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tv   [untitled]    December 16, 2023 9:30am-10:00am EET

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but it is not news to anyone that the enemy is putting their personnel there in packs, that they are trying to do everything to break through our defense lines, and heavy fighting is going on, there is no joke really, but if you take our area of ​​responsibility, in we are under the control of the maritime equator as well, we are on duty, we are on duty, and all these bastards... the so-called president of the so-called russian federation, that they are there in odessa, a russian city, and they are going to return something to you there, well, what can i say, they it has already been done, try it, that's it ended, we know very well, to say that the configuration of forces at that moment somehow changed, i cannot, if it did change, it was definitely not in the direction of improving the composition and available armament of the black sea fleet. therefore, we have
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the situation under control and, accordingly , they should not expect any success in our direction. what the naval forces of ukraine expect in the coming year, in particular regarding the replenishment of combat personnel and in general. but development, first of all, as you know, within the framework of the maritime coalition, we have quite serious plans, as do our partners, for in the near future... we are waiting for the transfer of 23 23 high-speed boats, which we also need for our operations, 20 units of armored land vehicles, this is just literally very soon, and in general , the situation is developing in such a way that our partners understand our needs, all this is planned not because someone sees it that way, but because... the plans, they are formed according
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to the situation, they are formed before the actual events that take place, and so this this road map that already exists, saw it clearly, regarding regarding cooperation within the framework of this coalition, they are primarily aimed at raising the level of the capabilities of the naval forces, and this is a general phrase, of course, but behind ... this phrase there are specific plans with specific numbers, specific types of weapons, types of personnel training , and all this is planned for the 35th year, but in the near term, the next few years , it is very detailed what exactly and how it will happen, and we see where we are going, what we will do next year, how to train the personnel, how to cook, which samples of weapons to master? new ones,
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we have it all. mr. dmitry, in russia they created a marine drone, called it dandelion. they say it can cover a distance of 200 km at a speed of 80 km per hour, and this is enough to strike odessa, if any, dandelions will be launched from crimea, what do you know about this dandelion, what is it. how many of these dandelions do they already have? i'm just looking at this dandelion and i can't figure out how he's going to hit the decks, he's got a vertical slider there and he's got paws, and he goes to the coast like this and begins to inflict fire damage on the clothes, well , actually another attempt, and there is such a thing, there is such an expression, you know, and it is such a general phrase: the opposite.
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of engineering, when they take an ordinary boat, which they probably wrung out somewhere in the kherson region, during the occupation, cover it with metal, put some explosives there and say that they made a drone, well, first of all, 200 km, it’s not really like that a large power reserve, practical, of course it is theoretically possible to reach there from the crimea, but there is there are many unknowns in this equation, this is the control system, the navigation system, the coordination system, how all this will be implemented, this is another question, and to publish another creation of your sick mind for having no analogues in the world of drones, well, it is quite in the spirit of soviet russian propaganda, this is normal, we are already used to it, but we will see how it will be in practice, in practice we can say that we have at least several organizations using various drones of our own production. the security service of ukraine, the main thing
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intelligence management, naval forces, and these drones have already proven their effectiveness, since the beginning of the year 22 ships have been affected, 12 have been destroyed. 22 damaged in addition to this, this is the result , and what they are trying to show as another, i don’t know, there is their own invention, only time will tell us, well, recently there was a report that lviv received some reinforcements for air defense , and as for odesa, our main port, are there any upgrades there as well, is everything good? well, i can't provide information about upgrades, unfortunately i can only remind you that the 124th thought that it would be completely safe to mine the grain routes of ukraine, but again it happened as expected, and the page was never
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found, as far as i know, so we are working in this direction , in this direction, and accordingly we rely on our colleagues from... the air force, they also constantly take care of closing the airspace over our water area, and together we move forward, well, thank you very much, dmytro plytenchuk, the spokesman of the armed forces was with us - naval forces ukraine, thank you for this conversation, we will now go for a short break, a break, then we will come back and talk about what is happening in transcarpathia, that the deputies are coming to the meeting there. er, miss sessions, since silrada was there, the one with the grenades and they are blowing them up, well, we will also talk about hungary, about orban and about europe. stay with us.
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experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton bork. on espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. own names. with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. according to the results of november , the espresso tv channel ranks first among information broadcasting channels. for the eighth month in a row, we are the first. congratulations chas news v
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airs of the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old. we have updated the design, sound, we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian values ​​remain unchanged. view. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top ones. guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. good morning, dear friends, we are returning to ether, so unexpectedly. let's break into it again, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk in this studio, i remind you, we work for you, i have a fresh
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update on our collection, we collected 2020 this morning, i am incredibly grateful to you for all this, i hope that at this rate we will surpass yesterday's collection, and for yesterday, for all day , the espresso tv channel collected uah 36,000 for... such battery stations, which are needed for our military, on the front lines, they will replace generators, and actually in the field they work like generators, ugh, they can recharge military equipment, and this the military equipment is already in the hands of the elements of our military, it destroys the muscovites very well, so this is the connection of the battery stations, from which more money will be in our account, which... the sooner these battery stations end up in the military, the less there will be enemies, so join in,
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please see the card number and qr code on your screens now, please contribute to this collection, because we need to collect a rather large sum of uah 1,220,000, but, but we have already collected uah 785,559 with you. and there are only 14 of us separated from the fact that we have already moved. for the mark of 800 thousand, well, we , in the meantime, i want to say that i also, by the way, dropped uah 100 yesterday and i hope that everyone will do it by the end of the week, well, i don’t know whether uah 100, well, drop uah 10 , someone can drop 10 00, who can, but i recently read that the fund come back alive, a super fund, where taras chmut heads it, by the way, wait until you speak, viewer, my viewer who remembers. me on inclusions for polish television, when i talked about the events in ukraine, and from time to time, and from time to time, these
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people whom i do not know, they are ordinary viewers, some of their television, they write me messages, words of support, words about the fact that they are sorry for what is happening on the border, well , it is about the fact that there are adequate poles who understand what is happening, the words that, so that we hold on, that this phrase was like this, i understand that everyone is tired on saturday, are adequate. poles, there are a majority of them, i would say yes, there are inadequate poles , this, this, this, this is a phrase that can look real, in a word, there are a lot of good words, and there are those who say, can i have some account or something like that where you could transfer the funds, and actually i told them to drop the money, because it is currency, all these transfers, gave, gave the details of the fund, come back alive, so that the person also joins in this way. and then he wrote to me that he had done everything , told me that he, if you need any more
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help, please speak up, thank you to such people, who care not only, not only ukrainians, but also those people who are abroad, they too understand how important it is for ukraine to win this war. but, by the way, about the come back alive fund, i can even show you, they recently closed the assembly, assembled 500 fpv drones, each of them will fly with a grenade and kill mosquitoes. imagine what a powerful army of drones this is, they collected 235 million hryvnias, well, of course, we are far from these collections on the espresso tv channel, but you know that what unites us with the povernyts fund is the living one, that both we and the poverny zhim fund are a hundred percent guarantee that the money will go exactly as intended , and the fund was returned to the press , there is an interesting story, they still had 100 million, uh, before the collection was closed, a person simply took and transferred 100 million uah, one person, they
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say that they know who it is, well, not yet they will say, well, that is, well, some kind of person who could afford it, me would not be able to afford to transfer 100 million hryvnias, then they must be had, but nevertheless it is about what, but, but, but it is about the fact that everyone, everyone, regardless of whether it is 100 million hryvnias or is it 10 00 hryvnias, whether it is 100 hryvnias or 10 hryvnias, everyone does what this collection of traffic does. and here, our viewers, this collection has already added 31,000 to our account this morning, it's so nice, but i'm just updating, i can't update. for fonduzhiv, it is cool because the eyes, well , if the pictures, relatively speaking, they visualize
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then what does this mean, 235 million hryvnias have been transferred, for example, to these drones, we just see. what is it, what does it look like, what is 235 million in the form of drones, but imagine the amount of 235 million, it is big, but imagine the amount, for example, which goes this year to obtain the duz of public administration of affairs, where are all those residences the president and so on and so on, in general, by the way, almost three billion hryvnias were spent on obtaining the presidential office this year, which is more than the cost of, for example, the office of president andzhii. it seems more like three, i don't i remember that duda was terribly, terribly criticized, that he inflated his staff, inflated funding, that it was a complete waste, despite the fact that poland has an economy five times larger than ukraine's, and this despite the fact , that poland is not at war, for example, and imagine how many such
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drones could be bought if at least the funding of this was reduced to 1 billion. out of only three and, that is, 2 billion to be freed, or, for example, 2 billion not to be spent on supporting oligarchic channels that broadcast the only news, many of which are censored or propagandistic essences. but here are some interesting arithmetic considerations. dmytro tuzhansky, director of the institute of central european strategy, an expert on ukrainian-hungarian relations, is already with us. we are adding it to our air, mr. dmytro , good morning, good morning, before we move on to ukrainian-hungarian relations, to ukrainian-eu relations, that is , she was in a very bad, clearly mental state, so i would look at it from those sides the situation, that is, as a tragedy, the issue of weapons, the issue of dialogue, in general, the conduct of these
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public dialogues within communities, when society is so... so electrified, but there is a lot of talk in zakarpattia, of course, you see, this is not a question of some local, already now, if of an informational context, but of the world the media write, that is, this is a terrible tragedy, eh , there is another dimension here, we, well, that is, we understand on the one hand that what happened is, this is a terrible fact that cannot be justified by anything, that is, women are sitting, some people , well, that is, deputies, this whole community, which... you raise them, well, that's it it's just, well, it's unbelievable, in fact , what's on this person's mind, he's currently in intensive care, as far as i understand, he's a deputy from the servants of the people, there's no, by the way, any statement from the party itself about this, i don't know, well, but less with that, but, but there is also another dimension, i.e., for example, about the village
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head himself, there is also a whole story, this is mykhailo mushka, he had, for example, he was involved in various cases, in particular, in particular, the investigation by the sbi, it seems that the dsr considered him some case , probably about illegal benefits, bribes, etc so on and so on, plus he was generally elected from opzh, that is, it is also easy to imagine, this is just an assumption without relation to this community, but we know that very often in such communities the village head can actually be a little yanukovych for these of the settlement community, which can be re-elected, actually using both falsification and connections with criminality, and absolutely some kind of feudal system of such involvement, fusion of the court, the police, i don't know, the tax department, and now also the tsc, because now the villagers heads can actually arbitrarily,
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for example, to send to the front everyone whom they do not like, and or to intimidate with it, for example. there are mothers and so on, that is , it is easy to imagine that it is possible in such a situation that there are no legal methods of resisting arbitrariness. well, look , you ask a very important question, but you know, many people can use this argument of yours to, for example, curtail the decentralization reform and the centralization of power and say that because of decentralization , local princes and barons were created there and call them a party there opzh, speculate. partisanship, well, moreover, i will tell you that this context, which you described, is peculiar not only to transcarpathia, by the way, to any localized community, remember the case of luzynskyi, right? after the history of all this, he was elected again, yes, that is, it is, you know, such, i am not saying, some ukrainian specifics, but it is a challenge for all of our local self-government,
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a challenge, perhaps, not so much because of some such structural reform , as decentralization, rather a challenge through work specifically in communities at the local level, through dialogues , through critical thinking, through the improvement of political culture, by the way, this is the responsibility of the parties, who they delegate, who they elect, of course, we shouldn't have special hopes, but i will tell you, even very pro-ukrainian, pro-european parties on the ground, i won't name the parties , they sometimes have such representatives that wow, so here you know, we all have to work, that's right, i say, this is a tragedy with which we have to learn very correct lessons, well, thank you , find a balance between dictatorship and democracy, here as always a difficult task, especially in time. war , but concluding this topic, because we will move on to another one, just for people who in small towns or villages think that the military,
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defenders from the front will return and somehow change the situation in their settlements, then no, don't wait for them, they have their own task, and when they return from the front, they definitely won't want, i don't know, to do some local business, they'll just want to rest, just finally be with their families, to be normal people in normal conditions, and it is still a question of how they will return, with some change of consciousness, to return to normal life. mr. dmytro, returning to such broader topics, actually what happened this week, somehow managed to neutralize orban in a strange way during the vote on the start of negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union, disappeared somewhere, but he is, he is, mr. dmytro. how exactly was olaf scholz so he was offered to go out or was it just an offer to go out and have a coffee somewhere while the vote is on
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orbán was influenced or were influenced by some other arguments that we don't know about, i'm sorry , i have some communication problems, can you hear me, can you hear me, or did you hear my question , not so much, but if you repeat briefly, i heard about orbán and what he ... he came out and olaf scholz allegedly offered him to go have a coffee, or was it just an offer to have a coffee or something else that convinced orbán to come out during the voting? well, great, i can hear you just fine. look, it's a big question, a big dilemma, but i think it is very important for the ukrainian side to find out what happened, because it looks like christmas pre-christmas smoke. viktor orban did not want to go out or vote for the opening. talking to us, he wanted to impose a veto, he was clearly determined about it, motivated , that is, what convinced him, i do not rule out that it is mr. olav scholz, in general, i think that it is such a team effort, because we should not
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forget, it an aspect that is not discussed in the public plane for various, well, in detail for various reasons, but orbán generally has this his, this is his veto, this was an attack first of all against ms. ursula, the president of the european commission. and i don't rule out that you know this, this is the german answer, common to viktor orbán's antics, because he also started a burgundy, very dirty campaign against ms. ursula in hungary, involving soros and so on and so on , so we need to understand , which became such a decisive drop, because, by the way, i would like to note that hungary is very dependent on german money, on german investments, they say... every six, seven euros, it comes from germany, returns to germany, and i will tell you, viktor orbán is actively working to protect himself from this dependence,
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for example, he is now literally fighting against german retail in germany, in hungary, sorry, so here is a big question, is this influence of german interests left, because from business to politics, you know, in europe it 's actually, well, a direct path, here, but the final result, i think it's all... such a cumulative action, because if ukraine, for example, would not have adopted these changes before legislation on national minorities and there are seven laws, then orbán would have such substantive reasons to block, and then it would be difficult to convince him, that is, what i am leading to is what in ukraine is often called some kind of concessions for hungary, what are such harsh words are being used that we caved, actually no, we strengthened our position and we strengthened the position of our partners just at that, you know, the breakfast that happened when there on thursday, thursday before lunch, which delayed the summit, and which, you know, it became decisive, that's why i congratulate everyone, that's it
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european politics. fighting to the end, fighting with arguments and doing our homework - this is how we should move towards the european union, and we need to be ready that even if it is not hungary, but it is possible there , well, it would be good if not, but for example, the same austria , slovakia, sfitso, they can take such, you know, an uncompromising position and we, including them, no matter how they are called agents of putin, the kremlin, we have to convince them, some ironically ... indicate that all these countries were the heart of the former austro-hungarian empire, it seemed would, should have better understood the problems of ukrainians, which a heavy part, at least of ukraine, was in the same history, the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania lansberges, gabrieles lansberges very harshly criticized orban's position, in particular, he said that it is not only against that, against aid to ukraine, it is generally against that, against the values ​​of europe and against
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europe. such, and i hear a lot of such appeals that we also need to look at hungary differently, this is not orbán's hungary, it is hungarians against ukraine and against europe, or is it is it correct to compare the hungarians with the russians, in a similar situation, when we say that it is not a war with putin, it is a war with the russians and with russia, or is the whole of hungary equally unfriendly to us? no, no, of course, no, look, this is a completely incorrect comparison, even if you even take these results... polls there, tcfr published a pan-european poll that, let's say, 70% of hungarians are against ukraine's membership in the european union, well , but we are not joining the european union yet, similar results, perhaps not so categorical, in the same romania and so on, but this is a question, you know, if habits, yes, that is, we need to communicate more with them, we need to explain more, if we take such very pragmatic
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interests of ours. all our neighbors, they are very interested in us becoming part of the european union, you just see how in romania there are now responsible elites, they think, you know, in terms of national interests and look at this pragmatic menu, in hungary viktor orban, he is a populist, that is , having even this pragmatic menu that ukraine is a member of the european union in the interests of hungary, he is trying to speculate on this , he is trying to bargain on this , so you know, well, we absolutely cannot... you can perceive it that way, look at how hungarians treat ukrainian refugees, so you just have to work, work with public opinion, because hungarian society - this is a society that, you see, believed in the existence of the soros plan, you understand, that is, this society is very vulnerable to conspiracy stories, or theories, to various manipulations, and unfortunately viktor orbán takes advantage of this, but, you know, if you convince orbán at the same time,
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and... to work with public opinion, to work with partners, this is such, you know, a triple blow, i think, will convince both orban and sluguš. water-stone sharpens, and orban's convictions can also be sharpened. thank you, mr. dmytro, for the conversation, dmytro tuzhanskyi, director of the institute of central european strategy, an expert on ukrainian-hungarian relations, was in touch with us. thank you for donating actively, we are separated from 800,000 by some 3,000 with a small tail, andriy and i, at the moment we are telling you. well, now we say good morning kateryna shiropoyas, she will tell us the latest news. yes, congratulations to our viewers, congratulations to oles, congratulations to andria, we are ready to tell operational information for this hour.


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