lot. in this matter , it is precisely the signing of what is with the european union, i will tell you why, because now that is what they were trying to achieve the americans have been waiting for 20 years for europe to invest,
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including its own security. ugh, and when the europeans said: well, we are starting this process, it means here the interests of the extreme right and the extreme left and biden, they basically coincide, because the isolationist, the trumpist, trump will say, yes, and i started it all , that then, i then forced them to pay more for security, what did they want the europeans to do, as they went out of logic, dear europeans, pay for your own security, you have the opportunities of the economy, and here is what was signed from ukraine, then... then this is a sign, this actually pushes the americans to invest as well, they said: well, the europeans take their part, we are now taking our part, and here the interests of the zolutionists and biden coincide, including, well, trump's part, this is trump's part. look further, and if you remember, at first it was discussed at all, and whether israel, taiwan and ukraine will be in one package, now this issue is not raised, that is the position of the speaker of the chamber.
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representatives who discuss what is possible, let's divide, but in principle, in principle, there is no message about this , there in fact questions remain regarding this wall, because there the issue is more internal, internal political, which we do not control, we do not know what will happen there and we cannot control it, here is the only thing i understood , if you look at the money that helps us, then money, well, at least for military aid. this will be enough until the end of february, well, considering the pace at which they are currently providing us with help, so look, here is president zelenskyi, he is not just so he went on a long enough tour, this is the first time in two years of the war, he visited so many countries, look at the help that came, the netherlands, lithuania and germany, germany, the last country where he was, announced new packages of military and humanitarian aid , military, such a rare package, and the netherlands, 11 armored personnel carriers, 15 tanks, 24 small
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boats, prefabricated bridge structures lithuania, several million cartridges, ammunition, portable, grenade launchers, about a thousand folding beds. germany - 500 electric generators, camping beds, tents, living containers, winter sleeping bags, clothes, mobile half-kitchen, two drinking water purification systems. well, in a way, this means that the ukrainians themselves need to take care of themselves, right? and as we talked with you on the air, and you said what levers should be turned on, and what breakers should be raised, and you talked in particular about... about the banking system, and obviously, if we have literally how many 12 minutes, 11. maybe let's talk so that people understand what will be connected in order for us to provide this turning point in the war after all together, and not only hoped for the third assault brigade or even there for the 95th brigade, which is fighting at the front, do you understand? the government should determine the industries in which investment is needed, so this
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review is specific. i am afraid, this includes the minister of strategic affairs, then the issue of money arises, and the source of money supply is the national bank of ukraine and banks, i will tell you, last year in the 22nd year, the national bank made a direct emission of 400 billion, 400 billion emission, what did it look like, the ministry of finance issued the papers, the nbu bought them, and 400 billion, and i have a question for these bankers who are telling me all this. what did it lead to, what kind of inflation did it lead to, the economy simply absorbed it and did not even notice, then this is the toolkit that is still available, the national bank of ukraine can provide refinancing to banks for specific financing of programs, it must first lower the discount rate and in the military industry committee, yes, the government should have the ministry of strategic research come and show it to zelenskyi, he approves it and everything is under control, let...


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