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tv   [untitled]    December 17, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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kosovo and north macedonia are four different countries, but the people are essentially united in one space, hungary. in fact , ukraine, hungary, slovakia and romania have united in one political space. there is no more between hungarian communities. this, by the way, is what orban used to say when he spoke about the european integration of ukraine, that this will be the end of trianon. all hungarians will live in the same space. on the one hand, it is quite interesting. moment, on the other hand, it's a challenge for all these states, because you understand that hungarians who will be in one european space, the center of this european space will be for all hungarians not ukraine, not kyiv and not bratislava, but budapest, with all the results, including the distribution of these hungarian passports, known to everyone, romanians: two romanian states will be in the european union, romanians who live in ukraine, and who live in other countries of the european union, this unites european peoples. but in fact it also creates
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new challenges: the serbs who live in serbia, in bosnia and herzegovina, and have their identity there in kosovo, by the way, i forgot what else one of the stories, if serbia becomes a member of the european union, will be that in serbia there is actually a hungarian voivodeship autonomy, in which hungarians play the main role, and also this voivodeship, which has always been oriented towards belgrade, will start to be oriented towards budapest, because the influence of hungarians the bait is very big , i can tell you... a lot of it , these consequences, for which no one is ready now, and this is outside the war, so to speak, it is outside the war, but we are talking about e problems that will have to be solved, so where is the solution? we will look for them in the context of the entire european union. i want to sum up this topic, probably, to mention the experience of some countries that had to change even their own name, just in order to... become a member
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of the european union, yes, that is, sometimes the requirements from actual members of the european union to a potential member can to be more than controversial, that's what i 'm trying to say very diplomatically, i can't imagine, or rather i can imagine, but the battles will be tough when we touch on the topic, i don't know, for example, national memory and our policy regarding it, we recently had a concept of national. memory, we recently began to unearth, excuse me, in the archives, all these terrible things that happened to us with our people, and this is all a fresh wound, into which now someone can stick his finger, because he has his own vision, obviously, without coordination pedp, politics of historical memory , we will not be able to do anything with neighboring states, it is true, because neighboring states can also change governments, well, yes, and how it looks, i remember from my own experience, you mentioned north macedonia, i remember how i... flew out of
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skopje airport when the flag flew there for the last time, the first flag of the independent republic of macedonia, which was then changed at the request of greece, because it was the first demand is to change the national symbols, to abandon the flag that was similar to the flag of alexander the great, and from everything that... is connected with this symbol, and the first thing macedonia did, back in the 90s, was to change its national symbolism, then all these arguments about the name started, i have to tell you what macedonia is still incredibly lucky, it just seems that you have no idea how it all happened, you know, it's just a historical window, we also need to get into such a historical window with all these problems, because in macedonia it's just in... may
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never be in greece again and this government was not so burdened with problems of a historical nature as the governments of conservatives and socialists, because both of the leading political forces of greece were against the very word macedonia. greek socialist leader andres papandreou, ex the prime minister of ukraine, renamed the province with the center in thessaloniki to macedonia, created a macedonian palace there, spoke, that is, shouted that there will be no macedonia, the leader of the greek conservatives, kostiantinas mitsotakis, did the same, i remember this when i came to greece, to macedonia, to thessaloniki, and people there told me, my god, what a horror, we are so unsafe right here next to macedonia, they believed that this small country could attack them, the country of the european union, nato. to attack, that is,
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they were not afraid of any clashes with the turks, a really great power, and the small former yugoslav republic, it was the russians in relation to... and at this moment this government is left-socialist greece , and i would say it is not even socialist, it is the ultra-left government of greece, you have to call things by his names alexis tsipras, who has already finished his career, he said, well, we can agree on north macedonia, for all other greek politicians there could not be any macedonia, they said macedonians should be called the republic of skopje, yet somehow, so that the word macedonia. and here suddenly , and you know what happened in macedonia itself, the macedonian national parties themselves shouted that what, what, this is a humiliation, and it so happened that macedonia at that time was governed by the social democratic union, which was essentially post-communist formation, we would say from
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the point of view of our most serious patriots there that they are post unprincipled post-communists, ugh, and here the unprincipled post-communists agreed with the principled left radicals that macedonia... can be northern, which i do not consider an insult, but the truth is that this territory is northern, well, it is northern macedonia, and that macedonia, which is in greece, is exactly macedonia, we have no doubt that macedonia is there, king philip is buried there under the salt marshes, i was at his grave, i know for sure, that it was king philip who was the king of macedonia, i learned this at school, i mean the father of alexander the great, so they were able to find this compromise, it's a miracle. and now it means that the miracle has not happened with bulgaria, you see, huh, because there is no such government in bulgaria that could resign from the bulgarian policy of national memory, it's just that there are no such political forces there, the political forces there are divided into more or less such ones who are willing to recognize the fact that
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there is no macedonian people, no macedonian language, and this is also some kind of fairy tale, you understand, by the way, as we often do with the poles it happens, bulgaria was the first country. which recognized the independence of the republic of macedonia first, they have not yet had time to vote, bolgarovska, we recognize you because you are ours, because we are one nation, no, you are not one nation, one nation and we recognize your state, just admit that you are the second bulgarian state, and we will be just better friends, better friends, and the macedonians refused this, and this is huge, and again, i was once in sofia. and the bulgarians say to me, it is like this, i will tell you jokes, this joke can only be understood by a bulgarian or a macedonian, you understand, a bulgarian tells me this joke, as a person who should understand how funny it all is, and he tells me that he is coming a macedonian of north macedonia, take the exam for bulgarian citizenship, well
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bulgaria is not yet a member of the european union, and that is why many macedonians want to have, and this is not a problem, because the bulgarians recognize them as bulgarians, they only know the exam, they do not have to give... special languages, in fact, because they are almost, almost the same languages, they are very similar , well, that's why i , a macedonian, would say that it doesn't matter, but it's similar in character, and they pass the exam in history, not in language, because it's like we took the ukrainian language exam with you, that means in belarus, no, not even not true, not even in belarus, i don't know, in the lviv region, yeah, roughly like this, here they are they ask, is the king like that? is the king such and such a bulgarian king? well, he answers everything as per the textbook, and then he tells me this bulgarian comes out and says ha ha ha how i deceived them all, these are macedonian kings and the macedonian state after all, do you see what macedonians are like? and i think, oh my god, you see how deep it went, it went into
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folk folklore, and it's the whole story, and i studied alone with a guy who was macedonian from bulgaria. i thought he was a macedonian, he denied it, he was a compatriot of the famous vanga, how do you do it to say, about vidits, about vidits, well , she was macedonian, but she will never admit that to any bulgarians, well, because this is part of macedonia, ugh, pirin macedonia, and this is to you, why am i telling you this, these conversations will be equal , which we may have with the poles, and i always explain to my polish friends for years that, well, look at... all your historical problems with memory, they are related to the western lands, well , you understand when you you start talking to a person from kharkov, from mykolaiv, from odesa, he does not understand what it is about at all, for him it is the same history of polish-ukrainian
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relations as ukrainian-british or ukrainian-french, it is such a big state, these are relevant things for all of you from szczecin to ljubljana, because... you are scattered on the territory of his country, which was formed after the second world war, here the country is regional, for people in lviv, lutsk, ternopil, these are all living, real memories. proximity and so on, although once again generations of people who did not speak polish were growing up, even in ternopil, in frankivsk, this is also true, but people in kharkiv, well, they will even be surprised that it turns out that there were conflicts with the poles, they live next to russia, someone there lives next to romania, just like in odessa, and there it is a completely different context , and it is very difficult to explain that, by and large, this is not... not some kind of national problem, but problems with regional memory, because in
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poland this is how the fate of this state has developed, regional memory is completely different from in ukraine, because poland was being relocated, a large number of poles who lived in lviv, turned out to be in wroclaw, well, and so on, it 's a lot to tell, as it was with us, but none the less, well, precisely because we stay in one way or another in the neighborhood. territorially with the russian federation, we watch our hands and our rhetoric, fortunately, although the russian federation can no longer correct our historical memory, it did it much more successfully than all the poles, hungarians, romanians and bulgarians combined, for 300 years. well, that we have become subjectivized in this sense, at least from them, it is actually wonderful, but this is the decision of the european council of a historical nature, which happened, happened on the same day with... putin's direct line, and nothing new in principle sounded there, as far as i'm concerned, that there is de-nozification,
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demilitarization, recognition of territorial realities, i can already pass it as if in an exam , putin will not say anything new anymore, khrystyna, no matter how the war ends. okay, but don't you think that the general context of this direct line was something different? i mean, well, i don't know what you think about those messages, i don't know how authentic they are that were put out there. ugh, what do you think? at the expense of a student from st. petersburg, who used technology and appeared in the image of putin, well, if hinting that there are doppelgangers and so on, these are all urban legends, the uncle is joking, well, he likes such things, and this is not something new, well, the new thing is artificial intelligence and they show that they are a modern country, they are starting, you see, they involve us in a ridiculous dialogue, a discussion of all these tricks. you know how it is , you don't have to turn to it at all, that it's like some, you know, a palmist, so he comes out there
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something is shining, something is ringing, there are some sparklers, at this time he is stealing from you , this is a russian tactic, you see, so i would not pay attention to it at all, they are writing something there, inventing something, and we have creates, after that oleksiy aristovych tells, what good people they are, who we are lagging behind, the illusion of democracy in russia? as if democracy is when you are shown an unpleasant inscription, no, democracy is when you have a competitor in the elections for real, huh, and this is a huge difference from ukraine, from russia, i would say even ukraine, and that the situation in which we want to get into the european situation, into the european context. you understand that we are just going somewhere else, we are like on a bicycle, and we are being held, in fact, held so that we do not go anywhere. in fact, you will understand, this , if we speak realistically, is
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an ordinary european country, it has always been just an ordinary european country, nothing, no special differences from some neighboring country, it has poland or hungary, well, there was none, well, read the history there is the middle ages, than these hungarian kings participated in the competition for some princely thrones here on ukrainian lands or. our princes appealed to the polish kings, this was the norm of life, then the year 1654 passed, in fact, this is the blackest date in the history of the ukrainian people, there is no need to imagine that it was some kind of huge victory, it was a serious political mistake by bohdan khmelnytskyi, mistake number one that they did in general was the number one major grant mistake in the history of ukraine, from 1654 to november 1917, we simply went to asia, because what we... joined with with goodies, letters, it was asia, asia,
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an asian despotism, even, not china with india, an asian stupid despotism, which played such europe after peter the first purely from the point of view of the cover, but remained an asian despotism, in november 1917 we went in the other direction, unr, ukrainian autocephalous orthodox church. a real possibility to create a state, we were stopped and kept like this from 1920 to august 1991. we started again from the place where we were stopped, and now we have reached the european union, conditionally speaking, to candidacy, due to independence, due to the legalization of the ukrainian greek catholic church, due to the creation of the uoc kp, due to tomos, due to the association agreement,
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now the candidacy is a member of the european union, and now we have to leave there, and this is an effigy. we are being held by the russian imperial, which is simply holding with the help of its army, so that we do not reach, and everything that is happening, and putin is talking about it on his direct line, uh, we have to hold them so that they do not reach, they must be here we have them drag them back to asia, where they were sent by bohdan khmelnytskyi, and i promised you a little bit about civilizational trends, really without exaggeration... to mention anti-semitism, xenophobia, all this broke out in different countries, i hope it is not bohdan khmelnytskyi i was thinking of you, no, not him, they just remembered our conversation with myroslav chakh, but less so, we see that different things are breaking out in different countries, yes, but in ukraine, many say, and there is a war going on in them, they just don’t in addition, they therefore do not reflect on events on
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in the middle east, in ukraine, well, some crazy ones. i personally do not observe any trends in this direction, moreover, there is a survey by kmis, and this study shows that ukraine is one of the most pro-israel, oh, something you don’t like this topic, everything is fine, i don’t know, ukraine is one of the most pro-israeli countries, in principle there in the world, supports israel in the struggle for existence without exaggeration, more than 60% of the surveyed respondents, this is at a time when we see how different plan... movements everywhere in europe they hold pro-palestinian rallies there and so on and so on, pro-hamas, let 's still distinguish between sympathy, then these pro-palestinian rallies are already a problem, the fact that they put an equal sign between hamas and palestine, well, this is the number one problem, i think that any people have to support the right of the palestinian people there to their own
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statehood, etc., when the right to their own statehood is not accompanied by the destruction of women and children of sound and voice. russian passports, who was released due to putin's personal intervention, and you know that this is a guy escaped from the captivity of hamas, ugh, and these poor, unfortunate, peaceful residents, gazans, who are so protected by the participants of the pro-hamas demonstrations, handed him back. they didn't hide him, they gave him to the terrorists, knowing full well that there must be great joy, that's all you need to know about the civilian population and their attitude, but that's it, let's stop there, because i'm absolutely not going to talk , that the death of the civilian population or something positive, we perfectly understand that hamas was just counting on this idea, the more
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civilians are beaten during an israeli response, the less chance there will be of an arab- israeli. what, of course, hamas, iran and russia want. the fact that these people are just cannon fodder for hamas. why is it not the same in our country as in many western countries? by the way, not in the arab ones, you see that the arab governments are very restrained, very, very restrained. ot. i would say that the crown prince of saudi arabia reacts to events much more cautiously than the prime minister of spain. ugh. this is something not quite, not quite ordinary. we, first, there is no influence of this great middle eastern migration, which also defines the political landscape in many european countries. and a large part of the people who go to the demonstrations are migrants from the countries of the middle east, who came from dictatorships, from
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tyrannical countries, but absolutely do not want the countries in which they lived to adapt to democracy, to democratic norms. that 's a huge problem with this migration, that 's what the far right has been talking about, unfortunately, and now they're triumphing over these demonstrations, that's the second point, which is also important, the bearers of pro-khamas, pro-terrorist movements, in europe are often representatives of left-wing political organizations, these are the same people who supported the aggression of the soviet union against czechoslovakia, who supported the killing of demonstrators in hungary, these people have always been on the side of evil, under the red with flags, it's just that these are their grandchildren, they didn't go anywhere either, they just now got the opportunity... to realize their hatred through these anti-semitic slogans, which were also part of this menstruum. let's not forget that the great intellectuals of the west were quite often members of the french or italian or
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some other communist parties, justified evil, and these are the symbols of evil, such great thinkers as sartre, all our favorite children's writers there, such as gianni radari or italo calvino, they were communists, justified evil. and there were also a huge number of french philosophers, there was althusser and so on, who were maoists, who were supporters of the mazedun cultural revolution, who watched with great joy how conveybins kill just people, they throw them out of the windows, kill university professors, burn books, all this was justified in the auditoriums of the sorbonne and other french universities, which were the carriers of evil, why are we surprised that the universities have now become the carriers of evil. quotes of the united states of america, these people have always been an example of intellectual incapacity. now masha hesson, who is known for her efforts
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to fit the russian-ukrainian war into the context of her own political, i would say, benefit, compared the actions of the israelis in gaza with the actions the nazis against the jews. and this , despite the fact that we already know that a large number... who received work permits in israel, were able to support their families and somehow get by with this poverty brought upon them by hamas, were involved in terrorist attacks against israelis , non-hamas, ordinary civilian workers, killed, robbed , raped, but for ms. geson it is absolutely normal, because she speculates on these topics, like all these people, and we have communist ideology and leftist views and all these scoundrels have been defeated, because we left from communism and then this happened in our country, unlike in russia, where the communist party is still part of the landscape, and comrade zyuganov, old perets, says to putin: you left without
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a hat, you saw it, you left without a hat , you have to evaporate, evaporate, evaporate, that , who let you out without a hat, the leader of the communists offers to swear someone, can you imagine, swearing in the stable, the leader of the communist party, which is pro-patritarian, so... this is an organic part of the russian consciousness, and we have a communist party of ukraine that has survived after 1991, was also an organic part of the russian consciousness, and the leader of this party , petya simonenko, fled to moscow in a pair of underwear, after the russian attack on ukraine , the russian special forces were sent to lukiyanivka, after this scumbag, for whom the detention center is crying, ... how can we relate to the communist ideology when it failed, it is synonymous with chauvinism, synonymous with occupation, meanness and betrayal of the ukrainian people? so we don't have a large number of migrants who could
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change this landscape one way or another, and we don't have a large one number of people, livatist views, because these livatist views have compromised themselves by systematically supporting anti-ukrainian discourse, here is the whole answer to your question, that is, we simply have a different political landscape than in many european countries. there is nothing strange here, this is not even a story about jews, because we have, don't forget, practically no jews, all the jews that we who live here can be counted on the fingers of several hands, because we know them all personally , starting with the president, but none of us cares about this, precisely because this is, to my great regret, the jewish community, to my regret, as a person of jewish origin, that great jewish community that has always traditionally existed here, but it has disappeared. during the holocaust, the majority of people were destroyed, and those who continued to live left in the late 80s, early 90s of the 20th century, and
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make up a significant part of the population of the same state of israel, from the resulting united states of america, that's all those people who have now become victims of the war, by the way, many of them are ukrainians feel a deep kinship with these people, because he still lived with them on the water streets and in the same apartments, but the community as such is not large, there are people who... are part of the community, but it is a small community compared to other national communities of ukraine, this is a community, let's say, historical, you understand , historical, but not physically, and this, too, to a certain extent determines our state sentiments, because you understand that somewhere in france, in germany, there is a presence of a jewish population, more temples, more of which . there is more life where to go to break the windows, relatively speaking, this is not the case with us, nevertheless, again, i would like you to wait, menorahs have appeared in kyiv.
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minora appeared in kyiv, but how many people understand that they are minors, you understand, i was very happy when i saw minora on the streets of kyiv, as i am always happy when i see a ukrainian church somewhere in europe or in america, this is about the same moment of nostalgia, you know, when you walk somewhere in chicago and you see a ukrainian church, and you feel at home, and that's exactly the case, for me, when i see minora, i feel like i'm at home, it's like that , i would say, a complex complex attitude. reality, although you know, there is also a part of our citizens who say that if ukrainian tridents were placed everywhere in israel, then i would understand what minors are doing on our streets, just your short answer to such a thesis, well, i think that because i know how to answer, but from your mouth, i think it will be more convincing, i think that in israel, first of all, there is no traditional ukrainian ethnic population that has lived in this territory for centuries, and the most important thing is that in israel there is
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churches in which... orthodox christians, greek catholics, and catholics also pray on christian holidays, and by the way, what needs to be done realistically, it is not, minora is not a trident, so to speak, it is conformity to christ as such , this is one of the religious symbols, it is necessary to increase the ukrainian church presence in jerusalem, this is through the ecumenical patriarchate, this is an important task. now that there is an orthodox church of ukraine, we must think about the courtyard of the orthodox church of ukraine in jerusalem. i would very much like it to happen, so that ukrainians and the pilgrims who come to jerusalem, so that they can come to this courtyard, communicate with the priests in ukrainian, that's what you have to think about, and this is then the daily presence, you see, the minorah appeared, hanukkah ended, and the minorah is no longer there, but there is a synagogue that... they can
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come there every day to pray, and from the point of view of the religious importance of the holy land for every orthodox christian and every greek catholic, i would just like that, because that 's what i always lacked in jerusalem, to come to such a ukrainian courtyard, perhaps this ukrainian courtyard should be organized under one of the churches of the ecumenical patriarchate, which is there, it is not easy, because... the patriarch of jerusalem does not recognize the orthodox church of ukraine, he is one of those hierarchs who opposes this autocephaly, but maybe we should think about these churches of friendly churches that have already recognized the ocu, which have their own churches there, maybe we should also do some work with them to find such an opportunity so that the priests of the ocu could serve in jerusalem, and that this would also be a part , yes
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so to speak, a continuation of this church. independence, which also determines our, our road to europe, as a country in which the kyiv metropolitanate has been from ancient times, we definitely deserve it. thank you for this conversation, thank you viewers and listeners for being with us, it was saturday's political club, vitaly portnikov and khrystyna yatskyi were with you. our colleagues will continue the broadcast of the tv channel in a few moments, you should definitely not switch and follow our programs. and in the future, thank you for being with us on this on the air, we will continue to talk with you about current events in the world, i think next week we will see each other, that's right, we will definitely see each other, and we are preparing for you the final issue of our program, which, despite this, you will already be practically holidays, but stay with us, don't miss it, thank you khrystyna, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov, all the best!
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greetings to all espresso viewers, the news team is ready. to talk about the most relevant events at the moment, i will start with the following: an 81-year-old man died as a result of russian shelling of kherson. this was reported by the head of the city military administration, roman mrochko. in the morning, muscovites from the temporarily occupied left bank rushed to the central part of the city. fatal accident in lviv region. four people died, including three soldiers of the state special transport service, which is part
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