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tv   [untitled]    December 16, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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precisely in this plan, that is why the main task of the president of ukraine was to influence the white house, president biden, to thank for the help that is available and to agree on a plan for the next year, and this plan should consist of three things: first, and i am sure that it was discussed, although i do not have insider information from their meetings between the presidents, but from what was publicly sounded at the press conference and actually from experience. they discussed their vision, whether there will be success next year in military terms, in terms of war, this is the first, the decision depended on this joseph baden. the second thing that needs to be done for this success is the supply of weapons, and it is clear that this success requires a completely different approach, it requires at least 300 atakams missiles, it requires several dozen f-16 platforms at once, the permission, well, the permission or not the objection of the usa , strikes on aerodromes
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from which we are being struck, this is also russian territory, this is rostov-on, this is the part closer to us, this is the approval of this, otherwise nothing will work, that is, it is necessary to change the common philosophy and strategy and tactics joint resistance to russian aggression, let's say, the de-occupation of ukrainian territories, and the third is the institutional capacity of ukraine, as far as the ukrainian state and the ukrainian state can withstand. society from issues of mobilization for war to the ability of the social sphere to work in the regime in that regime, that is, that is, the mood of the population and the mood, that is the result , i will tell you first, the press conference, despite the phrase of president biden, it was said in my opinion, well for the first time in my memory that we will work for the victory of ukraine, no how much is needed for the victory of ukraine.
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the phrase was good. there were other phrases, well, nato was very, in my opinion, an unsuccessful reaction. the successful reaction of president zelensky, who forwarded this question to president biden. and from president biden's answer, we understood that the issue of the political, political issue of ukraine's accession or invitation to the washington summit next year, is currently not considered in the white house administration. and to ask the question that only after the war, when ukraine will defend itself, this you know, because it's poor people's talk , after all, we are the poor people in the current situation, so because we understand what our budget tells us, that is, if there is no money from the european union and the united states, then there will be so to speak, it's not about money, i want to finish and explain, it's about much more, we 've been looking at money in recent months, it's not about money, it's about position. in the usa
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now, will it be as it was before, or will it change radically. so, according to body language, what happened at the press conference, i really disliked the mood of joseph byton. what is it caused by? i can judge from previous personal meetings with him, from what i have seen before, that his mood was, well, not optimistic. why this happened, i cannot say, so here is my conclusion: two scenarios now. not anymore. different options, there are two scenarios: the first scenario, it is not very optimistic for us, it is that now accusing the republicans of not providing aid to ukraine, the democrats and joseph biden will hang, well will be hanged in the political plan, responsibility will be transferred to them for the fact that ukraine did not get everything it needed, and in this way they will show that , unfortunately, in such conditions, they are unable to achieve what...
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could be a victory, then , what joseph bel said , this is the first option, and he, unfortunately, i do not write him off, he is still, well, he is such a script is not very good, what does this mean, this means that somewhere in a few months, well, until the summer, maybe next year, ukraine will have the means to conduct further intensive hostilities, and in the future , there will be no such means of such an intensity of war, in conditions when putin and... on the contrary, now they see it and want to increase the intensity, and the second scenario, it is also now, i would still hope for it, that is what is the white house has an understanding of how they can squeeze a funding package for ukraine, and thus, after hearing convincing arguments from the president of ukraine, go for a strategy correction, that is, what i said, still next year, maybe not... maybe
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later , but to force putin to negotiate. well, that's all two scenarios, everything else is additional elements. so here are some factors that will appear in the next few days. will show where , where this pendulum will swing, and unfortunately , i see, the decision has not been made yet, and that is good, because it can be maximally positive and bad that in these conditions there is still no final vision, well, who about what , and i am talking about money in this case, and not only about american money, about european money, and in general about the so-called big game and possible coordination, secret, unannounced in brussels, berlin and washington, that's what it's about... that's what it's about, that is, we received an extremely powerful geopolitical signal from the european union, there will be talks about the start of negotiations, and so on, and we received a negative, in particular, when we talk about the macro-finance, make the budget and last the next year without clear help
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from the european union, we can't, and here i wanted to ask you, it was orbán's individual game now, what we saw, that's all his, you know, grasshoppers that he was throwing out, was he doing exactly what he was supposed to ... they allowed it, well maybe orbán is now playing the role of a part of the republican trumpists, yes, who in a certain way, so to speak, do what they are allowed to do. first of all, this is a very good decision and a timely political decision, and i congratulate, first of all, the europeans for finding the strength to look strategically. it is not often that europe looks strategically, now they have played the right way and made a political decision to start negotiations with...ukraine , first of all, this is a signal to the kremlin and putin, you remember that he blackmailed both ukraine and the eu, until 14 -th year, precisely european integration, and this was the cause of euromaid, the stoppage of european integration, that is, it is a good political signal. second, it is a clear reform plan for
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ukraine. you can actually forget about any government innovation strategies for seven years, economic development for 10 years, everything will now develop in the negotiated process with the eu, and that's it. regardless of the ukrainian government, this will be a process, the ukrainian people will not allow it to be reversed, and each ukrainian president, the next one, will adapt the reform program to these requirements, that is, this is a good thing, the third, which is very it is important, they found a way to bypass the blocking by a separate country, well orban specifically, now you ask how coordinated it is, it is about money, different points, yes i think that... moscow had such a desire, and i think orban , in fact, due to the fact that he was given what he demanded, well, he is, you know, a trader from geopolitics, he squeezed 10 billion from the european union, and i will tell you this, the first such tranche of 10
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billion, blocked so far what, and there is a program of 30 billion in general. hungary receives more from brussels by 4.5 billion every year. and he quit putin is actually in this situation, he threw putin, this is a victory, and we must thank german chancellor scholz and president macron, first of all, these two letters, and this is a good sign, which means that germany and france see ukrainian development further, and see that ukraine will be part of the european space, so i most likely respond negatively to this story, because orban spoiled it, what they wanted to play like that. to block it completely in the states, to block it in europe, the game is not over yet, because orban’s political adviser just said, orban too last name, declared that they will continue to block finances, that's what you say, that is , the game is like this, politically, well, okay, we couldn't do it
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here and they would have blocked our money, but then we will block everything that is finance, but here there is the decision, in fact, comes after the political decision of the eu, the financial decision. can be found at the bilateral level, it's a little bit more difficult, but here the bans are longer, more difficult, yes, and it will affect the intensity of our, well , let's say this, the capacity of our defense , because the defense now, it seems, is at the front, yes, more, but next year it will be a somewhat different war, it will not be only a physical front on land or in the black sea or in the air. it will also be the capacity of the country, the institutional capacity, the society , so the counteraction, the confrontation of two systems will be measured , so this will be a serious challenge, which we have not seen in recent months, in principle so clearly, and therefore money matters,
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absolutely, and there will be a lot of effort are now done, to block both in the states and in europe, and wherever possible, and putin is counting on it a lot, he... literally says it now, he is counting on the fact that aid will decrease, precisely and financial weapons, and this will lead to the possible loss of ukraine. and as much as possible to restore the asymmetry, let's say, overcome with russia, because he threw all the resources, in fact, i believe that the situation in russia is not much better than ours in this regard, and they threw all the resources and opportunities on the 24th year, however, they calculated somewhere until the month of november, before the elections in the usa, and we, well , europe and the usa, still have to accept this challenge, and europe must... europe must show and the us example shows that support should be continued. let's now try
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to analyze how we should act intelligently so that we can. perhaps there are still some prospects for helping our friends, the democrats, to influence the trumpists, so that the money still goes and there is a correct decision made in our favor, and here the key story is how americans see the formula for their success, so in support of ukraine. it is unlikely that we will be interesting in terms of the plan if we say that our situation is deteriorating, difficult. actually she is not the kind to wait for changes. we have already seen difficult situations when russia advanced actively, and then there were successful actions, not only at the front. i think the republicans are pushing the white house over there now and... meaning to make
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the ukraine issue or the counter-russia issue an issue in their part of their campaign, they 're actually doing that, they had a choice, they could criticize the democratic opponents and joseph biden for insufficient aid to ukraine, they chose another, unfortunately for us, they in general, if frankly i see, mike johnson leads to not providing aid to ukraine, not to provide, and the fact that they all... when talking about migration policy again suddenly in connection with just aid to ukraine is bad a sign, a very bad sign, because you can explain 50 times that this is how it is done in america, that this is the approach in the congress, it is true, they, they trade issues, by the way, a very wrong approach and very strange for european politicians, in america, they consider it normal to trade in congress various issues, including us national security. this will lead america in a very bad direction in my opinion, it has happened,
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especially in the last 10 or so years, this approach, so it seems to me that not everything is decided if joseph biden accepts this challenge and makes ukrainian success an issue of his election campaign, in part, because the main internal issues, this is a good sign for us, and here is the pressure of the republicans and their complete, well, even opposition to aid to ukraine. i think there is opposition. there was still a dilemma until recently between traditional republicans and this marginal group. now that the traditional republicans have given up, they are yielding. look at what lancey graham, who came to ukraine, met with zelenskyi, told about the fact that lancey graham, mccain's associate, did so much, see what he said, i don't want to sit in washington for another week, i'm going to my county, it's a disaster, i'm like these words from lancey graham'. simply could not expect, that is, they took a joint position, to squeeze out of joseph biden
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political rating, lowering it on the issue of migration is a political struggle in its purest form, but where the national interests of the usa are safe here, i do not see at all, the only explanation i have is that they have some cunning plan, and this plan is known in the white house , i don't know that they will push out the package, this 61.4 billion for israel, ukraine, taiwan and the border and that... maybe it will decrease a little, maybe by some amount, but it will be the main one for the whole year. this is the only thing that i can explain now to all such pro-ukrainian people, including linisa graham, yes, republicans, about michim conel , there are others, by the way, the senate is now trying to somehow correct the situation and continue for a week, well, according to the information, for now there to continue its work and still make a decision, pushing the house of representatives and the same shirt . johnson to change his approach, but mike johnson will not change his approach, he has
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donald trump behind him. and who is behind donald trump, we do not know to the end, because his decision in principle, well, we can say, behind him is that part of the americans who speak for isolationism and for the reduction of the external, up to the exit from nato, for example, that's why such a signal is not very pleasant for me, i found. in the adopted new military budget, the military budget of the united states, i found a new item 1250a about not allowing the president to... single-handedly decide on withdrawal from nato, it is written exactly like that, there are no international organizations, everything is from nato, this is the same signal it is clear where the possible arrival of donald trump in the white house, but well, this is contradictory from the point of view of the us constitution, you can appeal to the supreme court, in my opinion, it is unlikely that this law alone can prohibit it, but the americans will
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decide, at least the fuse, maikrubi and others did it there, but i... found, well, i will say it now, for now , until the president of the united states has signed the ley, nba, i did not find there what i have been following for a long time actually every day, the last two weeks, paragraph paragraph 1224 on the extension of the 22nd lease law , i have not entered the lease law in force, by the way, it fell out before signing, before i did not find this item, it fell out yesterday, well
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, by the vote of the senate, what fell out, i don't have it yet, well, there is no exchange with the american washington. maybe someone else knows more about it, but it's just a very dangerous thing right now, why? because it could be an alternative option just in case the congress does not give the finances, the white house and joseph biden says: okay, you don't give me the finances, i start the lendlis, which i on may 9 of last year, well, we accepted on your initiative republicans, yes, there will be more by technology. after all, but i now i take this tool on the table, i have it, if you don't want to give money, i use this tool, and if there is no tool, and if the democrats and the white house have now agreed to it, i generally want to understand, first i will find out and maybe someone will help finally,
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will this clause appear after the signing by the president of the usa, if it does not appear... there is a clause on the continuation of the law about this , it is a very bad signal, a very bad signal, it means, it means, and what is the refusal of the white house, in fact, from this type of program of intensive supply of weapons to ukraine, therefore that there's a good chance that the funding will be cut, that's a bad option, but you know, the coin has two sides, now the second option, which we don't know, maybe, i say again, joseph biden knows that he's going to... squeeze the finances, then look all my arguments are removed, then the package of finances for 61.4 will be enough for military issues, well, there is somewhere less than half, but it will be enough approximately because the germans also give us european countries, and the finances will be enough , the budget is 11.7 plus japan plus others are enough,
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that is, now concluding, if we do not let's see... at the end of january, the beginning of february, as a result of all this, no package, four, then i can tell you, predicted, what choice the united states made, now today is a struggle, and in this struggle, unfortunately, already the arguments of the president of ukraine, they are already useful only from the point of view of what we will do, yes, well, if everything goes well, then we know what to do. the key story is what and how and when we should do it already in order to insure ourselves in case the republicans really manage to collapse the macro-finance aid for ukraine, in particular it is about aid and military, so we place great hopes on the european union, but in this situation can we already be sure that the europeans
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will cover all our internal needs. well, it's no secret that the government of ukraine was counting. these funds are planned for the 24th year, and officially, they see the non-allocation of us funds as a disaster, they even officially declared that without these funds we will lose the war, but i am categorically against such already pessimistic attitudes, pessimistic, a very wrong approach, swing right away, first we go. attack, roads, we are fine, don't worry , bipartisan support in the us, when i said 2.5 months ago that it may not be a complicated scenario, it is the most likely, it is being implemented, why are they not listening... i am not i understand why then the landing at the last moment , when it could be done as a systematic work, we had three months, three months for it,
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no, let's show inside ukraine, who made what efforts, who deeply raised it, yes, everyone pr on this, as a result pr, soon it may happen, god forbid it will all fall apart, and then you will do pr, this is the emotional part, now the part is positive, so you have to sit down. and as i always did in my work, several scenarios, and i do not rule out the negative, and what i do in the event of a negative scenario, i have answers to what, how to plan now, when everyone in the government is still waiting, maybe it will come something, some kind of mana from heaven, i don't know, i would, for example, look at the options, they, i think, in the ministry of finance are looking at whether it is possible to reduce the salary that is not planned. there and pensions, because it will hit it is very catastrophic in terms of motivation in ukraine, and even more so, these funds are usually tied up, well , people who receive small salaries and
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pensions, they do not carry this money with them, well , not in a bucket, in a store, whether they pay or tip for the army, so we have to think about what to do with local programs, which, in principle , the personal income tax is being taken away now... from local budgets, but nevertheless, when i see this discussion, let's be honest, in kyiv there is a budget of 77 billion, yes literally 74 there, well, such a figure, more than 70 hryvnias of the budget, from this budget urd hryvnias are allocated for the purchase of needs for the army there, yes, that is, it is not the task of the local budget to finance the armed forces, no, but when there are statements and they have already been... refuted in fact, that local budgets should not drag on the war, but that should be done by the central the budget , you know, people don’t care what the budget will be drawn, people understand, it’s coming
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again, it’s not a question of victory, it’s a question of defense and survival of ukraine, so in these conditions there is room to tighten the belts a little, well, for example, i saw a program, next to another ski resort is being created in bukovel. 800 already in my opinion, the local community gives the businessman a well-known surname, well, i also respect this businessman, well, maybe i respect the fact that he is in ukraine and he is trying to develop the economy of ukraine, this is very good, but not now these funds, well, there is no right now for this road 18 km is more than half a billion, in kyiv i see that it is possible to give more from the kyiv budget. if we don't deal with the roads around kyiv right now, and the district roads, we don't need them, we can, everything will go to the metro now, mr. embassy, ​​everything will go to the metro now, the metro is possible and necessary,
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because it's a matter of time, work efficiency people, i don’t mind here, but the district road can suffer, after all, tanks don’t go there , you know, along the district road, and i, this is what i see, as a kyivan, i see that pirova boulevard could not have been blocked yet once on asphalt, and this is a lot of money, that's why... ukrzaliznytsia opens trains to the ski express slavske, well, that is, if i, if it were poles driving, there they were being taken to the country, i would still understand, well, in principle, the people of kyiv, who they will take this money to bokovel, it is not, nothing will change, well , i am not a specialist, i will say so, these are my reactions are subjective, after all, a person who was in the civil service. i understand what it is and where the resources are taken from, so you can search for it, but it won't really close all the questions, it won't. unfortunately, i have to end our conversation, i am sincerely
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grateful to you, mr. ambassador, for this not too optimistic, but honest conversation, i want to remind our viewers that valery chaly, the former extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states, was currently working for them on spresso extremely informed political scientist internationalist now. it's our time. the program has run out , stay with the espresso tv channel, my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of the day, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on the air, i was flying, flying, a cough stopped me, a cough is a symptom of a respiratory disease, so we treat respiratory, we do inhalation, lords hyal - inhalant for cough, lords hyal. the very way to expel phlegm. the story of the rise of the legendary nba team. in the hbo series. time to win the lakers dynasty in the making.
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watch all seasons in ukrainian. subscriptions: turn on the championship on the mego. the war on the territory of russia is a topic that is not talked about much, and usually in the light of some border incidents or drone attacks. this is realia's donbas, and today we will try to understand how kamikaze drones attack military facilities in the russian federation. we have an exclusive. from moscow, are they afraid of new strikes there, and we will also try to answer the question of whether ukraine can win if the war is only on its territory. the ukrainian mavik takes off into the sky, not far from the russian border, from the height of the drone, it is clearly visible
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system defense lines of the russian army, we fly over the border line, pass it, look for possible places, their, new places , so to speak, their bases, shelters, they serve, they are just like us, one by one, we observe, they behind us, we behind them, from the equipment, they jump in plus or minus a shift in them there for two or three minutes, i am there every day, as i drop, maybe btr. stop by, well, also for two or three minutes. strongholds, mine barriers, anti-tank ditches and the so-called dragon's teeth are located along the entire border. even in russian frost the excavator continues to dig. the enemy has built a line of defense on the territory of the russian federation, they have approached it perfectly, they have built howls, ropes, observation posts, installed video surveillance cameras,
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which we periodically try. destroy, but the enemy restores them to their working capacity. to be honest, i just wanted to take them and carry them around. well, you understand that the weapons will not be located on the border itself, so where they have more weapons, more powerful weapons are needed there birds fly, that's how changes happen in them. perhaps they think that we do not notice them, but we are much stronger than them, we are much stronger in their spirit. the border with russia in the northeast is essentially another front line. there are no mass offensives here, but subversive and reconnaissance groups are constantly working, and, like anywhere on the front line, there are artillery and mortar attacks, drone drops and fpv drone strikes. here is a video of one of them. of the old raids
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of the russian volunteer corps , the destruction of the lieutenant colonel of the fsb was announced. similar forays from on the russian side are also regular. in addition to sabotage, there is another war in the border areas. these are personnel of the ukrainian main intelligence directorate. only in november , the destruction of two radar stations in the kursk and bilhorod regions was announced. the task of such radars is essentially to detect air targets. drones at low and extremely low altitudes. ukraine does not officially recognize strikes on russian territory, in particular, when it comes to airstrikes deep in the russian rear. but, as they say in ukraine , during the great war, there were a lot of cotton plants. by according to the bbc, with reference to reports from the russian media and local authorities, from january to august 30, 2023, there were more than 190 such strikes in russia, as well as in crimea. in
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... in turn, we counted the arrivals of drones in the three months of autumn, the first week of winter and only on the territory of russia, only about 50 attacks, often several beepers, which were shot down in the border regions of russia, these are mosquito bites, what is now we are doing, somewhere, i hoped that after the first shelling of shahedova, we will quickly copy, or copy, or make our ukrainian shachet. as our ukroboronprom said, with a range of 1000 km, with a warhead of 75 kg, these are not my words, this is the announcement of ukroboronprom, and we will quickly start producing it not only in our country, but also in neighboring countries, we are already collecting them there, as lego is assembled from cubes, assembled from components quickly somewhere in small workshops, and let's start a massive bombardment of russia.


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