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tv   [untitled]    December 18, 2023 1:00am-1:31am EET

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banned the president from withdrawing from nato, which means that the united states senate is theoretically preparing for the fact that, for example, trump may become president and may decide to withdraw from nato. therefore, in summary, both the european union and the united states of america are highly likely to accept these financial assistance packages, this is the first, second, all other financial assistance packages will be ten times more difficult than they are today, third, it will be seriously affected by the level, general level of support among the american people and among the europeans, because the phrase about the so-called war fatigue, well, it's just a psychological state of every person, when people begin to concentrate more on their own problems than on other people's, as they think,
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third, sorry, fourth, without, military aid, i.e. directly not only financial, but the key military aid, we cannot win this war, and here the entire military-industrial complex of nato member countries and ukraine must work for it. here, the fifth is the european election parliament, and we will have a new european commission and we will have a new european parliament, literally a little more than half a year later. year, and this should be taken into account, and it will also affect the process of negotiations between ukraine and the european union. well, the sixth is the main thing. apart from us , no one will solve our problems. in order to win this war, there must be one hundred percent internal mobilization. without this, even financial aid is unlikely to give ukraine the opportunity to win 100%. therefore, the first and most important. it is an inner unity
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and internal mobilization. well, if we talk about all these political changes, you believe that the very political changes that will take place in the united states, in europe, they will bring to power people who will not be inclined to negotiate with russia. and here the question is, will they be able to come to an agreement with her? what are the chances of the same donald trump, let's imagine that he became president, he will agree on something with putin? you see, vitaly, i'm not quite objective here, because although i have glasses. transparent, but sometimes i use pink ones glasses, that is, i remain a certain romantic in the part of the values ​​of the free world, the ideals of freedom, that the united states is the leader of this free world, that the united states cannot bow to dictators, that is , i live in this parade, and now returning to realism, is it theoretically possible that... that
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the usa will start some new wave of negotiations with russia, theoretically everything you want can happen, and the same can happen in the european union, that is, what percentage of this depends on the mass of events that will happen, but what this means? this means that the dictators will then win, it means that in short, in the short term, maybe someone will even think that this is the right decision, so... come on, so the so-called peace is not peace, but this capitulation for ukraine, but in fact it will not be the capitulation of ukraine. in fact, it will be the capitulation of the free world and the leader of the free world, who is still the united states of america. thank you, thank you, mr. arseniy, arseniy yatsenyuk, chairman of the kyiv security forum, prime minister of ukraine in 2014-16, was we are in touch. we will now talk about how it changes. yes, in poland, we have
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myroslav chech, a polish politician of ukrainian origin, a member of the sejm of the second and third term, congratulations, mr. myroslav, good evening, congratulations, the government of poland has finally changed, before there is another government of matiyus morovecki, donald tusk again became the prime minister of the republic of poland, how will relations between poland and ukraine really change, because at the same time we hear that and... grain quotas will be preserved and that again the strikes of these carriers may continue, but we expected that all of this would be resolved quickly, well, first of all, it will be resolved quickly, but let's do it in order, i was a little offended to comment on the words of my predecessor, former prime minister arseniy. yatsenyuk, who said that
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in a year there may be changes in america's attitude to ukraine's aid, which may unfortunately happen when trump wins the elections, well, there is still a year left, well, less than a year before the elections in the united states, this is a huge piece work, after a huge amount of time, ukraine receives, receives both support and financial support from the united states and will receive financial support from the european union, which is financial support for the perspective of four years until 2027, that is, investment. union for the long-term perspective of ukraine regarding relations with ukraine , how it will be, and as the new polish government, the coming to power of donald tusk again will affect it, well, it has already affected it, because i do not take the european union into account, somehow,
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contrary to all the predictions of skeptics, that orban will block everything, orban will decide everything, and what a difficult situation in... europeans they don't understand anything and so on, they made the fateful decision to start negotiations on the accession of ukraine and moldova to the european union, the candidate status of georgia, as well as the acceleration of the process of negotiations on the accession to the european union of the countries of the western balkans, which you vitaly know very well, understand the weight of this decision, and we understand that it is so. will take place, that is, it can already be seen, and central and eastern europe, contrary to expectations, forecasts, and politics, and you have invested billions of dollars, and the entire agency did not bend, and the elections in poland changed the trajectory of the victorious course of populism
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in this part of europe, and let's hope in europe europe as a whole, this is firstly, secondly, there will of course be problems with agriculture . and there will be problems with carriers, with something else, and what does it stem from? well, before joining your broadcast, i am listening to the news from the european council summit and the decision to start negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu, and you know how they talk about ukraine as a great power in the agricultural sector, that is, they understand and... that joining has huge advantages, competitive advantages and huge potential, and this should be looked at, agriculture in ukraine is already competitive not only in europe, but on world markets, and now imagine when ukraine joins the european of the union, it
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will receive according to the laws of the formation of policy and finances and the budget of the european union during two budgetary perspectives, which is 14 years. 170 billion euros of direct subsidies, these are not loans, these are not some loans and so on, these are direct subsidies for the development of agriculture, how to use it? ukraine is not at all ready for such negotiations, poland is ready, poland wants to protect its agriculture from competition, a competitive, competitive state, a competitive country, which is ukraine. the ukrainian side is not ready for these negotiations in general, i would, on the other hand , talking with the polish politicians of the new government, there are many of my friends there, i am more than convinced that when i sit down for a hundred negotiations, such and such negotiations will begin, that's for sure, and it is necessary for both ukraine and poland, then all the problems will arise
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will be resolved, because the coming to power of tusk and the new coalition means one thing, that there will be substantive conversations, there will be no... attempts to justify playing the anti-ukrainian card in order to gain 2-3% in the elections , additional, but there will be substantive conversations, and this a huge advantage, that is, in essence, tusk will be engaged in defending the interests of his own citizens, but at the same time not really using neighbors in this game, but mr. myroslav, a very bright quote from donald tusk, i don't want to hear about fatigue anymore. from ukraine, and mr. vitaly asked how he was the premiership will generally affect the relations between poland and ukraine, and i will ask you, can tusk's premiership set the trend of aid and commonwealth again, especially for our country?
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of course, well, then we will talk, well , frankly, volodymyr zelenskyi, when he had a period, well, a justified period. very friendly relations with president duda, with a letter he completely neglected the polish opposition , including donald tusk, that is, we must understand that here... there is one side and the other side of this political process, and this political process should be restored from both sides, i am very satisfied that both donald tusk and volodymyr zelensky exchanged very good statements on tweets, but tweets will not replace bilateral relations, and these bilateral relations should be formed on such parity, on parity principle, that is, one side is a country and the other is a country. a politician has to say and tell about what our interests are, donald tusk even before the elections a week or
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a week and a half before the elections, called, taking into account this anti-ukrainian play cards by the right of the party, myroslav chek, polish let's hope that we will now reconnect, uh, well, but of course i can agree with... you that it's actually very important that there are some real steps, uh, that the polish-ukrainian mechanism was restored, because for a long time all these problems had to be solved, if you will, at the level of personal relations, well, and when personal relations deteriorated, let's say, as between the presidents , then it turned out that there was no such institutional foundation no, but there were good relationship during the war with zelenskyi and duda, well, something managed to be resolved at this level, they quarreled and
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it immediately turned out that no one saw any need for any kind of understanding, these problems are real, i honestly thought that such a personification in politics this is an exclusive feature of ours, but we see that our neighbors from the european union also suffer from this, institutional rigidity. this should be really fundamentally important, and i would actually like to ask both mr. miroslav and you, mr. vitaly, about one more quite an interesting incident, the sejm of poland, and a deputy , who is mentioned by all self-respecting people, actually in poland, at least , according to my observations, i don't ask any poles, no, no, we don't know, we don't understand at all, how could it be voted for to even be where it is under its mandate. extinguished the hanukkah minora, is known for his ukrainophobic positions there, and so on, as
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it generally illustrates or does not illustrate, and those stereotypes that exist in relation to poland, perhaps in relation to ukraine, because later we will talk about kmist and the fact that ukraine is a very pro-israeli country, well, i think that the same issue is not in israel, the issue is xenophobia, ugh, here we are, he turns out to be an organizer of anti-ukrainian events. he is a xenophobe, if a person is a xenophobe, she hates everyone around her, well, except for the model that she has built in her head, she, she is ready to work only, relatively speaking, for those poles who, uh, share her views, people of all enemies of other nationalities, those poles who do not want to agree, traitors, and so on that's all, and there are a lot of such people, what can you do , this is real life, if you like, it is what it is, and we talked about... poland in the context of the protection of its citizens, farmers or
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representatives by polish politicians -what other niche professions and so on. let's talk about how we are with the protection of our business in general during the war, literally in a few moments. let me remind you that on december 6, the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi, signed the law on canceling the moratorium on business inspections, so what does this give us, or what does it deprive us of? we congratulate konstantin zhivago, an investor , entrepreneur and philanthropist, he is in touch with us , we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i congratulate you, good evening, good evening, so fiscal regulatory pressure on business, what will be in terms of consequences in your opinion , in my understanding, what we are doing now is a requirement of the european community, the united states, the international currency form, the fund, this is one of the beacons that they offer to ukraine in fact. carry out and nothing will happen from the fact that we made these decisions, i i hope that business will understand this, because
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during the war, everyone should consolidate and help the state, first of all, get as much taxes as possible, because taxes are exactly what finance the armed forces of ukraine, and i am sure that what from we are required by the international monetary fund, what is required by the european community, the united states, it is not something, not something there too that this is exactly what my. entrepreneurs have exactly such taxes, in fact, taxes are lower in ukraine than taxes in western europe, than taxes in united states, that is, this is exactly what entrepreneurs in the united states pay in europe, and give me at least one reason why ukrainian entrepreneurs should say that they should pay half as much tax, or not pay it at all , or so that there are no checks on them and no one controls them at all, i believe that it is not necessary to bend the stick here and it is necessary to simply understand in what situation, in what state the state is and just in the same way take and do
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the right things for the state from the side including entrepreneurs, there were no inspections for a year and a half. in my opinion, there was no undue pressure on business, today we are returning to a normal economic model and everything that the international monetary fund requires, in my opinion , we must fulfill. in general, how do you think business regulation affects our efforts to integrate into the european union, do we have positive decisions this week, does this decision and the signing of this law actually bring us closer in a practical sense? definitely getting closer. i i'm sure everything that the west requires of us, our partners, the people who give us their money, they give their taxpayers' money, and if they give their taxpayers' money , they don't use it in their countries, they don't build schools, they build, they don't build roads there, they don't build medical facilities there, they give money for
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ukraine's fight against the aggressor, against the russian federation, if they demand something from us, we must do it, and in this situation they... they don't try to invite us and to ask that we do twice as much, pay two or three times more taxes than their entrepreneurs pay. today, in fact, if we pay 5% of the popes, such taxes do not exist in europe at all, there is not a single tax lower than 15, 20, 25, 30%. that is, all workers, all entrepreneurs, all taxpayers pay much more taxes in europe, in the united states, compared to ukraine. and in this situation. if they ask us to please do it please do it this, we must do it, but in this situation, the state of ukraine must do it honestly, because you and i, what are we complaining about today, what are ukrainian entrepreneurs complaining about today, that criminal cases are being started, people are being thrown into prisons, for people they give bail of hundreds of millions of hryvnias, and sometimes billions of hryvnias, when it
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is illegal, it is illegal in general, but everything that investigators do, everything that prosecutors do, everything that... judges do, this is simply nonsense, and definitely the europeans on they look at it and say, you, please, it's not do, but pay taxes, in the situation in which it will now be, if you like, these changes in european, ukrainian legislation, which will be related to european requirements, what should ukraine do in order to prove its, let's say, economic capacity at a time when negotiations will be held with the european union about... won't this create problems for certain ukrainian industry for all of us? i'm sure it won't create anything, because the ukrainian industry today paid, pays all taxes and will to pay, ukrainian industry today even does more than it did in the pre-war period, because it is precisely all these taxes that are even more, that is, on top of these taxes
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, ukrainian industrialists pay actually to contribute to the armed forces of ukraine, help... the social and economic life of the regions, socio-economic life of the state, i.e. today, in fact , the tax and generally social contribution or burden of business is much greater than it was before the war. the only situation that, of course, as the economic situation in the country, it is not so good because we do not have access to exports, there is 100% like before the war, we do not have 100% economic development, growth. taking into account the military situation , that is, the absolute figure of taxes, the absolute figure of the gross domestic product is less, and the taxes that entrepreneurs pay are less than they were before the war, but they are still big taxpayers, they did everything as before the war, so they do it today, in my understanding, in many cases they cooperate very, that is, fruitfully with the tax authorities bodies, but with regard to these laws
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that we passed today, that were signed by the president , that, as i said, were signed... at the request of the international monetary fund and the donor countries, these laws absolutely cannot in any case and in any way be there do something bad for our efforts to join the european family, the european community, we still have to understand that if we have a shopping center of 100, m2, and there it is divided into 200 fops and they pay 5% tax, instead of to pay as large enterprises 20% tax, 18% or... 22% tax, this is a mess, and this should not be allowed, and our western partners, they see all this, and therefore we have to understand that if we want to be part of the european community, then we must with... pay the same taxes as the european community and generally play by the rules of the european community, because you cannot have euros in your pocket, and you cannot have european laws, and for some reason say that we
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will live there under some personal ukrainian in life, this does not happen, so improve the tax legislation, to increase the tax culture, the main thing is not to regulate it and not to squeeze business, the middle ground and we will be happy, thank you, konstantin zhivago, yes, but stay with us, we will be back in 5 minutes, maybe even sooner, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion to spite the day with the help of... a phone survey , turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. there is a war going on, and not only for
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territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. let's counter the information attacks of the russians in the chronicle project. information war with olga ley. on monday, tuesday, thursday at 17:15 on the espresso tv channel. we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. and in this part of the program, as always, mr. vitaly and i talk about the fact that the biggest historical decision touches our hearts. ukraine and moldova gained access to negotiations on joining the european union. georgia received candidacy and president salome zorabishvili says that without ukraine it would not be possible to imagine,
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bosnia and herzegovina is also taking certain steps towards the european union, which is also important. because it's the balkans again, we'll talk about it, mr. vitaly, a historic decision, but there's a long road ahead, well it's of course, there is a long road ahead, every country that joined the european union has a long road, many countries have not yet come to the end of this long road, and what... to talk about the countries from the western balkans, because decisions about their prospects and about negotiations with them were accepted many years ago, even 20 years, and only croatia of all these countries was able to take advantage of this opportunity. now we have a hard time imagining what the pace of western balkan integration into the european union looks like, but in any case we we must realize that the candidate status itself is of great importance, because let's imagine the situation in a few more years. before the war , for many of our neighbors, the question of the european perspective of ukraine did not exist at all, there was a scheme of the eastern partnership, such
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a club of post-soviet countries, and i was always against this scheme, because i thought that it was generally some kind of bullying, may people forgive me , who were supporters of this idea, in one institution in fact, in one... no, belarus, which is a member of the eurasian csto union and the biggest ally of putin and the lukashenko regime, armenia, which is a member of the csto of the eurasian union, may not be the biggest ally of moscow today, but somehow it is bound by institutional agreements, azerbaijan, which is not bound by any institutional agreements with moscow , but is not going to have any constitutional agreements with europe, no association agreement. and the countries that signed the association agreement, georgia, moldova and ukraine. the question arises, what are they doing there together, what unites them, apart from
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the fact that in 1991 they left of the soviet union, when they have completely different ideas about their future, there is nothing in common between the ideas of present-day ukraine and present-day belarus, between the ideas of present-day georgia and present-day azerbaijan, well, there is nothing in common georgia wants to be a member of nato, the european union, with azerbaijan maintains neutrality and special relations with turkey, these are different political vectors of development, and that was one idea, then there was the idea of ​​these association agreements. then there was a new idea, invented by emmanuel macron, he is generally great the master of inventing such structures, the european political community, remember? yes, there should be a european political community, and it bigger than the european union
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. could always say: listen, but you are already connected with us by so many ties, the eastern partnership, we cooperate with you, we cooperate, the association agreement, you fulfill it, fulfill it, the european political community, this is called neighborhood policy, different approaches to neighborhood policy, and we say, we don't want to be your neighbors, you know, between neighbor's mistress, big is big, and neighbor's wife, and in... difference, and therefore, when you excuse me, i want to marry you, and not live in the apartment next door, you understand the difference, here i am, like a neighbor, i will bring you everything, tangerines, oranges, champagne, cake, just don’t worry, no, i need a wedding the contract, this is our relationship with the european union, with the european union, and for us in principle they said, this is what they said, well, we can consider our marriage contract, you
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will not be neighbors. we are already the country with which we are considering a marriage contract, this is a big difference, yes, and this is the historicity of this decision, then, of course, if you do not really want to get married, then you consider this marriage contract for a long time, but this is completely different , than when you said no marriage, no, we will be without you forever, there is another feature that distinguishes us from other countries, which we also talk about in the context of this decision. this is the fact that we have such freedom and a certain equality now in the conditions of war, in the context of our economy, the european union, one of the reasons why what is happening on the border with poland is happening, for us the normal regime is now created for the country, but it can be canceled after the war, well, after the war, we will talk about that too, it is not known when and it is not known how, but can this condition really play
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such a ... such a wicked joke on us, and it is because of the presence of this condition that we last longer than others countries will move towards full status in the eu member, i don't think, everyone perfectly understands that this is a benefit that exists only for wartime, but in addition, we must remember what the state of our economy is, what distinguishes us from other countries is not only the fact that restrictions have been lifted for us , and also the fact that our economy was destroyed, but not georgian and moldovan, this is still also a difference, well, they themselves are doing quite well in some aspects. destruction of our own economies, as we did before the broad ma it is true, but in any case we understand that it is better to limit without wars than no limits, uh, and war, so i don't think that's really a major problem, i think the major problems are going to be based in the very pace of victory, how fast it's going to be, and there's another major issue, about which we have...
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to say, this is a problem of territorial integrity, this is a fundamental problem, and this is a question that no one can answer, because you can hold negotiations, you can fulfill all the requirements of the european union flawlessly, and then stop at the moment, what about territorial integrity, or the european union is ready, it concerns not only us, it also concerns moldova and georgia. accepting countries that do not control their entire territory, which you accept in the international outbound borders, but they do not control their territories in the international outbound borders, is a huge problem, because there is no answer to it, and here too, you know, it will be necessary to read the list of points of the european union for negotiations, for starters, there is always another point, that's
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the most interesting. and this point is different for serbia, let's say it's the normalization of relations with kosovo. in principle, serbia conducted negotiations with the european union quite well. she was one of the leaders of european integration when it comes to economic legislation. but then the europeans said: "listen, what about the normalization of relations with kosovo?" and the leadership of serbia replied: "listen, let's finish our negotiations, then we will deal with this point." to which brussels said: "listen, what's the point? if you don't solve the problem." this point, what's the point of spending tax payers money on negotiations with mava, it's serious hard work, so let's get the situation with kosovo to some kind, and then we will continue the negotiations, we will not close chapter by chapter, we see how great it is does, and serbia stopped, not because it did not negotiate well, but because it stopped, because the serbian leadership cannot recognize the sovereignty of kosovo, there is no for...


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