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tv   [untitled]    December 17, 2023 12:00am-12:30am EET

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who themselves offer to take her to some other place. in turn, the most important thing for parents is not to panic, and if it was not possible to find the child immediately, contact the police immediately, provide a photo and all the necessary information about the child. also, call our hotline at 11630, and we will advise you in detail on how to act and what should be done first of all in such a situation. and finally, how the hell... i ask you to go to the website of the child tracing service, take just a few minutes of your time, there are pictures of all the boys and girls, whom we are currently trying to find, please look carefully at their faces, and if you recognize someone or know at least some information about one of them, do not delay and call the hotline of the child tracing service 11630, calls from all mobile operators free in ukraine.
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our disko has left, please do not take their place, it will fly here now.
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i have been going since i was 15 years old, i love this business very much, i live abroad for a part, but i always come to melanka on holidays especially. it is an action that, one might say, somehow brings me back home. god help me guys. as presenters. in melanka, you can see everything, both past and present. there may be a reflection here. and political processes
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, and historical processes, sometimes people prepare for melanka in a month, in one and a half, this is when someone knows that he does not have a mask, he has to make a mask himself, that is if it needs to be glued, painted, and there are such people , who start preparing for melanka three days after christmas, on the 10th they already start to do melanka, 10, 11-12 are such active days, there are people who... also take a vacation for this day, for this time, well , show that you were practicing there, well, show that you are playing, or you will be now after all this, there will be an acquisition, no , warm up a little, and warm up, and milanka was always a reflection of those layers of the population who lived here in this area, of course it was the most. ukrainians of the greek-catholic rite at
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that time, then another more numerous, it was polish, and after that there was jewish, we had more than 500 jews, always alone and the same characters, traditionally for us, they were jews, there were mr., mrs., there was a hutsul, a hutsul, these masks, i recreated miracles so that they would be remembered. people used this mask and me with this mask for a very long time, came to the house, ku-ku, ku-ku, before masks were made by people themselves, then the variety of masks, which is the same now, it is, of course, better. but then it was more
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traditional, you need to wear one mask for a week, because it does not dry in a day, so that it dries normally. she must impose on the village, when i came from kolomyia, on i was just studying in kolomyia, so i went from kyiv to kolomyia, my brother is 5 years older, idulanka, i don’t have a mask, ugh, there was a man in our istan who made masks, but that was exactly the year 91, ugh , free ukraine was still feared here and there, then again, because before melanko there were such political situations that they were not allowed to walk, well, my brother and i got up and did the first mass, he made a hole on my face, which came out like this , in short, he spent one year in this mask. that's why, yes , but people went and maybe started to do well, tell me what and what is in the union we went to milanka, we didn’t go, but the thing is that it was forbidden then, it was not possible to be more active and more, and now when it is possible, as
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a rule, many people want to go to see milanka, not in milanka, yes, but this theater , someone needs to create this fairy tale so that people . saw, so that oppressed our traditions during the soviet era, they banned all this, but you know the saying that the forbidden fruit is always sweeter, and then people with more, let's say, enthusiasm, with more effort, wanted to be involved in of this action. there were raids from the kosiv district police department, they were reinforced from other district departments in order to ... disperse this, and there were such cases when they came in a uaz, that's how the melanka was gathering, then all under masks and they overturned the uaz with police uniforms, in this mask there are about 20 years, if not more, if i
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am not mistaken, this is the 89th year, then there are already more, 30, by the way, this mask is in honor, in honor and valued. and all these rubber masks that are sold, so to speak, chinese consumer goods, they are, first of all, inconvenient, because this mask, in fact, it breathes, and through it heat and air pass through, but rubber masks, you understand, they don't breathe , the body doesn't breathe, it's quite difficult to walk, i remember such an interesting case when i came from the army, and that's exactly what the soviet union was there. and then i saw that the mothers were making masks from box resin, i also made strong ones, made them for cossacks, well, there were my friends who also left the army, they went, forged sabers, we sewed uniforms, the girls changed into ukrainian women’s clothes , when we
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cossacks came, and at that time there was already movement in and out of ukraine lviv, people came, but then in the late 80s it was a fishing rod. fisherman and the flag, and as soon as they saw the cossacks, the cossacks came up to us, pulled out fishing rods, attached a yellow-blue flag and raised it, and a large number of them were concentrated near us, and there were those workers of the collective farm who were circling around the head of the party committee, i don’t want three people to name names ran away as soon as they saw the yellow-cheese, you are not afraid to sit there, did you not fall? this year, we have the idea that, for example, the ukrainian diaspora, which once left the borders of ukraine, should help since now everyone wants to help through the vaccine, so to ukraine, to other countries there,
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hutsol and hutsol turned to their relatives, who cannot get us any such vaccine of ours, to do something. which vaccines are said to be very effective there, but you still need to be injected two or three times and the like, and the idea here is that the ukrainian diaspora should come, yes, this is an uncle from canada and a war, that’s how it will be, uncle from canada, they will still there, but let's see, israel, where there are our people around the world, we will have a vaccination point from the back, attached to the plane, yes, this is a plane, as well as the diaspora that will be there on the plane, who agreed to come for our holiday, and mostly everything is made of wood, paper and
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covered with material on top, to shine. put the check mark at the end, let's light up ukraine ukraine i. my friend in the sun, let ukraine shine, i am circling in the sun, help, god, the people of the world to wait for the law to hang for a year.
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the 13th is already the old new year, and on this day children go to give generously, adults also go to give generously, what exactly happens during this holiday, it comes from pagan times, this is also the case. connecting with the fact that spring will soon come, connecting also with the bounties, when they are already bountiful about the fact that the cattle are calving, as if nature comes to life, that they sing beautifully, as the chita has become, it is the largest such visitors. next to the central road, it is the most frequented, of course
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, a lot of melankas come, where there are girls, there are many boys who come under masks, the subjects of attention are the vasyls, this is the most, they also go to the vasyls, but they know , which some did not on the 13th they let in, they know who lets in on the 14th , there are farms to which melankas come the most, and even then neighbors and acquaintances go there themselves to spend the night, they are happy to see all this. action, to see many people under a mask, where they see in people completely different traits of their character, nechka, generous evening, good evening, good people are welcome, in general you can go to anyone, you can beg under the windows, sometimes they beg, they knock on window and vasilka let milanka, even apart from vasyl there are many. people lets in, there are people who just really, really love this thing, maybe
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they used to go, but when they got older, they can no longer go, then they start to let melanka in, there are a lot of such people, they prepare in advance to receive melanka, they have the lights on, let's say all night, and milanka can come in at any time, why did you decide to go? wouldn't it be better to sleep under a blanket in the heat? no, we just love it, respect it, and preserve traditions so that it does not disappear, and how many years have you been walking with us? well, you, in general, you are from when you were little you go, it's been 62 years since i was seven years old, i started going to milanka, these melankas, they scare away evil spirits as well. for evil spirits, and the fact that these people also dress up in various mostly negative characters, er
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, and so, so, this is actually a scare and a scare of evil, various forces, and there are a lot of people who are afraid of lightning , and they do not go outside on the 13th, sometimes they close the house so that some kind of melanka does not get to them, they often scare children with melanka, so different. there are different situations, one, come on, what are you doing, hello, nothing can, i told you, it's an opportunity to reincarnate somehow, throw out some possible negative energy, every year i produced something that i might be ashamed of, but. but mostly, if the product was made by such a person, then you don't just remove the mask there and that's it.
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the melenkars, let's say, they try to hide their faces, hide their habits , change their voices, for example, men speak in women's voices, women... in men's voices, they change their behavior, because, apart from the fact that the village is very big, they are still people they guess, they guess very strongly by their hands. by the eyes, for example, if you look through a ma, well, like, through a mask, into someone's eyes, you can recognize a person, no one wears the same mask twice even in the same year, and they try to wear the same mask the same way for the second year also don't go, because people already remember, you buy, no, it's a lie, the mask is interesting, it helps many
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people to really discover that... that they have a secret, where they really solve, well , of course, who are treated to a few grams of alcohol somewhere, and a person really shows his own food, where she is not fixed, where she is relaxed, where she begins to create different things, improvise, and gets pleasure from that communication with the owners, not all people can and know how to walk in melancholy. not everyone , let's say, is given to the fact that they know how to melancholy well, so they can just change clothes, come, enter the house and stand, just stand, there are other people who are very actively melancholic, so they, well, let's say, brawl in the house , as they say in our country, turn the house upside down, and
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in milanka very often the owners. and some worried, here they were always under a mask, and they could come and harm those whom they did not harm, there were such cases when they entered the house and immediately scooped the ashes from the ashtray, they could climb into the pot, see what was cooking there, they could throw dead wool, this is for those people who behaved badly, at the same time milanka came, and as they used to say in that generous house, milanka, the mistress of the bench, greases the oven. and they begin to supposedly do, to clean up the harvest, there are certain unwritten, unwritten rules, which everyone follows, everyone,
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who goes to melanka and who watches , well, since, as they say, there are people who go to melanka and go to melanka, so there are such rules that you cannot remove a mask from another person, if someone entered the house, then it is forbidden to remove the mask from him, if by force, and the one who is in milanka, he can do it only voluntarily, as i was here a long time ago, and what's going on here, good evening, as i am a man and he always comes. wants to have a conversation, and in order to make it more difficult to guess, a young man, 18, 20 years old, can come in, and to an older resident who is 80 years old, and some will be 60, he he said, fellow man, woman of the same age, how are you, and knew stories from their lives and had a dialogue with them, like a good acquaintance, he could talk for
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an hour or two without recognizing him, he himself got a certain satisfaction from this, and... from the hosts themselves always, well, the thirst to know who it is, and asked to remove the mask, did not always agree, the one who came to change clothes, remove the mask, of course, there were such cases when the owners even wanted to see who was under this mask so much that they tore off the mask, it was a scary and not very good move that could end up with something bad.
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they enter the house in groups, and as long as this group is in the house, that is, the other group does not have the right to enter, because others can take off their masks, show their faces to the owners, and so they chant all night until the morning, very often in the morning at 9-10 sometimes people return home, in general there is a holiday of melania just before st. basil's day. milanka is quite interesting, it is a holiday that has a lot of intertwining with
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paganism and christianity. times change, the world changes. and the little one also changes with time, she does not the way it was, i don't know, 30 years ago, 20 years ago, or 50 and 100, it's modern, it's very good, because it allows it to live, to exist, and the younger generation is also melancholic and walks, and it allows it to exist this life, this phenomenon, this tradition.
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when the soviet union collapsed, then they already started to use modern mechanized means, well, of course, when the snow is plowed , it is always beautiful, it is also romantic and... immediately people have better satisfaction, stand out more, it is both progress and economic achievements and the ability to allow to dispose of a certain resource, because there were cases before, it was a wasp on the fir, as usual, or gotsuls, or gypsies, or mr. and mrs. these were rarities, but this is a rarity, because then it was the period of the soviet union, and somewhere someone broke away, drove like that, then it was a danger that they could be caught, well
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, now yes, then the reconstruction brigade, then whoever wants what, and hutsuls and artists . after the church, they also gather in the village, in the center, let's say, this is already an official melanka carnival, you can call it that. don't be lazy with a bar, i'm going fast, because i know points, they also give branded balls there, and i know how to pick ainosims, it will be bold
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, i will eat a lot, because i have ha, or from the sound, ha, or from the sound, the opening or the tears, which in the containers are prickly, resounding, otguchynuyu truth , on the eyes blue shadow lips. groups from different parts of the village gather their own installations , where they show different skits, in addition , they go and independently not only in groups, they change clothes and also show different skits, this action continues there until the evening, please do not block the corridor or dear regens, we are making the way.
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spices for every taste, let's congratulate our diaspora from different countries, for ukrainians, hutsuls, otpliskis, for sheiks, from the united arab emirates, melanka would reflect. the problems that exist in society now, and when they show these modern heroes or anti-heroes, they very often make fun of them in
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different, different ways, i think. that this is a form of art in which, in which you can simply make fun of some or, or some person, or some event, let's make a mockery of all vasels with their current holiday, be healthy, vasels all guests, this action lasts there until the evening, it is, let’s say, such an official part, after that all these melankas go to their houses, also mainly on vasil’s day, because it is the name day of... at vasil’s and they let in then usually there are a lot of guests, so actually if the holidays are even longer, it happens that they go on the second day . everyone kissed the best. after all the holidays
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, they make such a special holiday for themselves, for those people who went to melanka, others can also come, and just walk around, do ablutions, call such, is the cornflower at home or not? people who go to milanka are usually... quite socially active people, do something in the community, or volunteer or, and even from children, those who go to melanka, they also get used to doing these platforms, first of all, accept experience, as it once was, accept some part of those traditions, well, because traditions are always lost, they, they are somehow leveled and changed , but the experience of how to behave and such , this is also emerging, there is also some kind of communication between the younger and older generations,
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tradition is mainly the action that takes place over at least 70 years, it has a chance to really be a tradition and stay. milanka is a little more than 70 years old, it is our true tradition. it must have been instilled in me since childhood, i saw how my parents walked, er, my brother walked, i walk now. it is something that keeps you here in this place and brings you back here, before in mostly men went, and now a lot of women and children go, well, it 's nice because these traditions will continue, if the younger generation is currently going, then there is still a reserve of such reliability
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of 30-20 years. will give these traditions their energy, it is a cat, it combines things, but there are no traditions, these are cut roots, and who knows what they can graft, i don’t think about it so much, that i need to go to melanka, so that i i don't know, to cleanse myself emotionally, not at all, but it works like that, this morning we... caroled with women, who are already at a rather respectable age, and they at least walk and, as they say, will walk in the milanka as long as they live.
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according to the results of november, the tv channel. takes the first place among information broadcasting channels, for the eighth month in a row, we are the first. greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old, we updated the design, the sound, we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for the updated espresso and thank you for your trust.


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