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tv   [untitled]    December 17, 2023 10:00pm-10:30pm EET

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in the big book of joint and peaceful coexistence in the black sea and not only of all countries that are users of water areas, we will talk about it and not only with our next expert. oleksiy heitman, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, an analyst is in touch with me. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good day. please evaluate the start of the work of the maritime coalition, what it should ideally give on... when we are talking about the black sea and the sea of ​​azov, by the way, about actual annexation or arbitrary the seizure of the sea of ​​azov is already at the legislative level, the russian federation has declared in recent weeks. well, the creation of such a coalition that our partners from great britain and norway will help us, well , great britain, everyone knows the power of its navy, in the last 300 years, no one at sea could, could not, could not. to
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defeat great britain, it’s just for reference, as they say, and norway is also people who understand what maritime affairs are, most likely they will help us control the passage of civilians ships under our grain agreement, well , i'm sure that the russian fleet, if they don't talk about their supposed power there, it's unlikely that it will risk attacking civilian ships if they will... go accompanied by the british or norwegian fleets, because in neutral waters, an attack by any ships , a military attack is piracy, it is a war crime, and for that, when a pirate ship attacks, well, the russians know, when any ship attacks a civilian ship, a ship in neutral waters, it is soviet attacks, and there is no need for any additional decisions , approvals, uh, to long unrest there,
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such ships must be immediately attacked, they are pirate ships, must be destroyed, such, this is international law, and the russians know about it, so if they will try to stop or even more so attack a civilian ship, they can be, if it happens as we want, british, norwegian ships, they can simply be sunk at once and that’s it, that is , it’s simple here, regarding the sea of ​​azov, well, the russians want, well, we we all know what is so called coastal zone, border zone, water, that is, a certain territory. there it is estimated differently how many kilometers from the shore, this is the territory, this is the water directly, well , the country that borders this water area, the russians believe that they control the entire coast of the sea of ​​azov in its entirety, and this is their territory, so they want to legislate it as their internal sea, that is, it means that any ship in the mediterranean is in the mediterranean. in
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the sea of ​​azov, it will be considered that it has entered the sea, if it has not received a certain permission from the russians, that it entered illegally, and they have it in their waters, to detain or destroy it or something else, well, this means that they want to turn the sea of ​​azov into their property and prevent others from moving there to the courts, well, it's their desire, whether they will succeed or not, and about the legislation according to which they want to adopt it, well, it's important. that some, some law, which is adopted within the russian federation, it is internationally recognized, well, they decided that, for example, there are several of our regions, this is already the territory of the russian federation, which means that they became, well, we will now pass a law that the entire russian federation is the territory of, well, i don't know, the luhansk region, it just increased, and what, that, yes, that , this, well, it’s just stupid, they invent something, well, it’s for internal consumption, it seems to me, because, well... all people in
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civilized europe, they understand, well, in the world, they understand that, well, they accepted some, let are accepted further. mr. oleksiy, i would like to analyze the complex situation in the south of our country now, when we are talking about crimea and the trends there, we cannot ignore the processes that are taking place in general in the south, in particular in the kherson region, maybe even in the zaporizhzhia region, we understand that this 104... and the airborne assault division, which is now probably the main at the behest of general teplinsky, is doing everything possible to eliminate our already established bridgeheads on the left bank, but the defense forces are doing everything possible to prevent the enemy from doing so. nevertheless, there are very different assessments of the prospects for our further advances on the left shore, based on the situation of just today. if you can, briefly,
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the situation on the left bank and how it is reflected, at least in the northern part, perhaps on enemy logistics in the crimea, it is significantly reflected, it is very important for us there for, well... to use the landing troops there, there is no bridgehead from which we should take offensive actions further from the dnipro towards the temporarily occupied territories, this is an attempt to create bridgeheads there are our advanced units , units which are marine marines which are there is trying to organize... to get there, to linger, to move , that is, not to stay in one place, and we accordingly look at what the russians are doing, how they are trying to respond, we necessarily create a bridgehead there, but this is so that there are no further disappointments , this is not a bridgehead, what are the russians, from which
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the russians are trying to exclude us, this is an attempt to create a bridgehead, that is, we are trying, we are looking at where it will be better, how it will work, how actively the russians will oppose it, what is it, what is it for necessary, yes? if you look at map, then we will see that further we can move to the south, to the southeast, that is , towards skadovsk, even towards armenian, this is from this direction, and from another direction, where we are near rabotinov in the direction of takmak, well, this is the way to berdyansk, to melitopol , well, the way to armenia to dzhankoy in general, that is , by and large, it can be assumed that we will try from... the east and from the north- west and from the north-east to reach the northern territory of crimea in order to , in order to further make it impossible to deliver anything to crimea, well, the kerch bridge also remained, and then
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the group that is in the crimea, on the left bank of the dnieper near kherson, it will remain without the possibility of transporting there everything that is necessary for hostilities, and those internal reserves that... they have these units have the dnipro grouping there, they called the russians all that in the kherson region, and the crimean grouping, well, it’s there for a month or two and that’s all, then their internal reserves run out, and here are the two railways, over which the kerch bridge there is a railway, and here it is conditionally volnovakha takmak dzhanko and the railway, there is no other parallel one, if it is cut, it simply will not be possible, there are no detours there, if that is the case or, well, between us. so between volnovakha and takmak, or simply takmak , cut off this station and the russians can’t supply anything there to dzhankoy, respectively, to crimea, these two railways provide approximately 90% of everything that needs to be brought to crimea and to the southern grouping, they will have 10% left, i.e. it is
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automobile a little bit sea transport, well we understand that this is not the case at all, so by the way, if you look at the map, deep state, then these southern groupings in the direction of melitopol, berdyansk, volnovak, these lines of defense, look carefully, they run exactly parallel to these railways , they built these fortifications in order not to give the opportunity to go to the railway and cut off the possibilities, well , of this logistical route, that's why we like to talk about the places there, which we liberate, which enemies are trying to capture, and from the point of view military logistics, well, this is extremely necessary, if nothing is to be supplied. their troops will not be able to fight, and they built these railways, these fortifications exactly parallel to the railway in three by three lines, so as not to give us the opportunity to intercept it and even began to prepare or are already carrying out work on the construction of a parallel railway, already far
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from the front line almost along the azov coast, so as not to leave the russians in the crimea without the possibility of everything that needs to be delivered there, so as not to list the shells and shells there. lubricant everything is different there, that's why the situation is such a dream , at what stage is the development or implementation of the project of an alternative railway branch, essentially across the azov river, the last thing i saw was the actual design, and we understand that the danger of building such a project, well, in my opinion, it is very, very similar to the period when they were building the crimean bridge, if we were kerch... i apologize to the city, no matter how much we did not joke about the idea of ​​implementing this project, no matter how much we did not refer to any historical parallels, ideas, etc. representatives and invaders, in particular on our land, to build something similar, but the project
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was implemented and was launched into its operation, and it was this that became the guarantee of the possibility of creating a suitable bridgehead from crimea. for the offensive to the south of our mainland, so if we are talking about this railway line, which so far exists, i hope, only on paper, what are the real threats and real opportunities for the ... , somewhere in september or october there in melitopol, a group , an additional group of military personnel, arrived in mariupol , they were counted somewhere, it is not clear what kind of people, somewhere around 500, it is a sub-settlement somewhere, which units, well, and then they started talking about it a little less, but there were it is assumed that the so-called strybat just arrived, that is, the military arrived, who were supposed to... build this railway, the fact is that if they are ready, there are project documents, there are project documents,
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you can even ignore it, russians will not pay attention to this, because they are wonderful they understand that this road is a rocket road, it must be built quickly, and then it can be improved, this bridge is difficult to build, because it has, well, if it fails somewhere, then some span, then it is very difficult to do something there , and they will not bother with this railway. there is no such fulfillment of all safety rules, so that there is no inconvenience there , as they say, they will build with their feet, as they like , so that it is possible to move, to move trains along this railway, it is functional to transport troops and equipment, everything, what necessary for the conduct of hostilities, then they may plan to improve it there, to make it so that even civilian transport can... move there, but for now it is a road exclusively for military purposes and it will be
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built, well, it must be built quickly, and that speed, well, of course, it won't , it won't look very attractive, it won't be very powerful, it won't be very safe, but it's not important, it's speed that matters to them now, and i'm sure that if uh, well, we will interfere, we will fire, but we have not yet reached... they haven't cut this railroad, and when we succeed in it, we will have to move further south to the azov coast, in order to cut this railroad, as difficult as it will be, i think it will be as difficult as it was and with this summer company, besides, i am sure that they will build fortifications parallel to this railway, the same as they built to protect that railway, which from the one that on paper we are talking about, well, this simpler volnovakha, so makzhenkoy , that's why there is, it is, yes, it is a certain danger, and
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what does the tendency of the occupiers to hide their facilities in crimea, actually, the ocinta of analytics, one of them, taterigami , writes in his microblog on the x network that the russian occupiers are in the northern part of crimea ... they are creating alternative platforms, even , in my opinion, for the take-off of helicopters, rem bases, fuel bases and so on, they are trying to keep all this secret, in fact, along with this, air bases in crimea, both helicopter and those with which unmanned aerial vehicles are launched, them the number is also increasing, or alternatives to existing ones are being created, well , we all know that uavs. het is often launched from the territory of crimea from myso chaud, and after the occupiers announced the fight against 41
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drones that allegedly flew into crimea, information also appeared about the use of balaklava to launch these uavs, why they are trying to keep it a secret now they have their bases, their important points, from which the launches take place, which are pivotal for them. no, can this indicate the real success of the defense forces, our intelligence, accordingly, and perhaps growth, growth of internal resistance, because they are hiding not only from our military, but also from the local population? yes, you correctly paid attention to the last one, your last sentence, it is our partisans, there are people who support us, here are some attacks that were planned and carried out, destruction there. uh, well, triumph, with the s-400 and others, including
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missile attacks, well, the missile is a rocket missile, it is maneuverable, it is not a projectile that flies along a trajectory, it is maneuvering and it must maneuver to fly through such where the least, the most, well, the least powerful anti-aircraft defense of the enemy, that is, to look for such spans that it would be difficult to hit, and of course from aerial photographs, well, that too... can be used, but when a person directly on the spot can tell what is happening there and help can help draw up this route for the flight of the rocket, so this is how it happened, they told about it at... our main intelligence department, including, well , the leadership of the armed forces, that we received help, information, of course, help from our partisans, let's say or underground people in the crimea, and it helped to lay the routes so that they were invulnerable, of course, the russians are after them, they are, well, we said it out loud, then they understood it themselves, that is so simple without the help
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of people from the inside, so exactly we would not be able to hit, and therefore well... obviously they do things from a military point of view, it is quite understandable, they try to hide as much as possible their any combat positions, well , here they can be understood, but i think that our partisans and underground , they are also smart people, and they will also see it and film it and they will send the coordinates and we will take it all into account. mr. oleksiy, finally, why and why was a new commander appointed in the russian federation. the long-sunk flagship of the black sea fleet of the russian federation , cruiser moskva. andriy ihorovych savateev becomes him, it was supposedly a vacant, vacant position, and shuigu himself appoints a new commander of a missile cruiser that has long since ceased to exist, or rather exists in a parallel dimension somewhere at the bottom of the black sea. well, you know, i
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think it probably has to do with some kind of staffing inside. it may be sunk, but on paper it still exists, maybe some funding or some movements are allocated to it there, well, it’s hard to say, well, if it is appointed, let’s do it, if the newest commander of this cruiser is appointed, it means that it is still with of the balance of the armed forces of the russian, well , the black sea fleet, that no less it has not been removed, that is, it is still on the balance sheet, otherwise it is unlikely, if it has already been written off. written, well, you don't appoint anyone, and if i appoint, it means that he is on the balance sheet, that means on him stands out, maybe even, well, most likely, certain financing or something else, maybe there are other things for him, except for finances, maybe something, i don’t know, maybe people are being recruited there additionally, it’s hard to say, but this is a sign that they have been appointed, i’ll tell you, i didn't know that, i was
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n't interested, i wasn't following it, but thanks for saying, well, that's for sure, that's for sure, that definitely means it's there. on the balance sheet of the fleet and it has not been removed from the balance sheet. i wonder if the commander of the black sea fleet, mr. sokolov, is on the balance sheet of the fleet, because how much not the monitor, i don't see it anywhere. well , they, they like to hide such information, the russians, when someone, someone, someone we destroy, or something else is happening there, they, they, you know, they, that’s what, what ’s most pleasant, the russians are about such, they already . began to surprise, that is, therefore we are not surprised , we expect, but they become predictable , we roughly know what they will say, what they will do, and we do not even try to convince them anymore, we understand that they live in a different reality, in another world extinction, and it's just that we are finally starting to understand them and predict their stupidity, not theirs, but their stupidity, it
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becomes predictable, that's good. thank you, mr. oleksiy, for this inclusion. for professional analysis, let me remind you that it was oleksiy hetman, a military and political observer and a person with whom we often talk about the situation on the fronts, currently we had the opportunity to talk about the situation in the south, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, he was with us on it should be noted that an important event took place this week review, extremely. an important case in the european court of human rights, the hearing in the case ukraine v. russia regarding the occupation of the crimean peninsula took place. what was expected of him, i will quote margarita sokorenko, authorized in the cases of the european court of human rights. this was supposed to be the next stage of the case. our first hearings were held in 2019 regarding the admissibility
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of the case, the admissibility, in general, of a similar case. think about it. our side proved that, sorry, ukraine. deer, and the case is acceptable, and according to the complaints that ukraine declares in the european court, the russian federation should bear responsibility. on december 13, we will already prove to the european court what kind of human rights violations the russian federation is committing in the occupied territory. well , it is not just about some individual cases of human rights violations, but actually about the existence of a systematic administrative practice of human rights violations on the part of russia over time. occupation of the autonomous republic of crimea and the city of sevastopol, at the previous stages we proved to the european court, in the european court, it was clearly recorded that the date when the russian federation... established its control over the crimean peninsula on february 27, 2014, and since then
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the russian federation is responsible for the violations that take place there. a little more detail about the importance of this case, of course , is told by the representation of the presidency, the president in the autonomous republic of crimea and its head tamila tasheva, who once again emphasizes the importance of the decision of the 19th. of the 20th year, which was made public in the 21st, about the admissibility of the case in general and a similar claim. unfortunately, the world remains enough bureaucratized, and we still have to prove that what has been happening since february 27 on the territory of crimea, happened exclusively under the control with the blessing of the russian federation, since this is the day of the actual opening. the start of aggression against ukraine, the start of the annexation of any territories is an open act of military aggression, and in fact it marks the beginning of the russian-ukrainian war.
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well, regarding the violation of human rights, we continue to talk about our people who are being persecuted in the crimea, a religious figure was reported there, allegedly for illegal missionary work. activity and ismail yurdamov's mother were allegedly accused of violating laws on freedom of conscience. on december 13, yurdamov's home was searched, after which he was taken to the police department and released. it became known in the police department that the search was carried out by the employees of the counter-extremism center, in particular senior police lieutenant roman filatom. he recently took part in the persecution of crimean muslims, drew up protocols for people's publications on the internet, detained crimean tatars. lawyers, and if we are talking about the persecution of ours people for any position, for any manifestation and desire to have human rights on
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the lands where these people live, one cannot fail to mention this punitive initiative, fortunately mostly an internet initiative, the crimean tornado, which in an amazing way ceased to exist as a public in telegram , where... you could snitch on your neighbor, as they say, and in general where such confessional videos of our people were published, who in different ways, as best they could, showed a pro-ukrainian position, or spoke out against russian aggression federation vs of ukraine. this public is not active now, but , unfortunately, it continues its activity, the propagandist talipov, who is in... and is considered an ideological inspiration, but of course, is literally a puppet in the hands of russian special services, secret services, and eh, if you remember, the headquarters
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of the black sea fleet in crimea, which actually disappeared just a few months ago, provoked a rather active reaction from the residents of crimea and sevastopol, and i would like us to show one important photo that has been circulating. both the russian public and caused disturbances there, and ukrainian and caused absolute admiration, this is a photo with a hand holding a small piece of paper with the inscription crimea is ukraine, sevastopol, this is ukraine against the background of the smoldering black sea fleet of the russian federation in sevastopol. so, a video was made public in the crimean smersh public with, again , as if... admissions of guilt of the person who made this gesture and did this action, of course the person admitted himself guilty and
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deeply repented of such an act, but this story, as and many others, luckily gets its continuation, and just a person is safe, she can tell the truth and she can speak honestly about what made her make such a display, let's... let's listen to the activist. hello, my name is fyodor sergeevich dubravsky. recently , a video was posted in krymsky smersh, where i apologize to the residents of temporarily occupied crimea and the residents of russia for the fact that i photographed the paper "crimea is ukraine" and hung yellow ribbons against the background of the fleet headquarters. so, i want to say that this video was filmed.
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as it is, i thank my colleagues for what we were able to do to avoid questions from the national council on television and radio broadcasting, but an emotional passage from a person who believes that she has the right to a position, and she is absolutely right in this on the territory where she lives, crimea is still occupied. now let's take a short break in ours. on the air, after which we will talk about similar things and be sure to mention who exactly will be considered a collaborator in the conditions of the return of ukraine's control over the temporarily occupied crimea, can all people who took at least some kind of active, in particular , entrepreneurial position and activity on territories of crimea to be considered traitors and collaborators, what does
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the prosecutor's office of the arc say about this? be with us. it is a good tradition during the christmas holidays to carol together with the picardy terc. tickets on the concert ua website, media partner espresso tv. the spirit of christmas will definitely come to your city. picardy tertia. cheers to good people , live sound. there are discounts on bron lityn fito. 15% in podorozhnyk pharmacies for you and savings. the traveler knows what helps.
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we keep talking. about the temporarily occupied crimea in the together beraber project, this a joint project of the tv channel and the atr tv channel, and it is actually very important now to continue to interpret and understand the laws adopted in ukraine and the positions on which the de-occupation and reintegration of the occupied territories will stand. we also understand that being in a ten-year de facto occupation entails... different kinds of actions that can be qualified, in particular, as collaborative activities, and many residents of the temporarily occupied peninsula are already turning to us with a request to tell, explain whether their specific case and the fact that they stayed, simply stayed at home, will be considered as collaboration with the occupier, i would like
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to cooperate directly with... the occupiers, that is, there will be a very separate approach to each individual case and each individual case. not every crimean who does business in crimea is a collaborator, although by law it is. moreover, we already had the opportunity to speak with mr. ponochevny a few months ago in our program, we raised the issue with ayder muzhdabaev crimean propagandists, because they are not fellow journalists... the hand goes up to name, in fact, whether they will be considered collaborators, because these are people who deliberately took propagandistic steps, to cover the beauties of the russian occupation in crimea, to which they received the answer that each individual the case will also be considered here, you know, in such an almost private manner, did the person who engaged in such activities realize what this
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activity could lead to? uh, that is, we see that there are different spheres of life, different professions, and different species activities still have the same approach, everything will be considered individually, about this and not only, i plan to talk with larisa voloshyna, a journalist and psychologist, who will join the conversation in a matter of seconds, larisa, congratulations, glory to ukraine, congratulations , christina, glory to the heroes.


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