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tv   [untitled]    December 17, 2023 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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the only young man here was released due to interference, they say putin himself, well, it doesn't matter how you can relate to these statements, you know, positively, first of all, the mask slipped off the face of this man, that's all we have in israel those who shouted: they don't need to help ukraine, but look , they didn't vote against us in the un like that, they sit as quietly as mice, you can't see them, you can't hear
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them at all, who are they absolutely, especially after the last poll, where 69% are clearly nazi , anti-semitic ukraine, according to them voted in support of israel, only 1% sympathizes with hamas, well, in short, putin has shown that he represents himself, at the level of influence, it is only a matter of influence on prime minister benjamin netanyahu, well maybe even a couple of ministers as in the opposition, yes, in the coalition, no more... we don't know the level of this influence, we don't know what is accumulated in the fsb folders on whom, but in general, well, we don't react, our ministry of defense does not respond when any statements are made similar things, whether putin or there are egos the prime minister does not speak, people, the headquarters, which is engaged in propaganda work, received a political recommendation not to react to it either, but they say something, we perceive it as a focused conversation. initially at a grandmother from
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rostov, and not at someone bigger, well, it is clear that raisa must nod there, look into the eyes, but we understand with you that israel and ukraine are fighting a war against the same enemy, he is nationally different, speaks different languages, and the methodology is absolutely the same, and there are many assumptions based on very different factors, but the truth is indirect, but obvious, that russia could be one of the forces that...
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israel understands that it is waging the same war with ukraine, and netanyahu understands this, netanyahu after all, not all of israel, you see, depends on netanyahu. netanyahu is a man who runs away from a meeting of the cabinet of ministers during the war because putin called. netanyahu is a man whom putin kept waiting for 3 hours in his reception room. putin always behaves like this when we had a short-term prime minister, bennet was a religious man. he was kept there until shabbat, violating the shabbat, if i remember correctly, how putin constantly shows who is the boss in the house, with this open disrespect, that is why benjamin netanyahu in israel, this is a man who, well, except for military decisions, seychsia still makes almost single decisions, this leader is very authoritarian, as it were, and most likely, it seems to be me... obviously, it depends on
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putin, he can't object to putin, i don't know why we, we know that there was a dinner for which a russian oligarch was asked, yes, people had dinner for 2400 dollars, here we know that the son of his youngest netanyahu in russia took , my son is known for walking in strip bars in other countries, yes, but from russia we will not receive information about where and how he was entertained, that is, we know from...
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the international support of israel, again- still, continuing the theme of one war. we now see such a paradox that one and the same politicians of the right camp can support israel and not support ukraine. here is donald trump, he has always supported israel, but he does not support ukraine. viktor orban, he supports israel and does not support ukraine. geert wilders, the leader of the dutch freedom party, which so stunningly won the elections in his country, by the way, perhaps thanks primarily to the shock of europeans on october 7 from the atrocities of hamas in israel. he supports israel all his life and does not support ukraine. and that's how paradoxical it looks. but this is a political reality new, as you know, this is not even a reality , this is just standard political hypocrisy, but here putin seems to be outraged by the fact that israel is supposedly not carrying out selective bombings, he had tears welling up there and his cheeks were shrinking because of the fact that poor women are suffering there and children
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, who are really poor , who are really suffering, but you are the one who bombards the neighboring country with ballistic missiles, hits living quarters with drones, and then you open your mouth and say: or are you in captivity like hamas, so be it further, but this is the russian side from the right side, well , first of all, donald trump, he generally does not support israel so loudly lately, because among his far-right audience there are quite a lot of both islamophobes and anti-semites, so they will annoy
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in general, he doesn’t really want them with such bright statements, but i perfectly understand your question against the background of the republican sabbatical of actually preventing... aid to ukraine, you see, in addition to the usual hypocrisy, there is sometimes, in my opinion, an ordinary greed, it is necessary to remember that ukraine, excuse me, excuse me, that russia invested huge amounts of money for a very long time in order to get its agents to influence various political corridors of power, in the israeli political corridors of power there are such agents, and these are people who make decisions. who are periodically either in the coalition or in the opposition, because of these people, ukraine did not receive loans from israel at the time, because of this, these people did not open their mouths to condemn russia, they are generally the word of russia did not pronounce, they do only what is beneficial to them, in one case electorally, in
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the other case simply banal for money, as if now ukraine actually pays for this money political game of russia, and israel... pays for a money political game qatar and saudi arabia, who promoted their narratives for many decades in universities with tens of billions of dollars, as if promoting their scientists, their researchers , and so on. israel, just like ukraine, did nothing in this direction, we are now announcing it. these people are just buying, in my opinion, if tomorrow the financial situation swings in the other direction, they will start tearing their vests for ukraine, that's orban to... if we talk about the position of the united states, now we see that the secretary of state of the united states of the united states, anthony blinkin held talks with the turkish foreign minister, hakan fidan, who again convinced him
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that it was necessary to make some kind of truce now, that the united states should influence israel to stop the operation, as far as... in in principle, do you think the united states is sensitive to such and such proposals of its allies in the muslim world. regarding the turks , this is another question, whose ally is she: the turk is offended, he was not shown due respect, he was not listened to, it is extremely important for him to show his own role in the processes in the middle east, he competes here with other players who claim for regional leadership. it is difficult for him to compete with jordan, which controls the holy islamic places, for him it is difficult to compete with saudi arabia, whose position is extremely active, as if it were a big monetary country, and which went together with the emirates on abrahamic agreements, at the moment when erdogan
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continued to quarrel with israel. that is , it was very important for erdoğan to intervene in this situation at least now in some way, at least by participating in the negotiations, but they failed even on the part of hamas. at least with the request to send their troops to the international contingent that will be formed in gaza after this, well, at least in something, no one wanted to serve him, no one showed interest in him, he...
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the houthis, with whom they fight constantly, and the houthis now threaten to turn the entire red sea into an arena of active hostilities, now again the question of the possibility of creating regional international naval forces there, some other activity, but the point is, that saudi arabia just wants to end this conflict with the sons of the houthis, finally, and there are negotiations on a truce on the creation of a possible government, national unity between the two.
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these are two players who put a lot of pressure on the united states, on the administration biden, including by blackmailing one or another country to vote for un membership, as it were, here their interests converge to ensure that the gas war ends as soon as possible in its active phase, that it does not escalate further and that they are seen .
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the united states itself is preparing to strike at khoyman and this will also change the whole situation. it is possible, yes, on the other hand , we know that the wars of conventional states against terrorist groups can be protracted. and they manage to shoot enough long, here in general there is one very interesting nuance regarding the situation in the red sea: the fact is that before the houthis suddenly rose up and began to threaten, there was an excess here, in general, in world shipping, there was an excess of supply over demand, and the tariffs were very strong were falling, in my opinion, only 86% of them collapsed in the last hour, 30% of them used to pass through the red sea. of all world cargo traffic, and since panama there is a smaller number of ships that pass
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through the strait, it would grow, if not i am wrong, the share is up to 37%, well, in short, it has increased even more, now that shipping has been restricted there, and already four companies, large ones, yes, there is mayer, there is this one, refused to follow this path, accordingly, they sail longer now, accordingly, they are paid more, their shares instantly soared. well, by the way, it is very interesting that it also has an economic aspect that is so unexpected. thank you, thank you, mr. emil, emil shleimovych, the editor-in-chief of the israeli portal details, we were in touch, we will now take a break for literally a couple of minutes, and we will continue, after this, the conversations with our guests, so please do not switch, oh, walked in... water here, ordinary water is not enough, drink reo, i am saving, reo, you
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do these elections mean? in my opinion, this election is more of an election to reset society, that is , there is a lot of tension in the country in serbia , there have been a lot of protests recently, a lot of decisions that need to be made, in particular regarding kosovo, and i think this is an opportunity to release some tension in society on the one hand, on the other hand to get a parliament that will support the decision, possibly complex, which concern... the european union in order to advance the european integration process of serbia. and how realistic is it that the current serbian leadership led by president oleksandr vučić will make some difficult decisions regarding kosovo, where do you see the prerequisites for this? i am an optimist, i generally look at vučić's conversations with the international community, and
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it seems to me that vučić himself is ready for such decisions, of course. that he is not ready to get rid of his negative things, that he does not carry out the necessary reforms, that in the country there is a lack of access, freedom, freedom of the media, and also, of course, that he is not a super democratic leader, but on the other hand , i think he would like to go down in history as a leader who will promote serbia to the european union, and for him it would be important if serbia... received, at least some, some promise, some forecast of membership in the european union under his rule. if we talk about what the current electoral prospects will look like in general. we have seen that vučić's party can get rid of the majority in the parliament which she had, well
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, according to the previous forecasts of sociologists, of course, all this may be disproved by the election results, but where will she find it? allies as if not in a more radical, even political camp, because even in these elections the party of oleksandr vučić tried to block with the party of vojislav sešić, perhaps the most radical serbian politician, from the party vučić ran away from, precisely because he was afraid of this radicalism. this is a difficult question, but i think that, in fact, it has great potential. not the majority, but, but vučić's party, we understand, now it is still the party that has the support of many, many serbs, if you look, for example, at the survey of serbs that is conducted, conducted before the elections, many will vote specifically for vučić's party, in general, although vučić is not the leader of the party, many people, when they
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say that we vote for vučić's party, they say we vote for vučić, that is, they associate the party with vučić. this is one time, i think that the party will still get enough votes, secondly, in second place it is expected that there will be a party of serbia against violence, it is not party, this is the coalition of serbia against violence , and in fact they have quite similar similar positions, that is, let's imagine that vučić still wants to bring serbia into the eu, and this coalition also advocates serbia's membership in the eu, as well as many pro-european things . that is, if they join forces and can come to an agreement, they will really be able to form a coalition and move serbia towards the european union. of course, there is another threat that we understand that there are... forces in serbia that are against, and the eu, and also those forces that, for example, are against the independence of kosovo, because the independence of kosovo
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is, i understand that this is generally a question, as a pre-negotiation, either serbia will be a member of the eu or it will not be, that is, probably this decision will have to be made by today's parliament, which will be elected, in general, if to talk about the european integration of the western balkans, but now, when the european... the union is starting negotiations with ukraine and the republic of moldova, for us this is no longer theoretical, it is absolutely such a realistic, serious problem for the future of our european integration, because the countries of the western balkans, they are leading these negotiations have been going on for decades, it seems to me that there have been 10-20 years, without an obvious result, and here the question arises as to how far we will be able to join the european union to the countries of the western balkans. moreover, there are certain countries, such as austria, which lobby precisely for their interests, not ours? well, the question is very good, but actually i have always said that
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european integration or enlargement policy is a very political thing, that is, when we think, and especially often our experts try to analyze the experience of other countries that have been integrated for a very long time, then we think that... this process is very similar for everyone, no, it is not the same, it is a political decision that concerns a specific country, i remember many years ago, when it was the integration of romania, when ukraine was watching from the sidelines and trying to understand why, that is, many ukrainians who understood the level of development of romania and ukraine, they did not understand why we are not there, and the roma are not there, and this is a very important question here. on the other hand, of course, when we talk about the western balkans, on the one hand, the western balkans for them was the open road to integration many
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years ago, that is, the european union made a promise to the western balkans that they would be part of europe, eh, why did it drag on, because there were many issues, in particular reforms, in particular bringing war criminals to justice, this applies to many countries, and also, that is... did not correspond to the level that the eyes, we lost contact a little now and ms. maria was explaining to us why there are such problems with the integration of the western balkans, and now we hope to continue our conversation, because there really is real serious problems, and we see what is, i would say, the change of political elites even in these countries, but now, when we talk about montenegro, it was a country that considered ... it was the least problematic from the point of view of european integration, it joined nato , despite all opposition from russia, despite the fact that russia organized a military coup in
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just a coup d'état, i'm sorry, in montenegro, now these people who were participants in this coup, who are actually moscow's allies and agents, maybe russian and serbian special services, they don't just sit in the parliament of montenegro, one of the most important representatives of this... political trend, andrija mandych, was elected speaker of the new parliament of montenegro. imagine, the person who planned the state institution, who planned the assassination of the current president of the country, is now sitting in the speaker's chair. and of course, the question arises here, to what extent is such a montenegro possible for the european union? continue, mrs. maria, i am just telling the audience about how the political process in montenegro is developing, this is a good illustration of this european integration. i'm sorry that... i tried to say everything that you didn't have time to say, but yes, i actually believe that ukraine is currently integrating according to a completely different scenario, that is
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, we are actually integrating according to this scenario, which has a limited set of requirements, and we there is a chance to integrate much faster than the countries of the western balkans, only because all european leaders understand that the integration of ukraine is a question... of security, it is a question that is possible by ensuring the security of the european union in the future, because let's to be honest, the ukrainian army is the most experienced army fighting against russia, no one rejected russia's threat to europe, and it is becoming even more obvious today, plus integration will make it possible, for example, to transfer weapons to ukraine more easily, it may even lay some questions which will concern the sending of the armies of the countries of the european union to ukraine in order to start a war with russia and actually protect the security of europe. therefore, when we talk about
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integration. of ukraine and how faster than for the countries of the western balkans, it is quite obvious, although i do not think it is right to reject the countries of the western balkans, to integrate them together with ukraine, but to wait, because russia also has its own interests there, and it will want to influence these processes in order to destabilize the region. if we talk about the problems that exist in the western balkan countries, which in principle have a real impact on your assessment. in russia, in montenegro, in north macedonia, in serbia, in bosnia and herzegovina. albania and kosovo somehow fall out of this row, frankly, because it seems to me that everything is much less serious there. i think russia is present everywhere, by the way, it is such a thing when we think that a country is friendly to us, and there is no russia there, but it is there, so it is important for us to take into account this risk in general and understand that russia affects certain . countries
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indirectly, it affects some countries very strongly, it is serbia, it is bosnia, we know about the heartland in bosnia and the leadership that is very closely connected with russia, we also understand the effects on montenegro, because there is a large share of russian business, and also i would not reject kosovo, i think that northern kosovo is under the influence of russia for sure, we don't know how much. there are some agreements with the leadership of kosovo itself, because in general , when they talk about the balkans, they say that there is a combination of a kind of criminality there, and it has no borders, that is, when people associate their relations with some criminal things, the trade in weapons, drugs, then often those people who fight for some ideas, they can partner for just such an activity, let's call it the open balkans for
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us. of this famous initiative, by the way , it still exists, just like that, well , in fact, formally, i think, it exists, but in fact we understand that the issue of problems with crossing the border crossing in kosovo, between kosovo and serbia, as well as some other issues arise on on the move, therefore on the move between other countries, so it is probably not possible to claim that this initiative exists. i understand so correctly, summing up our conversation, that you still think that ukraine will be able to join the european union, even when when most of the countries of the western balkans will continue to remain in the status of candidates for eu membership, what is possible? i believe so, but i think it's wrong to leave the balkans unintegrated, because it's a ticking time bomb, that is , when you have a country that is in the middle of
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europe. or a region that is in the center of europe, small, territorially very, very not small, compared, especially with ukraine, but on the other hand, if we do not, for example, integrate the western balkans, then russia will always it will fly there, it will always destabilize there, it is a threat to the security of europe. thank you, thank you, mrs. maria, maria geleti, expert, balkanist, candidate of political sciences, and now another important region, latin america on... first of all , oleksiy garan, professor of political science, kyiv-myglyansk academy, scientific director of the democratic initiative foundation, exactly , who returned from a trip across this continent, congratulations, mr. oleksiy, congratulations, well, this is exactly the moment when you, when you were finally at the right time, in the right place, i would said, yes, my trip included south africa, mexico and cuba, well, you see, south africa is also like that, well, let's start
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with latin america. if we manage to get to africa, we will still manage, but the most important question that you may have realized when you were in latin america, will there be a war there or not, will venezuela fight for a part of guyana? i think not, i think not, because, well, this is a subversive regime, besides, brazil has also sent troops to that area, and latin america, the countries of latin america will not support. carried, so i think you know how for many dictators, this is an attempt at a small victorious war, we know how it ended in argentina at the time, we know how it ended in greece, by the way, yesterday you talked about cyprus, about a divided cyprus, yes, it started precisely with the adventure of the so-called black colonels in greece, that's why i think no, it's...


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