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tv   [untitled]    December 16, 2023 5:30am-6:01am EET

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concerns regarding the stabilization of exports, namely insurance against military risks of ships carrying civilian cargo, and these are the main issues that were discussed today, hello, thank you, mariyuchko, we will wait for decisions after these conversations, our own correspondent of ktsn in the lviv region, marichka kuzyk, with details of the current congress of local and regional authorities with the participation of the president of ukraine. and the details of the extraordinary event in transcarpathia: 20. six people are injured, six are in serious condition. at a session in the transcarpathian village of kyretsky, a deputy detonated several grenades. the meeting was recorded on video, so the moment of the explosions and what preceded them were recorded. podrivnyk threw grenades into the hall, one of them actually exploded in his hands, so his life is also being saved by doctors now. we will learn more from the correspondent of ktsnlep, she is with us live. hello, what is known at the moment? greetings, hello. perechkiv
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village council, now there are no souls here, investigative experts, explosives experts, the police have already finished their work and left literally an hour ago , at 1:12 in the afternoon, fast people came here one after another and converged on the sound explosions, 26 wounded were taken out of the village council, most of them are now in the svalyavska city hospital, according to the doctors, their injuries are serious, the lives of two are still hanging in the balance. six patients are in a serious condition, in fact all of them were given the maximum number of measures to save their lives, in fact five people were operated on at once, because these are explosive injuries, this is damage to internal organs, many shrapnel wounds, incomplete traumatic amputations of limbs, in fact we saved the limbs, we can't save them. this morning there was a session in the village... councils discussed
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the budget for the next year. the meeting was recorded on video, so the moment of the explosions and what preceded them were recorded. the bomber, by the way, he is a member of the community, came in when the meeting was already underway, wanted to intervene in the discussion by speaking twice, and i could, but he was not allowed to speak. then he launched grenades into the hall. it was this incident that actually happened when the budget was being discussed. but we cannot currently assert that these actions are connected specifically to this issue deputy, and since the investigation is still ongoing , we will find out as part of the pre-trial investigation, i can say in advance that there was information that he was preparing such an act, i cannot tell you everything else, it is a secret of the pre-trial investigation, but it is a fact , this note was found at home, he often published various materials
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, he always complained about his work on facebook, especially financial issues worried him, that funds were not distributed correctly, they were not directed to where they should be, well, in general , i was such an activist, well, i am not about such me in i never dreamed that he would resort to such a thing, one grenade actually exploded in the hands of a fisherman, he is now in a serious condition in the hospital, but the doctors managed to resuscitate him, but i repeat, his condition is serious, he cannot speak, and the investigators are currently they cannot find out where he got the grenades from, several criminal proceedings have been opened, one of them under the article of terrorist attack, and who is this subversive deputy and what was he doing in the plot of my colleagues, which was currently happening at the session.
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there was a surveillance camera, the deputies violently discussed the budget for the next year, there was report of the chairman and election of the secretary. there was such an opposition-type group here that interfered with work, and something was being done in the village, it was not good for them anyway, and it was getting worse, i felt that since the session could not be held normally, it would not end well here. one of the deputies entered the hall later, wanted to intervene in the discussion, but... but he was not allowed to speak, after that the man threw three grenades into the hall one after the other. zoika's screams could not be heard by the entire village council. we sat at workplaces. and we heard one clap, the second and third such was stronger.
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medics save the life of the bomber himself. investigators opened criminal proceedings under several articles. according to article 258 of the criminal code of ukraine, that is, we are talking about a terrorist attack. deputy serhii batryn threw grenades. he is a civilian, has no relation to the army, used to be engaged in passenger transportation and had a long-standing conflict with the head of the keratsk village council. always with complaints, especially financial issues, he was scolded, which is wrong. the funds are distributed in the wrong place, they are directed where they need to go, well, in general, i say, there was such an activist, he is 54 years old, he once ran for the head of the karytsk community and did not pass, according to the head of the ministry of internal affairs, the man was preparing a terrorist attack in advance, but
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the police have not yet disclosed all the information about the motives. svitlana pavuk, svitlana denischuk, tsn 1+1 marathon only news. rustem umyerova reported on 100 days as the minister of defense of ukraine. about the key results of the team's work, only five points that he lists on his facebook page. in the first, new technologies for the army and procurement of the ministry of defense of uavs and reb, and orders from ukrainians manufacturers of batches of ff and reb drones. next , transparent procurement and disbandment of the department, which, as umyerov writes, has become a breeding ground for corruption, and digitalization. in this section, the minister writes, in particular, about the implemented system of electronic document circulation between the military. in parts and tsk, as well as an electronic turn on velka. and the last two points are recruiting, when specialists are mobilized to the ranks of the armed forces for specific positions, according to their professional skills. and the production of weapons in ukraine and the signed memorandum on joint production and exchange of technical
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data with the united states. well, and then about another scandal with the certificate of a participant in hostilities. the former national team football player boasted of this status. oleksandr aliyev of ukraine, and the reaction of users of social networks did not take long. aliyev was immediately accused of forging documents, because he did not fight and did not deserve this status, just like other well-known deputies, politicians and officials. we asked the ministry of defense how aliye got obd, and the answer is amazing. details further. dmytro was among the volunteers who after the start of a full-scale war, they went to defend ukraine. he was wounded during the revolution. i received the wound on february 27 in the city center at school 134 when several grenades exploded and the fragments from the grenades flew into my right leg. treatment and rehabilitation last more than a year. the commission recognized him as a person with
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a disability of the third group. now he is appealing this decision and asking for a second group. there is no word yet on the status of a participant in hostilities. we protected the city , people, and protected the leg. i lost the second group received, but i cannot get a certificate of direct participation in hostilities. currently , the internet is discussing the status of a participant in hostilities of the former midfielder of the ukrainian national team oleksandr aliyev. he posted a photo of the ubd id card online, but after a flurry of criticism , he deleted the post and recorded a video in which he scolded the haters. the first months of the war did not pass just like that. and i am very pleased that i was awarded today. but i want to tell you that when the full-scale war started, you were all on the roads, started for western ukraine, who in europe, you know, but i stayed here because i am ukrainian, and here in ukraine i
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became aliyev. in this manner, aliyev also answered tsn's calls and refused to comment on the situation, on his instagram page you can find many videos. he is in military uniform against the background of one of the residential complexes in kyiv obolon. as early as february 22, aliyev reported that he had joined the ranks of the teroboron of kyiv. i am here in kyiv, i have stayed, i will stay and i will be here. another holder of the status of a participant in hostilities is a scandalously famous folk deputy mykola tyshchenko. he did not report on the receipt of the certificate in his social networks, instead he showed off in front of the blogger's camera. people say that i made the obd law? no, i don't have one, i legally made obd. as the law wrote it. according to zmi, people's deputy maryana bezuglai, who works in the defense committee and other people's deputies, also has an obd certificate that has little to do with military operations. the names of politicians and officials also appear among the participants in the hostilities. the ministry of defense explains that
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they will deal with each specific situation figure things out and come to the defense of oleksandr aliyev. he really fought. oleksandr oleksandrovich aliyev since february 24, 2022. was in the ranks of one of the kyiv brigades and performed combat tasks, according to the extracts provided by the commander of the military unit. from the combat order, the magazine of combat operations, he took part, and by himself in one of the hottest areas that were at that time, it was the area of ​​vyshhorod, gostomel, irpin, bucha, ivankiv. in november, the verkhovna rada voted in the first reading of the bill, simplifying it procedure for obtaining ubd status. the commission will last up to six days and will be conducted electronically. the basis for obtaining the status is a combat order'. on referral to the area of ​​military operations for the direct execution of combat tasks.
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i applied to the ubd in the military unit, i provided a complete list of documents, four documents were required there. well, i applied in august of the 22nd year, and for now i can say that there is no information about the shift. i ask every month, i'm already in the army. i'm coming, good afternoon, sir dmytro, sorry, unfortunately, there is no answer. now dmytro is preparing for the 16th operation on his leg . preferential treatment is provided only for a person with status. dmytro svyatnenko and viktoriya striltsova, tsn: 1+1 marathon - only news. and 550 vacant positions in appeal courts. today. the competition for their replacement has started, and this is the first time in history, because before the judges were appointed to the appellate instance by the parliament,
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now, all willing judges, as well as lawyers and scientists, have equal chances, but limited time. applications for participation in the selection must be submitted by december 31. the start of the competition coincided with the professional holiday of judges, it was introduced in 2000. during this time, the judicial system faced various challenges: political pressure and corruption scandals, constant attempts to reform. courts and personnel shortage. the situation is so critical that 14 judges do not work at all due to the lack of specialists, and 154 judges are understaffed by less than 60%. but this month it is higher the qualification commission of judges has already approved the rating of the participants in the competition for the positions of local economic and administrative judges. from that moment, candidates waited for a judge from seven to 10 years. this happened due to the fact that the reboot of the higher qualification. of the commission of judges of ukraine, the government body that selects judges, stretched for years. the selection of new
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ministers of themis comes against the background of another corruption scandal. four judges of the kyiv court of appeal, yury slivo, viktor glynany, ihor palenyk and vyacheslav dzyubin, suspected of receiving a bribe. according to nabu, the judges received $35,000 for canceling the seizure of aircraft . these judges considered one of the appeals of the former head of motorsichi. vyacheslav boguslaev, who is accused of sponsoring terrorism and collaborationism. the supreme council of justice approved the arrest of all four judges. this month , the arrest of the former head of the supreme court, vsevolod knyazev, was also extended. he is only six months old, he is suspected of receiving a bribe of 3 million dollars. corruption plume extends to other judges of the supreme court and to the already former head of the state judicial administration, oleksiy salnikov. he is suspected of inciting bribery of supreme court judges. a week ago
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, salnikov was dismissed from his post, and in total, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , six criminal proceedings have been opened against judges. therefore, candidates for vacant positions in appellate courts will be tested not only for their knowledge, but also for their integrity. there is an urgent task not only of quantitative filling, but also of qualitative renewal of the judicial system body virtuous and professional judges are a basic request from ukrainian society and from our international partners on the way to eu membership and investment in reconstruction projects. these are examples when judges had to show true civic courage. 212 days of captivity, torture, moral pressure and complete informational isolation. yuliya matvieva, judge of the ilichyiv court of mariupol, was kidnapped by the occupiers during evacuation from mariupol back in march of last year, in captivity, the woman was in every possible way tempted to treason, but
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she not only did not take sides invaders, but also risking her life, she brought from captivity the lists of our other captives, who were captured by the russian occupiers. tsn correspondent valentina dobrota met this brave woman. it makes decisions on behalf of ukraine. who was the secretary at the court session? and this is her own business. hang me shoot me, do whatever you want to me. yulia matviyeva, a judge from mariupol, is accused of terrorism, the so-called dpr. we are all terrorists for them, well, actually, just like they are for... yulia matviyev's denerivsky polongy got caught when trying to leave the territory controlled by ukraine. on march 19 , 2022, the high-rise building in which the judge lived was bombed by the russian army. what will happen, will happen, and we left at 8:00 in the morning, what we saw is not even in the movies, this is
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a city of horror and a city of excuses, there are no people, everything is destroyed, bodies on the... road, well, this is a horror , but only her mother and her 13-year-old daughter were able to get to kyiv, yulia and her husband were immediately detained at the first checkpoint. we are holding you back to see if no blood on your hands a person, i will not name her, who was there, she went over to the side of the occupiers, she was at the checkpoint, told me who i was. what happened next, judge matvieva does not like to remember, she seems to be calm from the outside. and what i experienced was actually unbearable, captivity, electric torture , intimidation, shooting, you were looking for us under the wall, i already thought that we would be shot, the truth is, at first i was accused of terrorism, and then the charges were changed and a new one was presented to me, that i am by myself, my work, my decisions
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encroached on the constitutional order of the dpr, i was informed. to go over to their side and take the post of a judge of the supreme court of the dpr, in exchange for my freedom, the freedom of my husband. in her position as a judge in mariupol, yuliya, in particular, announced the search for those who had gone over to the side of the so-called dpr, and the occupiers accused her of this. i stand in this small cell, i stand for three hours in a row, and i hear how i am torturing men, these beastly screams, i hear men's screams. i think, god, when it happens, i just don't want to hear everything, well , let's take me there, shoot me do whatever you want to me, i don't want to hear it anymore, every day was, well, not the last, you didn't know what was waiting for you, but despite all these horrors, secretly from the supervisors,
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she entered a list all the prisoners i knew about, and these three sheets written by hand with names, i will take... with me from captivity, we had to stand every day from 6 o'clock in the morning to 10 o'clock in the evening, and there were no other conditions, the moral pressure was in the fact that they told us that do not wait for an exchange, no one will take you, and if they do, you immediately, as soon as step onto ukrainian soil, you will be shot because you are traitors, if you are already here, mrs. matvieva was exchanged last fall, then 108 ukrainian women, military and civilian, returned home. already later, she found out about her former colleagues from luhansk region. this judge received russian citizenship two years ago, but hid his passport in order to receive money from the ukrainian budget. this traitorous judge created fake courts on temporarily occupied ukrainian lands and made
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a career in the quasi-republic. i will guide you an example about another person, quite close to me, who worked with me. years as a judge's assistant from the first day to the last , that's how i learned about it and, well, i think law enforcement agencies will deal with it, she was appointed by putin's decree to the position of a judge in the court where i worked, how can i understand her , no. yuliya matviyeva currently works in the civil panel, does not consider cases about collaborators, and by her example showed the choice... it depends solely on the person, there is no explanation or excuse for this, the choice is always and everything, when ms. yuliya went to work again already at the kyiv court, she had only one request, to repaint the beige color of the walls in the new office, i looked at it for 7 months, and i don't want to, well, the associations are not very pleasant, five
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months after julia's release from captivity , her husband was exchanged for the fact that he was alive and also in captivity. she found out during her exchange. mrs. yulia says that she reads the news about mariupol, but does not watch the video, she does not have the strength for it. she can't even imagine how she is after deoccupation of the city to return there. the mariupol he remembers no longer exists. valentina dobrota, oleksandr alifanov, tsn, 1+1, marathon, single news. well, in russia, school is turning into an instrument of hatred. doesn't every subject of the school curriculum in the russian federation now serve the invading ideas of the kremlin? at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, russian schoolchildren received a new elective, talking about important things. under the guise of patriotism, children are taught to hate ukraine and nato countries. now the city and the young generation russians are brainwashed even in music lessons, and high school students are given courses of a young
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fighter, also built on aggression. tetyana shtan will tell how this kind of education will turn out for children, in particular in the occupied territories of ukraine. this is a special project of tsn, propaganda masks. i am russian, i am russian. this is a music lesson in the republic of tatarstan in russia. amateur shooting that got into the network on march 23. children learn a move called i am russian. the russian singer shaman released this song in the summer of that year at the height of the russian-ukrainian war. teacher makes movements and interprets words. this is not just
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a musical number, it is a test of patriotism, we have so many patriots here that they are sitting, raise your hands up, i am russian, there should be a push, heaven, in nato. according to the official census, more than half of the population of the republic of tatarstan identify themselves. like tatars for those students who did not raise their hands in this particular hall, the teacher advises them to emigrate. what is happening in this video is not an accident, but a visible part of the system, - notes sociologist volodymyr fesenko. in this propaganda, here is what is important, clearly. the image of the enemy is used, this is already done consciously, it is in accordance with the laws of psychology, when in the majority, in the majority, and in all people, they are divided into their own and those of others.
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propaganda in russia is already embedded in education, so last year in all federal schools the project conversations about the main thing was introduced, it was developed in the presidential office. the idea is a weekly educational hour on a given topic. the first conversations were about russia's greatness and necessity. invasion of ukraine. this year, russian schoolchildren, in particular, are being introduced to soviet-made ones propaganda by heroes such as zoya kosmodemyanskaya, who actually received an order from the command to burn the houses of her fellow tribesmen in german-occupied villages, for which she was caught by her own russian peasants, who handed her over to the germans. when a child is raised on propaganda materials, a polar mindset is formed in the child. she thinks. only white, black, enemies, friends, she cannot think critically, and such a concept as, for example, diplomacy becomes something abstract for her in general, and abstract means
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bad, so this child actually cannot to think independently and in the future relies only on those slogans that she heard from her teachers. the favorite tool of russian propaganda is the history textbook. with the annexation of crimea in 2014, it was actively edited, and this year they left again. then a single history textbook was published, the chapters on ukraine in it repeat the propaganda theses word for word. the only textbook on history, which has been introduced since this year in russia, is directly written ukrainazistke gosudarstvo, that is, it is a dehumanization of ukrainians, что? russia, who, what are they textbooks have already been distributed to ukrainian children in the occupied territories. like pseudoscience.
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then we are historical documents, but he says interlocutors from russia are extremely rarely ready to operate with facts. no, it was discovered a long time ago, you know, it was simply hidden in your archives there, it was all hidden. what i saw from these 400 videos, conditionally, are some really literate people who could tell something really interesting, some facts, well, that's a dozen. what is happening now in the chat room, in the comments, in tiktok, well , anywhere in some social networks, it is not it cannot be called history at all, it
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is ordinary propaganda, we people learn to think only in the categories that are given to them, they learn to analyze independently, think critically and draw their own conclusions, everything has already been done for them, so there is no need to think, it actually atrophies such a function as critical thinking, the disappearance of critical thinking was recorded even by russian sociologists, in august 2022 there they conducted a survey to determine the literacy level of the population. 35% of russians were convinced that the sun revolves around land over the past 15 years, the number of supporters of such a conspiracy theory has increased by seven points. what happened in russia: the share of people who do not think scientifically in the perception of the physical picture of the world, it increased. why did it increase? sociologists found out that this is precisely related to propaganda. it was about 28%, a little more than in the usa, according to
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the corresponding study. now. 35%, more than a third, they form a type of personality that is not able to live in a democratic world, that is oriented towards anti-democratic values. the problem is not only in putin and not even only in putin's regime, the problem is that this policy is supported by a large part of russians. this aggression is disrespect for human rights, it is disrespect for international law, it is precisely because it dominates them. an authoritarian type of person, and so that obedient citizens are ready from childhood to give their lives for invented state ideals in russian schools, to top it off, military training is being strengthened. if earlier militarization took place primarily in the ideological sphere, now the component of giving them directly military skills is being strengthened. they strengthen the module of military training, from the ninth to the 11th grades. now in the basics
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of life safety, there will be four modules of initial military training, this is a mandatory element, this is all the preparation of future soldiers of the empire, a safeguard, forward, so propaganda in russia is also becoming an educational experiment, its victims are already children, ukrainian, who died from the russian missile cult and...
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well, this is really terrible, poor children, so you don't need to teach children, because it cripples them, we already see, but what is lacking in education in to ukraine, let's talk further. only a little more than half of ukrainian schoolchildren can read and understand the text. such stunning results of the international assessment of pisa students, it was started 20 years ago and at the end of the 22nd was held in more than 80 countries of the world, and although ukrainian education managed to hold on to the 21st century despite the pandemic and war, it requires new skills from our children and levels old. my colleague maricka padelko spoke with the founder of this study , andres schleicher, about what is going on, see their conversation now, well, i'll say goodbye to you until 11 p.m., see you soon.
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i am a russian military ship, i offer to lay down the weapons, without a catch. ukraine, gone! halivolya, everything is about us young people, we have a lot of luck, our hairs are shining, the whole cross country is on the right side.


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