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tv   [untitled]    December 16, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EET

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age from 27 years to 25, well, this means that the country's leadership sees certain reserves even with such, thank you, mr. pavle, and now let's remind, a moment of silence we remember all those who were taken away by the russian war. we honor the memory of ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine with a moment of silence. who died in the war started by russia.
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dear friends, i want to thank you for contributing to our collection, because this morning you and i took a little more than uah 700, added to our account, i would like to remind you that we are collecting powerful portable welstram battery stations with solar panels for the 108th dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of the territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine. these stations can replace generators and provide soldiers with energy even in the field, so they can recharge their military equipment that helps destroy the enemy, you can see on your screens what
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these battery stations look like, and also all the necessary props, card number 5375 41 12 08 37 20 65, and also the qr code, scan if it's more convenient for you and rework it, join us, we already have 770,370 uah, but we need to collect 1,220,000, so... if you and i work together and push, we will bring this collection closer to the goal, well , at least i'm interested , will we pass the mark of 800 thousand uah today, and for this we need to pass the mark of 800 uah, a little less than 30 thousand uah, even a little less than 29 uah. dear friends, this is not enough, i think we can handle it. yesterday we
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collected 36 00 hryvnias, for today we already collected eight plus a tail, well, but still the whole day is ahead, because i will remind you that andrei saichuk and i are working until 10:00 now, and then we will return to ether again and spend this day with you from 14 to 17. meanwhile , national artist of ukraine svitlana lobuda, who was born in irpen, but lives in riga.
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some kind of april fool's joke on december 16, no, this was said by a member of the council under the president of the russian federation for international relations, andriy khudolev, he said that young people are only interested in books, and they are anti-russian, against the russian world and the russian soul, and the elvish language is promoted there, it is needed ban, instead of the youth, the youth should learn chinese. language, since chinese is becoming one of the main world languages ​​in science, and 30% of scientific literature is already published in it. well, i think that chinese should be taught there, because soon we will become china, so labuda, labuda meant that soon all muscovites will speak chinese, but no, she will be the last speaker of the russian language in the world, yes, a quinoa has a little quinoa in its head. friends, in
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the meantime, 11,000 have already been added to our account today, thank you for being so active donate, and now we bring to your attention a conversation with a former political prisoner of the kremlin, and... a soldier of the armed forces of ukraine, oleksiy cherny. let's see. crimea. crimea. well, to remind myself where, where our war with and all other fighters should end, where, so that we don't forget, where we should end this war. not in donbas, not in melitopol, but specifically in crimea. oleksiy, originally from crimea, has been serving as a volunteer for almost two years, but he was once a prisoner of the kremlin, he had to serve seven years in the colonies of russia under the so-called the case of sentsov. oleksiy was detained by the russians in
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2014 in simferopol. well, you realize that right here, in the presence of your acquaintances , two homemade ones were seized from you, roughly speaking. yes, yes, and you understand all the responsibility that you bear, according to the legislation of the russian federation. let's probably tell our viewers your story about what happened in the crimea, the fourteenth hour, yes, the fourteenth hour, the occupation, the beginning of the war, for some the war began in 224, for me the war began back in the fourteenth year , was in the movement of resistance. first they burned their offices, blew up their checkpoints, then neither friends nor comrades turned themselves in to the fsb, me and those whom i managed to introduce to them, well, i already said it, in principle, everyone who watched
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the previous interview knows the story of the sensible case and so on further, in the course, well, further 7 years of skating on the endless mardor. tokaliningrad and so on, then liberation , you sat together with sentsov, no, not together, well , not friends, not comrades pushed us into one thing instead of ourselves, they were, as such , accomplices, sentsov and his company were acquaintances, no more than the article for which you were imprisoned, terrorism, yes, they considered it as terrorism,
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well, if we are talking about the government, then depending on the place, the far east, well , a more loyal attitude, perhaps because moscow is far away than further, then they, as it were , in rostov-nano, on the contrary, well, from the side of the administration, i mean, and what, well, all kinds of nonsense, drug addicts and the like in... tried to provoke stupid questions to ask serious people, i mean in view of ideological criminals, always with respect were related, because for them i was, as it were, negating the negation of the very fact of statehood in that country, for them it was, well, although they understood that i was a foreign
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person in their midst, but mostly with respect and support, , the first few days it was, well... i won't repeat myself, i don't want to remember it, it was, then, then no, then it was mostly psychological, psychological pressure. tell about how you were fired around the 21st year, well, how until recently you even doubted that you would be fired, because the administration constantly provoked that the crimea is ours, not ours there and so on, but they had already left at that moment...
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until we went to the north, i realized that this is already the border, there it surrounds the occupied part of the donbass, the feelings of course it was fun, especially those 300 m crossing the border. when the consuls had not yet arrived, and they had already gotten rid of me , you go, you went to our soldier, the border guard, showed your passport, said, who is that, yes, i say, 7 years freed, such a one, yes, well, well, well, let’s find out, in a minute 10, he says, well , let’s go, well, we released the police there, call them, then someone from their superiors got on the internet, he says, oh, you’re like a hero there, he says, a crimean partisan, i say, yes,
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i don’t understand such a thing in my father’s mother’s way the line has noble roots, and my ancestors always
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perceived the word honor differently and loyalty, well , everyone probably has their own perception, someone rests on it, someone does not, the memory of the family, that is, your parents are now in the stern, and you you don't communicate at all, well, they tried, but i don't get in touch, tell ours viewers about... very interesting bracelets , scandinavian bracelets, military, this is a wolf bracelet, exclusively a military bracelet, silver, the symbol of one, from the inside of a wolf, handmade, and this bracelet has a different story, when it is like a wedding bracelet, he is brass, because the second one is due... while i was lying in bed, i met a military doctor, a kyiv hospital,
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a young woman, a librarian, a paramedic, a girl, she has the second such bracelet , and i came in january, at the beginning of january, and gave it to you, too you see, and a month and a half, i don't know, by the way, but if olena is alive, healthy, we will see each other again, maybe tell me. how was everything on february 24? interesting, good, 63 in the morning, i usually wake up at this time for work, well, at 7, the first time i heard some kind of banging, i had been dozing like that for the last half hour, i think my brother was probably slamming the doors in the neighboring part of the house, he came out... to the kitchen, i make coffee, i look, the window is open, i think, it’s a pancake for someone, it’s hot in february,
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then i made coffee, i hear more women, i go out in the yard, i see smoke over the airfield, m, i think, it’s clear, the flight has started, i finished my coffee, went to work, got to work, saw the foreman, the foreman says, says, today he says it’s a day off, well, plus, before that i tried to go to armed... links to the contract for several months, but due to the lack of a residence permit and a military card, my military card was stolen by facebookers, because they were probably afraid of an exchange, not an exchange, then there was a withdrawal, why, yes, i immediately went to the local headquarters of the tro, at 7:00 a.m. another one happened to me rebooting, rebooting, rebooting, so you went to tro, and what happened next ... were you in zaporizhzhia? first gathering information
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, there is registration, then the whole day is busy, new people arrive, some stay , some leave, then they waited for weapons, weapons were not brought, until 6 o'clock, some were armed, some were not, in 6 hours my friend, vlad zambata at that time, hello vlad. how am i doing there, if you see, eh, i said that you will go home, it will be 12 - a bullock cart, everything else, they gave out four grenades. then we arrived at 12, and the tro headquarters was closed, a bunch of people are standing, it’s all dark, we’re like , what the hell, it’s not clear, i’m calling the authorities, the authorities say, well damn, we’ve all left, we’ve already moved to vasilievka, if you want to fight further on your own to vasylyvka, it’s good that i warned you, because that i went in uniform before
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and after, the first thing that i bought myself, a uniform, when i arrived in the military, i went. well, to be honest, melitopol could stand for a long, long time, of course, it could turn into another mariupol, before that i worked at dorstroe, a relative arranged there, the southern entrance, it’s just perfect there a place for an ambush, for a column to meet,
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what irpen bucha shows, well, small broken columns, so it was possible to make such a column for a kilometer there. and with the forces that were in melitopol at that time, i mean tro, the militia, and the equipment that was leaving from the south, approaching from the north, 128, well, unfortunately, the command decided that this was impossible, although everything was perhaps, the valkyrie will soon be in silver, as it is supposed to be, but this rune was carved by bendrun back in magadan, the algys rune. protection, ingus rune, rest and ride, path, by the way, sensation, that in the way, well, i am in the way, since that time i am constantly in the way, in the direct, figurative sense, the influence of these things is very strongly felt, the hieroglyph bushido, the way of the warrior, literally, made, stylized in the form of the image of a samurai,
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familiar, which работает, manual work here is the house, well, it's difficult...
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but do you see any prospects and at least some way out for us to implement it? of course, i see, well, based again on the fact that the army lacks patriotism, the desire to fight is insufficient, there is not enough normal crimea in the required quantity and quality, weapons
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such a thing for yug, sever, art of war. what i advise everyone to understand, even though it is a publication, but they are able to publish books , the only thing they know, probably not necessarily south, north, east, the art of war is to strike where the enemy does not expect it, a simple principle , if you are destined to leave, then here he is with a sword in his hand, this is the best talisman, if you left, then you left with... well, the habit of cold weapons is greater by the age of fourteen.
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what is currently happening with russia in the war in ukraine, some analogies with what is happening with russia there was, let's say, 100 years ago, and more than that , of course, the russo-japanese war, they lost this war, and their state fell apart, afghanistan, they lost it, it fell apart, and they will also lose this war, there is only one difference, and afghanistan and the russo-japanese war are local wars that were related only to... the state to the small states with which they fought, and now the war has a completely different character, and to put it mildly, i think that after our victory they will not simply fall apart ,
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there will be a much more global problem for them, not with us, i was dying, dying, but how... stopped me, cough is a symptom of a respiratory disease, so we treat it respiratoryly, we do inhalation. lordegial is an inhalant for cough. lordegial is a direct way to expel phlegm. attention, an incredible novelty from razpak tv. super warm and very comfortable alaska stayle boots. perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska stayle boots have a universal design and practical black color. therefore , they will fit both men and women. sizes from 36 to 46. therefore, take two pairs at once for you and your husband. tic zippers will ensure a perfect fit even on the widest leg. the insulation perfectly retains heat and wicks away moisture, and the top
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all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the tweet is closely monitoring whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the commanders' backs? news, summaries of the week - this is a review of only important events, significant and reliable events. these are analytics, fact-checking, professional comments. and much more today in the issue: about important in plain language, accessible to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. dear friends, andriy saichuk, laisya vakulyuk, we work in this studio for you, now there will be, there will be a close. half an hour of our first part, i remind you that then we return to the air at 2 p.m. and until 5 p.m. we will stay together with you, and you with us, and we continue. talk about
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important topics for today, dmytro platenchuk, spokesman for the naval forces ukraine is in touch with us, mr. dmytro , we welcome you, the studio welcomes you, i greet the audience, good morning, good morning, mr. dmytro, something has flown over there in the crimea, have you heard anything about it, or do you know something, you don't know, there is such a habit from the artillery brigade, even when i served there, we had a slogan, this is not us. therefore, in fact, i do not have enough information yet, i think later, as soon as something becomes clear, i will definitely inform the society, now i can only state that the enemy is lurking, only one ship is at sea, well and the weather does not help a bit, but the main thing is that the carriers are at the base points, and as of now
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there is no threat of use from the sea. this is good news, nevertheless, the russians attacked quite massively today, for example, at night, the capital of ukraine with shahedis, were there also shahedis who flew from the black sea region, from crimea, in particular? because i saw this morning in the summary of our area of ​​responsibility 100%, as it was shot down yesterday, so to say that something from here to our capital, to our beloved... i did not fly i can, well, to be honest, it’s a little, a little bit not our parish, i could be wrong, but from what we saw in the south from the sea, everything was destroyed there, the fact that the enemy was lurking in the sea, it’s just the influence of the weather, or this is some kind of calm before the storm of theirs, a combination of factors, uh, even if you take into account that they are trying to accumulate missile weapons in the form of ...
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calibers, as you can see, the weather is favorable , in fact it does not go below zero, and of course they can wait when it will be more or less frosty to strike as usual precisely at that moment, nevertheless, we continue to train personnel, build up capabilities, and accordingly, we also do not sit idly by and wait for any options. on the part of our enemy, if we talk about our area of ​​​​responsibility, so to catch us, as they say, by surprise, it is unlikely that they will succeed, of course, any air defense can always be overloaded, er, regardless of whether it is at least even ukrainian, even russian, even israeli, i'm sorry, but, but the result can be different, well, everyone witnessed how recently, from the profile
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committee, mp mariana bezugla demanded that the ukrainian command publicize its plans for the next few years, the command of another army probably heard it, publicized its plans for the next three years through the bild newspaper, where, in particular, for example, the capture of kharkiv, i now i'm talking about the plans that appeared in the german tabloid bilt, where, apparently with reference to german intelligence, these are the plans the russians have for the next 36 months of the war, are these plans somehow... i know if they we are somehow rushed and do they in principle look achievable in your opinion, you know, i also have a plan to go to the gym and lose 20 kg, but, you know, there is such a wonderful ukrainian proverb, it did not happen as expected, of course, yes, the situation there is quite complicated, i can't comment on the battle line,
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but it's not news to anyone. that the enemy is putting their personnel there in packs, that they are trying to do everything to break through our defense lines, and that there are heavy battles, there is no joke really, but if to take responsibility for our zone, we have the marine water area under our control as well, we alternated, so alternated, and all these fables, so -called... of the president of the so-called russian federation, that they are odesa, a russian city, and are going to return something to you there , well, what can i say, they already did it, the attempt, how it ended, we know very well, to say that somehow the configuration of the forces at that moment changed, i cannot, if it did change, it was definitely not in the direction of improving the composition and available weapons black sea fleet.


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