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tv   [untitled]    December 16, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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we just have 15 seconds left , it's unlikely that you'll make it, but i thank you very much anyway, because we have to move all the way to israel immediately, a professor of political science at the barilan university from israel, zeev hanin, i hope to appear now, i i will explain our language policy to him, because i will have to speak, i won’t have to, but i will be happy to speak in ukrainian, he understands mr.... the professor in ukrainian, but he will answer in russian, i think that this is how we are here espresso does not violate ukrainian legislation, and he does not violates any law, because i don't think that there is a ban on ukrainian or russian in israel, thank you, professor, thank you for finding time for us today, thank you for the invitation, i will answer in russian, if you please, but i understand ukrainian well. so, i have a question for you,
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tzahal, according to the wall street journal, says he has started flooding tunnels in the gas sector. my question is technological, they are interconnected, that is, you can put a pump in some place, pour water, and this water sooner or later late will flood everything, like the so-called hamas or gaziv metro. that is, all these underground , i don't know how they are channeled, sealed and so on, they are interconnected, that is, there is no need for 150 holes there, there, there and there and then 150 places where water enters, please mr. professor, you understand correctly, probably it is necessary to make several institutions in several cities on the coast of the mediterranean sea, but yes, indeed. from these channels, these
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tunnels, catacombs, they are connected to each other, in fact, according to the information published by the israeli media, in fact matter, a significant part of the leadership and the military political wing of hamas from the north managed to move to the south, i.e. to where, along the humanitarian corridors that tsagol provided gas to the civilian population, so to speak, several hours a day, and continues to provide, by the way, and during the time of this... the truce itself, which in fact was not a truce, it was a temporary ceasefire for 7 days, they used these channels to leave, and also used the whole of this very with a branched system , the so-called tunnel of the hamas subway or the gaza metro, well, in lviv, as far as i know, there is no subway yet, but if someone imagines the kyiv subway, it is about four times as long as what is there, it essentially connects ... all parts of the gas sector
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, in fact, are part of such a very serious, deeply colonized defense, precedents of which, as far as i know , there are no precedents in the world . that which went through the channels of international humanitarian aid, as well as the money brought by residents of gaza who were employed in israel, in fact, a fourth part of the families of gaza lived on...
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this satisfies the entire spectrum of jews and maybe arabs, who we we know that there are 2 million such loyal arabs living in the state of israel on a permanent basis, well, on a permanent basis, please, yes, you are absolutely right, in this case the contradiction between jews, israelis, israeli arabs , no, the arabic language, by the way by the way to the language, yes, if we are talking about the language. arabic is the second official state language in israel, unfortunately, most jews speak arabic poorly, israeli arabs speak hebrew, as a rule, well, because without it it is impossible to make a career. one way or another, indeed, if we look at public opinion polls, i can give a more or less accurate answer to your question, the overwhelming majority of israelis state that they believe that israel should not be stopped. their military operation and are ready
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endures gas attacks, all the deprivations and problems that exist during the war, understanding also that the war is not only in the south, but in the north against the lebanese elections. hezbollah, although it has not escalated into a full-scale war with lebanon yet. there are military actions in judea and somar, what is commonly called the west bank of the jordan river in the world, we take this definition in quotation marks, and israel has sent its warships, the ship is still one, but probably in an escort, also in the red sea, for to stop the actions of the hussites, that's another some iranian proxies, which, so to speak, are simply engaged in the real world.
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of the israeli population, next comes the trust in the tsagal command, the trust in the ministry of defense, eh , unfortunately, we have political parties in the penultimate place, and the prime minister and the government are in the last place, but this does not prevent the israelis from supporting the policy that is being pursued during wars i wanted to ask you about the relationship, the attitude towards the hostages, because at the beginning of the big, big israeli offensive on the gaza strip there was just a discussion about hostages or war or destruction, but since you took up sociology, i support your, your mood. i noticed the following with surprise: the kyiv
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international institute of sociology, such an institution is very authoritative, very serious sociologists, they say, they did a survey. and it turned out: 1% of ukrainians, i repeat, 1% of ukrainians support palestine in the war between israel and hamas. someone in israel knows about this, which turns out to be 1% of ukrainians. for some reason, i think that this is 1% of the wives of palestinians or the palestinians themselves who live in ukraine. i yes, if they don't understand what we are talking about, it is a statistical error, as you say, an error in ukrainian?
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and this will be talked about simply from every iron, especially since this is published in comparison with similar polls conducted by the pew center in the usa, which are conducted by various non-governmental and governmental structures in europe, great britain, for example, if in great britain, as by the way, in the same report of the kyiv institute of sociological studies, an extremely authoritative institution in the world, as we know, in ukraine self-explanatory. yes, it is shown there, in their report it is also mentioned that in great britain 14% are for israel, 14% are for palestine, not necessarily for terrorists, yes, not necessarily for hamas, here they are in this palestinian-israeli conflict supporting one side or another, to the rest, either
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it doesn’t matter, or they don’t really understand what is going on in russia by and large, also the majority does not support anyone, but there are four times more of those who support someone... somehow this discussion is not very sharp goes, at least it seems to me, i'm in lviv our editorial office is also here , what do you say to what extent, have the israelis already understood that it does not depend on anyone, and these hostages can be killed and stop
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the offensive from that, well, it is not worth it, i may be saying cynically, but since, as i understand it, well, first of all, i am pleased to speak with a colleague from lviv, the city that i... just a second moment - this is indeed the situation was as you describe it until the day before yesterday, until the day before yesterday, when it became known that ... three israeli hostages managed to escape, but they were in civilian clothes, like the majority of hamas terrorists, they are hiding, so to speak, some, for example, work as coordinators, gunners, without weapons, in short, the soldiers shoot at those who seem to them, so to speak, well , are recognized as a threat, yes, very many of our guys, our fighters.
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and they managed to detonate this mined area, mined objects, so to speak, disarm and destroy the terrorists who were hiding in this building, so what, what, but what happened, these are these three israeli hostages, unfortunately, fell under friendly fire and died , right now, during the last day and a half, several hours, there is a discussion about the fact that it is still necessary to agree, if there is a proposal to exchange all of them for all of them, this is very important insists... qatar, which was framed by the terrorists, they, in fact, qatar was an intermediary, qatar. on the one
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hand, he is a dishonest mediator, per se, they are close allies of iran, and iran is behind the current middle east war, and their proxies, including hizballah, hamas, and so on. so, and the houthis, well, let's say this, well, even the katarians came out, they saw that, in fact, thanks to hamas, they lost face, that's why they insist on additional negotiations on additional exchanges. deals, even a couple of days ago, as if this topic had already been completely closed, or almost closed, today the discussion begins again that if a serious proposal is made, then israel will weigh in, so to speak, on that side there will be a readiness to release all the hostages and the living and the dead they save everyone, they try to save everyone, but i'm afraid, that's all i can say about this at this moment. thank you very much, professor of political sciences of baril university. from israel, zeev , hanin were with us, now we will have a small advertisement, and
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at the end of our meeting we will talk about latin america, quite an exotic continent for ukrainians, at least it is very, very, very far away, but what is happening there , well, it needs analysis, because you know, we are sitting here in the editorial offices of various mass media, we think that now there is another war. whether or not there will be this war in latin america, besides, the president of ukraine flew right there to those countries, and there is a lot to talk about, but still, first of all, you must watch the commercials, and then there will be latin america. tingling and crawling sensations arise spontaneously and disturb you. the dolgit antineuralgia complex helps in normalization. zionization of the nervous system. dolgiit anti-neuralgia helps to return to usual activities without tingling and numbness in
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you want, i'll pick it up. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. ask at pharmacies, we wish you good health, and your family's pharmacy long-lasting cream 150 g with a 20% discount. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and westerners intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant public discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. and good health again, as promised, we will now fly to latin america and are already there. why? because oleksiy odkidach, an expert on latin america of the adastra analytical center is with us on
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connection good health. mr. oleksiy. i have such eclectic questions for you, they will be different. them some such industries, and why did lula refuse to meet, i.e. the president of brazil, with zelenskyi? i would not say that he refused to meet with zelensky, i would say that he refused to go to the inauguration of the president of argentina, because due to certain ideological differences, due to the fact that milea once called lula a leftist, he publicly, one might say, insulted, lula simply tactfully declined the per... invitation referring to the very if involved schedule and that's why lula didn't come to miley in general and in particular if it wasn't about zelenskyy , it's not about zelenskyy's personnel, it 's about the relations that are gradually developing between miley oleksiy, this lula is a very important issue , many people consider him a leftist, but when he was president, he was
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already president for one or so many terms, the economy was sufficient. well, i would say such a strange word energetic brazilian and i, and for me it is always the left that slows down any economy, and the right, on the contrary, pushes it forward, well, that's it it started with the great french revolution, as it was possible for lula to be both left-wing and to do well in the financial and economic sphere, everything is quite simple, you said the key phrase, the economy was very energetic. the fact is that in the first two terms of lula, now he is in the third, the first two terms were around 2000-28, somewhere like that, and there was a period when brazil began to sell a lot of natural resources, in particular oil, and in general agricultural exports , all that if brazil produces, all those resources, if unprocessed,
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the prices for them at that time continued at a very high level, this also happened with venezuela during the chavas period and... with lululo in his first two terms of office and in particular with the kirchnerists in argentina, that is, world prices and world demand for resources, various resources both energy and agricultural production resources were large. at the same time, ukraine was going through a similar period during the time of late kuchma and early yushchenko, when ukrainian economic growth in europe reached 6-7% of gdp there and was the largest. the same world conjuncture. then the crisis of 2008 and accordingly if the prices for all these resources fell and... just as lula left the post of president of brazil at that time, the 10 years of lulychnoy's reign until about 2008 were remembered as lula's golden period, everything was cool, stability, economic growth and everything is fine, and thanks to this, he won a third term already, yes , i know several countries, you named one of them, it is called venezuela, but there is
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one such russia near ukraine, where there was also such a jump, and now something it does not jump at all. but my question is different, do you think venezuela is will start some sort of expansion into guyana, i would even say the bolivarian republic of venezuela into the cooperative republic of guyana, will it attack or not. well, despite the extravagant names, the official names of these states, it seems that so far the parties have agreed to continue the dialogue in a peaceful format . and the parties agreed that they would follow the agreement of 1966, which was signed in geneva, where even then both countries committed to a peaceful way, by creating joint commissions, involving joint mediators, actually relegating, demarcating our border. in this case, the mediator will be precisely brazil and lula
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, and in particular, in the agreement that was signed just a couple of days ago, both parties agreed: to meet in 3 months in brazil in order to analyze the state of resolution of all disputes at the current moment. but maduro also did it in order to somehow attract the attention of venezuelan society that he is so good, because the entire venezuelan society, as far as i know, there, the big opponents should be slightly wooed, although this plebiscite should not be believed so much either, but all the same... i don't think that everyone there will be against cutting off the cooperatives of the cooperative republic a little, as far as he is concerned, he is simple, you understand, we, since we are in ukraine, we understand... dictators without a foreign war , no, it’s hard for them to live, they need to organize some kind of war, and when they started to
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reach me, at least the information that they, lula and reconciled, in short there will be no war, then the question arises, what will maduro do? without war? he, he can't, can't hold on indefinitely with the fact that there is no toilet paper on the one hand, and the country is not at war with anyone on the other, it's somehow... it doesn't work out, i think, given the monopolization of the media that exists in venezuela and the total control that the maduro government has over radio and television, over all the so-called spheres of communication that exist in the country, even this agreement, even this situation can be very profitably sold as a victory, because look, we, venezuela, let's say this presented their claim, guyana heard us, the world heard us i heard that brazil accepts us, maduro's problem was that, in fact , most of the neighboring presidents did not want to accept him for many years, and during the presidency of brazil, he would not even come close there, now they are ready to meet him, they are ready
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to talk to him, they are ready to reckon with him, that is , an increase in authority will already come, and it turns out that if venezuela created a crisis, pressed, listened to it, the level of maduro increased and this can be sold as a victory even without military intervention, i am sure that the regime maduro will be able to use this and will use it quite successfully. one more clarifying question for myself, i want to find out for myself, and the armed forces and special services of venezuela, are they the armed forces and special services of venezuela, or are they the armed forces and special services of cuba, because there are a lot of such rumors and gossip, which are actually there cuban troops are cuban, at least in the field of special forces, maybe there are other troops there. what would you say is cuba's influence there? i would say that the influence of cuba is there, obviously, if the two countries are connected, they have
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similar foreign policy, somewhat similar internal policy, they exchange experience, especially in internal policy regarding how to control the information space, how to control the population in general under the conditions of a socio-economic crisis, so that the population, well, relatively speaking, does not rebel, but even considering the potentials of venezuela with its population and cuba with its population, it is clear that the influence of cuban troops or military specialists there is not so critical for venezuela to feel confident against guyana potentially, so it is obvious that there is cuban influence, there are certain advisers there, perhaps certain technologies and so on, although both there and there and in cuba, venezuela, the donor of technology, advisers and so on is primarily russia, i do not think that cuba can now to offer venezuela some exclusive experience or technology that venezuela does not have. and therefore i do not think that cuba has a decisive influence there, but it is obvious that both countries cooperate in the field of security, this is 100%. an important question, but please tell me, there were times when about
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this actual, venezuelan junta almost collapsed, but they are standing, millions of people have already left there, immigration is crazy, everyone is eating, everyone is fleeing, there is nothing to eat. there is nothing to drink gasoline despite the fact that the country is super rich in gasoline, oil, and and and all the same, but they stand, how can this be explained, they love this madura so much, i went to his predecessor, well, i talked to friends, i had friends ,elski, they explained to me the phenomenon, the predecessor, i have already forgotten his name, but what are you? now he's not charismatic, he's not like that, maybe he doesn't have ideas, he just sits and and that's all, and sits and has such an impression that it will sit for a long time. i think that to some
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extent the situation in venezuela is similar to belarus, why, because there were millions of mass riots in venezuela, really a million people went out into the streets, blocked avenues, protested, threw stones, had meetings with the police, that is, a full-fledged civil activism, full civil confrontation. and at that moment, yes, there was such a political, relatively speaking, split, we had maduro, who controlled the power apparatus, and we had the head of the parliament, juan guaido, who had great hopes and was recognized by a large number of venezuela's neighbors, ukrainians, and latin americans, as the legitimate president of venezuela, including the united states recognized him at the time, and if i remember correctly, the european union partially or fully , and the problem is that this leader of the opposition parliament... gaido, who had international recognition and could in theory bring the revolution to an end, he did not take advantage of this chance, he was not able to convert his father's protests into some political result in
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venezuela. as a result, he is in exile, and in venezuela, maduro has successfully suppressed activists, successfully suppressed the media, pushed everyone who was in one way or another opposition out of the country, millions of active passionate people, young people, left the country, and the rest that remained, she she survives anyway, she can feed herself, she won't die of hunger, and she doesn't like inflation and so on, but they lack the passion and energy that already...was there, that is, they protested their own, and if then the political leadership that was found would perhaps now venezuela lived completely differently, and what happened to this guido juan, he just ran away, or he just shut up at first at a certain time, or can we suspect that maduro just gave him there, i don’t know, 10 million dollars or 100 million dollars there , but somehow it was somehow, there was a leader, and then it really somehow deflated,
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as if someone pierced it with a needle. so the bullet is some kind of soccer ball, i think that here , returning to the analogy with belarus, the situation is somewhat similar to svitlana tykhanovskaya, because as a result of the course of events, and to a person, if this leadership fell, people were partly not ready for this, and tykhanovskaya and guaido migrated, and now they are abroad, now they are trying to convince western countries there that it is necessary to support democracy in venezuela, to support their political forces, but they have no actual influence... neither social nor political situation in venezuela and belarus, respectively, so in fact the person simply lacked connections, experience, character and many other factors in order to become a real leader of venezuela and bring this matter to logical conclusion. it's a tragic story, but my question is the following, maybe it will be the last, i don't know how it will turn out, but what do you think, how do they convince, what, what...
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should the united states do according to guido's version, what should the european union do , what should the neighbors do, they should come with weapons, seize power, expel madura, then i know for sure that this will not happen, that is, what could be the arguments, support me, i am sitting in exile, then why support , how are you sitting in exile, i i i would not support a person who sits in... well, it doesn't make sense, what do you say? yes, this is a really difficult situation, during the trump presidency , the tactics of both the united states and many of venezuela's neighbors were to create maximum pressure on venezuela, sanctions, economic and personally on maduro and everyone, if anything, on whom his regime is based, and on the country in general, as a result of this diplomatic pressure, the economic situation worsens, people's discontent is growing, a new wave
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of protests and riots is taking place. to triumphantly returns to venezuela, this did not happen, these sanctions did not were tough enough, let's say, to directly cause such great indignation among the venezuelan population. the coalition of countries in latin america , which was set against maduro, began to fall apart, simply due to the electoral cycles in neighboring countries, governments that were ready to put pressure on venezuela, they left, more loyal governments came, this is first of all colombia, gustavo petro, the current president, this and...lula left and president trump, who was also ready for such a tough position. under lula's current conditions in brazil, petro in colombia and biden in the united states, no one wants to resort to such steps and press the gay so hard to cause another, relatively speaking, revolution there, so by and large , excuse me, please just get to the end, latin america expert
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at the adas think tank. to the stars, that's what it's called as far as i remember, latin , badly, by the way, i remember so that no one thinks, all the best, ladies and gentlemen, i would like to say that i have finished my part of the program, will continue the program annaeva melnyk, and that means news on espresso tv.
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the main topics of the verkhovna rada rate. commander-in-chief millions of bullets from lithuania.


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